Results for 'Murtada Irfani'

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    Sühreverdî’nin İrfanî Ris'lelerinde Mis'l Âlemi Sembolü.Buşra Arslan Meçin - 2022 - Marifetname 9 (1):245-270.
    Sühreverdî’nin daha çok Farsça olarak kaleme aldığı irfânî risâleleri, rûhânî âlemin sınırsız özgürlükler alanından, maddî âlemin hapishanesi ve beden kafesine esir düşen insanoğlunun hakikat arayışını konu edinmektedir. Bu risâlelerde anlatılan hadiseler sembolik hikâyelerdir ve bu hikâyelerde yaşanılanlar misâl âlemine çıkan sâlikin başından geçen hakikatlerin ifadeleridir. Bu nedenle bu semboller, aslî vatanından koparıldığı için bellek yitimine maruz kalan ve böylece gaflete düşen insanoğlunun hakikî özünü arayıp bulmada kilit rol oynamaktadır. Bu hikâyeleri bilmek ve anlamak için misâl âlemini ve o âlemin içinde (...)
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  2. An Introduction to Islamic Philosophy: Based on the Works of Murtada Mutahhari by Abd al-Rasul Obudiyyat.Oliver Leaman - 2017 - Philosophy East and West 67 (4):1307-1308.
    An Introduction to Islamic Philosophy: Based on the Works of Murtada Mutahhari, by Abd al-Rasul Obudiyyat, is a useful guide to the ways in which philosophy is taught in much of the Islamic world, and in particular in what is surely the center of Islamic philosophy, Iran. Mutahhari is an important twentieth-century thinker and his grasp of Islamic philosophy is displayed nicely in this volume, although it has to be said it is not actually by him. It is a (...)
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    Al-Muʿjam Al-Muḫtaṣ Of Murtaḍā Al-Zabīdī As A Scientific Biographical Resource.Ahmet EŞER - 2021 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 25 (3):1203-1229.
    Al-Mu'jam Al-muḫtaṣ of Murtadā Al-Zabīdī (d. 1205/1791) in which a scholar recorded his teachers, the books that he obtained the right to narrate during his education life and the chain of transmission from his teachers to the author, is one of the important representatives of the mu'jam genres in 12th/18th century. It can be said that the mu'jam that Zabīdī wrote to record the important people in his life, goes beyond the standard mu'jam with its compilation style, sources, diversity of (...)
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    The Narcissus Story Which Compiled From Âşık İrfani in the Malya.Erdoğan Altinkaynak - 2011 - Journal of Turkish Studies 6:175-195.
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    Memoria y ŷihād en el ocaso del poder almohade: el Kitāb al-Rawḍāt al-bahiya al-wasīma fī gazawāt al-nabawiyya al-karīma.Javier Albarrán - 2017 - Al-Qantara 38 (2):387-406.
    This paper aims to rediscover, contextualize and call attention to a work of maghāzī commissioned by the Almohad caliph al-Murtaḍā, found in manuscript 296 of the Qarawiyyīn library, and hitherto unnoticed by the vast majority of researchers. This work should be seen and read in the framework of the Almohad historical context in which it was written. I will also highlight the intellectual project and the legitimizing interests shown by the caliph al-Murtaḍā who, in the context of the crisis of (...)
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    The Missing Link of Muʿtazilī Literature on Definitions: al-Qāḍī ʿAbd al-Jabbār’s Ḥudūd al-alfāẓ –Analysis and Edition of the Text–.Serkan ÇETİN & Ulvi Murat Kilavuz - 2023 - Kader 21 (1):59-78.
    Following the formation of disciplines/sciences in different fields of Islamic thought, the specific concepts and terminologies of these disciplines/sciences began to emerge. Then the special meaning and the area of utilization for every concept in each discipline/science were further clarified by compiling specific epistles of definition (ḥudūd), which would contribute to this process of conceptualization. For the terminological meaning of the used concept to be determined primarily and thus for the followed theological/sectarian affiliation to be supported, works belonging to this (...)
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    Klasik Şiirin 20.Yüzyıldaki Temsilcilerinden Sofuz'de’nin Poetik Gazellerinde Şiire ve Şairliğe Dair Görüşleri.Dilek Yılmaz - 2024 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 28 (2):978-1002.
    Kastamonulu şair ve yazar Sofuzâde Mehmet Tevfik Efendi (1874-1960) edebî anlayışını, şiire ve şairliğe dair görüşlerini farklı yönleri ile ortaya koyan şiirler kaleme almıştır. Sofuzâde’nin gazel formunda kaleme alınmış, manzum poetika niteliğindeki bu şiirlerinde, şiirin özelliklerini, şairin vasıflarını ve dini-tasavvufi söylemin temellerini ortaya koyabilme gerekçesi ile bu makale kaleme alınmıştır. Bahsi geçen poetik şiirler müstakil bir biçimde, daha evvel akademik bir çalışmaya konu olmamıştır. 20. yüzyılda klasik şiir geleneği içinde, özellikle dini-tasavvufi ve hikemi tarzın bir temsilcisi olarak Sofuzâde’de varolan fikri (...)
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    Membaca Visi Ilmu dan Teknologi Kontemporer dari Sudut Pandang Filsafat Islam.Ahmad Ibrahim Badry - 1970 - Kanz Philosophia a Journal for Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism 7 (2):185-212.
    This paper is a philosophical reflection on how the development of science and technology can be studied better through the tradition of Islamic philosophy. This is attempted because the approach that has been used to study science and technology in the Islamic world is still centered on the process of assimilation or Islamization of Knowledge. In a critical reading of the two approaches, the problems that arise from the study of contemporary science and technology become something that is difficult to (...)
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    Hibrida Paradigma Fondasionalisme Dan Hermeneutika Menuju Interpretasi Islam Multikultural.Zakiyuddin Baidhawy - 2010 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 9 (2):229-247.
    This article tries to explain the foundational entrapment of the logic of modernism, which imprisons interpreters in only one truth. It elucidates a clash between foundationalism and hermeneutics, and offers an alternative to overcome it. This study concludes that foundational textualism (bayani), intuisionism (`irfani), and empericism (burhani) in the history of Islamic thought, claim their own truth. Contemporary chal- lenges presented by post-modernism have shocked social and cultural conventions, systems of belief, statism and foundationalism of thinking, cultures and outlooks, (...)
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    Sâi̇nüddîn ali̇ bi̇n türke’de varlik mertebeleri̇.Buşra Arslan Meçi̇n - 2021 - van İlahiyat Dergisi 9 (14):91-105.
    Öz Çalışmanın konusu irfanî geleneğin on beşinci yüzyıldaki önemli temsilcilerinden ve aynı zamanda İbnü’l-Arabî’nin takipçilerinden biri olan İbn Türke’nin varlık mertebelerine dair görüşleridir. Konu, İbn Türke’nin varlık ve varlığın mertebeleri ile ilgili düşüncelerinden hareketle hazırlanmıştır. Birincil kaynakların esas alındığı bu çalışmada, İbn Türke ve Ekberî geleneğin önemli temsilcilerinin eserlerine müracaat edilmiştir. Çalışmanın amacı, felsefe ve kelâmın yanı sıra tasavvuf felsefesinin en önemli konularından biri olan varlık düşüncesi ve varlık mertebelerini İbn Türke’nin görüşleri çerçevesinde ele alarak âlemdeki varoluşun hakikatinin ne olduğu, (...)
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    A paradigm shift of “aswaja an-nahdliyyah”.Kholid Thohiri - 2020 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 14 (2):305-326.
    Nahdlatul Ulama constitutes an important link to the genealogy of Islamic thoughts since inheriting intellectual tradition of classical Muslim scholars. This position delivers a unique approach as to which the NU responds to the changes and reformation of Islamic thoughts. This paper discusses the epistemological position of NU in its relation to the Sunni-theology of Ahlussunnah wa al-Jama‘ah through examining social relevance and actors-oriented approaches. The article further argues the significant of three cultural fields relevant to better comprehend contemporary dynamics (...)
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    The shifting paradigm of aswaja an-nahdliyyah epistemology in postmodern era.Kholid Thohiri - 2019 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 14 (2):397-417.
    The Nahdlatul Ulama are important parts that greatly value the inheritance of the classical Islamic treasures contained in the work of the Imam Mazhab. Its wealth of sources of understanding, NU has its own uniqueway of responding to reform, while maintaining harmony in tradition and cultural heritage, moderate, tolerant, not extreme, as well as promoting goodness and preventing badness. This paper examines the positioning of NU and its relation to Ahlussunnah wa al-Jama‘ah based on the social context that accompanies it (...)
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    İlahiyat Fakültesi Öğrencilerinin Dini Bilgiye Bakışları: Ankara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Örneği.Sinem Uğurlu & Ayşe Çalal - 2019 - Dini Araştırmalar 22 (56):327-352.
    İslam düşüncesinin dini bilginin imkânı, ortaya koyulması gibi konuları içeren epistemolojik arka planı üzerindeki tartışmalar İslam Felsefesi ve teolojisinin konuları olmaya devam etmektedir. Bu bilimsel tartışma ve öğretilerin ve hayata yansıyarak gelenek halini almış biçimlerinin Müslümanların günlük hayatlarındaki tezahürleri de izlenebilmektedir. Çağdaş İslam düşüncesinde Beyani, İrfani ve Burhani olarak nitelendirilebilecek İslam bilgi anlayışları ve bunlara dayalı yaşam biçimleri gözlenebilmektedir. Hatta bunlar arasında çekişme ve çatışmalar ve bunların dini, siyasi ve eğitsel hayatlara yansımaları olabilmektedir. İlahiyat fakülteleri İslam düşünce geleneğinin teorik ve (...)
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    The Classification of Zaydῑ Fuqahāʾ: A Study within The Framework of The Work Named Bulūgh al-arab wa-kunūz al-dhahab fī maʿrifat al-madhhab.Eren GÜNDÜZ - 2021 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 25 (3):1485-1505.
    In this study, the classification of Zaydī fuqahā’ that emerged in the mutaaḫḫirūn period of Zaydī fiqh and related terms are examined. The book named Bulūgh al-arab wa-kunūz al-dhahab fī-maʿrifat al-madhhab, which has great importance among the studies aiming to present the Zaydī fiqh accumulation as a uniform doctrinal structure was taken as a basis in the processing of the subject. After an introduction in which Zaydī fiqh studies are evaluated in their relationship with the subject, the issue is handled (...)
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    Transference of The Imām’s Authority to Jurists in the Occultation Period According to 5th Century Shīʿī-Uṣūli Scholars.Habib Kartaloğlu - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (1):53-71.
    Imāmiyya holds that the theory of imāmate must rely on scriptural evidence and designation and that the Imām, the successor to Muḥammad, is in charge of all political and religious issues. The authority of the Imām includes some religious and social duties such as executing the legal punishments, collecting almsgiving, sustaining social order and declaring holy war. The fulfillment of these duties requires actual leadership of the Imām or his deputy. With the beginning of the great occultation in 329/941, there (...)
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    Understanding Islamic sciences: philosophy, theology, mysticism, morality, jurisprudence.Murtaz̤á Muṭahharī - 2002 - London: Saqi.
    This book is a collection of Shahid Murtada Mutahhari’s essential papers on philosophy, theology, ‘irfan (Islamic mysticism), usul al-fiqh (principles of jurisprudence) and morality. The six parts together serve as both a comprehensive survey of the fundamentals of different branches of Islamic studies and a general guide to understanding the basic teachings of Islam.
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