Results for 'Naturalized Semantics'

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  1.  22
    360 Space and Time in Languages and Cultures: Language, culture, and cognition.Natural Semantic Metalanguage - 2012 - In L. Filipovic & K. M. Jaszczolt (eds.), Space and Time in Languages and Cultures: Language, culture, and cognition. John Benjamins. pp. 359.
  2.  60
    ‘Naturalizing semantics’: New insight or old folly?Thomas Wheaton Bestor - 1991 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 34 (3):285-310.
    Those who naturalize semantics concentrate on avoiding difficulties in getting the right sort of cause for the biological item which is to possess semantic properties (to be ‘true of or to be ‘about’ some physical item). Using an analogy with sense‐data, I argue that the real difficulties will be trying to get any proposed neural representation to be the right sort of effect of natural processes. The idea of a biological item which can be a semantic ‘primitive’ is as (...)
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  3. Natural Semantics: Why Natural Deduction is Intuitionistic.James W. Garson - 2001 - Theoria 67 (2):114-139.
    In this paper investigates how natural deduction rules define connective meaning by presenting a new method for reading semantical conditions from rules called natural semantics. Natural semantics explains why the natural deduction rules are profoundly intuitionistic. Rules for conjunction, implication, disjunction and equivalence all express intuitionistic rather than classical truth conditions. Furthermore, standard rules for negation violate essential conservation requirements for having a natural semantics. The standard rules simply do not assign a meaning to the negation sign. (...)
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  4. Naturalizing semantics and Putnam's model-theoretic argument.Andrea Bianchi - 2002 - Episteme NS: Revista Del Instituto de Filosofía de la Universidad Central de Venezuela 22 (1):1-19.
    Since 1976 Hilary Putnam has on many occasions proposed an argument, founded on some model-theoretic results, to the effect that any philosophical programme whose purpose is to naturalize semantics would fail to account for an important feature of every natural language, the determinacy of reference. Here, after having presented the argument, I will suggest that it does not work, because it simply assumes what it should prove, that is that we cannot extend the metatheory: Putnam appears to think that (...)
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  5. Natural semantic facts - between eliminativism and hyper-realism.Dorit Bar-On - unknown
    i. Introduction: Naturaiizing Semantics It seems as though everyone these days is in the business of ‘naituraIizing': apistamologists, philosophers of mind and language, even moral phi- `lcscpheers and philosophers of mathematics. Quine is cften cited as the one who started Et, but expressions of the naturalizing urge can no doubt be found much earlier in the history of phiioscphy. Lccsaly speaking, the- naturalizing urge is the desire to fashion human epistemic achievements in particular arcs after the achievements of the (...)
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    Is Natural Semantics Possible?—Ordinary English, Formal Deformations-cum-Reformations and the Limits of Model Theory.Joseph Almog - 2018 - In Hans van Ditmarsch & Gabriel Sandu (eds.), Jaakko Hintikka on Knowledge and Game Theoretical Semantics. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. pp. 49-108.
    The essay is dedicated to the memory of Jaakko Hintikka and Hilary Putnam, two logically inventive philosophers who, nonetheless, showed deep judgment in bringing to the fore the limits of reducing natural languages to formal languages, via the use of logical forms and model theory. Writing in parallel ecologies, the two proposed rather similar “limitative” theses about the popular logical-form-cum-model theory methodology.
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    Ten lectures on natural semantic metalanguage: exploring language, thought and culture using simple, translatable words.Cliff Goddard - 2018 - Boston: Brill.
    From Leibniz to Wierzbicka: The history and philosophy of nsm -- Semantic primes and their grammar -- Explicating emotion concepts across languages and cultures -- Wonderful, terrific, fabulous: English evaluational adjectives -- Semantic molecules and semantic complexity -- Words as carriers of cultural meaning -- English verb semantics: verbs of doing and saying -- English verb alternations and constructions -- Applications of NSM: minimal English, cultural scripts and language -- Teaching retrospect: nsm compared with other approaches to semantic analysis.
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    Defining Pain: Natural Semantic Metalanguage Meets IASP: A Comment on Wierzbicka’s “Is Pain a Human Universal? A Cross-Linguistic and Cross-Cultural Perspective on Pain”.Ephrem Fernandez - 2012 - Emotion Review 4 (3):320-321.
    When it comes to communication of pain, Anna Wierzbicka (2012) takes issue with the scientific definition of pain and turns to natural semantic metalanguage (NSM). However, “pain” is not one of the 64 semantic primes in NSM, and therefore Wierzbicka suggests words such as “body,” “bad,” and “don’t want.” This blurs the boundaries between pain and other aversive sensations and it also challenges certain clinical features of the pain experience.
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    Thoughts and Their Contents: Naturalized Semantics.Fred Adams - 2003 - In Ted Warfield (ed.), The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Mind. Blackwell. pp. 143–171.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Overview A Medium for Thought Naturalization Mechanisms of Meaning Fodor's Meaning Mechanisms Dretske's Meaning Mechanisms Objections Conclusion.
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  10. The Maribor papers in naturalized semantics.C. Dunja Jutroni (ed.) - 1997 - Maribor: Pedagoška fakulteta Maribor.
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  11. Natural semantic metalanguage.Cliff Goddard - 2005 - In Keith Brown (ed.), Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Elsevier. pp. 544--551.
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  12.  30
    Issues with molecules in Natural Semantic Metalanguage.Kamil Lemanek - 2020 - Language Sciences 77.
    The paper examines the theoretical merit of “semantic molecules” in Natural Semantic Metalanguage (NSM). Although semantic molecules are said to trace semantic dependence and necessity, compress complexity, and to account for what I call its productivity, that doesn't appear to be the case. This can be illustrated on the basis of a comparison of two explications for the same complex meaning—one containing a molecule and the other its decomposed elements. Counterfactual considerations suggest that the latter is not semantically dependent on (...)
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  13. (1 other version)A guide to naturalizing semantics.Barry M. Loewer - 1997 - In Bob Hale, Crispin Wright & Alexander Miller (eds.), A Companion to the Philosophy of Language. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 108-126.
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    The Maribor papers in naturalized semantics.Dunja Jutronić (ed.) - 1997 - Maribor: Pedagoška fakulteta Maribor.
  15.  24
    The Universal Categories of Praxeology in Light of Natural Semantic Metalanguage Theory.Paweł Dziedziul - 2017 - Libertarian Papers 9.
    : This article presents a new approach to considering the categories and concepts necessary for praxeology based on the theoretical framework proposed by Anna Wierzbicka and Cliff Goddard. Natural semantic metalanguage theory can be a comprehensive method for defining the conceptual foundations of human action and of rational discussion in general. Behind the very premise of ….
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    Psychological Meaning of “Coauthorship” Among Scientists Using the Natural Semantic Networks Technique.Sofia Liberman & Roberto López Olmedo - 2017 - Social Epistemology 31 (2):152-164.
    The purpose of this study is to determine the psychological meaning of coauthorship for a group of scientists, based on the assumption that the meaning of a concept is related to experience on “how a person behaves in a situation, depending on what the situation signifies to him”. The semantic meaning provides for an interpretation of action in beliefs, goals and intentions, following the idea that semantic meaning is a basis for inferring intentions to perform action. We used the Natural (...)
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  17.  48
    An empirical hypothesis about natural semantics.Geoffrey Sampson - 1976 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 5 (2):209 - 236.
    Chomsky has constructed an empirical theory about syntactic universals of natural language by defining a class of 'possible languages' which includes all natural languages (inter alia) as members, and claiming that all natural languages fall .within a specified proper subset of that class. I extend Chomsky's work to produce an empirical theory about natural4anguage semantic universals by showing that the semantic description of a language will incorporate a logical calculus, by defining a relatively wide class of 'possible calculi', and by (...)
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  18.  9
    Representation of the World: A Naturalized Semantics.Arthur Melnick - 1997 - Peter Lang Incorporated, International Academic Publishers.
    We have thoughts of the world by having thoughts of spatio-temporal positioning which, as naturalized, are mechanisms for spatio-temporal constructive output. Even thoughts of past time are such thoughts of positioning by being mechanisms for being beyond stages of temporal constructions. This allows a naturalized realist semantics in which the content of thoughts that are in the head is purported existence anywhere in space and time. A correspondence theory of truth and a truth-conditional theory of meaning derive (...)
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  19.  24
    The semantics of the Spanish subjunctive: Its use in the natural semantic metalanguage.Catherine Travis - 2003 - Cognitive Linguistics 14 (1).
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  20.  63
    How to Carve Nature Across the Joints Without Abandoning Kripke-Putnam Semantics.Helen Beebee - 2013 - In Stephen Mumford & Matthew Tugby (eds.), Metaphysics and Science. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 141-163.
    ‘Natural kind essentialism’—here defined as the view that (i) the existence of natural kinds is a mind- and theory-independent matter, (ii) their essences are intrinsic, and (iii) they have a hierarchical structure—is commonly thought to be justified by appeal to Kripke–Putnam semantics, according to which propositions like ‘water is H20’ are necessary a posteriori. This chapter argues that the Kripke–Putnam semantics is in fact compatible with the denial of each of the three tenets of natural kind essentialism. The (...)
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  21.  33
    Semantic Noise and Conceptual Stagnation in Natural Language Processing.Sonia de Jager - 2023 - Angelaki 28 (3):111-132.
    Semantic noise, the effect ensuing from the denotative and thus functional variability exhibited by different terms in different contexts, is a common concern in natural language processing (NLP). While unarguably problematic in specific applications (e.g., certain translation tasks), the main argument of this paper is that failing to observe this linguistic matter of fact as a generative effect rather than as an obstacle, leads to actual obstacles in instances where language model outputs are presented as neutral. Given that a common (...)
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  22.  17
    Igor Douven'.Empiricist Semantics - 2000 - In Lieven Decock & Leon Horsten (eds.), Quine: Naturalized Epistemology, Perceptual Knowledge and Ontology. Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities, Rodopi. pp. 70--171.
  23.  61
    Formal semantics of natural language: papers from a colloquium sponsored by the King's College Research Centre, Cambridge.Edward Louis Keenan (ed.) - 1975 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    A volume of studies in natural language semantics which brings together work by philosophers, logicians and linguists. The main topics treated are: quantification and reference in natural language; the relations between formal logic, programming languages and natural language; pragmatics and discourse meaning; surface syntax and logical meaning. The volume derives from a colloquium organised in 1973 by the Kings College Research Centre, Cambridge and the papers have been edited for publication by Professor Keenan. It is hoped that the collection (...)
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  24.  53
    Semantics, Tense, and Time: An Essay in the Metaphysics of Natural Language.Peter Ludlow - 1999 - MIT Press.
    In this book Ludlow uses the metaphysics of time as a case study and focuses on the dispute between A-theorists and B-theorists about the nature of time.
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  25. How Not to Refute Quine: Evaluating Kim's Alternatives to Naturalized Epistemology.Benjamin Bayer - 2007 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 45 (4):473-495.
    This paper offers an interpretation of Quine's naturalized epistemology through the lens of Jaegwon Kim's influential critique of the same. Kim argues that Quine forces a false choice between traditional deductivist foundationalism and naturalized epistemology and contends that there are viable alternative epistemological projects. However it is suggested that Quine would reject these alternatives by reference to the same fundamental principles (underdetermination, indeterminacy of translation, extensionalism) that led him to reject traditional epistemology and propose naturalism as an alternative. (...)
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  26. Natural language processing using a propositional semantic network with structured variables.Syed S. Ali & Stuart C. Shapiro - 1993 - Minds and Machines 3 (4):421-451.
    We describe a knowledge representation and inference formalism, based on an intensional propositional semantic network, in which variables are structures terms consisting of quantifier, type, and other information. This has three important consequences for natural language processing. First, this leads to an extended, more natural formalism whose use and representations are consistent with the use of variables in natural language in two ways: the structure of representations mirrors the structure of the language and allows re-use phenomena such as pronouns and (...)
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  27. Semantics for Natural Languages / Semantika za prirodne jezike (Bosnian translation by Nijaz Ibrulj).Nijaz Ibrulj & Donald Davidson - 1997 - Odjek 1 (1-3):71-73.
    The essay "Semantics for Natural Languages" is here translated from a collection of Davidson's essays published under the title "Inquiries into Truth and Interpretation", Claredon Press, Oxford 1984.
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  28. Proof-theoretic semantics for a natural language fragment.Nissim Francez & Roy Dyckhoff - 2010 - Linguistics and Philosophy 33 (6):447-477.
    The paper presents a proof-theoretic semantics (PTS) for a fragment of natural language, providing an alternative to the traditional model-theoretic (Montagovian) semantics (MTS), whereby meanings are truth-condition (in arbitrary models). Instead, meanings are taken as derivability-conditions in a dedicated natural-deduction (ND) proof-system. This semantics is effective (algorithmically decidable), adhering to the meaning as use paradigm, not suffering from several of the criticisms formulated by philosophers of language against MTS as a theory of meaning. In particular, Dummett’s manifestation (...)
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  29. Natural Kind Semantics for a Classical Essentialist Theory of Kinds.Javier Belastegui - 2024 - Review of Symbolic Logic 17 (2).
    The aim of this paper is to provide a complete Natural Kind Semantics for an Essentialist Theory of Kinds. The theory is formulated in two-sorted first order monadic modal logic with identity. The natural kind semantics is based on Rudolf Willes Theory of Concept Lattices. The semantics is then used to explain several consequences of the theory, including results about the specificity (species–genus) relations between kinds, the definitions of kinds in terms of genera and specific differences and (...)
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  30. The normativity problem: Evolution and naturalized semantics.Mason Cash - 2008 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 29 (1-2):99-137.
    Representation is a pivotal concept in cognitive science, yet there is a serious obstacle to a naturalistic account of representations’ semantic content and intentionality. A representation having a determinate semantic content distinguishes correct from incorrect representation. But such correctness is a normative matter. Explaining how such norms can be part of a naturalistic cognitive science is what I call the normativity problem. Teleosemantics attempts to naturalize such norms by showing that evolution by natural selection establishes neural mechanisms’ functions, and such (...)
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  31.  44
    The Semantics and Metaphysics of Natural Kinds.Helen Beebee & Nigel Sabbarton-Leary (eds.) - 2010 - New York: Routledge.
    Essentialism--roughly, the view that natural kinds have discrete essences, generating truths that are necessary but knowable only _a posteriori_--is an increasingly popular view in the metaphysics of science. At the same time, philosophers of language have been subjecting Kripke’s views about the existence and scope of the necessary _a posteriori_ to rigorous analysis and criticism. Essentialists typically appeal to Kripkean semantics to motivate their radical extension of the realm of the necessary _a posteriori_; but they rarely attempt to provide (...)
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  32.  22
    Lingua mentalis: the semantics of natural language.Anna Wierzbicka - 1980 - New York: Academic Press.
    Semantics of natural language; includes some Australian language examples.
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  33.  21
    Proof‐theoretic semantics of natural deduction based on inversion.Ernst Zimmermann - 2021 - Theoria 87 (6):1651-1670.
    The article presents a full proof‐theoretic semantics for natural deduction based on an extended inversion principle: the elimination rule for an operator q may invert the introduction rule for q, but also vice versa, the introduction rule for a connective q may invert the elimination rule for q. Such an inversion—extending Prawitz' concept of inversion—gives the following theorem: Inversion for two rules of operator q (intro rule, elim rule) exists iff a reduction of a maximum formula for q exists. (...)
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  34.  9
    Formal Semantics and Pragmatics for Natural Languages.Franz Guenthner & Siegfried J. Schmidt - 1979 - Springer.
    The essays in this collection are the outgrowth of a workshop, held in June 1976, on formal approaches to the semantics and pragmatics of natural languages. They document in an astoundingly uniform way the develop ments in the formal analysis of natural languages since the late sixties. The avowed aim of the' workshop was in fact to assess the progress made in the application of formal methods to semantics, to confront different approaches to essentially the same problems on (...)
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  35.  90
    Logical semantics for natural language.Godehard Link - 1983 - Erkenntnis 19 (1-3):261 - 283.
    It is now a quarter of a century ago that Wolfgang Stegmfiller wrote his monograph 'Das Wahrheitsproblem und die Idee der Semantik' (1957) which dealt with Tarski's and Carnap's foundational work in the field of semantics. While this book is about the definition of the basic semantical concepts in artificial formal languages there is an article written a year earlier (1956) in which Stegmfiller addresses himself specifically to the relation between logic and natural language. Here he gives a logical (...)
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  36. Using semantic deference to test an extension of indexical externalism beyond natural-kind terms.Philippe De Brabanter & Bruno Leclercq - unknown
    We offer a new outlook on the vexed question of the reference of natural-kind terms. Since Kripke and Putnam, there is a widespread assumption that natural-kind terms function just like proper names: they designate their referents directly and they are rigid designators: their reference is unchanged even in worlds in which the referent lacks some or all the properties associated with it in the actual world, and which are useful to us in identifying that referent. There have, however, been heated (...)
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  37.  7
    Elements of formal semantics: an introduction to the mathematical theory of meaning in natural language.Yoad Winter - 2016 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    In formal semantics, structure is treated as the essential ingredient in the creation of sentence meaning from individual word meaning. This book introduces some of the foundational concepts, principles and techniques in the formal semantics of natural language and outlines the mathematical principles that underlie linguistics meaning. Using English examples, Yoad Winter presents the most useful tools and concepts of formal semantics in an accessible style and includes a variety of practical exercises so that readers can learn (...)
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  38.  99
    Logic & Natural Language: On Plural Reference and its Semantic and Logical Significance.Hanoch Ben-Yami - 2004 - Routledge.
    Frege's invention of the predicate calculus has been the most influential event in the history of modern logic. The calculus’ place in logic is so central that many philosophers think, in fact, of it when they think of logic. This book challenges the position in contemporary logic and philosophy of language of the predicate calculus claiming that it is based on mistaken assumptions. Ben-Yami shows that the predicate calculus is different from natural language in its fundamental semantic charac.
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  39.  66
    Formal semantics and natural kind terms.Stephen P. Schwartz - 1980 - Philosophical Studies 38 (2):189-98.
  40.  9
    Bayesian Natural Language Semantics and Pragmatics.Henk Zeevat & Hans-Christian Schmitz (eds.) - 2015 - Springer.
    The contributions in this volume focus on the Bayesian interpretation of natural languages, which is widely used in areas of artificial intelligence, cognitive science, and computational linguistics. This is the first volume to take up topics in Bayesian Natural Language Interpretation and make proposals based on information theory, probability theory, and related fields. The methodologies offered here extend to the target semantic and pragmatic analyses of computational natural language interpretation. Bayesian approaches to natural language semantics and pragmatics are based (...)
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  41.  31
    Natural language semantics: formation and valuation.Brendan S. Gillon - 2019 - Cambridge, Massachussetts: The MIT Press.
    This textbook, which is completely self-contained and can be read by anyone with a secondary school education, is the result of the author's material prepared over the past 15 years of teaching introductory natural language semantics to graduate and undergraduate students at McGill University. The intended audience comprises undergraduate and graduate students in linguistics as well as those in philosophy, computer science and psychology with an interest in natural language semantics. The aim of the textbook is to teach (...)
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  42. Laws of Nature, Explanation, and Semantic Circularity.Erica Shumener - 2019 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 70 (3):787-815.
    Humeans and anti-Humeans agree that laws of nature should explain scientifically particular matters of fact. One objection to Humean accounts of laws contends that Humean laws cannot explain particular matters of fact because their explanations are harmfully circular. This article distinguishes between metaphysical and semantic characterizations of the circularity and argues for a new semantic version of the circularity objection. The new formulation suggests that Humean explanations are harmfully circular because the content of the sentences being explained is part of (...)
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  43. Semantics of natural language.Donald Davidson & Gilbert Harman - 1970 - Synthese 22 (1-2):1-2.
  44. The nature of semantics: On Jackendoff's arguments.Steven Gross - 2005 - Linguistic Review 22:249-270.
    Jackendoff defends a mentalist approach to semantics that investigates conceptual structures in the mind/brain and their interfaces with other structures, including specifically linguistic structures responsible for syntactic and phonological competence. He contrasts this approach with one that seeks to characterize the intentional relations between expressions and objects in the world. The latter, he argues, cannot be reconciled with mentalism. He objects in particular that intentionality cannot be naturalized and that the relevant notion of object is suspect. I critically (...)
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  45.  50
    Modeling Semantic Containment and Exclusion in Natural Language Inference.Christopher D. Manning - unknown
    We propose an approach to natural language inference based on a model of natural logic, which identifies valid inferences by their lexical and syntactic features, without full semantic interpretation. We greatly extend past work in natural logic, which has focused solely on semantic containment and monotonicity, to incorporate both semantic exclusion and implicativity. Our system decomposes an inference problem into a sequence of atomic edits linking premise to hypothesis; predicts a lexical entailment relation for each edit using a statistical classifier; (...)
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  46.  1
    Semantics of natural language.Donald Davidson & Gilbert Harman (eds.) - 1972 - Boston: D. Reidel.
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    Semantics: the nature of words and their meanings.Hugh R. Walpole - 1941 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
  48. A semantic characterization of natural language determiners.Edward L. Keenan & Jonathan Stavi - 1986 - Linguistics and Philosophy 9 (3):253 - 326.
  49.  47
    Belnap-Dunn semantics for natural implicative expansions of Kleene's strong three-valued matrix with two designated values.Gemma Robles & José M. Méndez - 2019 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 29 (1):37-63.
    ABSTRACTA conditional is natural if it fulfils the three following conditions. It coincides with the classical conditional when restricted to the classical values T and F; it satisfies the Modus Ponens; and it is assigned a designated value whenever the value assigned to its antecedent is less than or equal to the value assigned to its consequent. The aim of this paper is to provide a ‘bivalent’ Belnap-Dunn semantics for all natural implicative expansions of Kleene's strong 3-valued matrix with (...)
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  50.  35
    On bivalent semantics and natural deduction for some infectious logics.Alex Belikov - 2022 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 30 (1):186-210.
    In this work, we propose a variant of so-called informational semantics, a technique elaborated by Voishvillo, for two infectious logics, Deutsch’s |${\mathbf{S}_{\mathbf{fde}}}$| and Szmuc’s |$\mathbf{dS}_{\mathbf{fde}}$|⁠. We show how the machinery of informational semantics can be effectively used to analyse truth and falsity conditions of disjunction and conjunction. Using this technique, it is possible to claim that disjunction and conjunction can be rightfully regarded as such, a claim which was disputed in the recent literature. Both |${\mathbf{S}_{\mathbf{fde}}}$| and |$\mathbf{dS}_{\mathbf{fde}}$| are (...)
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