Results for 'Nikita Stepanovič Kozlov'

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  1. Razvitie obshchestvenno-politicheskoĭ..Nikita Stepanovich Kozlov - 1961
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    What is not mentioned in the famous article by Edmund Gettier.Nikita Golovko - 2023 - Siberian Journal of Philosophy 21 (1):105-126.
    The paper aims to unfold the «internal» content of Gettier’s argument as a skeptical argument against knowledge in terms of answering the question: «why he could be right when he says what he says». Our initial hypothesis is that E. Gettier does not say anything about the «accidentality of the fact that Smith has 10 coins in his pocket», but he uses the words «entailment» and «deduction», which substantiates the «truth of the conclusion», and on the basis of which he (...)
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    Scientific experiments beyond surprise and beauty.Anatolii Kozlov - 2023 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 13 (3):1-22.
    Some experimental results in science are productively surprising or beautiful. Such results are disruptive in their epistemic nature: by violating epistemic expectations they mark the phenomenon at hand as worthy of further investigation. Could it be that there are emotions beyond these two which are also useful for the epistemic evaluation of scientific experiments? Here, I conduct a structured sociological survey to explore affective experiences in scientific experimental research. I identify that learning the results of an experiment is the high (...)
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  4. К'єркегорівські мотиви філософування м. гайдеґґера.Viacheslav Stepanov & Iryna Luchynska - 2015 - Схід 4 (136).
    Відношення М. Гайдеґґера до екзистенціальної філософії є одним із питань, що глибоко контаміновані амбівалентними тлумаченнями самого філософа, які викривляють траєкторію об'єктивного історико-філософського дослідження дійсних зв'язків між Гайдеґґеровим дискурсом і спадщиною мислителів-екзистенціалістів. Аналіз рефлексивної літератури з проблеми ідентифікації характеру інтерференцій між філософськими дискурсами М. Гайдеґґера і С. К'єркегора дозволив виявити критичні лінії доксографії та історіографії. Установлено, що саме історіографічний підхід забезпечує об'єктивне дослідження генетичного зв'язку категорій Гайдеґґерової парадигми з омонімічним поняттям С. К'єркегора.
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  5. (1 other version)The ethics of algorithms: key problems and solutions.Andreas Tsamados, Nikita Aggarwal, Josh Cowls, Jessica Morley, Huw Roberts, Mariarosaria Taddeo & Luciano Floridi - 2021 - AI and Society.
    Research on the ethics of algorithms has grown substantially over the past decade. Alongside the exponential development and application of machine learning algorithms, new ethical problems and solutions relating to their ubiquitous use in society have been proposed. This article builds on a review of the ethics of algorithms published in 2016, 2016). The goals are to contribute to the debate on the identification and analysis of the ethical implications of algorithms, to provide an updated analysis of epistemic and normative (...)
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    Introduction to the Special Issue on Intercultural Digital Ethics.Nikita Aggarwal - 2020 - Philosophy and Technology 33 (4):547-550.
    Recent advances in the capability of digital information technologies—particularly due to advances in artificial intelligence —have invigorated the debate on the ethical issues surrounding their use. However, this debate has often been dominated by ‘Western’ ethical perspectives, values and interests, to the exclusion of broader ethical and socio-cultural perspectives. This imbalance carries the risk that digital technologies produce ethical harms and lack social acceptance, when the ethical norms and values designed into these technologies collide with those of the communities in (...)
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    Scientific experimental articles are modernist stories.Anatolii Kozlov & Michael T. Stuart - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 14 (3):1-23.
    This paper attempts to revive the epistemological discussion of scientific articles. What are their epistemic aims, and how are they achieved? We argue that scientific experimental articles are best understood as a particular kind of narrative: i.e., modernist narratives (think: Woolf, Joyce), at least in the sense that they employ many of the same techniques, including colligation and the juxtaposition of multiple perspectives. We suggest that this way of writing is necessary given the nature of modern science, but it also (...)
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    Complexity of networks I: The set‐complexity of binary graphs.Nikita A. Sakhanenko & David J. Galas - 2011 - Complexity 17 (2):51-64.
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    Death Stranding, Hobbes and the Problem of Social Order: Where (and How) Should we Haul the Sovereign?S. V. Kozlov - 2020 - Sociology of Power 32 (3):142-164.
    In this article I describe the implicit conceptualization of social order which exists in Death Stranding — localized in both the setting and the mechanics of the game — and compare it with the conceptualization of Thomas Hobbes’s “Leviathan”. First, the theoretical tension between Death Stranding and “Leviathan” is traced: the speculative conceptualization of the Leviathan and the procedural conceptualization of Death Stranding are compared by clarifying the role that the concepts of action, authorization, right and sovereignty play in Hobbesian (...)
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    Cross-linguistic evidence for memory storage costs in filler-gap dependencies with wh-adjuncts.Artur Stepanov & Penka Stateva - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:145572.
    This study investigates processing of interrogative filler-gap dependencies in which the filler integration site or gap is not directly subcategorized by the verb. This is the case when the wh-filler is a structural adjunct such as how or when rather than subject or object. Two self-paced reading experiments in English and Slovenian provide converging cross-linguistic evidence that wh-adjuncts elicit a kind of memory storage cost similar to that previously shown in the literature for wh-arguments. Experiment 1 investigates the storage costs (...)
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  11. Історичний та екзистенційний виміри містичного тексту: Герменевтика твору мехтільди магдебурзької "струменіюче світло божества".Viacheslav Stepanov & Artem Borodin - 2014 - Схід 2 (128):166-170.
    У статті досліджується кореляція історичного та екзистенційного вимірів містичної свідомості на прикладі твору Мехтільди Магдебурзької "Струменіюче світло Божества". Герменевтика містичного тексту дозволяє визначити ключові екзистенціали суб'єктивації містичного досвіду в межах середньовічної світоглядної парадигми. Встановлено, що еротична спрямованість містичного дискурсу твору середньовічної візіонерки розкриває глибинний екзистенційний вимір релігійної свідомості.
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  12. Scientific Realism and The Ironic Science.Nikita Golovko - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 53:73-76.
    The development of string theory shows an unusual situation within the development of knowledge theory. Science achieves progress in understanding nature without direct empirical confirmation. Definitely, “an altered conception of scientific progress emerges” (R. Dawid). In our opinion, the only possibility to understand the new situation is to adopt some kind of naturalized epistemology. Naturalization viewed as declining of the a-prioriticity of philosophical knowledge, first, and reintroducing of psychology, second (P. Kitcher), gives many naturalized approaches in the realism debate field. (...)
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    Quantum Entanglement, Metaphysics of Relations, Dispositionalism and Е. J. Lowe's Ontology.Nikita Golovko - 2021 - Siberian Journal of Philosophy 19 (2):8-35.
    The paper aims to make а fair supplement to the concept of "metaphysics of relations" (bу М. Esfeld) with а coгrect coгresponding interpretation of the dispositional natшe of characteristics within Е. J. Lowe's ontology. А reasoning from science to philosophy leads М. Esfeld to the conclusion that "quantum entanglement understood in terms of non-separability of states speaks for the metaphysics of relations that denies the presence of intrinsic characteristics of the related systems". The same naturalistic argument provides rationale for the (...)
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    The Two Revolutions and Two Component Parts of Political Dissent of the "Thaw" Period.Dmitry Kozlov - 2017 - Sociology of Power 29 (2):153-177.
    Independent social life of the "Thaw” period is less examined then dissidents' resistance of the 1970s or mass public actions of Perestroika years. Analysis of the 1950-1960s protest actions allows us to trace changes in independent political projects in post-Stalin USSR. Unsolved social and economic problems, state unwillingness to listen for voices from below, repressions against dissenters stimulated the rejection of the idea to reform Soviet socialism among the part of critical intelligentsia. The disillusion in socialist ideas was not only (...)
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    Epigraphai Knidias Chersonisou (en grec).Nikitas D. Chaviaras - 1912 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 36 (1):529-533.
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  16. State as pharmakon.Nikita Dhawan - 2020 - In Davina Cooper, Nikita Dhawan & Janet Newman (eds.), Reimagining the state: theoretical challenges and transformative possibilities. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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    До проблеми існування давньослов'янських язичницьких жерців у VI-vii ст.M. M. Kozlov - 2008 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 45:52-56.
    No nation can exist without its own religious cults and traditions. The practical absence of records of the presence of pagan priests in our ancestors, the bearers of knowledge, beliefs and rituals, testifies only to the careful deliberate destruction of important aspects of national history. Some pages in the history of the Eastern Slavs are simply crossed out from the chronicles and replaced by pious stories in line with Byzantine hagiography. An example in this regard is the description of the (...)
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    Вплив пізніх язичницьких громад на світогляд східних слов'ян ранньохристиянської доби.M. M. Kozlov - 2009 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 49:154-162.
    Сучасний прогрес у таких наукових науках, як історія філософії, археологія, етнографія, етнопсихологія та теорія культурної традиції, захоплює увагу, довідавшись про відокремлення коренерів колективних вірогідностей, моделей та образів, а також їх збереження, перегляду й трансляції у часі. Спеціальний інтерес у використанні з боку цього полягає в еволюції стародавніх східнослов'янських історій і культурів, історіософське осміння дозволяє зробити глибше усвідомлене архаїчне першооснову українського православ'я.
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    Filosofskie skazki dli︠a︡ obdumyvai︠u︡shchikh zhitʹe, ili, Veselai︠a︡ kniga o svobode i nravstvennosti.Nikolaĭ Kozlov - 1994 - Moskva: Rebus.
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  20. Istoricheskiĭ materializm kak nauka.D. F. Kozlov - 1958
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  21. Leninskiĭ printsip partiĭnosti filosofii.D. F. Kozlov - 1970
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    Maxim Gorky and Socialist Culture.D. F. Kozlov - 1969 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 8 (2):123-147.
    The name of A. M. Gorky is known to the broad masses of the people of our country, to the laboring population of the countries of the socialist camp, and to all advanced and progressive mankind as that of one of the greatest builders of the new socialist culture and a tireless fighter for the bright ideals of mankind. By his writings of genius, his brilliant articles of literary criticism, his speeches and public affairs writing, and all his many-faceted activity, (...)
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  23. Moscow.A. M. Kozlov, I. A. Pashint︠s︡ev & [From Old Catalog] (eds.) - 1963
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    Psikhologii︠a︡ krizisa.Vladimir Kozlov - 2014 - Moskva: Institut konsulʹtirovanii︠a︡ i sistemnykh resheniĭ.
  25. Revoli︠u︡t︠s︡ionno-demokraticheskai︠a︡ i filosofskai︠a︡ myslʹ na Ukraine.N. S. Kozlov - 1966
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    Svoe slovo.Aleksi︠e︡ĭ Aleksandrovich Kozlov - 1888 - Zaporozhʹe: KPU.
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    The peculiarity of the development of the Islamic phenomenon in the Donetsk region.I. A. Kozlovs’kyi - 2004 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 31:178-182.
    Throughout all the years of independence and the systemic transformation that Ukraine is currently in, the country's official policy on religious phenomenon has undergone significant positive changes compared to the previous period. It also affected the creation of certain conditions for the functioning of different religious organizations and the very nature of the religious factor in society. In our view, the process of revival and development in the new historical conditions of Islam in the context of the specific culture of (...)
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    The structure and image of the anti-world in the pagan imagination of the Eastern Slavs.М. М Kozlov - 2001 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 21:38-44.
    To fully understand the spirituality of the Ukrainian people, his mental features, without a detailed study of his pagan background, in particular the notions about the other world, is practically impossible. An important place in the Slavic pagan myth about the other world occupy the notion of "anti-world" - the place where, according to our ancestors, the bones of burned dead were inhabited. Thus, the purpose of this article is to study the archaic basis of the spirituality of the modern (...)
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    Ghost of Revolution.Nikita Lin - 2022 - NanoEthics 16 (3):323-330.
    A modest piece of experimental writing, Ghost of Revolution is intended as a methodological tool to question the form and function (tactics) of self-critique at the interface between art and science. Half fictional, half real, the “story” revolves around a speculative, biological connection between a mother and her son in an age of genetic manipulation. The speculation adopts a mode of writing that deviates from conventional story-telling in the sense that the characters are no longer leading roles in a piece (...)
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    Manoles PAPATHOMOPULOS/Isabella TSABARE (eds.), Ὀβιδίου Πεϱὶ Мεταμοϱφώσεων, ὃ μετήνεγϰεν ἐϰ της λατίνων φωνης εἰς τὴν ἑλλάδα Мάξιμος μοναχòς ὁ Πλανούδης.D. Z. Nikitas - 2006 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 98 (1):137-142.
    Erfreut begrüßen wir die textkritische Ausgabe der von Maximos Planudes verfaßten Übersetzung der Metamorphosen Ovids: so wird ein altes Desideratum der byzantinischen wie auch der lateinischen Philologie erfüllt. Die mühevolle Arbeit haben M. PAPATHOMOPOULOS und I. TSAVARI übernommen, und das Buch hat die Akademie von Athen herausgegeben, die im Rahmen anderer Schriftenreihen (Corpus philosophorum medii aevi, Philosophi Byzantini und Бιβλιοθήϰη А. Мανούςη) noch mehrere byzantinische Übersetzungen (von Boethius' De differentiis topicis und De consolatione Philosophiae sowie von Augustinus' De trinitate) erscheinen (...)
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    Theta and Alpha Band Modulations Reflect Error-Related Adjustments in the Auditory Condensation Task.Nikita A. Novikov, Dmitri V. Bryzgalov & Boris V. Chernyshev - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  32. [Kritika dogmatizma, skeptit︠s︡izma i reli︠a︡tivizma.Nikita Zotovich Paramonov - 1973 - Moscow: Vyss. shkola.
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    Social ideas: phenomenological analysis experience.Nikita Nikolaevich Ravochkin - 2022 - Kant 42 (2):146-152.
    The purpose of the study is to analyze social ideas using the methods of philosophical phenomenology. The article clarifies the features of the application of phenomenology to the analysis of social phenomena. The main emphasis is placed on the study of social ideas that offer the implementation of projects of regional significance. The projects of "United Europe" were considered. The trajectories of the implementation of the original plan are presented. When summing up the results of the study, the importance of (...)
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  34. Prot︠s︡essy i mera vremeni.Nikita Konstantinovich Serov - 1974
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    Dynamic generation, management and resolution of interactive plots.Nikitas M. Sgouros - 1999 - Artificial Intelligence 107 (1):29-62.
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    Концептуалізація суб'єкта в гайдеґґера і бадью: Пошук загальних підстав.Stepanov Viacheslav & Novychenko Iryna - 2017 - Схід 1 (147):119-123.
    Heidegger and Badiou are not likely to be received as philosophical figures inheriting much in common. The only obvious ground which backs both thinkers is that of ontology as primary focus of their intellectual endeavors. However, this is divergence between their philosophies what makes an attempt to reveal some other conceptual foundations their doctrines have in common so important for a historian of the recent transformations in philosophy. The concept of subject looks as an indicator of differences between Heidegger and (...)
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  37.  14
    Dynamic Approximation of Self-Referential Sentences.Vladimir A. Stepanov - 2022 - Studia Humana 11 (3-4):25-29.
    Non-classical logic via approximation of self-referential sentences by dynamical systems are consistently presented. The new 6-valued truth values (here A=Liar, V=TruthTeller) are presented as a function of the classical truth values xi ∈ {0,1}, which resulted in a philosophical standpoint known as Suszko’s Thesis. Three-valued truth tables were created corresponding to Priest’s tables of the same name. In the process of constructing 4-valued truth tables, two more new truth values (va, av) were revealed that do not coincide with the four (...)
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  38. Dialekticheskiĭ materialism kak metodologii︠a︡ estestvennonauchnogo poznanii︠a︡.V. I. Stepanov (ed.) - 1965 - Minsk: Nauka i tekhnika.
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    Gumanitarnai︠a︡ nauka segodni︠a︡: materialy konferent︠s︡ii.I︠U︡. S. Stepanov (ed.) - 2006 - Moskva: Izd-vo "Ėĭdos".
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  40. Kont︠s︡ept︠s︡ii ėlementarnosti v nauchnom poznanii.Nikolai Ivanovich Stepanov - 1976 - Moskva: Nauka.
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  41. Ontologii︠a︡ i︠a︡zyka kak obshchestvennogo i︠a︡vlenii︠a︡.G. V. Stepanov & V. Z. Panfilov (eds.) - 1983 - Moskva: Izd-vo "Nauka".
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  42. Sot︠s︡ialʹnoe partnerstvo kak problema sot︠s︡ialʹnoĭ filosofii: monografii︠a︡.V. E. Stepanov - 2005 - Moskva: Moskovskiĭ gos. universitet puteĭ soobshchenii︠a︡.
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    The meaning and the scope of the separability thesis between morals and law.Sanja Stepanović-Todorović - 2004 - Theoria 47 (3-4):65-85.
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    Uvod u jurisprudenciju: osnovni pojmovi sistematike, teorije i sociologije prava.Radivoj Stepanov - 2004 - Beograd: Stylos. Edited by Ljubiša Despotović.
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  45. Material Progress and the New Morality: Russia as Probing Ground.Nikita Evgenevich Pokrovskii - 2001 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 15 (3):201-213.
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    Public policy philosophical foundations.Nikita Nikolaevich Ravochkin & Andrey Borisovich Korzhuk - 2021 - Kant 41 (4):182-188.
    The purpose of the study is to explicate the philosophical foundations of public policy. The article examines approaches to understanding public policy in the history of philosophy. The main emphasis is placed on clarifying the philosophical foundations of modern public policy. The author's integral understanding of public policy is offered. The main points that complicate the unambiguous perception of public policy are noted.
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    Personal stories as a result of creative activity and a tool for overcoming the fragmentation of everyday life: cultural and philosophical analysis.Nikita Nikolaevich Ravochkin, Ilya Sergeevich Kachay & Mikhail Aleksandrovich Petrov - forthcoming - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal).
    The object of this research is the fragmented everyday life of social life practices. The subject of the research is personal stories realized in storytelling and considered as the result of the creative activity of the subject and a way to overcome the fragmentation of everyday life of modern culture. The authors consider the fragmentation of everyday life as a factor in the desocialization of the subject and the leveling of unified mechanisms of social interaction. Storytelling is defined as a (...)
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    Epigraphai Knidias Chersonisou.Nikitas D. Chaviaras - 1910 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 34 (1):425-428.
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    Can Non‐Europeans Philosophize? Transnational Literacy and Planetary Ethics in a Global Age.Nikita Dhawan - 2017 - Hypatia 32 (3):488-505.
    Defenders of the Enlightenment highlight the long neglected anticolonial writings of thinkers like Immanuel Kant, which serve as a corrective to the misrepresentation of the Enlightenment's epistemological investment in imperialism. One of the most pervasive repercussions of the claim that the Enlightenment was always already anti-imperial is that postcolonial critique is rendered redundant, and the project of decolonizing European philosophy becomes unnecessary. Contesting the exoneration of Enlightenment philosophers of racism and sexism, this article debunks the claim that Kantian cosmopolitanism was (...)
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    Normen – Subjekte – Gewalt Mit Butlers Politik gegen hegemoniale Heteronormativität1.Nikita Dhawan & María Do Mar Castro Varela - 2018 - In Sergej Seitz, Tatjana Schönwälder-Kuntze & Gerald Posselt (eds.), Judith Butlers Philosophie des Politischen: Kritische Lektüren. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. pp. 125-150.
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