Results for 'Nyroslav Volodymyrovych Popvych'

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  1. Logik der wissenschaftlichen Forschung.P. V. Kopnin & Nyroslav Volodymyrovych Popvych (eds.) - 1969 - Berlin,: Akademie Verlag.
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    Ecumenism in the general law of the Catholic Church.Andriy Volodymyrovych Chornenko - 2018 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 84:73-88.
    In the article considers the main documents that contain the legal norms of the ecumenical character or the directives of the legislative power of the Catholic Church, in particular the Decrees of the Second Vatican Council and the Ecumenical Directives. The above-mentioned documents stipulate the legal relationship between the Catholics and other Christians, establish the legal basis, which contains the structure of specific church laws. The author analyzed the direct legal norms of ecumenism in the Catholic Church and characterized these (...)
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  3.  21
    Осмислення православним чернецтвом церковнорелігійних, міжцерковних, соціальних проблем передунійної доби в чернечо-монастирських джерелах.Valeriy Volodymyrovych Klymov - 2007 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 43:86-94.
    It is of scientific interest to consider the monastic and monastic vision of church-religious, socio-political, ethno-religious problems of the pre-war era in Ukrainian lands. Interest is dictated by the following factors and reasons. First, monastic centers from the time of Kievan Rus remained one of the most stable in the society and in their mass created a fairly representative network of peculiar indicators of the spiritual state of the Russian community in the regions. Secondly, through these spiritual centers there was (...)
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  4.  15
    Православні монастирі в соціально-політичному й духовному контексті національно-визвольних змагань українського народу. Православне чернецтво і переяславська рада.Valeriy Volodymyrovych Klymov - 2008 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 45:105-114.
    Position, values, activity of the highest Orthodox clergy, monasteries, monasticism in the era of numerous interstate wars, Cossack uprisings of the 20 - 30s of the 18th century, National Liberation War of 1648 - 1654, Pereyaslav council, and its succession that coincided with dramatic transformations on the European continent, a profound change of borders in Central and Eastern Europe, in the light of the present factual completeness and the possibility of scientific objective assessments, prove to be complex, multi-vector, and often (...)
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  5.  11
    Церква і політика в україні: Проблеми взаємозв'язку.Valeriy Volodymyrovych Klymov - 2008 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 46:68-79.
    An unbiased analysis of the history of the coexistence of church institutions and politics in any state shows that the chronicle of such coexistence appears, in large part, as a history of attempts to use, with greater or lesser success, on the one hand, by church political structures, and on the other, by the church of political structures, or politicians. The history of these interconnected relationships goes back to the times when both institutions in the process of their formation and (...)
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  6.  22
    Міжконфесійні відносини: Стан і форми.Valeriy Volodymyrovych Klymov - 2008 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 46:48-67.
    The seminal component of the characteristics of contemporary Ukraine in the religious and ecclesiastical aspect is, along with state-church, social-religious, inter-church relations, the level of religiosity, securing freedom of conscience, etc., inter-confessional relations in all their dynamics, causal relationships society and its specific areas - political, social, legal, spiritual, ideological, ethno-cultural, religious.
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    До питання про філософсько-богословську інтерпретацію інституту чернецтва, практики подвижництва та аскетизму у творах вітчизняних ченців-мислителів.Valeriy Volodymyrovych Klymov - 2008 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 47:204-213.
    Monuments of spiritual and material culture of the Kievan Rus state, later periods of national history show that the general principles of Christian monasticism became known here at the same time as the first information about Christianity itself - first spontaneously, spontaneously, through the Greek colonies of Crimea, trade routes from the south, to the south. Greece, Macedonia and Serbia, and later, under the official baptism of Vladimir - through monasticism, clergy, hierarchs in Greek-Byzantine missions and the clergy settled in (...)
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  8.  20
    Зростання ролі біляцерковних спільнот в житті традиційних церков.Valeriy Volodymyrovych Klymov - 2008 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 48:198-215.
    At the same time as raising the general level of social activity caused by the radical changes in political, social, economic and spiritual relations, assessments and benchmarks in independent Ukraine; with the elimination of one-party monopoly and the existence of essentially unipolar-oriented public associations; the actualization of the idea of ​​building civil society as a Ukrainian perspective; with the rise of the desire of the faithful to play a more significant role not only in the life of their denominational enclaves, (...)
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  9.  19
    Міжконфесійний діалог як складова культурноцивілізаційних відносин.Valeriy Volodymyrovych Klymov - 2009 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 50:269-279.
    The present high status of dialogue as a widely practiced method of considering and resolving the problematic, controversial or conflicting issues that humanity has to face is a kind of a result of the millennial selection of reliable and effective means of understanding, reconciliation, organization of civilized coexistence, multifaceted ideology, the world of human communities, their individual groups or individuals. Almost the main features of ancient philosophical dialogue - to be the antithesis of dogmatism, to question the habitually established, preserved (...)
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  10.  13
    Релігійна самоідентифікація в україні періоду незалежності: Рівень, характер, проблемність, тенденції.Valeriy Volodymyrovych Klymov - 2009 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 51:37-50.
    Problems of modern religiosity, its origin, causes and real level in Ukrainian society; religious self-identification, which in sociological surveys and polls of different levels was usually identified with the true level of religiosity in society; problems of validity and authenticity of religious self-determination of a person and other related problems were started to be considered by scientists from the late 80's - early 90's of the XX century. mostly as a response to the increasing trend of religiosity in Ukraine. Already (...)
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  11. Rozvynutyĭ sotsializm i formuvanni︠a︡ novoï li︠u︡dyny.Volodymyr Volodymyrovych Kolobkov - 1979 - Kyïv: Politvydav Ukraïny.
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    Rozumnistʹ nerozumnoho: monohrafii︠a︡.Taras Volodymyrovych Li︠u︡tyĭ - 2007 - Kyïv: Parapan.
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  13. Pokhid proty rozuma.Myroslav Volodymyrovych Popovch - 1960
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  14.  24
    Проблема єдності християнських церков у творчості а.річинського.Vitaliy Volodymyrovych Shevchenko - 2006 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 41:62-67.
    In the history of the Christian Church in general, and Ukraine in particular, Orthodox-Catholic relations occupy an extremely important place. The dramatic, as a fact of church and religious life, they attracted the attention of a large number of scholars of different fields of knowledge and research interests. Arsena Rychynsky, a well-known Ukrainian religious scholar whose views on the problem of unity of the Christian Church, overwhelmingly, are scientifically valid, meaningfully original and prognostically relevant. Under such a review, we would (...)
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  15.  27
    Cult-ritual sphere of religion: the nature and principles of the formation.Vitaliy Volodymyrovych Shevchenko - 2018 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 84:17-27.
    In the article, based on the elaboration of a large array of literature on the topic, as well as direct and inclusive study of ritual practice, mainly orthodoxy, reveals the place and functional purpose of the religious factor in the complex structure of the religious phenomenon, in various manifestations of religious life.
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  16.  26
    Передберестейський унійний процес 1590-1593 років: Мотиви, проблематика, перспективи.Vitaliy Volodymyrovych Shevchenko - 2002 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 24:85-96.
    As we begin to cover the events that immediately preceded the proclamation of the unification act of 1596, we do not think it necessary to prove how complex and responsible the case is. After all, despite the multifaceted nature of the phenomenon, which will later be called the Union of Brest, it is difficult for the researcher to abstract from its consequences, which had a significant impact on the course of the church and religious process of the last four centuries (...)
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  17.  15
    Унійні рефлексії постофлорентійського 20-ліття в церковно-релігійному житті польсько-литовсько-руського регіону.Vitaliy Volodymyrovych Shevchenko - 2001 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 17:45-61.
    Despite the universal status of the Ferrara-Florentine Cathedral, the union of the Orthodox and Catholic Churches approved by him provoked ambiguous, but often very negative reactions. This is especially true of the Orthodox East, where the idea of ​​inter-church unification ages in a row was subjected to devastating criticism, and in cases of real attempts to introduce the union, there was a strong resistance from the individual zealots of the Byzantine Orthodoxy and their supporters. An exception to this rule was (...)
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  18.  21
    Унійна двовекторність теорії "москва – ііі рим" та "грамоти мисаїла" в історичному контексті другої половини XV ст.Vitaliy Volodymyrovych Shevchenko - 2001 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 21:64-74.
    The categorical rejection of the Ferrara-Florence Union by the Moscow leadership, as sometimes restrained, is sometimes unconcerned, but in general, the positive attitude towards the communist act of unification of the Orthodox and Catholic Churches from the side of the ruling circles of the Commonwealth is a fact that is undeniable and scientifically irrefutable. However, not all of those who have been guarding the ideological support for this self-evident nature for more than half a century are prepared to take into (...)
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  19.  30
    Дисциплінарне релігієзнавство. Тезовий виклад матеріалу.Anatolii M. Kolodnyi, Vitaliy Volodymyrovych Shevchenko, Oksana Gorkusha, Oleksandr V. Sarapin, Hanna M. Kulagina-Stadnichenko, N. Gavrilova, Mykhailo Yu Babiy, Liudmyla O. Fylypovych, Oleg Vasyliovych Buchma, Valentyna Anatoliyivna Bodak, Borys O. Lobovyk, Valeriy Volodymyrovych Klymov & R. Trachuk - 2009 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 49:5-82.
    Department of Philosophy of Religion The Department of Religious Studies of IF NASU during 2006-2008 carried out the specified planned theme. Below we present its sections in the summary. The full study material will be published in the monograph under the same title, which will be published by the end of 2009. The book can be used as a textbook on religious studies.
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