G. P. [4]G. P. G. P. [2]G. W. S. P. [1]Gener P. [1]
G. K. P. [1]G. B. P. [1]
  1.  10
    'All this and so much more': Understanding interpretation between originalism and antagonism.G. P. - unknown
    In this paper I start discussing "originalism" as a practice of interpretation purporting the intent of the framers as "the" governing factor in interpretation. My first step is to contrast it with the approach of non-interpretivism. Then I discuss "interpretation" itself as a package to depict social practices of meaning production, focusing on three peculiar historical settings : Alexandria, Scholasticism, and the "birth" of Hermeneutics. My aim is to show the "essentialist" move of posing the concept of "meaning" as a (...)
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    A Treasure Trove about Vietnam’s Vibrant Cultural Nuances. [REVIEW]G. P. & M. Mumbi - 2025 - Amazon Book Review Series of “Wild Wise Weird”.
    Amazon Book Review Series of “Wild Wise Weird”.
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  3. Allelokrisia. A Treatise Concerning Judging One Another, Being Several Discourses on the Occasion of Our Saviours Precept, Matth. 7.1. Judg Not, That You Be Not Judged.G. B. P. & Holmes - 1675 - Printed for J. Wright, at the Sign of the Globe in Little-Britain.
  4.  23
    A Discourse on Novelty and Creation. [REVIEW]G. K. P. - 1980 - Review of Metaphysics 33 (3):627-628.
    Carl Hausman makes human creativity "the most pressing problem of our time" and "speculate[s] systematically" about what it means for something to be a creation rather than a product. The problem is posed: if there is "absolute uniqueness and freedom of certain human acts," with the consequent impossibility of reducing creativity to a system of law, must we then say it is only "a mystery that defies speech and all forms of understanding?" In many other ways Hausman reformulates the challenge (...)
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  5. BIAVASCHI G. B. "La moderna concezione filosofica dello Stato". [REVIEW]G. P. G. P. - 1924 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 16:325.
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  6.  19
    Kants Konstitutionstheorie und die transzendentale Deduktion. [REVIEW]G. P. - 1979 - Review of Metaphysics 32 (3):548-550.
    Read its title as a disjunction, not a conjunction—the objective of this book is to clear the way for a systematic evaluation of the real argument of Kant’s transcendental deduction of the categories by cleansing it of his Copernican theory of the subjective constitution of objects, and then to provide the evaluation of the surviving deduction. The prophylaxis occupies the first three of the book’s four chapters, and consists of the argument that neither of what the author regards as the (...)
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  7.  25
    Logic and Reality, an Investigation into the Idea of a Dialectical System. [REVIEW]G. W. S. P. - 1972 - Review of Metaphysics 26 (2):351-351.
    Leslie Armour argues for the rules of a dialectical logic which can account for the metaphysical problems of stability and change. He proposes a specific/general exclusion reference, a variation of the polar opposites contrast, which will make possible a rigorous development of the core structural concepts necessary for systematic explanation. His initial move is significantly different from Hegel’s being-nothing-becoming triad. The opposite of "pure being," Armour contends, is "pure disjunction." "Being" unifies, "disjunction" makes distinctions possible. Seven more categories are developed, (...)
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  8.  18
    New books. [REVIEW]Gener P. - 1881 - Mind (22):294-b-294.
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  9. SOUILHÉ JOSEPH. - II. Studio sul termine "dynamis" [Greek] nei Dialoghi di Platone. [REVIEW]G. P. G. P. - 1920 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 12:VI:463.
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    Xenophon's Memorabilien, erklärt von L. Breitenbach. Sechste Auflage bearbeitet von Dr. Rudolf Mücke. Berlin: Weidmannsche Buchhandlung, 1889. [REVIEW]G. P. - 1891 - The Classical Review 5 (10):477-.