Paul Lafargue [15]P. Lafargue [1]Philippe Lafargue [1]
  1. (1 other version)Idéalisme & materialisme dans la conception de l'histoire.Jean Jaurès & Paul Lafargue - 1901 - Lillle: Imp. Ouv. P. Lagrange.
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  2.  15
    A few words with mr Herbert Spencer.Paul Lafargue - unknown
    Mr. Herbert Spencer, the English philosopher, of world wide celebrity, has contributed to the April number of the Contemporary Review an article entitled “The Coming Slavery,” which commends itself to the attention of English Socialists, because he predicates therein that the Social “changes made, the changes in progress, and the changes urged, are carrying us .... to the desired ideal of the Socialists” that even the Liberals, the worst enemies of Socialists, “are diligently preparing the way for them,” and that (...)
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  3. (1 other version)Ėkonomicheskiĭ determinizm Karla Marksa.Paul Lafargue - 1923 - Edited by S. Sheverdin, [From Old Catalog] & P. E. Davydova.
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  4.  7
    Fiers d'être démagogues!: ce que nous pouvons apprendre de la démocratie athénienne (c. 462-403 av. J.-C.).Philippe Lafargue - 2022 - Paris: Buchet-Chastel.
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    Social and philosophical studies.Paul Lafargue - 1906 - Chicago: Charles H. Kerr & Company. Edited by Charles H. Kerr.
    Causes of belief in God.--The origin of abstract ideas.--The origin of the idea of justice.--The origin of the idea of good.
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  6.  7
    The Evolution of Property: From Savagery to Civilization ; and, Social and Philosophical Studies.Paul Lafargue - 1975 - New Park Publications. Edited by Paul Lafargue.
  7. Karl Marx, 1818-1883 Extracts From Reminiscences of Marx by Wilhelm Liebknecht and and Paul Lafargue; Four Letters of Engels on the Death o Marx; Engels' Speech at the Graveside of Marx; for the Anniversary of Marx's Death, 14 March, 1883.Wilhelm Liebknecht, Paul Lafargue & Friedrich Engels - 1941 - Lawrence & Wishart.
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