Results for 'Pantaenus of Alexandria (Stoic)'

  1.  72
    The Hellenism of Clement of Alexandria.R. E. Witt - 1931 - Classical Quarterly 25 (3-4):195-.
    In seeking to understand the development of philosophy in later antiquity it is important to take account of Clement of Alexandria, perhaps the first Christian writer to be greatly influenced by the systems of Greece. Accordingly in this article certain aspects of Clement's doctrine will be selected for examination where his obligations to the philosophers have apparently hitherto received insufficient attention. In a valuable paper Mr. R. P. Casey has dealt with many important points, but there is room for (...)
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  2. The Mysteries of Scripture: Allegorical Exegesis and the Heritage of Stoicism, Philo, and Pantaenus.Ilaria L. E. Ramelli - 2016 - In Kovacs J., Clement’s Biblical Exegesis. Proceedings of the Second Colloquium on Clement of Alexandria, Prague-Olomouc 29-31 May 2014. Brill. pp. 80-110.
    This essay investigates Clement’s terminology related to allegorical exegesis of Scripture (μυστήριον first of all, but also αἴνιγμα, τύπος, ἀλληγορία, παραβολή etc.), as well as theoretical and methodological issues related to Biblical allegoresis (i.e. the figural, spiritual exegesis of the Bible, which is taken to contain allegories or metaphorical, figural expressions), the influence of Stoic allegoresis of theological myths on Clement’s allegoresis of Scripture, and the impact of Philo’s Biblical allegoresis, and of Pantaenus’s scriptural exegesis, on Clement’s own (...)
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