Results for 'Patristic Philosophy'

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  1.  22
    Critical Notice: Patristic Philosophy: A Critical Study.Ilaria L. E. Ramelli - 2016 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 10 (1):95-108.
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    Patristic philosophy - (j.) zachhuber the rise of Christian theology and the end of ancient metaphysics. Patristic philosophy from the cappadocian fathers to John of damascus. Pp. XII + 356. Oxford: Oxford university press, 2020. Cased, £75, us$100. Isbn: 978-0-19-885995-6. [REVIEW]Anna Marmodoro - 2021 - The Classical Review 71 (2):376-379.
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    The Rise of Christian Theology and the End of Ancient Metaphysics: Patristic Philosophy From the Cappadocian Fathers to John of Damascus.Johannes Zachhuber - 2020 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    It has rarely been recognized that the Christian writers of the first millennium pursued an ambitious and exciting philosophical project alongside their engagement in the doctrinal controversies of their age. This book offers a full analysis of this Patristic philosophy until the time of John of Damascus.
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    Philosophical surveys, VI: A survey of work on later greek philosophy and patristic philosophy, 1945-50.A. H. Armstrong - 1952 - Philosophical Quarterly 2 (8):253-264.
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    Philosophy, theology and patristic thought.Michael Craig Rhodes - 2016 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 77 (4-5):219-236.
    ABSTRACTThe common way of speaking of patristic thought is as theology. Disuse of the appellation ‘patristic philosophy’ is the result of separationist taxonomies in both philosophy and theology. Returning to the meanings of the terms theologia and philosophia in ancient and late ancient thought, this paper argues, with an eye toward Orthodox thought, for the reasonableness of speaking of patristic thought as philosophy.
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  6. Eriugena’s Christian Neoplatonism and its Sources in Patristic Philosophy and Ancient Philosophy, ed. Ilaria L.E. Ramelli, Studia Patristica, Leuven: Peeters, forthcoming.Ilaria L. E. Ramelli - forthcoming - Leuven, Belgium: Peeters.
    This book analyses Eriugena’s Christian Platonic ideas on theology, cosmology, anthropology, epistemology, and ethics, and their sources in Patristic philosophical theology and ancient philosophy. The first part is devoted to Eriugena’s theology: thus, it focusses on God from a variety of perspectives, some of them also comparative in their nature. The second part consists in research into Eriugena's cosmology, anthropology, and ethics, including virtue ethics. The two large sections are interrelated by an exploration of Eriugena's concepts of apokatastasis (...)
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  7. " Adventures of reason in the search of truth". Elements of patristic philosophy in the historical-philosophical research of Sofia Vanni Rovighi.Maria Luisa Gatti - forthcoming - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica.
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    Global History of Philosophy. Vol. III: The Patristic-Sutra Period.John C. Plott & James Michael Dolin - 1983 - Philosophy East and West 33 (1):100-101.
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    Analytic patristics.Paweł Rojek - 2025 - Studies in East European Thought 77 (1):51-84.
    Georges Florovsky, in 1936, called for a revival of the teaching of the Church Fathers. At the same time, Fr. Joseph Bocheński formulated the program for the renewal of Thomism by means of formal logic. In this paper, I propose to integrate these two projects. Analytic Patristics aims at expressing and developing patristic thought with the tools of analytic philosophy. The broad program of the logic of religion formulated by Bocheński included semiotics, methodology, and the formal logic of (...)
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  10. Persons in Patristic and Medieval Christian Theology.Scott M. Williams - 2019 - In Antonia LoLordo (ed.), Persons: a history of the concept. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Introduction: -/- It is likely that Boethius (480-524ce) inaugurates, in Latin Christian theology, the consideration of personhood as such. In the Treatise Against Eutyches and Nestorius Boethius gives a well-known definition of personhood according to genus and difference(s): a person is an individual substance of a rational nature. Personhood is predicated only of individual rational substances. This chapter situates Boethius in relation to significant Christian theologians before and after him, and the way in which his definition of personhood is a (...)
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  11.  22
    Patristics and Catholic Social Thought: Hermeneutical Models for a Dialogue.Gregory K. Hillis - 2015 - Augustinian Studies 46 (2):279-281.
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    Patristic Apophaticism and the House of Being.Marius Portaru - 2022 - Diakrisis Yearbook of Theology and Philosophy 5:47-60.
    This essay proposes a brief reflection on language, considering Patristic apophaticism, as seen in the works of the Cappadocian Fathers, Dionysius and Maximus the Confessor. It discusses Heidegger’s critique of onto-theology and his Letter on Humanism, where language is called “the House of Being”. It tries to show that, according to Patristic apophaticism, the human nous is instead the “House of Being”. The difference between Heidegger and Patristic thought lies in how Being is understood. It also notes (...)
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  13.  8
    Primacy of Christ: The Patristic Patrimony in Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI's Analogy in Theology by Vincent C. Anyama (review).Roland Millare - 2024 - Nova et Vetera 22 (1):307-311.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Primacy of Christ: The Patristic Patrimony in Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI's Analogy in Theology by Vincent C. AnyamaRoland MillarePrimacy of Christ: The Patristic Patrimony in Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI's Analogy in Theology by Vincent C. Anyama (Eugene, OR: Pickwick, 2021), xii + 263 pp.In the famous dispute between Erich Przywara and Karl Barth, Przywara held the view that the analogy of being is the "formal principle of Catholic (...)
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  14.  19
    An Examination on the Philosophy of Music in the Patristic Middle Ages.Ekin Çoraklı Kahraman - 2023 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 13 (13:4):245-260.
    Orta Çağ, özellikle Avrupa açısından fikir ve yaratma özgürlüğünün kısıtlandığı bir dönem olarak nitelenmektedir. Ancak bu kısıtlamalar felsefe, güzel sanatlar ve birçok diğer alanda yaratıcılığı engelleyememiş, örtük de olsa ortaya çıkan yenilikler Rönesans’ın gelişine zemin hazırlamıştır. Söz konusu yaratıcılık alanlarından birisi de müzik felsefesi olup, bu alana dair bir çalışma yapılmasının Orta Çağ’da belirmiş olan müzik düşüncesinin daha iyi anlaşılmasına yarar sağlayacağı düşünülmüştür. Bu düşünce doğrultusunda çağın ilk zamanlarını kapsayan Patristik Dönem’de müzik felsefesine ilişkin bir çalışma yapılması planlanmıştır. Bu araştırmanın (...)
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    Patristic “Feminism”.Kari Elisabeth Børresen - 1994 - Augustinian Studies 25:139-152.
  16. Patristic Views of Christ's Salvific Work.Joseph F. Mitros - 1967 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 42 (3):415-447.
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  17. "Origen’s Interpretation of the Bible against the Backdrop of Ancient Philosophy (Stoicism, Platonism) and Hellenistic and Rabbinic Judaism", main lecture at the Conference, The Bible: Its Translations and Interpretations in the Patristic Time, Catholic University John Paul II, 16-17 October 2019, Studia Patristica CIII: The Bible in the Patristic Period, ed. Mariusz Szram and Marcin Wysocki, Leuven: Peeters, 2021, pp. 13-58.Ilaria L. E. Ramelli - 2021 - Studia Patristica 103 (103):13-58.
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  18.  12
    The Idea of the Integrity of Human Nature in the Works of Cyril of Turov in the Context of the Byzantine Patristic Tradition.А. А Волкова - 2023 - History of Philosophy 28 (2):21-35.
    The article is devoted to the analysis of the anthropological views of Cyril of Turov on the relationship of spiritual and bodily principles in human nature. In connection with this goal, a review of general anthropological ideas about human nature, presented in Eastern Christian patristic thought, is undertaken in order to identify possible continuity in the works of the ancient Russian author. The tradition of anthropological dualism characteristic of Byzantine patristic thought is shown. A detailed reflection of the (...)
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  19.  9
    The Patristic Background.Stephen F. Brown - 2003 - In Jorge J. E. Gracia & Timothy B. Noone (eds.), A Companion to Philosophy in the Middle Ages. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 23–31.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The Catholic Fathers facing grammatical and logical precision The Fathers and the challenges of Aristotelian philosophy Varying interpretations of the same text.
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    The Patristic Humanism of John Henry Newman.Vincent Ferrer Biehl - 1975 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 50 (3):266-274.
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  21.  33
    Natural Theology in the Patristic Period.Wayne Hankey - 2013 - In J. H. Brooke, F. Watts & R. R. Manning (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Natural Theology. Oxford Up. pp. 38.
    This chapter considers the different forms of natural theology in the Patristic Period, first examining the Stoic Middle Platonism of Philo Judaeus and Josephus. In Philo – uniting Plato's and Moses' genesis, and thus connecting God, the cosmos, and the human in the opposite way to the one taken by Lucretius in his De Rerum Natura – we encounter most of the forms natural theology took in the period. We find not only that there is no operation of pure (...)
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  22.  9
    The Divine Sense: The Intellect in Patristic Theology.A. N. Williams - 2007 - Cambridge University Press.
    A. N. Williams examines the conception of the intellect in patristic theology from its beginnings in the work of the Apostolic Fathers to Augustine and Cassian in the early fifth century. The patristic notion of intellect emerges from its systematic relations to other components of theology: the relation of human mind to the body and the will; the relation of the human to the divine intellect; of human reason to divine revelation and secular philosophy; and from the (...)
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  23.  25
    Karl Rahner on Patristic Theology and Spirituality.Brandon R. Peterson - 2015 - Philosophy and Theology 27 (2):499-512.
    A great amount of scholarly attention has been devoted to Karl Rahner’s early philosophical writings, but his theological work from the same time period remains only marginally known. While his dissertation in philosophy, Spirit in the World, has been published in multiple editions and in many languages, his dissertation in theology, E latere Christi, was only available in archives until it was published in the third volume of his collected works, Sämtliche Werke. Exploring the content of this third volume (...)
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  24. Passionate Mind: Essays in Ancient Philosophy,Patristics, and Ethics Honoring Professor John M. Rist.Barry David (ed.) - 2020 - Akademia.
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  25.  13
    Studies in Platonism and patristic thought.John Whittaker - 1984 - London: Variorum Reprints.
    The Middle Platonic tradition forms the main focus of these studies, many of which derive from Professor Whittaker's work on the writings of Alcinous (formerly attributed to Albinus) and their place and importance in that tradition. He follows the transmission of different texts, and the development of the commentaries upon them, from Classical times through the Byzantine world up to the Renaissance and beyond. Most of the articles, however, deal with the evolution of Platonic thought in the first centures A.D., (...)
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  26.  67
    A patristic theory of proper names.David G. Robertson - 2002 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 84 (1):1-19.
    In the fourth-century Greek theologian Basil of Caesarea is found a discussion of the signification of proper names, which appears to pick up some points from earlier ideas about language. He undertakes an analysis of proper names in response to his theological opponents. I will argue that Basil presents a theory which in some respects anticipates modern description theories. Basil has an idea of the role of cognition in a theory of naming. (edited).
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    The Patristic Sense of Community. [REVIEW]Ernest L. Fortin - 1973 - Augustinian Studies 4:179-197.
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    Sergius Bulgakov and his “neo-patristic” lens.Daniel Kisliakov - 2025 - Studies in East European Thought 77 (1):177-189.
    The conception of the neo-patristic, despite its notional meaning being self-evident, continues to confound scholars in its specific detail. In this regard, a question of interest concerns the relationship between Fr. Sergius Bulgakov and neo-patristics. Conventional wisdom posits that Bulgakov ascribed to the “Russian school” with a philosophically-oriented approach to theology, whose interest in patristics was limited. Reading Bulgakov’s writings, however, reveals greater engagement with patristics. The present paper considers Bulgakov’s engagement with the patristic tradition in the émigré (...)
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    How “Trivial” is the Golden Rule in Patristic Ethics?Johannes Aakjær Steenbuch - 2018 - Danish Yearbook of Philosophy 51 (1):3-23.
    In patristic ethics there are many differing formulations of the Golden Rule, the greatest difference being perhaps that between the negative and the positive version. The Golden Rule was typically considered a matter of natural law, but it is rarely considered the exclusive principle to be applied in practice. Often it was considered an instrument for recognizing generally true principles, such as those of the second table of the Decalogue, or, in Augustine, to direct attention to a “law of (...)
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    Creation and Contingency in Early Patristic Thought: The Beginning of All Things.Joseph Torchia - 2019 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book assumes an interdisciplinary character, providing a window into the subtle relationship between faith and reason in early patristic thought and its relevance for forging the doctrine of creation ex nihilo. In so doing, it highlights the extent to which early Christian thinkers found a common ground with the Greek philosophical tradition.
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    Problematic Uses of Patristic Sources in the Documents of Catholic Social Thought.Brian Matz - 2007 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 4 (2):459-485.
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    “Teaching” of Vladimir Monomakh as Synthesis of Ethical Traditions Byzantine Patristics and National Paganism.Anastasiia A. Volkova & Волкова Анастасия Алексеевна - 2023 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 27 (2):372-389.
    The research is devoted to the ethical views of Vladimir Monomakh, reflected in the “Teaching” of the Grand Duke. The author’s reflections concerning such fundamental moral categories as good and evil, virtue and vice, the meaning of life and death, free will, duty, happiness are considered and analyzed. A partial continuity of the Grand Duke’s views concerning the relationship to the categories of good and evil, as well as virtue and vice, with the Byzantine Christian tradition, in particular with regard (...)
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    Foucault and the Practice of Patristics.David Newheiser - 2013 - In Markus Vinzent (ed.), Studia Patristica LXII. Peeters.
    This paper argues that, among the many ways in which the work of Michel Foucault may usefully contribute to the field of Patristics, his attention to the invention of concepts represents a valuable corrective to the tendency to read ancient texts through the lens of later settlements. The temptation to construe the history of doctrine as an harmonious process of development is frequently motivated by the conviction that tradition represents a sort of continuity; in response, Foucault's method helps to clarify (...)
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  34.  8
    Language for God in Patristic Tradition: Wrestling with Biblical Anthropomorphism.Benjamin H. Dunning - 2015 - Augustinian Studies 46 (2):298-302.
  35. Nicholas Afanasiev and his neo-patristic approach.Daniel Kisliakov - 2025 - Studies in East European Thought 77 (1):117-130.
    As part of the work to “transcend the dichotomy” of the “two schools” of the Russian Religious Renaissance, the study of individual theologians reveals different approaches to theological synthesis. The present paper is a study of Nicholas Afanasiev’s patristic engagement and the specifics of his approach to neo-patristics. Two ecclesiological conceptions emerged as consistent themes in his work: eucharistic ecclesiology and ecumenical theology. Afanasiev was a trained historian, and his analysis of the Fathers of the early Church—in particular Ignatius (...)
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    A Shift in Patristic Exegesis.Josef Lössl - 2001 - Augustinian Studies 32 (2):157-175.
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    Further Evidence on the Ancient, Patristic, and Byzantine Sources of Barlaam the Calabrian's Contra Latinos.John A. Demetracopoulos - 2004 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 96 (1):83-122.
    A. Fyrigos, professor of Patristic and Byzantine Philosophy at the «Universitas Gregoriana» and specialist on Barlaam the Calabrian (ca. 1290–1348), has recently edited B.'s anti-Latin works —twenty one works in number—written on the occasion of the ecclesiastical-political negotiations he held in Constantinople with the legates Francesco da Camerino and Richard of England during 1334 and 1335, focused on the Filioque and intended to promote some sort of union between the Eastern and Western Church. This edition, which is prefaced (...)
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  38.  74
    The Philosophy of the Church Fathers: Faith, Trinity, Incarnation.Harry Austryn Wolfson - 1956 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    Harvard University Press takes pride in publishing the third edition of a work whose depth, scope, and wisdom have gained it international recognition as a classic in its field. Harry Austryn Wolfson, world-renowned scholar and most lucid of scholarly writers, here presents in ordered detail his long-awaited study of the philosophic principles and reasoning by which the Fathers of the Church sought to explain the mysteries of the Trinity and the Incarnation. Professor Wolfson first discusses the problem of the relation (...)
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  39.  77
    The Relationship Between Soul and Spirit in Greek and Latin Patristic Thought.Alexey R. Fokin - 2009 - Faith and Philosophy 26 (5):599-614.
    Some biblical texts suggest that man consists of two parts—body and soul—whereas others seem to indicate instead three parts—body, soul, and spirit. This paper examines how the Church Fathers dealt with this apparent contradiction. It finds that although they generally favor the body-soul dichotomy, they did not see it as contradicting a trichotomous view, for “spirit” can be interpreted in a number of ways: as another term for the soul, or as the lowest imaginative part of the soul, or as (...)
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    Zur Rezeption der hellenistischen Philosophie in der Spätantike: Akten der 1. Tagung der Karl-und-Gertrud-Abel-Stiftung vom 22.-25. September 1997 in Trier.Therese Fuhrer, Michael Erler & Karin Schlapbach (eds.) - 1999 - Stuttgart: F. Steiner.
    "Der vorliegende Band hebt sich aus der wachsenden Zahl der Publikationen zur Spatantike und namentlich zur spatantiken Philosophie schon durch die Originalitat des behandelten Themas hervor, das eine Forschungsluecke schlieat. Die Beitrage von Wissenschaftlern verschiedener europaischer Nationen, die als Spezialisten fuer die Spatantike gelten konnen, bieten sowohl einzeln als auch in der Zusammenstellung einen echten Forschungsfortschritt." Plekos "a a valuable contribution. The volume also shows, as the product of predominantly young scholars, that the future of scholarship in the area of (...)
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  41.  67
    Suffering of the Impassible God: Dialectics of Patristic Thought.Paul L. Gavrilyuk - 2004 - Oxford University Press UK.
    The Suffering of the Impassible God provides a major reconsideration of the notion of divine impassibility in patristic thought. The question whether, in what sense, and under what circumstances suffering may be ascribed to God runs as a golden thread through such major controversies as Docetism, Patripassianism, Arianism, and Nestorianism. It is commonly claimed that in these debates patristic theology fell prey to the assumption of Hellenistic philosophy about the impassibility of God and departed from the allegedly (...)
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  42.  42
    Аналитическая история античной философии (Analytic History of Ancient Philosophy).Marina Volf, Pavel Butakov & Igor Berestov - 2013 - Sententiae 28 (1):96-108.
    The paper discusses the peculiarities of the analytic approach to the history of Ancient philosophy in the context of other, more popular approaches and genres. This approach is based on finding out an implicit argumentation and problems in the philosophical texts, and establishing logical connections between them. The paper also considers the perspectives of application of this approach to patristic texts. In addition, it shows the necessity of formalization and symbolization in the analytic history of philosophy.
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  43.  49
    Poetry, Prophecy, and Criticism in Classical and Patristic Exegesis.Josef Lössl - 2008 - Augustinianum 48 (2):345-367.
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    Inquiries into Byzantine philosophy.Ján Zozuľak - 2018 - New York: Peter Lang.
    This book analyses the process of development of Byzantine thought, which carries original solutions to fundamental philosophical questions and an original understanding of the world and humanity. The author defines the contents and characteristics of Byzantine philosophy, discusses the most important factors of its development as well as the role of Greco-Roman world and the place of Christian thinkers in this process. He also takes into consideration the Alexandrian school and the School of Antioch, the relationship between Byzantine (...) and Greek Patristics and the attempts to restore the Byzantine neptic thought after the fall of Constantinople. The study is based on Byzantine sources, written in Greek. (shrink)
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  45.  20
    Joseph Torchia, O.P., Creation and Contingency in Early Patristic Thought: The Beginning of All Things.James K. Lee - 2020 - Augustinian Studies 51 (2):249-251.
  46. Philosophy, theory or way of life?: controversies in antiquity, the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.Juliusz Domański - 2024 - Leiden: Brill. Edited by Matthew Sharpe, Andrew B. Irvine, Matteo Stettler, Krzysztof Jacek Bekieszczuk, Eli Kramer & Krzysztof Łapiński.
    Philosophy in antiquity was conceived not as mere theory but as a way of life; but it lost its 'practicist' cast through a process that begins in the patristic era and peaks with its conversion into an academic discipline in the medieval universities under the influence of 13th-century scholasticism. Juliusz Domański sets out the reasons behind that process and shows how traces of the 'practicist' orientation survived, ultimately leading to a recovery of the ancient notion among the humanists (...)
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    Mystery in Philosophy: An Invocation of Pseudo-Dionysius.Michael Craig Rhodes - 2012 - Lexington Books.
    The book’s subject matter is philosophical mystery. More particularly, it proffers a theistic hermeneutic—from patristic philosophy—for claims and indications of mystery.
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    Chrysostom’s Devil: Demons, the Will, and Virtue in Patristic Soteriology.Robert Edwards - 2021 - Augustinian Studies 52 (1):105-108.
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    Studies in Patristic Christology. [REVIEW]Bernard Prusak - 2001 - Augustinian Studies 32 (2):266-278.
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    An Ontology of Love: A Patristic Reading of Dietrich von Hildebrand’s The Nature of Love.John Zizioulas - 2013 - Quaestiones Disputatae 3 (2):14-27.
    Dietrich von Hildebrand’s treatise, The Nature of Love, is set in relation to the theological personalism of the Cappadocian fathers of the Church, and to my own earlier work done in this tradition. Several points of divergence are explored, especially points concerning von Hildebrand’s claim that love exists as a response to the beauty of the beloved person. God’s love for human beings does not always seem to fit the paradigm of value-response; His love seems rather to be creative of (...)
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