Results for 'Plato and Platonism'

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  1. Plato and Platonism: Plato's conception of appearance and reality in ontology, epistemology, and ethics, and its modern echoes.Julius Moravcsik - 1992 - Cambridge, Mass., USA: Blackwell.
    Plato and Platonism reviews the natures and limits of Platonic interpretation. Students, academics and researchers will find that Moravcsik's careful and rigorous analysis offers an understanding of what Platonism in our times would have been like. The book leads us to an appreciation of genuine Platonism, rarely discussed today.
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    Plato and Platonism.Charles Brittain - 2008 - In Gail Fine (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Plato. New York: Oxford University Press.
    As the title suggests, the article focuses on the development of Plato and his philosophy, which is better known as Platonism. The advent of the Hellenestic schools advocated a more empirical approach to the study of philosophy as well as Platonism. And it was probably not until toward the beginning of the second century ad that a disparate set of philosophers who identified themselves as “Platonists” conceived the project of advocating and defending a specifically Platonic philosophy of (...)
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  3. Plato and Platonism.Julius Moravcsik - 1994 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 56 (3):582-583.
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  4. Plato and Platonism, a Series Of Lectures: By Walter Pater; Fellow Of Brasenose College.Walter Pater - 1893
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    Rethinking Plato and Platonism.Cornelia J. De Vogel - 1986 - New York: E.J. Brill.
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    Plato and Platonism.Richard Kraut - 1994 - Noûs 28 (4):547-555.
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  7. Plato and Platonism a Series of Lectures.Walter Pater - 1893 - Macmillan & Co..
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    Plato and Platonism.Wm Hammond & Walter Pater - 1894 - Philosophical Review 3 (1):77.
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  9. Seneca, Plato, and platonism: the case of letter 65.Brad Inwood & P. L. Donini - 2007 - In Mauro Bonazzi & Christoph Helmig (eds.), Platonic Stoicism, stoic Platonism: the dialogue between Platonism and Stoicism in antiquity. Leuven, Belgium: Leuven University Press.
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    Rethinking Plato and Platonism C. J. De Vogel Mnemosyne, Supp. 92 Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1986. x, 253 p. f85.Yvon Lafrance - 1987 - Dialogue 26 (3):566.
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    Plato and Platonism: Plato's Conception of Appearance and Reality in Ontology, Epistemology and Ethics, and its Modern Echoes.Richard Patterson - 1997 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 35 (1):130-134.
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    Plato and Platonism: Plato's Conception of Appearance and Reality in Ontology, Epistemology, and Ethics, and Its Modern Echoes. [REVIEW]Mary Margaret McCabe & Julius Moravcsik - 1995 - Philosophical Review 104 (1):111.
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    Nietzsche’s Wrestling with Plato and Platonism.Thomas Brobjer - 2004 - In Paul Bishop (ed.), Nietzsche and antiquity: his reaction and response to the classical tradition. Rochester, NY: Camden House. pp. 241-259.
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    Rethinking Plato and Platonism[REVIEW]John M. Rist - 1990 - Ancient Philosophy 10 (1):113-115.
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    Plato and Platonism. Plato's Conception of Appearance and Reality in Ontology, Epistemology, and Ethics, and its Modern Echoes.John Malcolm - 1994 - Philosophical Books 35 (1):29-31.
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    (2 other versions)Plato and Platonism.Walter Pater - 1894 - New York: Johnson Reprint.
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    Plato and Platonism.Johannes M. Van Ophuijsen - 2000 - Philosophical Inquiry 22 (4):109-109.
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    Nietzsche's New Grounding of The Metaphysical: Sensuousness and the Subversion of Plato and Platonism.Marylou Sena - 2004 - Research in Phenomenology 34 (1):139-159.
    This essay gives an extensive treatment of Heidegger's confrontation (Auseinander-setzung) with Nietzsche' thought. It argues that Heidegger's confrontation entails situating what Heidegger calls Nietzsche's "transformed" understanding of the sensuous outside the metaphysics of both Plato and Platonism. The essay establishes, by the end of the second section, that Heidegger's confrontation with Nietzsche's thought culminates with the insight that for Nietzsche sensuousness is metaphysical. The third section of the essay takes as its point of departure Heidegger's intimation at the (...)
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  19. Plato and Aristotle in agreement?: Platonists on Aristotle from Antiochus to Porphyry.George E. Karamanolis - 2006 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    George Karamanolis breaks new ground in the study of later ancient philosophy by examining the interplay of the two main schools of thought, Platonism and Aristotelianism, from the first century BC to the third century AD. Arguing against prevailing scholarly assumption, he argues that the Platonists turned to Aristotle only in order to elucidate Plato's doctrines and to reconstruct Plato's philosophy, and that they did not hesitate to criticize Aristotle when judging him to be at odds with (...)
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  20. Pater, W. -Plato and Platonism.H. Dendy - 1893 - Mind 2:251.
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    Soul Matters: Plato and Platonists on the Nature of the Soul.Sara Ahbel-Rappe, Danielle A. Layne & Crystal Addey (eds.) - 2023 - Society for Biblical Literature.
    Platonic discourses concerning the soul are incredibly rich and multitiered. Plato's own diverse and disparate arguments and images offer competing accounts of how we are to understand the nature of the soul. Consequently, it should come as no surprise that the accounts of Platonists who engage Plato’s dialogues are often riddled with questions. This volume takes up the theories of well-known philosophers and theologians, including Plato, Plotinus, Proclus, the emperor Julian, and Origen, as well as lesser-known but (...)
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    Demiurge and Providence: Stoic and Platonist readings of Plato's Timaeus.Gretchen J. Reydams-Schils - 1999 - Turnhout: Brepols Publishers.
    Of the rich legacy of the Timaeus, this study deals with the cross-pollination between Stoic and Platonist readings of Timaeus, spanning the period from Plato's writings to that of the so-called Middle Platonist authors. Plato's Timaeus and Stoic doctrine had their fates intertwined from very early on, both in polemical and reconciliatory contexts. The blend of Platonic and Stoic elements ultimately constituted one of the main conceptual bridges between the pagan tradition on the one hand and the Judeo-Christian, (...)
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    Plato and Platonism[REVIEW]Allan Silverman - 1996 - Ancient Philosophy 16 (1):195-215.
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    The winged chariot: collected essays on Plato and platonism in honour of L.M. de Rijk.Lambertus Marie De Rijk, María Kardaun & Joke Spruyt (eds.) - 2000 - Boston: Brill.
    The strong connection between the two and its development into the Middle Ages form a major subject of this volume.Other themes featuring in this book are Plato ...
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  25. (1 other version)Analysing Plato's Arguments: Plato and Platonism.S. Marc Cohen & David Keyt - 1992 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy:173-200.
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    Plato and Aristotle in agreement?: Platonists on Aristotle from antiochus to porphyry—george E. Karamanolis.S. J. Arthur Madigan - 2007 - International Philosophical Quarterly 47 (2):243-245.
  27. "Plato and Deep Plotin": Cambridge Platonism, Platonicall Triads, and More's Reflections on Nature.David Leech - 2002 - Dionysius 20:179-198.
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    Plato and Aristotle in Agreement?: The Platonist Discussion of Aristotle's Philosophy from Antiochus to Porphyry.George E. Karamanolis - 2001
  29. George E. Karamanolis, Plato and Aristotle in Agreement: Platonists on Aristotle from Antiochus to Porphyry, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 2006.Eyjólfur Emilsson - 2006 - Rhizai. A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science 2:345-348.
    A review of George E. Karamanolis, Plato and Aristotle in Agreement: Platonists on Aristotle from Antiochus to Porphyry, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 2006.
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    Plato and Aristotle in Agreement? Platonists on Aristotle from Antiochus to Porphyry (review).R. M. Dancy - 2008 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 46 (4):634-636.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Plato and Aristotle in Agreement? Platonists on Aristotle from Antiochus to PorphyryR. M. DancyGeorge E. Karamanolis. Plato and Aristotle in Agreement? Platonists on Aristotle from Antiochus to Porphyry. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2006. Pp. x + 419. Cloth, $125.00.Coleridge wrote: “Every man is born an Aristotelian or a Platonist. I do not think it possible that anyone born an Aristotelian can become a Platonist; and I am (...)
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    C. J. De Vogel, "Rethinking Plato and Platonism". [REVIEW]Gerald A. Press - 1988 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 26 (2):311.
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    Review: Plato and Aristotle in Agreement? Platonists on Aristotle from Antiochus to Porphyry. [REVIEW]G. R. Boys-Stones - 2007 - Mind 116 (464):1129-1132.
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    Neokantianism and Platonism in Neohellenic Philosophy.Georgia Apostolopoulou - 2015 - Journal of Philosophical Research 40 (Supplement):325-338.
    ‘Neokantianism and Platonism’ indicates an important issue of Neo-Hellenic Philosophy during the 1920s and the 1930s. The protagonist was Johannes Theodorakopoulos. His Heidelberg dissertation Platons Dialektik des Seins (1927) follows the Neokantian theories of judgement (of Emil Lask and Heinrich Rickert) and explores Plato’s theory of judgement with emphasis on Philebos’ categories of peras and apeiron. Theodorakopoulos’ prolegomena to the Greek translation (1929) of Paul Natorp’s Platos Ideenlehre are relevant here. Nevertheless, Theodorakopoulos developed a personal interpretation of (...)’s philosophy and almost demoted the Neokantian interpretation, as is clear in his Introduction to Plato (1941, in Greek) as also in his Heidelberg Vorlesungen 1969 entitled Die Hauptprobleme der Platonischen Philosophie. Besides, other interpretations of Plato came forward. Evangelos Papanoutsos wrote his Tübingen dissertation Das religiöse Erlebnis bei Platon (1926) under the supervision of Adickes. Konstantinos Georgoules, an earlier student of Husserl and Heidegger, published a translation of Plato’s Politeia (1939, in Greek) with a rather philological introduction.The Marxist Demetres Glenos, an opponent of Neokantianism, proposed a realistic interpretation of Plato’s Sophistes (1939, in Greek). Basileios Tatakes (an adherent of Henri Bergson) presented Plato’s philosophy as a reconciliation of reason and mysticism. (shrink)
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  34. George E. Karamanolis, Plato and Aristotle in Agreement? Platonists on Aristotle from Antiochus to Porphyrry Reviewed by.Taneli Kukkonen - 2008 - Philosophy in Review 28 (1):31-33.
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    Plato and philosophy - (l.p) Gerson Platonism and naturalism. The possibility of philosophy. Pp. XII + 301. Ithaca and London: Cornell university press, 2020. Cased, £45, us$55. Isbn: 978-1-5017-4725-0. [REVIEW]Mateusz Stróżyński - 2021 - The Classical Review 71 (1):61-63.
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    Review of Cleary (1997): The Perennial Tradition of Neoplatonism & Cleary (1999): Traditions of Platonism. Essays in Honour of John Dillon & Van Ophuijsen (1999): Plato and Platonism[REVIEW]Orrin F. Summerell - 2001 - Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch Fur Antike Und Mittelalter 6 (1):263-265.
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    From Plato to Platonism.Lloyd P. Gerson - 2013 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
    Was Plato a Platonist? While ancient disciples of Plato would have answered this question in the affirmative, modern scholars have generally denied that Plato's own philosophy was in substantial agreement with that of the Platonists of succeeding centuries. In From Plato to Platonism, Lloyd P. Gerson argues that the ancients are correct in their assessment. He arrives at this conclusion in an especially ingenious manner, challenging fundamental assumptions about how Plato's teachings have come to (...)
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  38. Plato and the Method of Analysis.Stephen Menn - 2002 - Phronesis 47 (3):193-223.
    Late ancient Platonists and Aristotelians describe the method of reasoning to first principles as "analysis." This is a metaphor from geometrical practice. How far back were philosophers taking geometric analysis as a model for philosophy, and what work did they mean this model to do? After giving a logical description of analysis in geometry, and arguing that the standard (not entirely accurate) late ancient logical description of analysis was already familiar in the time of Plato and Aristotle, I argue (...)
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  39. Walter Pater as Oxford Hegelian: Plato and Platonism and T. H. Green’s Prolegomena to Ethics.Kit Andrews - 2011 - Journal of the History of Ideas 72 (3):437-459.
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    Pater's Plato and Platonism[REVIEW]Lewis Campbell - 1893 - The Classical Review 7 (6):263-266.
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    Thinking, Knowing, Acting: Epistemology and Ethics in Plato and Ancient Platonism.Mauro Bonazzi, Angela Ulacco & Filippo Forcignanò (eds.) - 2019 - Boston: Brill.
    _Thinking, Knowing, Acting: Epistemology and Ethics in Plato and Ancient Platonism_ aims to offer a fresh perspective on the correlation between epistemology and ethics in Plato and the Platonic tradition from Aristotle to Plotinus, by investigating the social, juridical and theoretical premises of their philosophy.
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  42. C.J. De Vogel, Rethinking Plato And Platonism[REVIEW]Ronald M. Polansky - 1988 - Philosophy in Review 8 (1):13-15.
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    Plotinus: The Platonist: A Comparative Account of Plato and Plotinus: Their Mysticism, Epistemology, Metaphysics, and Ethics.David Yount - 2012 - Parmenides Publishing.
    An unprecedented and comprehensive demonstration of the numerous connections between the philosophies of Plato and Plotinus, their epistemologies, metaphysics, and ethics, including the argument that if Plotinus is a mystic, so is Plato—addressing criticisms in English scholarship to this view throughout.
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    Plato and AfterL'être et la forme selon PlatonFrom Platonism to Neoplatonism. [REVIEW]A. Boyce Gibson - 1958 - Review of Metaphysics 11 (4):585-602.
    In his introduction, Loriaux cites a passage from Etienne Gilson's L'être et l'essence, p. 30, in which Plato is represented as the typical "essentialist" thinker; i.e., a thinker who, when he talks about "being," is really talking about "essences." It is Loriaux's main contention that when Plato talks about being, or οὐσία, he refers to "the intelligible Form explicitly considered as Being and as existing in itself". It is important to see just what the issue is. It is (...)
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    Aquinas, Plato, and neoplatonism.Wayne J. Hankey - 2011 - In Brian Davies & Eleonore Stump (eds.), The Oxford handbook of Aquinas. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Plato, and a wide variety of ancient, Arabic, and medieval Platonisms had a significant influence on Aquinas. The Corpus, with its quasi-Apostolic origin for Aquinas, was his most authoritative and influential source of Neoplatonism. His most influential early sources of Platonism came from Aristotle and Augustine, that is besides the Dionysian Corpus and the Liber. Aquinas greatly acknowledged the Neoplatonic, and the Peripatetic, commentaries and paraphrases he gradually acquired, because they enabled getting to the Hellenic sources. A great (...)
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    Plato and Plotinus on Mysticism, Epistemology, and Ethics by David J. Yount.Svetla Slaveva-Griffin - 2018 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 56 (1):172-173.
    This book is Yount's second installment in the Bloomsbury Studies in Ancient Philosophy. It comes on the heels of his debut in the series with Plotinus the Platonist: A Comparative Account of Plato and Plotinus' Metaphysics. The titles of both works clearly indicate what is close to Yount's heart; and he delivers, here as well as previously, the same passionate defense that there is an essentially inseparable connection between the philosophies of Plato and Plotinus. This stance may come (...)
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    Plato and Theodoret: The Christian Appropriation of Platonic Philosophy and the Hellenic Intellectual Resistance.Niketas Siniossoglou - 2008 - Cambridge University Press.
    In late antiquity Plato's philosophy became a battlefield between the competing discourses and rival intellectual paradigms represented by Hellenism and Christianity. Focusing on Theodoret of Cyrrhus' Graecarum Affectionum Curatio, Dr Siniossoglou examines the philosophical, rhetorical and political dimensions of the Neoplatonic-Christian conflict of interpretations over Plato. He shows that the apologist's aim was to procure a radical shift in Hellenic intellectual identity through the appropriation of Platonic concepts and terminology. The apologetical strategies of appropriation are confronted with the (...)
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  48.  7
    Plato and the symbolic philosophy of the life of Pavel Florensky.Д. В Бугай - 2024 - Philosophy Journal 17 (1):84-101.
    The article analyzes the interpretation of Plato and the Platonic tradition by the famous Russian philosopher and theologian of the Silver Age, priest P.A. Florensky. Based on the material of his two works (“The Universal Human Roots of Idealism”, “The Mean­ing of Idealism”), devoted to the interpretation of the Platonic teaching and its roots in the universal worldview, the originality of Florensky’s approach to a wide range of philosophical, historical and cultural problems related to the interpretation of the Pla­tonic (...)
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    Plato and Aristotle in Agreement? Platonists on Aristotle from Antiochus to Porphyry. [REVIEW]James Wilberding - 2007 - The Classical Review 57 (2):317-319.
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    Saint Thomas and Platonism: A Study of the Plato and Platonici Texts in the Writings of Saint Thomas.R. J. Henle - 2012 - Springer.
    The present work is substantially a dissertation presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of the University of Toronto. While aware of the numerous imperfections of the work I have decided, on the urging of many colleagues, to publish it at this time because of the current relevance of the subject-matter and especially of the collection of texts. I am happy to acknowledge my indebtedness to the faculty of the Pontifical Mediaeval Institute of Toronto and especially to the Reverend (...)
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