Results for 'Poetry, Modern History and criticism'

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  1.  36
    "Four Dialectical Theories of Poetry: An Aspect of English Neoclassical Criticism," by Robert Marsh. [REVIEW]Leonard A. Waters - 1967 - Modern Schoolman 44 (4):407-408.
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  2. Political Poetry: A Few Notes. Poetics for N30.Jeroen Mettes - 2012 - Continent 2 (1):29-35.
    continent. 2.1 (2012): 29–35. Translated by Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei from Jeroen Mettes. "Politieke Poëzie: Enige aantekeningen, Poëtica bij N30 (versie 2006)." In Weerstandbeleid: Nieuwe kritiek . Amsterdam: De wereldbibliotheek, 2011. Published with permission of Uitgeverij Wereldbibliotheek, Amsterdam. L’égalité veut d’autres lois . —Eugène Pottier The modern poem does not have form but consistency (that is sensed), no content but a problem (that is developed). Consistency + problem = composition. The problem of modern poetry is capitalism. Capitalism—which (...)
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    Benedetto Croce: Poetry and Literature: An Introduction to Its Criticism and History. Translated with an Introduction and Notes by Giovanni Gullace. [REVIEW]Clifford Andenberg - 1983 - Modern Schoolman 61 (1):56-57.
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    Philosophen im Gedicht.Wolfgang Breidert - 2012 - Bochum: Projektverlag.
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  5. La morte dell'arte in Hegel e la poesia moderna.Ettore Bonessio di Terzet - 1976 - Roma: Città nuova.
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    Chong du yu xin shi: Zhong xi mei xue shi xue jing dian wen ben jie du.Yanzhu Li - 2013 - Beijing Shi: Ren min chu ban she.
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  7. Hyotekisha to sono kage.Fumiaki Nakamura - 1975 - Kokubunsha.
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    Lessons From History.Gilbert Murray - 1953 - Diogenes 1 (1):43-48.
    Thucydides excuses the possible dullness of his history on the ground that he means it not for a passing entertainment but for a ‘permanent possession’ which may be of practical use in future times when some similar situation occurs again. We tend to smile at the idea. We all know that history never repeats itself. But surely we know also that though exactly the same situation or problem never recurs, yet elements are constantly recurring which, in different contexts, (...)
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  9. Reflections on Beardsley's aesthetics : Problems in the philosophy of criticism.Donald Crawford - 2010 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 44 (1):pp. 19-25.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reflections on Beardsley's AestheticsProblems in the Philosophy of CriticismDonald Crawford (bio)Monroe Beardsley's Aesthetics was published the year I was a junior philosophy major at the University of California, Berkeley, and by the end of that academic year, I had completed semester courses in the history of ancient as well as modern philosophy, logic, ethics, and the philosophy of religion. The requirements remaining for me in philosophy in (...)
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    Four Dilemmas: Theory, Criticism, History, Faith: Sketches on the Threshold of Literary Anthropology.Dorota Heck - 2010 - Księgarnia Akademicka.
    Dilemma one, Between the theoretical concepts and authorial intention -- Dilemma two, Good manners and eristic -- Dilemma three, Between strangeness and familiarity -- Dilemma four, Between scholarly research and faith.
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    Przekroczyć estetykę: tragiczność jako kategoria transgresyjna w poezji i muzyce początku XX wieku.Romana Kolarzowa - 2000 - Kraków: Universitas.
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    Thinking Poetry: Philosophical Approaches to Nineteenth-Century French Poetry.Joseph Acquisto (ed.) - 2013 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Why have poets played such an important role for contemporary philosophers? How can poetry link philosophy and political theory? How do formal considerations intersect with philosophical approaches? These essays seek to establish a dialogue between poetry and philosophy. Each essay contributes to our understanding of the relationships between theory and lived experience while providing new insight into important poets such as Charles Baudelaire, Stéphane Mallarmé, Victor Hugo, and others. The broad range of metaphysical, phenomenological, aesthetic, and ethical approaches announce important (...)
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    Modern Türk şiirinde ötekileştirme: sosyolojik, kültürel ve ideolojik ben/biz ve öteki söylemi.Sema Noyan - 2022 - Ankara: Hece Yayınları.
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    Powrót do świata: dzieje uwagi w filozofii i literaturze XX wieku.Zofia Król - 2013 - Warszawa: Instytut Badań Literackich PAN Wydawnictwo.
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    A History of Modern Criticism[REVIEW]C. C. V. - 1955 - Review of Metaphysics 9 (2):365-365.
    The first two volumes of a four-volume study, destined surely to become the standard work in its field. Literary criticism in the broadest sense is the book's subject, but the author tries to avoid purely philosophical aesthetics at one extreme--Kant is given 3 pages to Schiller's 24--as well as unsubstantiated judgments of taste at the other. Since he tries to see the past as bearing upon and productive of the literary theory of the present, the book might be said (...)
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  16.  33
    Philosophy, Poetry, History. An Anthology of Essays. [REVIEW]J. V. M. - 1968 - Review of Metaphysics 21 (3):548-549.
    This is certainly one of the most beautiful books in philosophy published in the last couple of years. It comprises eighty-four essays, carefully selected, well-translated, covering almost the full range of Croce's immense literary production. Croce is certainly one of the most important and influential thinkers of this century and in this huge anthology the English-speaking reader is given an incomparable instrument to get acquainted with him. The list of the headings which classify the eighty-four essays are: The Logic of (...)
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    Das Poetische der Philosophie: Friedrich Schlegel, Friedrich Nietzsche, Martin Heidegger, Jacques Derrida.Ansgar Maria Hoff - 2002 - Bonn: DenkMal Verlag.
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    Poetry and Literature: An Introduction to Its Criticism and History.Pieranna Garavaso, W. G. Regier, Benedetto Croce & Giovanni Gullace - 1983 - Substance 12 (4):95.
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  19. Benedetto Croce, Poetry and Literature: An Introduction to its Criticism and History.Giovanni Gullace (ed.) - 1981 - Southern Illinois University Press.
    Benedetto Croce’s influence pervades Anglo-Saxon culture, but, ironically, before Giovanni Gullace heeded the call of his colleagues and provided this urgently needed translation of _La Poesia, _speakers of English had no access to Croce’s major work and final rendering of his esthetic theory.__ __ _Aesthetic, _published in 1902 and translated in 1909, represents most of what the English-speaking world knows about Croce’s theory. It is, asserts Gullace, “no more than a first sketch of a thought that developed, clarified, and corrected (...)
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  20.  6
    Publishing the Prince: history, reading, & the birth of political criticism.Jacob Soll - 2005 - Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
    As new ideas arose during the Enlightenment, many political thinkers published their own versions of popular early modern "absolutist" texts and transformed them into manuals of political resistance. As a result, these works never achieved a fixed and stable edition. Publishing The Prince illustrates how Abraham-Nicolas Amelot de La Houssaye created the most popular late seventeenth- and eighteenth-century version of Machiavelli's masterpiece. In the process of translating, Amelot also transformed the work, altering its form and meaning, and his ideas (...)
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  21.  45
    A History of Modern Criticism, 1750-1950. [REVIEW] Cronin - 1956 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 31 (1):148-152.
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    Herder's Hermeneutics: History, Poetry, Enlightenment.Kristin Gjesdal - 2017 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Through a detailed study of Herder's Enlightenment thought, especially his philosophy of literature, Kristin Gjesdal offers a new and sometimes provocative reading of the historical origins and contemporary challenges of modern hermeneutics. She shows that hermeneutic philosophy grew out of a historical, anthropological, and poetic discourse in the mid-eighteenth century and argues that, as such, it represents a rich, stimulating, and relevant engagement with the potentials and limits of human meaning and understanding. Gjesdal's study broadens our conception of hermeneutic (...)
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  23.  26
    Four Dialectical Theories of Poetry: An Aspect of English Neoclassical Criticism[REVIEW]J. B. D. - 1966 - Review of Metaphysics 19 (4):815-815.
    Marsh borrows Richard McKeon's methodological notion of the "problematic" approach to intellectual history. Concentrating on their dialectical character, English criticism from 1650-1800 is explored in the writings of the third Earl of Shaftesbury, Mark Akenside, David Hartley, and James Harris.—D. J. B.
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  24. (3 other versions)The seventeenth century background.Basil Willey - 1934 - New York,: Columbia University Press.
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    Ch'ŏrhakchŏk si ilki ŭi koeroum: sarang kwa chayu rŭl ch'aja kanŭn yuk'wae han sayu.Sin-ju Kang - 2011 - Kyŏnggi-do P'aju-si: Tongnyŏk.
    철학적 사유를 통해 자기만의 삶을 긍정하라! 사랑과 자유를 찾아가는 유쾌한 사유『철학적 시 읽기의 괴로움』. 의 후속작으로, 전작에서 미처 다루지 못했던 시인 14명과 철학자 14명을 이번 책에서 다룬다. 노장사상을 전공한 동양철학자이면서 서양철학의 흐름에도 해박한 저자 강신주는 시는 짧지만, 그 속에 철학책 한 권 못지않은 무한한 고뇌와 사유의 세계를 담고 있다고 말한다. 이 책은 이성복과 라캉, 최승호와 짐멜, 문정희와 이리가레이, 고정희와 시몬 베유, 김행숙과 바흐친, 채호기와 맥루한, 신동엽과 클라스트르, 한용운과 바르트 등 전편에서 다루지 못해 못내 아쉬웠던 시인들을 포함했다. 또한 사랑, 돈, 여성, (...)
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    Traces of Indian Philosophy in Persian Poetry.O. B. S. Choubey - 1985 - Idarah-I Adabiyat-I Delli.
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    Alienation in Contemporary Indian English Poetry.Shashi Kant Uppal - 2002 - Abs Publications.
    On alienation in 20th century Indic poetry in English.
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    Should poetry be considered a kind of discourse?Knut Hanneborg - 1960 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 3 (1-4):128 – 135.
    Much of the most typical “New Criticism”; has been strongly rationalistic; especially critics who follow the line of I. A. Richards emphatically hold that one can reason about everything in poetry. The techniques developed within modern analytical philosophy have properties which make them well adapted to reconstructive criticism of such reasoning about poetry, for which purpose Professor Hunger-land uses them with evident success. I shall give an account of her brilliant book, and after some critical remarks proceed (...)
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    Modern American CriticismThe Contexts of Poetry.Emerson R. Marks, Walter Sutton & Hazard Adams - 1964 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 22 (4):485.
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    Further speculations.Thomas Ernest Hulme - 1955 - Minneapolis,: University of Minnesota Press.
    This volume presents a collection of 16 essays on philosophy, war, modern art, and poetry, the Hulme-Bertrand Russell controversy on pacifism and war, Hulme's "Diary from the Trenches," and some 200 lines of poetry. This is the first publication anywhere of the diary, and only one of the essays has been previously published in the United States. The book also includes an extensive critical introduction by the editor, a complete bibliography of Hulme's writings, and a selected bibliography of (...) of Hulme.Especially significant are the six essays on war, to which are added Bertrand Russell's two rejoinders. These essays will modify considerably the popular notion that Hulme was an unqualified exponent of militarism and a "proto-Fascist." The two essays on poetry establish Hulme's place in the history of modern poetic theory. (shrink)
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    Christian antinomy in modern spiritual poetry.L. N. Tatarinova - 2014 - Liberal Arts in Russia 3 (1):45.
    The problem of the article is based on a long tradition of studying the category ‘antinomy‘ in the history of philosophy from antiquity until the early twentieth century. Antinomical thinking has particular importance for the spiritual life in the 20th century. The author draws attention to the fact that, for example, in the poetry of Thomas Stern Eliot antinomies and paradoxes are of philosophical and religious nature especially in then dealing with questions of reaching the Truth by rational way (...)
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    A modern esztétika feltalálása: Megjegyzések a brit esztétika kora modern történetéhez [Inventing Modern Aesthetics: Remarks on the Early Modern History of British Aesthetics].Endre Szécsényi - 2024 - Budapest: Gondolat Kiadó.
    This e-book written in Hungarian seeks to reconstruct “the aesthetic” in the modern sense of the word, from the mid-17th century to the 1730s, through the texts of mainly British authors such as John Dennis, Lord Shaftesbury, Joseph Addison, Richard Steele, Francis Hutcheson, George Berkeley, sometimes using their Spanish and French predecessors for contextualization. It assumes that “the aesthetic” is an unprecedented type of experience that had to be discovered, or rather invented; it is therefore more than a discussion (...)
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  33. John Aikin on the use of natural history in poetry.William Powell Jones - 1963 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 21 (4):439-443.
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    Communism, Poetry: Communicating Vessels (Some Insubordinate Essays, 1999–2018) by Darko Suvin (review).Pavla Veselá - 2023 - Utopian Studies 33 (3):531-537.
    Although to the readers of Utopian Studies Darko Suvin remains perhaps best known for his criticism of science fiction, much of his recent writing has fallen into the category of Marxist political epistemology. Of note are In Leviathan's Belly: Essays for a Counter-Revolutionary Time (2012), his analysis of former Yugoslavia in Splendour, Misery, and Potentialities: An X-ray of Socialist Yugoslavia (2017) as well as a number of shorter works on subjects that range from the Russian Revolution to George Orwell's (...)
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    GJESDAL, KRISTIN. Herder's Hermeneutics: History, Poetry, Enlightenment. Cambridge University Press, 2017, xiv + 231 pp., $99.99 cloth. [REVIEW]Guy Elgat - 2019 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 77 (1):96-99.
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    Skeptical Music: Essays on Modern Poetry (review).Neil Arditi - 2001 - Philosophy and Literature 25 (2):368-370.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 25.2 (2001) 368-370 [Access article in PDF] Book Review Skeptical Music: Essays on Modern Poetry Skeptical Music: Essays on Modern Poetry, by David Bromwich; xvii & 256 pp. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001; $49.00 cloth, $16.00 paper. In his preface to this gathering of his essays and reviews on twentieth-century American and British poetry, David Bromwich regrets that it is "too late to (...)
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  37.  40
    Poetry, Narrative, History (review).Patrick Henry - 1991 - Philosophy and Literature 15 (2):374-376.
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    What Is "Language Poetry"?Lee Bartlett - 1986 - Critical Inquiry 12 (4):741-752.
    W. H. Auden, the sometimes Greta Garbo of twentieth-century poetry, once told Stephen Spender that he liked America better than England because in America one could be alone. Further, in his introduction to The Criterion Book of Modern American Verse Auden remarked that while in England poets are considered members of a “clerkly caste,” in America they are an “aristocracy of one.” Certainly it does seem to be the individual poet—Whitman, Williams, Olson, Plath, O’Hara, Ginsberg—who has altered the landscape (...)
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    The Lateral Dance: The Deconstructive Criticism of J. Hillis Miller.Vincent B. Leitch - 1980 - Critical Inquiry 6 (4):593-607.
    Miller undermines traditional ideas and beliefs about language, literature, truth, meaning, consciousness, and interpretation. In effect, he assumes the role of unrelenting destroyer—or nihilistic magician—who dances demonically upon the broken and scattered fragments of the Western tradition. Everything touched soon appears torn. Nothing is ever finally darned over, or choreographed for coherence, or foregrounded as magical illusion. Miller, the relentless rift-maker, refuses any apparent repair and rampages onward, dancing, spell-casting, destroying all. As though he were a wizard, he appears in (...)
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  40.  31
    The Metamorphic Tradition in Modern Poetry.M. Bernetta Quinn - 1957 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 15 (4):494-495.
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    Poetry or Pathology? Jesuit Hypochondria in Early Modern Naples.Yasmin Haskell - 2007 - Early Science and Medicine 12 (2):187-213.
    In their didactic poems on fishing and chocolate, both published in 1689, two Neapolitan Jesuits digressed to record and lament a devastating 'plague' of 'hypochondria'. The poetic plagues of Niccolò Giannettasio and Tommaso Strozzi have literary precedents in Lucretius, Vergil, and Fracastoro, but it will be argued that they also have a real, contemporary significance. Hypochondria was considered to be a serious illness in the seventeenth century, with symptoms ranging from depression to delusions. Not only did our Jesuit poets claim (...)
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  42.  13
    The Masters of Modern French Criticism[REVIEW]J. E. Spingarn - 1913 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 10 (25):693-696.
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    A dark history of modern philosophy.Bernard Freydberg - 2017 - Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press.
    This provocative reassessment of modern philosophy explores its nonrational dimensions and connection to ancient mysteries. Delving beneath the principal discourses of philosophyfrom Descartes through Kant, Bernard Freydberg plumbs the previously concealed dark forces that ignite the inner power of modern thought. He contends that reason itself issues from an implicit and unconscious suppression of the nonrational. Even the modern philosophical concerns of nature and limits are undergirded by a dark side that dwells in them and makes them (...)
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    Repetition in Latin Poetry: Figures of Allusion (review).Michael C. J. Putnam - 1998 - American Journal of Philology 119 (2):295-300.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Repetition in Latin Poetry: Figures of AllusionMichael C. J. PutnamJeffrey Wills. Repetition in Latin Poetry: Figures of Allusion. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996. xvi 1 506 pp. Cloth, $90.Wills offers the first fully systematic codification of repetition in Latin poetry. The introduction deals with the various means, such as morphological or lexical markings, word order, position and the like, that can help the reader distinguish allusion in an act (...)
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  45. Hē technē stē zōē kai stēn epochē mas.Kōstas Thrakiōtēs - 1976 - [Athēna]: Glaukē.
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    Arkadien in Kunst, Philosophie und Dichtung.Reinhard Brandt - 2006 - Freiburg i. Br.: Rombach.
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    Book Review: A Defense of Poetry: Reflections on the Occasion of Writing. [REVIEW]Jack Kolb - 1996 - Philosophy and Literature 20 (2):522-524.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:A Defense of Poetry: Reflections on the Occasion of WritingJack KolbA Defense of Poetry: Reflections on the Occasion of Writing, by Paul H. Fry; 256 pp. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1995, $45.00 cloth, $16.95 paper.And the worm turns. It might elicit dubious laughter from those Yale critics who taught Paul Fry, now William Lampson Professor at their institution, by his admission a Berkeley student in the 1960s (and (...)
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    A modern introduction to Indian aesthetic theory: the development from Bharata to Jagannātha.Surendra Sheodas Barlingay - 2007 - New Delhi: D.K. Printworld.
    All Arts In India Owe Their Roots To The Theoretical Structure Developed By Bharatamuni In His Celebrated Work Natyasastra. His Theory Of Beauty Is Known As The Theory Of Rasa. The Present Volume Has Shown How The Insight Of Bharata Was Developed By The Classical Scholars From Abhinavagupta To Jagannatha Who Propounded The Theories With Names Like Rasa, Alamkara, Riti, Vakrokti, Dhvani Etc. To Employ The Theory Of Beauty From Natya (Drama) To Kavya (Poetry).
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    Ch'ŏrhakchŏk si ilki ŭi chŭlgŏum: uri si e pich'in hyŏndae ch'ŏrhak ŭi p'unggyŏng.Sin-ju Kang - 2010 - Kyŏnggi-do P'aju-si: Tongnyŏk.
    우리 시 21편을 통해 현대 철학을 쉽고 재미있게 배운다! 김수영, 김춘수, 황동규, 황지우, 기형도, 최영미 등 우리에게 친숙한 현대 시인의 시를 통해 현대 철학의 주요 개념을 알기 쉽게 설명한 『철학적 시 읽기의 즐거움』. 노장사상을 전공한 동양철학자이면서 서양철학의 흐름에도 해박한 저자, 강신주는 시는 짧지만, 그 속에 철학책 한 권 못지않은 무한한 고뇌와 사유의 세계를 담고 있다고 말한다. 이 책은 우리에게 신선한 충격과 사고의 전환을 가져다준 들뢰즈, 푸코, 사르트르 같은 현대 철학자들의 사유가 우리 현대 시인들의 시와 어떻게 행복하게 만나는지 보여준다. 그리고 그 (...)
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    The History of Scepticism from Erasmus to Spinoza.Richard Henry Popkin - 2023 - Univ of California Press.
    "I had read the book before in the shorter Harper Torchbook edition but read it again right through--and found it as interesting and exciting as before. I regard it as one of the seminal books in the history of ideas. Based on a prodigious amount of original research, it demonstrated conclusively and in fascinating details how the transmission of ancient skepticism was a bital factor in the formation of modern thought. The story is rich in implications for th (...)
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