Results for 'Polyamory '

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  1.  28
    Polyamorie und Ethik.Janina Loh - 2023 - Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 10 (2).
    „Polyamorie“ ist die Bezeichnung für das explizite und konsensuelle Eingehen mehrerer Liebesbeziehungen zur selben Zeit. Mit polyamoren Konstellationen korreliert, dafür wird in diesem Beitrag argumentiert, eine Ethik der Beziehungsgestaltung und sie schließen darüber hinaus für gewöhnlich das Teilen äquivalenter gesellschaftspolitischer Prämissen ein, auf die im Folgenden an einigen Stellen hingewiesen wird. Eine Ethik der Polyamorie umfasst zwei Eigenschaften: Polyethiken brechen zum einen mit dem traditionellen Verständnis vom Individuum oder Handlungssubjekt. Ich werde zeigen, dass polyamoren Beziehungsnetzwerken und der Ethik, die in (...)
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  2. Polyamory Is to Polygamy as Queer Is to Barbaric?Shelley M. Park - 2017 - Radical Philosophy Review 20 (2):297-328.
    This paper critically examines the ways in which dominant poly discourses position polyamorists among other queer and feminist-friendly practices while setting polygamists outside of those practices as the heteronormative and hyper-patriarchal antithesis to queer kinship. I begin by examining the interlocking liberal discourses of freedom, secularism and egalitarianism that frame the putative distinction between polyamory and polygamy. I then argue that the discursive antinomies of polyamory/polygamy demarcate a distinction that has greater affective resonance than logical validity—an affective resonance, (...)
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    Liebe, Polyamorie und (kein) Sex.Elke Elisabeth Schmidt - 2023 - Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 10 (2).
    Polyamorie ist romantische Liebe, die sich auf mindestens zwei Personen bezieht oder beziehen kann. Eine solche Definition klingt leichter als sie es tatsächlich ist. Um eine genaue und adäquate Analyse von Polyamorie zu leisten, muss, erstens, geklärt werden, was Liebe – die hier allein als romantische Liebe thematisiert wird – überhaupt ist. Sie ist, so soll gezeigt werden, ein spezifisches dispositionales Emotionsmuster, das eine besonders starke Form der subjektiven Bedeutsamkeit konstituiert. Auf dem Hintergrund dieses Verständnisses von romantischer Liebe im Allgemeinen (...)
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    Polyamorie & Freundschaft.Simon Stromer & Sinja Hofmann - 2023 - Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 10 (2).
    Dieser Beitrag hinterfragt das weitläufige Verständnis von Polyamorie als eine Form der Liebe beziehungsweise Beziehungsform, die (1) notwendigerweise romantische Liebesbeziehungen in einem engen Verständnis beinhaltet, das heißt einschließlich Sex, und (2) Freundschaft ausschließt. Über eine Untersuchung und Zurückweisung der These, dass romantische Liebesbeziehungen ohne Sex nicht denkbar sind, kommt der Beitrag zu einer Analyse von romantischen Liebesbeziehungen und Freundschaften. Anhand einer vergleichenden Analyse der in romantischen Liebesbeziehungen wie auch in engen Freundschaften realisierten Beziehungsgüter kann gezeigt werden, dass sich diese kaum (...)
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  5. The Distinctiveness of Polyamory.Luke Brunning - 2018 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 35 (3):513-531.
    Polyamory is a form of consensual non-monogamy. To render it palatable to critics, activists and theorists often accentuate its similarity to monogamy. I argue that this strategy conceals the distinctive character of polyamorous intimacy. A more discriminating account of polyamory helps me answer objections to the lifestyle whilst noting some of its unique pitfalls. I define polyamory, and explain why people pursue this lifestyle. Many think polyamory is an inferior form of intimacy; I describe four of (...)
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    Einleitung: Polyamorie.Kühler Michael & Janina Loh - 2023 - Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 10 (2).
    Die Vorstellung, dass wir mehrere Menschen zugleich lieben können, wird in modernen, westlich geprägten Gesellschaften sowohl als fast trivialerweise wahr anerkannt, als auch als grundsätzlich verfehlt abgelehnt. Während beispielsweise kein Zweifel daran besteht, dass wir üblicherweise unsere Eltern und zeitgleich etwaige Geschwister sowie umgekehrt Eltern für gewöhnlich alle ihre Kinder lieben und wir zudem zumeist mehrere enge und tiefe Freundschaften pflegen, ist die gesellschaftlich vorherrschende Auffassung von romantischer Liebe weitgehend von der Idee geprägt, dass es sich ausschließlich um exklusive Zweierbeziehungen (...)
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    Polyamory in Black: A Companion Justification for Minimal Marriage.Justin L. Clardy - forthcoming - Journal of Applied Philosophy.
    A number of Black writers have cast Black marriage in a state of emergency – Black folks are not getting (or staying) married like they used to. Yet in seeking to address the Black marriage problem many have left marriage's ‘monogamous-only’ condition unexamined. In this article, I take a different approach. I draw on a long-standing prevalence of de facto non-monogamy among those marked Black and argue that the numerical constraint making marriage between two people violates equal treatment. To make (...)
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    Responsibility, Respectability, Recognition, and Polyamory: Lessons in Subject Formation in the Age of Sexual Identity.Julienne Obadia - 2020 - Feminist Studies 46 (2):287-315.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Feminist Studies 46, no. 2. © 2020 by Feminist Studies, Inc. 287 Julienne Obadia Responsibility, Respectability, Recognition, and Polyamory: Lessons in Subject Formation in the Age of Sexual Identity Introduction: It’s About Time “Sexuality” has become a strikingly capacious category in recent years. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and trans* have been joined by queer, questioning, intersex, pansexual, Two Spirit, asexual, and ally, as the acronym LGBT increasingly serves as (...)
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  9. The Story of Romantic Love and Polyamory.Michael Milona & Lauren Weindling - forthcoming - Journal of Applied Philosophy.
    This paper explores the relationship between romantic love and polyamory. Our central question is whether traditional norms of monogamy can be excised from romantic love so as to harmonize with polyamory’s ethical dimensions (as we construe them). How one answers this question bears on another: whether ‘polyamory’ should principally be understood in terms of romantic love or instead some alternative conception(s). Our efforts to address these questions begin by briefly motivating our favored approach to romantic love, a (...)
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  10. Postmodern polyamory or postcolonial challenge? Cornershop's dialogue from west, to east, to west.Renée T. Coulombe - 2002 - In Judith Irene Lochhead & Joseph Henry Auner (eds.), Postmodern music/postmodern thought. London: Routledge.
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  11. Recognizing Care: The Case for Friendship and Polyamory.Elizabeth Brake - 2014 - Syracuse Law and Civic Engagement Forum 1 (1).
    This paper responds to arguments that polyamorous groups or care networks do not qualify for equal treatment with marriages. It refutes the points that polyamory is inherently hierarchical or unstable, that there are too few people in such arrangements to mount an argument for recognition, that polyamory harms children, and that there are insurmountable legal and practical hurdles to network marriage. Finally, it respond to the charge that extending recognition to polyamorists will devalue the recognition of same-sex marriage.
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  12. How complex is your love? The case of romantic compromises and polyamory.Aaron Ben-Ze’ev & Luke Brunning - 2018 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 48 (1):98-116.
    This article highlights a somewhat neglected aspect of love : their complexity. We suggest distinguishing between three major related types of emotional complexity: emotional diversity, emotional ambivalence, and emotional behavior. The notion of emotional complexity has far-reaching implications for understanding emotions and our wellbeing. This is illustrated by examining the notion of emotional complexity in two common yet complex phenomena in the romantic realm: romantic compromises and polyamory.
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  13. Is "Loving More" Better? The Values of Polyamory.Elizabeth Brake - 2022 - In Raja Halwani, Jacob M. Held, Natasha McKeever & Alan G. Soble (eds.), The Philosophy of Sex: Contemporary Readings, 8th edition. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 121-137.
    This essay addresses various moral objections to polyamory and argues that none succeeds. Brake also argues that in some respects polyamory can be superior to monogamy given that polyamorists often endorse ideals such as radical honesty, non-possessiveness, and rejection of jealousy. Moreover, Brake argues that the effects of polyamory in a society in which it is widespread can be very beneficial.
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    Desire, Familiarity, and Engagement in Polyamory: Results From a National Sample of Single Adults in the United States.Amy C. Moors, Amanda N. Gesselman & Justin R. Garcia - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Coupledom and notions of intimacy and family formation with one committed partner are hallmarks of family and relationship science. Recent national surveys in the United States and Canada have found that consensually non-monogamous relationships are common, though prevalence of specific types of consensual non-monogamy are unknown. The present research draws on a United States Census based quota sample of single adults to estimate the prevalence of desire for, familiarity with, and engagement in polyamory—a distinct type of consensually non-monogamous relationship (...)
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  15. Beyond Monogamy: Polyamory and the Future of Polyqueer Sexualities.[author unknown] - 2016
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    Love and Freedom: Transcending Monogamy and Polyamory.Jorge N. Ferrer - 2021 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This groundbreaking look at the array of styles and modes of relationships proposes a new paradigm for understanding intimate relationships, challenging the monogamy/polyamory binary and offering fresh possibilities for thinking about contemporary love, sex, gender, and sexuality.
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    Book Review: Beyond Monogamy: Polyamory and the Future of Polyqueer Sexualities by Mimi Schippers. [REVIEW]L. J. Matasker - 2018 - Gender and Society 32 (2):289-291.
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  18. Ideale polyamoröse Verpflichtung.Raja Rosenhagen - 2023 - Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 10 (2):217-258.
    (English abstract further below.) -/- Wer denkt, Polyamorie erfordere ein geringeres Maß an Verpflichtung als Zweierbeziehungen, der liegt gründlich daneben. Wie aber gestaltet sich polyamoröse wechselseitige Verpflichtung idealerweise? In diesem Beitrag untersuche ich, ob sich ein bestimmtes, auf Iris Murdochs Konzeption von Liebe als gerechter Aufmerksamkeit beruhendes Ideal wechselseitiger Verpflichtung in romantischen Partnerschaften fruchtbar auf polyamoröse Beziehungsgeflechte anwenden lässt. Ich beginne damit, Murdochs im deutschsprachigen Raum kaum rezipierte Liebeskonzeption ausführlich darzustellen und diese dabei von Simone Weils Position abzugrenzen, der Murdoch (...)
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  19. When is Jealousy Appropriate?Arina Pismenny - 2021 - Dialectica 75 (3):333-360.
    What makes romantic jealousy rational or fitting? Psychologists view jealousy’s function as preserving a relationship against a “threat” from a “rival”. I argue that its more specific aim is to preserve a certain privileged status of the lover in relation to the beloved. Jealousy is apt when the threat to that status is real, otherwise inapt. Aptness assessments of jealousy must determine what counts as a “threat” and as a “rival”. They commonly take for granted monogamous norms. Hence, compared with (...)
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    Compersion in nicht-monogamen Beziehungen – eine buddhistische Perspektive.Sven Walter, Luu Zörlein & Hin Sing Yuen - 2023 - Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 10 (2).
    Compersion ist ein affektiver Zustand, der häufig im Zusammenhang mit Polyamorie und allgemein nicht-monogamen Beziehungen diskutiert wird. Er wird in der Regel als eine positive emotionale Reaktion darauf beschrieben, dass die*der Partner*in Zeit und/oder Intimität mit anderen genießt, gewissermaßen als ‚das Gegenteil von Eifersucht‘. Wir argumentieren dafür, dass eine buddhistische Perspektive dazu beitragen kann, die Natur dieser bislang schlecht verstandenen Emotion zu erschließen. Indem wir eine buddhistische Perspektive auf Compersion einnehmen, die auf den sogenannten ‚vier göttlichen Verweilzuständen‘ basiert, d. h. (...)
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  21. Families – Beyond the Nuclear Ideal.Daniela Cutas & Sarah Chan - 2012 - Bloomsbury Academic.
    This book examines, through a multi-disciplinary lens, the possibilities offered by relationships and family forms that challenge the nuclear family ideal, and some of the arguments that recommend or disqualify these as legitimate units in our societies. That children should be conceived naturally, born to and raised by their two young, heterosexual, married to each other, genetic parents; that this relationship between parents is also the ideal relationship between romantic or sexual partners; and that romance and sexual intimacy ought to (...)
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  22. Beauvoir on Non-Monogamy in Loving Relationships.Ellie Anderson - 2024 - In Kevin Aho, Megan Altman & Hans Pedersen (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Existentialism. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. pp. 228-238.
    In recent decades, interest in non-monogamous intimate relationships has grown rapidly. Polyamory, relationship anarchy, consensual or ethical non-monogamy, and more have become popular in academic and public discourse. These practices destabilize the privileging of heterosexual nuclear families and the assumption that romantic coupledom is the ultimate form of love. Non-monogamous approaches flout cultural norms of exclusivity by avowing that intimacy is compatible with multiple dyadic and/or multi-party relationships. This article explores Simone de Beauvoir's theory and practice of non-monogamy in (...)
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  23. Philosophy of Love in the Past, Present, and Future.André Grahle, Natasha McKeever & Joe Saunders (eds.) - 2022 - Routledge.
    This volume features original essays on the philosophy of love. The essays are organized thematically around the past, present, and future of philosophical thinking about love. In section I, the contributors explore what we can learn from the history of philosophical thinking about love. The chapters cover Ancient Greek thinkers, namely Plato and Aristotle, as well as Kierkegaard's critique of preferential love and Erich Fromm's mystic interpretation of sexual relations. Section II covers current conceptions and practices of love. These chapters (...)
  24. The Ethics of Relationship Anarchy.Ole Martin Moen & Aleksander Sørlie - 2022 - In Brian D. Earp, Clare Chambers & Lori Watson (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Sex and Sexuality. Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy.
    When people talk about anarchism, what they have in mind is typically political anarchism, that is, the view that there should be no state. As the philosopher and anarchism scholar David Miller observes, however, anarchism itself is a more general view, namely the view that there should be no rulers. Miller writes that “although the state is the most distinctive object of anarchist attack, it is by no means the only object. Any institution which, like the state, appears to anarchists (...)
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    Should Non‐Monogamy Be Consensual?R. A. Briggs - forthcoming - Journal of Applied Philosophy.
    Non-monogamists sometimes defend their practices on the grounds that, unlike cheating, practices like polyamory are consensual. I argue that advocates of non-monogamy should not be satisfied with this consent-based defense. The slogan ‘non-monogamy should be consensual’ concedes too much to the hegemonic presumption of monogamy – that is, the idea that monogamous expectations of sexual and emotional exclusivity are the right default setting for romantic relationships. I consider the three most plausible readings of the slogan ‘non-monogamy should be consensual’: (...)
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    Ware liefde zonder uniciteit: goede redenen voor romantische liefde.Frank Hindriks - 2015 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 107 (1):71-93.
    True Love Without Uniqueness: Good Reasons for Romantic Love Love involves emotions, and emotions are things that happen to us. So how can love be true? Love can be true only if people can have reasons for loving someone. I explore the tension between these two thoughts and propose a way of resolving it. I argue that reasons for romantic love are not limited to the other person’s properties, not even when relational properties such as a common sense of humour (...)
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    Why It's Ok to Not Be Monogamous.Justin L. Clardy - 2023 - Routledge.
    The downsides of monogamy are felt by most people engaged in long-term relationships, including restrictions on self-discovery, limits on friendship, sexual boredom, and a circumscribed understanding of intimacy. Yet, a "happily ever after" monogamy is assumed to be the ideal form of romantic love in many modern societies: a relationship that is morally ideal and will bring the most happiness to its two partners. -/- In Why It’s OK to Not Be Monogamous, Justin L. Clardy deeply questions these assumptions. He (...)
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  28. Desire, Love, and Identity: Philosophy of Sex and Love.Gary Foster (ed.) - 2016 - Don Mills, Ontario: Oxford University Press Canada.
    Desire, Love, and Identity: Philosophy of Sex and Love combines classical readings with contemporary articles exploring love and sex as defining features of our identity. This volume includes readings from a wide variety of perspectives, addressing topics such as sexual objectification, sexual identity, the ethics of sex work, love and sex online, friendship, polyamory, and BDSM. Alongside ancient, modern, and contemporary selections are sixteen original contributions written by emerging voices in the field. A wide-ranging, engaging, accessible introduction to the (...)
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  29. The Philosophy of Sex: Contemporary Readings, 8th edition.Raja Halwani, Jacob M. Held, Natasha McKeever & Alan G. Soble (eds.) - 2022 - Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
    This is the 8th edition of the book, with eight new essays to the volume. Table of contents: Are We Having Sex Now or What? (Greta Christina); Sexual Perversion (Thomas Nagel); Plain Sex (Alan Goldman); Sex and Sexual Perversion (Robert Gray); Masturbation and the Continuum of Sexual Activities (Alan Soble); Love: What’s Sex Got to Do with It? (Natasha McKeever); Is “Loving More” Better? The Values of Polyamory (Elizabeth Brake); What Is Sexual Orientation? (Robin Dembroff); Sexual Orientation: What Is (...)
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    The Arc of Love: How Our Romantic Lives Change Over Time.Aaron Ben-Ze'ev - 2019 - University of Chicago Press.
    Is love best when it is fresh? For many, the answer is a resounding “yes.” The intense experiences that characterize new love are impossible to replicate, leading to wistful reflection and even a repeated pursuit of such ecstatic beginnings. Aaron Ben-Ze’ev takes these experiences seriously, but he’s also here to remind us of the benefits of profound love—an emotion that can only develop with time. In The Arc of Love, he provides an in-depth, philosophical account of the experiences that arise (...)
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    The Radicalism of Romantic Love: Critical Perspectives.Renata Grossi & David West (eds.) - 2017 - New York: Routledge.
    Undoubtedly Romantic love has come to saturate our culture and is often considered to be a, or even the, major existential goal of our lives, capable of providing us with both our sense of worth and way of being in the world. The Radicalism of Romantic Love interrogates the purported radicalism of Romantic love from philosophical, cultural and psychoanalytic perspectives, exploring whether it is a subversive force capable of breaking down entrenched social, political and cultural norms and structures, or whether, (...)
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  32. Philosophy of Sex.Patricia Marino - 2014 - Philosophy Compass 9 (1):22-32.
    Sex raises fundamental philosophical questions about topics such as personal identity and well-being, the relationship between emotion and reason, the nature of autonomy and consent, and the dual nature of persons as individuals but also social beings. This article serves as an overview of the philosophy of sex in the English-speaking philosophical tradition and explicates philosophical debate in several specific areas: sexual objectification, rape and consent, sex work, sexual identities and queer theory, the medicalization of sexuality, and polyamory. It (...)
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  33. The capabilities approach, religious practices, and the importance of recognition.Thom Brooks - manuscript
    When can ever be justified in banning a religious practice? This paper focusses on Martha Nussbaum's capabilities approach. Certain religious practices create a clash between capabilities where the capability to religious belief and expression is in conflict with the capability of equal status and nondiscrimination. One example of such a clash is the case of polygamy. Nussbaum argues that there may be circumstances where polygamy may be acceptable. On the contrary, I argue that the capabilities approach cannot justify polygamy in (...)
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  34. Reply to Critics (Sex, Love, and Gender: A Kantian Theory).Helga Varden - 2021 - SGIR Review 4 (1-2):78-100.
    hese are replies to my critics at at Society for German Idealism and Romanticism (SGIR) Author-Meets-Critics session, Pacific APA 2021. -/- Published version of the full symposium is available on SGIR Review's homepage.
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  35. Is the Requirement of Sexual Exclusivity Consistent with Romantic Love?Natasha McKeever - 2017 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 34 (3):353-369.
    In some cultures, people tend to believe that it is very important to be sexually exclusive in romantic relationships and idealise monogamous romantic relationships; but there is a tension in this ideal. Sex is generally considered to have value, and usually when we love someone we want to increase the amount of value in their lives, not restrict it without good reason. There is thus a call, not yet adequately responded to by philosophers, for greater clarity in the reasons §why (...)
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  36. Marriage, autonomy, and the state: Reply to Christopher Bennett.Deirdre Golash - 2006 - Res Publica 12 (2):179-190.
    Christopher Bennett has argued that state support of conjugal relationships can be founded on the unique contribution such relationships make to the autonomy of their participants by providing them with various forms of recognition and support unavailable elsewhere. I argue that, in part because a long history of interaction between two people who need each other’s validation tends to produce less meaningful responses over time, long-term conjugal relationships are unlikely to provide autonomy-enhancing support to their participants. To the extent that (...)
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  37. Against Romanticism.Sam Shpall - 2020 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 7.
    An analysis and critique of irrationalist and romanticising threads in thinking about love.
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  38. The Problem with Polygamy.Thom Brooks - 2009 - Philosophical Topics 37 (2):109-122.
    Polygamy is a hotly contested practice and open to widespread misunderstandings. This practice is defined as a relationship between either one husband and multiple wives or one wife and multiple husbands. Today, “polygamy” almost exclusively takes the form of one husband with multiple wives. In this article, my focus will center on limited defenses of polygamy offered recently by Chesire Calhoun and Martha Nussbaum. I will argue that these defenses are unconvincing. The problem with polygamy is primarily that it is (...)
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    Striking Vipers and Closed Doors.Darren M. Slade - 2020 - In William Irwin & David Kyle Johnson (eds.), Black Mirror and Philosophy. Wiley. pp. 239–250.
    Contrasting institutionalism and sexual liberation is the essence of Black Mirror episode, Striking Vipers, which challenges the socially constructed boundaries imposed on sexual experiences in its consideration of how two conflicting lifestyles, traditional commitment and sexual openness, can cohabitate together. Through use of virtual eroticism, the episode takes the privileged standing of heteronormative monogamy and exposes its inadequacy as an institution without concluding that it must be jettisoned entirely. By contrasting real‐world intimacy with virtuality, it considers the meaningfulness of sexual (...)
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  40. Monogamies, Non-Monogamies, and the Moral Impermissibility of Intimacy Confining Constraints.Justin L. Clardy - 2020 - Journal of Black Sexuality and Relationship 2 (6):17-36.
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    After Marriage: Rethinking Marital Relationships.Elizabeth Brake (ed.) - 2016 - , US: Oxford University Press USA.
    In this collection, liberal and feminist philosophers debate whether marriage reform ought to stop with same-sex marriage. Some authors argue for abolishing marriage or for new legal forms such as polygamy or temporary marriage. Others argue that the liberal values justifying same-sex marriage do not entail further reform.
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