Results for 'Ptolemy'

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  1.  9
    Épître à Gallus sur la vie, le testament et les écrits d'Aristote.Ptolemy - 2021 - Paris: Les Belles Lettres. Edited by Marwan Rashed & Ptolemy.
    Voici, pour la premiere fois edite et traduit, un texte grec antique perdu dans la langue originale et conserve en arabe. Il s'agit d'une lettre redigee par un mysterieux Ptolemee, philologue aristotelicien actif a Alexandrie autour de l'an 200 apres J.-C., dans laquelle celui-ci rapporte la Biographie et le Testament d'Aristote, ainsi qu'un Catalogue d'une centaine de titres inconnu par ailleurs. Ce vestige est l'une de nos meilleures sources d'information - et la seule qui soit interne a l'ecole peripateticienne - (...)
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    Monochord and harmonic canon: Two comments on ptol. Harm. 2.12 and 2.13.S. Ptolemy - 2011 - Classical Quarterly 61 (2):677-689.
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    The Earth: Its Size, Shape, and Immobility.Claudius Ptolemy - 2009 - In Timothy McGrew, Marc Alspector-Kelly & Fritz Allhoff (eds.), The philosophy of science: an historical anthology. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 70.
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    Ptolemy I and the Succession Issue.Ian Worthington - 2020 - Hermes 148 (2):236.
    Ptolemy I set aside his eldest son Ptolemy Ceraunus and instead made his younger son Ptolemy (by Berenice) his successor. Various explanations have been advanced, but none is compelling. In this article, I put forward two hitherto unexplored avenues: first, Ptolemy’s relations with Eurydice and Berenice, and second, Ceraunus’ own ambitions as they pertained to mastery of Greece and Macedonia. The latter especially led Ptolemy, motivated by his own failures in trying to secure Greece and (...)
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    Ptolemy of Lucca: A pioneer of civic republicanism? A reassessment.Bee Yun - 2008 - History of Political Thought 29 (3):417-439.
    Ptolemy of Lucca's sympathetic description of republican self-rule together with his unfavourable view of monarchy in the De regimine principum has led many scholars to categorize him as a pioneer of civic republicanism. The present study refutes this common opinion. It illuminates Ptolemy's theory of government through its relationship to the papalism he repeatedly expressed in several works. This study argues that Ptolemy's theory of government in the De regimine principum was inspired by his papalist convictions, and (...)
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  6. The Ptolemy-Copernicus transition.Rinat M. Nugayev - 2013 - Almagest 4 (1):96-119.
    The model of scientific revolution genesis and structure, extracted from Einstein’s revolution and described in author’s previous publications, is applied to the Copernican one . In the case of Einstein’s revolution I had argued that its cause consisted in the clash between the main classical physics scientific programmes: newtonian mechanics, maxwellian electrodynamics, classical thermodynamics and statistical mechanics. Analogously in the present paper it is argued that the Copernican revolution took place due to realization of the dualism between mathematical astronomy and (...)
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    Ptolemy Soter's annexation of Syria 320 b.c.Pat Wheatley - 1995 - Classical Quarterly 45 (02):433-.
    The incursions of Ptolemy Soter into Coelê-Syria and Phoenicia after the death of Perdiccas have received scant attention from scholars in recent years, and the little they have received has failed to draw some vital conclusions. The sources are compressed, but unanimous, that very soon after the settlement of Triparadeisus, Ptolemy subverted and overran the region, fortified and garrisoned the cities, and returned to Egypt. He seems to have held this satrapy until it became a major arena in (...)
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    The Table of Ptolemy’s Terms.Cristian Tolsa - 2018 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 162 (2):247-264.
    The paper presents three strong arguments advocating for the exclusion of the table of Ptolemy’s own planetary terms from the original text of the Tetrabiblos. This table was vastly used by Renaissance astrologers, and much work on its rationale and its manuscript variant readings has been published recently. The author argues that the table was the product of the systematic analysis of Ptolemy’s instructions for the terms in the late antique commentary on the Tetrabiblos edited by Wolf in (...)
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    Ptolemy and the meta-helikôn.Andrew Barker - 2009 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 40 (4):344-351.
    In his Harmonics, Ptolemy constructs a complex set of theoretically ‘correct’ forms of musical scale, represented as sequences of ratios, on the basis of mathematical principles and reasoning. But he insists that their credentials will not have been established until they have been submitted to the judgement of the ear. They cannot be audibly instantiated with the necessary accuracy without the help of specially designed instruments, which Ptolemy describes in detail, discussing the uses to which each can be (...)
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  10.  26
    Ptolemy's Ancient Planetary Observations.Alexander Jones - 2006 - Annals of Science 63 (3):255-290.
    Summary The Almagest of Ptolemy (mid-second century ad) contains eleven dated reports of observations of the positions of planets made during the third century bc in Babylon and Hellenistic Egypt. The present paper investigates the character, purpose, and conventions of the observational programmes from which these reports derive, the channels of their transmission to Ptolemy's time, and the fidelity of Ptolemy's presentation of them. Like the Babylonian observational programme, about which we have considerable knowledge through cuneiform documents, (...)
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  11.  54
    Ptolemy's Philosophy: Mathematics as a Way of Life.Jacqueline Feke - 2018 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    The Greco-Roman mathematician Claudius Ptolemy is one of the most significant figures in the history of science. He is remembered today for his astronomy, but his philosophy is almost entirely lost to history. This groundbreaking book is the first to reconstruct Ptolemy’s general philosophical system—including his metaphysics, epistemology, and ethics—and to explore its relationship to astronomy, harmonics, element theory, astrology, cosmology, psychology, and theology. -/- In this stimulating intellectual history, Jacqueline Feke uncovers references to a complex and sophisticated (...)
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  12. Copernicus, Ptolemy, and explanatory coherence.G. Nowak & P. Thagard - 1992 - In R. Giere & H. Feigl (eds.), Cognitive Models of Science. University of Minnesota Press. pp. pp. 274-309.
  13.  32
    Ptolemy and Purāṇa: Gods Born as Men. [REVIEW]W. Randolph Kloetzli - 2010 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 38 (6):583-623.
    This is an addendum to an earlier essay on the Purāṇic cosmograph interpreting it in terms of the principles of stereographic projection: Kloetzli (Hist Relig 25(2): 116–147, 1985). That essay provided an approach to understanding the broad structures of the Purāṇic cosmograph but not the central island of Jambudvīpa or its most important region (varṣa) of Bhārata. This addendum focuses on the works of Ptolemy as a resource for understanding the Purāṇic materials. It reaffirms the broad outlines of earlier (...)
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  14.  24
    Ptolemy's Triangulation of the Eastern Mediterranean.Francis Carmody - 1976 - Isis 67 (4):601-609.
  15.  20
    Correcting ptolemy and Aristotle: Ibn al-ṣalāḥ on mistakes in the almagest, on the heavens, and posterior analytics.Paul Hullmeine - 2022 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 32 (2):201-246.
    RésuméLe savant Ibn al-Ṣalāḥ est connu pour ses petits traités portant sur des questions particulières d'ouvrages mathématiques et philosophiques grecs. Il consacre plusieurs de ses travaux aux erreurs, plus ou moins importantes, qu'il trouve dans les travaux d'Euclide, de Ptolémée et d'Aristote. Le but de cet article, qui se concentre sur trois traités de Ptolémée et d'Aristote, est de décrire la méthode d'Ibn al-Ṣalāḥ et les objectifs qu'il poursuit dans les traités en question. Je suggère que ses traités sur l’Almageste, (...)
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    Copernicus, Ptolemy, and explanatory coherence.Greg Nowak & Paul Thagard - 1992 - In R. Giere & H. Feigl (eds.), Cognitive Models of Science. University of Minnesota Press. pp. 274-309.
  17.  47
    Ptolemy and His Rivals in His History of Alexander.Joseph Roisman - 1984 - Classical Quarterly 34 (02):373-.
    Scholarly opinion about Ptolemy Soter's history of Alexander has been far from unanimous. Not long ago Ptolemy was held to stand in the first rank of ancient historians. His history was described as brilliant, rational, straightforward, and exhaustive, while he himself was proclaimed a ‘second Thucydides’. In recent years, however, Ptolemy's reputation has seriously declined. His shortcomings, acknowledged also by his admirers, have been stressed and extensively analysed. Fritz Schachermeyr clearly reflected current opinion when he equated a (...)
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  18.  67
    Ptolemy’s treatise on the meteoroscope recovered.Victor Gysembergh, Alexander Jones, Emanuel Zingg, Pascal Cotte & Salvatore Apicella - 2023 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 77 (2):221-240.
    The eighth-century Latin manuscript Milan, Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana, L 99 Sup. contains fifteen palimpsest leaves previously used for three Greek scientific texts: a text of unknown authorship on mathematical mechanics and catoptrics, known as the Fragmentum Mathematicum Bobiense (three leaves), Ptolemy's Analemma (six leaves), and an astronomical text that has hitherto remained unidentified and almost entirely unread (six leaves). We report here on the current state of our research on this last text, based on multispectral images. The text, incompletely (...)
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  19.  10
    Ptolemy's search for a law of refraction: A case-study in the classical methodology of “saving the appearances” and its limitations.A. Mark Smith - 1982 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 26 (3):221-240.
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    Ptolemy, Alhazen, and Kepler and the Problem of Optical Images.A. Mark Smith - 1998 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 8 (1):9.
    “Although up to now the [visual] image has been [understood as] a construct of reason,” Kepler observes in the fifth chapter of his Ad Vitellionem Paralipomena, “henceforth the [visible] representations of objects should be considered as paintings [ picturae ] that are actual[ly projected] on paper or some other screen.” While not intended as a historical generalization, this claim nonetheless reflects historical reality. Virtually all visual theorists before Kepler did, in fact, conceive of optical images as subjective, not objective constructs (...)
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  21. Ptolemy.J. Feke & A. Jones - 2010 - In Lloyd P. Gerson (ed.), The Cambridge history of philosophy in late antiquity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 197-209.
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    Did Ptolemy make novel predictions? Launching Ptolemaic astronomy into the scientific realism debate.Christián Carman & José Díez - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 52:20-34.
  23.  27
    Ptolemy Soter.John Briscoe - 1972 - The Classical Review 22 (01):84-.
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    Ptolemy of Egypt.Diana Delia & Walter M. Ellis - 1996 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 116 (4):767.
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  25. Ptolemy's Philosophy of Geography.Jacqueline Feke - 2018 - In René Ceceña (ed.), Claudio Ptolomeo: Geografía. Capítulos teóricos. pp. 281-326.
  26. Ptolemy of Lucca, On the government of rulers.Joshua Parens & Joseph C. Macfarland - 2011 - In Joshua Parens & Joseph C. Macfarland (eds.), Medieval political philosophy: a sourcebook. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
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    Ptolemy’s Treatment of the Outer Planets.Dennis Duke - 2005 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 59 (2):169-187.
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    Mean Motions in Ptolemy’s Planetary Hypotheses.Dennis Duke - 2009 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 63 (6).
    In the Planetary Hypotheses, Ptolemy summarizes the planetary models that he discusses in great detail in the Almagest, but he changes the mean motions to account for more prolonged comparison of observations. He gives the mean motions in two different forms: first, in terms of ‘simple, unmixed’ periods and next, in terms of ‘particular, complex’ periods, which are approximations to linear combinations of the simple periods. As a consequence, all of the epoch values for the Moon and the planets (...)
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    King Ptolemy and Alchandreus the Philosopher: The earliest texts on the astrolabe and Arabic astrology at Fleury, Micy and Chartres.Charles Burnett - 1998 - Annals of Science 55 (4):329-368.
    SummaryThis paper reassesses the importance of the Benedictine monasteries of St Benoît of Fleury and St Mesmin of Micy (both on the outskirts of Orléans), and the Cathedral of Chartres for the early diffusion of Arabic learning concerning the astrolabe, and it relates this diffusion to that of the judicial astrology of ‘Alchandreus philosophus’ and the astronomical tables of the Preceptum canonis Ptolomei. Evidence is given for the fact that already, by the turn of the millennium, the elements were in (...)
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    Scientific Method in Ptolemy's Harmonics.Andrew Barker - 2000 - Cambridge University Press.
    The science called 'harmonics' was one of the major intellectual enterprises of Greek antiquity. Ptolemy's treatise seeks to invest it with new scientific rigour; its consistently sophisticated procedural self-awareness marks it as a key text in the history of science. This book is a sustained methodological exploration of Ptolemy's project. After an analysis of his explicit pronouncements on the science's aims and the methods appropriate to it, it examines Ptolemy's conduct of his investigation in detail, concluding that (...)
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  31.  32
    Holding or Breaking with Ptolemy's Generalization: Considerations about the Motion of the Planetary Apsidal Lines in Medieval Islamic Astronomy.S. Mohammad Mozaffari - 2017 - Science in Context 30 (1):1-32.
    ArgumentIn theAlmagest, Ptolemy finds that the apogee of Mercury moves progressively at a speed equal to his value for the rate of precession, namely one degree per century, in the tropical reference system of the ecliptic coordinates. He generalizes this to the other planets, so that the motions of the apogees of all five planets are assumed to be equal, while the solar apsidal line is taken to be fixed. In medieval Islamic astronomy, one change in this general proposition (...)
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  32.  21
    Rounding numbers: Ptolemy’s calculation of the Earth–Sun distance.Christián C. Carman - 2009 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 63 (2):205-242.
    In this article, I analyze the coincidence of the prediction of the Earth–Sun distance carried out by Ptolemy in his Almagest and the one he carried out, with another method, in the Planetary Hypotheses. In both cases, the values obtained for the Earth–Sun distance are very similar, so that the great majority of historians have suspected that Ptolemy altered or at least selected the data in order to obtain this agreement. In this article, I will provide a reconstruction (...)
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  33.  19
    Tacitus, ptolemy and the river forth.Andrew Breeze - 2007 - Classical Quarterly 57 (01):324-.
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    Ptolemy and the Lost City of Eldana.Leonard Curchin - 1996 - Hermes 124 (1):123-127.
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    Ptolemy, Alhacen, and Ibn Mu'adh and the Problem of Atmospheric Refraction.A. Mark Smith - 2003 - Centaurus 45 (1-4):100-115.
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    4. Ptolemy IV Philopator and his Religious Policy.Carsten L. Wilke - 2017 - In Carsten Wilke (ed.), Farewell to Shulamit: Spatial and Social Diversity in the Song of Songs. De Gruyter. pp. 58-78.
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    Ptolemy's Defense of Theoretical Philosophy.Jacqueline Feke - 2012 - Apeiron 45 (1):61-90.
  38.  57
    Bias in Ptolemy's History of Alexander.R. M. Errington - 1969 - Classical Quarterly 19 (2):233-242.
    Arrian's enthusiasm for Ptolemy's account of Alexander has often been echoed in modern times. With much justification it is generally agreed that Arrian's account of Alexander, through its reliance on the works of Ptolemy and Aristobulus, is our best and, on the whole, most reliable account of Alexander. Recent work, however, has illuminated Ptolemy's weaknesses, and we can no longer regard Ptolemy as utterly reliable in every important respect. His version of the Alexander story is centred (...)
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  39.  45
    Ptolemy's Universe: The Natural Philosophical and Ethical Foundations of Ptolemy's Astronomy. By Liba Chaia Taub. [REVIEW]Eric A. Reitan - 1996 - Modern Schoolman 73 (2):187-189.
    Review of Liba Taub, Ptolemy's universe; The natural philosophical and ethical foundations of Ptolemy's astronomy. Chicago: Open Court 1993. xiv, 188 p.
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    Ptolemy the Geographer.Francis S. Betten - 1934 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 9 (3):449-457.
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    Ptolemy's Universe: The Natural Philosophical and Ethical Foundations of Ptolemy's Astronomy. Liba Chaia Taub.Alan Bowen - 1994 - Isis 85 (1):140-141.
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    Ptolemy and Scientific Method: A Note on the History of an Idea.Louis Kattsoff - 1947 - Isis 38 (1/2):18-22.
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    Ptolemy’s Optics, double-vision, and the technological afterimage.Colin Webster - 2022 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 94:191-200.
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    Ptolemy's Determination of the Obliquity of the Ecliptic.John P. Britton - 1969 - Centaurus 14 (1):29-41.
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    Against Ptolemy?Omar Anchassi - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 142 (4):851-881.
    This article explores how mutakallimūn engaged with competing visions of the cosmos—traditionalist and Aristotelian-Ptolemaic—to the beginning of the sixth/ twelfth century. Drawing on works of kalām, Quran commentary, and items from other genres, I demonstrate that rationalist theologians remained divided on such questions as the shape of the earth to the end of this period. These disagreements, moreover, cannot be explained in terms of school affiliation. Based on a comprehensive examination of published sources, I argue that cosmographical opinion among mutakallimūn (...)
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  46.  30
    Ptolemy's Planetary Mean Motions Revisited.Alexander Jones & Dennis Duke - 2005 - Centaurus 47 (3):226-235.
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    Ptolemy, Bianchini, and Copernicus: Tables for Planetary Latitudes.José Chabás & Bernard R. Goldstein - 2004 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 58 (5):453-473.
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    Regiomontanus on ptolemy, physical orbs, and astronomical fictionalism: Goldsteinian themes in the "defense of theon against George of trebizond".Michael H. Shank - 2002 - Perspectives on Science 10 (2):179-207.
    : To honor Bernard Goldstein, this article highlights in the "Defense of Theon against George of Trebizond" by Regiomontanus (1436-1476) themes that resonate with leading strands of Goldstein's scholarship. I argue that, in this poorly-known work, Regiomontanus's mastery of Ptolemy's mathematical astronomy, his interest in making astronomy physical, and his homocentric ideals stand in unresolved tension. Each of these themes resonates with Gold- stein's fundamental work on the Almagest, the Planetary Hypotheses, and al-Bitruji's Principles of Astronomy. I flesh out (...)
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  49.  22
    On Ptolemy's Table for the Equation of Time.Benno van Dalen - 1994 - Centaurus 37 (2):97-153.
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    Ptolemy's Skandia.Kemp Malone - 1924 - American Journal of Philology 45 (4):362.
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