Results for 'Rāʼid Jamīl ʻUkāshah'

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  1.  11
    al-Imām Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī wa-falsafatuhu al-khuluqīyah.Rāʼid ʻAbd al-Jalīl ʻAwāwdah - 2016 - Irbid: ʻĀlam al-Kutub al-Ḥadīth lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
    Rāzī, Fakhr al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn ʻUmar; 1149 or 1150-1210; criticism and interpretation; Islamic ethics; Islamic philosophy.
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  2. al-Muqarrar fī tawḍīḥ Manṭiq al-Muẓaffar: maʻa matnihi al-muṣaḥḥaḥ.Rāʼid Ḥaydarī - 1998 - Qum: al-Muntadá al-Ḥaydarī al-Thaqāfī. Edited by Muḥammad Riḍā Muẓaffar.
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  3.  18
    al-Usrah al-Muslimah fī ẓill al-taghayyurāt al-muʻāṣirah.Rāʼid Jamīl ʻUkāshah & Mundhir ʻArafāt Zaytūn (eds.) - 2015 - ʻAmmān: Dār al-Fatḥ lil-Dirāsāt wa-al-Nashr.
    تشخيص فكري ومعرفي لمفهوم الأسرة ومكانتها في الفكر الإسلامي، وتفحّصٌ علمي ومنهجي لأسس البناء الأسري ومقاصده، وكشفٌ عن تأثير التحوّلات الاجتماعية في الأسرة والتحديات التي تواجهها، وتتبعٌ لانعكاسات الفكر الغربي في المنظومة القيمية للأسرة، وتبيّنٌ لبعض التجارب والخبرات في مجال المحافظة على دور الأسرة، لا سيما بعد هيمنة النموذج المعرفي الغربي، ومحاولة طمسه للخصوصيات الثقافية والمجتمعية. حاولت بحوث هذا الكتاب أن تجيب عن تساؤلات معرفية ومجتمعية مهمة مثل: ما أهم التحديات التي تواجه الأسرة المسلمة في الراهن المعاصر وكيفية مواجهتها، وما (...)
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  4. al-Turāth al-manṭiqī fī al-Maghrib wa-al-Andalus: dirāsah wa-taḥqīq: makhṭūṭat Waẓāʼif fī ʻilm al-manṭiq li-Muḥammad ibn Abī al-Qāsim al-Maghribī, 683 H/1284 M.Rāʼid Amīr ʻAbd Allāh Rāshid - 2016 - ʻAmmān: Dār al-Muʻtazz lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ. Edited by Muḥammad ibn Mūsá Marrākushī.
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  5. Sefer Shulḥan ha-levavot: u-vo sheloshim simanim shel halakhot ʻal mitsṿot ha-teluyot ba-levavot ṿe-tiḳun ha-midot meluḳaṭ mi-divre ha-rishonim.Elʻazar Daṿid ben Yiśraʼel Gliḳ - 2003 - Yerushalayim: Mekhon "Banim u-vene banim".
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  6. Imre Shimshon: raʻayonot ṿe-yesodot mi-Torato shel... Rabi Shimshon Daṿid Pinḳus.Shimshon Daṿid Pinḳus - 2001 - Yerushalayim: Malkhut Vaḳsberger.
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  7. al-Taʼthīrāt al-ʻArabīyah wa-al-Islāmīyah fī kitāb al-Hidāyah ilá farāʼiḍ al-qulūb li-Ibn Fāqūdah al-Yahūdī.ʻAbd al-Rāziq Aḥmad Qandīl - 2004 - [Giza]: Markaz al-Dirāsāt al-Sharqīyah, Jāmiʻat al-Qāhirah.
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  8. al-Rāʼid: durūs fī al-tarbiyah wa-al-daʻwah.Māzin ibn ʻAbd al-Karīm Furayḥ - 1998 - al-Riyāḍ: Dār al-Munṭalaq lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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  9. Rāʼid al-Falsafah al-siyāsīyah al-shīʻīyah Mahdī al-Ḥāʼirī Yazdī.ʻAlī Muʼayyad - 2022 - [Baghdad]: Nakhat al-Kitāb.
    Yazīdī, Mahdī al-Ḥāʼirī, biographies; philosophy; Shiites.
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  10.  10
    Kashf al-maʻāqid fī sharḥ Qawāʻid al-ʻaqāʼid.Ḥimmaṣī Rāzī & Maḥmūd ibn ʻAlī - 2007 - Ṭihrān: Muʼassasah-i Muṭālaʻāt-i Islāmī-i Dānishgāh-i Āzād-i Birlīn. Edited by Sabine Schmidtke.
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  11. Sefer Mitsṿot dileh: maʼamre ḥizuḳ ṿe-hitʻorerut u-veʼurim be-mitsṿot she-ben adam le-ḥavero shezurim be-ʻuvdot ṿe-hanhagot mi-rabotenu gedole Yiśraʼel: ṿe-hu asufat ṿeʻadim she-neʼemru lifne ḥaverim maḳshivim be-Kolel "Naḥalat Daṿid" le-ʻorer ule-halhiv ha-levavot le-hitḥazeḳ ule-hishtaper bb-ʻavodat ha-Shem.Avraham ben Daṿid Ḥanono - 2021 - [Lakewood, NJ]: Avraham Ḥanono.
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  12. al-Kindī: rāʼid al-falsafah al-ʻArabīyah al-Islāmīyah.Barakāt Muḥammad Murād - 1990 - Madīnat Naṣr [Cairo]: al-Ṣadr li-Khidmāt al-Ṭibāʻah.
  13. Rabot banot ʻaśu ḥayil: bo niḳbetsu halakhot ṿe-dinim, hanhagot, maʻaśiyot, shirim u-tefilot be-khol ha-ḳashur le-vat Yiśraʼel.Daṿid Gavriʼel - 2004 - Yerushalayim: Midreshet Raḥel.
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  14. Sharḥ muqaddimat Tafsīr al-Rāghib al-Iṣfahānī: li-Abī al-Qāsim al-Ḥusayn ibn Muḥammad ibn al-Mufaḍḍal al-Rāghib al-Iṣfahānī al-mutawaffá buʻayd (400 H).Musāʻid ibn Sulaymān Ṭayyār - 2021 - al-Dammām: Dār Ibn al-Jawzī lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
  15. al-Madīnah al-fāḍilah lil-Fārābī.ʻAlī ʻAbd al-Wāḥid Wāfī - 1973 - al-Qāhirah: Dār ʻĀlam al-Kutub lil-Ṭabʻ wa-al-nashr. Edited by Fārābī.
  16. Sefer shevive or: likụtim: she-nishmeʻu mi-pi...Yiśraʼel Meʼir ha-Kohen me-Radin...: ṿe-khen mi-talmido ha-muvhaḳ... Elḥanan Ṿaserman umi-maranan roshe ha-yeshiva de-Radin ha-gaon Rabi Mosheh Landinsḳi, z. ts. ve-ḳ l., ha-gaon Rabi Naftali Ṭrop, z. ts. ve-ḳ l., ha-gaon Rabi Tsevi Hirsh Leṿinson, z. ts. ve-ḳ. l.Shemuʼel Daṿid Ṿalḳin - 2011 - [Israel]: [Rabi Shemuel Daṿid Ṿalḳin].
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  17.  13
    Abū al-Walīd ibn Rushd, rāʼid al-fikr wa-faylasūf al-ʻaql, 520-595 H / 1126-1198 M: ḥayātuhu, wa-āthāruhu, wa-maṣādir dirāsatih.Amīn Sulaymān Sīdū - 2016 - [Riyadh]: [Markaz al-Malik Fayṣal lil-Buḥūth wa-al-Dirāsāt al-Islāmīyah].
    Muslim scholars; Saudi Arabia; biography.
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    Langage et philosophie: essai sur les structures linguistiques de l'ontologie: avec la traduction de la discussion rapporté par Abû Ḥayyân al-Tawḥîdî entre le logicien Mattâ Ibn Yûnus et le grammairien Abû Saʻid as-Sîrâfî et de deux autres textes.Abderrahmane Taha - 1979 - Rabat: Faculté des lettres et des sciences humaines.
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  19. Sharḥ al-ʻallāmah Quṭb al-Dīn Maḥmūd ibn Muḥammad al-Rāzī al-mutawaffá sanat 766 al-mulaqqab bi-Taḥrīr al-qawāʻid al-manṭiqīyah fī sharḥ al-Risālah al-Shamsīyah allatī ṣanafahā al-Imām Najm al-Dīn ʻUmar ibn ʻAlī al-Qazwīnī al-maʻrūf bi-al-Kātibī al-mutawaffá sanat 493 nafaʻa Allāh bi-hi āmīn. Wa-bi-hāmishihi Ḥāshiyat al-ʻallāmah al-muḥaqqiq wa-al-fahhāmah al-mudaqqiq al-Sayyid al-Sharīf ʻAlī ibn Muḥammad al-Jurjānī ʻalá sharḥ Quṭb al-Dīn al-Rāzī ʻalá matn al-Shamsīyah fī al-manṭiq nafaʻa Allāh bi-himā āmīn.Quṭb al-Taḥtānī & Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad - 1893 - Miṣr: al-Maṭbaʻah al-Azharīyah. Edited by Maḥmūd al-Imām Manṣūrī, ʻAlī ibn ʻUmar Qazwīnī & ʻAlī ibn Muḥammad Jurjānī.
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  20. Ḥug ha-Reʼiyah: shiʻure rabenu Daṿid Kohen, zatsal, ha-Rav ha-Nazir... ʻal Sefer Orot ha-ḳodesh... maran ha-Raʼayah Ḳ'uḳ, zatsal.David Cohen - 2018 - Yerushalayim: Ariʼel - mifʻale Torah, yahadut ṿe-ḥevrah be-Yiśraʼel. Edited by Harʼel Kohen.
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  21.  27
    One Ḥadīth, Sixty Deductions (Wajh): Ibn al-Qāṣṣ and his Fawāʾid Ḥadīth Abī ʿUmayr.Suat Koca - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (2):787-811.
    Ibn al-Qāṣṣ (d. 335/946), one of the representatives of the Shāfiʿī school of law in the 4th/10th century, compiled a short treatise of extraordinary nature: Fawāʾid Ḥadīth Abī ʿUmeyr. In this work, he deduces sixty different wajhs (verdicts, comments) from a ḥadīth reporting the Prophet’s interest and affection to a child known as Abū ʿUmayr and his family during a visit he paid after Abū ʿUmayr’s birdie died by jokingly telling him in rhyme, “yā Abā ʿUmayr, mā faʿala al-nughayr” (O (...)
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  22.  20
    The tawhid concept of 'abd al-ra’ūf al-sinkīlī.Fuad Mahbub Siraj - 2020 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 15 (1):121-143.
    This paper examines the concept of _taw__ḥ__īd _ c Abd al-Ra’ūf al-Sinkīlī. Using the historical approach and content analysis, this paper argues that_ __taw__ḥ__īd__ _is an important aspect in Islam and becomes an interesting discourse in the Islamic intellectual tradition, especially _Sufism. _ c Abd al-Ra’ūf al-Sinkīlī stated that the first commitment for a human being is to accept the Oneness of Allah SWT, and purity it from all things inappropriate to Him with the statement of _lā ilaha illā Allāh_. (...)
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  23. Studi Kitāb ārāʼ ahl al-madīnah al-fāḍilah karya al-Farabi dan relevansinya dengan pancasila: disertasi. Izzuddin - 2020 - Jakarta: Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.
    Studies on Kitāb ārāʼ ahl al-madīnah al-fāḍilah by Fārābī, a Muslim philosopher, related to Pancasila as the state ideology of Indonesia.
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  24.  2
    Le-harim et ha-shamayim: mivḥar ḳeṭaʻim mi-kitve ha-Rav ʻAdin Even-Yiśraʼel Shṭainzalts = Lifting the heavens.Adin Steinsaltz - 2021 - Yerushalayim: Sifre Magid, hotsaʼat Ḳoren.
    Haḳdmat ha-ʻorekh -- Le-harim et ha-shamayim -- Ḥalomot gedolim -- Zeman -- Torah -- Tefilah -- Teshuvah -- Ḥinukh -- Yaḥid ṿe-yaḥad -- Ahavat Yiśraʼel -- Ḥerut ṿe-ḥitḥadshut -- Galut ṿe-Geʼulah -- Adam ṿe-ʻolam -- Ish ha-maʻalah.
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  25. Sefer Zikhron Daṿid: ʻal shemo ule-zikhro shel a.a.m. ha-Rav Daṿid ben R. Avraham, zal: ḥidushim beʼurim ṿe-heʻarot, tokho la-dun ule-hitʻameḳ be-divre ha-Shu. ʻa. ṿeha-posḳim kefi ha-yotse mi-meḳor ha-Gemara ṿe-rishonim, devar dibur ʻal ofanaṿ.Mordekhai Tsevi Zilber - 2012 - Bruḳlin, Nyu Yorḳ: Mordekhai Tsevi Zilber.
    Ḥeleḳ 1. Hilkhot kibud av ṿa-em u-khevod rabo -- ḥeleḳ 2. Hilkhot lashon ha-raʻ u-rekhilut ʻal ha-Ḥ. ḥ. ṿe-ʻinyene emet ṿe-sheḳer.
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  26. Sefer Zikhron Daṿid: ʻal shemo ule-zikhro shel a.a.m. ha-Rav Daṿid ben R. Avraham, zal: ḥidushim beʼurim ṿe-heʻarot, tokho la-dun ule-hitʻameḳ be-divre ha-Shu. ʻa. ṿeha-posḳim kefi ha-yotse mi-meḳor ha-Gemara ṿe-rishonim, devar dibur ʻal ofanaṿ.Mordekhai Tsevi Zilber - 2012 - Bruḳlin, Nyu Yorḳ: Mordekhai Tsevi Zilber.
    Ḥeleḳ 1. Hilkhot kibud av ṿa-em u-khevod rabo -- ḥeleḳ 2. Hilkhot lashon ha-raʻ u-rekhilut ʻal ha-Ḥ. ḥ. ṿe-ʻinyene emet ṿe-sheḳer.
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  27. Sefer Zekhut Yiśraʼel: ha-niḳra ʻEśer ʻaṭarot: bo yavo ḥidushim ʻamuḳim... śiḥot... ʻim sipurim u-maʻaśiyot noraʼim... hanhagot... min ʻaśarah geʼonim u-ḳedoshim..Israel Berger - 1909 - Pyeṭrḳov: Ḥanokh Henikh Folman.
    ha-R. ha-ḳ. R. Mosheh mi-Drogiṭshin -- ha-R. ha-ḳ. R. Avraham me-Ulinov -- ha-R. ha-ḳ. R. Shelomoh Leyb mi-Lenṭshna -- ha-R. ha-ḳ. R. Meʼir mi-Primishla -- ha-R. ha-ḳ. R. Avraham mi-Miḳalyov -- ha-R. ha-ḳ. R. Daṿid mi-Zovliṭov -- ha-R. ha-ḳ. R. Shmelḳe mi-Sasov -- ha-R. ha-ḳ. R. Yeshaʻy. Shor -- ha-R. ha-ḳ. R. Yeḥiʼel Mikhal.
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  28. Meḳomah shel ha-halakhah be-ḥokhmat Yiśraʼ L. Gintsburg - 1959 - In Shemuel Safrai, David Hoffmann, S. Horovitz & Louis Ginzberg, Ḥomer ḳeriʼah le-talmide ha-mekhinah ba-Talmud. Yerushalayim: ha-Universiṭah ha-ʻIvrit bi-Yerushalayim, ha-Faḳulṭah le-madʻe ha-ruaḥ, ha-Makhon le-madʻe ha-Yahadut [ṿe]ha-Ḥug la-Talmud.
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    On the Ruins of What’s to Come, I Stand: Time and Devastation in Syrian Cultural Production since 2011.Anne-Marie McManus - 2021 - Critical Inquiry 48 (1):45-67.
    Ten years after the popular uprising that became a brutal war, Syrian and Syrian-Palestinian authors are engaged in the struggle to craft a historical consciousness that can acknowledge and mourn for their recent revolutionary past without reifying it. As they write in and of material, political, and social ruin, their works echo collective traumas in regional memory: the Palestinian nakba, the rise of Syria’s Assad regime, Lebanon’s civil war, the 2003 occupation of Iraq, and more. The ruin appears cruelly recursive, (...)
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  30. Esmâ-i Hüsnâya Dayanan Kelâm Anlayışı: Ebû İshak es-Saffâr Örneği [The Understanding of Kalām Based on al-Asmāʾ al-Husnā: The Case of Abū Isḥāq al-Ṣaffār].Hümeyra Sevgülü Haciibrahimoğlu & Abdullah Demir - 2021 - Ankara: Oku Okut Yayınları [Oku Okut Publishing].
    Bu kitapta, Ebû İshâk es-Saffâr’ın (öl. 534/1139) kelâmî görüşleri, Telḫîṣü’l-edille li-ḳavâʿidi’t-tevḥîd adlı eserinde Allah’ın isimlerinin anlamlarını açıklarken yaptığı yorumlar çerçevesinde ele alınmaktadır. Ebû İshâk es-Saffâr, 6./12. yüzyıl Hanefî-Mâtürîdî âlimlerinden biridir. Kelâma dair Telḫîṣü’l-edille eserinde esmâ-i hüsnâ konusuna ayrıntılı olarak yer vermektedir. İki cilt hâlinde yayımlanan bu eserin yaklaşık üçte birlik bir kısmını esmâ-i hüsnâ konusu oluşturmaktadır. Bu kısım incelendiğinde, Saffâr’ın Allah’ın varlığı, birliği ve sıfatları ile ilgili konular başta olmak üzere pek çok konuyu 175 esmâ-i hüsnâya dayanarak izah ettiği görülmektedir. (...)
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  31.  21
    Women's Fasting During Menstruation: A Review on the Narration ‘Are You Ḥarūrī?’.Rabia Zahide Temi̇z - 2021 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 25 (3):1253-1275.
    Fasting of women on the days of her menstruation period is an issue that takes place in current fiqh discussions. Some contemporary researchers say that there is no religious obstacle for women to fast during these times. Moreover, they state that there is no reason to interrupt fasting, on the contrary, claim obliged to fasting. Meanwhile in traditional fiqh, it is stated that is religiously forbidden for women to fast during this period, rather it is claimed that fasting in this (...)
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    Aquinas and Heidegger: The Question of Philosophical Theology.Vincent Guagliardo - 1989 - The Thomist 53 (3):407-442.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:AQUINAS AND HEIDEGGER: THE QUESTION OF BIDLOSOPHICAL THEOLOGY VINCENT GUAGLIARDO, O.P. Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology Graduate Theological Union Berkeley, Oalifornia I N IDS BOOK, Hediegger and Aquinas: An Essay on Overcoming Metaphysics, John D. Caputo recommends a " deconstruction" of Aquinas' philosophical theology in order to let.the true ·element orf his thought, mysticism, come to the fore. Caputo argues persuasively that Aquinas' thought, expressed · is in (...)
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    The Importance of Text Criticism and Analysis: The Adventure of a Narrative Turning from Clog into Mule.Yusuf Acar - 2021 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 25 (3):1341-1358.
    Each narration or text, as it informs about an event, situation or person in history, has a history that sheds light on both its formation and how it arrived to us. The illumination of this history is at least as important as the content analysis of the information. For this reason, it is necessary both to examine whether the source in which the information is given has survived to the present day as it was created by the author without being (...)
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  34. Itḥāf al-sādah al-muttaqīn lil-Sayyid al-Imām Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad Murtaḍá al-Zabīdī bi-sharḥ Iḥyāʼ ʻulūm al-dīn li-Ḥujjat al-Islām Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad al-Ṭūsī al-Ghazālī.Murtaḍá al-Zabīdī & Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad - 2024 - ʻAmmān: Dār al-Nūr al-Mubīn lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ. Edited by Ashraf Muḥammad Aḥmad.
    al-Mujallad al-awwal. Muqaddimāt al-taḥqīq wa-muqaddimat al-Imām al-Zubaydī lil-Itḥāf -- al-mujallad al-thānī. Kitāb al-ʻIlm ilá nihāyat al-bāb al-thālith -- al-mujallad al-thālith. Tatimmat kitāb al-ʻilm min al-bāb al-rābiʻ ilá ākhir al-kitāb -- al-mujallad al-rābiʻ. Kitāb Qawāʻid al-ʻaqāʼid -- al-mujallad al-khāmis. Kitāb Asrār al-ṭahārah -- al-mujallad al-sādis. Kitāb Asrār al-ṣalāh ilá nihāyat shurūṭ al-jumʻah min al-bāb al-khāmis -- al-mujallad al-sābiʻ. Tatimmat kitāb asrār al-ṣalāh min ādāb al-jumʻah ilá ākhir al-kitāb -- al-mujallad al-thāmin. Kitābā Asrār al-zakāh wa-asrār al-ṣawm -- al-mujallad al- tāsiʻ. Kitāb asrār (...)
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  35. A personalidade pura.Emmanuel Cattin - 2008 - Dois Pontos 5 (1).
    resumo O presente trabalho é uma contribuição ao estudo do sentido da « personalidade pura », que surge ao final da Ciência de Lógica de Hegel, e que é ali o nome correto e último do « Conceito ». Com esse nome, Hegel pretende designar a afirmação da liberdade em sua ide nt ida de com a negatividade absoluta. Pa ra esclarecer esse ponto, será preciso, primeiro, explicar o sentido hegeliano de pessoa no campo do espírito objetivo, onde ela é (...)
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  36. Ebû Şekûr es-S'limî’nin Hil'fete İlişkin Görüşleri.Mehmet Ümit - 2019 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 51:327-352.
    Hilâfet/imâmet meselesi, Hz. Peygamberin vefatının akabinde Müslümanlar arasında ortaya çıkan en önemli meselelerden biridir. Bu konu, özellikle Şîa’yla birlikte siyasi alandan itikâdî alana taşınmıştır. Sünnî âlimler de muhtemelen Şiî âlimlerin etkisiyle onu kelâmî konular arasına dâhil etmişler ve kitaplarında ona yer vermişlerdir. Semerkant bölgesi Hanefî-Mâtürîdî âlimlerinden Ebû Şekûr es-Sâlimî de (ö. 460/1068’den sonra) bu âlimlerden biridir. Ebû Şekûr’un hayatı hakkında Hanefî biyografi kitaplarında pek bilgi yoktur. Günümüze ulaşan et-Temhîd fî beyâni’t-tev ḥ îd adlı eserinde verdiği bazı bilgilerden hareketle Ebû Şekûr’un (...)
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  37. Sefer ha-Meʼorot ha-gedolim: ḳaṿe or ṿe-teʼurim mi-deyuḳanam shel ha-ishim ha-musriyim yotsre tenuʻat ha-musar, ḥayehem u-feʻulotehem.Ch Zaichyk - 2014 - Yerushalayim: Mekhon "Nishmat Ḥayim".
    Toldot ha-meḥaber, zatsal -- Haḳdamat ha-meḥaber, zatsal, le-mahadurah 1 -- Haḳdamah le-mahadurah 3 -- Maʼamar ʻal "Beḥire ha-yetsurim" -- Rabi Yiśraʼel mi-Salanṭ -- ha-Saba mi-Ḳelm -- Rabi Yitsḥaḳ Blazer -- Rabi Naftali Amsṭerdam -- Toldot ha-Saba mi-Novhardoḳ ṿe-yeshivotaṿ -- ha-Saba mi-Novhardoḳ -- ha-Saba mi-Slabodḳah -- he-Ḥafets Ḥayim --Gedole Novhardoḳ -- R. Avraham Zalmens -- R. Daṿid Blaikher -- R. Daṿid Bodniḳ -- R. Yiśraʼel Yaʻaḳov Lubṭshansḳi -- R. Shemuʼel Ṿainṭrob -- Talmide Novhardoḳ -- Peninim ṿe-leḳaḥim musariyim -- Ḥinukh ṿe-ʻidun ha-hergeshim (...)
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    Al-Khwarizmi's Planetary Latitude Tables.A. S. Kennedy & Walid Ukashah - 1969 - Centaurus 14 (1):86-96.
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    The Chandelier Clock of Ibn Yūnis.E. Kennedy & Walid Ukashah - 1969 - Isis 60 (4):543-545.
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    Role of Social Media Marketing Activities in Influencing Customer Intentions: A Perspective of a New Emerging Era.Khalid Jamil, Liu Dunnan, Rana Faizan Gul, Muhammad Usman Shehzad, Syed Hussain Mustafa Gillani & Fazal Hussain Awan - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The aim of this study is to explore social media marketing activities and their impact on consumer intentions. This study also analyzes the mediating roles of social identification and satisfaction. The participants in this study were experienced users of two social media platforms Facebook and Instagram in Pakistan. A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect data from respondents. We used an online community to invite Facebook and Instagram users to complete the questionnaire in the designated online questionnaire system. Data were (...)
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    Resemblances and universals.Jamil Nammour - 1973 - Mind 82 (328):516-524.
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  42. Bid Form.Bidder Fed Id No - 2009 - Hermes 30:40-000.
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  43. Faylasūf al-ʻArab wa-al-Muʻallim al-thānī.Muṣṭafá ʻAbd al-Rāziq - 1945 - [Cairo]: Dār Iḥyāʼ al-Kutub al-ʻArabīyah.
    Faylasū al-ʻArab: al-Kindī -- al-Muʻallim al-thānī: al-Fārābī -- al-Shāʻir al-ḥakīm: al-Mutanabbī -- Baṭalīmūs al-ʻArab: Ibn al-Haytham -- Shaykh al-Islām: Ibn Taymīyah.
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    Ḥikmat al-ishrāq.Quṭb al-Shīrāzī & Maḥmūd ibn Masʻūd - 2013 - Tihrān: Intishārāt-i Bunyād-i Ḥikmat-i Islāmī-i Ṣadrā. Edited by Muḥammad Khāminahʹī, Najafqulī Ḥabībī, Maqṣūd Muḥammadī, Hossein Ziai, Ṣadr al-Dīn Shīrāzī & Muḥammad ibn Ibrāhīm.
    Suhrawardī, Yaḥyá ibn Ḥabash, 1152 or 3-119.Ḥikmat al-ishrāq- Criticism and interpretation ; Ṣadr al-Dīn Shīrāzī, Muḥammad ibn Ibrāhīm, d. 1641- Criticism and interpretation ; Islamic philosophy.
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  45. ʻAl ha-Ḥayim ṿe-ʻal ha-maṿet: ha-Ṭaʼu la-ratsyonalim: ʻeḳronot hityaḥasut le-ʻatsmenu, la-zulat ṿela-ʻolam ʻal pi ha-ḳosmosofyah = About life and death.Mishḳah Ben-Daṿid - 2019 - [Tel-Aviv]: Tekhelet.
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  46. Pūrbamīmāṃsāra dr̥shṭite bākya mahābākya tāt̲aparya nirūpaṇera upāẏa samīkshā.Lakshmīnārāẏaṇa Bhaṭṭācāryya - 2005 - Kalakātā: Saṃskr̥ta Buka Ḍipo.
    Articles on sentence in Sanskrit grammar according to Mimamsa philosophy.
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    Numerical abstractness and elementary arithmetic.Jamie Id Campbell & Arron Ws Metcalfe - 2009 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 (3-4):330 - 331.
    Like number representation, basic arithmetic seems to be a natural candidate for abstract instantiation in the brain. To investigate this, researchers have examined effects of numeral format on elementary arithmetic (e.g., 4+5 vs. four+five). Different numeral formats often recruit distinct processes for arithmetic, reinforcing the conclusion that number processing is not necessarily abstracted away from numeral format.
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  48. Liḳuṭ le-ʻidud ṿe-ḥizuḳ: ʻetsah maʻaśit ha-meḥazeḳet meʼod u-mekhaṿenet be-derekh ha-limud.Daṿid Elbom (ed.) - 1995 - Yerushalayim: [Ḥ. Mo. L.].
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  49. Sefer Derekh ʻaliyah: berur sugyot ba-Gemara u-Midrash be-ḳinyene Torah ṿa-ʻavodah.Daṿid Tsevi Eliʼakh - 2010 - Yerushalayim: Mekhon "Moreshet ha-yeshivot,".
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  50. Sefer ha-Boteaḥ ba-H. ḥesed yesovevenu.Daṿid ben Yaʻaḳov Yehudah Falḳ - 2009 - Yerushalayim: Daṿid ben Yaʻaḳov Yehudah Falḳ.
    ḥeleḳ 1. Pirḳe ʻiyun be-gidre mitsṿat ha-biṭaḥon be-mishnato shel Baʻal Ḥovot ha-levavot.
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