Results for 'Rahman Shahid'

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  1.  76
    New perspectives in dialogical logic.Shahid Rahman - 2001 - Synthese 125.
  2.  60
    Inferences by Parallel Reasoning in Islamic Jurisprudence: Al-Shīrāzī’s Insights Into the Dialectical Constitution of Meaning and Knowledge.Shahid Rahman, Muhammad Iqbal & Youcef Soufi - 2019 - Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
    This monograph proposes a new way of studying the different forms of correlational inference, known in the Islamic jurisprudence as qiyās. According to the authors’ view, qiyās represents an innovative and sophisticated form of dialectical reasoning that not only provides new epistemological insights into legal argumentation in general but also furnishes a fine-grained pattern for parallel reasoning which can be deployed in a wide range of problem-solving contexts and does not seem to reduce to the standard forms of analogical reasoning (...)
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  3. Dialogische Modallogik (für T, B, S4, und S5).Shahid Rahman & Helge Rückert - 1999 - Logique Et Analyse 167 (168):243-282.
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  4. Conclusions and Work in Progress.Shahid Rahman & Nicolas Clerbout - 2015 - In Shahid Rahman & Nicolas Clerbout (eds.), Linking Game-Theoretical Approaches with Constructive Type Theory: Dialogical Strategies, Ctt Demonstrations and the Axiom of Choice. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
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  5. Worldlines and the Artefactual Theory of Fiction.Shahid Rahman & M. Fontaine - 2012 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 2012 (260):32-45.
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    Objective Knowledge and the not Dispensability of Epistemic Subjects. Some remarks on Popper's notion of objective knowledge.Shahid Rahman, Juan Redmond & Nicolas Clerbout - unknown
    While discussing his notion of objective knowledge Popper introduces the idea of dispensability of knowing subjects, the autonomy of knowledge and the argumentative function of language. The main claim of our paper is that, on our view, objective knowledge produced by argumentative interaction is not achieved by dispensing knowing subjects but by differentiating between the play and the strategic levels of argumentation, where a distinction should be drawn between a particular concrete knowing subject engaged in that interaction, say Karl, and (...)
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  7. Die pragmatischen Sinn-und Geltungskriterien der Dialogischen Logik beim Beweis des Adjunktionssatzes.Shahid Rahman & Helge Rückert - 1998 - Philosophia Scientiae 3 (3):145-170.
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    Un desafío para las teorías cognitivas de la competencia lógica: los fundamentos pragmáticos de la semántica de la lógica linear.Shahid Rahman - 2002 - Manuscrito 25 (2):381-432.
    Marcelo Dascal destaca en diversos artículos en los que analiza las consecuencias de la concepción pragmática del significado, la importancia de estudiar la estructura dialógica de la controversia argumentativa tanto epistemológica como lógica para la formulación de un concepto de conocimiento alternativo al concepto representacional y computacional usual en las ciencias cognitivas. Ahora bien, se supone que la lógica linear es el instrumento más apropiado para describir procesos computacionales de deducción. Irónicamente, las semánticas formales usuales, que podrían utilizarse para una (...)
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    (2 other versions)The Dialogic of Just Being Different: Hintikka's New Approach to the Notion of Episteme and its Impact on “Second Generation” Dialogics.Shahid Rahman - 2004 - In Daniel Kolak & John Symons (eds.), Quantifiers, Questions and Quantum Physics: Essays on the Philosophy of Jaakko Hintikka. Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer. pp. 157--187.
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    Logic, epistemology and the unity of science: An encyclopedic project in the spirit of Neurath and Diderot.Shahid Rahman & John Symons - 2004 - In S. Rahman (ed.), Logic, Epistemology, and the Unity of Science. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 3--15.
  11.  35
    On Dialogues and Ontology. The Dialogical Approach to Free Logic.Shahid Rahman, M. Fischmann & H. Rückert - 1997 - Logique Et Analyse 160:357-374.
  12.  8
    (1 other version)Hintikka's impossible worlds revisited.Shahid Rahman - 2013 - Acta Philosophica Fennica 90.
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  13. (1 other version)The Axiom of Choice as Interaction Brief Remarks on the Principle of Dependent Choices in a Dialogical Setting.Shahid Rahman - 2018 - In Claudio Bartocci (ed.), The Philosophers and Mathematics. Springer Verlag.
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    Linking Game-Theoretical Approaches with Constructive Type Theory: Dialogical Strategies, Ctt Demonstrations and the Axiom of Choice.Shahid Rahman & Nicolas Clerbout - 2015 - Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
    We now move to the demonstration of the left-to-right direction of the equivalence result. Let us assume that there is a winning $$\mathbf {P}$$ P -strategy in the dialogical game for $$\varphi $$ φ.
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    Hugh MacColl.Shahid Rahman & Juan Redmond - 2007 - College Publications.
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    Statut Ontologique du Présent Dans L’Œuvre de Suhrawardī.Shahid Rahman & Alioune Seck - unknown
    Despite the fact that it has been more than 40 years since Henry Corbin and Hossein Ziai pointed out that the work of Shihāb al-Dīn Suhrawardī (549/1155, 587/1191) has not yet been systematically studied, a thorough investigation of his work is still in its infancy. The present brief study, which aims to contribute to filling such a gap by further developing some of the points contained in Rahman & Seck's (2022) paper, articulates some remarks on the relevance of Suhrawardī's (...)
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  17.  15
    On Dialogues and Ontologythe Dialogical Approach to Free Logic.Shahid Rahman, Helge Rückert & M. Fischmann Saarland) - 1997 - Logique and Analyse 160.
    Being a pragmatic and not a referential approach to semantics, dialogi-cal logic does not understand semantics as mapping names, propositions and relationships into the real world to obtain an abstract counterpart of it, but as dealing (handeln) with them in a particular way. This allows a very simple formulation of free logic the core of which can be expressed in a nutshell, namely: in an argumentation, it sometimes makes sense to restrict the introduction of singular terms in the context of (...)
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  18.  10
    On Frege’s Nightmare. A Combination of Intuitionistic, Free and Paraconsistent Logics.Shahid Rahman - 2001
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    The Dialogical Take on Martin-Löf’s Proof of the Axiom of Choice.Shahid Rahman, Radmila Jovanovic & Nicolas Clerbout - 2015 - South American Journal of Logic 1 (1).
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  20. The Dialogical Take on the Axiom of Choice, and Its Translation into CTT.Shahid Rahman & Nicolas Clerbout - 2015 - In Shahid Rahman & Nicolas Clerbout (eds.), Linking Game-Theoretical Approaches with Constructive Type Theory: Dialogical Strategies, Ctt Demonstrations and the Axiom of Choice. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
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    Non-normal dialogics for a wonderful world and more.Shahid Rahman - 2006 - In Johan van Benthem, Gerhard Heinzman, M. Rebushi & H. Visser (eds.), The Age of Alternative Logics: Assessing Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics Today. Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer. pp. 311--334.
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  22.  29
    Talking about Someone's Objects of Belief Dialogical Language Games, Epistemic Acquisition and Intentional Identity.Shahid Rahman & Adjoua Bernadette Dango - unknown
    Réseau LACTO (Langage, Argumentation et Cognition dans les Traditions Orales) Quatrième Rencontre du Réseau Lacto CELHTO, bureau de l'Union Africaine, Niamey, Niger, du 22 au 25 septembre 2015 : JEU ET ORALITE DANS LES SOCIETES A TRADITION ORALE According to the main stream approaches to epistemic notions, knowledge and belief are understood as propositional operators. Thus, • Gildas believes that there is a witch in his village is understood as expressing a proposition. Moreover, • Gildas knows that Gödel proved the (...)
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  23.  11
    A dialogical frame for fictions as hypothetical objects.Shahid Rahman & Juan Redmond - 2015 - Filosofia Unisinos 16 (1).
    Recent work on the development of a dialogical approach to the logic of fiction stresses the notion of existence as choice. Moreover, this approach to existence has been combined with the notion of ontological dependence as deployed by A. Thomasson’s artifactual theory of fiction. In order to implement such a combination within the dialogical frame several predicates of ontological dependence have been defined. However, the definition of such predicates seems to lean on a model-theoretic semantics for modal logic after all. (...)
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  24.  15
    Idealization as Prescriptions and the Role of Fiction in Science: Towards a Formal Semantics.Shahid Rahman - 2017 - In Olga Pombo (ed.), Modelos é Lugares. pp. 171-171.
    Preliminary words One important feature of Poincaré's conventionalism of geometry is linked to the relation between the abstract notion of space geometry and the representations of the free mobility of our bodies. In this sense «the group of rigid motions» identified by Helmholtz and Lie as the foundation of geometries of constant curvature is, according to Poincaré, an idealization of the primitive experience that acquaints us with the properties of space in the first place. 2 Furthermore, since Poincaré thinks that (...)
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  25.  9
    What is wrong about Pereleman-Toulmin's opposition between Legal Reasoning and Logic?Shahid Rahman - 2014 - AL-Mukhatabat 12.
    Around the 1960's, C. Perelman / L. Olbrechts–Tyteca and S. Toulmin endorsed the separation between argumentation and logic. In fact, both assumed a gap between everyday reasoning, closer to legal reasoning, and scientific reasoning based on mathematics. The main claim was that both paradigms are incommensurable, since the legal paradigm makes use of the notion of formality, that has a procedural nature with roots on a conversational and dialectical practice, and logic is based on the notion of form, that involves (...)
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  26.  15
    The dialogical dynamics of adaptive paraconsistency.Shahid Rahman & Jean-Paul Bendegem - 2002 - In Walter Alexandr Carnielli (ed.), Paraconsistency: The Logical Way to the Inconsistent. CRC Press. pp. 295-322.
    The dialogical approach to paraconsistency as developed by Rahman and Camielli ([1]), Rahman and Roetti ([2]) and Rahman ([3], [4] and [5]) suggests a way ofstudying the dynamic process ofarguing with inconsistencies. In his paper on Paraconsistency and Dialogue Logic ([6]) Van Bendegem suggests that an adaptive version of paraconsistency is the natuml way of capturing the inherent dynamics of dialogues. The aim of this paper is to develop a fomulation of dialogical paraconsistent logic in the spirit (...)
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  27.  31
    Um quadro dialógico para ficções como objetos hipotéticos.Shahid Rahman & Juan Redmond - 2015 - Filosofia Unisinos 16 (1).
    Recent work on the development of a dialogical approach to the logic of fiction stresses the notion of existence as choice. Moreover, this approach to existence has been combined with the notion of ontolog-ical dependence as deployed by A. Thomasson’s artifactual theory of fiction. In order to implement such a combination within the dialogical frame several predicates of ontological dependence have been de-fined. However, the definition of such predicates seems to lean on a model-theoretic semantics for mod-al logic after all. (...)
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    Unity, truth and the liar: the modern relevance of medieval solutions to the liar paradox.Shahid Rahman, Tero Tulenheimo & Emmanuel Genot (eds.) - 2008 - New York: Springer.
    This volume includes a target paper, taking up the challenge to revive, within a modern (formal) framework, a medieval solution to the Liar Paradox which did ...
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  29. Leibniz's Notion of Conditional Right and the Dynamics of Public Announcement.Sébastien Magnier & Shahid Rahman - unknown
    The main aim of our paper is to implement Leibniz's analysis of the conditional right in the framework of a dialogical approach to Public Announcement Logic. According to our view, on one hand: PAL furnishes a dynamic epistemic operator which models communication exchange between different agents that seems to be very close to Leibniz understanding of the dynamics between the truth of a proposition and the knowledge of the truth of that proposition (Leibniz calls the latter certification of its truth); (...)
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    Conditionals and Legal Reasoning.Shahid Rahman & Adjoua Bernadette Dango - 2017 - Nunya. Philosophie, Patrimoine Scientifique Et Technique 5.
    The main aim of this paper is to study the notion of conditional right by means of a dialogical approach to constructive type theory (CTT). We will develop this idea in a framework where the distinction between local-reason and strategic-reason leads to the further distinction between two basic kinds of pieces of evidence, factual and logical. The present paper is based on Rahman (2015). However, though the underlying CTT-analysis is the same, the dialogical reconstruction makes use of a new (...)
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  31. Why we are and we are not gods: Leibniz, Descartes and the reasoning with counter-logic [Spanish].Shahid Rahman - 2012 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 16:10-38.
    The main aim of the present paper is to understand the debate between Descartes and Leibniz about eternal truths as providing the structure of several possible dialogues involving counter-logic . According to this analysis the positions of Descartes and Leibniz are understood as constituting dual and dynamic perspectives in relation to the availability of some specific choices that should provide norms of rationality. Each of these dialogues has both a universal, monological aspect (given by the winning strategy) and a contextual, (...)
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  32. On Hypothetical Judgements and Leibniz’s Notion of Conditional Right.Shahid Rahman - 2015 - In Matthias Armgardt, Patrice Canivez & Sandrine Chassagnard-Pinet (eds.), Past and Present Interactions in Legal Reasoning and Logic. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
  33.  58
    Ibn sīnā’s approach to equality and unity.Shahid Rahman, Johan Georg Granström & Zaynab Salloum - 2014 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 24 (2):297-307.
    RésuméAristote n'a pas développé une théorie de la quantification du prédicat, mais une étude récente de Hasnawi a montré qu'Ibn Sīnā a consacré à celle-ci une étude rigoureuse. Assumant la structure aristotélicienne sujet-prédicat, Ibn Sīnā qualifie les propositions qui comportent un prédicat quantifié, de propositions déviantes. Une conséquence de cette approche avicennienne est que la seconde quantification est absorbée par le prédicat. La distinction claire ainsi opérée entre un sujet quantifié, qui pose le domaine de la quantification, et une partie (...)
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    Unfolding parallel reasoning in islamic jurisprudence.Shahid Rahman & Muhammad Iqbal - 2018 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 28 (1):67-132.
    RésuméCette première étude permet notamment de dégager ce résultat épistémologique: les différentes formes d’“inférence co-relationnelle” connues dans la jurisprudence islamique sous le nom de qiyās représentent une forme innovante et sophistiquée de raisonnement qui permet non seulement d'avoir une conception épistémologique plus claire du raisonnement légal en général, mais aussi de produire une mécanique bien huilée pour le “raisonnement parallèle”; cette mécanique du “raisonnement parallèle” peut être déployée selon un large spectre dans différents cadres de résolution de problèmes et ne (...)
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    Modelos e imagens.Shahid Rahman - 2018 - Lisboa: Fim de Século. Edited by Olga Pombo.
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    The Major Breakthrough in Scientific Practice.Shahid Rahman & H. Tahiri Lisboa) - 2008 - In Shahid Rahman, Tony Street & Hassan Tahiri (eds.), The Unity of Science in the Islamic Tradition. Hal Ccsd. pp. 1-40.
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    On Descriptional Propositions in Ibn Sīnā: Elements for a Logical Analysis.Shahid Rahman & Mohammad Zarepour - 2021 - In Mojtaba Mojtahedi, Shahid Rahman & MohammadSaleh Zarepour (eds.), Mathematics, Logic, and their Philosophies: Essays in Honour of Mohammad Ardeshir. Springer. pp. 411-431.
    Employing Constructive Type Theory Constructive Type Theory, we provide a logical analysis of[aut]Ibn SīnāIbn Sīnā’sIbn Sīnā descriptional propositions. Compared to its rivals, our analysis is more faithful to the grammatical subject-predicate structure of propositions and can better reflect the morphological features of the verbs that extend time to intervals. We also study briefly the logical structure of some fallacious inferences that are discussed by Ibn Sīnā. The CTT-framework makes the fallacious nature of these inferences apparent.
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    From games to dialogues and back.Shahid Rahman & Tero Tulenheimo - 2009 - In Ondrej Majer, Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen & Tero Tulenheimo (eds.), Games: Unifying Logic, Language, and Philosophy. Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer Verlag. pp. 153--208.
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    Fundamentals of the CTT Approach.Shahid Rahman & Nicolas Clerbout - unknown
    The paper presents a very brief overview of Per Martin-Löf's Constructive Type Theory (CTT for short). It is thought as handout for a mastersl level seminar? Sicne it is an overview on existing literatures there is no claim on originaliyt here.
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    Jules Vuillemin on the Aristotelian Notion of the Possible and the Master Argument.Shahid Rahman - unknown
    The main idea animating the present paper is that the general aim of debates, such as the one involving the notorious case of the Master Argument, is the ponderation of logical principles by confronting them with some set of assertions and other endorsed principles on the meaning explanation of connectives, quantifiers and modality. As suggested by Seel (2017), the point of the specific case of the MA is about examining Aristotle’s notion of possibility – as implemented by the Possibility Principle (...)
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    The Epistemic Role of Dependent-Evidence and Leibniz’s Notion of Conditional Right.Shahid Rahman - 2015 - In Matthias Armgardt, Patrice Canivez & Sandrine Chassagnard-Pinet (eds.), Past and Present Interactions in Legal Reasoning.
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    What the Weatherman Said: Enrichment, CTT and the Dialogical Approach to Moderate Contextualism.Shahid Rahman - 2021 - In Teresa Lopez-Soto (ed.), Dialog Systems: A Perspective From Language, Logic and Computation. Springer Verlag. pp. 75-114.
    The main aim of the present paper is to show that the recently developed dialogical approach to Martin-Löf’s Constructive Type Theory, called Immanent Reasoning, provides the means for distinguishing François Recanati’s process of free enrichment and saturation, meets his own objections against perspectives based on unarticulated constituents and opens a new venue to pragmatic modulation, where the speaker-receiver interaction is integrated into the notion of enrichment. In such a setting enrichment operates on proof-objects that make fully articulated event-propositions true. The (...)
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    Preface.Shahid Rahman & Helge Rückert - 2001 - Synthese 127 (1-2):1-6.
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  44. Dialogical connexive logic.Shahid Rahman & Helge Rückert - 2001 - Synthese 127 (1-2):105-139.
    Many of the discussions about conditionals can best be put as follows:can those conditionals that involve an entailment relation be formulatedwithin a formal system? The reasons for the failure of the classical approachto entailment have usually been that they ignore the meaning connectionbetween antecedent and consequent in a valid entailment. One of the firsttheories in the history of logic about meaning connection resulted from thestoic discussions on tightening the relation between the If- and the Then-parts of conditionals, which in this (...)
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  45.  21
    On Play Objects and Dialogical Games; Towards a Dialogical Approach to Constructive Type Theory (by S. Rahman, N. Clerbout, Z. MacCauneghey).Shahid Rahman & Nicolas Clerbout - 2014 - In P. Allo & V. von Kerkhove (eds.), Modestly radical or radically modes . Festschrift for Jean-Paul van Bendegem.
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  46.  22
    The Realism-Antirealism Debate in the Age of Alternative Logics.Shahid Rahman, Giuseppe Primiero & Mathieu Marion (eds.) - 2011 - Dordrecht and London: Springer.
    The relation between logic and knowledge has been at the heart of a lively debate since the 1960s. On the one hand, the epistemic approaches based their formal arguments in the mathematics of Brouwer and intuitionistic logic. Following Michael Dummett, they started to call themselves `antirealists'. Others persisted with the formal background of the Frege-Tarski tradition, where Cantorian set theory is linked via model theory to classical logic. Jaakko Hintikka tried to unify both traditions by means of what is now (...)
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  47.  39
    Hugh maccoll: eine bibliographische erschließung seiner hauptwerke und notizen zu ihrer rezeptionsgeschichte.Shahid Rahman - 1997 - History and Philosophy of Logic 18 (3):165-183.
    The work of Hugh MacColl (1837–1909) suffered the same fate after his death as before it:despite being vaguely alluded to and in part even commended, on the whole it has remained an unknown quantity. Even worse, those of his ideas which have played a decisive role in the history of logic have been credited to his successors; this is especially the case with the definition of strict implication and the first formal development of formal modal logic. This paper takes an (...)
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  48.  12
    Under the Talking-Tree: Proverbs as Reasons. The Dialogical Articulaton of Proverbs Within the Baule Tradition.Adjoua Bernadette Dango & Shahid Rahman - 2021 - In Teresa Lopez-Soto (ed.), Dialog Systems: A Perspective From Language, Logic and Computation. Springer Verlag. pp. 55-73.
    The Talking-Tree or Palaver Tree is a designated location in many African traditions where the community comes together to discuss, in a peaceful and constructive manner, issues of common interest. It is conceived as an open gathering space of interactive communication led by the stance that finding a compromise or common solution is the best way to consolidate a community. At times, the interchange taking place at a Talking-Tree may also transform into conflict management. Conflict management unfolds into several specific (...)
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  49.  25
    Armonía Dialógica: tonk, Teoría Constructiva de Tipos y Reglas para Jugadores Anónimos.Shahid Rahman & Juan Redmond - 2016 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 31 (1):27-53.
    Recent literature on dialogical logic discusses the case of tonk and the notion harmony in the context of a rule-based theory of meaning. Now, since the publications of those papers, a dialogical version of constructive type theory (CTT) has been developed. The aim of the present paper is to show that, from the dialogical point of view, the harmony of the CTT- rules is the consequence of a more fundamental level of meaning characterized by the independence of players. We hope (...)
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  50.  11
    Conditionals and Legal Reasoning. Elements of a Logic of Law.Shahid Rahman & Bernadette Dango - unknown
    The main aim of this paper is to study the notion of conditional right by means of constructive type theory (CTT) which provides the means to develop a system of contentual inferences rather than of syntactic derivations. Moreover, in line with Armgardt, we will first study the general notion of dependence as triggered by hypotheticals and then the logical structure of dependence specific to conditional right. I will develop this idea in a dialogical framework where the distinction between play-object and (...)
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