Results for 'Rebus'

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  1.  7
    De rebus gestis Antonj Caraphei.Giambattista Vico - unknown
    Electronic text edition of Giambattista Vico, De rebus gestis Antonj Caraphaei, in Latin. It includes the page numbers of and the links to the original edition of 1716, published as image version in same issue of the "Laboratorio dell'ISPF" with DOI: 10.12862/ispfL102. Edited by A. Sansone.
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  2. Processing of a Subliminal Rebus during Sleep: Idiosyncratic Primary versus Secondary Process Associations upon Awakening from REM- versus Non-REM-Sleep.Jana Steinig, Ariane Bazan, Svenja Happe, Sarah Antonetti & Howard Shevrin - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
    Primary and secondary processes are the foundational axes of the Freudian mental apparatus: one horizontally as a tendency to associate, the primary process, and one vertically as the ability for perspective taking, the secondary process. Primary process mentation is not only supposed to be dominant in the unconscious but also, for example, in dreams. The present study tests the hypothesis that the mental activity during REM-sleep has more characteristics of the primary process, while during non-REM-sleep more secondary process operations take (...)
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    Rebus ab ipsis consequitur sensus. Il tempo in Epicuro.Francesco Verde - 2008 - Elenchos 29 (1):91-118.
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  4. Philosophy in Mediis Rebus.Lynne Rudder Baker - 2001 - Metaphilosophy 32 (4):378-394.
    How should philosophy be pursued? I want to defend a conception of philosophy in mediis rebus—philosophy in the middle of things. The more familiar Latin phrase is ‘in medias res,’ but Latin distinguishes two readings of ‘in the middle of things.’ There’s the middle of things from which one starts, and there’s the middle of things into which one jumps. ‘In medias res’ is the middle of things into which one jumps; I, however, mean to invoke the middle of (...)
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    In mediis rebus.Burton Dreben - 1994 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 37 (4):441 – 447.
    For Quine all talk is in mediis rebus, is itself a physical phenomenon. To grasp what a sentence is, its relation to a language, and what it is for a sentence to be true is to be invited to see that notions of shared meaning across languages, of truth, even of knowledge, are far from what they are ordinarily taken to be. To read Quine reflectively is to plunge with him into the midst of things, shunning the vain support (...)
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  6. Vosmet Rebus Servate Secundis.W. H. Alexander - 1938 - Classical Weekly 31:13-16.
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    In rebus gravissimis tractandis nusquam a risu iocoque discedas: Luciano, maestro de espíritu literario en el Renacimiento. El caso del Momus de Leon Battista Alberti.Vicente Flores Militello - 2019 - Araucaria 21 (41).
    El presente artículo expone brevemente las circunstancias del "redescubrimiento" de la obra de Luciano en la Italia renacentista y el movimiento renovador en las letras que esto trajo consigo en el caso específico del Momus de Leon Battista Alberti. Para tal objetivo, me concentraré en el rol de Manuel Crisoloras; en los aspectos de género literario que Luciano plantea, sobre todo, en el Prometheus es in verbis, y finalmente, en cómo estos son retomados en el Momus, donde Alberti se presenta (...)
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    With great power comes great vulnerability: an ethical analysis of psychedelics’ therapeutic mechanisms proposed by the REBUS hypothesis.Daniel Https://Orcidorg624X Villiger & Manuel Trachsel - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (12):826-832.
    Psychedelics are experiencing a renaissance in mental healthcare. In recent years, more and more early phase trials on psychedelic-assisted therapy have been conducted, with promising results overall. However, ethical analyses of this rediscovered form of treatment remain rare. The present paper contributes to the ethical inquiry of psychedelic-assisted therapy by analysing the ethical implications of its therapeutic mechanisms proposed by the relaxed beliefs under psychedelics (REBUS) hypothesis. In short, the REBUS hypothesis states that psychedelics make rigid beliefs revisable (...)
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  9. A puzzle about de rebus beliefs.Vann McGee & Agustín Rayo - 2000 - Analysis 60 (4):297–299.
    George Boolos (1984, 1985) has extensively investigated plural quantifi- cation, as found in such locutions as the Geach-Kaplan sentence There are critics who admire only one another, and he found that their logic cannot be adequately formalized within the first-order predicate calculus. If we try to formalize the sentence by a paraphrase using individual variables that range over critics, or over sets or collections or fusions of critics, we misrepresent its logical structure. To represent plural quantification adequately requires the logical (...)
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  10. Enchiridion Metaphysicum: Sive, de Rebus Incorporeis Succincta & Luculenta Dissertatio.Henry More - 1671
  11. De sensu agente (De rebus naturalibus liber XXIII). Edición de José Manuel García Valverde.Giacomo Zabarella - 2012 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 2:379-408.
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    Ex Germano in rebus divinis „Spekulative“ und „deutsche“ Mystik im Kontext.Alessandra Beccarisi - 2015 - Quaestio 15:169-182.
    In this paper, I offer an analysis of a passage from Eckhart’s commentary on the verse of the Genesis In principio creavit caelum et terram that has not received, in my opinion, sufficient attention so far. In this passage, Eckhart points out that the principium through which God created the world is the ideal model, i.e. the ratio essendi of a thing as well as its ratio cognoscendi. It is also the cause of the essence of the thing and, as (...)
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  13. Scienze ‘de rebus’ e discipline ‘de vocibus’ nella tradizione delle classificazioni del sapere.Silvia Nagel - 1994 - Medioevo 20:77-114.
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    A puzzle about de rebus beliefs.Alfonso GarcÍa SuÁrez - 2000 - Analysis 60 (3):293-295.
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    Est modus in rebus, sunt certi denique fines, quos ultra citraque nequit consistere rectum . Einige bemerkungen zum symbolcharakter Von maß und kreis.Gunther G. Wolf - 1983 - In Albert Zimmermann, Mensura, 2. Halbband: Maß, Zahl, Zahlensymbolik Im Mittelalter. De Gruyter. pp. 476-484.
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    Jean Gagnier’s De vita, et rebus gestis Mohammedis: Reading and Misreading the History of Islam in the Eighteenth Century.Simon Mills - 2021 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 84 (1):167-206.
    Jean Gagnier’s De vita, et rebus gestis Mohammedis was the first substantial biography of the Prophet Muhammad translated by a European author directly from an authentic Muslim source. Familiar to Edward Gibbon and Voltaire, Gagnier’s work significantly shaped European understandings of the origins of Islam well into the nineteenth century. Yet Gagnier’s scholarship has not been examined in any depth since it was closely read by his contemporaries. This article provides an analysis of Gagnier’s strategies and competencies as a (...)
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    Normative Data for 84 UK English Rebus Puzzles.Emma Threadgold, John E. Marsh & Linden J. Ball - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    The De Rebus Bellicis. [REVIEW]Robert Browning - 1953 - The Classical Review 3 (2):106-107.
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    Anonymus de Rebus Bellicis. Von Richard Neher. Tübingen, 1912. [REVIEW]O. C. - 1914 - The Classical Review 28 (3):106-107.
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    Philippe Fleury, De rebus bellicis. Sur les affaires militaires. Texte établi, traduit et commenté, Paris 2017 , CXL, 116 S., zahlr. Abb., ISBN: 978-2-251-01476-0 , € 49,–De rebus bellicis. Sur les affaires militaires. Texte établi traduit et commenté. [REVIEW]D. N. Sánchez Vendramini - 2017 - Klio 101 (2):705-708.
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    Review: Quaestio Disputata de Rebus Scholasticis. [REVIEW]J. E. Tiles - 2000 - Philosophy East and West 50 (1):119 - 130.
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  22. "Utrum concilium plenarium possit errare in definiendis rebus fidei et morum": Según dos autores agustinos del siglo XVI: Juan de Guevara y Pedro de Aragón.Ignacio Jericó Bermejo - 1996 - Revista Agustiniana 37 (113):747-795.
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    Aristotle's Doctrine of Universalia in Rebus.Darrel D. Colson - 1983 - Apeiron 17 (2):113.
  24. The laudatio-Regis in facio, bartolomeo'de rebus gestis ab Alphonso primo neapolitanorum Rege'.Sondra Dalloco - 1995 - Rinascimento 35:243-251.
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    Addenda to the Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire – Seven Agentes in Rebus.Jason Fossella - 2012 - História 61 (2):254-255.
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    The First Edition of Giovanni Simonetta's De Rebus Gestis Francisci Sfortiae Commentarii: Questions of Chronology and Interpretation.Gary Ianziti - 1982 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 44 (1):137-147.
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    «Utrum propositio mentalis componitur ex rebus vel ex conceptibus» un dibattito tra ockham E Burleigh.Paola Müller - 1997 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 42 (3):659-669.
    Nos séculos XIII e XIV há um grande aprofundamento da lógica, salientando-se, entre outros autores, Guilherme de Ockam e Walter Burleigh. Entre estes dois autores há um debate a respeito da composição das proposições, perguntando-se qual a relação entre as proposições verbais e escritas e seus contrapontos mentais.
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  28. Skąd się wzięło i jaki sens ma wyrażenie \"homo in rebus\"? Polemika z tezami Krzysztofa Wieczorka.Andrzej Nowicki - 1986 - Studia Filozoficzne 242 (1-2).
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    Opera quaedam aut inedita aut obsoleta de rebus naturalibusEmanuel SwedenborgItinerariaEmanuelis SwedenborgiiAn Abridged Chronological List of the Works of Emanuel SwedenborgAlfred H. Stroh Greta Ekelöf.George Sarton - 1935 - Isis 23 (2):459-463.
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    Laws of nature: Ante res or in rebus?Demetra Sfendoni‐Mentzou - 1994 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 8 (3):229 – 242.
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    Die „Münzgeschichte“ in der spätantiken Schrift De rebus bellicis.Darío N. Sánchez Vendramini - 2006 - História 55 (1):125-128.
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    An Unidentified Work by Giovanni da'Fontana: Liber de omnibus rebus naturalibus.Lynn Thorndike - 1931 - Isis 15 (1):31-46.
  33.  6
    In octo libros Politicorum Aristotelis expositio seu De rebus civilibus.Saint Thomas - 1940 - Quebeci,: Reproduction photo-litho, Tremblay & Dion.
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    Stramaglia A. Phlegon Trallianus: Opuscula De rebus mirabilibus et De longaevis (Bibliotheca scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana). Berlin: De Gruyter, 2011. Pp. lix + 94. €69.95. 9783110245974. [REVIEW]Kai Brodersen - 2013 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 133:198-198.
  35. Syntagma physicum / Jean-Robert Chouet ; a cura di Elena Rapetti ; Appendice 1, Tractatus de rebus viuentibus / Jean-Robert Chouet ; a cura di Elena Rapetti. Appendice 2, Pneumatologia in compendium redacta. [REVIEW]Jean-Robert Chouet & A. Cura di Mario Sinaindici Generali - 2010 - In Corsi di filosofia. Firenze: L.S. Olschki.
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    Denzinger, H., Enchiridion Symbolorum Definitionum et Declarationum de Rebus Fidei et Morum. [REVIEW]R. Guglielmo - 1963 - Augustinianum 3 (2):445-445.
  37.  16
    Konrad Gruter von Werden. De machinis et rebus mechanicis: Ein Maschinenbuch aus Italien für den König von Dänemark, 1393–1424. Volume 1: Einleitung. Volume 2: Edition. Edited and translated by, Dietrich Lohrmann, Horst Kranz, and Ulrich Alertz. 254 + 299 pp., illus., indexes. Vatican City: Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana, 2006. [REVIEW]Bert Hall - 2010 - Isis 101 (1):209-211.
  38. Utrum concilium plenarium possit errare in definiendis rebus fidei et morum. Según dos autores agustinos del siglo XVI: J. de Guevara y P. de Aragón. [REVIEW]I. Jerico Bermejo - 1996 - Revista Agustiniana 37 (113):747-795.
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  39.  39
    Berliner Studien für classische Philologie und Archaeologie. Zwölfter Band. Drittes Heft. Zenonis Citiensis de rebus physicis doctrinae fundamentum ex adjectis fragmentis constituit Karl Troost. Berlin: Calvary. 1891. pp. iv. 88. 3 M. [REVIEW]A. C. Pearson - 1892 - The Classical Review 6 (03):120-121.
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    Fasc. IX, De retardatione accidentium senectutis cum aliis opusculis de rebus medicinalibus. Rogeri Baconi, A. G. Little, E. Withington. [REVIEW]Lynn Thorndike - 1929 - Isis 13 (1):110-111.
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    V. Gordziejew: Ludi scaenici et circenses quid in rebus publicis antiquorum valuerint. Pp. 114. (Universitas Iosephi Pitsudski Varsoviensis: Acta Facultatis Litterarum, 2.) Warsaw: Biblioteka Polska, 1936. Stiff paper. [REVIEW]G. Clement Whittick - 1939 - The Classical Review 53 (5-6):225-226.
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  42. Sillabare le immagini.Antonella Sbrilli - 2012 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 5 (2).
    The rebus game - especially in the modern Italian examples featuring sometimes highly aesthetical drawings - offers stimuli about the relationship of the writing process with seeing; about the connections among thing, word, sound, representation and about the link between the reading of images and education.
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    Rebussen, van duivels tot Bosch: 'wat baat kaars of bril, als de uil niet kijken wil?'.A. M. Koldeweij - 2019 - Nijmegen: Uitgeverij Vantilt NKS.
    Denken we in beelden of in woorden? En welke rol speelt taal daarbij? In 'Rebussen, van duivels tot Bosch' worden deze vragen aan de orde gesteld vanuit een kunsthistorische benadering. Beeldtaal speelt een grote rol in ons denken. Het belang van het?lezen? - dus begrijpen - van afbeeldingen kan niet worden overschat. Al in de oudheid was men zich bewust van de zeggingskracht van beelden en van de rol die visuele voorstellingen spelen voor kennis, geheugen en herinnering. In de late (...)
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  44.  25
    O fogo frio e as morfologias da evidência.Manuel Silvério Marques - 2016 - Cultura:75-108.
    Neste trabalho abordo a hipótese apresentada por Fernando Gil no Tratado da Evidência, da hegemonia de mecanismos alucinatórios nos processos evidenciários. Para avançar no seu estudo, mobilizo condutas elementares e fenómenos complexos, da sucção à vinculação e ao membro-fantasma. Estes fenómenos justificam uma leitura da alucinação a partir de um momentum ou “fase” que designo por evidência perimórfica; com maior brevidade, a propósito do processo de crença e do sistema percepção-linguagem, abordo a alucinação colectiva e o estado perifrástico da evidência. (...)
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  45. Why are all the sets all the sets?Tim Button - manuscript
    Necessitists about set theory think that the pure sets exists, and are the way they are, as a matter of necessity. They cannot explain why the sets (de rebus) are all the sets. This constitutes the Ur-Objection against necessitism; it is the primary motivation cited by potentialists about set theory. -/- At least three families of potentialism draw motivation from the Ur-Objection. Contingentists think that any things could form a set even if they actually did not. Prioritists think that (...)
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    How Do Psychedelics Reduce Fear of Death?Chris Letheby - 2024 - Neuroethics 17 (2):1-12.
    Increasing evidence suggests that psychedelic experiences, undergone in controlled conditions, can have various durable psychological benefits. One such benefit is reductions in fear of death, which have been attested in both psychiatric patients and healthy people. This paper addresses the question: how, exactly, do psychedelic experiences reduce fear of death? It argues, against some prominent proposals, that they do so mainly by promoting non-physicalist metaphysical beliefs. This conclusion has implications for two broader debates: one about the mechanisms of psychedelic therapy, (...)
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    How Level is the 'Cognitive Playing Field'?Joshua M. Martin & Philipp Sterzer - 2022 - Philosophy and the Mind Sciences 3.
    In Philosophy of Psychedelics, Letheby provides a convincing basis for the idea that psychedelics primarily derive their therapeutic potential through mediating favourable changes to self-related belief systems. In this commentary, we take a closer look at the role that contextual factors play in Letheby’s two-factor account of psychedelic therapy. While Letheby acknowledges that psychedelic effects are highly context-dependent, the exact role that context plays in self-modelling during the acute experience is not entirely clear. We argue that context plays an essential (...)
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  48. John Cook Wilson.Mathieu Marion - 2010 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    John Cook Wilson (1849–1915) was Wykeham Professor of Logic at New College, Oxford and the founder of ‘Oxford Realism’, a philosophical movement that flourished at Oxford during the first decades of the 20th century. Although trained as a classicist and a mathematician, his most important contribution was to the theory of knowledge, where he argued that knowledge is factive and not definable in terms of belief, and he criticized ‘hybrid’ and ‘externalist’ accounts. He also argued for direct realism in perception, (...)
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  49.  38
    Your Tacitism or mine? Modern and early-modern conceptions of Tacitus and Tacitism.Jan Waszink - 2010 - History of European Ideas 36 (4):375-385.
    The purpose of this article is to show, by the example of Hugo Grotius's Annales et Historiae de rebus Belgicis (AH), that the nature and content of the concept of Tacitism (Tacitist, Tacitean) in the period around 1600 was markedly different from modern perceptions of the style and political purport of Tacitus's works. This gap between current and early-modern conceptions of Tacitus is important to bear in mind for intellectual historians dealing with early-modern intellectual currents such as Reason of (...)
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    Ostrich Nominalism and Peacock Realism: A Hegelian Critique of Quine.Paul Giladi - 2014 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 22 (5):734-751.
    My aim in this paper is to offer a Hegelian critique of Quine’s predicate nominalism. I argue that at the core of Hegel’s idealism is not a supernaturalist spirit monism, but a realism about universals, and that while this may contrast to the nominalist naturalism of Quine, Hegel’s position can still be defended over that nominalism in naturalistic terms. I focus on the contrast between Hegel’s and Quine’s respective views on universals, which Quine takes to be definitive of philosophical naturalism. (...)
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