Results for 'Roman I. Blahuta'

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  1. pierwszy profesor filozofi w Braniewie,'.S. J. Roman Darowski & S. I. Ryszard Singleton - 1982 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 17 (2):41-56.
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    (1 other version)The Politics of Crisis: Machiavelli in the Colonial Fleet.Jason P. Blahuta - 2007-11-16 - In Jason T. Eberl (ed.), Battlestar Galactica and Philosophy. Blackwell. pp. 40–51.
    This chapter contains section titled: “We're in the Middle of a War, and You're Taking Orders from a Schoolteacher?” “While the Chain of Command is Strict, It is Not Heartless. And Neither Am I” Helo's Halo: Can Genocide Ever be Justified? “It's Not Enough to Survive. One Has to be Worthy of Surviving” Notes.
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    Roman Rudziński, Ideał moralny a proces dziejowy w marksizmie i neokantyzmie (Moral Ideal and Historical Process in Marxism andNeo-Kantianism). [REVIEW]Roman Rudziński - 1979 - Dialectics and Humanism 6 (3):147-149.
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    Varro’s picta Italia(RR I. ii. 1) and the Odology of Roman Italy.Roman Roth - 2007 - Hermes 135 (3):286-300.
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    Filosofy i li︠u︡di: smeshnai︠a︡ knizhka o serʹeznykh veshchakh.Roman Shorin - 1997 - Ivanova: [Redakt︠s︡ii︠a︡ "Ivanovskai︠a︡ gazeta"].
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  6. Literatura i okrucieńtwo.Roman Zimand - 1989 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 34.
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  7. Przeszłość i przyszłość filozofii.Roman Kozłowski & Piotr W. Juchacz (eds.) - 1999 - Poznań: Wydawn. Nauk. Instytutu Filozofii Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu.
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    Hobbes: zarys żywota i myśli.Roman Tokarczyk - 1998 - Lublin: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Edited by Thomas Hobbes.
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    Systemy S4 I S5 Lewisa a spójnik identyczności.Roman Suszko & Wiesława Żandarowska - 1971 - Studia Logica 29 (1):169-177.
  10. Człowiek i świat.Roman Darowski (ed.) - 1972 - Kraków,: Wydawn. Apostolstwa Modlitwy.
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  11. Typicality and the approach to equilibrium in Boltzmannian statistical mechanics.Roman Frigg - 2009 - Philosophy of Science 76 (5):997-1008.
    An important contemporary version of Boltzmannian statistical mechanics explains the approach to equilibrium in terms of typicality. The problem with this approach is that it comes in different versions, which are, however, not recognized as such and not clearly distinguished. This article identifies three different versions of typicality‐based explanations of thermodynamic‐like behavior and evaluates their respective successes. The conclusion is that the first two are unsuccessful because they fail to take the system's dynamics into account. The third, however, is promising. (...)
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  12. (2 other versions)Scientific representation and the semantic view of theories.Roman Frigg - 2006 - Theoria 21 (1):49-65.
    It is now part and parcel of the official philosophical wisdom that models are essential to the acquisition and organisation of scientific knowledge. It is also generally accepted that most models represent their target systems in one way or another. But what does it mean for a model to represent its target system? I begin by introducing three conundrums that a theory of scientific representation has to come to terms with and then address the question of whether the semantic view (...)
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    Controversy Over the Existence of the World: Volume I.Roman Ingarden - 2013 - New York: Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften. Edited by Arthur Szylewicz.
    Roman Ingarden, one of Husserl's closest students and friends, ranks among the most eminent of the first generation of phenomenologists. His magisterial <I>Controversy over the Existence of the World, written during the years of World War II in occupied Poland, consists of a fundamental defense of realism in phenomenology. Volume I, which receives here its first complete and critical translation into English, initiates the grand project of refuting transcendental idealism, and begins by setting the foundations for an elaborate and (...)
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  14. In What Sense is the Kolmogorov-Sinai Entropy a Measure for Chaotic Behaviour?—Bridging the Gap Between Dynamical Systems Theory and Communication Theory.Roman Frigg - 2004 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 55 (3):411-434.
    On an influential account, chaos is explained in terms of random behaviour; and random behaviour in turn is explained in terms of having positive Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy (KSE). Though intuitively plausible, the association of the KSE with random behaviour needs justification since the definition of the KSE does not make reference to any notion that is connected to randomness. I provide this justification for the case of Hamiltonian systems by proving that the KSE is equivalent to a generalized version of Shannon's (...)
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    Theories of consciousness from the perspective of an embedded processes view.Nelson Cowan, Nick I. Ahmed, Chenye Bao, Mackenzie N. Cissne, Ronald D. Flores, Roman M. Gutierrez, Braden Hayse, Madison L. Musich, Hamid Nourbakhshi, Nanan Nuraini, Emily E. Schroeder, Neyla Sfeir, Emilie Sparrow & Luísa Superbia-Guimarães - 2025 - Psychological Review 132 (1):76-106.
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    The Relation of Plotinian Eudaimonia to the Life of the Serious Man in Treatise I.4 (46).Roman T. Ciapalo - 1997 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 71 (3):489-498.
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  17. Fenomenologia Romana Ingardena.Zdzislw Augustynek, Janusz Kuczy Nski, Roman Ingarden & Instytut Filozofii I. Socjologii Nauk) - 1972
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  18. Siła i prawo.Roman Szydłowski - 1946 - Kraków,: Ksieg. Powszechna.
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    Lack of ethics or lack of knowledge? European upper secondary students’ doubts and misconceptions about integrity issues.Thomas Bøker Lund, Peter Sandøe, P. J. Wall, Vojko Strahovnik, Céline Schöpfer, Rita Santos, Júlio Borlido Santos, Una Quinn, Margarita Poškutė, I. Anna S. Olsson, Søren Saxmose Nielsen, Marcus Tang Merit, Linda Hogan, Roman Globokar, Eugenijus Gefenas, Christine Clavien, Mateja Centa, Mads Paludan Goddiksen & Mikkel Willum Johansen - 2022 - International Journal for Educational Integrity 18 (1).
    Plagiarism and other transgressions of the norms of academic integrity appear to be a persistent problem among upper secondary students. Numerous surveys have revealed high levels of infringement of what appear to be clearly stated rules. Less attention has been given to students’ understanding of academic integrity, and to the potential misconceptions and false beliefs that may make it difficult for them to comply with existing rules and handle complex real-life situations.In this paper we report findings from a survey of (...)
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  20. Modalna interpretacja mechaniki kwantowej i klasycznych teorii fizycznych.Roman Stanisław Ingarden - 2000 - Filozofia Nauki 2.
    In 1990, Bas C. van Fraassen defined the modal interpretation of quantum mechanics as a consideration of it as „a pure theory of the possible, with testable, empirical implications for what actually happens”. This is a narrow, traditional understanding of modality, as possibility (usually denoted in logic by the C.I. Lewis's symbol Î) and necessity >>, defined by means of Î. In modern logic, however, modality is understood in a much wider sense as any intensional functor (i.e. nonextensional functor: determined (...)
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    Probability in Boltzmannian statistical mechanics.Roman Frigg - 2010 - In Gerhard Ernst & Andreas Hüttemann (eds.), Time, chance and reduction: philosophical aspects of statistical mechanics. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 92-118.
    In two recent papers Barry Loewer (2001, 2004) has suggested to interpret probabilities in statistical mechanics as Humean chances in David Lewis’ (1994) sense. I first give a precise formulation of this proposal, then raise two fundamental objections, and finally conclude that these can be overcome only at the price of interpreting these probabilities epistemically.
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    O metodzie schematów logicznych I jej zastosowaniu do rachunków logicznych I W teorii konsekwencji.Roman Suszko - 1961 - Studia Logica 11 (1):215-215.
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    Paweł Siwek SJ , filozof i psycholog.Roman Darowski - 1970 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 1 (1):284-284.
    Le Pere Paul Siwek SJ est un des plus eminents philosophes et psychologues polonais. II a travaille dans differents pays et s'est acquis une estime et une celebrite internationales. Pour familiariser le lecteur avec la personne de Siwek, on presente ici, de facon succincte, sa biographie, la liste de ses livres principaux publies en plusieurs langues, la caracteristique de son activite et la bibliographie des publications principales qui contiennent des donnees sur lui.
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    Źródła dualizmu schematu pojęciowego i treści, czyli o kilku błędach filozofii zachodniej. Uwagi z zakresu filozofii analitycznej.Roman P. Godlewski - 2005 - Filo-Sofija 5 (1(5)):243-258.
    Author: Godlewski Roman P. Title: SOURCES OF DUALISM OF CONTENT AND CONCEPTUAL SCHEME I.E. ON SOME FAULTS OF WESTERN PHILOSOPHY (Źródła dualizmu schematu pojęciowego i treści, czyli o kilku błędach filozofii zachodniej. Uwagi z zakresu filozofii analitycznej) Source: Filo-Sofija year: 2005, vol:.5, number: 2005/1, pages: 243-258 Keywords: DUALISM OF CONTENT AND CONCEPTUAL SCHEME, RORTY, KMITA, WHORF Discipline: PHILOSOPHY Language: POLISH Document type: ARTICLE Publication order reference (Primary author’s office address): E-mail: www:The aim in the article is to explain why (...)
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  25. Probability in Boltzmannian statistical mechanics.Roman Frigg - 2010 - In Gerhard Ernst & Andreas Hüttemann (eds.), Time, chance and reduction: philosophical aspects of statistical mechanics. New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In two recent papers Barry Loewer (2001, 2004) has suggested to interpret probabilities in statistical mechanics as Humean chances in David Lewis’ (1994) sense. I first give a precise formulation of this proposal, then raise two fundamental objections, and finally conclude that these can be overcome only at the price of interpreting these probabilities epistemically.
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    The Literary Work of Art: An Investigation of the Borderlines of Ontology, Logic, and Theory of Language.Roman Ingarden - 1973 - Evanston,: Northwestern University Press.
    This long-awaited translation of Das literarische Kunstwerk makes available for the first time in English Roman Ingarden's influential study. Though it is inter-disciplinary in scope, situated as it is on the borderlines of ontology and logic, philosophy of literature and theory of language, Ingarden's work has a deliberately narrow focus: the literary work, its structure and mode of existence. The Literary Word of Art establishes the groundwork for a philosophy of literature, i.e., an ontology in terms of which the (...)
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  27. Cantor, Pascal i Eudoksos (J.-L. Garides, \"Pascal entre Eudoxe et Cantor\", Paris 1984).Roman Murawski - 1986 - Studia Filozoficzne 244 (3).
  28. Filozofia logiki i matematyki w Kole Krakowskim.Roman Murawski - 2014 - Filozofia Nauki 22 (2):21-36.
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    Hieronim Stefanowski SJ (1568-1606) — profesor filozofii w Poznaniu i Wilnie.Roman Darowski - 1980 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 28 (1):167-181.
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  30. Z formalnej teorii ekstensji I intensji.Roman Suszko - 1967 - Studia Logica 20 (1):35-35.
    Praca nie zawiera żadnej proponowanej prz∈z autora d∈finicji ekst∈nsji i intensji wyrażeń w systemach semantycznych. Rozpatruje się dwie relacje równoważności ekstensjonalnej i intensjonalnej, które zachodzą między wyraż∈niami (zdaniami, termami) oraz funkcje gdzie e jest wyrażeniem, spelniające warunki. Każda para takich funkcji jest pewną reprezentacją ekstens ji i intensji wyrażeń.W pracy rozważa się ogólne własności reprezentacji ekstensji i intensji oraz podaje się przykłady takich reprezentacji. Wyróżnia się tzw. obiektywną reprezentację ekstensji i wprowadza się pojęcie tzw. semantycznego domknięcia modelu.Pokazuje się, że ekstensje (...)
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    Etyczne i historyczne uzasadnienie socjalizmu.Roman Rudziński - 1970 - Etyka 7:77-99.
    The author analyses the problematic of historical necessity and ethical regularity of socialism, taking the marxist philosophy as a point of departure. He criticizes opinions represented in philosophical and ideological discussions of this problem in the period of the Second International and argues that the above problematic, which results from a confrontation of marxism with a new historical situation and with the current of the neo-Kantian philosophy, was an axis which has brought into focus the theoretical decisions both of revisionists (...)
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    Przeszłość i przyszłość filozofii.Roman Kozłowski & Piotr W. Juchacz (eds.) - 1999 - Poznań: Wydawn. Nauk. Instytutu Filozofii Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu.
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    Szkice z filozofii i historii matematyki i logiki.Roman Murawski - 2018 - Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza.
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  34. Problem świadomości i epistemologiczne założenia Edwarda Abramowskiego.Roman Padoł - 1990 - Studia Filozoficzne 291 (2-3).
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  35. Koncepcje «filozofii narodowej» Libelta i Trentowskiego.Roman Kozłowski - 1970 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 16.
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  36. On the motives which led Husserl to transcendental idealism.Roman Ingarden - 1975 - Den Haag: Martinus Nijhoff.
    INTRODUCTION I have often asked myself why Husserl, really, headed in the direction of transcendental idealism from the time of his ...
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  37. Eseuri despre revoluția științifică și tehnică: concepte, ipoteze, controverse, tendințe și opțiuni.Valter Roman - 1970 - București: Editura politică.
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    Prawa narodzin, życia i śmierci.Roman Tokarczyk - 1997 - Kraków: Zakamycze.
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  39. Koleje życia i działalność filozoficzna Aleksandra Podlesieckiego.Roman Darowski - 1983 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 29.
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  40. Spor o istnienie swiata , t. I. Karkow.Roman Ingarden - 1949 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 139:219-225.
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  41. Zasady, prawa i hipotezy mechaniki Galileusza oraz problem ich empirycznego sprawdzania.Roman Matuszewski - 1980 - In Jan Such (ed.), O swoistości uzasadniania wiedzy w różnych naukach: praca zbiorowa. Poznań: Wydawn. Nauk. Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu.
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    Jana Franciszka Drewnowskiego filozofia matematyki i logiki.Roman Murawski - 2019 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 55 (2):87-102.
    Praca poświęcona jest prezentacji i krytycznej ocenie poglądów filozoficznych Jana Franciszka Drewnowskiego na matematykę i logikę. Podstawą rozważań są cztery źródła. Podstawowym źródłem jest Drewnowskiego "Zarys programu filozoficznego", dalej dwa artykuły, a mianowicie "Stosowanie logiki symbolicznej w filozofii" oraz "Uwagi o stosowaniu logiki symbolicznej", w końcu fragmenty dziennika. Pokazuje się w niej, jak Drewnowski rozumiał matematykę i teorie matematyczne, jak widział logikę i jej rolę w nauce oraz na ile był zaznajomiony ze współczesnymi osiągnięciami w zakresie logiki matematycznej i podstaw (...)
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    Z historii logiki i filozofii matematyki.Roman Murawski - 2019 - Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM.
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  44. Źródła Bergsona teorii trwania a psychologia i spirytualizm.Roman Waszkinel - 1983 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 29.
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    Bogdan Lisiak SJ: Adam Adamandy Kochański (1631-1700). Studium z dziejów filozofii i nauki w Polsce w XVII wieku.Roman Darowski & Stanisław Ziemiański - 2006 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 11 (1):292-296.
    The article reviews the book Adam Adamandy Kochański. Studium z dziejów filozofii i nauki w Polsce w XVII wieku, by Bogdan Lisiak.
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    Cracow Circle and Its Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics.Roman Murawski - 2015 - Axiomathes 25 (3):359-376.
    The paper is devoted to the presentation and analysis of the philosophical views concerning logic and mathematics of the leading members of Cracow Circle, i.e., of Jan Salamucha, Jan Franciszek Drewnowski and Józef Maria Bocheński. Their views on the problem of possible applicability of logical tools in metaphysical and theological researches is also discussed.
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  47. Klasy normalne i nienormalne a teoriomnogo'sciowe i mereologiczne poj¸ ecie klasy. Z bada'n nad poj¸ eciem klasy. II.Roman Suszko - 1968 - Studia Logica 22:85-97.
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  48. O analitycznych aksjomatach i logicznych regułach wnioskowania.Roman Suszko - 1949 - Państwowe Zakłady Wydawn.: Szkolnych.
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  49. On the property structure of realist collapse interpretations of quantum mechanics and the so-called "counting anomaly".Roman Frigg - 2003 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 17 (1):43 – 57.
    The aim of this article is twofold. Recently, Lewis has presented an argument, now known as the "counting anomaly", that the spontaneous localization approach to quantum mechanics, suggested by Ghirardi, Rimini, and Weber, implies that arithmetic does not apply to ordinary macroscopic objects. I will take this argument as the starting point for a discussion of the property structure of realist collapse interpretations of quantum mechanics in general. At the end of this I present a proof of the fact that (...)
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    Działalność filozoficzna Jakuba Ortiza SJ (1564-1625) w Polsce i na Litwie.Roman Darowski - 1970 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 4 (1):234-234.
    Jusqu'a nos jours, il n'existait dans la litterature qu'un nombre restreint de mentions et de brefs articles sur Ortiz. Dans cette etude, mon propos est de presenter d'abord les etapes de la vie d'Ortiz, en me basant avant tout sur les sources manuscrites de son epoque, puisees dans les Archives Centrales des Jesuites a Rome. Je donnerai ensuite une description de son oeuvre philosophique et j'exposerai ses conceptions philosophiques principales. Ortiz fut egalement un theologien; son activite dans ce domaine depasse (...)
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