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Ronald H. Nash [14]Ronald Alan Nash [2]Ronald Herman Nash [1]Ronald Nash [1]
  1. Cognitive theories of emotion.Ronald Alan Nash - 1989 - Noûs 23 (4):481-504.
  2.  42
    The light of the mind.Ronald H. Nash - 1969 - [Lexington]: University Press of Kentucky.
    St. Augustine is the bridge that links ancient philosophy and early Christian theology to the thought patterns of the Middle Ages. But the influence of Augustine's philosophy in general and his epistemology in particular extends far beyond medieval philosophy. Such modern philosophers as Descartes and Malebranche carry the stamp of Augustinism upon their philosophies. What is not so well known is that even some of the most original ideas of Berkeley and Kant can be found anticipated in Augustine.
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    The word of God and the mind of man.Ronald H. Nash - 1982 - Phillipsburg, N.J.: P&R.
    The title of this book can be understood in at least two ways. First of all, The Word of God and the Mind of Man is an exploration of the extent to which the human mind can receive and understand divine revelation, insofar as this revelation is understood to include the communication of truth. On a second and more fundamental level, the phrase the word of God recalls its classical context -- the prologue to John's Gospel and the classical Logos (...)
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  4. An Approach to the Theory of Emotion.Ronald Alan Nash - 1986 - Dissertation, Cornell University
    This work develops an approach to the emotions suitable for addressing issues in moral psychology. It tries to answer two questions: What is an emotion? What are the functions of emotion? The proposed theory is based in part on the Cartesian theory of the passions and is developed within the framework of a functionalist analysis of mental states. Its central claims are: that an emotional state involves a person being affected in typical ways; that 'being affected emotionally' involves tendencies: to (...)
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    Christian faith and historical understanding.Ronald H. Nash - 1984 - Dallas, Tex.: Word.
    "In an age when objective moorings are being cut loose and experience reigns supreme, we need more than ever to reiterate that the distinctive feature of Christianity is its grounding in history. In this concise, well-written work, a noted philosopher and committed evangelical enables thoughtful readers to grapple with key questions in the relationship between faith and historical understanding and leads them to the awareness of a necessity for commitment to the One who stands behind as well as in history." (...)
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  6. Dooyeweerd and the Amsterdam philosophy.Ronald H. Nash - 1962 - Grand Rapids,: Zondervan Pub. House.
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  7. Ideas of history.Ronald H. Nash - 1969 - New York,: Dutton.
    Speculative approaches to history.--v. 2. The critical philosophy of history.
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    Life's ultimate questions: an introduction to philosophy.Ronald H. Nash - 1999 - Grand Rapids: Zonderva.
    Life's Ultimate Questions is unique among introductory philosophy textbooks. By synthesizing three distinct approaches—topical, historical, and worldview/conceptual systems—it affords students a breadth and depth of perspective previously unavailable in standard introductory texts. Part One, Six Conceptual Systems, explores the philosophies of: naturalism, Plato, Aristotle, Plotinus, Augustine, and Aquinas. Part Two, Important Problems in Philosophy, sheds light on: The Law of Noncontradiction, Possible Words, Epistemology I: Whatever Happened to Truth?, Epistemology II: A Tale of Two Systems, Epistemology III: Reformed Epistemology, God (...)
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    St. Augustine on Man’s Knowledge of the Forms.Ronald H. Nash - 1967 - New Scholasticism 41 (2):223-234.
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    Some Philosophic Sources of Augustine’s Illumination Theory.Ronald H. Nash - 1971 - Augustinian Studies 2:47-66.