Results for 'Śaivite literature, Tamil History and criticism'

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  1. Tamil̲il tattuva nūlkaḷ.Nā Pāskaran̲ - 2008 - Cen̲n̲ai: Ulakat Tamil̲ārāycci Nir̲uvan̲am.
    Study on elements of Hindu philosophy and ethics in Tamil Vaishnava and Saivite literature.
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  2. Indian epistemology: as expounded in the Tamil classics.Cō. Na Kantācāmi - 2000 - Chennai: International Institute of Tamil Studies.
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    Tamil, Vaiṣṇava, Vaidika: Kiruṣṇacuvāmi Aiyaṅkār, Irāmānuja Tātācāriyār and Modern Tamil Literary History[REVIEW]Srilata Raman - 2011 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 39 (6):647-676.
    The writing of literary histories of Tamil literature coincided with the practice of history itself as a discipline starting in the late nineteenth century. The historiographical practices conflated Tamil literary history, religious history, as well as notions of the Tamil nation, which led to such works becoming vitally important legitimising narratives that established the claim of self-defining groups within a new Tamil modernity. The absence of such a narrative also meant the erasure of (...)
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    Philosophical perspectives in Tamil literature.CōNa Kantacāmi - 2016 - Chennai, India: Institute of Asian Studies. Edited by G. John Samuel.
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  5. Tamil̲ meyyiyal, an̲r̲um in̲r̲um. Ñān̲i - 2008 - Cen̲n̲ai: Kāvyā.
    Articles on philosophy of Tamil society based on Tamil literature, by a Marxist author and critic.
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  6. Tamil̲arum kalaiyuṇarvum.Pi Śrī - 1969 - Cen̲n̲ai: Patma Jōti Piracurālayam. Edited by P. S. & S. P..
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  7. Philosophical heritage of the Tamils.Ca Vē Cuppiramaṇiyan̲ & R. Vijayalakshmy (eds.) - 1983 - Madras: International Institute of Tamil Studies.
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  8. Tamil̲k kāṭci ner̲iyiyal.Nirmal Selvamony - 1996 - Cen̲n̲ai: Ulakat Tamil̲ārāycci Nir̲uvan̲am.
    Lectures on Hindu philosophy; with reference to Tamil literature.
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  9. Picturing the Prophets: Should Art Create Doubt?: Children's literature -- History and criticism.Bluitgen KÃ¥re - 2009 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 47 (3):10-14.
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    Chapter II. Literary History and Literary Criticism Literature's Dual Mode o£ Existence.Wesley Morris - 1972 - In Toward a New Historicism. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 14-32.
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    History as Criticism: The Dialogue of History and Literature. [REVIEW]Suzanne Gearhart - 1987 - Diacritics 17 (3):56.
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    After Derrida: literature, theory and criticism in the 21st century.Jean-Michel Rabaté (ed.) - 2018 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    It is important for the materialist historian, in the most rigorous way possible, to differentiate the construction of a historical state of affairs from what one customarily calls its "reconstruction." The "reconstruction" in empathy is one- dimensional. "Construction" presupposes "destruction." Almost fourteen years after the death of Jacques Derrida, the least one can say is that his inheritance is as contested and fraught with rivalries, rejections, and appropriations as at the time of the flowering of Deconstruction in American universities in (...)
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  13. Peṇṇiya uḷappakuppạyvum peṇ el̲uttum.Ce Cāratāmpāḷ - 2005 - Cen̲n̲ai: Ulakat Tamil̲ārāycci Nir̲uvan̲am.
    Study on feminism and psychoanalysis and women's writings in Tamil.
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  14. Philosophy and criticism in Latin America: from Mariátegui to Sloterdijk.Mabel Moraña - 2020 - Amherst, New York: Cambria Press.
    This book offers timely contributions to the process of conceptualizing a Latin American specificity and its forms of integration in larger contexts, both on the level of thought and the level of political and social praxis. To produce a critical reading of philosophy while also developing a philosophy of criticism is essential in cultures that continue to struggle for the decolonization of both thought and life. This book allows Anglophone readers access to the world of ideas of some of (...)
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    Thresholds & testimonies: recovering order in literature and criticism.Frederic Will - 1988 - Detroit: Wayne State University Press.
  16. Literature itself: The new criticism and aesthetic experience.Daniel Green - 2003 - Philosophy and Literature 27 (1):62-79.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 27.1 (2003) 62-79 [Access article in PDF] Literature Itself:The New Criticism and Aesthetic Experience Daniel Green I AFTER ALMOST TWO DECADES of tumult and transformation in university departments that still claim literature as part of their disciplinary domain, what is most remarkable about literary study at the beginning of the twenty-first century is how similar it is to what passed for such study at the (...)
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    Internal And External Criticism Of Sources Of Turkish History And Literature.Menderes Coşkun - 2008 - Journal of Turkish Studies 4:188-198.
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    The Critical Circle: Literature, History, and Philosophical Hermeneutics.David Couzens Hoy - 1982 - University of California Press.
    The Critical Circle investigates the celebrated hermeneutic circle, especially as it manifests itself in historical inquiry and literary criticism. Formulated variously in different theories of hermeneutics, the circle generally describes how, in the process of understanding an interpretation, part and whole are related in a circular way: in order to understand the while, it is necessary to understand the parts, while to understand the parts it is necessary to have some comprehension of the whole. --from the Foreword.
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    Science and Criticism in the Neo-Classical Age of English Literature.Richard F. Jones - 1940 - Journal of the History of Ideas 1 (1/4):381.
  20. Intiya el̲ir̲kalai.Periyaperumal Thirugnanasambandham - 1977 - [Cen̲n̲ai]: Ṭākṭar S. Irātākiruṣṇan̲ Meyyuṇarvu Mēlnilaik Kalvi Nir̲uvan̲am, Cen̲n̲aip Palkalaik Kal̲akam.
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  21.  13
    Philosophy in literature: metaphysical darkness and ethical light.Konstantin Kolenda - 1982 - Totowa, N.J.: Barnes & Noble.
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    Fiction, History, and Empirical Reality.Murray Krieger - 1974 - Critical Inquiry 1 (2):335-360.
    I begin by asking an engagingly naive question that a layman would have every right to put to us - and often has. Why should we interest ourselves seriously in the once-upon-a-time worlds of fiction - these unreal stories about unreal individuals? It has been a persistent question in the history of criticism - ever since Plato called the poet a liar - and it is a question at once obvious and embarrassing. It is obvious because, for the (...)
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  23. Literature and Philosophy Between Two World Wars.Harry Slochower - 1945 - New York: Citadel Press.
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    Levinas and Nineteenth-Century Literature: Ethics and Otherness From Romanticism Through Realism.Donald R. Wehrs & David P. Haney (eds.) - 2009 - University of Delaware Press.
    The third section considers the relevance of Levinas's work for reassessments of the realist novel through essays on Austen, Dickens, and George Eliot.
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    The Critical Circle. Literature, History, and Philosophical Hermeneutics.David Couzens Hoy - 1979 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 37 (3):360-363.
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    Idealism and Enlightenment. Continuity and Criticism of the Enlightenment in Philosophy and Literature around 1800. [REVIEW]Ralf Konersmann - 1990 - Philosophy and History 23 (2):129-130.
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    Science, History, Philosophy, and Literature in Sanskrit Classics: Dr. D.N. Shanbhag Felicitation Volume.Krishnamurthy Bheemacharya Archak & Dr Michael (eds.) - 2007 - Delhi: Sundeep Prakashan.
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    Literature and the Long Modernity.Mihaela Anghelescu Irimia & Andreea Paris (eds.) - 2014 - Rodopi.
    This volume brings together modernity as a Western project. From the early, via the classic and high to the late modern period, each chapter reveals a marked interdisciplinary approach to the various aspects of this century-old process.
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    The Literature of Ireland: Culture and Criticism.Terence Brown - 2010 - Cambridge University Press.
    One of Ireland's foremost literary and cultural historians, Terence Brown's command of the intellectual and cultural currents running through the Irish literary canon is second to none, and he has been enormously influential in shaping the field of Irish studies. These essays reflect the key themes of Brown's distinguished career, most crucially his critical engagement with the post-colonial model of Irish cultural and literary history currently dominant in Irish Studies. With essays on major figures such as Yeats, MacNeice, Joyce (...)
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    The Ins and Outs of the Jains in Tamil Literary Histories.Christoph Emmrich - 2011 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 39 (6):599-646.
    The Jains and their texts play a key role in the literary histories of the Tamil-speaking region. However, in their modern form, dating from 1856 to the present, these histories have been written almost exclusively by non-Jains. Driving their efforts have been agendas such as cultural evolutionism, Dravidian nationalism or Śaiva devotionalism. This essay builds on ideas articulated by the contemporary Tamil theorist K. Civatampi, examining how various models of periodization have frozen the Jains in the ancient past. (...)
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    Poetry and Literature: An Introduction to Its Criticism and History.Pieranna Garavaso, W. G. Regier, Benedetto Croce & Giovanni Gullace - 1983 - Substance 12 (4):95.
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  32. History and Critique: A Response to Habermas's Misreading of Hegel.Nicholas Mowad - 2012 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 42 (1):53-72.
    Habermas has alleged: (1) that Hegel has given a social theory that is abstract and technical, separating theory from practice ; and (2) that the criticism Hegel exercises at times is compromised by his uncritical acceptance of modern western culture. Both allegations amount to the claim that in some way Hegel proscribes internal critique, a citizen’s critique of her own nation-state. However, this charge is based on a misunderstanding of the role that history plays in Hegel’s account, and (...)
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    Chinese aesthetics: the ordering of literature, the arts, and the universe in the Six Dynasties.Zongqi Cai (ed.) - 2004 - Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press.
    This singular work presents the most comprehensive and nuanced studies available in any Western language of Chinese aesthetic thought and practice during the ...
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  34. Benedetto Croce, Poetry and Literature: An Introduction to its Criticism and History.Giovanni Gullace (ed.) - 1981 - Southern Illinois University Press.
    Benedetto Croce’s influence pervades Anglo-Saxon culture, but, ironically, before Giovanni Gullace heeded the call of his colleagues and provided this urgently needed translation of _La Poesia, _speakers of English had no access to Croce’s major work and final rendering of his esthetic theory.__ __ _Aesthetic, _published in 1902 and translated in 1909, represents most of what the English-speaking world knows about Croce’s theory. It is, asserts Gullace, “no more than a first sketch of a thought that developed, clarified, and corrected (...)
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    Contemporary Caribbean writing and Deleuze: literature between postcolonialism and post-continental philosophy.Lorna Burns - 2012 - New York: Continuum.
    Introduction: How newness enters the world -- Surrealism and the Caribbean: a curious line of resemblance -- Writing back to the colonial event: Derek Walcott and Wilson Harris -- Édouard Glissant's poetics of the chaosmos -- Postcolonial literature as health: Robert Antoni and Nalo Hopkinson.
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    Nineteenth-century American literature and the discourse of natural history.Juliana Chow - 2021 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    American cultural technologies of the early nineteenth century shaped Nature and the synonymous "native" in contradictory ways: celebrating the wilderness but then transforming it by cultivation, mourning lost "natives" (both people and species) while also naturalizing the succession of new Euro-American settlers. Settler colonial geopolitics understood its own territorial claims in association with the retreats, migrations, and expansions of select species populations: cattle replacing American bison or Euro-Americans replacing Indians on the western frontier. In this way, Euro-American descendants of settlers (...)
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    Presence: philosophy, history and cultural theory for the twenty-first century.Ranjan Ghosh & Ethan Kleinberg (eds.) - 2013 - Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press.
    The philosophy of “presence” seeks to challenge current understandings of meaning and understanding. One can trace its origins back to Vico, Dilthey, and Heidegger, though its more immediate exponents include Jean-Luc Nancy, Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht, and such contemporary philosophers of history as Frank Ankersmit and Eelco Runia. The theoretical paradigm of presence conveys how the past is literally with us in the present in significant and material ways: Things we cannot touch nonetheless touch us. This makes presence a post-linguistic (...)
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    Philosophy, Literature, and the Human Good.Michael Weston - 2001 - New York: Routledge.
    In this provocative new examination of the philosophical, moral and religious significance of literature, Michael Weston explores the role of literature in both analytic and continental traditions. He initiates a dialogue between them and investigates the growing importance of these issues for major contemporary thinkers. Each chapter explores a philosopher or literary figure who has written on the relation between literature and the good life, such as Derrida, Kierkegaard, Murdoch and Blanchot. Challenging and insightful, Philosophy, Literature and the Human Good (...)
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    Criticism and Modernity: Aesthetics, Literature, and Nations in Europe and its Academies.Thomas Docherty - 1999 - Oxford University Press.
    Can subjective taste regulate social norms or political practices? This book argues that from the late seventeenth century to the present national cultures have sought to regulate the democratic subject through the academic form of arguments about the proper relations of aesthetics to ethics and politics. In so doing it offers a radical reconsideration of the history of modernity, tracing the emergence of criticism as a socio-cultural practice across all the major European nations, and drawing on an extensive (...)
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    Thokthīang rư̄ang khunkhā.Pakō̜n Limpanusō̜n & SuradēT ChōT'udomphan (eds.) - 2016 - Krung Thēp: Wiphāsā.
    Values, history and criticism of Thai literature.
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    Art (and) Criticism: Hart Crane and David Siqueiros.Alicja Piechucka - 2018 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 8 (8):229-243.
    The article focuses on an analysis of Hart Crane’s essay “Note on the Paintings of David Siqueiros.” One of Crane’s few art-historical texts, the critical piece in question is first of all a tribute to the American poet’s friend, the Mexican painter David Siqueiros. The author of a portrait of Crane, Siqueiros is a major artist, one of the leading figures that marked the history of Mexican painting in the first half of the twentieth century. While it is interesting (...)
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    Antiquity and the meanings of time: a philosophy of ancient and modern literature.Duncan Kennedy - 2013 - New York: I.B. Tauris.
    Does Augustine put his finger on time? -- Time for history -- Determination -- Self-determination -- Time, knowledge and truth.
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    Ethics and literature in Chile, Argentina, and Paraguay, 1970-2000: from the singular to the specific.Carlos M. Amador - 2016 - New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
    This book argues for a new reading of the political and ethical through the literatures of Argentina, Chile, and Paraguay from 1970-2000. Carlos Amador reads a series of examples from the last dictatorship and the current post-dictatorship period in the Southern Cone, including works by Augusto Roa Bastos, Roberto Bolaño, Ceferino Reato, Horacio Verbitsky, Nelly Richard, Diamela Eltit, and Willy Thayer, with the goal of uncovering the logic behind their conceptions of belonging and rejection. Focusing on theoretical concepts that make (...)
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    Philosophy and German Literature, 1700–1990.Nicholas Saul (ed.) - 2002 - Cambridge University Press.
    Although the importance of the interplay of literature and philosophy in Germany has often been examined within individual works or groups of works by particular authors, little research has been undertaken into the broader dialogue of German literature and philosophy as a whole. Philosophy and German Literature 1700–1990 offers six chapters by leading specialists on the dialogue between the work of German literary writers and philosophers through their works. The volume shows that German literature, far from being the mouthpiece of (...)
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    Love and good reasons: postliberal approaches to Christian ethics and literature.Fritz Oehlschlaeger - 2003 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    He challenges methods of doing ethics that attempt to specify universally binding principles or rules and argues for the need to bring literature back into ...
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    Hājis al-ibdāʻ fī al-turāth: dirāsah fī muqaddimāt al-kitāb al-Islāmī.ʻAbbās Arḥīlah - 2017 - Bayrūt: al-Muʼassasah al-ʻArabīyah lil-Fikr wa-al-Ibdāʻ.
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    Russian realisms: literature and painting, 1840-1890.Molly Brunson - 2016 - DeKalb: Northern Illinois University Press.
    One fall evening in 1880, Russian painter Ilya Repin welcomed an unexpected visitor to his home: Lev Tolstoy. The renowned realists talked for hours, and Tolstoy turned his critical eye to the sketches in Repin's studio. Tolstoy's criticisms would later prompt Repin to reflect on the question of creative expression and conclude that the path to artistic truth is relative, dependent on the mode and medium of representation. In this original study, Molly Brunson traces many such paths that converged to (...)
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    Language, madness, and desire: on literature.Michel Foucault - 2015 - Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Edited by Philippe Artières, Jean-François Bert, Mathieu Potte-Bonneville, Judith Revel & Robert Bononno.
    As a transformative thinker of the twentieth century, whose work spanned all branches of the humanities, Michel Foucault had a complex and profound relationship with literature. And yet this critical aspect of his thought, because it was largely expressed in speeches and interviews, remains virtually unknown to even his most loyal readers. This book brings together previously unpublished transcripts of oral presentations in which Foucault speaks at length about literature and its links to some of his principal themes: madness, language (...)
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  49. Vāmanavikrama: Research in Indological Studies: Prof. V.M. Kulkarni Felicitation Volume ; Vedic Literature, Classical Sanskrit Literature, Poetics, Grammar and Linguistics, Philosophy, and Religion, Prakrit and Jainism.Vaman Mahadeo Kulkarni & S. Y. Wakankar (eds.) - 2006 - Bharatiya Kala Prakashan.
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    Imaginary Spaces of Power in Sub-Saharan Literatures and Films.Alix Mazuet (ed.) - 2012 - Cambridge Scholars Press.
    This collection of essays is unlike others in the field of African studies, for it is based on three very precisely delineated focal points: a particular geographical region, the sub-Sahara; specific modes of cultural production, literature and cinema; and a focus on works of French expression. This three-fold approach to exploring the relationships between power and culture in a non-Western environment greatly contributes to making this book unique from a variety of perspectives: African, Francophone and postcolonial studies, as well as (...)
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