Results for 'Sacred Scripture'

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  1. Reading Sacred Scripture: Voices from the History of Biblical Interpretation.[author unknown] - 2016
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  2. Philosophic approaches to sacred scripture in Judaism+ Torah.R. Jospe - 1996 - Journal of Dharma 21 (4):345-363.
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    The sacred scripture: symbol of spiritual synthesis: a comparative, chronological, and philosophical approach to the Guru Grantha.Raj Kumar Arora - 1988 - New Delhi: Harman Pub. House.
    Relates To Important Mystical Concepts Contained In Guru Granth. Seeks To Revive The Original Spiritual Doctrines Of The Great Masters And Impact Contemporary Meaning Of Their. 13 Chapters-Bibliography, Index. Without Dustjacket.
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  4. This Strange and Sacred Scripture: Wrestling with the Old Testament and Its Oddities.[author unknown] - 2015
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  5. The Sacred Scriptures of the Japanese.Wheeler Wheeler - 1952
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  6. Sacred Scripture: A Short History of Interpretation.Richard N. Soulen - 2009
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    Biblical Economic Ethics: Sacred Scripture’s Teachings on Economic Life by Albino Barrera.Raymond Kemp Anderson - 2015 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 35 (1):205-206.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Biblical Economic Ethics: Sacred Scripture’s Teachings on Economic Life by Albino BarreraRaymond Kemp AndersonBiblical Economic Ethics: Sacred Scripture’s Teachings on Economic Life By Albino Barrera LANHAM, MD: LEXINGTON BOOKS, 2013. 353 PP. $89.65; KINDLE, $54.49You will not find much direct application of biblical theology to pressing economic issues in this book. Albino Barrera, a Dominican monk who teaches economics and theology at Providence College, (...)
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  8. Mary in sacred scripture: an ecumenical reflection.Francis Martin - 2008 - The Thomist 72 (4):525-569.
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    Woman in the Sacred Scriptures of Hinduism.Jean Wilson Kennedy & Mildred Worth Pinkham - 1941 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 61 (3):195.
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    Tongues of Fire: A Bible of Sacred Scriptures of the Non-Christian World.Grace H. Turnbull - 2001 - JHU Press.
    The author has chosen those passages from sacred scriptures which she feels to have the greatest beauty and spiritual appeal. Her aim is for the reader to enter into his or her own more intensive study of that religion which sparks the most interest.
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    Law and the Sacred Scriptures.Augustine Cardinal Bea - 1960 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 35 (3):325-330.
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    Matthias Flacius Illyricus-How to Understand the Sacred Scriptures from Clavis Scripturae sacrae.Tomislav Vidaković - 2011 - Kairos: Evangelical Journal of Theology 5 (1):229-231.
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    The Philosophers and the Bible: The Debate on Sacred Scripture in Early Modern Thought ed. by Antonella Del Prete, Anna Lisa Schino, and Pina Totaro (review).Piet Steenbakkers - 2024 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 62 (2):325-327.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Philosophers and the Bible: The Debate on Sacred Scripture in Early Modern Thought ed. by Antonella Del Prete, Anna Lisa Schino, and Pina TotaroPiet SteenbakkersAntonella Del Prete, Anna Lisa Schino, and Pina Totaro, editors. The Philosophers and the Bible: The Debate on Sacred Scripture in Early Modern Thought. Brill's Studies in Intellectual History 333. Leiden: Brill, 2022. Pp. xiv + 303. Hardback, €135.16.This (...)
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  14. One in All., Antology of Religion from the Sacred Scriptures of the Living Faiths.Edith B. Schnapper & Erik Palmstierna - 1953 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 15 (2):345-345.
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    Avestā. The Sacred Scripture of the Parsees. Part I. Yasna & Vīsparat.-Part II. Khordeh Avesta & YaśtsAvesta. The Sacred Scripture of the Parsees. Part I. Yasna & Visparat.-Part II. Khordeh Avesta & Yasts. [REVIEW]M. J. Dresden, Ervad M. F. Kanga & N. S. Sontakke - 1965 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 85 (2):262.
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    The Philosophers and the Bible: The Debate on Sacred Scripture in Early Modern Thought.Antonella Del Prete, Anna Lisa Schino & Pina Totaro (eds.) - 2021 - BRILL.
    An innovative perspective on the relationship between philosophy and the Bible. The early modern philosophers’ interpretations of the Scriptures allow deciphering the breeding ground of the freedom of philosophizing, the theological-political debate, and the new conception of nature.
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    HEBREWS [Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture] by Mary Healy, Baker Academic, Grand Rapids, MI, 2016, pp. 316, £13.99, pbk. [REVIEW]Richard J. Ounsworth - 2017 - New Blackfriars 98 (1077):615-617.
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    Four testaments: Tao Te Ching, Analects, Dhammapada, Bhagavad Gita: sacred scriptures of Taoism, Confucianism, Buddhism, and Hinduism.Brian A. Brown (ed.) - 2016 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
    Four Testaments brings together four foundational texts from world religions--the Tao Te Ching, Dhammapada, Analects of Confucius, and Bhagavad Gita--inviting readers to experience them in full, to explore possible points of connection and divergence, and to better understand people who practice these traditions.
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    Tongues of fire: a bible of sacred scriptures of the pagan world.Grace Hill Turnbull - 1929 - New York: Arno Press.
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    David Vincent Meconi, S.J., ed., Sacred Scripture and Secular Struggles.Ty Monroe - 2018 - Augustinian Studies 49 (1):155-157.
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    Body, Spousal union, and Shared table: Symbols of Communion in the Sacred Scriptures.Juan Alberto Casas Ramírez - 2018 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 39:161-188.
    Resumen Desde una visión de fe, la comunión supone la posibilidad de que la existencia criatural participe, por la gracia, de la comunión divina trinitaria. El presente artículo, ubicado en el ámbito de la teología bíblica, busca aportar a la reflexión teológica sistemática a través del rastreo sobre el modo como “la realidad comunional” ha sido percibida, comprendida y expresada por parte del hombre bíblico por medio del recurso a imágenes tomadas de su experiencia histórica y cotidiana. Tales imágenes son, (...)
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    Matthias Flacius Illyricus-How to Understand the Sacred Scriptures.Tomislav Vidaković - 2011 - Kairos: Evangelical Journal of Theology 5 (1):225-227.
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    The Voice, the Word, the Books: the Sacred Scripture of the Jews, Christians and Muslims. By F. E. Peters.David Thomas - 2009 - Heythrop Journal 50 (6):1006-1007.
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  24. The Bible in the 16th century. A website dedicated to the publication and interpretation of the sacred scripture.Cinzia Tozzini - 2005 - Rinascimento 45:399-411.
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  25. The Word of God: Approaches to the Mystery of the Sacred Scriptures.George Auzou - 1960
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  26. St. Robert Bellarmine on the Authoritative Interpretation of Sacred Scripture.Christian D. Washburn - 2013 - Gregorianum 94 (1):55-77.
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    Sacred language, sacred world: the unity of scriptural and philosophical hermeneutics.Joshua D. Broggi - 2015 - New York: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
    Heidegger and Gadamer are typically read by different theologians. Heidegger tends to be read by philosophical theologians examining his contribution to matters of doubt, existential finitude, and atheism. Gadamer tends to be read by those with an interest in interpreting the Bible, especially by those with more confessional or epistemically optimistic sensibilities. In both cases, Heidegger and Gadamer have well-established associations with specific theological positions. Joshua Broggi challenges this arrangement by re-reading the primary texts as theological resources; he defends an (...)
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    The gospel of Luke by Pablo T. gadenz, [catholic commentary on sacred scripture], Baker academic, grand rapids, michigan, 2018, pp. 413, $24.99, pbk. [REVIEW]Paul Rowse - 2020 - New Blackfriars 101 (1093):341-343.
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  29. Variarum Disputationum R.Mi Patris Magistri Francisci Cumel, Ordinis B. Mariæde Mercede Redemptionis,... Tomis Tres. Primus in Primam Partem S. Thomæ Quo de Præcientia Dei Circa Futura Contingentia: Secundus in Eiusdem Primam Secundæ Quo de Libero Arbitrio; Ipsius Cum Gratia Dei Conuenientia. [Et] Assensu, de Præestinatione, Ac Pleriq[Ue] Aliis Quæhoc Seculo Emerserunt Opiniones: Tertius in Utramque Partem, Scilicet Primam, [Et] Primum Secundæ Quo Nouæ[Et] Abstrusiores Inductæquætiones Enodantur, Dirimuntur, Ac Verissimis, Profundissimisque Raionibus Terminantur. Ad Calcem Cuiusque Trino Adiecto Indice, Primo Disputationum, Secundo Rerum Notabilium, Tertio Sacræscripturælocorum Explicatorum.Franciscus Cumel, Jean Thomas & Pillehotte - 1628 - Sumptibus Io: Pillehote, ..
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    The Making of the Bible: From the First Fragments to Sacred Scripture. By Konrad Schmid and Jens Schröter. Translated by Peter Lewis. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2021. Pp. 448. $35.00/£28.95. [REVIEW]Paolo Monzani - 2022 - Heythrop Journal 63 (5):1035-1036.
    The Heythrop Journal, Volume 63, Issue 5, Page 1035-1036, September 2022.
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    A Defense Of Galileo, The Mathematician From Florence: Which Is An Inquiry As To Whether The Philosophical View Advocated By Galileo Is In Agreement With, Or Is Opposed To, The Sacred Scriptures By Thomas Campanella; Richard J. Blackwell. [REVIEW]Maurice Finocchiaro - 1995 - Isis 86:108-109.
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    The Gospel of Mark: Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture. By MaryHealy. Pp. 349, Grand Rapids, MI, Baker Academic, 2008, £10.99. [REVIEW]Nicholas King - 2012 - Heythrop Journal 53 (2):332-333.
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    Reading Scripture with the Church: Toward a Hermeneutic for Theological Interpretation. By A. K. M. Adam, Stephen E. Fowl, Kevin J. Vanhoozer, Francis Watson
Tradition, Scripture, and Interpretation: A Sourcebook of the Ancient Church (Evangelical Ressourcement: Ancient Sources for the Church's Future). Ed. D. H. Williams
Sacred Scripture: The Disclosure of the Word. By Francis Martin
The Language of Symbolism: Biblical Theology, Semantics, and Exegesis. By Pierre Grelot. [REVIEW]Richard S. Briggs - 2009 - Heythrop Journal 50 (1):119-120.
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    Schmid, Konrad - Schröter, Jens, The Making of the Bible: From the First Fragments to Sacred Scripture[REVIEW]Alvaro Silva - 2021 - Mayéutica 47 (104):459-460.
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    Review: Sebastian C. H. Kim and Jonathan Draper (eds) Liberating Text? Sacred Scriptures in Public Life. London: SPCK, 2008. 150 pages. ISBN: 9780281058563. [REVIEW]Joel K. T. Biwul - 2010 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 27 (2):136-137.
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  36. Variarum Disputationum R.Mi Patris Magistri Francisci Cumel Ordinis B. Mariæde Mercede Redemptionis Captiuorum Quondam Generalis, Sacrae Theologiae Doctoris, Ac in Alma Salmanticensi Vniuersitate Professoris Publici Celeberrimi, Eiusdémque Decani Meritissimi: Tomis Tres. Primus in Primam Partem S. Thomæ Quo de Præcientia Dei Circa Futura Contingentia: Secundus in Eiusdem Primam Secundæ Quo de Libero Arbitrio; Ipsius Cum Gratia Dei Conuenientia & Assensu, de Præestinatione, Ac Plerisq[Ue] Aliis Quæhoc Seculo Emerserunt Opiniones: Tertius in Vtramque Partem, Scilicet Primam, & Primam Secundæ Quo Nouæ& Abstrusiores Inductæquætiones Enodantur, Dirimuntur Ac Verissimis, Profundissimisque Rationibus Terminantur. Ad Calcem Cuiusque Trino Adiecto Indice, Primo Disputationum, Secundo Rerum Notabilium, Tertio Sacræscripturælocorum Explicatorum.Franciscus Cumel, Jean Thomas & Pillehotte - 1609 - Sumptibus Ioannis Pillehote, Sub Signo Nominis Iesu.
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  37. Scripturalizing the Sacred: The Written as Political.Vincent L. Wimbush - unknown
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    Snakes from staves? Science, scriptures, and the supernatural in Maurice bucaille.Stefano Bigliardi - 2011 - Zygon 46 (4):793-805.
    Abstract The aim of this paper is to attain a philosophical evaluation of the ideas of the French author Maurice Bucaille. Bucaille formulated an influential discourse regarding the divinity of the Qur’an, which he tried to demonstrate through a comparison of some of its verses with what he defined as scientific data. With his works, which encompass a criticism of the Bible and a defense of creationism, Bucaille furthered the idea that Islam is in harmony with natural sciences, and ensured (...)
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    Vincent L Wimbush (ed), Scripturalizing the Sacred: The Written as Political, New York and London: Routledge, 2015; 248 pp. ISBN: 978-1-138-92000-2, $148.00. [REVIEW]Michael J. Altman - 2017 - Critical Research on Religion 5 (2):221-224.
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    Teaching the Trinity: Scripture and Performance of the Psychological Analogy in Aquinas's Summa Theologiae.Zane E. Chu - 2023 - Nova et Vetera 21 (4):1149-1170.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Teaching the Trinity:Scripture and Performance of the Psychological Analogy in Aquinas's Summa TheologiaeZane E. ChuTeaching the Trinity, for St. Thomas Aquinas, takes its point of departure from Sacred Scripture. He makes this explicit at the outset of the Trinitarian treatise in the Summa theologiae, citing Christ's words at John 8:42, "from God I proceeded," and affirming, "divine Scripture in the things of divinity, uses words (...)
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  41. Devotional readingof the scriptures.David Walker - 2020 - The Australasian Catholic Record 97 (4):387.
    One of the great themes of the Second Vatican Council was its emphasis on the Sacred Scriptures, especially bringing the Scriptures to the lay faithful. All the faithful are urged 'earnestly and especially' to enter this experience of knowing Jesus Christ by frequent devotional reading of the text and getting in touch with the sacred text itself. The church documents speak more about how the professional exegete should approach the Scriptures, but here is an invitation to reflect on (...)
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  42. Renewed focus on scripture in Religious Education in Catholic Schools.John McGrath - 2020 - The Australasian Catholic Record 97 (4):425.
    As Pope Benedict XVI stated, 'Youth is a time when genuine and irrepressible questions arise about the meaning of life and the direction our own lives should take' so 'we need to help young people to gain confidence and familiarity with sacred Scripture so it can become a compass pointing out the path to follow'. The 'instrumentum laboris' for the Synod on the Word of God recommended that 'greater appreciation needs to be given to teaching the Bible in (...)
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    Aquinas on scripture: a primer.John F. Boyle - 2023 - Steubenville, Ohio: Emmaus Academic.
    With precision and profundity born of 30 years of devoted study, John Boyle offers an essential introduction to St. Thomas Aquinas on Scripture, shedding helpful light on the goals, methods, and commitments that animate the Angelic Doctor's engagement with the sacred page. Because the genius of St. Thomas's approach to the Bible lies not so much in its novelty but rather in the fidelity and clarity with which he recapitulates the riches of the preceding interpretive Tradition, this initiation (...)
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    Songlines, Sacred Texts and Cultural Code: Between Australia and Early Medieval Ireland.Constant J. Mews - 2019 - In Peter Wong, Sherah Bloor, Patrick Hutchings & Purushottama Bilimoria (eds.), Considering Religions, Rights and Bioethics: For Max Charlesworth. Springer Verlag. pp. 201-217.
    This paper builds on Max Charlesworth’s evolving interest in aboriginal spirituality by reflecting on potential affinities, as well as great differences, between the notion of the indigenous songline and sacred texts. In particular I suggest possible parallels between the travels of a spirit ancestor along a particular route, and the account of the journey of a specific early Irish saint, itself modelled on the motif of the pilgrim within Jewish and Christian Scripture. Charlesworth always insisted that religion could (...)
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  45. Religion without violence: the practice and philosophy of scriptural reasoning.Peter Ochs - 2019 - Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books. Edited by David F. Ford.
    In 1992, Peter Ochs and a few Christian and Muslim colleagues began to gather small groups, in and outside the classroom, to practice close and attentive reading of the sacred Scriptures of the Jewish, Muslim, and Christian traditions. The hope was that members of different religions could hear one another through the patient, respectful reading of each other's Scripture. Hearing each other, participants might enter into interreligious relationships that might point a way to the peaceful engagement of religions--especially (...)
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    Exploring the possibility for African traditional religion to be included in a reimagined scriptural reasoning model.Maniraj Sukdaven - 2018 - HTS Theological Studies 74 (3):6.
    In and among the many models developed for engaging in inter-religious dialogue was a model that became known as scriptural reasoning (SR). SR basically serves the purpose of being hospitable towards the Abrahamic religions. The current approach of SR, by virtue of its focus only on scripture as the basis of engagement, obviously excludes other faith traditions that possess no sacred scripture. One such religion is African traditional religion (ATR). As a result of this exclusion, this article (...)
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    Scripture and knowledge: an essay on religious epistemology.Shlomo Biderman - 1995 - New York: E.J. Brill.
    At the core of "Scripture and Knowledge lies the problem of the nature of religious knowledge.
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    Holy Scriptures and their Use by Christians and Muslims in East Africa.John Chesworth - 2013 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 30 (2):82-95.
    Muslims and Christians have used the Bible and the Qur’an in their preaching and writing in order to convince each other of the unique truth of their own faith. Much of the writing has been produced in inexpensive booklets, whilst preaching takes place in public meetings using each others’ scripture. This paper examines the different Swahili versions of the Bible and the Qur’an and their reception. It then examines the use of the sacred texts of two world faiths, (...)
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    Scriptural Authority: A Buddhist Perspective.Shi Zhiru - 2010 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 30:85-105.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Scriptural AuthorityA Buddhist PerspectiveShi ZhiruLike gold that is melted, cut, and polished, So should monks and scholars Analyze my words [before] accepting them; They should not do so out of respect.1As other papers in this volume have already noted, there is a crisis of authority in modern religion, particularly in the West. One defining characteristic of modernity is a deep sense of rupture from the old, from the traditional, (...)
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    Mirroring the object of the lesson: The creative process of scriptural rewriting as an effective practice for teaching sacred texts.Carmen Palmer - forthcoming - Zygon.
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