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  1.  14
    Sacred space: interdisciplinary perspectives within contemporary contexts.Steve Brie, Jenny Daggers & David Torevell (eds.) - 2009 - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    The identification and positioning of sacred space within contemporary contexts has, to date, received scant attention. In reflecting upon a broad spectrum of conceptions of what constitutes sacred space, this collection of interdisciplinary essays presents a new perspective on an area that is developing into an important theological and philosophical concept.
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    Creating sacred space: Outer expressions of inner worlds in modern Wicca.L. Hume - 1998 - .
    This article gives a brief description of one of the sub-branches of Paganism, Wicca. It describes how sacred space is established and it explores the sacred circle as a symbolic representation of Wiccan cosmology. Physical sacred space thus constructed becomes a 'world apart' from the mundane and a bridge between ordinary physical reality and metaphysical realms. The circle is the outer expression of an imaginai inner world wherein anything is possible. The connection between a bounded, physical space (...)
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    Sacred Spaces, Healing Places: Therapeutic Landscapes of Spiritual Significance.Geraldine Perriam - 2015 - Journal of Medical Humanities 36 (1):19-33.
    Understandings of the relationship between space, culture and belief are formative in the experience of seeking healing. This paper examines the relationship between place, healing and spirituality in the context of interdisciplinary perspectives (particularly those of the medical humanities) on healing and well-being. The paper examines places of spiritual significance and their relationship to healing in the ‘uncertain’ quest for alleviation or cure, exploring these thematics in the context of the work on the geographies of ‘therapeutic landscapes.’ Through a discussion (...)
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    Sacred spaces in public places: religious and spiritual plurality in health care.Sheryl Reimer-Kirkham, Sonya Sharma, Barb Pesut, Richard Sawatzky, Heather Meyerhoff & Marie Cochrane - 2012 - Nursing Inquiry 19 (3):202-212.
    REIMER‐KIRKHAM S, SHARMA S, PESUT B, SAWATZKY R, MEYERHOFF H and COCHRANE M. Nursing Inquiry 2012; 19: 202–212 Sacred spaces in public places: religious and spiritual plurality in health careSeveral intriguing developments mark the role and expression of religion and spirituality in society in recent years. In what were deemed secular societies, flows of increased sacralization (variously referred to as ‘new’, ‘alternative’, ‘emergent’ and ‘progressive’ spiritualities) and resurgent globalizing religions (sometimes with fundamentalist expressions) are resulting in unprecedented plurality. These (...)
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  5. Liminality, sacred space and the Diwan.D. Weir - 2009 - In Steve Brie, Jenny Daggers & David Torevell (eds.), Sacred space: interdisciplinary perspectives within contemporary contexts. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 39--54.
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    Spaces for Miracles. Constructing Sacred Space through the Body, from Conques to the Mediterranean, and Beyond.Ivan Foletti - 2022 - Convivium 9 (1):168-185.
    Reconstruction of the basilica that preceded the present abbey church at Conques lends itself to exploring the notion of “sacred space”. Like its successor, the original basilica, probably built around 900, was dedicated to St Foy and held her remains. Textual evidence, augmented with (albeit scarce) archeological data, enables a reconstruction of what emerges as an unusual building containing a “physical” sacred space clearly conceived as a place into which the whole cult of St Foy could be “condensed”. (...)
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  7. Sacred Space: An Approach to the Theology of the Epistle to the Hebrews.Marie E. Isaacs - 1992
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    Indo-European Sacred Space: Vedic and Roman Cult (review).Jerzy Linderski - 2008 - American Journal of Philology 129 (1):125-128.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Indo-European Sacred Space: Vedic and Roman CultJerzy LinderskiRoger D. Woodard. Indo-European Sacred Space: Vedic and Roman Cult. Traditions. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2006. xiv + 296 pp. Cloth, $50.In all cultures gods claim possessions on Earth. Two divine realms stand out: time and space. A perceptive scholar aptly described the religious feasts, in Rome the feriae and dies festi, as "temporal possession of gods" (Jörg (...)
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    Holy City of Medina: Sacred Space in Early Islamic Arabia. By Harry Munt.Zayde Antrim - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 136 (2).
    The Holy City of Medina: Sacred Space in Early Islamic Arabia. By Harry Munt. Cambridge Studies in Islamic Civilization. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2014. Pp. xvii + 226. $95.
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    Sacred Space - S. E. Alcock, R. Osborne (edd.): Placing the Gods. Sanctuaries and Sacred Space in Ancient Greece. Pp. xi+271, 11 figs. Oxford: Academic Press, 1994. Cased. [REVIEW]B. C. Dietrich - 1995 - The Classical Review 45 (02):296-299.
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  11. From Chaos to Cosmos: Sacred Space in Genesis.Don Michael Hudson - 1996 - Zeitschrift Für Die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft:88-97.
    With the appearance of Mircea Eliade's The Sacred and the Profane came the inauguration of theologians and philosophers questioning the preeminence of scholarly attention given to time to the virtual exclusion of space.
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    Sacred space and the city: Greece and bhaktapur. [REVIEW]Michael H. Jameson - 1997 - International Journal of Hindu Studies 1 (3):485-499.
    Prompted by Levy’s observations and questions, our brief review of symbolic space in ancient Greece suggests that some features of Greek culture that at first sight seem rationalist and modernizing, signs of the transformation of the archaic city, were deeply rooted in the culture of the city-states from as early as we can study them.11 It may be that they are factors that contributed to the intellectual process referred to as the breakthrough or enlightenment which is not easily attributed entirely (...)
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  13. Sacred spaces for ethical inquiry: Communicating ideas on university campuses.Rita Kirk & C. R. Crespo - 2020 - In C. R. Crespo & Rita Kirk (eds.), Ethics at the heart of higher education. Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications.
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    13. Transforming Sacred Space into Shared Place: Reinterpreting Gandhi on Temple Entry.Bindu Puri - 2019 - In Peter D. Hershock & Roger T. Ames (eds.), Philosophies of Place: An Intercultural Conversation. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. pp. 228-250.
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    Sacred Space in Early Modern Europe. Edited by Will Coster and Andrew Spicer and Sacred Boundaries: Religious Coexistence and Conflict in Early-Modern France. By Keith P. Luria and Moderate Voices in the European Reformation. Edited by Luc Racaut and Alec Ryrie and The Religious Culture of the Huguenots, 1660-1750. Edited by Anne Dunan-Page. [REVIEW]Alastair Hamilton - 2010 - Heythrop Journal 51 (1):109-110.
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    “Gay Bashing” in Sacred Space: Lesbian Feminism and the Rise of Digital Violence.Laulie Eckeberger - 2022 - Feminist Theology 30 (3):262-273.
    What happens when our digital sacred spaces become violent and incite trauma or trigger reminders of traumatic experiences? This project will delve into these questions as we begin to think about trauma in digital spaces for the Lesbian-Feminist. For example, we scroll through Facebook and see that an uncle has posted a homophobic article. The logical response to this, the response that our spiritual selves tell us to follow through on, is to delete this person from our Facebook friends. (...)
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    7. The Sacred Space of Music.Roger Scruton - 2014 - In The Soul of the World. Princeton University Press. pp. 140-174.
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    Military Leaders and Sacred Space in Classical Greek Warfare. Temples, Sanctuaries and Conflict in Antiquity.Vincent Cuche - 2022 - Kernos 35:358-360.
    Les pratiques religieuses et l’activité guerrière sont deux facettes essentielles des cités grecques, c’est un fait bien connu et bien étudié. Pourtant, depuis les ouvrages séminaux de Pritchett et de Lonis, rares sont les monographies qui ont choisi de se placer à l’interface des deux domaines. Il faut donc savoir gré à Sonya Nevin de s’être confrontée résolument à cette problématique dans cet ouvrage stimulant, issu d’une thèse soutenue en 2009, paru en 2017 et tout récemment réédité en pap...
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    Anglican cathedrals and implicit religion: Softening the boundaries of sacred space through innovative events and installations.Ursula McKenna, Leslie J. Francis & Francis Stewart - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4):11.
    High profile (and controversial) events and installations, like the Helter-Skelter in Norwich and the Crazy Golf Bridges in Rochester, have drawn attention to innovation and public engagement within Anglican cathedrals. The present study contextualised these innovations both empirically and conceptually. The empirical framework draws on cathedral websites to chronicle the wide and diverse range of events and installations hosted by Anglican cathedrals in England and the Isle of Man between 2018 and 2022. The conceptual framework draws on Edward Bailey’s theory (...)
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    A tale of two skeletons?: Greco-Turkish cultural memory, sacred space, and the mystery of the identity of the occupants of a now lost ciborium Byzantine tomb at Trebizond.Scott Kennedy - 2021 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 114 (1):195-220.
    The body of almost every Roman or Byzantine emperor has been lost. This piece draws attention to two skeletons, recovered from a Muslim türbe at Trabzon during World War I by the Russian excavator Feodor Uspensky. Using local oral tradition, Uspensky identified the two bodies he recovered as the Byzantine emperor of Trebizond Alexios IV (1417-1429) and a local Turkish hero Hoşoğlan. Since Uspensky, his identifications have not been challenged nor scientifically examined. This paper argues that Uspensky did not recover (...)
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    Picture and text: on the “iconography” of sacred spaces in middle-Byzantine ekphraseis.Beatrice Daskas - 2020 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 113 (1):35-68.
    The present contribution engages with two representative examples of middle-Byzantine ekphraseis, Photios’ description of the Virgin of the Pharos and Leo VI’s account of the church founded by Stylianos Zautzes. It aims at showing how these texts suggest modes of viewing the sacred space and decoration that pose, more than settle, questions about images and pictures, their intended function, significance and impact within their specific cultural frames of reference. Far from being neutral and disengaged, these verbal representations have a (...)
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    “Where the World Did Not Walk”. The Desert as Sacred Space on the Klimax Painting at Sinai.Ravinder S. Binning - 2024 - Convivium 11 (1):56-69.
    How did medieval art frame the desert as a sacred space? The twelfth-century Klimax panel, today at St Catherine’s Monastery in Sinai, offers insight into this question. Inspired by John of Sinai’s Klimax (or Ladder), the work depicts monks in a cosmic struggle unfolding in the desert. It has long been associated with a site-specific “Sinai style”, even as a depiction of the St Catherine’s surround itself. This essay reconsiders the relationship between both the painting and John of Sinai’s (...)
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    Cultural Synonymy: A Cross-Linguistic Perspective on Comprehending Sacred Spaces.Yun Qiao - 2022 - RAPHISA REVISTA DE ANTROPOLOGÍA Y FILOSOFÍA DE LO SAGRADO 6 (1):157-173.
    This study explores how people with different cultural backgrounds comprehend diverse sacred spaces all over the world, from a cross-linguistic perspective. The challenges surrounding intelligibility relate to spatial resemblance, complexity of religion, as well as many obscure proper names. With the lexicalization of relevant religious concepts, “cultural synonyms” are generated. Through surveying the vocabulary within the domain of “TEMPLE” as an exemplification, the cultural synonymy of the Chinese lexicon in demonstrating spiritual intricacy has been elucidated. Based on the theory (...)
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  24. Xopóσ: dancing into the sacred space of chora: An inquiry into the choir of dance from the chora.Nicoletta Isar - 2005 - Byzantion 75:199-224.
  25. Bleeding Women in Sacred Spaces: Negotiating Theological Belonging in the ‘Pathway’ to Priesthood.Eve Parker - 2022 - Feminist Theology 30 (2):129-142.
    This article focuses on the theological journeying of women ordinands in the Church of England, who have had to negotiate their belonging in the ‘pathway’ to Priesthood in ordination training. Attention is given to the extent to which the personhood of women is enabled to truly flourish in a theological education system that is dominated by men and predominantly patriarchal and Western theologising. It suggests that a gendered politics of belonging has been used and maintained through the socio-religious construct of (...)
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    Origins of the Shīʿa: Identity, Ritual, and Sacred Space in Eighth-Century Kūfa. By Najam Haider. [REVIEW]Karen G. Ruffle - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 135 (1):156-159.
    The Origins of the Shīʿa: Identity, Ritual, and Sacred Space in Eighth-Century Kūfa. By Najam Haider. Cambridge Studies in Islamic Civilization. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2011. Pp. xvii + 276. $99.
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    Folk Religions in Modern Israel: Sacred Space in the Holy Land.Galit Hasan-Rokem - 1999 - Diogenes 47 (187):83-87.
    Israel is a country of many cultures and languages and of several religions. The majority of the population adheres to the Jewish religion. The Moslem and the Christian religions come next in size, in that order. Similarly to many other countries in the region, religion fills a more central role in the public sphere of Israel than in most Western countries. It also influences the private sphere immensely, as for example in the matter of marriages and funerals which in most (...)
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    The Cosmos in Ancient Greek Religious Experience. Sacred Space, Memory, and Cognition.Ioannis Mylonopoulos - 2022 - Kernos 35:333-338.
    The richly illustrated volume represents the probably first serious attempt to bring astronomy, the perception of real and cosmic time, and the nocturnal experience of cults and cult places into the discussion about religion and sacred space. It consists of seven chapters—two of which are the introduction and the conclusions—an appendix, a glossary, notes, bibliography, and an index. Between p. 144 and p. 145 the volume contains a series of color plates that duplicate some of the black-and-wh...
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  29. Useless practices in sacred spaces : Bataille's elegance and the aesthetics of sovereignty.Kevin Kennedy - 2016 - In Will Stronge (ed.), Georges Bataille and Contemporary Thought. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Oases of the Baja California peninsula as sacred spaces of agrobiodiversity persistence.Micheline Cariño Olvera, Gary Nabhan & Rafael Grenade - 2016 - Agriculture and Human Values 33 (2):455-474.
    Oases have served as sacred landscapes and sources of ritual plants in arid regions of the Old and New Worlds. We evaluate the Jesuit mission oases of the Baja California peninsula for their role in agrobiodiversity persistence, and extend theories of sacred landscapes and biodiversity conservation to agricultural species and practices. Jesuit missionaries on the peninsula introduced a suite of crops species and agricultural and water management systems that persist in the oases and have become an integral part (...)
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    Review of Wilderness as Sacred Space. [REVIEW]Paul Schmidt - 1979 - Environmental Ethics 1 (2):186-188.
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    Prague Panoramas: National Memory and Sacred Space in the Twentieth Century. By Cynthia Paces.Francis D. Raška - 2012 - The European Legacy 17 (3):424 - 425.
    The European Legacy, Volume 17, Issue 3, Page 424-425, June 2012.
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  33. The conception of space and its influence on conceiving transcendence: The development of Heidegger's explanation of the sacred space from an empty and open to a topological one.Martin Nitsche - 2013 - Filozofia 68:122-132.
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  34. Robert Grosseteste's cosmology of light and light-metaphors: A symbolic model for a sacred space?Cecilia Panti - 2014 - In Nicholas Temple, John Hendrix & Christia Frost (eds.), Bishop Robert Grosseteste and Lincoln Cathedral: tracing relationships between medieval concepts of order and built form. Burlington, VT: Ashgate.
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    Oases of the Baja California peninsula as sacred spaces of agrobiodiversity persistence.Rafael de Grenade, Gary Paul Nabhan & Micheline Cariño Olvera - 2016 - Agriculture and Human Values 33 (2):455-474.
    Oases have served as sacred landscapes and sources of ritual plants in arid regions of the Old and New Worlds. We evaluate the Jesuit mission oases of the Baja California peninsula for their role in agrobiodiversity persistence, and extend theories of sacred landscapes and biodiversity conservation to agricultural species and practices. Jesuit missionaries on the peninsula introduced a suite of crops species and agricultural and water management systems that persist in the oases and have become an integral part (...)
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  36. Virtual Tibet : From Media Spectacle to Co-Located Sacred Space.Christopher Helland - 2015 - In Gregory Price Grieve & Daniel M. Veidlinger (eds.), Buddhism, the internet, and digital media: the pixel in the lotus. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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    Mythic and Ritual Projections of Sacred Space in Biblical Literature.Baruch Levine - 1997 - Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 6 (1):59-70.
  38. Gender and the Organisation of Sacred Space in Early Modern England, c1580-1640.Amanda Flather - 2015 - In Paul Stock (ed.), The uses of space in early modern history. New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    Dionigi Albera und Maria Couroucli : Sharing Sacred Spaces in the Mediterranean: Christians, Muslims, and Jews at Shrines and Sanctuaries, Bloomington: Indiana University Press 2012, 290 S. [REVIEW]Jens Kreinath - 2015 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 67 (1):90-94.
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    Sonya Nevin, Military Leaders and Sacred Space in Classical Greek Warfare. Temples, Sanctuaries and Conflict in Antiquity, London – New York 2017, IX + 307 S., ISBN 978-1-78453-285-7 , £ 64,–. [REVIEW]Armin Eich - 2017 - Klio 101 (1):347-349.
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    Sacred and Space in Post-Secular Pilgrimage: The Camino de Santiago and Relational Model of the Sacred.Piotr Roszak - 2019 - International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage 7 (5).
    The aim of this paper is to shed light on the changes in perceiving the sacred which have appeared in the history of pilgrimage. These are linked with different theological approaches to space and subsequent periods of desacralisation, secularization and re-sacralisation. Relying on a modern theology of pilgrimage and research into the philosophy of religion by M. Eliade the paper offers a new interpretation of the message of the Camino de Santiago which overcomes previous reductionisms based on seeing the (...)
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    Sacred realms in virtual worlds: The making of Buddhist spaces in Second Life.Jessica M. Falcone - 2019 - Critical Research on Religion 7 (2):147-167.
    Second Life, a virtual world, has been heralded by some scholars and transhumanists as a sacred, “heavenly” space. Through detailed ethnographic work on Buddhist religious spaces in Second Life, this article argues instead that just as in actual life, virtual life is comprised of both sacred and profane spaces. By demonstrating different types of Buddhist spaces, community-practice-oriented and individual-practice-oriented, and the meaning that these spaces hold for practitioners, readers come to understand that the sacrality in Second Life is (...)
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    Nicholas L. Wright, Divine Kings and Sacred Spaces: Power und Religion in Hellenistic Syria , Oxford 2012 XII, 167 S., 216 Abb., ISBN 978-1-4073-1054-1 £32,–Divine Kings and Sacred Spaces: Power und Religion in Hellenistic Syria. [REVIEW]Gregor Weber - 2018 - Klio 100 (2):552-555.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Klio Jahrgang: 100 Heft: 2 Seiten: 552-555.
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  44. The Origins of the Shi’a: Identity, Ritual, and Sacred Space in Eighth-Century Kufa by Najam Haider, 2011. [REVIEW]Andrew Newman - 2012 - Journal of Shi‘a Islamic Studies 5:195-200.
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    The Gateway to Inner Space: Sacred Plants, Mysticism and Psychotherapy.John R. Baker - 1992 - Anthropology of Consciousness 3 (3-4):36-37.
    The Gateway to Inner Space: Sacred Plants, Mysticism and Psychotherapy. Festschrift in Honor of Albert Hofmann. edited by Christian Rätsch, Bridport and Dorset, England: Prism Press. 1989. 258 pp. ISBN 1‐85327‐037‐7. $10.95 (paper).
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    Sacred forests of Asia: spiritual ecology and the politics of nature conservation.Chris Coggins & Bixia Chen (eds.) - 2022 - New York: Routledge.
    Presenting a thorough examination of the sacred forests of Asia, this volume engages with dynamic new scholarly dialogues on the nature of sacred space, place, landscape, and ecology in the context of the sharply contested ideas of the Anthropocene. Given the vast geographic range of sacred groves in Asia, this volume discusses the diversity of associated cosmologies, ecologies, traditional local resource management practices, and environmental governance systems developed during the pre-colonial, colonial, and post-colonial periods. Adopting theoretical perspectives (...)
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  47. Space as geography of the sacred in Western Europe during the High Middle Ages.T. Gregory - 2002 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 22 (2):189-213.
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    Sacred place in early medieval Neoplatonism.L. Michael Harrington - 2004 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    The twentieth century discovered the concept of sacred place largely through the work of Martin Heidegger and Mircea Eliade. Their writings on sacred place respond to the modern manipulation of nature and secularization of space, and so may seem distinctively postmodern, but their work has an important and unacknowledged precedent in the Neoplatonism of Late Antiquity and the early Middle Ages. Sacred Place in Early Medieval Neoplatonism traces the appearance and development of sacred place in the (...)
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  49. Secular and Sacred? The Scandinavian Case of Religion in Human Rights, Law and Public Space.[author unknown] - 2014
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  50. The rhythm of space : Stefan Czarnowski's relational theory of the sacred.Martin Zillinger - 2022 - In Johannes F. M. Schick, Mario Schmidt & Martin Zillinger (eds.), The social origins of thought: Durkheim, Mauss, and the category project. New York: Berghahn.
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