Results for 'Sarolta Kővári'

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  1. Probability cueing of distractor locations: both intertrial facilitation and statistical learning mediate interference reduction.Harriet Goschy, Sarolta Bakos, Hermann J. Mã¼Ller & Michael Zehetleitner - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Preface: The Senatus Consultum De Cn. Pisone Patre.Cynthia Damon & Sarolta A. Takacs - 1999 - American Journal of Philology 120 (1):1-12.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:IntroductionCynthia Damo and Sarolta TakácsThe present special issue of the American Journal of Philology is devoted to the Senatus Consultum de Cn. Pisone Patre ( SCPP). 1 It grew up around the APA/AIA Joint Seminar on that subject which was part of the program at the annual meeting in Chicago in 1997. In addition to the three papers presented at that seminar and the formal response to them, (...)
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    A szubjektum labirintusai.Sarolta Kővári, Krisztián Soóky & János Weiss (eds.) - 2016 - Budapest: Áron Kiadó.
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    Deficient Letter-Speech Sound Integration Is Associated With Deficits in Reading but Not Spelling.Ferenc Kemény, Melanie Gangl, Chiara Banfi, Sarolta Bakos, Corinna M. Perchtold, Ilona Papousek, Kristina Moll & Karin Landerl - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    Review. Isis and Sarapis. Isis and Sarapis in the Roman world. Sarolta A Takacs.J. Gwyn Griffiths - 1996 - The Classical Review 46 (2):284-285.
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    Triggers of Thought: Impressions within Hume’s Theory of Mind.Anik Waldow - 2010 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 13 (1):105-121.
    This essay argues that Humean impressions are triggers of associative processes, which enable us to form stable patterns of thought that co-vary with our experiences of the world. It will thus challenge the importance of the Copy Principle by claiming that it is the regularity with which certain kinds of sensory inputs motivate certain sets of complex ideas that matters for the discrimination of ideas. This reading is conducive to Hume’s account of perception, because it avoids the impoverishment of conceptual (...)
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    Metafora, relevancia, jelentés.Tibor Bárány, Zsófia Zvolenszky & János Tőzsér (eds.) - 2015 - Budapest: Loisir Kiadó.
    Még 2013 májusában került sor arra a Metafora című nyelvészeti és filozófiai workshopra, amelynek a keretein belül elhangzottak a jelen kötetben helyet kapott tanulmányok alapját képező, az Erasmus Kollégium nyelvfilozófiai kutatócsoportjának tagjai által jegyzett előadások. Ezeknek, s így a mostani összeállításnak is kiemelt témája a relevanciaelmélet, amellyel (pontosabban annak metaforafelfogásával) részletesen foglalkozik a bevezető dolgozat, illetve az azt követő három írás. Ezek közül az elsőben Pete Krisztián a teória klasszikus vonulatát állítja párhuzamba az átdolgozott, továbbfejlesztett változatokkal, majd Zvolenszky Zsófia - (...)
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    Thesmophoriazousai.Barbara K. Gold - 2002 - American Journal of Philology 123 (3):5-6.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 123.3 (2002) v-vi [Access article in PDF] ThesmophoriazousaiPrefaceThe American Journal of Philology began the year 1999 (Volume 120.1) with a special issue, the first in AJP's history, devoted to the Senatus Consultum de Cn. Pisone Patre. The guest editors of this volume were Cynthia Damon and Sarolta Takacs. While it has not been the practice of the Journal to publish special issues, it seems (...)
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