Results for 'Self-predication'

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  1.  36
    Self-Predication and Productive Metonymy.Saul Rosenthal - 2018 - Apeiron 51 (1):1-36.
    What does Plato mean in saying that, for all forms, “F-ness is F”? In such claims, I argue, ‘F’ is being used metonymically to refer to the property of being productive of F-ness rather than to the property of being F, in a way consistent with univocity and the rejection of a genuine Self-Predication Assumption. I explain and defend this productive metonymy reading and show how it can resolve the troubling argument at Phaedo 74b7-c6.
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    Self-predication or anaxagorean causation in Plato.Henry Teloh - 1975 - Apeiron 9 (2):15 - 23.
    Since gregory vlastos resurrected "self-predication" there justifiably has been considerable interest in "self-predication," and the interpretation of this notion is crucial for understanding plato's metaphysics. I am in agreement with vlastos in thinking that plato's degrees-of-reality ontology and his conception of forms as paradigms implies "self-predication." Nevertheless, many of plato's "self-predicational" statements (e.g., "the beautiful is beautiful," "justice is just," etc.) Arise, i believe, from a different source. Plato, at times, accepts an anaxagorean (...)
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  3.  85
    Self-Predication and the Third Man.Peter Schweizer - 1994 - Erkenntnis 40 (1):21-42.
    The paper addresses the widely held position that the Third Man regress in the Parmenides is caused at least in part by the self-predicational aspect of Plato's Ideas. I offer a critique of the logic behind this type of interpretation, and argue that if the Ideas are construed as genuinely applying to themselves, then the regress is dissolved. Furthermore, such an interpretation can be made technically precise by modeling Platonic Universals as non-wellfounded sets. This provides a solution to the (...)
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  4.  48
    Self-predication and the "third man" argument.Roger A. Shiner - 1970 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 8 (4):371.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Self-Predication and the "Third Man" Argument ROGER A. SHINER 1.1. IN COMMPm'mO on the 'Third Man' Argument (TMA), Proclus z produces the following line of thought. He argues that. if the relation of resemblance between Form and particular were symmetrical, the argument in question would be valid; the relation is not, however, symmetrical. Where a Form and particular are both alike, have the quality of likeness, the (...)
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  5. Self-Predication and Plato's Theory of Forms.Alexander Nehamas - 1979 - American Philosophical Quarterly 16 (2):93 - 103.
    This paper offers an interpretation of self-Predication (the idea that justice is just) in plato, Given that self-Predication is accepted as obvious both by plato and by his audience, Which entails that "all" self-Predications are clearly, Though not trivially, True. More strongly, It is suggested that "only" self-Predications can be accepted as clearly true by plato. This is to deny that plato had at his disposal an articulated notion of predication, And his middle (...)
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  6. Self-Predication in the Sophist.Robert Heinaman - 1981 - Phronesis 26 (1):55 - 66.
    A major problem in the interpretation of Plato's metaphysics is the question of whether he abandoned self-predication as a result of the Third Man Argument in the Parmenides. In this paper I will argue that the answer to this question must be 'no' because the self-predication assumption is still present in the Sophist.
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  7.  42
    Self-Predication in Plato's Middle Dialogues.Robert Heinaman - 1989 - Phronesis 34 (1):56-79.
  8. Plato on the Self-Predication of Forms: Early and Middle Dialogues.John Malcolm - 1991 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    An interpretation of Plato's earlier dialogues which argues that the few cases of self-predication contained therein are acceptable simply as statements concerning universals and that therefore Plato is not vulnerable in these cases to the "third man argument".
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  9.  59
    Hegel’s Logic of Self-Predication.Gregory S. Moss - 2023 - History and Philosophy of Logic 44 (2):151-168.
    1. Hegel’s Doctrine of the Concept advances a theory of conceptual determinacy. As I will demonstrate, Hegel’s theory of conceptual determinacy leads him to endorse self-predication and existential...
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  10.  68
    Self-Predication in Protagoras 330-331.David Savan - 1964 - Phronesis 9 (2):130-135.
  11. Plato on Self-Predication of "the fine"–"Hippias Major" 292, e6-7.Motoaki Kato - 1995 - Bigaku 45 (4):12-22.
    In Plato's "Hippias Major" 292e6-7, we can find a self-predication sentence; "The fine is always fine." (We have similar expressions in "Protagoras" 330c4-6, 330d8-el, "Lysis" 220b6-7.) How should we interpret this sentence? We cannot give it any metaphysical meaning drawn from Plato's own theory of Form, which is explicit in his middle dialogues. "The fine" here should be the logical cause, not the one of the metaphysical essentials (cf. Paul Woodruff's "Plateo Hippias Major", p. 150). So taking a (...)
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  12.  73
    The Proof of Pauline Self-Predication in the Phaedo.T. F. Morris - 1984 - Philosophy Research Archives 10:139-151.
    This article shows that Plato is discussing Pauline predication and Pauline self-predication in the Phaedo. The key is the recognition that the “something else” of Phaedo 103e2-5 cannot be a sensible object because any such object which participates in Form ‘X’ can sometimes appear not to be x. It is argued that Plato has not written in a straightforward manner, but rather has written a series of riddles for the reader to solve. Thus this dialogue is an (...)
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  13.  41
    Self-Predication in Plato's Euthyphro?Elliot C. Welch - 2008 - Apeiron 41 (4):193-210.
  14.  14
    The Self-Predication Assumption in Plato.David Apolloni - 2011 - Lexington Books.
    Plato believes in the existence of Forms—eternal models or exemplars of which objects in our world in time and space are copies, and his Theory of Forms lies at the center of his philosophy. But according to the common wisdom, Plato raised the Third Man objection against his own Theory of Forms in the Parmenides. According to this objection, each Form is supposed to have the very characteristic it is supposed to be , and this leads to an infinite regress (...)
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  15.  87
    Self-predication and Being the Aitia of Things.Job van Eck - 2008 - Ancient Philosophy 28 (1):105-124.
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    Self-Predication and Synonymy.Allan Silverman - 1990 - Ancient Philosophy 10 (2):193-202.
  17.  31
    Plato on the Self-Predication of Forms: Early and Middle Dialogues.Sandra Peterson & John Malcolm - 1993 - Philosophical Review 102 (2):294.
  18.  85
    A Reasonable Self-Predication Premise for the Third Man Argument.Sandra Peterson - 1973 - Philosophical Review 82 (4):451-470.
  19.  31
    Plato on Self-Predication of Forms. [REVIEW]Paul Woodruff - 1993 - Review of Metaphysics 47 (1):158-160.
    Malcolm argues that all middle-dialogue Platonic Forms are at the same time universals and self-predicating in that they are paradigm cases. This renders them vulnerable to the Third Man argument. Early-dialogue Forms, by contrast, exemplify themselves only when it is legitimate for them to do so, and are therefore exempted from the Third Man. Beauty, for example, may reasonably be supposed to be a beautiful thing "as a general nature", and this exemplification, Malcolm argues, gives no hold to the (...)
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  20.  86
    Self-Predication and the "Third Man".Arnold Cusmariu - 1985 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 23 (1):105-118.
    Generations of scholars have worked to clarify the structure and content of the TMA, one of the most famous arguments in the history of philosophy. Though progress has been made, I show that a premise crucial to the argument has yet to be stated openly. This premise holds the way out of the predicament that enables Plato to retain intact the foundations of the Theory of Forms.
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  21. On the self-predicative universals of category theory.David Ellerman - manuscript
    This paper shows how the universals of category theory in mathematics provide a model (in the Platonic Heaven of mathematics) for the self-predicative strand of Plato's Theory of Forms as well as for the idea of a "concrete universal" in Hegel and similar ideas of paradigmatic exemplars in ordinary thought. The paper also shows how the always-self-predicative universals of category theory provide the "opposite bookend" to the never-self-predicative universals of iterative set theory and thus that the paradoxes (...)
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  22.  67
    Self-Predication and Linguistic Reference in Plato's Theory of the Forms.Jerry S. Clegg - 1973 - Phronesis 18 (1):26-43.
  23.  24
    A Plotinian View of Self-predication and TMA.John H. Fielder - 1980 - Modern Schoolman 57 (4):339-348.
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    "Self-predication" in Plato's later period.Gregory Vlastos - 1969 - Philosophical Review 78 (1):74-78.
  25.  78
    Semantics and Self-Predication in Plato.John Malcolm - 1981 - Phronesis 26 (3):286 - 294.
  26.  44
    Proclus and Self-Predication.Pieter D’Hoine - 2019 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 23 (2):461-470.
    In Proclus, like in Plato, we find statements about the Forms that at least appear to allow self-predication of Forms. In his discussion of the Parmenides’s Third Man Argument, however, Proclus argues that Forms and their participants are not synonymous, which means that the property that the Form causes in its participants cannot be predicated of the Form itself. In this paper, I try to show how such seemingly self-predicative statements about the Forms are to be understood (...)
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    Towards a Kantian Moral Psychology or the Practical Effects of Self-Predicating Judgements of Sublimity.Aaron Jaffe - 2015 - Critical Horizons 16 (1):88-106.
    This essay develops an account of the link between Kant's aesthetics and his ethics. It does so by articulating a Kantian account of moral psychology by way of aesthetic reflective judgements of sublimity. Since judgements of sublimity enrich the picture of a Kantian subject by forcefully revealing the unbounded power of the faculty of reason, I investigate the possibility that judgements of this kind could serve as a basis for moral motivation. The paper first shows how judgements of sublimity help (...)
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  28.  8
    Plato on the Self-Predication of Forms: Early and Middle Dialogues by John Malcolm. [REVIEW]Michael Sollenberger - 1996 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 89:418-419.
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    Plato on the SelfPredication of Forms. Early and Middle Dialogues.R. F. Stalley - 1992 - Philosophical Books 33 (4):201-203.
  30.  89
    Plato on the Self-Predication of Forms: Early and Middle Dialogues. By John Malcolm. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 1991. Pp. 231. $55. [REVIEW]Christopher Shields - 1995 - Ancient Philosophy 15 (1):203-211.
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    The Anatomy of an Illusion: On Plato's Purported Commitment to Self-Predication.Ravi Sharma - 2007 - Apeiron 40 (2):159-198.
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    A correction to "a reasonable self-predication premise for the third man argument".Sandra Peterson - 1975 - Philosophical Review 84 (1):96.
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    Meinwald's pros heauto analysis of Plato's apparently self-predicational sentences.Michael Durrant - 1997 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 75 (3):383 – 395.
  34.  5
    John Malcolm, Plato on the Self-Predication of Forms. Early and Middle Dialogues. Clarendon Press, Oxford 1991, (231 páginas). [REVIEW]Marisa G. Divenosa - 1996 - Méthexis 9 (1):129-132.
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  35.  89
    On a Proposed Redefinition of "Self-predication" in Plato.Gregory Vlastos - 1981 - Phronesis 26 (1):76-79.
  36.  96
    Bipolar Disorder and Self-Determination: Predicating Self-Determination at Scope.Elliot Porter - 2022 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 29 (3):133-145.
    Abstract:Bipolar or related disorders (BoRD) present unique practical and existential problems for people who live with them. All agents experience changes in the things they care about over time. However people living with BoRD face drastic shifts in what seems valuable to them, which upset their longitudinal values (if, indeed, any stable longitudinal values are available in the first place). Navigating these evaluative high seas presents agents living with BoRD with a distinctive existential question, not shared by those on calmer (...)
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  37.  16
    (1 other version)The Topos of Mu and the Predicative Self.J. Baird Callicott - 2023 - Dialogue and Universalism 33 (2):9-35.
    Terminologically, the “topos of mu” and the “predicative self” originated in the Kyoto School and are traceable to the work of its founder NISHIDA Kitarō. The full phrase was coined by NAKAMURA Yūjirō. Conceptually, the topos of mu or place of nothingness is Nishida’s development of the Buddhist notion of anatta or no self and radiating out from that locus of emptiness is a self constituted by its predicates or the things to which it is connected by (...)
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  38. Plural Predication.Agustin Rayo - 2000 - Dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    My thesis consists of three self-contained but interconnected papers. In the first one, 'Word and Objects', I assume that it is possible to quantify over absolutely everything, and show that certain English sentences containing collective predicates resist paraphrase in first-order languages and even in first-order languages enriched with plural quantifiers. To capture such sentences I develop a language containing plural predicates . ;The introduction of plural predicates leads to an extension of Quine's criterion of ontological commitment. I argue that (...)
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  39.  23
    Second-Order Predication and the Metaphysics of Properties.F. Jackson & G. Priest - 2004 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 82 (1):48-66.
    Problems about the accidental properties of properties motivate us--force us, I think--not to identify properties with the sets of their instances. If we identify them instead with functions from worlds to extensions, we get a theory of properties that is neutral with respect to disputes over counterpart theory, and we avoid a problem for Lewis's theory of events. Similar problems about the temporary properties of properties motivate us--though this time they probably don't force us--to give up this theory as well, (...)
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  40. Self-ownership and disgust: why compulsory body part redistribution gets under our skin.Christopher Freiman & Adam Lerner - 2015 - Philosophical Studies 172 (12):3167-3190.
    The self-ownership thesis asserts, roughly, that agents own their minds and bodies in the same way that they can own extra-personal property. One common strategy for defending the self-ownership thesis is to show that it accords with our intuitions about the wrongness of various acts involving the expropriation of body parts. We challenge this line of defense. We argue that disgust explains our resistance to these sorts of cases and present results from an original psychological experiment in support (...)
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  41.  6
    Reference Digraphs of Non-Self-Referential Paradoxes.Ming Hsiung - forthcoming - Review of Symbolic Logic:1-18.
    All the known non-self-referential paradoxes share a reference pattern of Yablo’s paradox in that they all necessarily contain infinitely many sentences, each of which refers to infinitely many sentences. This raises a question: Does the reference pattern of Yablo’s paradox underlie all non-self-referential paradoxes, just as the reference pattern of the liar paradox underlies all finite paradoxes? In this regard, Rabern et al. [J Philos Logic 42(5): 727–765, 2013] prove that every dangerous acyclic digraph contains infinitely many points (...)
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  42.  14
    Existence, Non-Existence, and Predication.Herbert Hochberg - 1985 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 25 (1):235-267.
    Two connected themes have been at the core of the old perplexity regarding thinking and speaking about non-existent objects. One involves a question of reference. Can we refer to non-existent objects without, thereby, recognizing, in some sense, non-existent entities as objects of reference? The other involves a question about existence. Is existence a property representable by a predicate in a logically adequate symbohsm? It is argued (1) that existence is not to be construed as an attribute represented by a predicate, (...)
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  43.  45
    Self-Relation in Hegel’s Science of Logic.Edward Halper - 1981 - Philosophy Research Archives 7:89-133.
    This paper uses self-relation to reconstruct Hegel's reasoning in the Logic. In the sphere of "being," selfrelation is self-predication, and the predicate is the active, participial form of the category. Examining the first three and the last category in this sphere, I explain how Hegel argues that each category is itself engaged in the activity that it signifies. However, this self-predication adds new content to the category transforming it into a new category. Ultimately, this process (...)
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  44.  4
    Political Self-Cultivation for Humane Government: Yi I’s Defense of the Way of the Hegemon in Neo-Confucian Korea.Sungmoon Kim - forthcoming - Philosophy and Social Criticism.
    As ardent followers of Mencius and Zhu Xi, virtually all Korean Neo-Confucians during the Chosŏn dynasty rejected the Way of the Hegemon by understanding it as directly opposed to the Kingly Way, a humane government allegedly conducted by ancient sage-kings. However, Yi I [Formula: see text]珥 (1536–1584), a prominent Neo-Confucian scholar-official in sixteenth-century Korea, endorsed the Way of the Hegemon as compatible with the Kingly Way by reconceptualizing it, otherwise predicated on strong consequentialist ethics, in a way consistent with Confucianism’s (...)
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    Nominalization, predication and type containment.Fairouz Kamareddine & Ewan Klein - 1993 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 2 (3):171-215.
    In an attempt to accommodate natural language phenomena involving nominalization and self-application, various researchers in formal semantics have proposed abandoning the hierarchical type system which Montague inherited from Russell, in favour of more flexible type regimes. We briefly review the main extant proposals, and then develop a new approach, based semantically on Aczel's notion of Frege structure, which implements a version ofsubsumption polymorphism. Nominalization is achieved by virtue of the fact that the types of predicative and propositional complements are (...)
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  46.  8
    Self‐Description.J. T. Ismael - 2007 - In Jenann Ismael (ed.), The situated self. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This chapter introduces the descriptive analogue of self-location. It argues that if a language contains predicates that apply to the properties it exemplifies, and it contains reflexive expressions that identify those properties, we have the makings of self-describing sentences that do for its descriptive vocabulary what self-locating acts do for spatial vocabulary.
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    Existence, Non-Existence, and Predication.Herbert Hochberg - 1985 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 25-26 (1):235-267.
    Two connected themes have been at the core of the old perplexity regarding thinking and speaking about non-existent objects. One involves a question of reference. Can we refer to non-existent objects without, thereby, recognizing, in some sense, non-existent entities as objects of reference? The other involves a question about existence. Is existence a property representable by a predicate in a logically adequate symbohsm? It is argued (1) that existence is not to be construed as an attribute represented by a predicate, (...)
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  48.  37
    The Predication of Existence.David Haight - 1971 - Idealistic Studies 1 (2):179-181.
    This paper is a continuation of a long line of footnotes to discussions of the ontological argument which began with Ayer, Wisdom, and Broad, and then progressed through Nakhnikian, Salmon, and Kiteley. In this series, one of the major theses proposed by the first trio and queried by the second is that, if existence is indeed a predicate, then all positive existential statements become analytic and all negative existentials self-contradictory. I should like to question this claim from yet another (...)
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  49.  45
    Metaphor processing: Referring and predicating.Robyn Carston & Xinxin Yan - 2023 - Cognition 238 (C):105534.
    The general consensus emerging from decades of empirical investigation of metaphor processing is that, when appropriately contextualised, metaphorically used language is no more demanding of processing effort than literally used language. However, there is a small number of studies which contradict this position, notably Noveck, Bianco, and Castry (2001): they maintain that relevance-based pragmatic theory predicts increased cognitive costs incurred in deriving the extra effects that metaphors typically yield, and they provide experimental results that support this prediction. In our study, (...)
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  50. The Failure of Predication in Bradley's Logic.Phillip Ferreira - 1991 - Dissertation, University of Toronto (Canada)
    In this thesis I focus on F. H. Bradley's theory of judgment and his doctrine of predication. My goal is to present an account of Bradley's views which pays special attention to his belief that all logical predication must necessarily fail to accomplish what it sets out to do. All assertion , we are told, attempts to state truth, whole and complete; but, in the end, it must fall short. All judgment, Bradley claims, must contain an element of (...)
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