Results for 'Sensory experience '

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  1.  32
    Are sensory experiences contingently representational? A critical notice of David Papineau's The Metaphysics of Sensory Experience.Laura Gow - 2021 - Mind and Language 36 (4):627-635.
    David Papineau develops a new argument against representationalism, centering on the idea that sensory experiences are essentially representational on this view. He defends his own “qualitative view” according to which sensory experiences are only contingently representational. I discuss his main argument against essentialist representationalism and then provide two challenges for his positive account. First, Papineau's theory faces a dilemma when it comes to explaining the contents of our perceptual beliefs in situations where the conscious character of sensory (...)
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    Describing Sensory Experience: The Genre of Wine Reviews.Carita Paradis & Mats Eeg-Olofsson - 2013 - Metaphor and Symbol 28 (1):22-40.
    The purpose of the article is to shed light on how experiences of sensory perceptions in the domains of vision, smell, taste, and touch are recast into text and discourse in the genre of wine reviews. Because of the alleged paucity of sensory vocabularies, in particular in the olfactory domain, it is of particular interest to investigate what resources language has to offer in order to describe those experiences. We show that the main resources are, on the one (...)
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    Sensory experience, epistemic evaluation and perceptual knowledge.Emmett L. Holman - 1975 - Philosophical Studies 28 (September):173-187.
  4. Sensory experience and the foundations of knowledge.Edward Craig - 1976 - Synthese 33 (June):1-24.
  5. Sensory experience and intentionalism.Pierre Le Morvan - 2008 - Philosophy Compass 3 (4):685-702.
    Increasingly prominent in the recent literature on the philosophy of perception, Intentionalism holds that sensory experience is inherently intentional, where to be intentional is to be about, or directed on, something. This article explores Intentionalism's prospects as a viable ontological and epistemological alternative to the traditional trinity of theories of sensory experience: the Sense-Datum Theory, the Adverbial Theory, and the Theory of Appearing.
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    Sensory experiences in near death experiences and the Thomistic view of the soul.Potts Michael - 2001 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 49 (2):85-100.
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    Sensory Experiences and Children With Severe Disabilities: Impacts on Learning.Susan Agostine, Karen Erickson & Charna D’Ardenne - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The human sensory system is continuously engaged in experiencing and interpreting every interaction with other living beings, objects, and the environment. The purpose of this article is to describe the impact limited opportunities for rich sensory experiences have on students with severe disabilities in two middle school classrooms situated in a public separate school in the southeastern USA. The study employed a postcritical ethnographic approach and grounded theory thematic analysis of fieldnotes gathered over a two-year period. Three major (...)
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    The Metaphysics of Sensory Experience.David Papineau - 2021 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    What is going on when we are consciously aware of a visual scene, or hear sounds, or otherwise enjoy sensory experience? David Papineau argues controversially for a purely qualitative account: conscious sensory experiences are intrinsic states with no essential connection to external circumstances or represented properties.
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    Sensory experience, perceptual evidence and conceptual frameworks.Emmett L. Holman - 1977 - American Philosophical Quarterly 14 (2):99-108.
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    Sensory Experience in Medieval Devotion: Sound and Vision, Invisibility and Silence.Beth Williamson - 2013 - Speculum 88 (1):1-43.
    Inwardness and interiority are concepts that have a multifaceted currency within many areas of medieval studies. These fields include, but are not limited to, historical studies, theology and religious studies, literary studies, and art history. Studies on inwardness, interiority, and selfhood intersect with an interest in what has often been called “popular religion” and in devotional behavior, both clerical and lay, to produce an engagement, across many fields, with inward or private aspects of religious belief and practice. “Popular religion” has (...)
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  11. Conceptions of Sensory Experience and Mind-Body Identity.Barbara Von Eckardt Klein - 1974 - Dissertation, Case Western Reserve University
  12. Truth and Content in Sensory Experience.Angela Mendelovici - 2023 - In Uriah Kriegel (ed.), Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Mind Vol. 3. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 318–338.
    David Papineau’s _The Metaphysics of Sensory Experience_ is deep, insightful, refreshingly brisk, and very readable. In it, Papineau argues that sensory experiences are intrinsic and non-relational states of subjects; that they do not essentially involve relations to worldly facts, properties, or other items (though they do happen to correlate with worldly items); and that they do not have truth conditions simply in virtue of their conscious (i.e., phenomenal) features. I am in enthusiastic agreement with the picture as described (...)
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  13. Quantifying the sensory experience.S. S. Stevens - 1966 - In Paul Feyerabend (ed.), Mind, matter, and method. Minneapolis,: University of Minnesota Press.
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    Sensory experience and the formation of a computational map of auditory space in the brain.Andrew J. King - 1999 - Bioessays 21 (11):900-911.
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    Editorial: Online sensory experiences: Consumer reactions to triggering multiple senses by using psychological techniques and sensory-enabling technologies.Lieve Doucé, Carmen Adams, Olivia Petit & Anton Nijholt - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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    Reply to Laura Gow's critical notice of The Metaphysics of Sensory Experience.David Papineau - 2021 - Mind and Language 36 (4):636-640.
    I am grateful to Laura Gow for her generous and illuminating comments. I will focus on her queries, as this will allow me to elaborate on some points that were treated rather quickly in the book. Gow challenges me on three points. (1) Does my central argument against representationalism about perception commit me to an overly abstract view of properties? (2) What does my view imply about the representational contents of beliefs prompted by sensory experiences? (3) Do I do (...)
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  17. The Experimental Evidence for Subjective Referral of a Sensory Experience Backwards in Time: Reply to P. S. Churchland.Benjamin Libet - 1981 - Philosophy of Science 48 (June):182-197.
    Evidence that led to the hypothesis of a backwards referral of conscious sensory experiences in time, and the experimental tests of its predictions, is summarized. Criticisms of the data and the conclusion by Churchland that this hypothesis is untenable are analysed and found to be based upon misconceptions and faulty evaluations of facts and theory. Subjective referral in time violates no neurophysiological principles or data and is compatible with the theory of "mental" and "physical" correspondence.
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    What is conscious sensory experience, operationally?B. Libet - 1978 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 1 (1):156-156.
  19. Locke and Sensory Experience--Another Look at Simple Ideas of Sensation.R. Hall - 1994 - Locke Studies 25:11.
  20. I—The Presidential Address: Sensory Experience and Representational Properties.David Papineau - 2014 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 114 (1pt1):1-33.
    This paper is about the nature of conscious sensory properties. My initial thesis is that these properties should not be equated with representational properties. I argue that any such representationalist view is in danger of implying that conscious sensory properties are constituted by relations to propositions or other abstract objects outside space and time; and I add that, even if this implication can be avoided, the broadness of representational properties in any case renders them unsuitable to constitute conscious (...)
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  21. The Metaphysics of Sensory Experience.Craig French - 2022 - Philosophical Review 131 (4):523-528.
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    Psychological Findings and Sensory Experience.A. P. Greenway - 1973 - International Philosophical Quarterly 13 (1):99-110.
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    Sensory Experience and Metaphysics in Medieval Jewish Philosophy: Once Again on the Limitations of Human Knowledge according to Maimonides and Gersonides.Roberto Gatti - 2004 - Quaestio 4 (1):91-112.
  24. Acting out our sensory experience.J. Kevin O'Regan & Alva Noë - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (5):1011-1021.
    The most important clarification we bring in our reply to commentators concerns the problem of the “explanatory gap”: that is, the gulf that separates physical processes in the brain from the experienced quality of sensations. By adding two concepts (bodiliness and grabbiness) that were not stressed in the target article, we strengthen our claim and clarify why we think we have solved the explanatory gap problem, – not by dismissing qualia, but, on the contrary, by explaining why sensations have a (...)
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  25. Goethe, science, and sensory experience.H. Hensel - 1998 - In David Seamon & Arthur Zajonc (eds.), Goethe's Way of Science: A Phenomenology of Nature. State University of New York Press.
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    Causal dispositions + sensory experience = intentionality.Karl Pfeifer - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (4):757.
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    The Metaphysics of Sensory Experience[REVIEW]Benj Hellie - 2024 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 102 (3):785-790.
    The opening paragraph of Papineau’s The Metaphysics of Sensory Experience, states the book’s Central Question (CQ): ‘What is the metaphysical nature of the conscious properties we enjoy when we hav...
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    Retroactive enhancement of a skin sensation by a delayed cortical stimulus in man: Evidence for delay of a conscious sensory experience.Benjamin W. Libet, E. W. Wright, B. Feinstein & D. K. Pearl - 1992 - Consciousness and Cognition 1 (3):367-75.
    Sensation elicited by a skin stimulus was subjectively reported to feel stronger when followed by a stimulus to somatosensory cerebral cortex , even when C was delayed by up to 400 ms or more. This expands the potentiality for retroactive effects beyond that previously known as backward masking. It also demonstrates that the content of a sensory experience can be altered by another cerebral input introduced after the sensory signal arrives at the cortex. The long effective S-C (...)
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  29. Papineau on Sensory Experience.Alex Byrne - 2023 - Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Mind 3:308-17.
    Comment on David Papineau's _The Metaphysics of Sensory Experience_.
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    Awareness of sensory experience.J. Barry Maund - 1976 - Mind 85 (July):412-416.
  31.  13
    Irreducibility of sensory experiences: Dual representations lead to dual context biases.Yanmei Zheng, Alan D. J. Cooke & Chris Janiszewski - 2024 - Cognition 247 (C):105761.
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  32. (1 other version)The Role of Sensory Experience in Propositional Knowledge.John Campbell - 2014 - In John Campbell & Quassim Cassam (eds.), Berkeley's Puzzle: What Does Experience Teach Us? New York, NY: Oxford University Press. pp. 76–99.
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    Subjective antedating of a sensory experience and mind-brain theories: Reply to Honderich.Benjamin W. Libet - 1985 - Journal of Theoretical Biology 114:563-70.
  34. Descartes on the cognitive structure of sensory experience.Alison Simmons - 2003 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 67 (3):549–579.
    Descartes is often thought to bifurcate sensory experience into two distinct cognitive components: the sensing of secondary qualities and the more or less intellectual perceiving of primary qualities. A closer examination of his analysis of sensory perception in the Sixth Replies and his treatment of sensory processing in the Dioptrics and Treatise on Man teIls a different story. I argue that Descartes offers a unified cognitive account of sensory experience according to which the senses (...)
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    Erica Fretwell, Sensory Experiments: Psychophysics, Race and the Aesthetics of Feeling.Jorge Castro-Tejerina - 2022 - Centaurus 64 (1):293-296.
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    The Metaphysics of Sensory Experience, by David Papineau.Farid Masrour - 2024 - Mind 133 (532):1191-1203.
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  37. The Internal Physical State View of Sensory Experience (chapter from my book *Perception*).Adam Pautz - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva (ed.), Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co.
    This is a chapter from my book Perception (Routledge). I explain the physical state view of sensory experience (Papineau, McLaughlin, others). I criticize an argument against it based on the "transparency observation". Then I develop two alternative arguments against it. The first is a Leibniz's Law argument based on the essentially externally directed character of some experiences. The second concerns "brains in vats". Finally I consider a recent response due to David Papineau, which involves rejecting essential external directedness.
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  38. The nature of sensory experience: the case of taste and tasting.C. Smith Barry - 2013 - Phenomenology and Mind 4:212--227.
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    We like to talk about smell: A worldly take on language, sensory experience, and the Internet.Morana Alač - 2017 - Semiotica 2017 (215):143-192.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Semiotica Jahrgang: 2017 Heft: 215 Seiten: 143-192.
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    Empirical Reason and Sensory Experience.Ori Beck & Miloš Vuletić (eds.) - 2024 - Springer.
    The volume offers a lively and wide-ranging debate on the major questions of perceptual epistemology, including how perceptual experiences can bestow positive epistemic standing to empirical judgments and beliefs; the relative epistemic import of veridical and non-veridical perceptual experiences; the relation between experience and knowledge; and the nature of experience in view of its epistemic linkages to discursive contents. The volume is centered around five cutting-edge essays by leading authors in these areas—Anil Gupta, Andrea Kern, Christopher Peacocke, Susanna (...)
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  41. The Role of Sensory Experience in Propositional Knowledge.John Campbell - 2014 - In John Campbell & Quassim Cassam (eds.), Berkeley's Puzzle: What Does Experience Teach Us? New York, NY: Oxford University Press. pp. 76–99.
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  42. The role of sensory experience in epistemic justification: A problem for coherentism. [REVIEW]Richard Schantz - 1999 - Erkenntnis 50 (2-3):177-191.
    The author argues that coherence views of justification, in spite of their crucial insight into the interpenetration of our beliefs, neglect a key constraint on justification: they are unable to accommodate the epistemic significance of experience. Epistemic justification is not just a function of our beliefs and their interrelations. Both, beliefs and experiences, are relevant to the justification of an empirical belief. Experience is not itself a form of belief or disposition to believe; it cannot be analyzed in (...)
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    Character and characterization in musical performance: Effects of sensory experience upon meaning.Alexandra Pierce - 1995 - In Eero Tarasti (ed.), Musical signification: essays in the semiotic theory and analysis of music. New York: Mouton de Gruyter. pp. 121--285.
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  44. Is Jeffrey Conditionalization Defective By Virtue of Being Non-Commutative? Remarks on the Sameness of Sensory Experiences.Marc Lange - 2000 - Synthese 123 (3):393-403.
  45. The color of blood : between sensory experience and epistemic significance.Domenico Bertoloni Meli - 2011 - In Lorraine Daston & Elizabeth Lunbeck (eds.), Histories of scientific observation. London: University of Chicago Press.
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  46. Neuronal vs. subjective timing for a conscious sensory experience.Benjamin W. Libet - 1978 - In P. A. Buser & A. Rougeul-Buser (eds.), Cerebral correlates of conscious experience.
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    Culture influences how people divide continuous sensory experience into events.Khena M. Swallow & Qi Wang - 2020 - Cognition 205 (C):104450.
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  48. Subjective referral of the timing for a cognitive sensory experience.Benjamin W. Libet, Feinstein E. W. & Pearl B. - 1979 - Brain 102:193-224.
  49. with the principles of subjective probability. According to Field," the most clearly understood models of (i) belief (ii) how the impact of sensory experience changes".Richard Jeffrey - 1983 - In Alex Orenstein & Rafael Stern (eds.), Developments in Semantics. Haven. pp. 2--242.
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    The time of a conscious sensory experience and mind-brain theories.Ted Honderich - 1984 - Journal of Theoretical Biology 110 (1):115-129.
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