Results for 'Stephanus de Albinus'

931 found
  1. [Alkinóou Lógos Didaskalikós Ton Plátonos Dogmáton]. = Alcinoi Sermo Doctrinalis de Dogmatibus Platonis.Stephanus de Albinus, Plato & Nicolinis - 1535 - [Para Stepháno to Sabïéo].
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  2. Brevis Summa libri Physicorum, Summula Philosophiae Naturalis et Quaestiones in libros Physicorum Aristotelis — Expositio in libros Physicorum Aristotelis. Prologus et Libri I-III Libri IV-VIII.Guillelmi de Ockham, Stephanus Brown, Vladimirus Richter, Gerhardus Leibold, R. Wood & R. Green - 1989 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 51 (1):134-135.
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    Predictors of consent to cell line creation and immortalisation in a South African schizophrenia genomics study.Megan M. Campbell, Jantina de Vries, Sibonile G. Mqulwana, Michael M. Mndini, Odwa A. Ntola, Deborah Jonker, Megan Malan, Adele Pretorius, Zukiswa Zingela, Stephanus Van Wyk, Dan J. Stein & Ezra Susser - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):72.
    Cell line immortalisation is a growing component of African genomics research and biobanking. However, little is known about the factors influencing consent to cell line creation and immortalisation in African research settings. We contribute to addressing this gap by exploring three questions in a sample of Xhosa participants recruited for a South African psychiatric genomics study: First, what proportion of participants consented to cell line storage? Second, what were predictors of this consent? Third, what questions were raised by participants during (...)
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    Commentarii collegii Conimbricensis, societatis Jesu, in libros de generatione et corruptione Aristotelis,:... Hac secunda editione graeci contextus latino è regione respondentis accessione auctiores.Colégio das Artes, Manuel de Goes, Franciscus Vatablus, Joannes Albinus & Aristotle - 1601 - In Officina Typographica Ioannis Albini.
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  5. Die sinnlichen Triebkräfte in ihrer Bedeutung für das Tugendleben nach Thomas von Aquin1.O. P. Von Stephanus Pfürtner - 1955 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 2:3.
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    Alkinoos, Didaskalikos: Lehrbuch der Grundsätze Platons. Einleitung, Text, Übersetzung und Anmerkungen.Albinus - 2007 - De Gruyter.
    Der Didaskalikos des mittelplatonischen Philosophen Alkinoos aus dem 2. Jahrhundert n. Chr. ist eine der wenigen vollständig erhaltenen platonischen Schriften vor der Zeit Plotins und des Neuplatonismus. Der vorliegenden Edition und Erstübersetzung ins Deutsche werden eine Einleitung sowie eine Bibliographie vorangestellt. Die Anmerkungen zum Text erläutern philosophische Zusammenhänge, erklären philologische Einzelheiten und weisen markante Stellen nach. Der Band ist von Interesse besonders für Philosophen, Philologen und Theologen.
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    Zum Text des λόγος-Syllogismus in Stephanus’ Kommentar zu Aristoteles’ περὶ ἑρμηνείας.Michael Krewet - 2021 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 165 (2):320-325.
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  8. compte rendu de T. Göransson, Albinus, Alcinous. Arius Didymus, Göteborg, 1995.Bruno Rochette - forthcoming - Byzantion: Revue Internationale des Etudes Byzantines.
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    La transformation de la philosophie de Platon dans le 'Prologos' d'Albinus.Ada Babette Netschke-Hentschke - 1991 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 89 (2):165-184.
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    Venerabilis Inceptoris Guillelmi de Ockham Brevis summa libri physicorum, Summula philosophiae naturalis et Quaestiones in libros physicorum Aristotelis. Edidit Stephanus Brown.Christian Wenin - 1987 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 85 (66):273-276.
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    Palladius Kommentar zu Hippokrates 'De fracturis' und seine Parallelversion unter dem Namen des Stephanus von Alexandria. Dieter Irmer.John Scarborough - 1979 - Isis 70 (4):615-615.
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    The New Stephanus of Byzantium - Billerbeck Stephani Byzantii Ethnica Volumen I: A–Γ Pp. x + 505. Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2006. Cased, €148, US$207. ISBN: 978-3-11-017449-6. [REVIEW]Graham Shipley - 2010 - The Classical Review 60 (1):97-99.
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    Éphrem, Bardesane et Albinus sur les incorporels.Izabela Jurasz - 2017 - Philosophie Antique 17:169-204.
    Le Discours contre le Discours « De Domnus » rend compte d’un triple débat, dans lequel trois personnages interviennent sur la question des « incorporels », point difficile de la doctrine stoïcienne. La polémique rédigée par le stoïcien Bardesane, en réaction aux positions du platonicien Albinus, a été examinée par Éphrem le Syrien, chrétien et polémiste antibardesanite. Il est l’auteur du Discours et notre seule source d’information sur cette controverse. Or, la manière dont Éphrem aborde la question litigieuse est (...)
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    28. Zur erflärung einer stelle des Stephanus von Byzanz und des Nonnos.Felix Liebrecht - 1863 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 19 (1-4):582-585.
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  15. R. Albinus, Lexikon der Stadt Königsberg. [REVIEW]R. Malter - 1988 - Kant Studien 79 (2):250.
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    Kerstin Hajdú, Die Sammlung griechischer Handschriften in der Münchener Hofbibliothek bis zum Jahr 1803. Eine Bestandsgeschichte der Codices graeci Monacenses 1-323 mit Signaturenkonkordanzen und Beschreibung des Stephanus-Katalogs (Cbm Cat. 48)[REVIEW]Ernst Gamillscheg - 2004 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 97 (2):584-584.
    Katalog der griechischen Handschriften der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek München, Bd. 10,1. [Catalogus codicum manu scriptorum Bibliothecae Monacensium historia] Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz 2002. 176 S. Seit über 10 Jahren arbeitet die Verf. an der Neubeschreibung der griechischen Handschriften der Staatsbibliothek in München; das vorliegende Werk behandelt die Provenienz der Signaturengruppe 1–323, die vor dem Jahr 1803 in die bayrische Metropole kamen. Die Analyse der Geschichte von Bibliotheken bzw. einzelner Manuskripte zeigt den Einfluß politischer Fährnisse im 17. Jh. Da der Herzog von Bayern (...)
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    Alexander of Aphrodisias, De Fato: some Parallels.R. W. Sharples - 1978 - Classical Quarterly 28 (02):243-.
    As was first pointed out by Gercke, there are close parallels, which clearly suggest a common source, between Apuleius, de Platone 1.12, the treatise On Fate falsely attributed to Plutarch, Calcidius' excursus on fate in his commentary on Plato's Timaeus, and certain sections of the treatise de Natura hominis by Nemesius. Gercke traced the doctrines common to these works to the school of Gaius; recently however Dillon has pointed out that, while Albinus shares with these works the characteristic Middle-Platonic (...)
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  18. The transformation of platonic philosophy in the prologos of albinus.Ab Neschkehentschke - 1991 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 89 (82):165-184.
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  19.  47
    William of Ockham De insolubilibus.Paul Vincent Spade - unknown
    From Guillelmi de Ockham, Summa logicae, Philotheus Boehner, Gedeon Gál and Stephanus Brown, ed., (“Guillelmi de Ockham Opera philosophica et theologica,” OPh I; St. Bonaventure, N.Y.: The Franciscan Institute, 1974), pp. 744–.
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  20.  10
    Philoponus, in De Anima III: Quest for an Author.Peter Lautner - 1992 - Classical Quarterly 42 (2):510-522.
    It has been strongly disputed that Philoponus is the author of the commentary on the third book ofDe Animaprinted in vol. xv ofCAGunder his name, and Stephanus of Alexandria has been taken to be its real author. The evidence for the authorship of Stephanus is as follows: (I)Codex Parisinus gr. 1914, written in the twelfth century, has an adscript by a later hand saying βιβλ⋯ον τρ⋯τον ⋯π⋯ ϕωνης στεϕ⋯νου (‘third book from the voice of Stephanus’), and the (...)
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  21. D'alexandrie à constantinople: Le commentaire astronomique de stéphanos.Jean Lempire - 2011 - Byzantion 81:241-266.
    The astronomical commentary of Stephanus of Alexandria is an important marker in the history and the transmission of Ptolemy's Handy Tables. Following the example of the Small Commentary of Theon of Alexandria, Stephanus however adjusts the tables and the astronomical data to the geographical coordinates of Byzantium. The treatise presents a problem of attribution because it's anonymous in most manuscripts. The text shows also small additions from the emperor Heraclius Ist. We are preparing a critical edition of the (...)
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  22. What is real. A reply to ockham's ontological program.Fabrizio Amerini - 2005 - Vivarium 43 (1):187-212.
    When Ockham's logic arrives in Italy, some Dominican philosophers bring into question Ockham's ontological reductionist program. Among them, Franciscus de Prato and Stephanus de Reate pay a great attention to refute Ockham's claim that no universal exists in the extra-mental world. In order to reject Ockham's program, they start by reconsidering the notion of 'real', then the range of application of the rational and the real distinction. Generally, their strategy consists in re-addressing against Ockham some arguments extracted from Hervaeus (...)
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  23.  20
    Albins Prolog Und Die Dialogtheorie des Platonismus.Olaf Nüsser - 1991 - Stuttgart: De Gruyter. Edited by Albinus.
    Die Beiträge zur Altertumskunde enthalten Monographien, Sammelbände, Editionen, Übersetzungen und Kommentare zu Themen aus den Bereichen Klassische, Mittel- und Neulateinische Philologie, Alte Geschichte, Archäologie, Antike Philosophie sowie Nachwirken der Antike bis in die Neuzeit. Dadurch leistet die Reihe einen umfassenden Beitrag zur Erschließung klassischer Literatur und zur Forschung im gesamten Gebiet der Altertumswissenschaften.
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    Adriano Gioè, Filosofi Medioplatonici del II Secolo D.C. Testimonianze e frammenti. Gaio, Albino, Lucio, Nicostrato, Tauro, Severo, Arpocrazione. [REVIEW]Alain Lernould - 2005 - Philosophie Antique 5 (5):227-231.
    Le propos de cet ouvrage, issu d’une thèse dirigée par Margherita Isnardi Parente, Gabriele Giannantoni et Anna Maria Ioppolo et soutenue en 1997, est d’abord de combler une lacune en présentant plusieurs platoniciens du iie s. apr. J.-C. négligés jusqu’à maintenant par la communauté savante. Il s’agit de ceux dont il ne nous reste que quelques témoignages (Gaius, Albinus, Harpocration) et parfois aussi quelques fragments (Lucius, Nicostrate, Calvinus Taurus, Severus), dont certains d’ailleur...
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    Plotinus and the Parmenides.Belford Darrell Jackson - 1967 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 5 (4):315-327.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Plotinus and the Parmenz'des B. DARRELL JACKSON IN 1928 E. R. DODDSARGUED that the first two hypotheses of Plato's Parmenides are the primary source of Plotinus' doctrines of the One and of Nous. I Dodds' main evidence was a list of parallels between the Parmenides and the Enneads? He argued further that the Neoplatonic interpretation of the Parmenides as positive metaphysics was neo-Pythagorean in origin. Several Plotinus scholars have (...)
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  26. (2 other versions)Some thirteenth century tracts on the game of obligation.L. M. De Rijk - 1974 - Vivarium 12 (2):94-123.
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    Rigidity for predicates and the trivialization problem.Dan López de Sa - 2008 - Philosophers' Imprint 8:1-13.
    According to the simple proposal about rigidity for predicates, a predicate is rigid (roughly) if it signifies the same property across the relevant worlds. Recent critics claim that this suffers from a trivialization problem: any predicate whatsoever would turn out to be trivially rigid, according to the proposal. In this paper a corresponding "problem" for ordinary singular terms is considered. A natural solution is provided by intuitions concerning the actual truth-value of identity statements involving them. The simple proposal for predicates (...)
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  28.  41
    Some Questions About Historical Writing in the Second Century B.C.J. P. V. D. Balsdon - 1953 - Classical Quarterly 3 (3-4):158-.
    Of the early Roman historians who wrote in Greek, A. Postumius Albinus was not necessarily alone in realizing that his Greek was not the best Greek; while, on the other hand, Cato and those who followed the new fashion of writing in Latin would have resented, we may assume, could they have foreknown, the statement of Q,. Catulus in Cicero's De Oratore that they had no literary or rather ‘oratorical’ merit; though Cato might have approved Catulus' caustic comment on (...)
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  29. The vertigo of immanence: Deleuze's spinozism.Miguel de Beistegui - 2005 - Research in Phenomenology 35 (1):77-100.
    This paper is an attempt to identify the source of Deleuzian thought, that is, the "plane" or "image" from which it unfolds despite its many twists and turns. This, I believe, is immanence. The thread of immanence appears most clearly in What Is Philosophy? but can be shown to have been at work from the very start. But immanence is not just the plane of Deleuzian thought. It is also, and above all, that of philosophy itself, especially in its difference (...)
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    Prolegomenon to the Homeric Centos.M. D. Usher - 1997 - American Journal of Philology 118 (2):305-321.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Prolegomenon to the Homeric CentosM. D. UsherHomeric centos are poems made up entirely of verses lifted verbatim, or with only slight modification, from the Iliad and Odyssey. Only a few have survived antiquity. There exist three short Homeric centos in the Palatine Anthology (9.361, 381, 382; cf. Hunger 1978, 98–101), a ten–line cento about Herakles quoted by Irenaeus (Wilken 1967), and a seven– line cento grafitto inscribed on the (...)
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    El giro de José Ortega y Gasset ante la idea del Estado. Del “estatismo” clásico germano de mocedad a la razón de Estado al servicio de la realidad nacional.Alejandro De Haro Honrubia - 2022 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 27 (2):7-34.
    Las siguientes páginas versan sobre la idea del Estado en la obra de José Ortega y Gasset, mostrando los cambios que en torno a aquella idea se producen en su pensamiento. En un primer periodo de mocedad, Ortega idealiza el papel de Estado influido por la tradición del pensamiento clásico y germano. En un segundo momento, a partir de la programática fecha de 1914, se producirá un giro en su pensamiento, quedando el Estado al servicio de la sociedad o la (...)
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  32. Simone de Beauvoir: Philosophical Writings.Simone de Beauvoir, Margaret A. Simons, Mary Beth Mader & Marybeth Timmermann (eds.) - 2004 - University of Illinois Press.
    Contents: "Analysis of Claude Bernard's Introduction to the Study of Experimental Medicine," "Two Unpublished Chapters from She Came to Stay," "Pyrrhus and Cineas," "A Review of The Phenomenology of Perception by Maurice Merleau-Ponty," "Moral Idealism and Political Realism," "Existentialism and Popular Wisdom," "Jean-Paul Sartre," "An Eye for an Eye," "Literature and Metaphysics," "Introduction to an Ethics of Ambiguity," "An Existentialist Looks at Americans," and "What is Existentialism?".
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  33. 'Categorization' as a key notion in ancient and medieval semantics.L. M. De Rijk - 1988 - Vivarium 26 (1):1-18.
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    Algumas considerações sobre as definições da ética I de Spinoza relativamente aos elementos de euclides.Jorge Gonçalves de Abrantes - 2020 - Cadernos Espinosanos 43:307-344.
    We will examine and discuss the nature and content of thedefinitions of the first part of Spinoza’s Ethics in relation to Euclid’s Elements.Our main purpose is to point out that the Spinozistic definitionsare distinct and discrepant from Euclidean definitions in some significantaspects. From this, we will point out and consider the differences andsimilarities that exist between the Euclidean geometric method and theSpinozistic geometric method, in order to problematize the theme of thepresence of the geometric method in Spinoza’s Ethics.
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    Jan H.A. Lokin/Roos Meijering, Anatolius and the Excerpta Vaticana et Laurentiana.J. Michael Rainer - 2005 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 97 (1):219-222.
    Die Reedition der von den Verfassern nunmehr Excerpta Vaticana et Laurentiana genannt wird, findet ihre Begründung darin, dass der Erstherausgeber, der berühmt Rechtshistoriker Contardo Ferrini offenbar auf eine Kollationierung beider Codices verzichtet hat und im Übrigen, aus welchen Gründen auch immer, bei der Edition selbst nicht unwesentliche Versehen verschuldet hat. Der Codex Vaticanus Palatinus ist wohl in der ersten Hälfte des 14. Jahrhunderts entstanden, der Codex Laurentianus 80.6 in der ersten Hälfte des 15. Jahrhunderts. Grundsätzlich sind die Verfasser der Meinung, (...)
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    Fernando de Azevedo: um sujeito do afeto.Raquel Discini de Campos & Norma Discini - 2020 - Educação E Filosofia 33 (67).
    O presente artigo analisa a crônica A graça do amor e da fé, publicada pelo intelectual Fernando de Azevedo no jornal O Estado de S. Paulo, no ano de 1955. A crônica diz respeito à vida e à morte de Sara Lemos Almeida de Azevedo. A partir da análise crítica desse escrito, e à luz da Retórica, de Aristóteles, discutimos o ethos de um filho amoroso e grato, bem como o ethos do intelectual da educação, que problematiza práticas relacionadas ao (...)
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    Ética y discriminación interseccional en la atención de la salud de migrantas regionales.María Graciela de Ortúzar - 2021 - Revista de Filosofía y Teoría Política 51:035-035.
    The objective of the work is to analyze the intersectional discriminations that operate in the multiple identities of regional migrant women in the field of health in Argentina during the present pandemic. We will begin with the critical study of key categories and the origin of the inequalities of law of the aforementioned discrimination in migration policies. Second, we will address de facto inequalities, particularly examining the socio-economic inequalities suffered by migrants during the pandemic. Thirdly, in order to enable alternative (...)
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    Avant les amitiés. Saint Augustin et la possibilité de l’amitié.Anne de Saxcé - 2021 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 137 (2):123-140.
    Comment penser l’amitié sans recourir à une affirmation politique ou théologique? Nous montrons d’abord la reprise chrétienne et la transformation de l’amitié, telle que la concevait l’Antiquité, à partir de la réinterprétation augustinienne des textes de Cicéron. Puis nous proposons de réfléchir à cette nouvelle conception de l’amitié, en nous appuyant sur les textes de Jacques Derrida, qui cherche à établir la possibilité d’une amitié d’« avant les amitiés », fondée sur aucune fraternité. Pour Derrida, une telle amitié est rendue (...)
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  39. The Samba Schools of Rio De Janeiro or the Domestication of an Urban Mass.Maria Isaura Péreira de Queiroz - 1985 - Diogenes 33 (129):1-32.
    Rio de Janeiro, the opening of the carnival. On the Friday evening preceding Mardi Gras, the mayor of Rio hands over the keys to the city to King Momo, sovereign of the carnival. Immediately the samba breaks out in the brightly lit streets of the city. Newspapers, magazines and television feature big headlines describing the event and glorifying the holiday kingdom. They all report that the city is being shaken by winds of madness, that licence and inversions of every variety (...)
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  40. Histoire de la philosophie.Désiré Barbedette - 1934 - Paris,: Berche et Pagis.
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    lnfluence de l'Europe des Six sur la structure et le regroupement des partis.D. Cardon de Lichtbuer - 1968 - Res Publica 10 (special):17-27.
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    Na lógica do tempo: ensaios de história das ideias políticas.Martim de Alburquerque - 2012 - Coimbra: Coimbra Editora.
    Le site d'éditeur indique : "Editam-se neste volume ensaios elaborados num período relativamente largo de algumas décadas. Apesar de escritos em tempo e com circunstâncias e fins diversos, a sua reunião num volume apresenta uma lógica não só de denominador comum - situam-se todos no campo da História das Ideias Políticas e do Direito -, mas de complementaridade, retoma e/ou desenvolvimento relativamente a aspectos abordados noutros estudos nossos no mesmo domínio. Integram-se, assim, na lógica do tempo próprio do autor.".
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    O Sentido de Prudência na Ética de Espinosa.Adriana Chimenez Aviles de Lima - 2021 - Perspectivas 6 (1):178-188.
    Resumo Palavras-chave: Espinosa. Prudência. Regra prática. Sabedoria teórica. Vulgo. Este artigo propõe-se a analisar o sentido de prudência na Ética de Espinosa. Será examinado o modo como o filósofo apresenta sua noção de prudência ao comunicar suas ideias tanto ao não filósofo como a um leitor mais apto à compreensão da “verdadeira filosofia”. Espinosa escreve, no Tratado Teológico Político, que, para que seja entendido e ensinar qualquer doutrina ao gênero humano, terá de adaptar seus argumentos à compreensão de todos. Assim, (...)
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    Teoria disposicional de Searle e o problema da causação mental inconsciente.Tárik De Athayde Prata - 2022 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 31 (61):75-96.
    Exatamente como Descartes, Searle concebe a consciência como essencial aos fenômenos mentais. Para compatibilizar essa concepção cartesiana da consciência com a aceitação da existência do inconsciente, ele defende uma teoria disposicional: estados inconscientes existem como disposições para a produção de estados conscientes. Entretanto, seu argumento para a conexão entre o mental e a consciência se baseia na tese de que a forma aspectual não existe em fenômenos objetivos, o que é incompatível com a causação mental inconsciente. Para ser causalmente eficaz, (...)
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    La causalité de l'agent.Roberta de Monticelli - 1997 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 95 (4):673-688.
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  46. Historia de la filosofía colonial.Maspero de Cambria Florit & Susana Alicia - 1999 - Rio Cuarto: Centro Riocuartense de Estudios e Investigaciones Históricas. Edited by Cambria Florit & José Antonio.
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    (2 other versions)Coups de sonde dans la philosophie anglaise contemporaine.Yves Nolet de Brauwere - 1955 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 53 (39):402-419.
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    Teilhard de Chardin en Chine: correspondance inédite, 1923-1940.Pierre Teilhard de Chardin - 2004 - Paris: Muséum national d'histoire naturelle. Edited by Amélie Vialet & Arnaud Hurel.
    Au début du XXe siècle, si la Chine demeure encore largement une terre vierge pour les explorateurs occidentaux, elle fascine également les chercheurs. Qu'ils soient géographes, géologues, paléontologues ou préhistoriens, tous savent que de formidables découvertes restent à y faire. Suédois et Américains font rapidement le voyage vers l'Empire du Milieu, mais ce sont des Français qui, sur le terrain, vont écrire les plus belles pages de la découverte du Paléolithique de Chine, des premières industries lithiques à l'étude du gisement (...)
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    De l’Être Brut à l’Homme: Contextualisation de deux notes inédites de Merleau-Ponty.Emmanuel de Saint Aubert - 2005 - Chiasmi International 7:25-38.
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    Anticipations de la Pensée Augustinienne dans l’Oeuvre de Platon.Georges de Plinval - 1961 - Augustinianum 1 (2):310-326.
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