Results for 'Sun, Yat-sen'

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  1.  18
    Sun Yat-sen: An American Citizen.Thomas W. Ganschow - 1992 - Chinese Studies in History 25 (3):18-39.
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    Sun Yat-sen and the Origins of the Chinese Revolution.Chauncey S. Goodrich & Harold Z. Schiffrin - 1971 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 91 (4):516.
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    Sun Yat-sen and Women's Transformation.Li Yu-Ning - 1988 - Chinese Studies in History 21 (4):58-78.
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    Dr. Sun Yat-Sen's Principle of Livelihood and American Progressivism.Chang Chung-Tung - 1982 - Chinese Studies in History 15 (3-4):4-19.
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    Sun Yat-sen and the Origins of the Chinese Revolution.S. Y. Teng & Harold Z. Schiffrin - 1970 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 90 (4):624.
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    Cultural Race and an Inclusive Nationalism Sun Yat-sen’s (1866-1925) Nationalism during China’s Modernization.G. Kentak Son - 2020 - Cultura 17 (2):165-180.
    Sun Yat-Sen was a Chinese philosopher and politician, who served as the provisional first president of the Republic of China, and first leader of the Kuomintang. He argued that common blood, language, customs, religion and livelihood were the five essential elements that constituted a nation. Sun was influenced by social Darwinism in his understanding that socio-cultural forces could override the innate characteristics of race. Thus, he employed racially defined nationalism by invoking anti-Manchuism. Although China’s modernisation in the first decades of (...)
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    The Japanese and Sun Yat-sen.Chauncey S. Goodrich & Marius B. Jansen - 1971 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 91 (4):518.
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    Racism in the Early-20th-Century U.S. and Sun Yat-sen’s Outlook on Chinese Culture.Chao Liu - 2018 - Cultura 15 (2):117-134.
    Confronted with the decline of Western hegemony, the post-Great-War American society witnessed a prevailing trend of racism represented by Lothrop Stoddard, who proposed to suppress the nationalist movements in Asia and completely prohibit the immigration of Asians into the United States to maintain white supremacy across the world. His racist discourse also constituted the historical context of Sun Yat-sen’s speech to The Kobe Chamber of Commerce. Unlike previous studies of the speech that focused on Sun’s expression of “Greater Asianism,” this (...)
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    Sun Zhongshan Jian She Zhe Xue: Zhongguo Xian Dai Xi Tong Si Wei de Kai Qi Ji Yun Yong = the Constructive Philosophy of Sun Yat-Sen: The Outset and Application of the Modern Chinese Systematic Thinking.Mingtong Huang - 2006 - She Hui Ke Xue Wen Xian Chu Ban She.
    本书以独特的视角,将孙中山建设哲学置于世界自经典物理学转向现代科学、中国从革命转向建设的新时代大视野中,进行审视。采用宏观、中观与微观相结合、自然科学与人文科学相结合、理论与实践相结合、历史与现实相结 合的方法,通过对大量史料的梳理、缕析、归纳,对现实社会的观察、调查与综合分析,而后对孙中山的以系统、开放、协调、均衡与和谐为基调的建设哲学,进行全方位、多视角的透视和深刻剖析,高度肯定其对开启中国现代 思维的历史意义,及其在中国现代化建设中的当代意义.
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    Confucianism and the political thought of sun yat-Sen.A. James Gregor - 1981 - Philosophy East and West 31 (1):55-70.
  11.  34
    On the Relationship Between the 1911 Revolutionary Figures Chen Qubing and Sun Yat-sen.Zhao Xia - 2014 - Chinese Studies in History 48 (1):56-65.
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  12. Buddhist teaching and research on China's anti-saving and Outlook - Mainland China Sun Yat-sen religion Professor Gong Juan Interview Record.Jing Huang - 2008 - Chinese Literature and Philosophy of Communication 18 (2):35-54.
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    Modernity and postcolonial nationhood.Theresa Man Ling Lee - 2015 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 41 (2):131-158.
    Mahatma Gandhi and Sun Yat-sen are regarded as the respective founding fathers of modern India and China. Given this shared significance, their writings ought to be duly considered as the basis for comparative thought on postcolonial nation-building. Yet a survey of the literature points to the paucity of such study. The article is therefore an attempt to fill in this gap by juxtaposing Gandhi’s Hind Swaraj and Sun’s San Min Chu I as treatises on postcolonial nation-building. Such juxtaposition yields important (...)
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    “平等”视角下的人权、民权与国权 ——孙中山的“三民主义”之价值.Jian Hu - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 11:155-160.
    Sun Yat-sen’s superior position in modern Chinese history is represented in the movement of the modernization of China with him as a representative went from the stage of ‘imitation’ to the stage of ‘creativity’. He put forward, China, as a country engaging in modernization late, could draw on Western experience and lessons, run (“突驾”) from capitalism directly into socialism, and realize ‘accomplishing both the political revolution and the social revolution at one stroke’. He designed the modernization program of ‘accomplishing both (...)
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  15.  17
    Sources of Chinese Tradition: From 1600 Through the Twentieth Century.Wm Theodore de Bary & Richard Lufrano (eds.) - 1999 - Columbia University Press.
    For four decades _Sources of Chinese Tradition_ has served to introduce Western readers to Chinese civilization as it has been seen through basic writings and historical documents of the Chinese themselves. Now in its second edition, revised and extended through Deng Xiaoping and Jiang Zemin-era China, this classic volume remains unrivaled for its wide selection of source readings on history, society, and thought in the world's largest nation. Award-winning China scholar Wm. Theodore de Bary--who edited the first edition in 1960--and (...)
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    (1 other version)Was the Revolution of 1911 the Struggle Between Confucians and Legalists?Fan Pai-Ch'uan - 1979 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 11 (2):40-54.
    Everybody knows that the Revolution of 1911 was an anti-imperialist and antifeudal democratic revolution led by the revolutionary and democratic group of the bourgeoisie in the period of the old democratic revolution in China. The leader of that revolution was Sun Yat-sen, and the guiding ideology was his old Three People's Principles. It is well known that Chairman Mao has made a series of scientific appraisals of these facts, but the newspapers and magazines controlled by the anti-Party clique of Wang (...)
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  17. A Chinese Conception of the Hero.Donald Holzman & S. Alexander - 1961 - Diogenes 9 (36):33-51.
    Whoever knows a little about China—even very little—knows, in one way or another, about the Taoist Immortals, although our knowledge may be limited to the representation of them on a bit of sculptured jade, on a Han mirror or in some wood engraving. One has heard of them as an essential part of Chinese folklore. In the book of Taoist saints, the Liesien tchouan, they may be observed in all their oddness, living on pine cones or the “marrow of stones” (...)
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    Praktische Regulation der Natur: zur Grundfrage und Grundmethode der Metaphysik des späten Kant.Yuwei Xie - 2020 - Berlin: J.B. Metzler. Edited by Yuwei Xie.
    Mit der rekonstruierenden Textanalyse der Preisschrift über die Fortschritte der Metaphysik (1804) und der drei Kritiken hat der Autor den Begriff der „eigentlichen Metaphysik“ Kants zum Inhalt. Demnach wird die Hauptfrage der kantischen Metaphysik als die Frage nach der Möglichkeit der Erkenntnis von den übersinnlichen Prinzipien der Natur bestimmt. Die Grundmethode zur Kants Antwort auf diese Frage bezeichnet der Autor als „praktische Regulation der Natur“, in der die reine praktische Vernunft ihrem notwendigen Bedürfnis gemäß die reflektierende Urteilskraft dazu leitet, nach (...)
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    An outline history of Chinese philosophy.Shafu Xiao & Jinquan Li (eds.) - 2008 - Beijing: Foreign Languages Press.
    An Outline History of Chinese Philosophy has been jointly written and compiled by over 20 specialists and scholars from nine renowned universities in China, including Wuhan University and Sun Yat-sen University. It provides a concise introduction to the origin and development of Chinese philosophy from antiquity to 1949, the year the People's Republic of China was founded, expounding its status and features at different historical stages. It gives a historical and logical delineation of the development of Chinese philosophy by highlighting (...)
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  20.  28
    Early Chinese Migrant Religious Identities in Pre-1947 Canada.Alison R. Marshall - 2023 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 43 (1):235-246.
    abstract: Religion for many of Canada's earliest Chinese community was not about faith or belief in God, the Buddha, or the Goddess of Compassion (Guanyin). While the majority of Chinese migrants did not convert to Christianity or Buddhism before 1947, a very large number of them joined and became converted to Chinese nationalism (Zhongguo guomindang, aka KMT). This paper reflects on the findings of sixteen years of ethnographic and archival research to understand how sixty-two years of institutionalized racism in Canada, (...)
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    Hyperosmolar nonketotic hyperglycemic coma induced by methylprednisolone pulse therapy for acute rejection after liver transplantation: a case report and review of the literature.J. Zhou, W. Ju, X. Yuan, X. Zhu, D. Wang & X. He - 2014 - Transplant Research and Risk Management 2015.
    Jian Zhou,* Weiqiang Ju,* Xiaopeng Yuan, Xiaofeng Zhu, Dongping Wang, Xiaoshun HeOrgan Transplant Center, First Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, People's Republic of China *These authors contributed equally to this work: Hyperosmolar nonketotic hyperglycemic coma is a serious, rare complication induced by methylprednisolone pulse therapy for acute rejection after orthotopic liver transplantation. Herein, we report an unusual case of a 58-year-old woman who experienced acute rejection at 30 months after OLT, only one case in which HNKHC resulted in MP (...)
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    Treatment decision-making for older adults with cancer: A qualitative study.Ni Gong, Qianqian Du, Hongyu Lou, Yiheng Zhang, Hengying Fang, Xueying Zhang, Xiaoyu Wu, Ya Meng & Meifen Zhang - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (2):242-252.
    Background: Independent decision-making is one of the basic rights of patients. However, in clinical practice, most older cancer patients’ treatment decisions are made by family members. Objective: This study attempted to analyze the treatment decision-making process and formation mechanism for older cancer patients within the special cultural context of Chinese medical practice. Method: A qualitative study was conducted. With the sample saturation principle, data collected by in-depth interviews with 17 family members and 12 patients were subjected to thematic analysis. Ethical (...)
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    (1 other version)New Progress in the Study of the History of Chinese Philosophy over Recent Years.Tang Yijie - 1983 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 15 (2):25-38.
    Study of the history of Chinese philosophy has been in full swing in China over the recent years. The Society of the History of Chinese Philosophy has been set up, and in publication are two journals entitled Studies of the History of Chinese Philosophy and Chinese Philosophy, dedicated to publishing research results in this area. A number of books specializing in the subject have come off press and dozens of seminars have been held to discuss special issues. Thus a variety (...)
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    (1 other version)On Yen Fu.Li Tse-Hou - 1979 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 10 (4):3-21.
    Yen Fu was one of the four representatives who looked to the West for truth before the birth of the Chinese Communist Party. Our research on his life and work is still insufficient. Needless to say, both Yen Fu and Lin Shu were known as famous translators in pre-Liberation days. But Lin Shu cannot be equated with Yen Fu, insofar as their ideological and academic achievements and their contributions to modern China are concerned. From the post-Liberation days to the eve (...)
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  25. Man and the Concept of History in the East.Kojiro Yoshikawa - 1963 - Diogenes 11 (42):14-19.
    Of all the nations in the East, the Chinese have had and still have the keenest awareness of the function of history, influencing, to a lesser extent, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, etc.The best evidence of this is the fact that events which occurred in China have been continuously recorded by the Chinese, chronologically and with accuracy as to dates, with greater and greater precision as time went on, up to today. We know that the First Emperor of the Ch'in Empire, the (...)
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    Chinese ideology.Hua Shiping (ed.) - 2022 - New York: Routledge//Taylor and Francis Group.
    This book traces ideological trends in China through a range of historical and comparative perspectives, spanning the ancient belief systems of Confucianism, Legalism, and Taoism to political ideologies of the present day. Chapters in this edited volume are divided into four parts: traditional Chinese ideology, ideology of the Republic, Maoism as an ideology and post Mao ideology, zoning in on specific historical periods from the Qing and Republic periods to the reform era, as well as the period after the founding (...)
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    Nonclassical Logics and Their Applications: Post-Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Logic and Cognition.Shier Ju, Alessandra Palmigiano & Minghui Ma (eds.) - 2020 - Singapore: Springer.
    This edited book focuses on non-classical logics and their applications, highlighting the rapid advances and the new perspectives that are emerging in this area. Non-classical logics are logical formalisms that violate or go beyond classical logic laws, and their specific features make them particularly suited to describing and reason about aspects of social interaction. The richness and diversity of non-classical logics mean that this area is a natural catalyst for ideas and insights from many different fields, from information theory to (...)
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    No ethical divide between China and the West in human embryo research.Xiaomei Zhai, Vincent Ng & Reidar Lie - 2016 - Developing World Bioethics 16 (2):116-120.
    This is a discussion of the reaction to the recent research article publication in the journal Protein & Cell by a group of scientists at Sun Yat-sen University using the CRISPR/Cas9 technique on editing non-viable human zygotes. Many commentators condemned the Chinese scientists for overstepping ethical boundaries long accepted in Western countries and accused China of having lax regulations on genomic research in general. We argue that not only did this research follow strict ethical standards and fully comply with current (...)
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    Politics of love: Love as a religious and political discourse in modern China through the lens of political leaders.Ting Guo - 2020 - Critical Research on Religion 8 (1):39-52.
    As part of a larger project, this paper serves as an overview that examines how “ai” 愛 as an affective concept made its way into the Chinese vocabulary, how it gained popularity at specific junctures in modern Chinese history, and the ways in which it has been adapted as a marker of modernity and a political discourse in Republican and Communist China in distinct ways. Although literary scholars have noted the significance of the shaping of love as an affective concept (...)
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  30. Great Minds of the Eastern Intellectual Tradition.Grant Hardy - 2011 - Great Courses.
    Disc 1. Life's great questions: Asian perspectives ; The Vedas and Upanishads: the beginning -- Disc 2. Mahavira and Jainism: extreme nonviolence ; The Buddha: the middle way -- Disc 3. The Bhagavad Gita: the way of action ; Confucius: in praise of sage-kings -- Disc 4. Laozi and Daoism: the way of nature ; The Hundred Schools of preimperial China -- Disc 5. Mencius and Xunzi: Confucius's successors ; Sunzi and Han Feizi: strategy and legalism -- Disc 6. Zarathustra (...)
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    Sources of Chinese Tradition: Volume 2: From 1600 Through the Twentieth Century.Wm Theodore de Bary & Richard Lufrano (eds.) - 2000 - Columbia University Press.
    For four decades _Sources of Chinese Tradition_ has served to introduce Western readers to Chinese civilization as it has been seen through basic writings and historical documents of the Chinese themselves. Now in its second edition, revised and extended through Deng Xiaoping and Jiang Zemin--era China, this classic volume remains unrivaled for its wide selection of source readings on history, society, and thought in the world's largest nation. Award-winning China scholar Wm. Theodore de Bary -- who edited the first edition (...)
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    Ai ssu-ch'I: The Apostle of chinese communism.Ignatius J. H. Ts'ao - 1972 - Studies in East European Thought 12 (1):2-36.
    Ai Ssu-ch'i is a little known but very important figure in the introduction of Marxism-Leninism into China. This first article provides a brief biography of Ai Ssu-ch'i as well as a detailed account of his activities as teacher, author and propagandist. Among his other services to the cause of Marxism-Leninism in China, one has to stress Ai Ssu-ch'i's systematic opposition to Yeh Ch'ing and to the non-Communist interpretation of Dr. Sun Yat-sen's Three Principles of the People. (cf.SST 10 (1970), 138–166.).
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    Lorenzo Magnani & Ping Li Philosophy and cognitive science: Western & Eastern studies: Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg, 2012, x+287pp.Ryan D. Tweney - 2013 - Mind and Society 12 (2):273-276.
    Based upon papers given at a 2011 conference at Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou, China, this book crosses many boundaries. Most obviously, it includes a balanced set of contributions by philosophers and cognitive scientists from a variety of countries: Nine of the authors are based in Europe, eight in Asia, and one in North America. The conference was the latest of three held in Guangzhou between 2004 and 2011; the editors are to be congratulated for their extensive and continuing efforts (...)
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    真气哲学.Abraham Hz Zhang - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 17:361-379.
    The peper like tone flowed through thoughts of Taoist, Confucian, Heidegger, Nietzsche, Spinoza, Goethe, Hegel, Marx, Rousseau, Sun Yat‐Sen, Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Kant, etc.. Not for pursuing a philosophy to combine cultures between Chinese and Western, but for return to the shared Spring of the Truetone. What is the Truetone? says: “God is Spirit.” The spirit of Hebraic is ruagh that means the Truetone of Tao, so it can be also translated as “God is the Truetone.” All things are (...)
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    Ritual and the moral life: reclaiming the tradition.David Solomon, Ruiping Fan & Bingxiang Luo (eds.) - 2012 - Dordrecht: Springer.
    In the twentieth century, in both China and the West, ritual became marginalized in the face of the growth of secularism and individualism. In China, Confucianism and its essentially ritualistic comportment to the world were vigorously suppressed during the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976) under Mao Zedong. But de-ritualization already took place as a result of the Chinese Revolution of 1911 under Sun Yat-Sen. In the West, while the process of de-ritualization has been generally more gradual, it has been nonetheless drastic. In (...)
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    Classics in Chinese Philosophy. [REVIEW]G. W. - 1973 - Review of Metaphysics 26 (3):525-525.
    This extensive and generally useful anthology contains extracts from the writings of forty-seven Chinese philosophers, ranging from Confucius, Lao Tzu, Mo Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Mencius, and Hsun Tzu in ancient times to Sun Yat-sen, Hu Shih, Mao Tse-tung, and Fung Yu-lan in the twentieth century. Also included are passages from five books of the sayings of Buddha, on the ground, as stated by the editor, that Buddha "was the historic founder of a religion which profoundly influenced Chinese thinkers." The editor’s (...)
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    Democratic moments: reading democratic texts.Xavier Márquez (ed.) - 2017 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    This collection of short essays on texts in the history of democracy shows the diversity of ideas that contributed to the making of our present democratic moment. The selection of texts goes beyond the standard, Western-centric canonical history of democracy, with its beginnings in Ancient Athens and its climax in the French and American revolutions, recovering some of the significant body of democratic and anti-democratic thought in Latin America, Asia, and elsewhere. It includes discussions of well-known philosophers like Plato and (...)
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    Hanfei: der politische Realismus in der chinesischen Philosophie.Henrique Schneider - 2023 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 109 (2):273-290.
    Whether for the republican president Sun Yat-sen or for the communist helmsman Mao Zedong, the legalist philosopher Hanfei (韓非), whose works marked the Qin Empire some 2200 years ago, still seems to be a source of inspiration. This paper traces the philosophy of Hanfei as a representative of political realism. In order to do so, these paper proceeds in three steps: First, realism is explained in terms of Hanfei, the “author” himself. Second, it is weighed how far his philosophy represents (...)
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    Perception and Evaluation of 23 Positive Emotions in Hong Kong and the Netherlands.Rui Sun, Wai Kai Hou, Bryant P. H. Hui, Nicolson Yat-Fan Siu, Tiarah Engels & Disa A. Sauter - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Positive emotions are linked to numerous benefits, but not everyone appreciates the same kinds of positive emotional experiences. We examine how distinct positive emotions are perceived and whether individuals’ perceptions are linked to how societies evaluate those emotions. Participants from Hong Kong and Netherlands rated 23 positive emotions based on their individual perceptions and societal evaluations. We found that there were cultural differences in judgments about all six aspects of positive emotions; positivity, arousal, and social engagement predicted emotions being positively (...)
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  40. Medicine: An Apt Preparation for Public Office.Michael L. Riordan - 1984 - Postgraduate Medicine 76 (5):13-18.
    How compatible is a medical training with a future role in public office? Potentially very compatible and advantageous, particularly with regard to public policy issues, argues Dr Michael L Riordan.
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  41. Linking Forests and Economic Well-Being: A Four-Quadrant Approach.Sen Wang, C. Tyler DesRoches, Lili Sun, Brad Stennes, Bill Wilson & G. Cornelis van Kooten - 2007 - Canadian Journal of Forest Research 1 (37):1821-1831.
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    Remembering Lewis E. Hahn.Sharon Crowell, George C. H. Sun, John Howie, Thomas M. Alexander, Kenneth W. Stikkers, Randall E. Auxier, Robert Hahn, Sen Wu, Elizabeth Ramsden Eames, Martin Lu, George Kimball Plochmann, Matt Sronkoski, D. S. Clarke, Eugenie Gatens-Robinson, Hans H. Rudnick, Stephen Bickham & Don Mikula - 2006 - Philosophy East and West 56 (1):1-15.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Remembering Lewis E. HahnGeorge C. H. Sun, President, John Howie, Professor Emeritus, Thomas Alexander, Professor and Director of Graduate Studies, Kenneth W. Stikkers, Professor and Chair, Randall Auxier, Professor, Robert Hahn, Professor, Joseph Wu, Professor Emeritus, Elizabeth R. Eames, Professor Emeritus, Martin Lu, Professor of Philosophy, George Kimball Plochmann, Professor Emeritus, Matt Sronkoski, Philosophy Graduate and Academic Adviser, Dave Clarke, Professor Emeritus, Eugenie Gatens-Robinson, Professor Emerita, Hans H. Rudnick, (...)
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  43. Salt-Curing and Sun-Drying of Mackerel.D. P. Sen & N. L. Lahiry - 1965 - In Karl W. Linsenmann (ed.), Proceedings. St. Louis, Lutheran Academy for Scholarship. pp. 2--239.
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    폴 리쾨르의 Discours.Sun Mira - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 3:171-180.
    Chez P. Ricoeur se distingue de langue et de parôle en analysant de discours. Il souligne en quoi une meilleure étude des structures narrative est éclairante pour l'étude du régime d'historicité, à condition de ne pas confondre dans une indistinction ontologique les discours d'ordre historique et d'ordre fictionnel.Avec Temps et Récit, Ricoeur poursuit aussi sa confrontation avec l'oeuvre de Heidegger, dont la réflrxtion sur l'historialité a beaucoup compté pour lui. On peut déceler derrière la triologie de Ricoeur une forme de (...)
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    İmam zeynulâbi̇dîn’i̇n es-sahîfetu’s-seccâdi̇yye i̇si̇mli̇ eseri̇ etrafinda geli̇şen edebi̇yat.Cumali Çakmak & Abdulhadi Ti̇murtaş - 2021 - van İlahiyat Dergisi 9 (14):1-22.
    Şia anlayışında dördüncü imam olarak kabul edilen Ali b. Huseyn Zeynulabidîn’in yazdığı iddia edilen es-Sahifetu’s-Seccadiyye isimli dua konulu eser, Şia âleminde Kur’an-ı Kerîm ve Hz. Ali’ye atf edilen Nehcu’l-Belağa kitabından sonra gelen üçüncü önemli kitaptır. Toplam 54 dua metninden oluşan bu eser, sadece bir dua kitabı olarak ele alınmamış aynı zamanda ahlak, akide, fıkıh, sosyoloji, psikoloji ve edebiyat alanlarına da kaynaklık etmiştir. Eser üzerine onlarca şerh, haşiye, makale, akademik araştırmalar yapılmış ve eser, Türkçe, İngilizce, Farsça, Urduca gibi birçok dile çevrilmiştir. (...)
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    The True Sense оr to My Only Desire: The Music as a Reason for Sun Reflections.Angelina-Ogniana Gotcheva - 2024 - Filosofiya-Philosophy 33 (1):93-105.
    The article presents musicological and existentialist philosophical discourses on renaissance and baroque structures in the works of two contemporary classical composers. The existentialist point of view is imposed due to the examination of contemporary music works in which historically conditioned practices are also found. Being and Time and Introduction to Metaphysics by Martin Heidegger serve as a starting point for the reflections. The two works D’Om Le Vrai Sens by Kaija Saariaho and Concerto Grosso “Sun Reflections” by Yordan Goshev are (...)
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  47. Logic and Existence.Jean Hyppolite, Leonard Lawlor & Amit Sen - 1998 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 60 (2):415-415.
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  48. Commodities and Capabilities.Amartya Sen - 1985 - Oxford University Press India.
    Commodities and Capabilities presents a set of inter-related theses concerning the foundations of welfare economics, and in particular about the assessment of personal well-being and advantage. The argument presented focuses on the capability to function, i.e. what a person can do or can be, questioning in the process the more standard emphasis on opulence or on utility. In fact, a person's motivation behind choice is treated here as a parametric variable which may or may not coincide with the pursuit of (...)
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  49. What Do We Want from a Theory of Justice?Amartya Sen - 2006 - Journal of Philosophy 103 (5):215-238.
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    Inequality Re-examined.David Archard & Amartya Sen - 1995 - Philosophical Quarterly 45 (181):553.
    This book develops some of the most important themes of Sen's works over the last decade. He argues in a rich and subtle approach that we should be concerned with people's capabilities rather than their resources or welfare.
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