Tony Levy [12]Teresa Levy [2]Tal Bergman Levy [1]Tal Levy [1]
T. Lévy [1]
  1. Attitudes towards euthanasia and assisted suicide: A comparison between psychiatrists and other physicians.Tal Bergman Levy, Shlomi Azar, Ronen Huberfeld, Andrew M. Siegel & Rael D. Strous - 2012 - Bioethics 27 (7):402-408.
    Euthanasia and physician assisted-suicide are terms used to describe the process in which a doctor of a sick or disabled individual engages in an activity which directly or indirectly leads to their death. This behavior is engaged by the healthcare provider based on their humanistic desire to end suffering and pain. The psychiatrist's involvement may be requested in several distinct situations including evaluation of patient capacity when an appeal for euthanasia is requested on grounds of terminal somatic illness or when (...)
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    Immanuel Bonfils : fractions decimales, puissances de 10 et operations arithmetiques.Tony Levy - 2003 - Centaurus 45 (1-4):284-304.
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    L'étude des sections coniques dans la tradition médiévale hébraïque. Ses relations avec les traditions arabe et latine.Tony Levy - 1989 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 42 (3):193-239.
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    Arabic algebra in hebrew texts (1). An unpublished work by Isaac Ben Salomon al-a[hudot]dab (14th century).Tony Lévy - 2003 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 13 (2):269-301.
    It has long been considered that Arabic algebra scarcely left any traces in mathematical literature of Hebrew expression. Thanks to the unpublished sources we have discovered, and to an attentive examination of already-known texts, one can no longer subscribe to such a judgement. The evidence we examine in this first article sheds light on the circulation, in erudite Jewish circles, of Arabic algebraic knowledge in Spain, Italy, Provence, and Sicily, between the 12th and the 14th centuries. The Epistle on number (...)
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    Gersonide, le pseudo-Tūsi, et le postulat des paralléles.Tony Lévy - 1992 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 2 (1):39.
    Euclid's Elements were translated into Hebrew from Arabic in the 13th century; but precious few of the Arabic commentaries have come down to us in a Hebrew version. Nonetheless, a study of several texts dealing with the Fifth Postulate of Book I reveals that the Hebrew authors are greatly indebted to Arabic sources.
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    The Establishment of the Mathematical Bookshelf of the Medieval Hebrew Scholar: Translations and Translators.Tony LÉvy - 1997 - Science in Context 10 (3):431-451.
    The ArgumentThe major part of the mathematical “classics” in Hebrew were translated from Arabic between the second third of the thirteenth century and the first third of the fourteenth century, within the northern littoral of the western Mediterranean. This movement occurred after the original works by Abraham bar Hiyya and Abraham ibn Ezra became available to a wide readership. The translations were intended for a restricted audience — the scholarly readership involved in and dealing with the theoretical sciences. In some (...)
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    Genes of a Dangerous Kind.Teresa Levy - 2000 - Global Bioethics 13 (3-4):67-77.
    The joint forces of information and biological technologies are shaping us in ways that defy our traditional views about the figures of the human. Moreover, determinist tendencies favoured by scientists and the seemingly autonomy of technology development are creating a conceptual framework that privileges the search for technological answers concerning many of the human problems, keeping at the margin questions pertaining to the symbolic realm. The prevailing atmosphere nurtures the emergent composition of the natural and the artificial. It is this (...)
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    Supranational Implementation.Tal Levy - 2016 - Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 26 (1):60-90.
    Power-sharing agreements, despite their disappointing history, are still the prevailing tool used for diffusing intrastate conflicts in Africa. One element that requires additional analysis is the role of third-parties in power-sharing negotiations. An analysis of the role of France in power-sharing negotiations in Chad, Mali, Central African Republic, Rwanda, and the Ivory Coast, suggests a biased approach that harmed the outcomes and sustainability of those negotiations. A better approach is to increase the power of third-parties like the African Union (AU). (...)
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    Maïmonide: Philosophe Et Savant (1138-1204).Tony Lévy & Rushdī Rāshid (eds.) - 2004 - Peeters.
    Maimonide, philosophe dans la mouvance d'al-Farabi, etait medecin, informe des mathematiques et maitre de la litterature talmudique. Ce livre a pour ambition d'examiner les liens entre philosophie et science dans l'oeuvre de Maimonide, et aussi de placer celle-ci dans son veritable contexte historique entre Cordoue et Le Caire au XIIe siecle. Les etudes rassemblees ici explorent plusieurs facettes de cette oeuvre: logique, savoir et philosophie mathematiques, ecrits medicaux, conception du libre-arbitre ou des rapports entre nature et loi... Elles examinent aussi (...)
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  10. Maimonide. Philosophe et savant.Tony Lévy & Roshdi Rashed - 2006 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 68 (2):421-422.
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    Interdisciplinaridade: antologia.Olga Pombo, Henrique M. Guimarães & Teresa Levy (eds.) - 2006 - Porto: Campo das Letras.
    Ao mesmo tempo que a disciplinaridade continua e se reforça, assiste-se crescentemente a um movimento que, para simplificar, designamos de interdisciplinaridade. As interdisciplinaridades com os seus objectos científicos próprios e os anseios de uma ciência da totalidade assumem crescente importância. Uma relevância que frequentemente é mais simbólica do que epistemológica, mais discursiva do que metodológica, mais emblemática do que construtora. 'Interdisciplinaridade - Antologia' reúne um conjunto de textos de importantes autores contemporâneos que fizeram do tema da interdisciplinaridade objecto de estudo (...)
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    Ruth Glasner. Gersonides: A Portrait of a Fourteenth-Century Philosopher-Scientist. xii + 139 pp., bibl., index. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015. £30. [REVIEW]Tony Lévy - 2017 - Isis 108 (1):177-178.
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