Results for 'Tarski’s definition of truth'

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  1. Tarski's definition and truth-makers.Ilkka Niiniluoto - 2004 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 126 (1-3):57-76.
    A hallmark of correspondence theories of truth is the principle that sentences are made true by some truth-makers. A well-known objection to treating Tarski’s definition of truth as a correspondence theory has been put forward by Donald Davidson. He argued that Tarski’s approach does not relate sentences to any entities (like facts) to which true sentences might correspond. From the historical viewpoint, it is interesting to observe that Tarski’s philosophical teacher Tadeusz Kotarbinski advocated (...)
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  2. Tarski's truth definitions.Wilfrid Hodges - forthcoming - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Syntax, Semantics and Tarski’s Truth Definition.Jan Woleński - forthcoming - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria:65-76.
    Until Tarski’s semantic truth definition, the concept of truth was used informally in metalogic (metamathematics) or even proposed to be eliminated in favour of syntactic concepts, as in Rudolf Carnap’s early programme of philosophy via logical syntax. Tarski demonstrated that the concept of truth can be defined using precise mathematical devices. If L is a language for which the truth definition is given, it must be done in the metalanguage ML. According to this (...)
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    What Were Tarski's Truth-Definitions for?John F. Fox - 1989 - History and Philosophy of Logic 10 (2):165-179.
    Tarski's manner of defining truth is generally considered highly significant. About why, there is less consensus. I argue first, that in his truth-definitions Tarski was trying to solve a set of philosophical problems; second, that he solved them successfully; third, that all of these that are simply problems about defining truth are as well or better solved by a simpler account of truth. But one of his crucial problems remains: to give an account of validity, one (...)
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  5. Circularity, Definition and Truth.Michael Glanzberg - 2002 - Philosophical Review 111 (3):465-470.
    This is a collection of eighteen solicited papers on the topics of the title: circularity, definition, and truth. The papers are loosely connected in subject matter, but present a great variety of issues, theories, and approaches. Amongst the many subjects discussed are: the revision theory of truth and applications of revision rules, partiality and fixed point constructions, substitutional quantification, fuzzy logic, negation, belief revision, context dependence, hierarchies, Tarski on truth, deflationism, correspondence theories of truth, and (...)
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    Tarski’s Truth Condition Revisited.Paul Weingartner - 1999 - Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 6:193-201.
    The paper is divided into the following sections: In the first section a short historical survey is given which presents precursors of both Tarski’s truth-condition and Tarski’s truth definition . Secondly some purported objections against Tarski’s truth condition are stated and two important presuppositions of Tarski’s truth condition are analyzed. Thirdly TTC is enlarged in different ways as to incorporate the preconditions explicitly. Finally in the fourth section it will be shown (...)
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    Tarski, the Liar and Tarskian Truth Definitions.Greg Ray - 2002 - In Dale Jacquette, A Companion to Philosophical Logic. Malden, MA, USA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 164-176.
    Alfred Tarski's work on truth has become a touchstone for a great deal of philosophical work on truth. A good grasp of it is critical for understanding the contemporary literature on truth and semantics. In this paper, I present a fresh interpretation of Tarski's view, one which aims to draw it out more fully in areas of philosophical interest.
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    What languages have Tarski truth definitions?Wilfrid Hodges - 2004 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 126 (1-3):93-113.
    Tarski's model-theoretic truth definition of the 1950s differs from his 1930s truth definition by allowing the language to have a set of parameters that are interpreted by means of structures. The paper traces how the model-theoretic theorems that Tarski and others were proving in the period between these two truth definitions became increasingly difficult to fit into the framework of the earlier truth definition, making the later one more or less inevitable. The paper (...)
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  9. Carnap's Contribution to Tarski's Truth.Monika Gruber - 2015 - Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy 3 (10).
    In his seminal work “The Concept of Truth in Formalized Languages”, Alfred Tarski showed how to construct a formally correct and materially adequate definition of true sentence for certain formalized languages. These results have, eventually, been accepted and applauded by philosophers and logicians nearly in unison. Its Postscript, written two years later, however, has given rise to a considerable amount of controversy. There is an ongoing debate on what Tarski really said in the postscript. These discussions often regard (...)
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  10. Lies, half-truths, and falsehoods about Tarski’s 1933 “liar” antinomies.John Corcoran & Joaquin Miller - 2012 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 18 (1):140-141.
    We discuss misinformation about “the liar antinomy” with special reference to Tarski’s 1933 truth-definition paper [1]. Lies are speech-acts, not merely sentences or propositions. Roughly, lies are statements of propositions not believed by their speakers. Speakers who state their false beliefs are often not lying. And speakers who state true propositions that they don’t believe are often lying—regardless of whether the non-belief is disbelief. Persons who state propositions on which they have no opinion are lying as much (...)
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  11. Tarski’s 1944 Polemical Remarks and Naess’ “Experimental Philosophy”.Robert Barnard & Joseph Ulatowski - 2016 - Erkenntnis 81 (3):457-477.
    Many of Tarski’s better known papers are either about or include lengthy discussions of how to properly define various concepts: truth, logical consequence, semantic concepts, or definability. In general, these papers identify two primary conditions for successful definitions: formal correctness and material adequacy. Material adequacy requires that the concept expressed by the formal definition capture the intuitive content of truth. Our primary interest in this paper is to better understand Tarski’s thinking about material adequacy, and (...)
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  12. Tarski’s Convention T: condition beta.John Corcoran - forthcoming - South American Journal of Logic 1 (1).
    Tarski’s Convention T—presenting his notion of adequate definition of truth (sic)—contains two conditions: alpha and beta. Alpha requires that all instances of a certain T Schema be provable. Beta requires in effect the provability of ‘every truth is a sentence’. Beta formally recognizes the fact, repeatedly emphasized by Tarski, that sentences (devoid of free variable occurrences)—as opposed to pre-sentences (having free occurrences of variables)—exhaust the range of significance of is true. In Tarski’s preferred usage, it (...)
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    A note on three-valued logic and Tarski theorem on truth definitions.Andrea Cantini - 1980 - Studia Logica 39 (4):405 - 414.
    We introduce a notion of semantical closure for theories by formalizing Nepeivoda notion of truth. [10]. Tarski theorem on truth definitions is discussed in the light of Kleene's three valued logic (here treated with a formal reinterpretation of logical constants). Connections with Definability Theory are also established.
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    Die idee hinter tarskis definition Von wahrheit.Dirk Greimann - 1997 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 28 (1):121-158.
    The Idea behind Tarski's Definition of Truth. In Tarski's presentations of his truth-definition, the steps of the construction are not sufficiently explained. It is not clear, on what general strategy the construction is based, what the fundamental ideas are, how some crucial steps work, and especially how the transition from the definition of satisfaction to the definition of truth should be understood. The paper shows that the account given in the model-theoretic literature, which (...)
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  15. Truth definitions in finite models.Leszek Aleksander Kołodziejczyk - 2004 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 69 (1):183-200.
    The paper discusses the notion of finite model truth definitions (or FM-truth definitions), introduced by M. Mostowski as a finite model analogue of Tarski's classical notion of truth definition. We compare FM-truth definitions with Vardi's concept of the combined complexity of logics, noting an important difference: the difficulty of defining FM-truth for a logic ᵍ does not depend on the syntax of L, as long as it is decidable. It follows that for a natural (...)
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  16. Tarski, Truth, and Semantics.Richard G. Heck Jr - 1997 - Philosophical Review 106 (4):533 - 554.
    John Etchemendy has argued that it is but "a fortuitous accident" that Tarski's work on truth has any signifance at all for semantics. I argue, in response, that Etchemendy and others, such as Scott Soames and Hilary Putnam, have been misled by Tarski's emphasis on definitions of truth rather than theories of truth and that, once we appreciate how Tarski understood the relation between these, we can answer Etchemendy's implicit and explicit criticisms of neo-Davidsonian semantics.
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    Towards transfinite type theory: rereading Tarski’s Wahrheitsbegriff.Iris Loeb - 2014 - Synthese 191 (10):2281-2299.
    In his famous paper Der Wahrheitsbegriff in den formalisierten Sprachen (Polish edition: Nakładem/Prace Towarzystwa Naukowego Warszawskiego, wydzial, III, 1933), Alfred Tarski constructs a materially adequate and formally correct definition of the term “true sentence” for certain kinds of formalised languages. In the case of other formalised languages, he shows that such a construction is impossible but that the term “true sentence” can nevertheless be consistently postulated. In the Postscript that Tarski added to a later version of this paper (Studia (...)
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    Tarski on “essentially richer” metalanguages.David DeVidi & Graham Solomon - 1999 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 28 (1):1-28.
    It is well known that Tarski proved a result which can be stated roughly as: no sufficiently rich, consistent, classical language can contain its own truth definition. Tarski's way around this problem is to deal with two languages at a time, an object language for which we are defining truth and a metalanguage in which the definition occurs. An obvious question then is: under what conditions can we construct a definition of truth for a (...)
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  19. Truth, correspondence, models, and Tarski.Panu Raatikainen - 2007 - In Sami Pihlström, Panu Raatikainen & Matti Sintonen, Approaching truth: essays in honour of Ilkka Niiniluoto. London: College Publications. pp. 99-112.
    In the early 20th century, scepticism was common among philosophers about the very meaningfulness of the notion of truth – and of the related notions of denotation, definition etc. (i.e., what Tarski called semantical concepts). Awareness was growing of the various logical paradoxes and anomalies arising from these concepts. In addition, more philosophical reasons were being given for this aversion.1 The atmosphere changed dramatically with Alfred Tarski’s path-breaking contribution. What Tarski did was to show that, assuming that (...)
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  20. How Tarski Defined the Undefinable.Cezary Cieśliński - 2015 - European Review 23 (01):139 - 149.
    This paper describes Tarski’s project of rehabilitating the notion of truth, previously considered dubious by many philosophers. The project was realized by providing a formal truth definition, which does not employ any problematic concept.
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  21. Tarski and Proper Classes.Philip Hugly & Charles Sayward - 1980 - Analysis 40 (4):6-11.
    In this paper the authors argue that if Tarski’s definition of truth for the calculus of classes is correct, then set theories which assert the existence of proper classes (classes which are not the member of anything) are incorrect.
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  22. More on Putnam and Tarski.Panu Raatikainen - 2003 - Synthese 135 (1):37 - 47.
    Hilary Putnam's famous arguments criticizing Tarski's theory of truth are evaluated. It is argued that they do not succeed to undermine Tarski's approach. One of the arguments is based on the problematic idea of a false instance of T-schema. The other ignores various issues essential for Tarski's setting such as language-relativity of truth definition.
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    Alfred Tarski and the Vienna Circle: Austro-Polish Connections in Logical Empiricism.Jan Wolenski & Eckehart Köhler (eds.) - 1998 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    The larger part of Yearbook 6 of the Institute Vienna Circle constitutes the proceedings of a symposium on Alfred Tarski and his influence on and interchanges with the Vienna Circle, especially those on and with Rudolf Carnap and Kurt Gödel. It is the first time that this topic has been treated on such a scale and in such depth. Attention is mainly paid to the origins, development and subsequent role of Tarski's definition of truth. Some contributions are primarily (...)
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  24. What are logical notions?Alfred Tarski - 1986 - History and Philosophy of Logic 7 (2):143-154.
    In this manuscript, published here for the first time, Tarski explores the concept of logical notion. He draws on Klein's Erlanger Programm to locate the logical notions of ordinary geometry as those invariant under all transformations of space. Generalizing, he explicates the concept of logical notion of an arbitrary discipline.
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    Alfred Tarski and the Vienna Circle: Austro-Polish Connections in Logical Empiricism.Jan Woleński, Ilkka Niiniluoto, Hans Sluga, Anita Burdman Feferman, Solomon Feferman & Richard Creath - 2010 - Springer.
    The larger part of Yearbook 6 of the Institute Vienna Circle constitutes the proceedings of a symposium on Alfred Tarski and his influence on and interchanges with the Vienna Circle, especially those on and with Rudolf Carnap and Kurt Gödel. It is the first time that this topic has been treated on such a scale and in such depth. Attention is mainly paid to the origins, development and subsequent role of Tarski's definition of truth. Some contributions are primarily (...)
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    Tarski's Definition of Truth.Scott Soames - 1998 - In Understanding Truth. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press USA.
    This chapter provides a detailed explanation of Tarski's definition of truth for formalized languages. It begins by indicating how he conceived the problem, how his criterion of adequacy guarantees that any definition satisfying it introduces a predicate that applies to all and only object‐language truths, and how he approached the technical problem of formulating a definition that would allow him to derive what he regarded as a “partial definition” of truth for each sentence of (...)
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    Tarski's definition of truth and the correspondence theory.Herbert Keuth - 1978 - Philosophy of Science 45 (3):420-430.
    Tarski's definition of truth has rehabilitated the application of the word "true" to sentences of formalized languages. But a correspondence theory according to which a sentence is true if, And only if, It is related in the peculiar way of correspondence to the facts, Is incompatible with tarski's definition. Actually no theory of truth, Which claims to make proper assertions about sentences when calling them true, Is compatible with tarski's definition. Hence they all have to (...)
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  28. Tarski on truth and its definition.Peter Milne - 1997 - In Timothy Childers, Petr Kolft & Vladimir Svoboda, Logica '96: Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium. Filosofia. pp. 198-210.
    Of his numerous investigations ... Tarski was most proud of two: his work on truth and his design of an algorithm in 1930 to decide the truth or falsity of any sentence of the elementary theory of the high school Euclidean geometry. [...] His mathematical treatment of the semantics of languages and the concept of truth has had revolutionary consequences for mathematics, linguistics, and philosophy, and Tarski is widely thought of as the man who "defined truth". (...)
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    Gödel on Tarski.Stanisław Krajewski - 2004 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 127 (1-3):303-323.
    Contacts of the two logicians are listed, and all Gödel's written mentions of Tarski's work are quoted. Why did Gödel almost never mention Tarski's definition of truth in his notes and papers? This puzzle of Gödel's silence, proposed by Feferman, is not merely biographical or psychological but has interesting connections to Gödel's philosophical views.No satisfactory answer is given by the three “standard” explanations: no need to repeat the work already done; Tarski's achievement was obvious to Gödel; Gödel's exceptional (...)
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    Is It True What Haack Says about Tarski?Richard C. Jennings - 1987 - Philosophy 62 (240):237 - 243.
    In her paper ‘Is it True What They Say About Tarski?’, Susan Haack argues that Popper is wrong to regard Tarski's theory of truth as a correspondence theory of truth. For, she says: … Tarksi does not present his theory as a correspondence theory. In fact Tarski explicitly comments that the correspondence theory cannot be considered a satisfactory definition of truth. And later he observes that he was ‘by no means surprised’ to learn that, in a (...)
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    Aristotle and Tarski.Jan Woleński - 2017 - Peitho 8 (1):261-270.
    Alfred Tarski frequently declared that his semantic definition of truth was inspired by Aristotle’s views. The present paper discusses this issue in the context of Marian Wesoły’s criticism of the thesis that there is an affinity between Tarski’s views and those of Aristotle. The article concludes with an inquiry into whether Aristotle’s definition of truthfulness can be identified with the correspondence theory of truth.
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  32. Truth and Proofs. From Tarski's Convention T to Game Theory.Christian Bassac & Joan Busquets - 2021 - In Piotr Stalmaszczyk & Mieszko Tałasiewicz, The Lvov-Warsaw School and Contemporary Philosophy of Language. Boston: BRILL.
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  33. Tarski and Primitivism About Truth.Jamin Asay - 2013 - Philosophers' Imprint 13:1-18.
    Tarski’s pioneering work on truth has been thought by some to motivate a robust, correspondence-style theory of truth, and by others to motivate a deflationary attitude toward truth. I argue that Tarski’s work suggests neither; if it motivates any contemporary theory of truth, it motivates conceptual primitivism, the view that truth is a fundamental, indefinable concept. After outlining conceptual primitivism and Tarski’s theory of truth, I show how the two approaches to (...)
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    Truth via Satisfaction?Nicholas J. J. Smith - 2017 - In Arazim Pavel & Lávička Tomáš, The Logica Yearbook 2016. College Publications. pp. 273-287.
    One of Tarski’s stated aims was to give an explication of the classical conception of truthtruth as ‘saying it how it is’. Many subsequent commentators have felt that he achieved this aim. Tarski’s core idea of defining truth via satisfaction has now found its way into standard logic textbooks. This paper looks at such textbook definitions of truth in a model for standard first-order languages and argues that they fail from the point of view (...)
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    Note sur Popper lecteur de Tarski.Philippe de Rouilhan - 2007 - Philosophia Scientiae 11 (1):131-148.
    1. Introduction. 2. Is Tarski’s theory of truth, as Popper claims after Tarski himself, a rehabilitation of the traditional view of truth as correspondence to facts? — Yes, but not for the reasons he gives. 3. Is Tarski’s explicit definition of truth , as Popper claims after Tarski himself, purely morphological ? — No. 4. Is Tarski’s theory, as Tarski claims it to be, « epistomologically neutral » ? — This thesis is ambiguous, (...)
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  36. Circularity or Lacunae in Tarski’s Truth-Schemata.Dale Jacquette - 2010 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 19 (3):315-326.
    Tarski avoids the liar paradox by relativizing truth and falsehood to particular languages and forbidding the predication to sentences in a language of truth or falsehood by any sentences belonging to the same language. The Tarski truth-schemata stratify an object-language and indefinitely ascending hierarchy of meta-languages in which the truth or falsehood of sentences in a language can only be asserted or denied in a higher-order meta-language. However, Tarski’s statement of the truth-schemata themselves involve (...)
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  37. Truth, meaning, and translation.Panu Raatikainen - 2008 - In Douglas Patterson, New essays on Tarski and philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 247.
    Philosopher’s judgements on the philosophical value of Tarski’s contributions to the theory of truth have varied. For example Karl Popper, Rudolf Carnap, and Donald Davidson have, in their different ways, celebrated Tarski’s achievements and have been enthusiastic about their philosophical relevance. Hilary Putnam, on the other hand, pronounces that “[a]s a philosophical account of truth, Tarski’s theory fails as badly as it is possible for an account to fail.” Putnam has several alleged reasons for his (...)
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  38. (1 other version)A note on Tarski's definition of truth.Karl R. Popper - 1955 - Mind 64 (255):388-391.
  39. Tarski's Method of Truth Definition: Its Nature and Significance.Ladislav Koreň - 2010 - In Jaroslav Peregrin, Foundations of logic. Prague: Charles University in Prague/Karolinum Press.
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  40. Quine’s conflicts with truth deflationism.Teemu Tauriainen - 2022 - Asian Journal of Philosophy 1 (46):1-25.
    Compared to the extensive amount of literature on various themes of W.V.O. Quine’s philosophy, his immanent concept of truth remains a relatively unexplored topic. This relative lack of research contributes to a persistent confusion on the deflationary and inflationary details of Quine’s truth. According to a popular reading, Quine’s disquotational definition of the truth predicate exhausts the content of truth, thus amounting to a deflationary view. Others promote opposing interpretations. I argue that by relying on (...)
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    Le rejet de la distinction de l'analytique et du synthétique par Alfred Tarski.Roger Schmit - 2008 - Archives de Philosophie 4 (4):609-629.
    Alfred Tarski a joué un rôle déterminant dans la déconstruction du clivage classique de l’analytique et du synthétique alors même que les ouvrages consacrés à ce chapitre de la philosophie restent, en général, relativement discrets au sujet de son rôle au profit de W. V. O. Quine. La critique de Tarski, qui s’articule dès 1930, s’organise le long de deux axes principaux. Le premier a trait à la difficulté de définir objectivement la notion de logicité ; le second, qui s’appuie (...)
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  42. Truth definitions, Skolem functions and axiomatic set theory.Jaakko Hintikka - 1998 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 4 (3):303-337.
    §1. The mission of axiomatic set theory. What is set theory needed for in the foundations of mathematics? Why cannot we transact whatever foundational business we have to transact in terms of our ordinary logic without resorting to set theory? There are many possible answers, but most of them are likely to be variations of the same theme. The core area of ordinary logic is by a fairly common consent the received first-order logic. Why cannot it take care of itself? (...)
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    Truth, the Liar, and Tarski's Semantics.Gila Sher - 2002 - In Dale Jacquette, A Companion to Philosophical Logic. Malden, MA, USA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 143–163.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Tarski's Theory of Truth Tarski's Solution to the Liar Paradox Tarski's Method of Defining Truth for Formalized Languages Tarskian Semantics Three Criticisms of Tarski's Theory Kripke's Solution to the Liar Paradox A Reinterpretation of Tarski's Theory Truth Beyond Logic.
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  44. Truth-makers and Convention T.Jan Woleński - 2011 - Philosophical Papers Dedicated to Kevin Mulligan.
    This papers discuss the place, if any, of Convention T (the condition of material adequacy of the proper definition of truth formulated by Tarski) in the truth-makers account offered by Kevin Mulligan, Peter Simons and Barry Smith. It is argued that although Tarski’s requirement seems entirely acceptable in the frameworks of truth-makers theories for the first-sight, several doubts arise under a closer inspection. In particular, T-biconditionals have no clear meaning as sentences about truth-makers. Thus, (...)
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  45. IF first-order logic and truth-definitions.Gabriel Sandu - 1997 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 26.
    This paper shows that the logic known as Information-friendly logic (IF-logic) introduced by Jaakko Hintikka and Gabriel Sandu defines its own truth-predicate. The result is interesting given that IF logic is a much stronger logic than ordinary first-order logic and has also a well behaved notion of negation which, on its first-order subfragment, behaves like classical, contradictory negation.
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    Popper Karl R.. A note on Tarski's definition of truth. Mind, n.s. vol. 64 , pp. 388–391.John G. Kemeny - 1957 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 22 (4):365-365.
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    Truth definitions without exponentiation and the Σ₁ collection scheme.Zofia Adamowicz, Leszek Aleksander Kołodziejczyk & Jeff Paris - 2012 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 77 (2):649-655.
    We prove that: • if there is a model of I∆₀ + ¬ exp with cofinal Σ₁-definable elements and a Σ₁ truth definition for Σ₁ sentences, then I∆₀ + ¬ exp +¬BΣ₁ is consistent, • there is a model of I∆₀ Ω₁ + ¬ exp with cofinal Σ₁-definable elements, both a Σ₂ and a ∏₂ truth definition for Σ₁ sentences, and for each n > 2, a Σ n truth definition for Σ n sentences. (...)
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  48. Truth values, neither-true-nor-false, and supervaluations.Nuel Belnap - 2009 - Studia Logica 91 (3):305 - 334.
    The first section (§1) of this essay defends reliance on truth values against those who, on nominalistic grounds, would uniformly substitute a truth predicate. I rehearse some practical, Carnapian advantages of working with truth values in logic. In the second section (§2), after introducing the key idea of auxiliary parameters (§2.1), I look at several cases in which logics involve, as part of their semantics, an extra auxiliary parameter to which truth is relativized, a parameter that (...)
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  49. Davidson, Truth, and Semantic Unity.Asbjørn Steglich-Petersen - 2003 - SATS 4 (2):124-146.
    In this paper, I introduce and discuss a series of problems associated with answering the question of semantic unity, and argue that the truth theoretical approach to semantics put forward by Donald Davidson suggests a possible solution. Although not put forward explicitly as such by Davidson, it is argued that we in Davidson's interpretation of Tarski's definition of truth find the resources to illuminate and resolve the problem of unity.
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    Tarskian truth and the correspondence theory.Luis Fern & Ndez Moreno - 2001 - Synthese 126 (1-2):123-147.
    Tarski's theory of truth brings out the question of whether he intended his theory to be a correspondence theory of truth and whether, whatever his intentions, his theory is, in fact, a correspondence theory. The aim of this paper is to answer both questions. The answer to the first question depends on Tarski's relevant assertions on semantics and his conception of truth. In order to answer the second question Popper's and Davidson's interpretations of Tarski's truth theory (...)
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