Results for 'Theatrical representation'

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  1.  27
    Transnational theatrical representation of the aging: Velina hasu houston’s calligraphy.Eriko Hara - 2017 - Angelaki 22 (1):93-102.
    Velina Hasu Houston’s theatrical representations focus on exploring cultural collision and coalescence in transnational communities. With her biographical and cultural background deeply influenced by her Japanese mother’s way of life and sense of values, Houston has been open-minded in creating a new viewpoint through which to look at Japan, the United States and the world. Calligraphy is quite challenging in that it looks at her mother’s aging from both Japanese and American perspectives. It sheds new light on not only (...)
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  2. Performing History: Theatrical Representations of the Past in Contemporary Theatre. By Freddie Rokem.J. R. P. Perez - 2004 - The European Legacy 9:407-407.
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    Emotional and Cognitive Responses to Theatrical Representations of Aggressive Behavior.Alexandru I. Berceanu, Silviu Matu & Bianca I. Macavei - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Spartacus and His Early Soviet Theatrical Representation.Oleksii Rudenko - 2022 - Clotho 4 (2):69-99.
    Spartacus became one of the key figures of Soviet dramaturgy in the 1920s. He was presented as the only ancient predecessor of the Bolsheviks and his theatrical image significantly shaped the later icon of the gladiator as a brave leader of the oppressed masses and a hero acting in the name of the proletariat. This article explores the image of Spartacus in early Soviet theater and mass performance and outlines the correlation between the template of Spartacus’ portrayal, Raffaello Giovagnoli’s (...)
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    A theatrical conception of power.Leonard Mazzone - 2022 - European Journal of Political Theory 21 (4):759-782.
    In this article I will combine Erving Goffman’s sociology with some of the main aspects of Actor-Network Theory in order to outline a theatrical conception of social power. My first aim is to try to summarize the sociological perspective introduced by Kenneth Burke and then improved on by Erving Goffman to understand the face-to-face interactions of everyday life. Secondly, I will try to use the theatrical metaphor underlying this theoretical framework to describe power-over relations in everyday life. Thanks (...)
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    The theatricality of sport and the issue of ideology.Jean-François Morissette - 2014 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 41 (3):381-397.
    Through the study of Richard Gruneau and Gunter Gebauer’s respective works, this article examines the social significance and theoretical implications of sport’s capacity to represent social life in a theatrical manner. The drama-like images and representations sporting practices produce, institutions codify, and television programs enhance is considered in relation to ideology’s integrative, legitimating, and distorting functions . Acknowledging the filiations of ‘theatre’ with ‘theory’ – both words stand for ‘to contemplate, to see, to observe’ – this study considers theatricality (...)
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  7. De la sémiotique de la représentation thé'trale à l’anthropologie culturelle.Eleni Mouratidou - 2006 - Sign Systems Studies 34 (2):527-537.
    From the semiotics of theatrical representation to cultural anthropology or why theater (resists)? In this paper I propose an epistemological approach to the field of theatre semiotics from the beginning of the 20th century to our days. Firstly, I point out two different periods that have influenced theatre semiotics. The first one centres on reflections and studies by the Prague School of Structuralism. More precisely, I address Jan Mukařovsky’s essays about art and society as well as Jindrich Honzl’s (...)
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    Actors in the Audience: Theatricality and Doublespeak from Nero to Hadrian (review).John T. Kirby - 1996 - American Journal of Philology 117 (1):155-158.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Actors in the Audience: Theatricality and Doublespeak from Nero to HadrianJohn T. KirbyShadi Bartsch. Actors in the Audience: Theatricality and Doublespeak from Nero to Hadrian. Cambridge, Mass., and London: Harvard University Press, 1994. x + 310 pp. Cloth, $37.50. (Revealing Antiquity 6)The unsuspecting reader, if such exists in the 1990s, will probably not know what to make of the title of this book. Even deeply suspicious ones will (...)
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  9. Derrida's Writing-Theatre: From the Theatrical Allegory to Political Commitment.Alison Ross - 2008 - Derrida Today 1 (1):76-94.
    This article analyses some of the shifts in tone and argumentation in Derrida's work by comparing the treatment of the topics of theatre and theatrical representation in his early writing on literary and philosophical texts with the conception of a politically committed ‘ethics’ in his late work. The topic of theatrical representation is particularly useful for a critical assessment of Derrida's later ethics because it allows us to give careful consideration to his position on different types (...)
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  10.  43
    The representation of love in the portrayal of the passions: from theatre criticism to the arduous consent of the novel.Luciano da Silva Façanha - 2015 - Trans/Form/Ação 38 (s1):57-70.
    RESUMO:Na Carta a d’Alembert, Rousseau se coloca contra a ideia de um teatro enquanto instrumento de educação moral, porém, o posicionamento do filósofo não está em colocar essa atividade lúdica de ordem moral na categoria de atividade imoral, mas na de atividade artificial, e, talvez, isso gerasse efeitos imorais. Todavia, é preciso observar os verdadeiros efeitos do teatro, a partir de alguns argumentos que Rousseau resolve construir e analisá-los, contudo, apenas se trouxesse à tona a crítica de Rousseau ao romance, (...)
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    Roman Tragedy: Theatre to Theatricality.Matthew Leigh - 2006 - American Journal of Philology 127 (1):149-152.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 127.1 (2006) 149-152 [Access article in PDF] Mario Erasmo. Roman Tragedy: Theatre to Theatricality. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2004. xii + 211 pp. Cloth, $45. [Erratum]This is a study of Roman tragedy from Livius Andronicus to Seneca. Erasmo states that his aim is to study the development of the form, "focusing on the process of how Roman tragedy became increasingly theatricalized and the role (...)
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  12.  13
    “The Place to See and the Place to Reflect” the Use of Theatrical Techniques in the Teaching of Philosophy.José Mauricio de Assis Espinosa - 2023 - International Journal of Philosophy 11 (3):51-55.
    A reflection on how to teach philosophy with the help of theatrical techniques and scenic interpretation tools, building an allegorical environment for the presentation of philosophical content. Considering Plato's explanation of the allegory of the cave, where he starts from 'appears' or 'imagines' and describes his narrative, in a complete way, in a theatrical approach to use the imagination of his listeners. And thus building a scene, a representation of what he wanted to teach his interlocutors. In (...)
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    Between Appropriation and Representation: Aristotle and the Concept of Imitation in Greek Thought.Gabriel Zoran - 2015 - Philosophy and Literature 39 (2):468-486.
    Let us imagine an actor on stage presenting an impersonation of a certain politician, his manners and his body language. Now, suppose another actor sitting in the audience, impressed by the show and deciding to adopt something of his colleague’s style. He rents another stage and presents an impersonation of the same politician according to what he has learned. What does he actually do? In a certain sense he “imitates” the politician, but in another sense he “imitates” the first actor, (...)
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  14.  10
    The bodies of others: essays on ethics and representation.José A. Sánchez - 2022 - New York: Methuen Drama.
    Available in English for the first time, The Bodies of Others investigates, through a series of close readings of several theatrical and film productions in Europe and South America, the relationship between “representation” and ethics. The main concepts are exposed through a comparative analysis of historical processes, political actions and artistic works from different periods. Thus, the dialogue between the film La carrose d'or by Jean Renoir and Rosa Cuchillo by Yuyachkani serves to address the problem of the (...)
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    The Tragic Sense of Life, or We Are Left with Self : Theatrical Roots Re-Visited.Jean Bodin - 2008 - The European Legacy 13 (3):277-285.
    Although the self is distinct from identity, this essay offers some insight into how identity is maintained—in the processes by which a self is formed, and through the actual content of the schemata that compose the self-concept. The author explains how in the 1920s utopian representations of a “new man” indicate the blank space where an aesthetic for the self can appear long before a theory of choice and commitment can exist in reality. Far from being a dramaturgical plan of (...)
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  16.  47
    Imitation of Life: Structure, Agency and Discourse in Theatrical Performance.Kieran Cashell - 2012 - Journal of Critical Realism 11 (3):324-360.
    This essay reviews Theatre, Communication, Critical Realism (2010) by Tobin Nellhaus. It begins by outlining the objective of the book and proceeds to evaluate its central argument. The objective is to develop a theory of theatre founded on the premises of critical realism and thereby theoretically situate theatrical performance in its socio-cultural matrix. The argument is that critical realism is effective for developing a comprehensive account of theatrical performance because it has the capacity to reveal truths about the (...)
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    Containing Tragedy: Rhetoric and Self-Representation in Sophocles' "Philoctetes".Thomas M. Falkner - 1998 - Classical Antiquity 17 (1):25-58.
    This essay examines "Philoctetes" as an exercise in self-representation by looking at the self-referential and metatheatrical dimensions of the play. After suggesting an enlarged understanding of metatheater as "a particularly vigorous attempt to engage the audience at the synthetic and thematic levels of reading," I examine "Philoctetes" as a self-conscious discourse on tragedy, tragic production, and tragic experience, one which participates in a larger conversation in the late fifth century about the ethics of tragedy, including the remarks of Gorgias (...)
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  18. Looking at Pictures: Appearance and Subjectivity in Mimetic Representation.Gregg M. Horowitz - 1992 - Dissertation, Rutgers the State University of New Jersey - New Brunswick
    This essay examines mimetic pictures and the forms of subjectivity encoded in them. Mimetic pictures are representations which are unique in looking like the objects or events they depict. However, the objects or events typically have properties which are incompatible with those of the picture considered as a material artifact. Thus, if a mimetic picture looks like what it depicts, it does not look like what, considered as an artifact, it is. Since seeing a mimetic picture as a picture is (...)
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  19.  12
    Performing difference: representations of "the other" in film and theater.Jonathan C. Friedman (ed.) - 2009 - Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America.
    Performing Difference is a compilation of seventeen essays from some of the leading scholars in history, criticism, film, and theater studies. Each author examines the portrayal of groups and individuals that have been traditionally marginalized or excluded from dominant historical narratives. As a meeting point of several fields of study, this book is organized around three meta-themes: race, gender, and genocide. Included are analyses of films and theatrical productions from the United States, as well as essays on cinema from (...)
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  20. ‘Rideaux rouges’: The Scene of Ideology and the Closure of Representation.Thomas Clément Mercier - 2022 - Derrida Today 15 (1):5-30.
    As they make their way through Louis Althusser’s and Jacques Derrida’s texts, readers will cross innumerable curtains – ‘the words and things’, as Derrida says, as many fabrics of traces. These curtains open onto a multiplicity of scenes and mises en scène, performances, roles, rituals, actors, plays – thus unfolding the space of a certain theatricality. This essay traces Althusser’s and Derrida’s respective deployments of the theatrical motif. In his theoretical writings, Althusser’s theatrical dispositive aims to designate the (...)
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    Mimèsis et catharsis : de la représentation à la dénégation du réel chez Aristote, Artaud et Brecht.Alain Marchand - 1988 - Philosophiques 15 (1):108-127.
    La présente étude propose une relecture de trois théoriciens dont les investigations continuent à servir de pierre angulaire à la théâtrologie : celles d'Aristote dont La Poétique, outre le fait qu'elle consacre le théâtre occidental, sert de fondement à l'esthétique dramatique et celles, plus récentes, d'Antonin Artaud et de Bertolt Brecht qui, bien qu'ils aient réfuté radicalement les théories aristoté- liciennes, ne se sont pas moins distingués l'un de l'autre pour donner les deux grandes voies que l'on sait à la (...)
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    Peter McGehee and the Erotics of Gay Self-Representation.Raymond-Jean Frontain - 2009 - Intertexts 13 (1):115-151.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Peter McGehee and the Erotics of Gay Self-RepresentationRaymond-Jean Frontain (bio)Novelist Peter McGehee was a beautiful man who—at the height of what Brad Gooch terms “the Golden Age of Promiscuity”—knew he was a beautiful man.1 Coming of age in the early 1970s when American gay men consciously set about refashioning their image, Peter’s dress was always striking, whether he was playing the slut or the dandy. Members of his close (...)
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    Sacrifice, violence and the limits of moral representation in haneke's caché.Camil Ungureanu - 2014 - Angelaki 19 (4):51-63.
    :This article revisits Michael Haneke's Caché as a filmic transformation of the traditional bond between sacrificial violence, morality and community building. By drawing mainly on striking correspondences with Jacques Derrida's view of the “mystical” origin of authority and of the limits of moral representation, the article aims to probe into Haneke's strategies of concealment. In so doing, the article proposes a “postsecular” interpretation of the symbolic meaning of the enigmas of the “ghost director” within the film, and of Majid's (...)
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  24.  21
    The remediated scene: hypermediation and immediacy in two Latin American theater representations of the 21st century.Wilson Escobar Ramírez - 2023 - Alpha (Osorno) 57:197-211.
    Resumen Las tecnologías digitales han transfigurado el campo del arte teatral y vienen produciendo una serie de mutaciones que afectan la tradición perceptiva del espectáculo vivo. Para acercarnos a esos nuevos modos de comunicación que establece hoy el teatro, robustecido en el cruce con estas tecnologías, acudiremos al concepto de remediación planteado por Bolter y Grusin, para examinar en dos performances representativas de la escena latinoamericana del siglo XXI (Sin sangre, de Teatrocinema, yOthelo, de Buendía Theatre), las maneras cómo la (...)
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  25.  14
    Opening Spaces.Naomi Weiss - 2020 - Classical Antiquity 39 (2):330-367.
    This paper explores the construction of dramatic space in the prologues of classical Greek drama. Drawing from theater scholarship on the phenomenology of space, I show how tragedians and comedians alike experimented with how to shape their audience’s understanding of a play’s setting. I focus on opening scenes in plays by Sophocles and Aristophanes where a character sees with and for the audience, and demonstrate how these moments of staged spectatorship are not necessarily straightforward or seamless; they can facilitate the (...)
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  26. Mind, theaters, and the anatomy of consciousness.Donald Beecher - 2006 - Philosophy and Literature 30 (1):1-16.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Mind, Theaters, and the Anatomy of ConsciousnessDonald Beecher"All unified theories of cognition today involve theater metaphors."—Bernard J. BaarsAmong the most perplexing challenges for cognitive philoso-phers are those pertaining to representationalism, Gilbert Ryle's denial of the "ghost in the machine," the languages of cognition, and the "self" as the one-time audience and author of consciousness.1 Each of these topics can be discussed metaphorically in terms of the theater. The mind (...)
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    Thesmophoriazousai.Barbara K. Gold - 2002 - American Journal of Philology 123 (3):5-6.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 123.3 (2002) v-vi [Access article in PDF] ThesmophoriazousaiPrefaceThe American Journal of Philology began the year 1999 (Volume 120.1) with a special issue, the first in AJP's history, devoted to the Senatus Consultum de Cn. Pisone Patre. The guest editors of this volume were Cynthia Damon and Sarolta Takacs. While it has not been the practice of the Journal to publish special issues, it seems appropriate (...)
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    Jean-Jacques Rousseau et Friedrich Schiller : le théâtre sous le feu des lumières.Martin Matte - 1990 - Philosophiques 17 (2):101-145.
    Une forme d'art comprend-elle le critère de son acceptation ou de son rejet par la société dans laquelle elle prend forme? Le public auquel une oeuvre d'art s'adresse possède-t-il la compétence de faire l'exploration qu'elle lui propose? La Lettre à d'Alembert sur les spectacles de Rousseau et la Conférence de Schiller : « Was kann eine gute stehende Schaubùhne eigentlich wirken ? » donnent chacune réponse à ces deux questions par la caractérisation d'une manière de sentir et d'agir propre aux (...)
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    Dialogues of Love.Leone Ebreo - 2009 - University of Toronto Press.
    Leone's Dialogues consists of three conversations - 'On Love and Desire,' 'On the Universality of Love,' and 'On the Origin of Love' - that take place over a period of three subsequent days.They are organized in a dialogic format, much like a theatrical representation, of a conversation between a man, Philo, who plays the role of the lover and teacher, and a woman, Sophia, the beloved and pupil. The discussion covers a wide range of topics that have as (...)
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  30.  49
    Identity, otherness and the virtual double.Catherine Bouko & Natasha Slater - 2011 - Technoetic Arts 9 (1):17-30.
    Interactive media arts offer us new approaches to the role of theatrical representation. Nowadays, digital technology allows us to explore self-representation in systems that cross over between installation art, theatre and performance. By confronting the subject with his or her own image, these devices question the mechanisms of identification and denegation. Both the theatrical creations and the interactive forms that are examined here invite the spectator to explore the relationship between identification and denegation. All the artistic (...)
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  31. Metaphorical analogies in approaches of Victor Turner and Erving Goffman.Ester Võsu - 2010 - Sign Systems Studies 38 (1-4):130-165.
    Metaphorical analogies have been popular in different forms of reasoning, theatre and drama analogy among them. From the semiotic perspective, theatre is arepresentation of reality. Characteristic to theatrical representation is the fact that for creating representations of reality it uses, to a great extent, the materiality andcultural codes that also constitute our everyday life; sometimes the means of representation are even iconically identical to the latter. This likeness has inspirednumerous writers, philosophers and, later, social scientists to look (...)
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    Book Review: Citation and Modernity: Derrida, Joyce, and Brecht. [REVIEW]Harvey L. Hix - 1995 - Philosophy and Literature 19 (2):367-368.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Citation and Modernity: Derrida, Joyce, and BrechtHarvey L. HixCitation and Modernity: Derrida, Joyce, and Brecht, by Claudette Sartiliot; xiii & 173 pp. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1993, $15.95 paper.Claudette Sartiliot argues that “the traditional definition of citation” is “inadequate and outmoded” (p. 15). It no longer applies to modernist and postmodernist writers, for whom “quotation represents a definite break with the tradition as well as a means (...)
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    Redefining national identity by playing with classics.Luule Epner - 2005 - Sign Systems Studies 33 (2):379-403.
    National identities are to a great extent based on common mythical stories (re)produced by literature and arts; in the long run, the core texts of literature themselves start to function as cultural myths. Performing classical works theatre relates them to the changing social context and thus actualises their meaning. Theatrical representations of national characters and mythical stories participate in reinforcing or redefining national identity. In independent Estonia of the 1990s–2000s the need for reconsidering national values and myths that served (...)
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  34.  9
    What does the term togata ‘really’ mean?G. E. Rallo - 2021 - Classical Quarterly 71 (1):216-229.
    This article aims to shed fresh light on the meaning of the term togata. It conducts an analysis of the term as it appeared in ancient sources,1 investigating in particular both how and why ancient authors across several periods focussed their attention on the togata. The paper will also distinguish between the attestation of the term togata in ancient writers, who are likely to have actually watched these theatrical performances in person and known more directly what they were talking (...)
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  35. In defence of fictional incompetence.Dan Cavedon-Taylor - 2010 - Ratio 23 (2):141-150.
    The claim that photographs are fictionally incompetent (i.e. that they can only depict those particulars they are appropriately causally related to) is argued by Noël Carroll, Gregory Currie, and Nigel Warburton to be falsified by cinematic works of fiction. In response I firstly argue that it does not follow from cinema's having a capacity for the representation of ficta that photography has a capacity for the representation of ficta. Secondly, and inspired by the work of Roger Scruton, I (...)
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    Mondi incidenti. Una soluzione ontologica al paradosso del cortocircuito rappresentazionale nei film.Enrico Terrone - 2011 - Rivista di Estetica 46:183-196.
    If live-action fictions are photographic representations of theatrical representations, “collapsed seeing”, according to Robert Hopkins, is the experience of directly seeing in the films the narrated events, while overriding the theatrical representation. Collapsed seeing opens the door to a paradox: on the one hand, we would experience live-action films as photographic records of narrated events, on the other hand, we know that it is impossible to access directly fictional events. The paradox can be solved if we consider (...)
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    Metafoorsed analoogiad Victor Turneri ja Erving Goffmani lähenemistes.Ester Võsu - 2010 - Sign Systems Studies 38 (1/4):166-166.
    Metaphorical analogies have been popular in different forms of reasoning, theatre and drama analogy among them. From the semiotic perspective, theatre is a representation of reality. Characteristic to theatrical representation is the fact that for creating representations of reality it uses, to a great extent, the materiality and cultural codes that also constitute our everyday life; sometimes the means of representation are even iconically identical to the latter. This likeness has inspired numerous writers, philosophers and, later, (...)
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  38. O espetáculo (ὄψις) em Édipo Tirano: o corpo visível The spetacle (ὄψις) in Oedipus Tyrannus: the visible body.Marco Colonnelli - 2016 - Nuntius Antiquus 12 (02):179-199.
    The present article has as its purpose to analyze the “spectacle” (ὄψις), from the conceptions developed in the Poetics of Aristotle, as a fundamental part in the tragic conception of Sophocles, in the work Oedipus Tyrannus. The analysis focused on the exodus of the play to demonstrate how aspects of theatrical representation are present in the tragic text.
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    Letteratura nella cattedrale. Il sorriso di Becket.Massimo Parodi - 2021 - Doctor Virtualis 16:229-263.
    Nel Medioevo tante volte presentato dalla letteratura come un grande romanzo di avventure, un posto decisamente particolare spetta alla vicenda di Tommaso Becket, prima cancelliere di re Enrico II e poi arcivescovo di Canterbury, assassinato nella sua cattedrale nel 1170. Si tratta di una vicenda che presenta i motivi fondamentali di ogni racconto epico e tragico. Ispirandosi a questa convinzione l’articolo ripercorre alcune delle maggiori opere letterarie che hanno raccontato da diversi punti di vista lo scontro tra Becket e il (...)
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  40. Re-Imagining Euripides’ Medea : Pre-Colonial Indigenous Elements in Alfaro’s Mojada.Laurialan Reitzammer - 2023 - American Journal of Philology 144 (3):473-501.
    This essay examines pre-colonial Mesoamerican elements in Luis Alfaro’s Mojada, highlighting significant differences between the recently published script of the play and a version produced at the Public Theater in New York City, which I attended in summer 2019, to argue that the Public Theater production questions whether Indigenous myth and ritual can persist and function effectively in the United States in the face of the brutal and dehumanizing forces of capitalism and racism. This essay contributes to discussions of the (...)
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  41. The Double Content of Art.John Dilworth - 2005 - Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books.
    The Double Content view is the first comprehensive theory of art that is able to satisfactorily explain the nature of all kinds of artworks in a unified way — whether paintings, novels, or musical and theatrical performances. The basic thesis is that all such representational artworks involve two levels or kinds of representation: a first stage in which a concrete artifact represents an artwork, and a second stage in which that artwork in turn represents its subject matter. "Dilworth (...)
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    Reading is Believing.Peter Kivy - 2011-04-15 - In Dominic McIver Lopes & Berys Gaut (eds.), Once‐Told Tales. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 124–143.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The Art of Silent Reading It's All in the Mind Ideal Presence and Radford's Problem Faulty Foundations Home away from Home? The Text and the Real Seeing and Being Told Suspension of Disbelief Yet Again.
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    On the Origin of Objects.Brian Cantwell Smith - 1996 - Cambridge: Mass. : MIT Press.
    On the Origin of Objects is the culmination of Brian Cantwell Smith's decade-long investigation into the philosophical and metaphysical foundations of computation, artificial intelligence, and cognitive science. Based on a sustained critique of the formal tradition that underlies the reigning views, he presents an argument for an embedded, participatory, "irreductionist," metaphysical alternative. Smith seeks nothing less than to revise our understanding not only of the machines we build but also of the world with which they interact. Smith's ambitious project begins (...)
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    Beast-people onscreen and in your brain: the evolution of animal-humans from prehistoric cave art to modern movies.Mark Pizzato - 2016 - Santa Barbara, California: Praeger, an imprint of ABC-CLIO, LLC.
    A new take on our bio-cultural evolution explores how the "inner theatre" of the brain and its "animal-human stages" are reflected in and shaped by the mirror of cinema. Vampire, werewolf, and ape-planet films are perennial favorites—perhaps because they speak to something primal in human nature. This intriguing volume examines such films in light of the latest developments in neuroscience, revealing ways in which animal-human monster movies reflect and affect what we naturally imagine in our minds. Examining specific films as (...)
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    Shoreless.Theodoros Zafeiropoulos - 2024 - Technoetic Arts 22 (2):221-235.
    The article proposes a re-interpretation of the shoreless seascape through a concept the author terms ‘aimlessness’. This concept can function as a hybrid metaphor suitable for investigating the failures of human transcendence. Essentially, every multidisciplinary practice in contemporary artistic, technological and scientific culture is a series of failed geopolitical setbacks. Related actions may well be reversed, interrupted or even recalled at any time with new acquisitions, discoveries or experiments. The understanding of the sea as a theatrical stage can offer (...)
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    Mallarme Contra Wagner.Eric Lawrence Gans - 2001 - Philosophy and Literature 25 (1):14-30.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 25.1 (2001) 14-30 [Access article in PDF] Mallarmé Contra Wagner Eric Gans I In early 1885, Edouard Dujardin wrote to Stéphane Mallarmé for a contribution to his newly founded Revue wagnérienne. Mallarmé, admitting that he had never seen--and perhaps never heard--anything of Wagner, replied to Dujardin in July that he was working on a "half article, half prose poem," and that "never has anything seemed to (...)
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    Fenicias de Eurípides: Concepción agonal de espacio y tiempo en prólogo y párodos.Graciela N. Hamamé - 2013 - Synthesis 20:129-140.
    En Fenicias resultan dignos de destacar los cambios substanciales que Eurípides introdujo al tratamiento del mito en sus versiones tradicionales. De modo particular, en el análisis filológico-literario de prólogo y párodos se pone de manifiesto una evidente integración de espacios y tiempos teatrales y el ensamble de los dos ámbitos trágicos estructurales significa una expresión clara de los límites entre "lo propio" y "lo ajeno". Nos proponemos demostrar que el diseño espacio-temporal de prólogo y párodos construye una suerte de agón (...)
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    Calderón y la alegoría del Theatrum mundi: La carne del corpus o la suspensión de la soberanía.Javier Pavez Muñoz - 2020 - Otrosiglo 4 (2):29-60.
    El idealismo moderno de la estética plantea una distinción entre símbolo y alegoría. A partir de esta distinción, Schelling y Hegel caracterizan la alegoría como un suplementario o un mecanismo degradado de representación. Consecuentemente, sus lecturas de Calderón de la Barca están informadas por la preminencia del símbolo y el supuesto de la idealidad del significado, es decir, su univocidad y transparencia frente al carácter secundario de la encarnación o inscripción alegórica. De este modo, afirmar que en el símbolo no (...)
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    Fictional Characters, Real Problems: The Search for Ethical Content in Literature.Bradley Elicker - 2017 - British Journal of Aesthetics 57 (3):337-340.
    © British Society of Aesthetics 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Society of Aesthetics. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email: [email protected] essays collected in Fictional Characters, Real Problems: The Search for Ethical Content in Literature present unique perspectives on the representation of ethical concerns in literature. Edited by Garry L. Hagberg, these essays address different ways that ethical and aesthetic concerns are interwoven in works of long-form literature such as novels and theatrical (...)
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    Más allá del arte: mimesis en Aristóteles.María Emilia Avena - 2013 - Synthesis 20:148-152.
    En Fenicias resultan dignos de destacar los cambios substanciales que Eurípides introdujo al tratamiento del mito en sus versiones tradicionales. De modo particular, en el análisis filológico-literario de prólogo y párodos se pone de manifiesto una evidente integración de espacios y tiempos teatrales y el ensamble de los dos ámbitos trágicos estructurales significa una expresión clara de los límites entre "lo propio" y "lo ajeno". Nos proponemos demostrar que el diseño espacio-temporal de prólogo y párodos construye una suerte de agón (...)
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