Results for 'Time and Reality II'

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  1. The Passage of Time and its Enemies: an Introduction to Time and Reality II.Emiliano Boccardi - 2017 - Manuscrito 40 (1):5-41.
    ABSTRACT This essay is a critical introduction to the second part of the special issue Time and Reality. The volume contains responses to papers appeared in the first part, as well as many original articles. The aim of this introduction is to frame these works within the general arena of the philosophy of time, highlighting a number of recurrent themes. A central theme that emerges is a difficulty in pinning down the ontological structure underlying dynamicity and passage (...)
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    God, Time, and Eternity: The Coherence of Theism II: Eternity. [REVIEW]Paul Copan - 2003 - Review of Metaphysics 56 (3):639-639.
    In his companion volumes by Kluwer, The Tensed Theory of Time: A Critical Examination and The Tenseless Theory of Time: A Critical Examination, William Craig makes a persuasive case for the A- theory of time and against the B- theory of time. In the present volume Craig addresses the relationship of God to time. He concludes his book: “given a tensed theory of time and the attendant reality of tense and temporal becoming, the (...)
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    Errol E Harris, Formal, Transcendental and Dialectical Thinking: Logic and Reality, Albany: SUNY Press, 1987, pp ii + 289. - Errol E Harris, The Reality of Time, Albany: SUNY Press, 1988, pp xii + 204. [REVIEW]Geoffrey Klempner - 1991 - Hegel Bulletin 12 (1-2):100-105.
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  4. Aristotle on Parts of Time and Being in Time.Nathanael Stein - 2016 - Review of Metaphysics 69 (3):495-518.
    Aristotle opens his discussion of time in Physics 4.10-14 with a puzzle, an argument which purports to show that time does not exist, since its only parts – the past and future – do not exist. He does not discuss the puzzle again, and so we are left with the question of how he would or could solve it. A full solution would involve not only a justification of realism about time, but also an account of why (...)
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    Time and the Idea of Time.Oliver A. Johnson - 1989 - Hume Studies 15 (1):205-219.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:205 TIME AND THE IDEA OF TIME Hume entitled Part II of Book I of the Treatise "Of the Ideas of Space and Time." Students of this most obscure Part of the Book are aware, however, that he spends little time in it on time. The main reason for his concentration on space. is polemical. In Part II his primary object is to exhibit (...)
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    An Examination of Plato's Doctrines, II. Plato on Knowledge and Reality[REVIEW]S. P. - 1964 - Review of Metaphysics 17 (3):475-476.
    Crombie's second volume deals with Plato's epistemology, cosmology and theory of forms. The author attempts to fit Plato "more into the company of Aristotle, Hume, Kant or Russell." He distinguishes Plato the poet from Plato the philosopher, and suggests that it is the poetic aspect of Plato's writings which lend credence to the mystical Plato of Plotinus. The analysis is detailed, sometimes tedious, but also at times quite ingenious.--P. S.
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    The enigmatic reality of time: Aristotle, Plotinus, and today.Michael F. Wagner - 2008 - Boston: Brill.
    Part I: Dimensions of time's enigma -- Is time real? -- Eleaticism, temporality, and time -- The makings of a temporal universe -- Pastness and futurity -- Synchronicity and synchronicity -- Temporal pace and measurement -- Presentness or the present -- Aristotle's real account of time -- Parmenidean time and the impossible now -- Cosmic motion and the speed of time -- Time as the motion of the cosmos -- Time as the (...)
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  8. Cosmopolitanism: ideals and realities.David Held - 2010 - Malden, MA: Polity Press.
    Introduction : changing forms of global order. Towards a multipolar world ; The paradox of our times ; Economic liberalism and international market integration ; Security ; The impact of the global financial crisis ; Shared problems and collective threats ; A cosmopolitan approach ; Democratic public law and sovereignty ; Summary of the book ahead -- Cosmopolitanism : ideas, realities and deficits. Globalization ; The global governance complex ; Globalization and democracy : five disjunctures ; Cosmopolitanism : ideas and (...)
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    The Alleged Secret Pact between Athens and Philip II concerning Amphipolis and Pydna.G. E. M. de Sainte Croix - 1963 - Classical Quarterly 13 (01):110-.
    What is the reality behind the famous phrase, in Demosthenes 2. 6? It is commonly spoken of as a secret treaty, pact, agreement, bargain, or understanding, or as a secret clause or article, between Athens and Philip II of Macedon, at some time between 359 and 357, whereby the Athenians promised to hand over their ally, Pydna, to Philip, in return for his promise to hand over Amphipolis to them.
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  10. Five Dialogues on Knowledge and Reality.Robert Elliott Allinson - 1972 - Dissertation, The University of Texas at Austin
    This dissertation investigates that which can only be known with the following criteria of knowledge: (i) it is unchangeable; (ii) it cannot be mistaken; (iii) it is identical with its object. It begins by addressing the following questions: what can and cannot exist in solely this sense? Can anything exist in this sense? A further thesis it explores is that the split between the subject of knowledge and the object of knowledge which has given rise to the unexplained and inexplicable (...)
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  11. Rhythms of the Body: A Study of Sensation, Time and Intercorporeity in the Phenomenology of Edmund Husserl.Alia Al-Saji - 2002 - Dissertation, Emory University
    Phenomenology's relation to sensation has many facets. Sensation arises in different contexts in Edmund Husserl's work, and receives several reformulations. This causes us to inquire how the sensations that are unified within the temporal flow by time constituting consciousness, in On the Phenomenology of the Consciousness of Internal Time, and that continue to exercise an affective pull even after having passed away, in Analyses Concerning Passive Synthesis, can be related to the bodily sensations which constitute the lived body (...)
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    Time and Reality in the Thought of Henri Bergson.Mirko Di Bernardo - 2015 - In Flavia Santoianni (ed.), The Concept of Time in Early Twentieth-Century Philosophy: A Philosophical Thematic Atlas. Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This chapter discusses the problem of time in the thought of Bergson, showing how the evolution of the concept of duration is conducive to new developments in the philosophy of intuition. Duration, which in the Essay connotes the experience of a non-measurable lived experience, while in Matter and Memory it assumes rhythms of different intensities to justify the relationship between perception and memory, as well as in Creative Evolution is judged as the fabric of reality itself, in Duration (...)
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    Time and Reality.Alba Papa-Grimaldi - 1998 - Ashgate Pub Limited.
    Time and Reality sets out to explore the dichotomy of unity (identity) and plurality in human thought and to show in the light of this duality what are the limits of human knowledge as far as understanding 'reality' is concerned.
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    (1 other version)Energy and reality. II: The definition of energy.John E. Boodin - 1908 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 5 (15):393-406.
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    Time and reality in American philosophy.Bertrand P. Helm - 1985 - Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press.
    NTRODUCTION intellectual history plainly shows that there is neither a continuing persistence of received ideas nor an unfailing loyalty to a single cluster ...
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    (1 other version)Reduction, Time and Reality: Studies in the Philosophy of the Natural Sciences.Richard Healey (ed.) - 1975 - Cambridge University Press.
    The contributors to this 1981 volume are all concerned with scientific realism, but each author questions or rejects aspects of the way it has traditionally been discussed. There are three main foci of attention - reduction, time and modality - and the analyses bring out complexities and difficulties obscured in the standard accounts of scientific realism. The papers are powerful and original, representing some of the best in modern philosophy of science, and each were specifically commissioned for the volume. (...)
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    Time and Reality of Phenomenal Becoming.Sergio Galvan - 2006 - In Friedrich Stadler & Michael Stöltzner (eds.), Time and History: Proceedings of the 28. International Ludwig Wittgenstein Symposium, Kirchberg Am Wechsel, Austria 2005. Frankfurt, Germany: De Gruyter. pp. 63-76.
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    Space and reality: II. Real space.John E. Boodin - 1906 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 3 (22):589-599.
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  19. Time and Reality in American Philosophy.Bertrand P. Helm - 1985 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 23 (4):579-597.
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    Time and Mind II: Information Processing Perspectives.Hede Helfrich (ed.) - 2003 - Hogrefe & Huber Publishers.
    Focusing on the significance of time in information processing, this text looks at time both as an object of information processing and as a constituent factor in information processing, and seeks to define a unified view of psychological time.
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  21. Relativity Time and Reality: A Critical Investigation of the Einstein Theory of Relativity from a Logical Point of View.Harald Nordenson - 1970 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 21 (3):307-308.
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    Returning to reality: Christian Platonism for our times.Paul G. Tyson - 2014 - Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books.
    Part I. Re-discovering a Christian understanding of reality. Two views of reality -- The Christian Platonism of Lewis and Tolkien -- Bridge -- Part II. Christian Platonism and the history of Western ideas. The mythos of modernity -- Platonist ideas in the New Testament -- How Christian is Christian Platonism? -- So what went wrong? -- Is modern truth, without wisdom, believable? -- Part III. Applied Christian metaphysics. Returning to reality.
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    Relativity, time and reality: a critical investigation of the Einstein theory of relativity from a logical point of view.Harald Nordenson - 1969 - London,: Allen & Unwin.
  24. Quantum Reality, Relativistic Causality, and Closing the Epistemic Circle.Wayne C. Myrvold & Joy Christian (eds.) - 2009 - Springer.
    Part I Introduction -/- Passion at a Distance (Don Howard) -/- Part II Philosophy, Methodology and History -/- Balancing Necessity and Fallibilism: Charles Sanders Peirce on the Status of Mathematics and its Intersection with the Inquiry into Nature (Ronald Anderson) -/- Newton’s Methodology (William Harper) -/- Whitehead’s Philosophy and Quantum Mechanics (QM): A Tribute to Abner Shimony (Shimon Malin) -/- Bohr and the Photon (John Stachel) -/- Part III Bell’s Theorem and Nonlocality A. Theory -/- Extending the Concept of an (...)
  25. Time and reality of becoming.S. Galvan - 2005 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 97 (2):297-320.
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    Reduction, Time and Reality: Studies in the Philosophy of the Natural Sciences, by Richard Healey; Real Time, by D. H. Mellor; Space and Time, by Richard Swinburne. [REVIEW]T. E. Wilkerson - 1982 - Philosophy 57 (221):410-412.
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    Time and Reality In American Philosophy. [REVIEW]Carroll D. W. Hildebrand - 1988 - Idealistic Studies 18 (3):280-281.
    To understand modern philosophy, one must cross the bridge via David Hume and Immanuel Kant. This well applies to the current philosophical tendencies in American philosophy during the last decades of the nineteenth century and the first decades of the twentieth.
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    Time and Reality.B. H. Bode - 1905 - Philosophical Review 14:730.
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    A course of philosophy and mathematics: toward a general theory of reality.Nicolas K. Laos - 2021 - New York: Nova Science Publishers.
    The nature of this book is fourfold: First, it provides comprehensive education in ontology, epistemology, logic, and ethics. From this perspective, it can be treated as a philosophical textbook. Second, it provides comprehensive education in mathematical analysis and analytic geometry, including significant aspects of set theory, topology, mathematical logic, number systems, abstract algebra, linear algebra, and the theory of differential equations. From this perspective, it can be treated as a mathematical textbook. Third, it makes a student and a researcher in (...)
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    (1 other version)Time and Reality in American Philosophy. [REVIEW]Vincent Colapietro - 1987 - Process Studies 16 (4):306-309.
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  31. Death and Other Penalties: Philosophy in a Time of Mass Incarceration.Lisa Guenther, Geoffrey Adelsberg & Scott Zeman (eds.) - 2015 - Fordham UP.
    Motivated by a conviction that mass incarceration and state execution are among the most important ethical and political problems of our time, the contributors to this volume come together from a diverse range of backgrounds to analyze, critique, and envision alternatives to the injustices of the U.S. prison system, with recourse to deconstruction, phenomenology, critical race theory, feminism, queer theory, and disability studies. They engage with the hyper-incarceration of people of color, the incomplete abolition of slavery, the exploitation of (...)
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    Reduction, Time and Reality.Richard Healey - 1983 - Philosophy of Science 50 (1):168-169.
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    "Time and Reality: Studies in Contemporary Fiction," by Margaret Church. [REVIEW]Maurice R. Holloway - 1965 - Modern Schoolman 42 (3):347-347.
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    Time and Reality[REVIEW]Percy Hughes - 1905 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 2 (8):218-220.
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  35. Dorato on Time and Reality.Jan Faye - 1997 - Epistemologia 20 (2):355-372.
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    Reduction, Time and Reality. Richard Healey. [REVIEW]Patrick Enfield - 1983 - Philosophy of Science 50 (1):168-169.
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    John Paul II and Interreligious Dialogue (review).Donald W. Mitchell - 2000 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 20 (1):303-311.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 20 (2000) 84-89 [Access article in PDF] Christian Views on Ritual Practice Concerning Ritual Practice and Ethics in Buddhism Donald W. MitchellPurdue UniversityThe three papers presented by this panel have given me a much greater knowledge about, and appreciation for, the relationship between ritual practice and ethical action in Tibetan, Zen, and Nichiren Buddhism. I would like to respond to each of the papers one at a (...)
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    Plotinus, Ennead II.5: On What Is Potentially and What Actually. Translation with an Introduction and Commentary.Cinzia Arruzza - 2015 - Las Vegas; Zurich; Athens: Parmenides Publishing. Edited by Cinzia Arruzza.
    The significance of the notions of actuality and potentiality in Plotinus' thought can hardly be overstated. Throughout the Enneads, they are crucial to understanding the specific causality of intelligible realities and the relation of participation between intelligible and sensible realms. In Ennead II.5, Plotinus for the first time provides a systematic clarification of his peculiar use of these terms, through a sustained revision of Aristotle's own elaboration of the topic and of his terminology. The treatise discusses the different meanings (...)
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  39. Space, Time, and Atmosphere A Comparative Phenomenology of Melancholia, Mania, and Schizophrenia, Part II.Louis Sass & E. Pienkos - 2013 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 20 (7-8):131-152.
    This paper offers a comparative study of abnormalities in the experience of space, time, and general atmosphere in three psychiatric conditions: schizophrenia, melancholia, and mania. It is a companion piece to our previous article entitled 'Varieties of Self- Experience'; here we focus on experiences of the world rather than of the self. As before, we are especially interested in similarities but also in some subtle distinctions in the forms of subjectivity associated with these three conditions. As before, we survey (...)
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    Reduction, Time, and Reality[REVIEW]James S. Morgan - 1986 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 31:494-496.
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  41. (1 other version)Reduction, Time and Reality: Studies in the Philosophy of the Natural Sciences.Richard Healey - 1982 - Philosophical Quarterly 32 (128):272-279.
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  42. Time and reality.W. R. Sorley - 1923 - Mind 32 (126):145-159.
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    “… The art of shaping a democratic reality and being directed by it …”—philososophy of science in turbulent times.Johannes Fehr - 2012 - Studies in East European Thought 64 (1-2):81-89.
    This article has three objectives: First, it revises the history of the reception of Ludwik Fleck’s monograph Entstehung und Entwicklung einer wissenschaftlichen Tatsache (1935, Genesis and Development of a Scientific Fact). Contrary to the established picture, Fleck’s book was largely discussed in the years before the outbreak of World War II. What becomes clear when reading these early reviews and especially Fleck’s comments to those written by representatives of Nazi Germany is, second, the political dimension of his epistemology. In this (...)
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    The concept of time.Roger Teichmann - 1995 - New York: St. Martin's Press, Scholarly and Reference Division.
    Are past, present and future objective features of reality? What is an instant of time? Could time pass if nothing changed? In this book, the author attempts to show how considerations in the philosophy of logic and language are needed to settle these and other well-known issues. Part I deals with the debate over whether time is 'tensed' or 'tenseless'. Various problems are spelt out for the 'tenseless' view, and it is argued that the issue ends (...)
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    Time, Creation & the Continuum. [REVIEW]Kathleen R. Madden - 1986 - Review of Metaphysics 39 (4):785-787.
    Sorabji has written a comprehensive and scholarly volume on the concepts of Time, Creation, and the Continuum and their development from antiquity up until the early middle ages. The major portion of the book, however, focuses on the ancient period from the pre-Socratics through the Neoplatonic period. Sorabji does, however, trace the influence of Hellenistic thought on early medieval theory especially that of the Islamic tradition. Before going into some of the specific areas that are covered it is worth (...)
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    Space, time and orders of reality.Abdul Hameed Kamali - 1998 - Lahore: Bazm-i Iqbal.
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    oodin's Time and Reality[REVIEW]Percy Hughes - 1905 - Journal of Philosophy 2 (8):218.
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  48. Bertrand P. Helm, Time and Reality in American Philosophy. [REVIEW]Darnell Rucker - 1987 - Philosophy in Review 7:152-154.
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  49. Bertrand P. Helm, "Time and Reality in American Philosophy". [REVIEW]Milic Capek - 1987 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 23 (4):579.
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  50. Ourselves and reality, being a discussion on personality in British and American idealism from the time of T. H. Green.Ernest Goodall Braham - 1929 - London,: The Epworth press, J. A. Sharp.
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