Results for 'Tomáš Glanc'

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  1.  3
    QCDCL with cube learning or pure literal elimination – What is best?Benjamin Böhm, Tomáš Peitl & Olaf Beyersdorff - 2024 - Artificial Intelligence 336 (C):104194.
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    Classes Naturais de Tropos.José Tomás Alvarado - 2014 - Filosofia Unisinos 15 (2).
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    The Role of International Collaboration in Addressing Global Environmental Challenges.Prof Tomás Hernandez - 2023 - Journal of Philosophical Criticism 6 (1):57-68.
    _ This scholarly article delves into the significance of international collaboration in mitigating global environmental challenges. By examining case studies and collaborative efforts, the paper underscores the necessity of unified action, shared responsibility, and global partnerships in safeguarding the planet's ecological integrity._.
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    Learning by copying: The actor/actress and their models in the practices of copying, imitation and reactivation.Anne Pellois & Tomas Gonzalez - 2021 - Methodos 21.
    Malgré l’avènement de la figure de l’acteur créateur au tournant des XIXe et XXe siècles, les procédés de copie, d’imitation et de réactivation constituent une part non négligeable des outils convoqués dans les exercices spécifiques au jeu. Cette persistance, qui trouve son origine dans le Paradoxe sur le comédien de Diderot, se lit et se décline tout au long de l’histoire des théories du jeu, dans le recours fréquent à un modèle, dont le type varie (nature ou réel, arts plastiques, (...)
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  5. Los periódicos y la literatura efímera como fuentes para la historia del pensamiento español: referencias a la filosofía alemana en la prensa de 1820.Fernando Tomás Pérez González - 1996 - El Basilisco 21:28-30.
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    Computational complexity of linear constraints over the integers.Peter Jonsson & Tomas Lööw - 2013 - Artificial Intelligence 195 (C):44-62.
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    YHWH humilla y exalta. Análisis de 1 Sam 2, 6-10.Tomás G. Ortega González - 2021 - Mayéutica 47 (104):241-294.
    In this article the so-called “Song of Hanna” is approached to propose a new reading of it, making a review of its main variants, particularly with regard to vv. 6 to 8. The sources which are contrasted are TM, LXX, the Vorlage of the LXX and 4Qsam, among others. The current state of the studies related to the text of 1 Sam 2: 6-10, and the “Song of Hanna” is also addressed, to propose a synthesis of the ideas presented in (...)
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    Care in the (critical) making. Open prototyping, or the radicalisation of independent-living politics.Tomás Sánchez Criado, Israel Rodríguez-Giralt & Arianna Mencaroni - 2016 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 10 (1):24-39.
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    Legal and Ethical Considerations in Allowing Parental Exemptions From Newborn Critical Congenital Heart Disease (CCHD) Screening.Lisa A. Hom, Tomas J. Silber, Kathleen Ennis-Durstine, Mary Anne Hilliard & Gerard R. Martin - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (1):11-17.
    Critical congenital heart disease screening is rapidly becoming the standard of care in the United States after being added to the Recommended Uniform Screening Panel in 2011. Newborn screens typically do not require affirmative parental consent. In fact, most states allow parents to exempt their baby from receiving the required screen on the basis of religious or personally held beliefs. There are many ethical considerations implicated with allowing parents to exempt their child from newborn screening for CCHD. Considerations include the (...)
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  10. “La función de los universales en metafísica modal”.José Tomás Alvarado - 2010 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 29.
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    Recepción de Maquiavelo en España en los siglos XVI y XVII.Alfonso Tomás Sobrino González - 2019 - Laguna 45:35-46.
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    D. Charles, Aristotle on Meaning and Essence, Oxford 2000 (Clarendon Press, xiv + 410 págs.).José Tomás Alvarado - 2002 - Méthexis 15 (1):157-160.
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    Natural classes of tropes.José Tomás Alvarado - 2014 - Filosofia Unisinos 15 (2).
    Douglas Ehring (2011) has proposed a conception of natural classes of tropes to fulfill the roles usually attributed to universals. Natural classes of tropes can avoid the difficulties that affect the classic theory of tropes – as claimed by D. C. Williams and Keith Campbell – where tropes are simple and, by themselves, are particulars and have an intrinsic nature. Natural classes of tropes are also preferable to primitive resemblance classes of tropes, because they can explain the characteristics of the (...)
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    Mundos posibles como universales estructurales máximos: Una conjetura ontológica.José Tomás Alvarado Marambio - 2007 - Análisis Filosófico 27 (2):119-145.
    El trabajo presenta la conjetura de que los mundos posibles son universales estructurales máximos. En primer lugar, se explican brevemente las diferentes concepciones actualistas existentes sobre los mundos posibles y los problemas sistemáticos que deben enfrentar. Se argumenta que la conjetura presentada muestra cómo todas esas concepciones pueden ser unificadas en una teoría única y simple. En segundo lugar, se explica por qué la mejor alternativa para la constitución del espacio modal son los universales trascendentes. Finalmente, se indican brevemente algunas (...)
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    Las subvenciones económicas de la iglesia.Tomás García Barberena - 1974 - Salmanticensis 21 (2):417-427.
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  16. Neuropeptides: The Evergreen Jack‐of‐All‐Trades in Neuronal Circuit Development and Regulation.Zsofia Hevesi, Tomas Hökfelt & Tibor Harkany - forthcoming - Bioessays:e202400238.
    Neuropeptides are key modulators of adult neurocircuits, balancing their sensitivity to both excitation and inhibition, and fine‐tuning fast neurotransmitter action under physiological conditions. Here, we reason that transient increases in neuropeptide availability and action exist during brain development for synapse maturation, selection, and maintenance. We discuss fundamental concepts of neuropeptide signaling at G protein‐coupled receptors (GPCRs), with a particular focus on how signaling at neuropeptide GPCRs could underpin neuronal morphogenesis. We use galanin, a 29/30 amino acid‐long neuropeptide, as an example (...)
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    Neural Correlates of Consciousness Meet the Theory of Identity.Michal Polák & Tomáš Marvan - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:381399.
    One of the greatest challenges of consciousness research is to understand the relationship between consciousness and its implementing substrate. Current research into the neural correlates of consciousness regards the biological brain as being this substrate, but largely fails to clarify the nature of the brain-consciousness connection. A popular approach within this research is to construe brain-consciousness correlations in causal terms: the neural correlates of consciousness are the causes of states of consciousness. After introducing the notion of the neural correlate of (...)
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    El ente y la esencia.Tomás de Aquino, Saint Thomas & Eudaldo tr Forment - 2002 - Pamplona: EUNSA Ediciones Universidad de Navarra. Edited by Eudaldo Forment Giralt.
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    Complexity issues related to propagation completeness.Martin Babka, Tomáš Balyo, Ondřej Čepek, Štefan Gurský, Petr Kučera & Václav Vlček - 2013 - Artificial Intelligence 203 (C):19-34.
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    Considering the role of ecology on individual differentiation.Tomás Cabeza de Baca, Rafael Antonio Garcia, Michael Anthony Woodley & Aurelio José Figueredo - 2016 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39:e145.
    Our commentary articulates some of the commonalities between Baumeister et al.'s theory of socially differentiated roles and Strategic Differentiation-Integration Effort. We expand upon the target article's position by arguing that differentiating social roles is contextual and driven by varying ecological pressures, producing character displacement not only among individuals within complex societies, but also across social systems and multiple levels of organization.
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    Los epígrafes en los Escolios de Nicolás Gómez Dávila: hacia una lectura intertextual.Tomás Felipe Molina Peláez - 2019 - Universitas Philosophica 36 (73):235-258.
    Partial commentaries of Gomez Davila’s epigraphs in Scholia to an Implicit Text have been put forward by several scholars. Nevertheless, none of them has yet attempted a systematic study of their meaning and their relation to the rest of the book or the literary sources to which they allude. This article is aimed to present such a systematic analysis, thus revealing two things: first, a number of essential premises of Gómez Dávila’s thought; second, the importance of intertextuality for a thorough (...)
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  22. (1 other version)Essays in the Philosophy of Science.Charles S. Peirce & Vincent Tomas - 1960 - Philosophy of Science 27 (3):312-313.
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    La noción de Physis en los orígenes de la filosofía griega.Tomás Calvo Martínez - 2000 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 21:21-38.
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    Contextual positivity-familiarity effects are unaffected by known moderators of misattribution.Rebecca Weil, Tomás A. Palma & Bertram Gawronski - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion:1-13.
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    (2 other versions)Svarstyti klausimai apie tiesą. Klausimas XIV. XI, XII artikulai.Šv. Tomas Akvinietis - 2020 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 103.
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  26. Spraakverwarring.Philippe Van Haute & Tomas Geyskens - 2002 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 64 (4):784-787.
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    The Global Warming of Climate Science: Climategate and the Construction of Scientific Facts.Tomas Moe Skjølsvold & Marianne Ryghaug - 2010 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 24 (3):287-307.
    This article analyses 1,073 e-mails that were hacked from the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia in November 2009. The incident was popularly dubbed 'Climategate', indicating that the e-mails reveal a scientific scandal. Here we analyse them differently. Rather than objecting to the exchanges based on some idea about proper scientific conduct, we see them as a rare glimpse into a situation where scientists collectively prepare for participation in heated controversy, with much focus on methodology. This allows (...)
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    Physical and Physiological Match-Play Demands and Player Characteristics in Futsal: A Systematic Review.Konstantinos Spyrou, Tomás T. Freitas, Elena Marín-Cascales & Pedro E. Alcaraz - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    El argumento de sustracción para universales trascendentes.José Tomás Alvarado Marambio - 2012 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 53 (125):263-279.
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    (1 other version)Neurohermenéutica.Tomás Domingo Moratalla - 2017 - Pensamiento. Revista de Investigación E Información Filosófica 73 (276):563.
    Con esta comunicación pretendemos evaluar el alcance de lo que podemos denominar «neurohermenéutica». ¿Qué es? ¿Cómo puede caracterizarse? Se trata de aplicar el desarrollo de las cuestiones de neurociencia y ciencias cognitivas al desarrollo de la hermenéutica contemporánea. Dos son las estrategias posibles: 1) «hermenéutica de la neurociencia», y mostrar sus presupuestos, su estrategia conceptual y analizar sus implicaciones sociales y culturales, y 2) «neurociencia de la hermenéutica», e intentar analizar el sustrato mental de nuestras interpretaciones del mundo; así se (...)
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    Holismo nómico.José Tomás Alvarado Marambio - 2019 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 57:11-44.
    It has been lately proposed that laws of nature are causal powers. The conditions of identity of universals are the causal powers that those universals give to their instantiations. One of the main objections against this conception of laws of nature and universals is that it would lead to, either an infinite regress, or a vicious circularity. In effect, if the conditions of identity of a universal are the causal powers that the universal gives to its instantiations, then it seems (...)
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  32. Descubriendo las reglas del juego de la argumentación.Tomás Miranda Alonso - 2007 - Episteme 27 (1):97-118.
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  33. Tratado "De veritate" Question IV (dividida en 8 artículos). De la palabra (tradyho: Enrique Le-Beuffe Poblete.Santo Tomás de Aquino - 2016 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 18 (1):107-108.
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    Between disposition, trauma, and history–how oedipal was dora?Philippe Van Haute & Tomas Geyskens - 2010 - In Jens de Vleminck (ed.), Sexuality and psychoanalysis: Philosophical Criticisms. Leuven: Leuven University Press. pp. 139.
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    A New Hierarchy of Infinitary Logics in Abstract Algebraic Logic.Carles Noguera & Tomáš Lávička - 2017 - Studia Logica 105 (3):521-551.
    In this article we investigate infinitary propositional logics from the perspective of their completeness properties in abstract algebraic logic. It is well-known that every finitary logic is complete with respect to its relatively subdirectly irreducible models. We identify two syntactical notions formulated in terms of intersection-prime theories that follow from finitarity and are sufficient conditions for the aforementioned completeness properties. We construct all the necessary counterexamples to show that all these properties define pairwise different classes of logics. Consequently, we obtain (...)
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    Pasión por la ignorancia.Carlos Tomás Elías - 2024 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 29:227-229.
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    Fenomenología de los universales.José Tomás Alvarado - 2019 - Endoxa 43:193.
    Resumen: Husserl propone dos descripciones fenomenológicas diferentes de los universales: la primera en Investigaciones lógicas y la segunda en Experiencia y juicio. En este trabajo se presentan y discuten estas dos descripciones fenomenológicas. Resulta que la perspectiva de Experiencia y juicio parece tener que ver con un acceso hermenéutico a los universales, mediado por un lenguaje y una tradición cultural, mientras que la perspectiva de Investigaciones lógicas parece estar centrada en un fenómeno pre-lingüístico más originario. Este segundo fenómeno de los (...)
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    Etonian Jusphilosophy.António Tomas Ana & Patrício Batsîkama - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 28:13-28.
    The term etonism is from «Etona» that means flag, marks, evidence, and reason in Kikôngo. The variants in Umbûndu: etonolo or etonuilo means, allegations, reasons, indulgence (tolerance). The Nyaneka form is etŏnya: 1) reasons, 2) allegations, 3) indulgence and 5) the justice and the tolerance. Etona is Angolan artist (sculptor/painter). In his sculpture they are morphologically evidenced three treatments in the surface of the matter, namely 1) flat treatment; 2) rude treatment and finally 3) accidental treatment. Each one is a (...)
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    Clases de tropos como universales Ersatz.José Tomás Alvarado Marambio - 2011 - Trans/Form/Ação 34 (1):87-114.
    Este trabajo considera el programa de reducción de universales por clases de tropos semejantes. Diversas cuestiones surgen acerca de la relación de semejanza: ¿Presuponen los "respectos" de semejanza un universal? ¿Induce un regres vicioso el hecho de que la relación de semejanza sea una relación? Si hay diferentes respectos de comparación entre tropos, entonces hay espacio para las dificultades tradicionales contra el nominalismo de semejanza: la "comunidad imperfecta" y la "compañía". ¿Pueden ser manejados estos problemas con clases de tropos semejantes? (...)
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    Biomedicina y biotecnología ante la violencia prenatal. Legislación comparada con el derecho español.Gloria María Tomas Y. Garrido - 2015 - Persona y Bioética 19 (1).
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    El Timeo-Critias, una geografía imaginaria entre la escatología y la historia.Tomás Morales Caturla - 2013 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 38 (2).
  42. Manifestation and Compositionality.José Tomás Alvarado - 2006 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 25 (3):5-36.
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    Spatial Aspects Of Unemployment In The Visegrad-Group Economies.Roman Hušek & Tomáš Formánek - 2016 - Creative and Knowledge Society 6 (2):1-12.
    Purpose of the article: Most regional macroeconomic processes may not be adequately analyzed without accounting for their spatial nature: regional distances, interactions between neighbors, spill-over effects and interdependencies. This contribution focuses on various factors ruling unemployment dynamics in the Visegrad Group countries and their major economic partners: Germany and Austria. The analysis is performed at the NUTS2 level. Methodology/methods: Spatial econometrics is a unique tool for a broad range of quantitative analyses and evaluations. Spatial econometric models are based on geo-coded (...)
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    The research on the origin of life and its philosophical presuppositions.José Tomás Alvarado Marambio - 2023 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 56:81-108.
    Resumen: Varios filósofos han hecho notar que el naturalismo metafísico ha sido un supuesto compartido por los miembros de la comunidad científica involucrada en la investigación acerca del origen de la vida. Es una consecuencia de esta presuposición que la emergencia de la vida debe haber sido muy probable bajo las condiciones físicas y químicas de la Tierra primitiva. El estado de la investigación sobre el origen de la vida, sin embargo, está muy lejos de poseer una hipótesis naturalista convincente (...)
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  45. El argumento de teoría de modelos de Putnam y la metodología para la comprensión de las nociones intencionales.José Tomás Alvarado Marambio - 2002 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 17 (3):541-561.
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    Anerkjennelse, subjektivitet, rettferdighet.Tomas Stølen - 2011 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 29 (2-3):318-323.
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    Paris–Frankfurt.Tomas Stølen - 2021 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 38 (3-4):318-323.
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    Estados de cosas y relaciones de fundación.José Tomás Alvarado - 2014 - Tópicos 28:01-31.
    un estado de cosas es una estructura no-mereológica compuesta por universales, objetos y tiempos. En principio, un estado de cosas no está fundado en sus componentes, pues tales componentes podrían existir, pero no el estado de cosas que componen. La introducción de otras relaciones de 'instanciación' no mejoran la situación, si tales relaciones son universales. Un estado de cosas, sin embargo, sí está fundado en un universal, uno o varios objetos, un tiempo y un tropo que, esencialmente, es la instanciación (...)
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    Principialismo, bioética personalista y principios de acción en medicina y en servicios de salud.Jorge Tomas Insua - 2019 - Persona y Bioética 22 (2):223-246.
    Principialismo, bioética personalista y principios de acción en medicina y en servicios de salud Principialismo, bioética personalista e princípios de ação em medicina e serviços de saúde Since there is a gap and differences between bioethical concepts and other principles of action arising from the practice of modern medicine, their comparison is reasonable. Modern medicine has created principles of action based on evidence and principles of quality in medicine, and bioethical argumentation frequently resorts to principlism or personalist bioethics. This article (...)
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  50.  85
    Una teoría causal de la modalidad.José Tomás Alvarado - 2009 - Ideas Y Valores 58 (140):173-196.
    El trabajo presenta una concepción causal de la modalidad metafísica en la que un estado de cosas es metafísicamente posible si y sólo si podría ser causado (en el pasado, el presente o el futuro) por entidades actuales. La concepción es contrastada con lo que se llama la concepción "combinatoria" d..
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