Results for 'Transcedental'

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    Transcedental Self and methodological solipsism.Slobodan R. Simović - 1989 - Filozofija I Društvo 1989 (2):7-24.
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    Filozofia transcendentalna między Heglem a Heideggerem: od teorii poznania do ontologii = Transcedental philosophy between Hegel and Heidegger: from epistemology to ontology.Andrzej Lisak - 2012 - Gdańsk: Wydawnictwo Politechniki Gdańskiej.
  3. Where have all the Monads Gone? Substance and Transcedental Freedom in Schleiermacher.Jacqueline Mariña - 2015 - Journal of Religion 95 (4):477-505.
    This article explores the later Schleiermacher’s metaphysics of substance and what it entails concerning the question of transcendental freedom. I show that in espousing a metaphysics of substance, Schleiermacher also abandoned an understanding of nature as a mere mechanism, a view implying what I call a “state-state view of causation” (“SSV” for short). Adoption of the view of the self as substance was motivated by the primacy of practical and religious concerns in Schleiermacher’s later work: in Christian Faith, an analysis (...)
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  4. Welton, D., The other Husserl: The horizons of transcedental phenomenology. [REVIEW]John Scanlon - 2002 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 33 (1):131-138.
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    The general conclusion of the argument of the transcendental analytic.Ben Mijuskovic - 1974 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 12 (3):357-364.
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    The Core of Legal Rights as a Logical Necessity.Anna Baka - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 54:5-19.
    Analytical jurisprudence and the legal mainstream perceive legal rights in an interactionist fashion, pursuant to a right-obligation duality. The Paper suggests that this is principally because legal positivism and the analytical Anglo-Saxon legal tradition ground their theories on logical positivism and the Wittgensteinian premise that meaning is produced and asserted in social use, i.e. both consensually and contextually. The paper suggests that there is a surplus of meaning which exists beyond social use and which cannot be conceptualized within the sociolinguistic (...)
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    La sistematización de Santo Tomás de los trascendentales.Eudaldo Forment - 1996 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 1.
    RESUMENEn este trabajo se glosa la conocida exposición tomista de los trascendentales en De veritate I, 1, y se matizan las posiciones del aquinate en referencia a distintos desarrollos de su pensamiento.PALABRAS CLAVETRASCENDENTALES – SANTO TOMAS DE AQUINOABSTRACTThe paper comments the famous Thomistic exposition of transcedentals in De veritate I, 1, by discussing Aquina’s ideas as regards some of their notes.KEYWORDSTRANSCENDENTALS – AQUINAS.
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    Psihoanaliza – između filozofije i pozitivizma psihologizacije.Snježan Hasnaš - 2007 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 27 (1):21-26.
    Psihoanaliza kao teorija, praksa i interpretacija nije se pojavila kao samo još jedan »izam« na početku 20. stoljeća, već i kao jedan bitan pomak od doista tradicionalističkog poimanja onog unutarnjeg u čovjeku spram vanjskog. Sam Lacan, u suvremenosti jedan od najpoznatijih teoretičara i interpreta psihoanalize, kaže da pristup koji bi odogonetnuo mjesto polazišta njenog istraživanja i definiranja »nije baš unutra, a ne zna se da li je izvana«. Ovim se željelo nagovijestiti da ona uporišta koje govore ne samo o psihoanalizi, (...)
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  9. El recurso a la providencia.Enrique F. Bocardo - 1995 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 96:293.
    El trabajo se ocupa de la teoría de Vico sobre la providencia. En la primera sección se exhiben las dificultades relacionadas con la interpretación transcendente de la providencia en conexión con las principales tesis contenidas en la "Ciencia Nueva". La segunda parte está dedicada exclusivamente a presentar la interpretación que el profesor Pompa ofrece de la providencia y, finalmente, se señalan algunas objeciones en relación con la noción inmanente de providencia y se sugiere interpretar la noción transcendente de providencia como (...)
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    El giro « pragmático-hermenéutico » de la filosofía actual desde la perspectiva trascendentalista de K.-O. Apel.Luis Enrique de Santiago Guervós - 1996 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 1.
    RESUMENEl llamado “giro pragmático-hermenéutico” de la filosofía actual ha producido inevitablemente un proceso de “des-trascendentalización” de la filosofía. K.-O. Apel propone, desde la pragmática del lenguaje, una “re-trascendentalización” de la filosofía y, en concreto, de la hermenéutica, a fin de superar el historicismo en el que cayeron tanto Heidegger como Gadamer.PALABRAS CLAVEPRAGMATICA – HERMENEUTICA – TRASCENDENTALABSTRACTThe so called “pragmatic-hermeneutic turn” of current philosohpy has generated unavoidably a process of “de-transcendentalisation” of philosphy. K.-O. Apel proposes quite the reverse, fron the pragmatics (...)
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  11. A antropologia kantiana e a Antropologia de um ponto de vista pragmático.Clélia Aparecida Martins - 2004 - Discurso 34:125-144.
    O livro de Kant Antropologia de um ponto de vista pragmático, até nossos dias, ainda tem indefinido seu papel diante da filosofia transcedental. Por não haver, na obra de Kant, uma delimitação clara entre as várias antropologias, a saber, a empírica e a prática, e a devido a algumas afirmações não claras do próprio autor, percebe-se que aquele livro ainda é motivo de interpretações controvertidas por parte daqueles que o analisaram. Este texto representa um esforço no sentido de apreende (...)
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    Reassessing Neo-Kantianism. Another Look at Hermann Cohen’s Kant Interpretation.Sebastian Luft - unknown
    This article is a novel assessment of Hermann Cohen’s theoretical philosophy, starting out from his Kant interpretation. Hermann Cohen was the head and founder of the Marburg School of Neo- Kantianism. In the beginning, hence, I will commence with some initial reflections on the makeup and importance of this school, before I move on to Cohen’s revolutionary Kant interpretation and its ramification for the Marburg School in general.
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