Results for 'Travel Political aspects.'

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  1.  7
    Traveling back: toward a global political theory.Susan Jane McWilliams - 2014 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Machine generated contents note: -- Acknowledgements -- Introduction: Points of Departure -- Chapter 1: Instructions for Traveling -- Chapter 2: Reflections on Travel -- Chapter 3: Imagined Travelers -- Conclusion: Homecomings -- Notes -- Index.
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    The Political Life of Black Motherhood.Jennifer C. Nash - 2018 - Feminist Studies 44 (3):699.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Feminist Studies 44, no. 3. © 2018 by Feminist Studies, Inc. 699 Jennifer C. Nash The Political Life of Black Motherhood In 1976, Adrienne Rich wrote, “We know more about the air we breathe, the seas we travel, than about the nature and meaning of motherhood.”1 In the four decades since the publication of Rich’s now-canonical Of Woman Born, Andrea O’Reilly has argued for the advent of (...)
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    Detours: travel and the ethics of research in the global south.María Bianet Castellanos (ed.) - 2019 - Tucson: The University of Arizona Press.
    A collection of articles and essays, critical analyses and personal reflections of travel and tourism by a diverse group of scholars and journalists. The authors consider the ethics and racial politics of traveling and doing research abroad and the privilege allowing them to enter peoples' lives, ask intimate questions, and publish their disclosures, effectively putting them on display.
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    When the Political Becomes Personal: Circumcision as a Cause and as a Parental Decision.J. Steven Svoboda - 2023 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 13 (2):73-76.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:When the Political Becomes Personal:Circumcision as a Cause and as a Parental DecisionJ. Steven SvobodaAs I prepared for the arrival of my first child, a son, a central activity that I previously saw as political suddenly also became very personal. I had founded a non-profit organization in 1997 devoted to educating the world that genital cutting of a child, regardless of a child's gender, is unnecessary and (...)
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    Retrieving Experience Subjectivity and Recognition in Feminist Politics.Laura Hengehold - 2001
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Journal of Speculative Philosophy 17.1 (2003) 73-75 [Access article in PDF] Retrieving Experience: Subjectivity and Recognition in Feminist Politics. Sonia Kruks. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 2001. Pp. xii + 200. $35.00 h.c. 0-8014-3387-8; $16.95 pbk. 0-8014-8417-0. Sonia Kruks' latest book, Retrieving Experience, is a valuable contribution to ongoing debates about the relevance of feminist philosophy in a period of relative political quietism. It also offers (...)
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    Romain Rolland and the Politics of Intellectual Engagement.David Fisher - 2004 - Routledge.
    This intellectual portrait of Romain Rolland --French novelist, musicologist, dramatist, and Nobel prizewinner in 1915--focuses on his experiments with political commitment against the backdrop of European history between the two world wars. Best known as a biographer of Beethoven and for his novel, Jean-Christophe, Rolland was one of those nonconforming writers who perceived a crisis of bourgeois society in Europe before the Great War, and who consciously worked to discredit and reshape that society in the interwar period. Analyzing Rolland's (...)
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    Iboga's Travel: questions raised by shamanic experience as a project of artistic exploration.Marion Laval-Jeantet - 2003 - Technoetic Arts 1 (3):181-190.
    Iboga's Travel is the title of a global project which was conceived after a Gabonese initiation into ‘Bwiti’. The Bwiti is one of the few secret shamanic practices forced to open itself to the outside world by the disappearance of the Equatorial forest. Its traditions remain alive in Gabon, but it has to adapt to the changes brought by cultural globalization. The Bwiti is a rite in which the sacred and revealing plant called ‘iboga’ plays a central role. It (...)
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    Meaning, Metalepsis, Time-Travel.Glenn Mackin - 2024 - Res Philosophica 101 (2):299-322.
    This article explores how people can come to experience constitutional conversations as meaningful. To this end, I reinterpret Habermas’s account of deliberative constitutionalism. For Habermas, constitutional discourses are not only rational procedures of opinion- and will-formation, but also sites at which a “world” gets generated. Deliberative politics, therefore, involves unruly and uncontrollable efforts to solicit others into the roles, orientations, and principles of constitutional practices. The result is a novel account of the relationship between constitutional procedures and the “anarchistic” politics (...)
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    La mémoire, l'histore, l'oubli: A Symposium with Paul Ricœur. Part I: Prefatory Remarks.Ashraf Noor - 2007 - Naharaim 1 (2):214-215.
    Early in the year 2000, Paul Mendes-Flohr suggested to me that we invite Paul Ricœur to Jerusalem to engage in discussions with the researchers of the Rosenzweig Centre. At the time, Paul Mendes-Flohr, Maria Diemling, and I were participating in a Sonderforschungsbereich on Jewish and Christian thought, in collaboration with Bonn University. We considered that Ricœur's work on hermeneutics and his studies of history and memory coupled with his interest in the philosophy of religion had much in common with our (...)
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  10.  49
    Political aspects of intercultural dialogue.Radmila Nakarada - 1990 - World Futures 28 (1):5-11.
  11.  25
    Molecular Revolution in Brazil.Felix Guattari & Suely Rolnik - 2007 - Semiotext(E).
    Molecular Revolution in BrazilFélix Guattari and Suely Rolniktranslated by KarelClapshow and Brian HolmesYes, I believe that there is a multiple people, a people of mutants, apeople of potentialities that appears and disappears, that is embodied in social, literary, andmusical events.... I think that we're in a period of productivity, proliferation, creation, utterlyfabulous revolutions from the viewpoint of this emergence of a people. That's molecular revolution:it isn't a slogan or a program, it's something that I feel, that I live....--from MolecularRevolution in (...)
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    Molecular Revolution in Brazil.Karel Clapshow & Brian Holmes (eds.) - 2007 - Semiotext(E).
    Molecular Revolution in BrazilFélix Guattari and Suely Rolniktranslated by Karel Clapshow and Brian HolmesYes, I believe that there is a multiple people, a people of mutants, a people of potentialities that appears and disappears, that is embodied in social, literary, and musical events.... I think that we're in a period of productivity, proliferation, creation, utterly fabulous revolutions from the viewpoint of this emergence of a people. That's molecular revolution: it isn't a slogan or a program, it's something that I feel, (...)
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    Ethico-Political Aspects of Conceptualizing Screening: The Case of Dementia.Martin Gunnarson, Alexandra Kapeller & Kristin Zeiler - 2021 - Health Care Analysis 29 (4):343-359.
    While the value of early detection of dementia is largely agreed upon, population-based screening as a means of early detection is controversial. This controversial status means that such screening is not recommended in most national dementia plans. Some current practices, however, resemble screening but are labelled “case-finding” or “detection of cognitive impairment”. Labelled as such, they may avoid the ethical scrutiny that population-based screening may be subject to. This article examines conceptualizations of screening and case-finding. It shows how the definitions (...)
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    Political aspects of euripidean tragedy - (V.) Wohl euripides and the politics of form. Pp. XVIII + 200. Princeton and oxford: Princeton university press, 2015. Cased, £27.95, us$39.95. Isbn: 978-0-691-16650-6. [REVIEW]Rocco Marseglia - 2018 - The Classical Review 68 (1):28-30.
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  15. The Political aspects of Islamic philosophy: essays in honor of Muhsin S. Mahdi.Muhsin Mahdi & Charles E. Butterworth (eds.) - 1992 - Cambridge: Distributed for the Center for Middle Eastern Studies of Harvard University by Harvard University Press.
    This volume consists of nine essays on the political teaching of such Muslim philosophers as al-Kindi and al-Razi, as well as the more familiar al-Fârâbî, ...
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  16. Socio-political Aspects of the Mannix Episcopate 1913-1931: Part II.Race Mathews - 2011 - The Australasian Catholic Record 88 (2):202.
    Mathews, Race This essay - appearing in two parts - examines aspects of the early and middle phases of the episcopate of Archbishop Daniel Mannix, in the context of a wider study of responses to Catholic social teachings in Victoria between 1891 and 1966. Part I dealt mainly with Mannix's significance and early life, and the focus in Part II is on the episcopate up to and including the onset of the Great Depression.
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  17. Cognitive Enhancement: Ethical and Political Aspects.Vojin Rakic - 2012 - Bioethics-Medicine-Politics:121-126.
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    Ethico-Political aspects of clinical judgment in opportunistic screening for cognitive impairment: Arendtian and aristotelian perspectives.Martin Gunnarson & Kristin Zeiler - 2022 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 25 (3):495-507.
    This article examines a population-based opportunistic screening practice for cognitive impairment that takes place at a hospital in Sweden. At the hospital, there is a routine in place that stipulates that all patients over the age of 65 who are admitted to the ward will be offered testing for cognitive impairment, unless they have been tested within the last six months or have been diagnosed with any form of cognitive impairment. However, our analysis shows that this routine is not universally (...)
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  19. Moral and political aspects of school reform: The example of Poland.Heliodor Muszynski - 1992 - Paideia 16:93.
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  20. Ideology. Political Aspects.Michael Freeden - 2001 - In Neil J. Smelser & Paul B. Baltes, International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Elsevier. pp. 11--7174.
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    The political aspect of religious development.Evan Edward Thomas - 1937 - London,: J. Heritage.
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  22. Socio-political Aspects of the Mannix Episcopate 1913-1931 Part I.Race Mathews - 2011 - The Australasian Catholic Record 88 (1):3.
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    The Political Aspects of Islamic Philosophy: Essays in Honor of Muhsin S. Mahdi.Fauzi M. Najjar & Charles E. Butterworth - 1994 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 114 (4):680.
  24. The Political Aspect of Religious Development. E. E. Thomas - 1938 - Philosophy 13 (49):108-110.
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    Galileo's middle finger: heretics, activists, and the search for justice in science.Alice Domurat Dreger - 2015 - New York: Penguin Press.
    An investigation of some of the most contentious debates of our time, Galileo's Middle Finger describes Alice Dreger's experiences on the front lines of scientific controversy, where for two decades she has worked as an advocate for victims of unethical research while also defending the right of scientists to pursue challenging research into human identities. Dreger's own attempts to reconcile academic freedom with the pursuit of justice grew out of her research into the treatment of people born intersex (formerly called (...)
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  26. Moral and political aspects of education.Harry Brighouse - 2009 - In Harvey Siegel, The Oxford handbook of philosophy of education. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    On the political aspects of Agnes Heller’s ethical thinking.Vlastimil Hála - 2020 - Human Affairs 30 (1):60-71.
    The author describes Heller’s concept of ethics as a “quasi-sphere” intersecting with various fields relating to human relationships. Special attention is paid to the axiological aspects of her concept of ethics and the relationship between virtues and responsibility. The author also seeks to show how Heller integrated a traditional philosophical question—the relationship between “is” and “ought to be”—into her concept of “radical philosophy” at an earlier stage in the development of her philosophy. She initially considered the relationship between “is” and (...)
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  28. Some Implications Of The Political Aspects Of Personal Knowledge.Richard Allen - 2007 - Tradition and Discovery 34 (3):8-17.
    The political passages in Polanyi’s Personal Knowledge are an integral part of his arguments against ‘objectivism’ and/or a post-critical, personalist, fiduciary and fallibilist philosophy. This paper elaboratesthe social and political implications of Polanyi’s emphasis upon acceptance of one’s situation and the exercise in it of a sense of responsibility to transcendent ideals, as against attempts to start with a clean slate, to overcome all imperfections and to find some simple rule for political policy. Prescriptive duties and rights, (...)
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    The Political Aspect of Religious Development. By the Rev.E. E. Thomas M.A., D.Litt. (London: John Heritage, The Unicorn Press, Ltd.1937. Pp. XXV + 274. Price 10s. 6d.). [REVIEW]A. E. Garvie - 1938 - Philosophy 13 (49):108-.
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    Achieving SDG2: Political Aspects of Pastoral Vulnerability Among the Afar in Ethiopia.Alexander Vadala - 2019 - Food Ethics 4 (2):139-157.
    Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2 relates to ending hunger, achieving food security and improving nutrition, and promoting sustainable agriculture. The SDGs mention only a few political indicators and SDG2 in particular is largely devoid of political considerations to end hunger and achieve food security. Nobel Laureate Amartya Sen famously observed the absence of famine in democracies, suggesting that a democratic system provides checks and balances that prevent famine. His observation has elicited further debate and triggered empirical studies in (...)
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  31. Privacy+ theoretical, legal, and political aspects-an understanding for embodied persons.Natalie Dandekar - 1993 - Philosophical Forum 24 (4):331-348.
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  32. Intuitive Cities: Pre-Reflective, Aesthetic and Political Aspects of Urban Design.Matthew Crippen - 2016 - Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 3 (2):125-145.
    Evidence affirms that aesthetic engagement patterns our movements, often with us barely aware. This invites an examination of pre-reflective engagement within cities and also aesthetic experience as a form of the pre-reflective. The invitation is amplified because design has political implications. For instance, it can draw people in or exclude them by establishing implicitly recognized public-private boundaries. The Value Sensitive Design school, which holds that artifacts embody ethical and political values, stresses some of this. But while emphasizing that (...)
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    Principles for progress: essays on religion and modernity. ʻAbduʼl-Bahá - 2018 - [Leiden, The Netherlands]: Leiden University Press. Edited by Sen McGlinn & ʻAbduʼl-Bahá.
    This book presents three of the works of Abdu'l-Bahá, son of the founder of the Bahá'i Faith, dealing with social and political issues.00In 'The Secret of Divine Civilization' (1875) Abdu'l-Bahá supports the administrative and broader social reforms of Mirzá Hosayn Khán, but looks mainly for organic reform through the efforts of Iranian intellectuals to waken and educate the masses. In this work, Abdu'l-Bahá gives virtuous and progressive Islamic clerics a leading role among these intellectuals, indeed most of his appeals (...)
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  34. Hierarchy and Power in the History of Civilisations: Political Aspects of Modernity.Leonid Grinin, Dmitry Beliaev & Andrey Korotayev (eds.) - 2008 - Librocom.
    The human history has evidenced a great number of systems of hierarchy and power, various manifestations of power and hierarchy relations in different spheres of social life from politics to information networks, from culture to sexual life. A careful study of each particular case of such relations is very im-portant, especially within the context of contemporary multipolar and multicultural world. In the meantime it is very important to see both the general features, typical for all or most of the hierarchy (...)
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    Aspects of political theology in the spiritual autobiography of Mother Teresa of Calcutta.Iuliu-Marius Morariu - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (1).
    By resorting to the spiritual autobiography of Mother Teresa of Calcutta, an important religious and cultural personality of the 20th century, the author tries to emphasise the aspects of political theology that defined her way of acting and thinking and to show how she understood the relationship between religion and politics. Topics like poverty, love, giving, peace, sacrifice or responsibility are presented as keywords in the understanding of a complex vision with interdisciplinary relevance, while the two levels of poverty, (...)
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    Aristotle: The Growth and Structure of his Thought. [REVIEW]J. R. J. - 1969 - Review of Metaphysics 22 (4):756-757.
    Almost every aspect of Aristotle's philosophy is touched upon in this book. Part One deals with the intellectual development of Aristotle and repeats Jaeger's claim that Aristotle's thought was a continual process of development and not a static system of concepts. The "First Athenian Period" finds Aristotle as Plato's pupil. The "Period of Travel" embraces the formulation of his theory of causes and substance. The "Second Athenian Period" includes the work at the Lyceum and its contribution to systematic investigation. (...)
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    Tang Wei.Donald Stephanie Hemelryk - 2010 - Theory, Culture and Society 27 (4):46-68.
    This article discusses the Tang Wei incident, which evolved across the first half of 2008, during the run-up to the Olympic Games in Beijing. Tang Wei is a Chinese actress whose breakthrough role in Ang Lee’s film Lust, Caution caused a sensation amongst Chinese audiences. The nudity and sex scenes in the film were explicit, and as such challenged accepted norms in film content. This aspect of the film, combined with the characterization of a national traitor as a heroine, caused (...)
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    Mobility and Migration of Spanish Mathematicians during the Years around the Spanish Civil War and World War II.José M. Pacheco - 2014 - Science in Context 27 (1):109-141.
    ArgumentThis paper considers some aspects of the reception and development of contemporary mathematics in Spain during the first half of the twentieth century, more specifically between 1910 and 1950. It analyzes the possible influence of scientists’ mobility in the adoption of newer views or theories. A short overview of key points of the social and scientific background in nineteenth-century Spain locates the expounded facts in an appropriate context. Three leading threads are followed. First is the consideration of the mobility of (...)
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    Right to be forgotten: ethical and political aspects.А. В Антипов & Ю. А Трусов - 2023 - Philosophy Journal 16 (3):163-177.
    Modernity is marked by the advent of technologies capable of storing data almost indefi­nitely. On the other hand, the data collection takes place without the conscious permission of the users. The storage and collection of personal data is a potential problem, since the digital footprint of a person on the Internet has an impact on the social and political rep­resentation of the individual, its perception by other actors. Compromising the content of a digital footprint can expose information that is (...)
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    The Baptism of Relics of Oleg and Yaropolk: Ethical, Theological and Political Aspects.Roman Dodonov, Vira Dodonova & Oleksandr Konotopenko - 2021 - Filosofiya-Philosophy 30 (3):272-286.
    A stereoscopic view on a particular historical event, in which contemporary assessments are combined with mental stereotypes of a medieval man, allows a slightly different assessment of the chronicle plot about the posthumous “baptism of bones” of Oleg and Yaropolk, Princes of Kyivan Rus, in 1044. While from theological positions it is perceived as an absurdity and a direct violation of the rules of the church, in the Middle Ages this act did not contradict the mass religious beliefs. From an (...)
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  41. Political organizations in modernization processes-Constitutional political aspects (revolution and the concept of constitution during Hegel's years in Jena, 1801-1806). [REVIEW]H. Lubbe - forthcoming - Hegel-Studien.
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    Contesting Gender Concepts, Language and Norms: Three Critical Articles on Ethical and Political Aspects of Gender Non-conformity.Stephanie Julia Kapusta - 2015 - Dissertation, Western University
    In chapter one I firstly critique some contemporary family-resemblance approaches to the category woman, and claim that they do not take sufficient account of dis-semblance, that is, resemblances that people have in common with members of the contrast category man. Second, I analyze how the concept of woman is semantically contestable: resemblance/dissemblance structures give rise to vagueness and to borderline cases. Borderline cases can either be included in the category or excluded from it. The factors which incline parties in a (...)
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  43. Politics and Transformation: critical approaches toward political aspects of education.Deborah Biss Keller & J. Gregory Keller - 2014 - Policy Futures in Education 12 (3):359-369.
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    Наукова та публіцистична діяльність м. грушевського (1907-1914 рр.): Проблема в українській історіографії хх ст.Natalia Romantsova - 2014 - Схід 4 (130):73-78.
    The article highlights particular issues of the research of M.Hrushevskyi's scientific and publicistic activities in the period (1907-1914) carried out by researchers of Ukrainian historiography. The historians considered a number of issues connected with the increase in his activities in the context of peculiarities of the historiographical condition in those times. The historiographical analysis has made it possible to determine the extent of the research of M.Hrushevskyi's scientific and publicistic activities in that period of his life carried out by the (...)
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    G. F. Parrot and Emperor Alexander I: Two Decades of Correspondence, Its Personal and Political Aspects.Andrei Andreev - 2018 - Acta Baltica Historiae Et Philosophiae Scientiarum 6 (2):31-45.
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    Roman Onomastics in the Greek East: Social and Political Aspects. A D Rizakis (ed.).Mika Kajava - 1998 - The Classical Review 48 (2):369-371.
  47. Universalism in the Light of Synergetic Paradigm: Philiosophical and Political Aspects.Saulius Kanisauskas - 2003 - Dialogue and Universalism 13 (1-2):39-50.
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  48. Carter doctrine-the ideological and political aspects.D. Pavlov - 1980 - Filosoficky Casopis 28 (2):250-258.
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    Ecology and Exchange in the Andes.David Lehmann (ed.) - 2007 - Cambridge University Press.
    For centuries Andean civilization and ecology has afforded a special fascination for European travellers and officials. In this volume, eight writers - anthropologists, economists and historians working in Bolivia, Britain, France, Ireland and Peru - describe and analyse aspects of rural society in various Andean regions. They focus on the impact of capitalist development on both the peasant economy and the landed elite in the Andes and the ways in which that impact has been shaped by a specific Andean culture (...)
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    The nuclear condition in the twenty-first century: Techno-political aspects in historical and contemporary perspectives.Richard Beardsworth, Hartmut Behr & Timothy W. Luke - 2019 - Journal of International Political Theory 15 (3):270-278.
    This Introduction presents the seven closely interlinked papers that explore the theme of this Special Issue, and one of the enduring existential questions for International Relations: the nuclear...
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