Results for 'Ulpiano Pacho Sardón'

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    Singularidad del proceso de canonización de Fernando III el Santo.Ulpiano Pacho Sardón - 2020 - Isidorianum 24 (47-48):227-252.
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    Los Tribunales Interdiocesanos de Sevilla: Nueva estructura judicial de la Iglesia.Ulpiano Pacho Sardón - 2023 - Isidorianum 6 (12):471-497.
    El 1 de febrero de 1982 se constituyeron en la Archidiócesis de Sevilla los Tribunales Interdiocesanos de Primera y Segunda Instancia. Se trata de Tribunales Eclesiásticos de Justicia extracanónicos, que se originaron primero en Italia según el Motu Propio 'Qua Cura' de Pío XI, y luego se extendieron a la Iglesia en general, para integrarse finalmente en el actual Derecho Canónico. Este ensayo describe el desarrollo y la naturaleza de estos Tribunales de Justicia, así como su funcionamiento en la Archidiócesis (...)
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    Naturalizar la razón?: alcance y límites del naturalismo evolucionista.Julián Pacho - 1995 - Madrid: Siglo XXI de España Editores.
    ¿Cómo es que un sistema cognitivo del que se dice no habría surgido para conocer, sino para sobrevivir, ha venido a conocer tantas cosas evolutivamente inútiles y -por qué descartarlo hoy- hasta nocivas para la supervivencia de la especie? El saber filosófico despierta, dirán Aristóteles o Hegel, una vez satisfecho lo necesario para la existencia. Puede incluso que la superfluidad sea esencial a la cultura, pues lo superfluo es para el hombre, según la expresión de Voltaire, «cette chose si nécessaire!». (...)
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    Crítica, psicoanálisis y emancipación: el pensamiento político de Herbert Marcuse.Damián Pachón Soto - 2016 - Bogotá, D. C., Colombia: Ediciones USTA, Universidad Santo Tomás.
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  5. El drama de las “dos culturas”. Un Caso de irresponsabilidad epistémica.Julián Pacho - 2011 - Ludus Vitalis 19 (36):317-320.
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    (1 other version)EI pensamiento vivo de séneca.Julián Pacho - 1987 - Theoria 2 (2):596-598.
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    Estudios sobre el pensamiento colombiano.Damián Pachón Soto - 2011 - Bogotá D.C., Colombia: Ediciones Desde Abajo.
  8.  20
    Estudios sobre el pensamiento filosófico latinoamericano.Damián Pachón Soto - 2015 - Bogotá D.C., Colombia: Ediciones Desde Abajo.
    Primera parte. Problemas teóricos en torno a la filosofia latinoamericana. A modo de introducción : la historia de las ideas en América Latina -- Breve trazo de un camino -- Crítica de la Crítica de la razón latinoamericana de Santiago Castro-Gómez -- Rafael Gutiérrez Girardot y José Luis Romero : historiografía e identidad latinamericana -- El colonialismo intelectual en América Latina y su crítica -- La historiografía como "carta de batalla" -- El rastacuerismo y nuestra cultura política -- La secularización (...)
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    La crítica de Hans Albert al purismo epistemológico.G. J. Pacho - 1996 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 30:275.
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    La filosofía y las entrañas: el pensar-viviente de María Zambrano.Damián Pachón Soto - 2011 - Bogotá: Editorial Colección Nuevas Ideas.
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    Las imágenes del mundo y el porvenir de la filosofía.G. Pacho - 1997 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 18:17.
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    (1 other version)La memoria Del logos.Julián Pacho - 1986 - Theoria 1 (3):834-835.
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    Los nombres de la razón: ensayo sobre los conceptos de razón y naturaleza en la tradición occidental.Julián Pacho - 1997 - Bilbao: Universidad del Pais Basco Servicio Editorial.
    El campo conceptual en el que nuestra cultura ha cultivado, y aún cultiva, sus ideas acerca de la razón está fuertemente contaminado de representaciones míticas y psicopopulares. Tanto que todavía es necesaria una arqueología crítica de su historia. La historia de los nombres de la razón es la de sus atavismos populares. En ella se descubre que 'naturaleza' es el nombre más querido que la razón se ha dado, lo que ha constituido una fuente de la que aún hoy fluye (...)
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    Ontologie und Erkenntnistheorie: eine Erörterung ihres Verhältnisses am Beispiel des cartesianischen Systems.Julián Pacho - 1980 - München: Fink.
  15.  29
    ¿ Postmetafísica o postfilosofía? Una cuestión metafilosófica no sólo heideggeriana.Julián Pacho - 2009 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 42:123 - 147.
    There is a consensus that our culture is already "post-metaphysical." Does this mean that the culture has abandoned the philosophy? This question is not separable in fact from the historical-philosophical relationships between science and philosophy. These relationships determine the contemporary metaphilosophical positions, which are analyzed in the first half. The second and third parts address the metaphilosophical question in the light of Heidegger's position on the "end of philosophy." This analysis concludes that the issue " postmetaphysics or postphilosophy?" refers to (...)
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    Responsabilidad epistémica, Responsabilidad cultural.Julian Pacho Garcia - 2012 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 55:39-55.
    Toda cultura lleva inherente una cultura-de-la-cultura por la que contrae compromisos epistémicos, pues cualquier forma de cultura no es compatible con cualquier forma de conocimiento. La cultura ignorante de sus responsabilidades epistémicas es una cultura irresponsable. Se desarrolla esta tesis en torno a tres tópicos (las “dos culturas”, la permeabilidad cultural de la ciencia, el “efecto Hydra”) y se infieren algunas condiciones mínimas de la responsabilidad cultural epistémica.
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    Singularidad filosofica de una trivialidad logica: el cogito como 'protoenunciado'.Julián Pacho G. - 2016 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 1:383.
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    Une représentation probable de Dionysos Dendritès.Ulpiano T. Bezerra de Meneses - 1963 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 87 (1):309-321.
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  19. O eterno presente.Ulpiano T. Bezerra de Meneses - 1967 - São Paulo,: Serviço de Documentação da USP.
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  20. El discurso sobre Dios en la obra de E. Levinas.Ulpiano Vázquez Moro - 1982 - Madrid: UPCM.
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    EN What is a Natural Conception of the World?, H. Philipse (2001) dedica el segundo apartado a la contraposición natural versus naturalista. Philipse no res-ponde a la pregunta «¿ qué es una concepción natural del mundo?», sino a por qué se ha hablado de ella en la filosofía de los últimos cien años y cómo la filoso-fía relaciona (o debería relacionar) la imagen natural (IN) con la imagen cien. [REVIEW]Julián Pacho - 2005 - In Tobies Grimaltos & Julián Pacho, La naturalización de la filosofía: problemas y límites. Valencia: Editorial Pre-Textos. pp. 17.
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    Promoting Multilingual Consistency for the Quality of EU Law.Lucie Pacho Aljanati - 2017 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 30 (1):67-79.
    The process of elaborating EU legislation includes the activity of translation. Drafting and translation cannot be considered separately but are rather two complementary activities whose aim is the quality of legislation. In order to achieve the required quality of legislation, one guiding principle is consistency of terminology. This study examines the particular case of two terms in German that appeared in the EC Treaty: Entscheidung and Beschluss. The inconsistent use of the two terms was the source of interpretative problems, as (...)
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  23. Las imágenes del mundo y el porvenir de la filosofía.Julián Pacho García - 1997 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 18:17-39.
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  24. (2 other versions)La “parte pura” de las ciencias de la naturaleza: Observaciones sobre el fundamentalismo kantiano.Julián Pacho García - 1989 - Theoria 4 (2):471-490.
    Kant claims that natural sciences require a “pure part” ,(reiner Teil), which has to be formulated a priori by philisophy. This pure part, is enunciated by Kant in his Metaphysische Anfangsgründen der Naturwissenschaften in relation to Netwon’s Pincipia, whose steps is closely follows. This Kantian Work also represents an instance of classical “foundation” by philosophy in the particular sciences.In this paper the particularities of Kant’s foundation in Newton’s physics come under close scrutiny, and his huge speculative effort on this issue (...)
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  25. Naturalización de la epistemología e imagen darwinista del mundo.Julián Pacho García - 2003 - Diálogo Filosófico 57:401-429.
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  26. Singularidad filosófica de una trivialidad lógica: el cogito como'protoenunciado'.Julián Pacho García - 1999 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía:383-388.
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    La naturalización de la filosofía: problemas y límites.Tobies Grimaltos & Julián Pacho (eds.) - 2005 - Valencia: Editorial Pre-Textos.
    En 'La Naturalizacion de la Filosofia' se exploran diversos aspectos de la pretensión naturalista en diferentes campos filosóficos, con sus aciertos y sus limitaciones.
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  28. En la calle Mayor de Europa.Félix Pacho Reyero - 2004 - Revista Agustiniana 45 (138):577-620.
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  29. Huellas agustinianas en el camino de Santiago.Félix Pacho Reyero - 2004 - Revista Agustiniana 45 (136):115-154.
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  30. A Concepção De Subjtividade Em Lèvinas: da solidão da hipóstase: uma leitura tomasiana.Jacqueline de Oliveira Moreira & Pe Ulpiano Vasquez Moro - 2010 - Educação E Filosofia 24 (47).
    Introdução a Levinas a partir da discussão sobre a problemática da subjetividade.
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    D. L ATEINER : Sardonic Smile: Nonverbal Behavior in Homeric Epic . Pp. xxi + 340. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1995. Cased, $47.50. ISBN: 0-472-10598-. [REVIEW]Johannes Haubold - 1999 - The Classical Review 49 (1):247-248.
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  32. La "Grande Bellezza" del diritto romano : l'ars boni et aequi di Ulpiano e la prospettiva estetica del diritto.Osvaldo Sacchi - 2016 - In Giuseppe Limone, Ars boni et aequi: il diritto fra scienza, arte, equità e tecnica. Milano: F. Angeli.
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  33. Decolonizing the History of Pre-Columbian Art in Brazil.Alex Pereira De Araújo - 2023 - International Journal of Humanities and Education Development (Ijhed) 5 (6):73-78.
    This study resumes the discussion undertaken by Ulpiano Bezerra de Menezes, historian, archaeologist and museologist at the University of São Paulo, the first to “decolonize the history of Art in the Americas”. At the same time, this resumption is in charge of paying homage to this researcher who found the mistakes and gaps left by European scholars who were at the service of Eurocentric colonialism and its Eurocentric culture. However, the central objective of this text is to contribute to (...)
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    Memória, História Oral e Patrimônio Imaterial Afro-brasileiro: teoria, práxis.Leandro Seawright Alonso - 2017 - Odeere 1 (2).
    Neste artigo, demonstrei a relação entre a Memória, a História Oral e o Patrimônio Imaterial Afro-brasileiro. Apontei para os aspectos teóricos e para a práxis de uma História Oral capaz de oferecer algumas bases para a salvaguarda do Patrimônio Imaterial. Para tanto, propus um diálogo dinâmico com diferentes conceitos de Memória, sobretudo conforme compreendida por Joël Candau e Maurice Halbwachs. Apresentei diferentes conceitos em diálogo com autores especialistas em Patrimônio Imaterial, como: Maria Amélia Jundurian Corá, Chiara Bortolotto e Ulpiano (...)
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    Walls, Segregating Downtown Cairo and the Mohammed Mahmud Street Graffiti.Mona Abaza - 2013 - Theory, Culture and Society 30 (1):122-139.
    This article explores the recent urban transformations of downtown Cairo, in particular around the area of Mohammed Mahmud Street and Tahrir Square, after a year and a half of violent confrontations between the protesters and the military junta. The article first looks at how these confrontations led to the segregation of the city through the use of buffer-concrete walls, army tanks, check-points and barbed-wire barricades that made life for its inhabitants impossible. The squeezing of Tahrir and its surroundings created mostly (...)
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    The Peasant of the Garonne: An Old Layman Questions Himself About the Present Time.Jacques Maritain - 2013 - Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
    At eighty-five, Jacques Maritain, the most distinguished Catholic philosopher of the twentieth century, has written what he offers as his last book, and it turns out to be a shocker. The peasant, as Maritain calls himself in the title, is a man who calls a spade a spade; and a storm of controversy descended immediately on the book's publication in France, as both Right and Left reeled from the force of Maritain's criticism.The Peasant of the Garonne is a sharp attack (...)
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  37. The Last Temptation of Giorgio Agamben? The Antichrist, the Katechon, and the Mystery of Evil.Eric D. Meyer - manuscript
    Abstract: Giorgio Agamben's recent works have been preoccupied with a certain obscure passage from St. Paul's 'Second Epistle to the Thessalonians,' which describes the portentous events that must occur before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ can take place---specifically, the appearance of a 'man of lawlessness' (the Antichrist?) and the exposure of who or what is currently restraining the 'man of lawlessness' from being exposed as the Antichrist: a mysterious agency called the 'katechon.' In 'The Mystery of Evil: Benedict XVI (...)
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  38. Spinoza and the Election of the Hebrews.Yitzhak Melamed - forthcoming - In Michael A. Rosenthal, Spinoza & Modern Jewish Philosophy. Palgrave.
    Spinoza’s interpretation of the election of the Hebrews in the third chapter of the Theological Political Treatise enraged quite a few Jewish readers of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The rise of nationalism, and the demand of loyalty to one’s own genos brought about a certain style of patriotic writing aimed at Spinoza’s “betrayal.” In a series of lectures on the eve of the Great War, Hermann Cohen portrayed Spinoza as a person of “demonic spirt” and as “the great enemy (...)
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    Tolstoy and the Communication of Aesthetic Feeling.Eugenio Benitez - 2005 - Literature and Aesthetics 15 (2):167-176.
    Once upon a time, a scholar, ascetic and relig-ious man named Abu Hamid Ibn Muhammad Ibn Muhammad al-Tusi al-Shafi'i al-Ghazali (AI-Ghazali, 1058-11 II) wrote a worl, called The Incoherence qf the Philosophers, 1\ clever philosopher, Abu AI-\Valid Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Ibn Hushd (Averroes, 112li-1 ID8), responded to this by writing The IlIcolurence (!l the Inroherence. In IVhat is Art;;, Tolstoy refers to the importance of art in order to ridicule itl He notes the attention paid to art, music, theatre, filrn, (...)
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    Aldous Huxley: A Quest for Values.Milton Birnbaum - 2006 - Routledge.
    In the moral vacuum and world of shifting values following World War I, Aldous Huxley was both a sensitive reflector and an articulate catalyst. This work provides a highly illuminating analysis of Huxley's evolution from skeptic to mystic. As Milton Birnbaum shows, in a perceptive interpretation of Huxley's poetry, fiction, essays and biographies--what evolved in Huxley's moral and intellectual pilgrimage was not so much a change in direction as a shift in emphasis. Even in the sardonic Huxley of the 1920s (...)
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    At war with war: 5000 years of conquests, invasions, and terrorist attacks: an illustrated timeline.Seymour Chwast (ed.) - 2017 - London: Seven Stories Press.
    At War with War visualizes humanity's 5,000-year-long state of conflict, chaos, and violence on a continuous timeline. Seventy pages of stark black-and-white pen-and-ink drawings and woodcuts illustrate history's most notorious battles -- from 3300 BCE to the present day. Interspersed are contemplations on war from historic thinkers, including excerpts from "The Art of War" by Sun Tsu, "The Complaint of Peace" by Desiderius Erasmus, and "The State" by Randolph Bourne. Searing and sardonic, balancing anger and despair with wit and humanity, (...)
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    Milton's Aesthetics of Eating.Denise Gigante - 2000 - Diacritics 30 (2):88-112.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:diacritics 30.2 (2000) 88-112 [Access article in PDF] Milton's Aesthetics Of Eating Denise Gigante It is not a little curious that, with the exception of Ben Jonson (and he did not speak gravely about it so often), the poet in our own country who has written with the greatest gusto on the subject of eating is Milton. He omits none of the pleasures of the palate, great or small. (...)
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    A Guide to Philosophy in Six Hours and Fifteen Minutes.Witold Gombrowicz - 2004 - Yale University Press.
    In a small literary gem full of sardonic wit, brilliant insights, and provocative criticism Witold Gombrowicz discusses Kant, Hegel, Schopenhauer, Kierkegaard, Sartre, and Heidegger in six "one-hour" essays—and addresses Marxism in a "fifteen-minute" piece. "Who hasn't wished for a painless way to find out what the big shots of philosophy—Hegel and Kant, Nietzsche and Sartre—thought of the human condition? It has never been easy reading such formidable thinkers, and most explainers and textbooks either get it wrong or massacre the language. (...)
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    (1 other version)Kierkegaard's Writings, Iii, Part I: Either/Or. Part I.Howard V. Hong & Edna H. Hong (eds.) - 1987 - Princeton University Press.
    Søren Kierkegaard, the nineteenth-century Danish philosopher rediscovered in the twentieth century, is a major influence in contemporary philosophy, religion, and literature. He regarded Either/Or as the beginning of his authorship, although he had published two earlier works on Hans Christian Andersen and irony. The pseudonymous volumes of Either/Or are the writings of a young man and of Judge William. The ironical young man's papers include a collection of sardonic aphorisms; essays on Mozart, modern drama, and boredom; and "The Seducer's Diary." (...)
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    (2 other versions)A Guide to Philosophy in Six Hours and Fifteen Minutes.Benjamin Ivry (ed.) - 2004 - Yale University Press.
    Witold Gombrowicz, novelist, essayist, and playwright, was one of the most important Polish writers of the twentieth century. A candidate for the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1968, he was described by Milan Kundera as “one of the great novelists of our century” and by John Updike as “one of the profoundest of the late moderns.” Gombrowicz’s works were considered scandalous and subversive by the ruling powers in Poland and were banned for nearly forty years. He spent his last years (...)
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  46. Dossier Chris Marker: The Suffering Image.Gavin Keeney - 2012 - Cambridge Scholars Press.
    This study firstly addresses three threads in Chris Marker’s work – theology, Marxism, and Surrealism – through a mapping of the work of both Giorgio Agamben and Jacques Derrida onto the varied production of his film and photographic work. Notably, it is late Agamben and late Derrida that is utilized, as both began to exit so-called post-structuralism proper with the theological turn in the late 1980s and early 1990s. It addresses these threads through the means to ends employed and as (...)
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    (2 other versions)Kierkegaard's Writings, Iii, Part I: Either/Or. Part I.Søren Kierkegaard - 1987 - Princeton University Press.
    Søren Kierkegaard, the nineteenth-century Danish philosopher rediscovered in the twentieth century, is a major influence in contemporary philosophy, religion, and literature. He regarded Either/Or as the beginning of his authorship, although he had published two earlier works on Hans Christian Andersen and irony. The pseudonymous volumes of Either/Or are the writings of a young man and of Judge William. The ironical young man's papers include a collection of sardonic aphorisms; essays on Mozart, modern drama, and boredom; and "The Seducer's Diary." (...)
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    Three Portraits of Bertrand Russell at Home.Constance Malleson - 2012 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 32 (2):161-169.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:January 12, 2013 (10:49 am) C:\WPdata\TYPE3202\russell 32,2 062 red.wpd 1 [For document sources and the pseudonyms used, see the entries in D.4 of the Malleson bibliography in this issue. The Wrst is under “Hemma Hos br”.z—zK.B.] 2 [Russell had given Malleson directions: “Festiniog is 3 miles from Blaenau Festiniog, along the road to Port Madoc; our cottage is a quarter of a mile from Festiniog, towards Port Madoc; the (...)
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    Achilleae Comae: hair and heroism according to Domitian1.Llewelyn Morgan - 1997 - Classical Quarterly 47 (01):209-.
    For a homicidal tyrant Domitian was disconcertingly droll. A number of examples of is ‘sardonic wit’ survive. One of them was so good that Marcus Aurelius supposedly repeated it, and attributed it to Hadrian rather than Domitian on the grounds that good sayings had no moral force if they came from tyrants.3 Domitian also possessed a talent for writing. Suetonius and Tacitus claim that his interest in literature was merely a pretence, but Domitian′s contemporaries claim for him genuine ability, and (...)
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    Hookway and Quine.Hilary Putnam - 2015 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 51 (4):495.
    On July 3, 2014, Chris Hookway sent me a message that read: “I don’t know if you are familiar with the letter I had from Quine when I sent him my Quine book back in 1988 [the letter is dated May 31, 1988– HP]. I learned a lot from it, and I found the letter very encouraging. In case you are interested, here is a copy of the letter.” It turns out that, the letter had never been published, and so (...)
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