Results for 'Vicente Cristóbal López'

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  1. Ovidio Amores III 6 y el código de la elegía.Vicente Cristóbal López - forthcoming - Nova et Vetera.
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  2. Conflicto de vida privada y pública en la poesía de Horacio.Vicente Cristóbal López - 1990 - Polis: Revista de Ideas y Formas Políticas de Antigüedad Clásica 2:127-142.
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    Mechanical Wits Used in the America Colonization: Engineering Assessment.R. Dorado-Vicente, R. López-García, J. M. Quero-Nieves & G. Medina-Sánchez - 2024 - Foundations of Science 29 (1):41-58.
    The first European settlements in the new world faced technical issues with the help of the XVI century scientific advances. Besides briefly exposing the scientific and technological situation, this paper explores, with the help of reverse engineering, two singular mechanical wits representative of the technological advances introduced in America to overcome different problems. Firstly, a pump, based on an alternative movement system through crankshafts and pistons used against the continuous flooding suffered in the Ciudad de México valley. Although flooding remained (...)
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    Historical Approach and Scale Reconstruction of Two Medieval Mechanisms from “The Book of Secrets”.G. Medina-Sánchez, J. Moreno-Buesa, R. Dorado-Vicente & R. López-García - 2024 - Foundations of Science 29 (1):105-124.
    Abstract“The Book of Secrets in the Results of Ideas”, usually called “The Book of Secrets” is a codex containing drawings and descriptions of thirty-one artifacts attributed to the engineer Alī Ibn Khalaf al-Murādī, who lived in Andalusia in southern Spain at the beginning of the 11th century. This manuscript is one of the first written testimonies that describe medieval mechanisms with complex precision. The aim of this work is to reconstruct and study from a historical and technological point of view (...)
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    Representation of influence zones in commercial GISs for simulation of directional processes.M. Dolores Muñoz Vicente, María N. Moreno García & Vivian F. López - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
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    Developmental Trajectories in Primary Schoolchildren Using n-Back Task.Mónica López-Vicente, Joan Forns, Elisabet Suades-González, Mikel Esnaola, Raquel García-Esteban, Mar Álvarez-Pedrerol, Jordi Júlvez, Miguel Burgaleta, Núria Sebastián-Gallés & Jordi Sunyer - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Professional attitudes toward oral lichen planus: need for national and international guidelines.Pía López-Jornet, Yolanda Martínez-Beneyto, Antonio Velandrino Nicolás & Vicente Jornet García - 2009 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 15 (3):541-542.
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    El Reduccionismo, Antirreduccionismo y el Papel de los Enfoques y Métodos Generales del Conocimiento Científico.Aracelis Calzadilla & Vicente Díaz López - 2001 - Cinta de Moebio: Revista Electrónica de Epistemología de Ciencias Sociales 11:7.
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    Assessment of hyperactivity-impulsivity and attention deficit in adolescents by self-report and its association with psychopathology and academic performance.Pedro Saura-Garre, Jose L. Vicente-Escudero, Silvia Checa, Maravillas Castro, Visitación Fernández, Mavi Alcántara, Antonia Martínez & Concepción López-Soler - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The scientific literature highlights the risk of the appearance of internalizing and externalizing symptoms, together with difficulties in the academic area, linked to diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. This is normally assessed by teachers and primary caregivers, disregarding the self-perception of the adolescents themselves, which limits detection of this disorder at an evolutionary stage. Our aim was to analyze the psychometric properties of a self-report for ADHD in adolescence and its relationship with psychopathology and academic performance. This study assessed (...)
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    Latent Inhibition as a Biological Basis of Creative Capacity in Individuals Aged Nine to 12.Antonio José Lorca Garrido, Olivia López-Martínez & María Isabel de Vicente-Yagüe Jara - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This study focuses on latent inhibition, a mechanism behind selective attention, as the biological basis of creativity in schoolchildren. The main objective of this study is to know if low levels of attention positively affect the levels of creativity manifested in students between the ages of nine and 12. The design of this study is non-experimental with an explanatory-correlational cross-sectional quantitative approach. In order to achieve the objective suggested, several education centers located in Murcia were selected, in which 476 students (...)
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    Crítica de libros.Paula Diaz Romero, Andrea Rodríguez-Prat, Maria Medina-Vicent, Carlos Gómez, Mª Teresa López de La Vieja & Juan Carlos Sánchez Antonio - 2019 - Isegoría 60:341-365.
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    Evaluation of medical ethics competencies in rheumatology: local experience during national accreditation process.Virginia Pascual-Ramos, Irazú Contreras-Yáñez, Cesar Alejandro Arce Salinas, Miguel Angel Saavedra Salinas, Mónica Vázquez del Mercado Del Mercado, Judith López Zepeda, Sandra Muñoz López, Janitzia Vázquez-Mellado, Luis Manuel Amezcua Guerra, Hilda Esther Fragoso Loyo, Miguel Angel Villarreal Alarcón, Mario Pérez Cristobal, Eugenia Nadina Rubio Pérez, Alfonso Ragnar Torres Jiménez, María del Rocio Maldonado & Everardo Álvarez-Hernández - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (12):839-842.
    IntroductionRheumatologists are the primary healthcare professionals responsible for patients with rheumatic diseases and should acquire medical ethical competencies, such as the informed consent process (ICP). The objective clinical structured examination is a valuable tool for assessing clinical competencies. We report the performance of 90 rheumatologist trainees participating in a station designed to evaluate the ICP during the 2018 and 2019 national accreditations.MethodsThe station was validated and represented a medical encounter in which the rheumatologist informed a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus (...)
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    López Alós, J. (2021): El intelectual plebeyo. Vocación y resistencia del pensar alegre, Madrid: Taugenit, 169 pp. [REVIEW]Maria Medina-Vicent - 2022 - Revista de Filosofía 47 (1):275-278.
    _El intelectual plebeyo. Vocación y resistencia del pensar alegre _es la continuación del trabajo que Javier López Alós sintetizó en _Crítica de la razón precaria. La vida intelectual ante la obligación de lo extraordinario_. En esta nueva obra el autor focaliza en la reflexión sobre la figura del intelectual en nuestros días, destacando la perplejidad y el malestar como dos bases presentes en las trayectorias tanto de los investigadores consagrados, como de los más jóvenes. A través del concepto del (...)
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    Consequences of Team Job Demands: Role Ambiguity Climate, Affective Engagement, and Extra-Role Performance.Miguel A. Mañas, Pedro Díaz-Fúnez, Vicente Pecino, Remedios López-Liria, David Padilla & José M. Aguilar-Parra - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    A Longitudinal Study on Attention Development in Primary School Children with and without Teacher-Reported Symptoms of ADHD.Elisabet Suades-González, Joan Forns, Raquel García-Esteban, Mónica López-Vicente, Mikel Esnaola, Mar Álvarez-Pedrerol, Jordi Julvez, Alejandro Cáceres, Xavier Basagaña, Anna López-Sala & Jordi Sunyer - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  16. Traduciendo al traductor: Arcángel Madriñano y Cristóbal de Arcos.Vicente Calvo Fernández - forthcoming - Nova et Vetera.
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    Razones del feminismo frente a la arrogancia de la razón dominante.María Del Carmen López Sáenz - 2021 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 16:233.
    Partiendo de la obra de Vicent Martínez en la que explicita qué entiende por “racionalidad práctica” en el marco de sus estudios fi-losóficos para la paz —también para la paz entre los géneros—, repensamos aquí nuestras propias contribuciones a la interacción entre la fenomenología y el feminismo, particularmente la vinculación de la crítica fenomenológica del objetivismo con el desenmascaramiento de la razón patriarcal, para demostrar que el reconocimiento no indiferente de la pluralidad no está reñido con la autonomía y la (...)
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    Bernabé, Alberto, Jiménez San Cristóbal, Ana Isabel y Santamaría, Marco Antonio (eds.), Dioniso. "Los orígenes (Textos e imágenes de Dioniso y lo dionisíaco en la Grecia Antigua).". [REVIEW]Sergio López Molina - 2014 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 19:315-316.
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    Luis Xavier LÓPEZ-FARJEAT y Vicente DE HARO: Tras la Crítica Literaria. Hacia una filosofía de la comprensión literaria, Pamplona: Cuadernos de Anuario Filosófico (N° 193) 2007, 105 pp. [REVIEW]Roberto Casales - 2013 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 37 (1):205-216.
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    Las ciencias médicas básicas en la Valencia del siglo XIX. José M. López Piñero, María José Báguena Cervellera, José Luis Barona Vilar, José Luis Fresquet Febrer, María Luz López Terrada, José Pardo Tomás, Vicente L. Salavert Fabiani. [REVIEW]Thomas Glick - 1989 - Isis 80 (2):328-329.
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    María Virginia Casaurang (Compilación). Una vida para la libertad. Lou Andreas-Salomé. Musa de Nietzsche, Rilke y Freud.Diana María López - 2024 - Tópicos 46:e0099.
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    Gramáticas de lo inaudito as Decolonial Grammars: Notes for a Decolonization of Listening.María del Rosario Acosta López - 2022 - Research in Phenomenology 52 (2):203-222.
    This paper proposes to reflect self-critically on an ongoing research project entitled “Grammars of listening,” which started as a philosophical approach to the question of listening at the site of trauma and the challenges this kind of listening poses to our conceptions of memory and history, and has recently shifted to asking about the possible limitations to such a reflection when confronted with a decolonial perspective on temporality. I start by presenting a conceptual background for my inquiry, and asking what (...)
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  23.  13
    The deterministic part of the seventh International Planning Competition.Carlos Linares López, Sergio Jiménez Celorrio & Ángel García Olaya - 2015 - Artificial Intelligence 223 (C):82-119.
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    Correction to: Mapping trust relationships in organ donation and transplantation: a conceptual model.María Victoria Martínez-López, Leah McLaughlin, Alberto Molina-Pérez, Krzysztof Pabisiak, Nadia Primc, Gurch Randhawa, David Rodríguez-Arias, Jorge Suárez, Sabine Wöhlke & Janet Delgado - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-2.
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    La expresión creadora del sentido de la experiencia.M. Carmen López Sáenz - 2015 - Co-herencia 12 (23).
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    Reconstructive remembering of the scientific literature.Kim J. Vicente & William F. Brewer - 1993 - Cognition 46 (2):101-128.
  27. The green leaves and the expert: polysemy and truth-conditional variability.Agustin Vicente - 2015 - Lingua 157:54-65.
    Polysemy seems to be a relatively neglected phenomenon within philosophy of language as well as in many quarters in linguistic semantics. Not all variations in a word’s contribution to truth-conditional contents are to be thought as expressions of the phenomenon of polysemy, but it can be argued that many are. Polysemous terms are said to contribute senses or aspects to truth-conditional contents. In this paper, I will make use of the notion of aspect to argue that some apparently wild variations (...)
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  28.  16
    Crítica a la noción de modelo de Patrick Suppes.Rodrigo López-Orellana & Juan Redmond - 2021 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 78:135-155.
    Nuestro objetivo es analizar críticamente el enfoque de la noción de modelo de Alfred Tarski que Patrick Suppes integra en su concepción semanticista de las teorías científicas. En efecto, mostraremos cómo esta noción se configura en Suppes (1969; 1970) desde una revisión formal de la noción de modelo en Tarski (1936), focalizando nuestro análisis en tres ejes principales: i) una crítica a la perspectiva estática del semanticismo; ii) un análisis de las condiciones restrictivas y el lenguaje para la axiomatización de (...)
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  29. Oposición fiscal y reivindicaciones políticas: La revuelta de Peñíscola de 1715.Enrique Giménez López - 1988 - Contrastes 3:91-104.
    The reorganization of taxation within the territory under the Crown of Aragon, which was undertaken alfter the War of Succession, was performed at a period of economic difficulties and coincided with radical political change. It was therefore not unopposed. The study of the Peñiscola Revolt in 1715 is important for three main reasons: the opposition to taxation which fuelled it; the demands for a retum to the municipal organization of the period of the "fuero"; and the fact that it arose (...)
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    Tomás de Aquino y Maimónides en la «Visión Deleytable». Sobre Providencia y destino.José-Antonio Fernández-López - forthcoming - Anuario Filosófico.
    El presente artículo realiza una lectura de la Visión Deleytable de Alfonso de la Torre cuyo objetivo es poner de manifi esto los distintos planos intelectuales que en ella se superponen. Entre ellos destaca la presencia de una forma de racionalidad “más allá de los límites de lo racional”, que es analizada críticamente desde un diálogo comparativo de la obra con el pensamiento de las dos autoridades fundamentales cuya referencia exige: Maimónides, de cuya Guía de perplejos es en gran medida (...)
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    Positivismo y evolucionismo en Venezuela.Angel J. Cappelletti - 1992 - Caracas: Monte Avila Editores.
    "Libro sumamente valioso. Tras sendas visiones de conjunto, muy logradas, del positivismo en América Latina en general y en Venezuela en particular, siguen capítulos sobre: Adolfo Ernst; Rafael Villavicencio; Vicente Marcano; Lasandro Alvarado; Luis Razetti; Guillermo Delgado Palacios; Luis López Méndez; José Gil Fortoul; Laureano Vallenilla Lanz; César Zumeta y Manuel Arcaya. Tiende a hacer comparaciones con otras manifestaciones del positivismo latinoamericano"--Handbook of Latin American Studies, v. 58.
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    Comentário a “Para uma ethical turn da tecnologia: por que Hans Jonas não é um tecnofóbico” - Simondon: um outro ponto de vista sobre a técnica.Ozanan Vicente Carrara - 2022 - Trans/Form/Ação 45 (2):207-218.
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    Fragmentary Metaphysics of the Transcendentals in the Thought of Durandus of Saint-Pourçain.Vicente Llamas Roig - 2017 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 24:159.
    Throughout scattered passages in Quodlibeta Avenionensia and the comments on Liber Sententiarum we can reconstruct the hardly explored core of some metaphysics of the transcendentals in the thought of Durandus of Saint-Pourçain. Bonum: an extrinsic denomination of the entity diverted from the distinctions of negotiantis et ratiocinantis reason, which would redefine evil as disconvenientia, without dismissing its definition as privation of good. The relative being of truth as the relationship of the thing with itself according to its intellective being and (...)
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    Hilario de Poitiers y la fe de los orientales. Una reflexión sobre la influencia del exilio en su comprensión de las querellas teológicas de su tiempo.Almudena Alba López - 2021 - Isidorianum 30 (2):11-32.
    En el presente trabajo abordamos el papel desempeñado por el exilio padecido por Hilario de Poitiers y su relación con los obispos homeusianos en su comprensión de la realidad teológica del episcopado oriental. Su toma de contacto con las corrientes doctrinales con las que se familiariza durante su estancia en Oriente y la relación que traba con los obispos en los sínodos a los que asiste le llevan a constatar la existencia de más puntos en común que divergencias. Centrándose en (...)
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  35. El derecho humano a la democracia en México.Adriana Segundo López - 2024 - Resistances. Journal of the Philosophy of History 5 (10):e240173.
    Se abordará el concepto de democracia como un derecho humano progresivo e interdependiente, que posee como fundamento y base al sufragio como una de las condiciones mínimas, en un Estado constitucional que se jacte de contar con una correcta división de poderes y derechos humanos. Así, en el presente trabajo se planteará y demostrará que el goce y disfrute del derecho humano a la democracia son indivisibles en un proyecto de vida y desarrollo pleno de la persona, más no exclusivo (...)
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    A semiotic theory of self-control.Juliana Acosta López de Mesa - 2020 - Cognitio 20 (2):217-229.
    A presente proposta tem como seu principal objetivo mostrar como a emergência de hábitos autocontrolados de emoções podem ser explicados segundo a gramática especulativa de Peirce. Como resultado, espero mostrar, uma possível aplicação da gramática especulativa, sobre o qual muito é especulado, mas pouco é aplicado; segundo, sugerir uma possível teoria da linguagem entendida como uma forma controlada de nossos sentimentos de tal modo a permitir que sejam compartilhadas e comunicadas. Além disso, e ainda mais importante, isto mostraria que a (...)
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  37. Evidence on the Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Risk Behavior: A Systematic and Meta-Analytic Review.María T. Sánchez-López, Pablo Fernández-Berrocal, Raquel Gómez-Leal & Alberto Megías-Robles - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The aim of the present study was to carry out a qualitative and quantitative synthesis of the existing literature studying the relationship between emotional intelligence and risk behavior. We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of the scientific evidence available relating both constructs. Particular attention was paid to identifying possible differences in this relationship as a function of the different conceptualizations of EI and the risk domain. The study was conducted following the Cochrane and PRISMA guidelines. Our results revealed a (...)
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    Psychological Well-Being During Adolescence: Stability and Association With Romantic Relationships.Mercedes Gómez-López, Carmen Viejo & Rosario Ortega-Ruiz - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Enhanced but Indeterminate? How Attention Colors our World.Azenet L. Lopez & Eliska Simsova - 2024 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 15 (4):1349-1373.
    Attention makes things look brighter and more colorful. In light of these effects, representationalist philosophers propose that attentive experiences represent more determinate color properties than inattentive experiences. Although this claim is appealing, we argue that it does not hold for one of our best conceptualizations of content determinacy, according to which an experience has more determinate contents if it represents a narrower range of values within the relevant dimension. We argue that our current empirical evidence fails to show that attention (...)
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    Revolution and continuity in philosophy: “Medievalism” and “modernity”.Pablo López López - 2001 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 46 (3):467-474.
    Este artigo revisa a idéia de filosofia “medieval” and põe ênfase na variedade de significados daquela palavra. O autor crê que necessitamos de uma nova terminologia para aquele período da história do pensamento e sugere, por razões históricas, as expressões “United Age” e “Formation Age”. Em todo o artigo prevalece uma tentativa de compreender a natureza da atividade filosófica e da história da filosofia.
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    Improving Self-Perceived Emotional Intelligence in Occupational Therapy Students Through Practical Training.Begoña Polonio-López, José Matías Triviño-Juárez, Ana Isabel Corregidor-Sánchez, Abel Toledano-González, Mª Carmen Rodríguez-Martínez, Pablo Cantero-Garlito, Olga López-Martín, Marta Rodríguez-Hernández, Antonio Segura-Fragoso & Dulce María Romero-Ayuso - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Gramáticas de la escucha como gramáticas descoloniales: Apuntes para Una descolonización de la memoria.María del Rosario Acosta López - 2020 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte:14-40.
    RESUMEN Este artículo propone un recorrido autocrítico por el proyecto "gramáticas de la escucha", para mostrar su potencial descolonizador, así como los límites con los que el proyecto se topa en su confrontación con una mirada descolonial. La primera parte del texto explora el contexto teórico que da origen al proyecto, a saber, la dilucidación de los retos epistemológicos y estéticos a los que se enfrenta la tarea de la escucha en el trabajo en memoria histórica con testimonios, atravesado por (...)
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    Acknowledging or denying membership: Reviewers’ responses to non-anglophone scientists’ manuscripts.Guadalupe López-Bonilla & Karen Englander - 2011 - Discourse Studies 13 (4):395-416.
    Publishing scientific articles is a crucial activity performed by a scientist to demonstrate inclusion as part of the community of scientists: a community constituted by journal editors, reviewers, authors and readers. A manuscript submitted to journals is first read by reviewers, and their decision to accept it creates membership in the community for the author with its attendant privileges of ingroup status. Rejection bars such membership. In this article we examine the language used by this powerful individual — the journal (...)
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    Cultura y tecnificación en los primeros filósofos colombianos de la normalización.Carlos Arturo López - 2021 - Ideas Y Valores 70:79-109.
    La novedad de las prácticas filosóficas asociadas a la fundación del Instituto de Filosofía de la Universidad Nacional y a la revista Ideas y valores, proyecto intelectual conocido a posteriori como la “normalización” de la filosofía, no depende de una inusitada inserción de la actividad filosófica en la cultura nacional. Más bien, lo nuevo en los trabajos filosóficos de los primeros normalizadores fue concebir la actividad filosófica universitaria, por un lado, como un producto cultural y, por otro, como una práctica (...)
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    Lucilius contre Amphion (Sat. I 1) : Un témoignage de Pacuvius ?Juan Luis López-Cruces - 2020 - Hermes 148 (4):481-491.
    Proceeding from the premise that Lucilius’ hexameter Aetheris et terrae genitabile quaerere tempus (fr. 1 Marx - I 1 Charpin) was inspired by Euripides fr. 182a Kannicht (Αἰθέρα καὶ Γαῖαν πάντων γενέτειραν ἀείδω), sung by Amphion the musician in Antiope, the author advances two further propositions about the fragment: first, that Lucilius, influenced by the famous debate in that play between Amphion and his brother, associated satire with the active life and the genres of didactic poetry and tragedy with the (...)
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    Metafísica y memoria del ser humano en Danilo Kiš.José Antonio Fernández López - 2021 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 31 (2):380-393.
    La narrativa de Danilo Kiš aborda la representación de la riqueza de la singularidad humana desde la recreación de mundos pretéritos arrasados por la barbarie y la injusticia. Con esta intencionalidad, sus libros se erigen como memento de unos ejemplares humanos que se presentan como símbolos de todas las vidas truncadas por la violencia de la historia. En el presente artículo queremos abordar específicamente cómo Kiš desarrolla, fundamentalmente en La Enciclopedia de los muertos, una singular concepción metafísica de la persona (...)
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    The method Foucault gave us: the Foucauldian toolbox for thinking about philosophical problems in a digital context. Some notes and examples from the 2019 Chilean mobilizations.Diego Rivera López, Nicolás Fuster Sánchez & Jaime Bassa Mercado - 2021 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 17:271-288.
    This paper seeks to highlight the French philosopher Michel Foucault's contributions regarding his analysis of power. In this sense, the text proposes a conceptual transition around the ideas that could have interested the author within a digital context, integrating some notes and examples from the 2019 Chilean mobilizations.The article has an initial section that exposes genealogy as a way of approaching social reality. Then, it shows the social behaviors anticipation possibilities and their relationship with the information available on the web. (...)
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    Berkeley’s Doctrine of Signs by Manuel Fasko, and Peter West (eds.).Alberto Luis-López - 2024 - International Philosophical Quarterly 64 (1):85-89.
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  49. (1 other version)Entre verdad y simulacro: las imágenes de la imagen en filosofía.Juan Cristóbal Cruz - 2007 - Tópicos 32:39-51.
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  50. La mirada compasiva como elemento de cohesión social: Un punto de vista teológico.Elisa Estevez Lopez - 2006 - Ciencia Tomista 133 (1):101-124.
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