Results for 'Vlada Alekseevna Volkova'

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  1.  45
    The Problems of Free Will and Moral Responsibility in Buddhist Ethics.Vlada A. Volkova & Волкова Влада Алексеевна - 2024 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 28 (1):109-119.
    At the end of the 20th century, a discipline of Buddhist ethics was formed in English-speaking countries, within the framework of which a community of closely interacting researchers is engaged in the comprehension and systematization of ethical positions within Buddhism, often resorting to the use of analytical philosophy tools. One of the directions within the discipline of Buddhist ethics is an attempt to embed the ethical content of Buddhism in a contemporary Western European philosophical context and to put before it (...)
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    “What can I hope for?” Sociology of Hope and Law in Urban Studies.Nataliya A. Volkova - 2021 - Sociology of Power 33 (4):8-34.
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  3. Homo educandus v poiskakh smysla.Svetlana Vladimirovna Volkova - 2019 - Petrozavodsk: Izdatelʹstvo PetrGU.
  4. Проблема сущности как рода сущего в контексте критики плотином аристотелевской системы категорий в трактате VI 1 о родах сущего.Nadezhda Volkova - 2018 - Schole 12 (1):137-146.
    The main subject of the study is the criticism of Aristotelian categorical system proposed by Plotinus. Treatises VI 1-3 focus on the problem of the possibility of thought within particular system of categories. Plotinus identifies categories with the kinds of being, being based on the tradition of such identification originated in the Plato’s “Sophist”. In some texts Aristotle himself speaks of categories as the kinds of being. The article is divided into two main parts. The first part is about Aristotle’s (...)
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    The Return of Latour’s Modes of Existence to “Radical Empiricism”: From Prepositions to Affordances.N. A. Volkova - 2019 - Sociology of Power 31 (2):92-115.
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    “The Critique of Anthropological Reason”: Indubitable Truth and Cuban Divination.Maria D. Volkova - 2021 - Sociology of Power 33 (4):147-168.
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    Animal Melancholy: Conceptualizing Depression in Psychiatric and Veterinary Contexts.M. D. Volkova - 2019 - Sociology of Power 31 (3):57-74.
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  8. Antichnyĭ polis: iz istorii politiko-pravovykh ideĭ: V-IV vv. do n.ė.S. V. Volkova - 2002 - S.-Peterburg: Izd-vo S.-Peterburgskogo universiteta.
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  9. Determinat︠s︡ii︠a︡ ėvoli︠u︡t︠s︡ionnogo prot︠s︡essa.Ė. V. Volkova - 1971 - Minsk,: "Nauka i tekhnika,". Edited by A. I. Fili︠u︡kov & P. A. Vodopʹi︠a︡nov.
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    Emotion categorization of body expressions in narrative scenarios.Ekaterina P. Volkova, Betty J. Mohler, Trevor J. Dodds, Joachim Tesch & Heinrich H. Bã¼Lthoff - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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  11. Iosif Dit︠s︡gen.Valentina Vasilʹevna Volkova - 1961
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    (Im)Possibility of Translation: On the Love of Hard Materials and Solid Objects.Natalia Volkova - 2024 - Sociology of Power 36 (2):164-169.
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  13. Organizat︠s︡ii︠a︡ i vid.Ėmma Vladimirovna Volkova - 1972
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    Osip Mandelstam: Music as Philosophy.Polina S. Volkova - 2021 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 59 (2):146-153.
    This article addresses the issue of music in the works of Osip Mandelstam. Based on works of both Russian and international scholars, the author examines the markers for music as philosophy in Mand...
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  15. Rolʹ kategoriĭ dialektiki v izuchenii biologicheskikh i︠a︡vleniĭ.Ė. V. Volkova - 1967 - Minsk: ["Nauka i tekhnika"].
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  16. Tones and overtones of the serious in Mikhail Bakhtin's philosophy.E. V. Volkova & S. Z. Orudzheva - 2003 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 43 (1):35-61.
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    “Teaching” of Vladimir Monomakh as Synthesis of Ethical Traditions Byzantine Patristics and National Paganism.Anastasiia A. Volkova & Волкова Анастасия Алексеевна - 2023 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 27 (2):372-389.
    The research is devoted to the ethical views of Vladimir Monomakh, reflected in the “Teaching” of the Grand Duke. The author’s reflections concerning such fundamental moral categories as good and evil, virtue and vice, the meaning of life and death, free will, duty, happiness are considered and analyzed. A partial continuity of the Grand Duke’s views concerning the relationship to the categories of good and evil, as well as virtue and vice, with the Byzantine Christian tradition, in particular with regard (...)
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  18.  18
    The Strategies of Adaptation of Ivan Bunin in the Cinema: Interpretation and Reinterpretation.Polina S. Volkova & Lyudmila Р Kazantseva - 2020 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 63 (6):96-109.
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    Victor Kozlovskyi. “Kantova antropolohiia. Dzherela. Konsteliatsii. Modeli”. 2nd ed. Kyiv: Duh i Litera, 2023.Vlada Davidenko - 2024 - Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal 11:254-259.
    Victor Kozlovskyi. Kantova antropolohiia. Dzherela. Konsteliatsii. Modeli. 2nd ed. Kyiv: Duh i Litera, 2023.
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    „Nikkei“ bendruomenė Brazilijoje – identiteto formavimas ir integracijos iššūkiai.Vladas Bartochevis - 2016 - Filosofija. Sociologija 26 (4).
    Straipsnyje analizuojama japonų kilmės etninės mažumos grupės identiteto formavimo raida ir atskleidžiami integracijos iššūkiai Brazilijos visuomenėje. Nikėjų bendruomenė yra viena iš didžiausių etninės mažumos grupių Brazilijoje bei didžiausia japonų kilmės bendruomenė už Japonijos teritorijos ribų. Pabėgėlių krizės akivaizdoje analizuoti kontrastingų kultūrų grupių susidūrimą ir bandymą koegzistuoti toje pačioje erdvėje yra iššūkis ir kartu pagalba formuoti nuomonę šia tema tyrėjams, pareigūnams ar eiliniams žmonėms. Straipsnio pabaigoje suvoksime, kad, nepaisant dabar vyraujančių teigiamų išankstinių nuostatų vienas kitam, išlieka „mes“ ir „jie“ suvokimai. Jie (...)
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  21.  18
    Проблема становлення особистості в світі спорту з позиції філософської антропології.Vlada Bilogur - 2016 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 67:160-168.
    The article analyzes the cultural foundations of personality in the sport, which tempers the person both physically and spiritually; justified that in the context of philosophical and anthropological analysis of sport acts as a process of appropriation inherent powers of man; proved that anthropological examination of the world of sports is the completion of the process of objectification, that acts as a kind of self-reflection man is directed to the formation of integrity; clarified the issue of sexual dimorphism underlying sociocultural (...)
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    Метафізичні засади спорту як оптимуму буття.Vlada Bilohur - 2017 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 69:25-30.
    The essence of metaphysical foundations of sport, meaning the collection of the most favorable conditions for solving the objectives, based on optimum life and theoretical foundation of the concept of sport as being optimum, its conceptual and categorical apparatus; Posted interpretation of metaphysics in the context of its development history of philosophical thought and analyzed the sport as a cultural phenomenon that is designed to convert natural human body in its cultural and executed physicality; The conditions under which the processes (...)
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  23.  26
    (1 other version)Формування концепції спортивної культури особистості в умовах глобалізації: Вітчизняний і зарубіжний досвід.Vlada Bilohur - 2018 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 72:13-22.
    The urgency of the research is the concept of sports culture, which is formed in the conditions of globalization with the usage of domestic and foreign experience which is analyzed. The concept of sport is seen as expression of the generic nature of a man that is reduced to a physical and spiritual perfection of man, the harmony of the soul with the inner essence of a man. Formulation of the task - the article focuses on the development of sports (...)
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  24.  16
    Становлення і розвиток теорії особистості, налаштованої на зміни і зростання.Vlada Bilohur - 2019 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 76:77-89.
    The urgency of this topic is determined by formation and development processes of a person who is inclined to change and grow in conditions of globalization that requires modern conceptualization of personality as a human potential identification factor. The purpose of scientific research - the conceptualization of the formation and development of personality, geared to change and growth. Objectives of the research: using the methodology of system analysis, to form new theory of formation and personal development, geared to change and (...)
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  25.  20
    Формування концепції спортивного менеджменту в умовах глобалізації.Vlada Bilohur - 2019 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 77:160-169.
    The relevance of the study lies in the fact that in modern conditions globalization acts as the main trend in the development of the modern world; this is noted at the Davos forum in 2019. Development of all spheres of society, the state and the person - from politics, economics - to sports and gender equality. The problem of the research - globalization in sport - is transformation of sport into a global phenomenon, universal in nature, which has significant impact (...)
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  26.  2
    25-eri požiūrio į Lietuvos narystę Europos Sąjungoje tyrimų metai: 1991–2016.Vladas Gaidys - 2016 - Filosofija. Sociologija 27 (4).
    Požiūriai į Lietuvos narystę Europos Bendrijoje (vėliau – Europos Sąjungoje) empiriškai buvo pradėti tirti jau pirmosiose reprezentatyviose visuomenės nuomonės apklausose. Vienas iš pirmųjų, jau 1991 m., šią temą nagrinėjo Viešosios nuomonės tyrimų centras prie Lietuvos mokslų akademijos Filosofijos, sociologijos ir teisės instituto. Nuo to laiko atlikta daug reprezentatyvių tyrimų, keitėsi požiūriai į narystę, kito pritarimo ar nepritarimo narystei motyvai, tematinis diskursas, temos aktualumas visuomenėje. Šiame straipsnyje ir siekiama apžvelgti dinaminius požiūrio į narystę aspektus. Parodoma, kad po itin palankaus narystės palaikymo (...)
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  27. Nowa praca radziecka o współczesnym katolicyzmie.Vladas Niunka - 1969 - Człowiek I Światopogląd 1 (4):94-98.
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    Nikephoros Bryennios, Anna Komnene and Konstantios Doukas. A Story About Different Perspectives.Vlada Stanković - 2008 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 100 (1):169-175.
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    Modification of the Principles of Freedom and Equality in Early Twentieth-Century Russian Liberal Thought.Vlada V. Vostrikova - 2022 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 60 (2):140-152.
    This article analyzes the change in interpretation of the principles of freedom and equality in liberal thought in Russian in the early twentieth century. From the classical negative understanding...
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    Phenomenology of fate signs. Part IІІ.Yevhen Prychepii, Vlada Anuchina, Yana Dziuba & Yana Gorobenko - 2023 - Sententiae 42 (1):186-208.
    Interview of Vlada Anuchina, Yana Dziuba and Yana Gorobenko with Yevhen Prychepii.
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    Phenomenology of fate signs. Part I.Yevhen Prychepii, Vlada Anuchina, Yana Dziuba & Yana Gorobenko - 2022 - Sententiae 41 (2):208-234.
    Interview of Vlada Anuchina, Yana Dziuba and Yana Gorobenko with Yevhen Prychepii.
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    Phenomenology of fate signs. Part II.Yevhen Prychepii, Vlada Anuchina, Yana Dziuba & Yana Gorobenko - 2022 - Sententiae 41 (3):165-185.
    Interview of Vlada Anuchina, Yana Dziuba and Yana Gorobenko with Yevhen Prychepii.
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    Phenomenology of fate signs. Part IV.Yevhen Prychepii, Vlada Davidenko, Yana Dziuba & Yana Gorobenko - 2023 - Sententiae 42 (3):178-198.
    Interview of Vlada Anuchina, Yana Dziuba and Yana Gorobenko with Yevhen Prychepii.
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    Phenomenology Studies at the Beginning of the 20Th Century: Polish and Ukrainian Soviet Contexts (to the 100Th Anniversary of the Publication of the Series of Articles by V. Yurynets “Edmund Husserl” (1922-1923). [REVIEW]Vlada Davidenko - 2023 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 3:130-149.
    The article presents a comparison of the interpretations of Edmund Husserl’s early philosophy, created in different local contexts: ones by Polish researchers (Kazimir Tvardovsky, Jan Luka sevich, Vladyslav Tatarkevych, Roman Ingarden, Aleksander Rozenblum-Augustowski) in the period 1895-1945, and Ukrainian philosopher Volodymyr Yurynets. This comparison takes place against the background of considering the differences in the conditions of the development of philosophy in pre-war and interwar Poland and the USSR. The author demonstrates the similarity of the readings of Husserl’s phenomenology by (...)
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  35. Molodezhi o kommunisticheskoĭ morali: metod. posobie dli︠a︡ propagandistov sistemy koms. polit. prosveshchenii︠a︡.Lidii︠a︡ Alekseevna Bykova (ed.) - 1974 - Leningrad,: Lenizdat.
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  36. Muzykoznanie i kulʹturologii︠a︡: na materiale otechestvennoĭ nauki: 17.00.02 muzykalʹnoe iskusstvo.Galina Alekseevna Ermakova - 1992 - Moskva: Moskovskai︠a︡ gos. konservatorii︠a︡ im. P.I. Chaĭkovskogo.
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    Slovarʹ terminov poznanii︠a︡.Maĭi︠a︡ Alekseevna Kostina - 1999 - Ti︠u︡menʹ: Slovo.
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  38.  14
    Representation of the German in the Discursive Field of the Russian Classical Literary Canon.Yulia Alekseevna Kuzmina - forthcoming - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal).
    The article presents literary, sociological and cultural points of view on the problem of the literary canon, describes the mechanisms of canonization and defines the boundaries of the Russian classics. The author discovers a connection between the texts claiming the status of the canonical hierarchy and the question of ethnicity. The article establishes that the construction of both a national self-portrait and the image of a foreigner (the Other) are the most important functions of the classical canon. The object of (...)
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  39.  10
    Rechevye vozmozhnosti tekstovoĭ omonimii.Olʹga Alekseevna Lapteva - 1999 - Moskva: IKAR.
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  40. Burzhuaznai︠a︡ pedagogika na sovremennom ėtape: kriticheskiĭ analiz.Zoi︠a︡ Alekseevna Malʹkova & B. L. Vulʹfson (eds.) - 1984 - Moskva: "Pedagogika".
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    Phenomenological and hermeneutic analysis of communication barriers.Elena Alekseevna Pogonina & Nadezhda Gennadievna Leshchenko - 2021 - Kant 41 (4):172-176.
    The purpose of the study is to analyze the phenomenon of communicative barriers in the context of phenomenological and hermeneutic representations, to identify the main semantic causes of the formation of conflict barriers inherent in the communicative consciousness. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that the phenomenon of communicative barriers is considered in the context of the ontological foundations of communication interaction, the semantic aspects of the barriers of misunderstanding, their role in the historical and social (...)
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  42. Osnovnye ėsteticheskie kategorii Aristoteli︠a︡.Li︠u︡dmila Alekseevna Voronina - 1975
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    Difficulties of perception of sounding speech in Russian by schoolchildren-non-native speakers.Elena Alekseevna Zhelezniakova & Polina Vasilevna Novikova - 2021 - Kant 38 (1):230-235.
    The article reveals the problems of listening comprehension in a foreign-language audience, in particular, by students who are non-native speakers. The theoretical part is a brief characteristic of listening as a type of speech activity: the content of the term, its internal components – the psychophysiological mechanisms involved, the difficulties associated with them. In the practical part the authors of the article demonstrate exercises from the purposefully developed lesson on the removal of difficulties in the perception of sounding speech in (...)
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  44. Visuomenės nuomonės tyrimai besikeičiančioje visuomenėje.Vladas Gaidys - 2009 - Filosofija. Sociologija 20 (2).
    Straipsnyje analizuojama visuomenės nuomonė kaip institucija, jos tyrimo ypatumai dabartiniu laikotarpiu. Pateikiama visuomenės nuomonės tyrimų Lietuvoje per dvidešimt metų periodizacija – pagal visuomenės nuomonės reikšmę, tyrimų tematiką iš viso išskiriami septyni periodai. Ši subjektyvi klasifikacija yra paremta straipsnio autoriaus praktine patirtimi visuomenės nuomonės tyrimų srityje. Aptariamos visuomenės nuomonės tyrimų funkcijos, pagrindiniai šių tyrimų kritikos tipai. Trumpai apžvelgiama apklausų rezultatų publikavimo laisvė pasaulyje, visuomenės nuomonės tyrimų globalizacija. Analizuojami per dvidešimt metų įvykę tyrimų metodikos pasikeitimai.
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    I had the good fortune to communicate with giants of the spirit. Part I.Leonid Finberg, Vlada Davidenko, Ryenat Shvets & Sofia Bryl - 2023 - Sententiae 42 (3):199-210.
    Interview of Vlada Davidenko, Ryenat Shvets, Sofia Bryl with Leonid Finberg.
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    “Walking for Legends”: The Study of Mystery as a Method. Book Review: McNeill L. S., & Tucker E. (Eds.) (2018) Legend Tripping: A Contemporary Legend Casebook. University Press of Colorado. [REVIEW]Natalia Volkova - 2024 - Sociology of Power 36 (1):172-191.
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    I had the good fortune to communicate with giants of the spirit. Part II.Leonid Finberg, Vlada Davidenko, Ryenat Shvets & Sofia Bryl - 2024 - Sententiae 43 (2):223-248.
    Interview of Vlada Davidenko, Ryenat Shvets, Sofia Bryl with Leonid Finberg.
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    The Perceived Impact of COVID-19 on Student Well-Being and the Mediating Role of the University Support: Evidence From France, Germany, Russia, and the UK.Maria S. Plakhotnik, Natalia V. Volkova, Cuiling Jiang, Dorra Yahiaoui, Gary Pheiffer, Kerry McKay, Sonja Newman & Solveig Reißig-Thust - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The rapid and unplanned change to teaching and learning in the online format brought by COVID-19 has likely impacted many, if not all, aspects of university students' lives worldwide. To contribute to the investigation of this change, this study focuses on the impact of the pandemic on student well-being, which has been found to be as important to student lifelong success as their academic achievement. Student well-being has been linked to their engagement and performance in curricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular activities, (...)
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    Why Return Home? A Short Excursion into the History of Russian Fundamental Sociology. Book Review: Bankovskaya S. P. (2023). Strangers and Borders. Research in the Sociology of Marginality. St. Petersburg: Publishing House “Vladimir Dal”. [REVIEW]Nataliya A. Volkova - 2023 - Sociology of Power 35 (2):224-241.
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    From Dialogical Ontology to the Theory of Semiosphere: the Idea of the Dialogue of Cultures in the Philosophical Concepts of M. Buber and Yu. M. Lotman. [REVIEW]Anastasia A. Volkova - 2020 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 24 (2):276-285.
    Today, the dialogue is regarded as a basis for cultural being, while the dialogue of cultures has become a key notion in modern philosophical thinking. The concept of dialogue has been transformed over the past century, acquiring new meanings and changing its internal content from understanding it as an ordinary exchange of information to a complex creative interaction and mutual influence of different cultural and value consciousnesses. Not only different personalities, but entire ethnoses, cultures, and civilizations may become subjects of (...)
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