Results for 'Wisdom Religious aspects'

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  1.  26
    Divine Sophia: the wisdom writings of Vladimir Solovyov.Vladimir Sergeyevich Solovyov - 2009 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press. Edited by Judith Deutsch Kornblatt.
    "This personification of wisdom with golden hair and a radiant aura echoes both the eternal feminine and the world soul. Rooted in Christian and Jewish mysticism, Eastern Orthodox iconography, Greek philosophy, and European romanticism, the Sophiology that suffuses Solovyov's philosophical and artistic works is both intellectually sophisticated and profoundly inspiring. Judith Deutsch Kornblatt brings together key texts from Solovyov's writings about Sophia: poetry, fiction, drama, and philosophy, all extensively annotated and some available in English for the first time (with (...)
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    Eastern wisdom for western minds.Victor M. Parachin - 2007 - Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books.
    Attachment -- Awake -- Awareness -- Actions -- Breath -- Buddha -- Chakras -- Change -- Compassion -- Control -- Conversion -- Criticism -- Divinity -- Emotions -- Empathy -- Forgiveness -- Gatha -- Generosity -- Generosity (part 2) -- Happiness -- Humility -- Identifying -- Illusions -- Judging -- Karma -- Karma (part 2) -- Kindness -- Lessons -- Loving-kindness -- Meditation -- Mind -- Namaste -- Nonattachment -- Nonharming -- Nonharming (part 2) -- Openness -- Possessions -- Practice (...)
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    One heart: universal wisdom from the world's scriptures.Bonnie Louise Kuchler (ed.) - 2004 - New York: Marlowe.
    The purpose of One Heart is to illuminate the common sacred ground at the heart of seven faiths: Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, and Taoism. Its method is to identify 65 essential principles, among them: Feel what other people feel; Don't harm others; Lead with virtue and concern for others; Be honest ; Practice what you preach; Be content; Don't let anger take over; Choose your companions wisely; Accept the existence of spiritual beings; Seek and you will find. Illustrating (...)
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    Wisdom of the wild: life lessons from nature.Sheri Mabry - 2022 - San Francisco: Chronicle Books.
    WISDOM OF THE WILD offers a deeper appreciation of life, relationships, and experiences through the exploration of nature's spiritual offerings. This collection of life lessons focuses on aspects of the natural world and their philosophical connection to our own lives, providing insights to daily living and a deeper connection to our spiritual selves. Each entry features a phenomenon found in nature, demonstrating how readers may connect the world to their human experiences. With activities, rituals, and affirmations, this book (...)
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  5. Wisdom of the wild: life lessons from nature.Sheri Mabry - 2022 - San Francisco: Chronicle Books.
    WISDOM OF THE WILD offers a deeper appreciation of life, relationships, and experiences through the exploration of nature's spiritual offerings. This collection of life lessons focuses on aspects of the natural world and their philosophical connection to our own lives, providing insights to daily living and a deeper connection to our spiritual selves. Each entry features a phenomenon found in nature, demonstrating how readers may connect the world to their human experiences. With activities, rituals, and affirmations, this book (...)
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    Four epistemic reasons to consult religious traditions.Matthias Kramm - 2023 - Constellations 31 (1):85-97.
    In this paper, I investigate whether there are nonreligious, epistemic reasons that could justify consulting religious traditions. In this way, I supplement the ongoing debate on the value of tradition, which has focused mostly on practical values for maintaining traditions, with an examination of epistemic reasons for consulting traditions. To do so, I focus on the problem-solving aspect of religious traditions and their epistemic resources. I discuss whether consulting traditions of religious wisdom, religious practical knowledge, (...)
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    The wisdom of Yo Meow Ma: a spiritual guide from the ancient Chinese philosopher cat.Joanna Sandsmark - 2005 - Berkeley, CA: Distributed in the U.S. by Publishers Group West.
    Presented a collection of wisdom by an ancient Chinese feline philosopher, this witty, insightful guide to living offers inspiration and sage advice on living--all from the perspective of the world's most intelligent cat.
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    Comparative Study of Evil and Suffering in Western and Eastern Religious Philosophies.Yasir Al- Hussain - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 16 (1):54-67.
    The purpose of the research study is to determine a comparative analysis between evil and suffering. Comparative studies of these Western and Eastern religious philosophies demonstrate different results. In Western philosophies, the cause of evil is related to human free will and the law of the universe, focusing on justice driven by God and moral values chosen by humans. On the other hand, the Eastern philosophical theories of various religions focus on the series of experiences that humans face depending (...)
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    Lectures on Godmanhood.Vladimir Sergeyevich Solovyov & Peter Petrovich Zouboff - 1948 - San Rafael: Semantron Press. Edited by Peter Peter Zouboff.
    Less known in the anglophone world than Berdyaev (who was a pupil of his), or Martin Buber, Vladimir Solovyov (1853-1900), philosopher, mystic, poet, has nevertheless a contribution of the first importance to offer to Western scholarship. He came from a rich and not yet fully understood tradition; his erudition was stupendous. Like his predecessors he was extremely sensitive to such problems as the religious meaning of history, of creativity, of culture. It is important to emphasize a general link between (...)
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  10.  14
    La sagesse, l'esprit, les expériences de statique selon l'idiot =.Cardinal Nicholas - 2012 - Paris: Hermann. Edited by Françoise Coursaget, Roger Bruyeron & Nicholas.
    Les trois dialogues composés par le cardinal Nicolas de Cues pendant l'été 1450 ne résument pas toute la pensée de cet auteur, mais ils éclairent d'un jour relativement nouveau sa réflexion sur le lien entre sagesse et savoir. Proche en cela des Anciens, Nicolas de Cues pense leur unité dans la lumière de l'Un - de la Déité, écrit-il parfois - réfléchie par la puissance de l'esprit humain. Cet esprit est compris comme imago dei, non pas image de Dieu, car (...)
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    Martabat Tembung Wali of Sunan Gunung Jati: As the value of religious humanism for the people of Cirebon.Linda E. Pradita, Sumarlam Sumarlam, Kundharu Saddhono & Muhammad Rohmadi - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (3):5.
    This study discusses the teachings of Sunan Gunung Jati as the value of religious humanism in education and history for the people of Cirebon. The teachings of Sunan Gunung Jati are still tightly grasped by the people of Cirebon from ancient times to the present, namely martabat tembung wali because they contain moral teachings and noble cultural values. The teachings of Sunan Gunung Jati have the concept of religious humanism as a form of history. The concept of (...) humanism has implications for the educational process, with an orientation to developing human aspects. The purpose of this study is to explore the values of life reflected in the teachings of Sunan Gunung Jati’s life as the value of religious humanism in education and history for the people of Cirebon. This research uses an anthropolinguistic theoretical framework to examine the value of religious humanism in education and history for the people of Cirebon. This study uses a qualitative research paradigm. The results showed that the teachings of Sunan Gunung Jati contained the value of life in social rules. Sunan Gunung Jati has relevance to the process of human development. Humans have a personal side that continues to grow in line with the social side. Human development is also surrounded by spiritual components as a form of emotional intelligence. Contribution: This article contributes to the objective of HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies to investigate the history of religions, as well as phenomenology, psychology, philosophy and sociology of religions. (shrink)
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    Theology and evolutionary anthropology: dialogues in wisdom, humility, and grace.Celia Deane-Drummond & Agustín Fuentes (eds.) - 2020 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book sets out some of the latest scientific findings around the evolutionary development of religion and faith and then explores their theological implications. This unique combination of perspectives raises fascinating questions about the characteristics that are considered integral for a flourishing social and religious life and allows us to start to ask where in the evolutionary record they first show up in a distinctly human manner. The book builds a case for connecting theology and evolutionary anthropology using both (...)
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    Introducing the Study of Life and Death Education to Support the Importance of Positive Psychology: An Integrated Model of Philosophical Beliefs, Religious Faith, and Spirituality.Huy P. Phan, Bing H. Ngu, Si Chi Chen, Lijuing Wu, Wei-Wen Lin & Chao-Sheng Hsu - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Life education, also known as life and death education, is an important subject in Taiwan with institutions offering degree programs and courses that focus on quality learning and implementation of life education. What is interesting from the perspective of Taiwanese Education is that the teaching of life education also incorporates a number of Eastern-derived and conceptualized tenets, for example, Buddhist teaching and the importance of spiritual wisdom. This premise contends then that life education in Taiwan, in general, is concerned (...)
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  14.  21
    Sobering Wisdom: Philosophical explorations of twelve step spirituality.Jerome A. Miller & Nicholas Plants (eds.) - 2014 - Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press.
    Originally developed by Alcoholics Anonymous, the Twelve Step program now provides life direction for the millions of people worldwide who are recovering from addiction and undergoing profound personal transformation. Yet thus far it has received surprisingly little attention from philosophers, despite the fact that, like philosophy, the program addresses all-important questions regarding how we ought to live. In Sobering Wisdom, Jerome A. Miller and Nicholas Plants offer a unique approach to the Twelve Step program by exploring its spirituality from (...)
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    Note on the Idea of Religious Truth in the Christian Tradition.Louis Dupré - 1988 - The Thomist 52 (3):499-512.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:NOTE ON THE IDEA OF RELJ!GIOUS TRUTH IN THE CHRISTIAN TRADITION HE FOLOWING PAGES claim to be no more than provisional attempt to define a problem of considerble complexity within the Christian tradition. In this introductory note I shall meTely outline how the notion of the truth conveyed by faith soon,after it was established in the New Testament, developed a synthesis with Greek philosophy, at first Platonic, later Aristotelian. (...)
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    The eloquence of silence: surprising wisdom in tales of emptiness.Thomas Moore - 2023 - Novato, California: New World Library.
    A collection of quotations, folktales, parables, and personal stories that illustrate the hidden value and spiritual possibilities of emptiness.
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    Weisheit: über das, was uns fehlt.Gert Scobel - 2008 - Köln: Dumont.
    Gert Scobel zeigt in seinem kenntnisreichen Buch, dass uns heute kaum etwas so sehr fehlt wie Weisheit: Im Umgang mit der Welt, mit anderen und uns selbst. Denn in unserer immer komplexer werdenden Umwelt, die uns mit Widersprüchen ebenso konfrontiert wie mit immer mehr Faktenwissen, brauchen wir Orientierung. Doch die fehlt. Und Weisheit stellt sich auch im Alter nicht von selbst ein. Gert Scobel belegt fundiert, dass man sie erlernen kann - und sollte. Dabei speist sich die Gelassenheit, von der (...)
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  18. Psychoanalysis and wisdom: encountering 'Ethics of the Fathers'.Paul Marcus - 2024 - New York,: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
    Psychoanalysis and Wisdom applies psychoanalytic insights to one of the great examples of wisdom literature, the Ethics of the Fathers, an ethical tractate of the Talmud. Paul Marcus quotes key passages from the Ethics of the Fathers, providing a psychoanalytic commentary to enlarge and deepen our understanding of its contents and focusing primarily on what constitutes a flourishing life. Marcus then considers what psychoanalysis can provide in its engagement with this classic of the wisdom teachings, such as (...)
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  19.  10
    Buddhist biology: ancient Eastern wisdom meets modern Western science.David P. Barash - 2014 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    A science sutra -- Non-self (Anatman) -- Impermanence (Anitya) -- Connectedness (Pratitya-Samutpada) -- Engagement, part 1 (Dukkha) -- Engagement, part 2 (Karma) -- Meaning (existential Biobuddhism?).
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    L'esperienza religiosa e il lessico sapienziale: intrecci di vita, linguaggio e ragione.Francesco Donadio - 2017 - Assisi: Cittadella editrice.
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  21. The Wisdom in Wood Rot: God in Eighteenth Century Scientific Explanation.Eric Palmer - 2011 - In William Krieger, Science at the Frontiers: Perspectives on the History and Philosophy of Science. Lanham, Md.: Lexington Books. pp. 17-35.
    This chapter presents a historical study of how science has developed and of how philosophical theories of many sorts – philosophy of science, theory of the understanding, and philosophical theology – both enable and constrain certain lines of development in scientific practice. Its topic is change in the legitimacy or acceptability of scientific explanation that invokes purposes, or ends; specifically in the argument from design, in the natural science field of physico-theology, around the start of the eighteenth century. ... The (...)
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  22.  10
    Plato's bedroom: ancient wisdom and modern love.David Kevin O'Connor - 2015 - South Bend, Indiana: St. Augustine's Press.
    Plato's Bedroom is a book for people who want to be better at falling in love and being in love, with all the ecstasies and dangers erotic life can bring. It is also an inviting book for readers who are intellectually playful and up for a challenge, written with verve, and full of stories thoughtful persons will find to be mirrors of their own erotic selves. Drawing on Greek myth, Plato, Shakespeare, and a wide range of modern literature and movies, (...)
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  23. The wisdom of science: its relevance to culture and religion.R. Hanbury Brown - 1986 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    We live in a culture which, while largely dependent on science for its material welfare, is largely ignorant of the new ideas and perspectives on which science is based. This book examines the true significance of science and technology for society over the last three hundred years. Professor Hanbury Brown's insight and experience have resulted in a novel approach to the discussion of the cultural role of science. After reviewing the history of how science grew to be both useful to, (...)
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    The Fruitful Darkness: A Journey Through Buddhist Practice and Tribal Wisdom.Joan Halifax - 2004 - Grove Press.
    Grove Press is proud to reissue this important work by one of Buddhism's leading contemporary teachers.
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    The secret life: a book of wisdom from the great teacher.Jeffrey Katz - 2019 - West Palm Beach, FL: Humanix Books. Edited by Alys Yablon Wylen.
    He is one of the wisest men of all time. Since the time of the Bible, he is the only man to be celebrated by the three major Western religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. His name is Maimonides. A philosopher, rabbi, physician, religious thinker and logician, today this sage is considered among the greatest thinkers. The Secret Life reveals his ancient teachings in modern terms. In The Secret Life, you will discover true wisdom and success in every (...)
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    Faith in Democracy. Justice, Politics and Transcendence.Mahmoud Masaeli, Nikolaos Asproulis, Rico Sneller & Timo Slootweg (eds.) - 2020 - Oud Turnhout, Belgium: Gompel&Svacina.
    This book explores the spiritual potential of faith, mysticism and transcendence in answer to the dangers of a mythologised state and the sacro-sanctification of (liberal) democracy and its rule of law. It searches for a curative for the pathological transformation of these institutions into--so called--political religions. Along this line, it explores the importance of spirituality and transcendence for political legitimacy, democratic participation and international cooperation, law and politics. There being no general agreed-upon definition of 'spirituality', the authors examine what may (...)
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  27.  14
    The Religious Aspect of the Intrinsic Aim of Education.Ho-Chan Lee - 2012 - The Journal of Moral Education 24 (3):193.
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    Zao qi ru jia yu gu Yiselie zhi hui chuan tong bi jiao.Xinzhong Yao - 2013 - Beijing: Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she.
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  29. The Religious Aspects of Skepticism. A Lecture, Etc.John Owen - 1891
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  30.  19
    Neuroscience, Ancient Wisdom and the ISUD.Martha C. Beck - 2017 - Dialogue and Universalism 27 (3):173-187.
    This paper links the claims of neuroscientist Antonio Damasio to the civilization of the Ancient Greeks. Although Damasio’s book, Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow and the Feeling Brain, makes the argument for the connection between Spinoza and neuroscience, he says that he prefers Aristotle’s model of human flourishing, but he does not describe Aristotle’s model. I explain Aristotle’s model and connect neuroscience to Aristotle and to the educational system underlying Greek mythology, Hesiod, Homer, tragedy and other aspects of Greek (...)
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    Hope in a Democratic age: philosophy, religion, and political theory.Alan Mittleman - 2009 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    How and why should hope play a key role in a twenty-first century democratic politics? Alan Mittleman offers a philosophical exploration of the theme, contending that a modern construction of hope as an emotion is deficient. He revives the medieval understanding of hope as a virtue, reconstructing this in a contemporary philosophical idiom. In this framework, hope is less a spontaneous reaction than it is a choice against despair; a decision to live with confidence and expectation, based on a rational (...)
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  32.  10
    The Religious Aspect of Evolution.James McCosh - 2009 - Cambridge University Press.
    The Scottish scholar James McCosh was a champion of the Free church, a successful and much-published philosophy professor at Belfast for 16 years, and an energetic and innovative President of Princeton University from 1868 to 1888. The Religious Aspect of Evolution was published in 1888, and this second edition from 1890 took account of A. R. Wallace's latest work, Darwinism. McCosh, who already in Ireland had developed a 'theory of the universe conditioned by Christian revelation' was one of very (...)
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  33.  7
    The Religious Aspect of Confucianism During The Ly-Tran Dynasties, Vietnam.Nhu Nguyen & Quyet Nguyen - 2024 - Griot 24 (2):234-246.
    This article explores the religious dimensions of Confucianism during the Ly-Tran dynasties (1009-1400 AD) in Vietnam, a period marked by significant sociopolitical and cultural transitions. Initially introduced as a moral and ethical philosophy from China, Confucianism underwent a complex process of localization, blending with indigenous Vietnamese beliefs and practices as well as Buddhism and Taoism. Through historical records, literary works, and ritual practices documented in “The Complete Annals of Đại Việt” and other classical texts, this study delves into how (...)
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  34. The religious aspect of philosophy.Josiah Royce - 1958 - New York,: Harper.
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  35. Brain, Emotions and the Development of Intentional Feelings.Vincent Shen - 2005 - Philosophy and Culture 32 (10):119-135.
    Includes emotional and affective feelings. Mood builds on the human organism's body, but you must turn to the development of affective experience of the body. I did not last for more than the physical body Zhumo, this article from the mood in the body discussed the rise of the body, to significant problems of the body by the body to experience over the body, as well as the physical body plays in the emotional life of role, will be particularly focused (...)
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    The Religious Aspect of Scanderbeg’s Revolts and his Relations with the Papacy.İlir Rruga - 2018 - Dini Araştırmalar 21 (54 (15-12-2018)):175-202.
    The national hero of the present-day Albania is Skanderbeg’s father, Gjon (Yuvan) Kastrioti. Despite the fact that the Albanians tried to resist the Ottomans expeditions during the reign of Gjon, they were eventually defeated. As a result of this defeat by Sultan Murad II in 1423, Gjon was forced to give his four sons as captives. The youngest of his children was Skanderbeg, who together with three older brothers was given as captive due to the defeat by the Ottomans, had (...)
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    Medicine: Its Magico-Religious Aspects According to the Vedic and Later Literature.Kenneth G. Zysk & G. U. Thite - 1985 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 105 (4):808.
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  38. Some religious aspects of the great-plague of the 14th-century.J. Brossollet - 1984 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 64 (1):53-66.
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    The Religious Aspect of Philosophy: A Critique of the Bases of Conduct and of Faith.Josiah Royce - 1900 - Literary Licensing, LLC.
    This Is A New Release Of The Original 1913 Edition.
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    The Religious aspect of Education implicated in 'Kuei-shen'.Ri-Na Ku - 2002 - Journal of Moral Education 14 (2):43.
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    Religious Aspects of Japanese Neo-Confucianism: The Thought of Nakae Tōju and Kaibara Ekken.Mary Evelyn Tucker - 1988 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 15 (1):55-69.
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    The Religious Aspect of Traditional Education and Hierophany : An Interpretation of Yuehling in Liki.Jeong-Min Chi - 2006 - Journal of Moral Education 17 (2):115.
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  43. The Religious aspect of philosophy, a critique of The bases of conduct and of faith.Josiah Royce - 1885 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 20:283-296.
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    The Religious Aspect of Bakhtin's Aesthetics.David Patterson - 1993 - Renascence 46 (1):55-70.
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    Hunting and weaving: empiricism and political philosophy.Thomas W. Heilke & John von Heyking (eds.) - 2013 - South Bend, Indiana: St. Augustine's Press.
    The essays in this volume honor the work of political scientist and Eric Voegelin scholar, Barry Cooper, by considering how political philosophy (a form of hunting) and empiricism get "woven" together (to borrow a metaphor from Plato). In other words, they consider how science needs to be conducted if it is to remain true to our commonsense experience of the world and to facilitate political judgment. Several of the essays cover Eric Voegelin, including his understanding of consciousness, a comparison of (...)
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  46.  13
    The illusion of life and death: mind, consciousness, and eternal being.Clare Goldsberry - 2021 - Rhinebeck, New York: Monkfish Book Publishing Company.
    This metaphysical and personal exploration of the nature of life provides a rare guide to living and dying fearlessly and with grace. Using the wisdom obtained over a lifetime of spiritual seeking, study, and practice, along with insights gained from the death of her significant other, Clare Goldsberry explores the fundamental nature of life and death, as well as their meaning and purpose. Sharing the wisdom and knowledge of the ancient sages, spiritual teachers like the Buddha, philosophers like (...)
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    Jung's Psychology as a Spiritual Practice and a Way of Life: A Dialogue.William D. Geoghegan - 2002 - University Press of America. Edited by Kevin L. Stoehr.
    Jung's Psychology as a Spiritual Practice and Way of Life considers the pioneering depth-psychologist Carl Gustav Jung, primarily as a sage of world-class stature. The authors focus on Jung as an archetypal wisdom teacher, in three important respects: (1) in the post-modern West, primarily in interaction with Friedrich Nietzsche and his Thus Spake Zarathustra and also with theologian Paul Tillich and Zen master Karlfried Graf Durckheim; (2) in his deep spiritual kinship with the timeless universality of Lao-tze and his (...)
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    Love is all forgiving: reflections on love and spirituality.Petŭr Dŭnov - 2004 - Deerfield Beach, Fla.: Health Communications.
    A delightful book of spiritual maxims about a timeless topic-love: how to find it and how to keep it. Hegel called Peter Deunov "a world historical figure whose significance will only gradually be realized over the coming centuries.? In this beautiful gift book, Deunov shares his sacred words of wisdom on the many facets of love. Since time immemorial, human beings have experienced love as an exciting yet often elusive emotion that begs the question-How do you find it? And (...)
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    Does Justice as Fairness Have a Religious Aspect?Paul Weithman - 2013 - In Jon Mandle & David A. Reidy, A Companion to Rawls. Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 31–55.
    In this essay, the author tries to show the religious aspect of Rawls's work using a condition of religiosity that he himself endorsed. Section 1 looks at the passage in which Rawls asserts his condition of religiosity. In section 2, the author argues that Cohen's and Nagel's observation itself rests on a religiosity condition. In section 3, he shows how Rawls argued that Kant satisfied the religiosity condition and why Rawls thought Kant's moral philosophy has “a religious aspect.” (...)
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    Transitioning in grace: a yogi's approach to death and dying.Nalini Graeber - 2019 - Nevada City, California: Crystal Clarity Publishers.
    The deeper teachings of yoga state that "We are a soul, and have a body," but how do yogis respond when confronted with death-with their own time of passing? In Transitioning in Grace (based on the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda, author of the classic Autobiography of a Yogi), Nalini Graeber presents true accounts of how longtime yogis and meditators have left their bodies. Some struggled with pain or illness. Others passed suddenly or unexpectedly. Most of these accounts are inspiring; all (...)
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