Results for 'Wltr Brt'

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  1.  32
    A Hybrid Heuristic Algorithm for the Intelligent Transportation Scheduling Problem of the BRT System.Xu Haitao, Lin Fei, Chen Tao & Zheng Ning - 2015 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 24 (4):437-448.
    This work proposes a hybrid heuristic algorithm to solve the bus rapid transit intelligent scheduling problem, which is a combination of the genetic algorithm, simulated annealing algorithm, and fitness scaling method. The simulated annealing algorithm can increase the local search ability of the genetic algorithm, so as to accelerate its convergence speed. Fitness scaling can reduce the differences between individuals in the early stage of the algorithm, to prevent the genetic algorithm from falling into a local optimum through increasing the (...)
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  2. Boolean relation theory.Harvey M. Friedman - unknown
    BRT is always based on a choice of BRT setting. A BRT setting is a pair (V,K), where V is an interesting family of multivariate functions. K is an interesting family of sets. In this talk, we will only consider V,K, where V is an interesting family of multivariate functions from N into N. K is an interesting family of subsets of N.
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    We made the road for walking and now we must run: Paulo Freire, the Black Radical Tradition, and the inroads to make beyond racial capitalism.Michael Joseph Viola - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (13):2192-2202.
    This essay places Paulo Freire in dialogue with a Black Radical Tradition (BRT) in three distinct yet interrelated ways. First, the paper situates the significance of Cedric’s Robinson’s articulation of a BRT while exploring how contemporary scholars are troubling his disputatious relationship with Marxist social thought. Second, the paper foregrounds Freire’s modest contributions to a BRT in his anticolonial literacy campaigns in Guinea Bissau, Africa. Extending the principles of ‘dialogical cultural action’ in the context of African struggle that Freire documented (...)
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  4.  36
    The Bounded Rationality Theory, the Rational Choice Theory or the Methodological Individualism.Raymond Boudon - 2004 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 14 (1).
    The bounded rationality theory has been perceived by social scientists as a more flexible version of the rational choice theory, also called expected utility theory. The former has the avantage of taking into consideration the fact that information is generally costly. It corrects the RCT on an important point. For the social sciences, the RCT is very useful, but far from representing a general theory which could explain the various kinds of behaviour the social sciences are confronted to, even in (...)
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  5.  18
    Nostalgic memories. Qualitative reception analysis of Flemish TV fiction, 1953–1989.Alexander Dhoest - 2007 - Communications 32 (1):31-50.
    This article describes a qualitative inquiry into the historical reception of Flemish television fiction broadcast by the monopolistic Flemish broadcaster BRT between 1953 and 1989. This is a relatively homogeneous period, both in terms of broadcasting policies and fiction output. What do viewers remember of this period? Can patterns be discerned in these memories, and if so, why? To answer these questions, this research uses semi-structured interviews with older viewers. First, the article discusses the particular problems of this method, mostly (...)
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    De beleidsagenda en het 'wereldbeeld' dat Vlaamse media aanreiken.Peter Janssens - 1993 - Res Publica 35 (2):183-196.
    Given the two important functions of the media, offering a world image and setting the public agenda, the main question in this article is : "What is the image of society offered by the media?" For that purpose three years of the radio programme "BRT-Aktueel" are analyzed on the basis of a printed index. A distinction is made between home news, news on states, news on groups of countries and international organizations. The main conclusions are :1. Most of the coverage (...)
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    De parlementsverkiezingen in radio en TV.Herman Santy - 1974 - Res Publica 16 (3-4):503-515.
    The 1974 election-period has been sustained intensively by the BRT. The Board of Directors decided to do sa in order to accomplish the corporation's task of objective information.The political parties also used intensively the extra air-time accorded by the same Board of Directors, for their clection-campaign. As for all political parties all over the world, radio and even more television air-time, is seen as an indispensable instrument for diffusing party-coloured information.
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  8.  17
    Vlaamse Gemeenschap : politiek jaaroverzicht 1986.Jan Van Doren - 1987 - Res Publica 29 (3):435-447.
    The political agenda for the first year of governing of the second autonomous Fiemish government in the history of the Belgian state, was dominated by the debate concerning the additional financial resources and authorities for the communities and regions. The immediate cause for this, was the extensive saving-plan of the national government, which also hit the communities and regions. The final outcome of the debate was the so-called Saint-Catherina agreement, which not only provides a number of savings, but also the (...)
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  9. Equational Boolean relation theory.Harvey Friedman - manuscript
    Equational Boolean Relation Theory concerns the Boolean equations between sets and their forward images under multivariate functions. We study a particular instance of equational BRT involving two multivariate functions on the natural numbers and three infinite sets of natural numbers. We prove this instance from certain large cardinal axioms going far beyond the usual axioms of mathematics as formalized by ZFC. We show that this particular instance cannot be proved in ZFC, even with the addition of slightly weaker large cardinal (...)
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  10. Modelling Reflective Equilibrium with Belief Revision Theory.Andreas Freivogel - 2021 - In Martin Blicha & Igor Sedlár (eds.), The Logica Yearbook 2020. College Publications. pp. 65-80.
    This article brings together two different topics: reflective equilibrium (RE) and belief revision theory (BRT). RE is a popular method of justification in many areas of philosophy, it involves a process of mutual adjustments striving for a state of coherence, but it lacks formally rigorous elaborations and faces severe criticism. To elucidate core elements of RE and provide a solid basis to address objections, a formal model of RE within BRT is presented. A fruitful starting point to the formalization of (...)
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  11.  19
    Verkiezingscampagne in radio en TV 28 maart tot 16 april 1977.Herman Santy - 1977 - Res Publica 19 (3):459-467.
    Although in Radio and TV-programmes the dutchspeaking radio and television gives much attention to the election campaign, reporters and journalists manage to stick to the status of non agens, conforming the BRT-constitution.There is no difficulty to interview political leaders or ask them for collaboration in one or another programme, during the election campaign. The nearer election-day comes, the more difficult it is to stay neutral.In the radio-programmes one simply avoided to interview political leaders the last weeks before election-day. As for (...)
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