Ruobing Xian [8]Zhang Xian [4]Zhou Xian [3]Chao Xian [1]
Jishu Xian [1]Jialiang Xian [1]Dan-Xia Xian [1]Yong Xian [1]

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  1.  21
    Transformational Leadership and Employees’ Thriving at Work: The Mediating Roles of Challenge-Hindrance Stressors.Chun pei Lin, Jialiang Xian, Baixun Li & Haimei Huang - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  2.  16
    Research on countermeasures for the development of ecological civilization education in schools in the context of cultural diversity.Bingyu Chang, Xiaodan Liu & Chao Xian - 2023 - Trans/Form/Ação 46 (spe):21-36.
    Resumo: A civilização ecológica é uma forma de civilização e possui valores culturais. No processo de desenvolvimento econômico e social, devido às diferenças nas práticas sociais, diferentes países, regiões e grupos étnicos são forçados a diferir em sua compreensão da conotação da civilização ecológica e de sua expressão externa. No contexto da diversidade cultural, o desenvolvimento da educação da civilização ecológica na China é um projeto sistemático de longo prazo, que requer a participação conjunta do povo, e pode, de modo (...)
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  3.  16
    locus amoenus und sein Gegenstück in Od. 5.Ruobing Xian - 2018 - Hermes 146 (2):132-148.
    This paper examines the semantics and the narrative function of Calypso’s island, which can be understood as a locus amoenus. The description moves from the inner cave of a lovely nymph outward to the surroundings of the seductive landscape. Hermes’ pleasure at the scene stands in contrast to the disinterested attitude of Odysseus weeping on the shore, which anticipates his rejection of the nymph. The connections between this scene and the weeping Achilles looking out over the sea in a similar (...)
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  4.  18
    Homeric ἴσκε(ν) (Od. 19.203; 22.31) and its Reception in Apollonius and Theocritus.Ruobing Xian - 2024 - Hermes 152 (1):57-67.
    This article focuses on the interpretation of Homeric ἴσκε(ν) (Od. 19.203; 22.31) as well as its reception in Apollonius Rhodius (A. R. 1.834 et alibi) and Theocritus (Id. 22.167). I argue that the passage Od. 22.31-33, in which ἴσκεν (Od. 22.31) occurs, was owed to a bard’s imitation of Od. 19.203, who not only took ἴσκε (Od. 19.203) as a verbum dicendi but used ἴσκεν ἕκαστος ἀνήρ at Od. 22.31 as a semantic equivalent of the Homeric formula ὣς ἄρα τις (...)
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  5.  67
    The Effect of Hemoglobin Concentration on Hyperbaric Oxygen and Non-hyperbaric Oxygen in the Treatment of Hypertensive Intracerebral Hemorrhage After Operation at the High Altitude.Linjie Wei, Chi Lin, Xingsen Xue, Shiju Jila, Yalan Dai, Li Pan, Wei Wei, Guodong Dun, Yong Shen, Taoxi Zong, Jingjing Wu, Yafang Li, Lixia Wu, Jishu Xian & Anyong Yu - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    BackgroundThe prognosis of hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage is poor at high altitudes. The objective of this study was to explore whether hyperbaric oxygen can improve the results of computed tomography perfusion imaging and the neurological function of patients with HICH, and influence the hemoglobin concentration.MethodThe patients with HICH were treated with puncture and drainage. Twenty-one patients were treated with HBO after the operation, and the other patients received conventional treatment. CTP was performed twice, and all indices were measured. Scatter plots were (...)
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  6.  27
    Husserl's intentionality and the "mind" in chinese philosophy.Zhang Xian - 1993 - Kriterion - Journal of Philosophy 1 (5):31-38.
  7.  43
    Teacher’s Type D Personality and Chinese Children’s Hyperactive Behaviors: Moderation Effect of Parental Type D Personality and Mediation Effect of Teacher–Student Relationship.Guan-Hao He, Esben Strodl, Li Liu, Zeng-Liang Ruan, Xiao-Na Yin, Guo-Ming Wen, Deng-Li Sun, Dan-Xia Xian, Hui Jiang, Jin Jing, Yu Jin, Chuan-An Wu & Wei-Qing Chen - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  8.  26
    I-GANs for Infrared Image Generation.Bing Li, Yong Xian, Juan Su, Da Q. Zhang & Wei L. Guo - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-11.
    The making of infrared templates is of great significance for improving the accuracy and precision of infrared imaging guidance. However, collecting infrared images from fields is difficult, of high cost, and time-consuming. In order to address this problem, an infrared image generation method, infrared generative adversarial networks, based on conditional generative adversarial networks architecture is proposed. In I-GANs, visible images instead of random noise are used as the inputs, and the D-LinkNet network is also utilized to build the generative model, (...)
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  9.  13
    ΚΛΕΟΣ ΑΦΘΙΤΟΝ in Sappho fr. 44.4 V.Ruobing Xian - 2019 - Hermes 147 (4):392.
    In this paper I offer a new interpretation of Sappho fr. 44 V by arguing for a sophisticated reading of the phrase κλέος ἄφθιτον at Sappho fr. 44.4 V in light of two Homeric sources. While the Sapphic verse directly alludes to the identical expression found in Achilles’ famous speech (Il. 9.413), the Iliadic passage serves further as a ‘window reference’ to Hector’s imagination of his future renown (Il. 7.91), which is the ultimate source of Sappho’s allusion.
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  10. A scientometric, large-scale data, and visualization-based analysis of the PBL literature.Hanjun Xian & Krishna Madhavan - 2015 - In Andrew Walker, Heather Leary & Cindy E. Hmelo-Silver (eds.), Essential readings in problem-based learning. West Lafayette, Indiana: Purdue University Press.
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  11.  25
    Between Knowledge and Politics: Reflections on Reading Ming Dong Gu’s Sinologism: An Alternative to Orientalism and Postcolonialism.Zhou Xian - 2015 - Philosophy East and West 65 (4):1273-1279.
  12.  18
    Mario’s Studio.Zhou Xian - 2018 - Rivista di Estetica 69:119-123.
    In this short tribute to Mario Perniola, Zhou Xian remembers his friendship with the Italian aesthetician. Zhou, one of the most prominent art theorists in China, discusses his friendship with Perniola and the significance of their relationship both at a personal and intellectual level. After describing in a touching way their first encounter in Rome, which started in Perniola’s studio, Zhou celebrates the innovative character of Perniola’s aesthetic theorizing, and in particular his interest in Chinese contemporary aesthetics.
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  13.  18
    "On" Life-world: from the Perspective of Chinese Philosophy.Zhang Xian - 2002 - Modern Philosophy 1:012.
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  14.  14
    The Cyrus Anecdote in Herodotus 9.122.Ruobing Xian - 2020 - Classical Quarterly 70 (1):16-26.
    The Cyrus anecdote recounted in the final chapter of Herodotus’Histories(9.122) has received the frequent notice of critics, with particular attention paid to the anecdote's relation to the work as a whole. Scholars have long since noted that the episode involves ‘the intersection of two basic narrative modes on which Herodotus has relied throughout theHistories: ethnographic description and detailed accounts of political activity and decision-making’. Thus scholars have illuminated the significance of the anecdote by comparing it to other thematically related passages (...)
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  15.  13
    The Dramatization of Emotions in Iliad 24.552–658.Ruobing Xian - 2020 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 164 (2):181-196.
    This article argues that the episode in Il. 24.552–658 involving Achilles and Priam brings out the hero’s ability to control his emotions – even if he did lose them momentarily – by means of his calculation of what will come next. This interpretation fits the compositional structure of the epic, whose closure is highlighted by the hero’s dramatized emotions in his encounter with the Trojan king.
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  16.  17
    The End of Sophocles’ Philoctetes and the Significance of ΓΝΩΜΗ.Ruobing Xian - 2023 - Hermes 151 (1):23-39.
    In this article, I argue for Sophocles’ dramatic use of γνώμη-language at the end of his Philoctetes. Through a thorough analysis of the phrase γνώμη … φίλων at l. 1467, I demonstrate how Sophocles drew on the contemporary resonances of γνώμη in Athenian legal contexts to make the play’s final scene rich and complex. In addition, the tension between the mortal and divine worlds, which is a recurrent theme in the play, is mirrored in the expression γνώμη … φίλων, which (...)
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  17.  31
    Textual Meaning in the Complex System of Literature.Zhou Xian - 2020 - Philosophy and Literature 44 (1):105-123.
    One of the most disputed issues in twentieth-century literary theories and critical studies is what literary textual meaning rests upon. A further question is whether textual meaning is ascertainable or not. The two questions are interrelated. The first one looks into the origin of textual meaning in literary texts: is it derived from authorial intent, or from sentences and rhetorical devices, or actualized in the process of readerly activities and critical interpretation? As John Searle sees it, three theories focused on (...)
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  18.  23
    Two notes on philostratus’ imagines 2.28.Ruobing Xian - 2017 - Classical Quarterly 67 (1):335-338.
    In their edition of Philostratus’ Imagines Benndorf and Schenkel established an index locorum, ‘ex quibus tamquam fontibus Philostratus ea quae in Imaginibus leguntur hausisse videtur’. For the passage quoted above, they note three allusions to the Odyssey: the famous snow-melting simile, which describes the weeping Penelope; Penelope's loom, on which she unravelled at night what she had woven during the day ; and the invisible bonds of Hephaestus as fine as spiders’ webs.
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  19.  3
    Wo shi Zhongguo ren.Kailin Xian - 1997 - Shenyang: Bai shan chu ban she. Edited by Fengting Su & Ben'an Li.
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  20.  17
    Zur Beschreibung des Alkinoos-Palasts.Ruobing Xian - 2018 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 162 (2):189-207.
    Journal Name: Philologus Issue: Ahead of print.
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  21.  9
    Zhong Tang ru xue bian ge yu gu wen yun dong shan di yan jiu =.Xiaoting Xian - 2016 - Hangzhou: Zhejiang da xue chu ban she.
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  22.  39
    Husserlian intentionality and the chinese concept of "mind".Zhang Xian - 1993 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 20 (1):29-42.
    The phenomenology of Edmund Husserl is, in one sense, a theory of pure consciousness that aims to set forth an absolute, ultimate, rigorous ground for the sciences based on the field of pure consciousness. Husserl believed that, on the basis of this field of pure consciousness, he could secure eternal significance for the spiritual life of man. Intentionality is the key element in this theory of pure consciousness and it plays a crucial part in the realization of Husserl's philosophical goal. (...)
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