Results for 'Zannî bilgi,kat’î bilgi,âhâd haber,İctihad,Müctehid,delâlet,sübût'

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  1.  31
    İslam hukukunda zannî bi̇lgi̇ni̇n deli̇l değeri̇ bağlaminda i̇cti̇had.Mehmet Zahir Karataş - 2021 - van İlahiyat Dergisi 9 (15):215-237.
    Özet Dini bilginin temel kaynağı olan Kur’an ve Sünnet’in Peygamberimizden bize haber yoluyla intikal ettiği hususu izahtan vârestedir. Rasûlullâh demek, Allah’tan aldığı bilgiyi insanlara ileten elçi, haberci demektir. Bu nedenle Peygamberlerden bize ulaşan dini bilgiye de haber ya da haber-i resûl denilmiştir. Rasûlullâh’tan teşrî’ ile ilgili gelen her haber, duyanlar ve tevâtür yoluyla ulaşılanlar için bila şek vela ihtilâf, kesinkes doğru ve bağlayıcıdır. Ancak bazı haberlerin Rasûlullâh’a nisbeti kesin olmadığı için ya da nisbeti kesin olsa da delâleti kesin olmadığı için (...)
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    Şiî-Usûlî Gelenekte Haber-i V'hidin Hüccet Değeri: Şerif Murtaz'.Ramazan Korkut - 2021 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 7 (2):1411-1448.
    Sünnî usulcülere göre sahih olan haber-i vahid zan ifade etmekle birlikte, böyle bir haberle amel etmek naklî ve kat’î delillerin bir gereği olarak vaciptir. Şiî-Usûlî geleneğin temsilcilerinden Şerif Murtazâ ise haber-i vâhidle amel etmenin aklen caiz olduğunu, ancak bunun dinî açıdan vacip olmadığını iddia etmiştir. Ona göre Kur’an, mütevâtir haber ve masum imamın dâhil olduğu icmâ kesin bilgi kaynağı olduğundan bağlayıcıdır. Haber-i vâhid ise zann ifade etmektedir. Böyle bir haberle amel etmeyi gerektiren naklî kat’î bir delil ise bulunmamaktadır. Bu nedenle (...)
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    Mezhepleri̇n Haber-i̇ vâhi̇d i̇le Amel etmek i̇çi̇n beni̇msedi̇kleri̇ şartlar ve bu şartlarin hükümlere etki̇si̇ -ki̇tâbu’l-cenâi̇z özeli̇nde-.Tacettin ÇETİNTÜRK - 2021 - van İlahiyat Dergisi 9 (15):60-83.
    Fıkıh literatüründe sünnet önemli bir yere sahiptir. Çünkü fıkhın temeli Hz. Peygamber tarafından atılmış ve fıkhın gayesini en iyi bilen ve uygulayan kendisi olmuştur. Bu sebeple şer’î amelî konularda hüküm istinbatı için müctehid imamlar, Kur’an’dan sonra sünnete başvurmuşlardır. Bununla birlikte müctehid imamlar, Hz. Peygamber’den gelen rivayetlerin bazılarını kabul ve onlarla amel etmede görüş ayrılıkları yaşamışlardır. Görüş ayrılıklarının temelinde ise sünnetin ekseriyetini teşkil eden haber-i vâhid vardır. Çünkü haber-i vâhid yapısal açıdan yalan, yanlışlık ve vehm ihtimali bulundurması yanında doğruluğu zan ile (...)
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  4. Âmm Lafızların Delaletleri Bağlamında Tefsir-Fıkıh Usulü İlişkisi.Sıddık Baysal - 2018 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 50:105-134.
    Bu makale, Kur’an’ın ȃ mm lafızlarının delaleti bağlamında tefsir ilmi ile fıkıh usulünün ilişkisini araştırmaktadır Esasen İslami ilimler bağlamında ȃ mm lafızların delaleti, İslam’ın temel metinlerindeki lafızlarla ilgili olduğu için sadece fıkıh usulü veya tefsir ilminin özel konusu değil, tüm İslami ilimlerin ortak konusudur. İslami ilimlerin üzerinde çalıştığı temel dini metinlerin aynılığı, bu ilimler arasında disiplinlerarası ilişkileri zorunlu hale getirmektedir. Tefsir ilmi ile fıkıh usulü arasındaki ilişkinin ȃ mm lafızlar bağlamında işlenmesinin nedeni de budur. Fıkıh usulü, bu konuyu Kur’an’ın lafızlarından (...)
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    The Possibility of Classifying the Subjects of Aqīdah with regard to Certainty from the Perspective of Ahl al-Sunnah.Fehmi Soğukoğlu - 2023 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 25 (47):183-206.
    Such questions that may it be essential, necessary, recommended, or free to believe in some matters will be addressed in the article. It is concluded that such an approach is possible for Māturīdis and Ash'arīs. In the study, it was thought that the following two problems should be solved first. The first problem is how can a definitive confirmation be made with speculative information (zannī). Second, if it is a contradiction that the ulema of the relevant school construct the subject (...)
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    Kur’anî Bilgi ve Ekberî Hikmet: Fusûsü’l-Hikem’de İbn Arabî’nin Cesur Hermenötiği.İsmail Lala - 2021 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 25 (1):479-493.
    Muhyiddin ibn Arabî, İslam'daki tartışmasız en etkili sufi teorisyendir. Kalıcı şekilde en popüler çalışması olan Fusûsül-hikem'de, Kur'an'da bir peygamber hakkında algımız ne olursa olsun, onunla ilişkilendirilen ve ondan türetilen hikmetin çok farklı olduğunu açıkça ve ısrarla göstermektedir. Bu, İbn Arabî'nin Kur'an'ın literal metnini inkar ettiği anlamına gelmez. Tam tersine, O sadece Kur'an'ı farklı algılama ve alımlama düzeylerinin olduğunu iddia eder: Kur'an'ın dış gerçekliği (zâhir) kitlesel tüketim içindir ve İbn Arabî'ye göre kişinin Kur'an'ın yüzeysel bir anlayışından elde ettiği bilgidir. Bununla birlikte, (...)
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    Sümeniyye Fırkası ve İslam Âlimleriyle Polemikleri.Abdulvasıf Eraslan - 2020 - van İlahiyat Dergisi 8 (12):69-86.
    İslam’ın bilgi kaynakları Kur’ân, Sünnet ve icmâ’dır. Bunların tamamı aynı zamanda "haber" kategorisinde yer almaktadır. İslam âlimlerinin ittifakıyla bilgi kaynağı olarak kabul edilen haber kısmı ise "mütevâtir haber"dir. İlk dönemlerinden itibaren haberi bilgi kaynağı olarak kabul etmeyen ve bu konuda Müslüman âlimlerle çeşitli polemiklere giren bazı kesimler olmuştur. Bunların başında es-Sümeniyye fırkası gelmektedir. Bu fırkanın hangi kavim veya millet/milletler olduğu yönünde bazı araştırmalar yapılmıştır. Ancak bu çalışmaların söz konusu fırkanın hüviyeti ve bilgi kaynaklarına dair görüşleri hakkında yeterli düzeyde olduğu söylenemez. (...)
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  8. Cīkaṭi nuñci veluturu lōki: Hētuvādaṃ samājānni munduku naḍipustundi.Nārne Veṅkaṭa Subbayya - 2023 - Oṅgōlu: E. Pi. Hētuvāda Saṅghaṃ.
    Press coverage on rationalist movement in India.
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  9. Kavitārkikasiṃha-Sarvatantra-svatantra-Śrīmadveṅkaṭan ātha-Śrīmad-vedāntadeśika-viracitā Śrībhāṣyavyā-khyā Tattvaṭīkā Śatadūṣaṇī ca = Tattwateeka, a commentary on Sribhashya, and Satadooshani. Veṅkaṭanātha - 1974 - [Madras : Viraraghavacharya]: Edited by Uttamur T. Viraraghavacharya & Veṅkaṭanātha.
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    Межі й можливості методу дослідження констеляцій.Віталій Терлецький - 2016 - Sententiae 34 (1):169-178.
    The study of Kant’s anthropology, proposed by Viktor Kozlovskyi in its original and thorough monograph, is an entirely new interpretation of Kant’s answer to the fundamental question “What is man?”. On the basis of the philosopher’s heritage and taking into account the large body of research lit-erature, Kozlovskyi reconstructs five conceptual “human models” in Kant’s anthropological discourse. However, this study contains a number of problematic statements and conclusions. I argue first, that there is some inconsistency between Kant’s understanding of the (...)
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  11. Demarcating Aristotelian Rhetoric: Rhetoric, the Subalternate Sciences, and Boundary Crossing.Marcus P. Adams - 2015 - Apeiron 48 (1):99-122.
    The ways in which the Aristotelian sciences are related to each other has been discussed in the literature, with some focus on the subalternate sciences. While it is acknowledged that Aristotle, and Plato as well, was concerned as well with how the arts were related to one another, less attention has been paid to Aristotle's views on relationships among the arts. In this paper, I argue that Aristotle's account of the subalternate sciences helps shed light on how Aristotle saw the (...)
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  12.  16
    Pis'ma [Letters ]. I. I. Mechnikov, A. E. Gaisinovich, B. V. Lëvshin.Mark Adams - 1979 - Isis 70 (1):184-185.
  13. Growth, Distribution and Inclusiveness: Reflections on India's Experience.Montek Ahluwalia - 2008 - In Kaushik Basu & Ravi Kanbur, Arguments for a Better World: Essays in Honor of Amartya Sen: Volume I: Ethics, Welfare, and Measurement and Volume Ii: Society, Institutions, and Development. Oxford University Press.
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    Subiektywnosc i niepowtarzalnosc metody bezposredniego doswiadczenia.K. Ajdukiewicz - 1962 - Studia Logica 13:209.
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    (5 other versions)Teologijos suma. I d. Traktatas apie Kūrimą. 16 klausimas. Apie tiesą. 5–8 artikulai.Šv. Tomas Akvinietis - forthcoming - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art.
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    Teologijos suma. I d. Traktatas „Apie vieną Dievą“19 klausimas: „Apie Dievo valią“. 1–6 artikulai.Šv. Tomas Akvinietis - forthcoming - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art.
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    Teologijos suma. I d. Traktatas „Apie vieną Dievą“19 klausimas: „Apie Dievo valią“. 7 - 12 artikulai.Šv. Tomas Akvinietis - forthcoming - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art.
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    Cahi̇li̇ye dönemi̇ ḳureyş toplumunda ḥi̇lf olgusu.Yunus Akyürek - forthcoming - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi:33-56.
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    Jizya Tax Levied on Mawālī By Al-Ḥajjāj ibn Yūsuf’s Period in Umayyads and Its Background.Yunus Akyürek - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (1):331-351.
    The Umayyad State is widely criticized in the West as well as in its own region. Actually, this is normal situation. Because Hijaz Arabs who had no state experience, built a multinational state in short period of time. Yet, this caused serious matters. The fundamental point of the criticism is the payment of tax, also called jizya, which is taken from residents (mawālī) of Khorasan and Transoxania. However, in most studies on this subject, it is understood that the jizya taken (...)
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  20.  20
    Filosofii︠a︡ totalʹnosti.I︠E︡vhen Oleksandrovych Akymovych - 2012 - Odesa: Pres-kur'i︠e︡r.
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    Claims of Massacre and Persecution Attributed to Khurāsān Governor Qutayba Ibn Muslim al-Bāhilī.Yunus Akyürek - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (1):515-542.
    Qutayba ibn Muslim al-Bāhilī is one of the leading soldier-bureaucrats of the Umayyads period. During the time he served as the governor of Khurāsān, he consolidated the Umayyad’s rule in Tokharistan and Transoxiana provinces, and expanded the borders of the state to China by conquering the Kashgar region. His activities for conversion of the people of the conquered regions have great importance in the history of Islam since the intense relations of the Turkish people with Islam fell upon the time (...)
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  22.  13
    The Formation Process and Nature of Sirah's Companions Generation Codexes.Yunus Akyürek - 2023 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 27 (2):706-725.
    The generation of companions who played a key part in writing the revelation continued this responsibility in maintaining the Sunnah and translating it to some extent. Since the Sunnah is the secondary source of religion, this activity of theirs is of great importance. In this regard, the fact that some of the companions documented the Sunnah when the Prophet was still alive or after his death yielded favorable outcomes in terms of Sirah science, which attempts to properly transmit his life (...)
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  23. Democracy isn't that smart : On landemore's democratic reason.Aaron Ancell - 2017 - Episteme 14 (2):161-175.
    In her recent book, Democratic Reason, Hélène Landemore argues that, when evaluated epistemically, “a democratic decision procedure is likely to be a better decision procedure than any non-democratic decision procedures, such as a council of experts or a benevolent dictator” (p. 3). Landemore's argument rests heavily on studies of collective intelligence done by Lu Hong and Scott Page. These studies purport to show that cognitive diversity – differences in how people solve problems – is actually more important to overall group (...)
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  24. Ideologicheskie i metodologicheskie problemy burzhuaznykh istoriko-filosofskikh issledovaniĭ: sbornik obzorov.I. S. Andreeva-Vykhristi︠u︡k (ed.) - 1985 - Moskva: Akademii︠a︡ nauk SSSR, In-t nauch. informat︠s︡ii po obshchestvennym naukam.
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    Innføring i rettsstudiet.Johannes Andenæs - 1979 - Oslo: Grøndahl.
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  26. (2 other versions)Nietzsche, sa vie et sa pensée. — I. Les Précurseurs de Nietzsche.[author unknown] - 1921 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 92:413-414.
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    Self y creatividad en el pragmatismo de C.S. Peirce: "la incidencia del instante presente en la conducta".Fernando Andacht - 2008 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 13 (40):39-65.
    The article discusses the theoretical and analytical relevance of spontaneity, the basis of creativity, considered as a central aspect of the semiotic model of C. S. Peirce, through the study of its incidence on human identity, on the self. To do so, I work with a series of technical concepts ..
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  28. (1 other version)Aristóteles, As Partes dos Animais, Livro I.Lucas Angioni - 1999 - Cadernos de História e Filosofia da Ciência.
  29. Comforting Discomfort as Complicity: White Fragility and the Pursuit of Invulnerability.Barbara Applebaum - 2017 - Hypatia 32 (4):862-875.
    In this article, I trouble the pedagogical practice of comforting discomfort in the social-justice classroom. Is it possible to support white students, for instance, and not comfort them? Is it possible to support white students without recentering the emotional crisis of white students, without disregarding the needs and interests of students of color, and without reproducing the violence that students of color endure? First I address the dangers of comforting discomfort and discuss Robin DiAngelo's notion of white fragility, which has (...)
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    Rawls, Sartre, and the Question of Camaraderie.René V. Arcilla - 2013 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 32 (5):491-502.
    In his classic text, A Theory of Justice, John Rawls argues that the structural principles of a society are just when they issue from a procedure that is fair. One crucial feature that makes the procedure fair is that the persons who will be subjected to these principles choose them after they have deliberated together in a condition marked by a certain balance of knowledge and ignorance. In particular, these people know enough to consider principles that are workable, yet converse (...)
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  31. Supererogation.Alfred Archer - 2018 - Philosophy Compass 13 (3):e12476.
    It is a recognizable feature of commonsense morality that some actions are beyond the call of duty or supererogatory. Acts of supererogation raise a number of interesting philosophical questions and debates. This article will provide an overview of three of these debates. First, I will provide an overview of the debate about whether or not acts of supererogation exist. Next, I will investigate the issue of how to define the supererogatory. I will finish by examining a problem known as the (...)
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  32. Supererogation and Consequentialism.Alfred Archer - 2020 - In Douglas W. Portmore, The Oxford Handbook of Consequentialism. New York, USA: Oup Usa.
    The thought that acts of supererogation exist presents a challenge to all normative ethical theories. This chapter will provide an overview of the consequentialist responses to this challenge. I will begin by explaining the problem that supererogation presents for consequentialism. I will then explore consequentialist attempts to deny the existence of acts of supererogation. Next, I will examine a range of act consequentialist attempts to accommodate supererogation: including satisficing consequentialism, dual-ranking act consequentialism and an anti-rationalist form of consequentialism. Finally, I (...)
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  33. Supererogation and Intentions of the Agent.Alfred Archer - 2013 - Philosophia 41 (2):447-462.
    It has been claimed, by David Heyd, that in order for an act to count as supererogatory the agent performing the act must possess altruistic intentions (1982 p.115). This requirement, Heyd claims, allows us to make sense of the meritorious nature of acts of supererogation. In this paper I will investigate whether there is good reason to accept that this requirement is a necessary condition of supererogation. I will argue that such a reason can be found in cases where two (...)
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    Storia delle matematiche. Volume 2, I secoli XVI e XVII. G. Loria.R. Archibald - 1933 - Isis 19 (1):231-231.
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    Spin-2 Fields and Helicity.H. I. Arcos, C. S. O. Mayor, G. Otalora & J. G. Pereira - 2012 - Foundations of Physics 42 (10):1339-1349.
    By considering the irreducible representations of the Lorentz group, an analysis of the different spin-2 waves is presented. In particular, the question of the helicity is discussed. It is concluded that, although from the point of view of representation theory there are no compelling reasons to choose between spin-2 waves with helicity σ=±1 or σ=±2, consistency arguments of the ensuing field theories favor waves with helicity σ=±1.
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  36. Sporting supererogation and why it matters.Alfred Archer - 2017 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 44 (3):359-373.
    A commonly accepted feature of commonsense morality is that there are some acts that are supererogatory or beyond the call of duty. Recently, philosophers have begun to ask whether something like supererogation might exist in other normative domains such as epistemology and esthetics. In this paper, I will argue that there is good reason to think that sporting supererogation exists. I will then argue that recognizing the existence of sporting supererogation is important because it highlights the value of sport as (...)
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  37. The Aim of Inquiry.Avery Archer - 2021 - Disputatio 13 (61):95-119.
    I defend the thesis that the constitutive aim of inquiring into some question, Q, is improving one’s epistemic standing with respect to Q. Call this the epistemic-improvement view. I consider and ultimately reject two alternative accounts of the constitutive aim of inquiry—namely, the thesis that inquiry aims at knowledge and the thesis that inquiry aims at belief—and I use my criticisms as a foil for clarifying and motivating the epistemic-improvement view. I also consider and reject a pair of normative theses (...)
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  38. The conceptual nature of imaginative content.Margherita Arcangeli - 2020 - Synthese (1-2).
    Imagination is widely thought to come in two varieties: perception-like and belief-like imagination. What precisely sets them apart, however, is not settled. More needs to be said about the features that make one variety perception-like and the other belief-like. One common, although typically implicit, view is that they mimic their counterparts along the conceptuality dimension: while the content of belief-like imagination is fully conceptual, the content of perception-like imagination is fully non-conceptual. Such a view, however, is not sufficiently motivated in (...)
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  39. Scientific and "radical" ethnomethodology: From incompatible paradigms to ethnomethodological sociology.Ilkka Arminen - 2008 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 38 (2):167-191.
    Ethnomethodology has been torn between scientific and "radical" aspirations insofar as it moves discoursive practices from resources to the topic of the study. Scientific ethnomethodology, such as conversation analysis, studies discoursive praxis as its topic and resource. Standard scientific criteria are accepted to assess the merits of its findings. "Radical" ethnomethodology addresses mundane reasoning exclusively as its topic without recourse to standardized science. I will show that insofar as "radical" ethnomethodology succeeds in bracketing everyday resources, it loses its phenomenon with (...)
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    Singular Predication and the Syllogism.Besler Arman - 2024 - Felsefe Arkivi 61:84-90.
    Aristotle’s categorical syllogistic is the first formal deductive system in the history of formal sciences. Most parts or elements of the system are validated by modern (first-order) mathematical logic, but the system is quite limited in scope, as it is incapable of analyzing inferences other than the ‘figure syllogisms’ consisting of a couple of_ a-e-i-o_ premises and an _a-e-i-o_ conclusion, containing three ‘moderately’ universal terms – terms that express neither a highest genus nor a lowest species – each of which (...)
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  41. Sovereign Wealth Funds and Global Justice.Chris Armstrong - 2013 - Ethics and International Affairs 27 (4):413-428.
    Dozens of countries have established Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWFs) in the last decade or so, in the majority of cases employing those funds to manage the large revenues gained from selling resources such as oil and gas on a tide of rapidly rising commodity prices. These funds have raised a series of ethical questions, including just how the money contained in such funds should eventually be spent. This article engages with that question, and specifically seeks to connect debates on SWFs (...)
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  42. Truth and imprecision.Josh Armstrong - 2024 - Analytic Philosophy 65 (3):309-332.
    Our ordinary assertions are often imprecise, insofar as the way we represent things as being only approximates how things are in the actual world. The phenomenon of assertoric imprecision raises a challenge to standard accounts of both the norm of assertion and the connection between semantics and the objects of assertion. After clarifying these problems in detail, I develop a framework for resolving them. Specifically, I argue that the phenomenon of assertoric imprecision motivates a rejection of the widely held belief (...)
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    Two Books on the Rigveda 1. Die Hymnen des Rigveda, herausgegeben Oldenberg von Hermann. Band.I. Metrische und Textgeschichtliche Prolegomena. Berlin, 1888. 14 Mk. 2. Vedische Studien, Pischel von Richard und Karl F. Geldner. Stuttgart, 1888–1889. 12 Mk. [REVIEW]E. V. Arnold - 1891 - The Classical Review 5 (1-2):43-48.
    1. Die Hymnen des Rigveda, herausgegeben Oldenberg von Hermann. Band.I. Metrische und Textgeschichtliche Prolegomena. Berlin, 1888. 14 Mk.2. Vedische Studien, Pischel von Richard und Karl F. Geldner. Stuttgart, 1888–1889. 12 Mk.
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    The Lived Body in the Age of Advanced Technology.Yochai Ataria - 2021 - Constructivist Foundations 16 (2):181-183.
    In her target article, Petitmengin calls for us to return to our own lived experience as an “act of resistance.” In my commentary, I suggest that this call comes too late: in the age of ….
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  45. Teoreticheskite postanovki na dr. Todor Zhivkov i razvitieto na obrazovanieto sled XII kongres na BKP.K. Atanasova & Dora Soreva (eds.) - 1984 - Sofii︠a︡: [S.N.].
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    Varela as the Uncanny.Y. Ataria - 2017 - Constructivist Foundations 12 (2):153-154.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Enaction as a Lived Experience: Towards a Radical Neurophenomenology” by Claire Petitmengin. Upshot: Why has the neurophenomenological approach not been adopted as a common and even obligatory tool in the study of consciousness? I suggest that the problem with the neurophenomenological approach is its effectiveness on the one hand and its almost impossible demands from the scientist on the other: One cannot accept the neurophenomenological approach without rejecting not only the paradigm of cognitive science, (...)
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    Multi-Dimensionality, Mutual Constitution and the Nature of Systemness.Barrie Axford - 2004 - ProtoSociology 20:125-142.
    In this article I will address the critical question of the constitution of global systems and the part played in such processes by what is often summarized as culture. I examine the important distinction between culture and globalization and culture as constitutive of global social relations. The need to cleave to a systemic treatment of globality is put, while noting the dangers that lie in one-dimensional accounts of global system constitution. To offset any such tendency I explore the constitution of (...)
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  48. The Metaphysics of Malfunction.Lynne Rudder Baker - 2009 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 13 (2):82-92.
    Any artefact – a hammer, a telescope, an artificial hip – may malfunction. Conceptually speaking, artefacts have an inherent normative aspect. I argue that the normativity of artefacts should be understood as part of reality, and not just “in our concepts.” I first set out Deflationary Views of artefacts, according to which there are no artefactual properties, just artefactual concepts. According to my contrasting view – the Constitution View – there are artefactual properties that things in the world really have. (...)
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    A Theory of Content and Other Essays. [REVIEW]David Barton - 1994 - Review of Metaphysics 47 (4):812-814.
    This collection brings together eleven of Fodor's recent essays about mental content and cognitive processing. All of them have been previously published, save for the title-essays "A Theory of Content I" and "A Theory of Content II.".
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  50. Aristoteles - Werk Und Wirkung, Bd I, Aristoteles Und Seine Schule.Jonathan Barnes - 1985 - De Gruyter.
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