Results for 'analytic combinatorics'

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  1.  37
    Analytic combinatorics, proof-theoretic ordinals, and phase transitions for independence results.Andreas Weiermann - 2005 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 136 (1):189-218.
    This paper is intended to give for a general mathematical audience a survey of intriguing connections between analytic combinatorics and logic. We define the ordinals below ε0 in non-logical terms and we survey a selection of recent results about the analytic combinatorics of these ordinals. Using a versatile and flexible compression technique we give applications to phase transitions for independence results, Hilbert’s basis theorem, local number theory, Ramsey theory, Hydra games, and Goodstein sequences. We discuss briefly (...)
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    Well-Quasi Orders in Computation, Logic, Language and Reasoning: A Unifying Concept of Proof Theory, Automata Theory, Formal Languages and Descriptive Set Theory.Peter M. Schuster, Monika Seisenberger & Andreas Weiermann (eds.) - 2020 - Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
    This book bridges the gaps between logic, mathematics and computer science by delving into the theory of well-quasi orders, also known as wqos. This highly active branch of combinatorics is deeply rooted in and between many fields of mathematics and logic, including proof theory, commutative algebra, braid groups, graph theory, analytic combinatorics, theory of relations, reverse mathematics and subrecursive hierarchies. As a unifying concept for slick finiteness or termination proofs, wqos have been rediscovered in diverse contexts, and (...)
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    Fuzzy logics – quantitatively.Zofia Kostrzycka & Marek Zaionc - 2023 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 34 (1):97-132.
    The Gödel–Dummett logic and Łukasiewicz one are two main many-valued logics used by the fuzzy logic community. Our goal is a quantitative comparison of these two. In this paper, we will mostly consider the 3-valued Gödel–Dummett logic as well as the 3-valued Łukasiewicz one. We shall concentrate on their implicational-negation fragments which are limited to formulas formed with a fixed finite number of variables. First, we investigate the proportion of the number of true formulas of a certain length n to (...)
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    Tautologies over implication with negative literals.Hervé Fournier, Danièle Gardy, Antoine Genitrini & Marek Zaionc - 2010 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 56 (4):388-396.
    We consider logical expressions built on the single binary connector of implication and a finite number of literals . We prove that asymptotically, when the number of variables becomes large, all tautologies have the following simple structure: either a premise equal to the goal, or two premises which are opposite literals.
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    Phase transitions for Gödel incompleteness.Andreas Weiermann - 2009 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 157 (2-3):281-296.
    Gödel’s first incompleteness result from 1931 states that there are true assertions about the natural numbers which do not follow from the Peano axioms. Since 1931 many researchers have been looking for natural examples of such assertions and breakthroughs were obtained in the seventies by Jeff Paris [Some independence results for Peano arithmetic. J. Symbolic Logic 43 725–731] , Handbook of Mathematical Logic, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1977] and Laurie Kirby [L. Kirby, Jeff Paris, Accessible independence results for Peano Arithmetic, Bull. of (...)
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  6.  20
    Exact unprovability results for compound well-quasi-ordered combinatorial classes.Andrey Bovykin - 2009 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 157 (2-3):77-84.
    In this paper we prove general exact unprovability results that show how a threshold between provability and unprovability of a finite well-quasi-orderedness assertion of a combinatorial class is transformed by the sequence-construction, multiset-construction, cycle-construction and labeled-tree-construction. Provability proofs use the asymptotic pigeonhole principle, unprovability proofs use Weiermann-style compression techniques and results from analytic combinatorics.
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    Recent advances in drug design methods: Where will they lead?Philip M. Dean - 1994 - Bioessays 16 (9):683-687.
    Drug design methods have made significant new advances over the last ten years, mainly in the areas of molecular modelling. In more recent times important developments in theory have led to a different type of modelling becoming possible, the so‐called de novo or automated design algorithms. In this new method the programs perform much of the chemist's thinking, in finding appropriately sized chemical groups to fit into a target site. However this is a combinatoric problem which has no general analytical (...)
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    Computer experiments in harmonic analysis.Michael Barany - unknown
    It is conventionally understood that computers play a rather limited role in theoretical mathematics. While computation is indispensable in applied mathematics and the theory of computing and algorithms is rich and thriving, one does not, even today, expect to find computers in theoretical mathematics settings beyond the theory of computing. Where computers are used, by those studying combinatorics , algebra, number theory, or dynamical systems, the computer most often assumes the role of an automated and speedy theoretician, performing manipulations (...)
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  9. Probability Guide to Gambling: The Mathematics of Dice, Slots, Roulette, Baccarat, Blackjack, Poker, Lottery and Sport Bets.Catalin Barboianu - 2006 - Craiova, Romania: Infarom.
    Over the past two decades, gamblers have begun taking mathematics into account more seriously than ever before. While probability theory is the only rigorous theory modeling the uncertainty, even though in idealized conditions, numerical probabilities are viewed not only as mere mathematical information, but also as a decision-making criterion, especially in gambling. This book presents the mathematics underlying the major games of chance and provides a precise account of the odds associated with all gaming events. It begins by explaining in (...)
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  10.  25
    Experimental mathematics.V. I. Arnolʹd - 2015 - Providence. Rhode Island: American Mathematical Society. Edited by D. B. Fuks & Mark E. Saul.
    One of the traditional ways mathematical ideas and even new areas of mathematics are created is from experiments. One of the best-known examples is that of the Fermat hypothesis, which was conjectured by Fermat in his attempts to find integer solutions for the famous Fermat equation. This hypothesis led to the creation of a whole field of knowledge, but it was proved only after several hundred years. This book, based on the author's lectures, presents several new directions of mathematical research. (...)
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  11.  14
    (1 other version)2. Boolean algebras of the form P (co)/I and their automorphisms ([6, 5.Analytic Ideals - 1996 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 2 (3).
  12.  11
    Current periodical articles.All Acceptable Generalizations are Analytic - 1977 - American Philosophical Quarterly 14 (3).
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    Index locorum.Posterior Analytics - 2010 - In Richard Arnot Home Bett (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Scepticism. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 370.
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  14. Las causas en aristoteles Y santo Tomas.Posterior Analytícs - 1983 - Sapientia 147:9.
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  15. on Concept Formation.I. Aristotle & Posterior Analytics - 2010 - In David Charles (ed.), Definition in Greek philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 424.
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  16. Logic in analytic philosophy: a quantitative analysis.Guido Bonino, Paolo Maffezioli & Paolo Tripodi - 2020 - Synthese 198 (11):10991-11028.
    Using quantitative methods, we investigate the role of logic in analytic philosophy from 1941 to 2010. In particular, a corpus of five journals publishing analytic philosophy is assessed and evaluated against three main criteria: the presence of logic, its role and level of technical sophistication. The analysis reveals that logic is not present at all in nearly three-quarters of the corpus, the instrumental role of logic prevails over the non-instrumental ones, and the level of technical sophistication increases in (...)
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  17.  12
    The Analytic tradition: meaning, thought, and knowledge.David Bell & Neil Cooper (eds.) - 1991 - Cambridge, Mass., USA: Blackwell.
  18.  29
    A Quantitative Portrait of Analytic Philosophy : Looking Through the Margins.Eugenio Petrovich - 2024 - Springer Verlag.
    This book offers an unprecedented quantitative portrait of analytic philosophy focusing on two seemingly marginal features of philosophical texts: citations and acknowledgements in academic publications. Originating from a little network of philosophers based in Oxford, Cambridge, and Vienna, analytic philosophy has become during the Twentieth century a thriving philosophical community with thousands of members worldwide. Leveraging the most advanced techniques from bibliometrics, citations and acknowledgments are used in this book to shed light on both the epistemology and the (...)
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  19. A Simple Logical Matrix and Sequent Calculus for Parry’s Logic of Analytic Implication.Damian E. Szmuc - 2021 - Studia Logica 109 (4):791-828.
    We provide a logical matrix semantics and a Gentzen-style sequent calculus for the first-degree entailments valid in W. T. Parry’s logic of Analytic Implication. We achieve the former by introducing a logical matrix closely related to that inducing paracomplete weak Kleene logic, and the latter by presenting a calculus where the initial sequents and the left and right rules for negation are subject to linguistic constraints.
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  20. Grace de Laguna’s Analytic and Speculative Philosophy.Joel Katzav - 2022 - Australasian Philosophical Review 6 (1):6-25.
    This paper introduces the philosophy of Grace Andrus de Laguna in order to renew interest in it. I show that, in the 1910s and 1920s, she develops ideas and arguments that are also found playing key roles in the development of analytic philosophy decades later. Further, I describe her sympathetic, but acute, criticism of pragmatism and Heideggerian ontology, and situate her work in the tradition of American, speculative philosophy. Before 1920, we will see, de Laguna appeals to multiple realizability (...)
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  21. A new proof that analytic sets are Ramsey.Erik Ellentuck - 1974 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 39 (1):163-165.
    We give a direct mathematical proof of the Mathias-Silver theorem that every analytic set is Ramsey.
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  22.  85
    Academic success in America: analytic philosophy and the decline of Wittgenstein.Guido Bonino & Paolo Tripodi - 2020 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 28 (2):359-392.
    There is a rather widespread consensus, among historians of philosophy, concerning the decline of Wittgenstein amid recent analytic philosophy. However, the exact import of such a decline,...
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    Analytic philosophy.W. Norris Clarke - 1960 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 34:110-126.
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  24. What is Analytic Philosophy?Hans-Johann Glock - 2008 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Analytic philosophy is roughly a hundred years old, and it is now the dominant force within Western philosophy. Interest in its historical development is increasing, but there has hitherto been no sustained attempt to elucidate what it currently amounts to, and how it differs from so-called 'continental' philosophy. In this rich and wide-ranging book, Hans Johann Glock argues that analytic philosophy is a loose movement held together both by ties of influence and by various 'family resemblances'. He considers (...)
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  25. One God, the Father: The Neglected Doctrine of the Monarchy of the Father, and Its Implications for the Analytic Debate about the Trinity.Beau Branson - 2022 - TheoLogica: An International Journal for Philosophy of Religion and Philosophical Theology 6 (2).
    Whether Trinitarianism is coherent depends not only on whether some account of the Trinity is coherent, but on which accounts of the Trinity count as "Trinitarian." After all, Arianism and Modalism are both accounts of the Trinity, but neither counts as Trinitarian (which is why defenses of Arianism or Modalism don’t count as defenses of Trinitarianism). This raises the question, if not just any account of the Trinity counts as Trinitarian, which do? Dale Tuggy is one of very few philosophers (...)
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  26.  26
    Heidegger and the Contradiction of Being: An Analytic Interpretation of the Late Heidegger.Filippo Casati - 2021 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book offers a clear, analytic, and innovative interpretation of Heidegger's late work. This period of Heidegger's philosophy remains largely unexplored by analytic philosophers, who consider it filled with inconsistencies and paradoxical ideas, particularly concerning the notions of Being and nothingness. This book takes seriously the claim that the late Heidegger endorses dialetheism--namely the position according to which some contradictions are true--and shows that the idea that Being is both an entity and not an entity is neither incoherent (...)
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  27.  36
    Introducing Analytic Philosophy: Ts Sense and its Nonsense. 1879 - 2002.Herbert Hochberg - 2003 - De Gruyter.
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  28.  52
    Grace de Laguna, Joel Katzav, and the Conservatism of Analytic Philosophy.James Chase & Jack Reynolds - 2023 - Asian Journal of Philosophy (2):1-13.
    In this paper, we consider the implications of Grace de Laguna and Joel Katzav's work for the charge of conservatism against the analytic tradition. We differentiate that conservatism into three kinds: starting place; path dependency; and modesty. We also think again about gender in philosophy, consider the positive account of speculative philosophy presented by de Laguna and Katzav in comparison to some other naturalist trajectories, and conclude with a brief Australian addendum that reflects on a similar period in our (...)
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  29. The Analytic and the Synthetic.Hilary Putnam - 1962 - Critica 1 (2):109-113.
  30.  32
    Logically Analytic Propositions: A Posteriori?Mark Textor - 2001 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 18 (1):91 - 113.
  31. Analytic Philosophy has a Language Problem.Filippo Contesi, Louise R. Chapman & Constantine Sandis - 2022 - Institute of Art and Ideas News.
    Some time ago, the philosopher Luciano Floridi suggested that Western philosophy, and the mainstream contemporary approach to it traditionally called ‘analytic philosophy’, is in dire need of a reboot. The concern was that the discipline might be in a period of decadence. Analytic philosophy would be benefited by greater internationalization, wider and more transparent decision-making, and the reduction (as much as possible) of conflicts of interest as well as of its current habit of hiring and providing publication opportunities (...)
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  32. Conceptual engineering for analytic theology.Patrick Greenough, Jean Gové & Ian Church - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy:1-34.
    Conceptual engineering is the method (or methods) via which we can assess and improve our concepts. Can conceptual engineering be usefully employed within analytic theology? Given that analytic theology and analytic philosophy effectively share the same philosophical toolkit then if conceptual engineering works well in philosophy then it ought to work well in analytic theology too. This will be our working hypothesis. To make good on this hypothesis, we first address two challenges. The first challenge makes (...)
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  33.  40
    Frege and Analytic Philosophy: Facts and Speculations.Michael D. Resnik - 1981 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 6 (1):83-104.
  34. Analytic Philosophy and the Research on the Conceptualizations of an Ultimate Reality and Meaning of Human existence.Justus Hartnack - 1981 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 4 (2):151.
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  35.  15
    Grace de Laguna as a Grandmother of Analytic Philosophy: Her Philosophy of Science and A.N. Whitehead’s.Frederique Janssen-Lauret - 2022 - Australasian Philosophical Review 6 (1):49-58.
    In this paper I build a case for considering the pioneering behaviourist philosopher Grace de Laguna as one of the grandmothers of analytic philosophy. I argue against the ‘Great Men’ narrative of analytic philosophy as composed of Moore, Russell, Wittgenstein and their followers, and in favour of a more inclusive ‘movement’ narrative of analytic philosophy as a broad and varied movement with an anti-idealist and naturalistic orientation aimed at fitting around novel development in the sciences, including Einsteinian (...)
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  36. Ahistoricity in Analytic Theology.Beau Branson - 2018 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 92 (1):195-224.
    Analytic theology has sometimes been criticized as ahistorical. But what this means, and why it is problematic, have often been left unclear. This essay explicates and supports one way of making that charge while simultaneously showing this ahistoricity, although widespread within analytic theology, is not essential to it. Specifically, some analytic theologians treat problematic doctrines as metaphysical puzzles, constructing speculative accounts of phenomena such as the Trinity or Incarnation and taking the theoretical virtues of such accounts to (...)
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  37. Analytic psychology.G. F. Stout - 1896 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 4 (4):4-5.
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  38. Analytic-Synthetic II.Friedrich Waismann - 1950 - Analysis 11 (2):25 - 38.
  39.  25
    The Will to Synthesis: Nietzsche, Carnap and the Continental-Analytic Gap.Felipe G. A. Moreira - 2020 - Nietzsche Studien 49 (1):150-170.
    This essay presupposes that Friedrich Nietzsche and Rudolf Carnap champion contrasting reactions to the fact that, throughout history, persons have been engaged in metaphysical disputes. Nietzsche embraces a libertarian reaction that is in agreement with his anti-democratic aristocratic political views, whereas Carnap endorses an egalitarian reaction aligned with his democratic and socialist political views. After characterizing these reactions, the essay argues for two claims. The first claim is that the stated contrasting reactions are to be considered, not only by the (...)
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  40.  75
    Are logical truths analytic?Jaakko Hintikka - 1965 - Philosophical Review 74 (2):178-203.
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  41.  60
    Hegel and the Analytic Tradition.Angelica Nuzzo (ed.) - 2009 - Continuum.
    An important collection of essays that rectifies a long-standing misconception in the history of the relation between Hegel and analytic philosophy.>.
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  42. Cartesian Circles and the Analytic Method.Thomas Feeney - 2020 - International Philosophical Quarterly 60 (4):393-409.
    The apparently circular arguments in Descartes’s Meditations should be read as analytic arguments, as Descartes himself suggested. This both explains and excuses the appearance of circularity. Analysis “digs out” what is already present in the meditator’s mind but not yet “expressly known”. Once this is achieved, the meditator may take the result of analysis as an epistemic starting point independent of the original argument. That is, analytic arguments may be reversed to yield demonstrative proofs that follow an already (...)
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  43. Conversation Analytic Perspectives on English Language Learning, Teaching and Testing in Global Contexts.[author unknown] - 2019
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    Individual differences in epistemically suspect beliefs: the role of analytic thinking and susceptibility to cognitive biases.Jakub Šrol - 2022 - Thinking and Reasoning 28 (1):125-162.
    The endorsement of epistemically suspect (i.e., paranormal, conspiracy, and pseudoscientific) beliefs is widespread and has negative consequences. Therefore, it is important to understand the reasoning processes – such as lower analytic thinking and susceptibility to cognitive biases – that might lead to the adoption of such beliefs. In two studies, I constructed and tested a novel questionnaire on epistemically suspect beliefs (Study 1, N = 263), and used it to examine probabilistic reasoning biases and belief bias in syllogistic reasoning (...)
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  45.  57
    The Possibility of Analytic Philosophy in United Kingdom Madrasas.Abbas Ahsan - 2021 - Journal of Islamic and Muslim Studies 6 (1):56-83.
    In the course of this article, I address the following question: why does analytic philosophy, which predominates throughout higher education in the United Kingdom, not feature prominently in UK madrasas (Islamic schools)? I provide two responses to this question. The first focuses on a possible intellectual conflict between the types of philosophy that are practiced in madrasas and in mainstream institutions of higher education. The second response focuses on the kind of philosophy that various organizations promote and practice in (...)
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  46.  43
    There's a certain slant of light: Three attitudes toward the political turn in analytic philosophy.Manuel Almagro & Sergio Guerra - 2023 - Metaphilosophy 54 (2-3):324-340.
    There has been a growing interest within analytic philosophy in addressing political and social issues, which has been referred to as the “political turn” in the discipline. The aim of this paper is twofold. First, it discusses the very characterization of the political turn. In particular, it introduces the definition proposed by Bordonaba-Plou, Fernández-Castro, and Torices, suggests that we should not consider the turn a form of activism, and explores an additional benefit of the ideal/nonideal distinction for characterizing the (...)
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  47.  38
    Responsibilism and the Analytic-Sociological Debate in Social Epistemology.Susan Dieleman - 2016 - Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 2 (2):1-14.
    This is the second paper in the invited collection. Dieleman provides an overview of the “state-of-the-field” debate between Analytic Social Epistemology, represented by Alvin Goldman, and what Dieleman calls the Sociological Social Epistemology, represented by Steve Fuller. In response to this ongoing debate, this paper has two related and complementary objectives. The first is to show that the debate between analytic and sociological versions of social epistemology is overly simplistic and doesn’t take into account additional positions that are (...)
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  48. Introduction : Analytic philosophy and philosophical history.Erich H. Reck - 2013 - In The Historical turn in Analytic Philosophy. New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 1-36.
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  49. Revisiting Grace de Laguna’s critiques of analytic philosophy and of pragmatism.Joel Katzav - 2024 - Asian Journal of Philosophy 3 (1):1-21.
    I revisit my paper, ‘Grace de Laguna’s 1909 Critique of Analytic Philosophy’ and respond to the commentary on it. I respond to James Chase and Jack Reynolds by further analysing the difference between speculative philosophy as de Laguna conceived of it and analytic philosophy, by clarifying how her critique of analytic philosophy remains relevant to some of its more speculative forms, and by explaining what justifies the criticism of established opinion that goes along with her rejection of (...)
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  50. Analytic Idealism: A consciousness-only ontology.Bernardo Kastrup - 2019 - Dissertation, Radboud University Nijmegen
    This thesis articulates an analytic version of the ontology of idealism, according to which universal phenomenal consciousness is all there ultimately is, everything else in nature being reducible to patterns of excitation of this consciousness. The thesis’ key challenge is to explain how the seemingly distinct conscious inner lives of different subjects—such as you and me—can arise within this fundamentally unitary phenomenal field. Along the way, a variety of other challenges are addressed, such as: how we can reconcile idealism (...)
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