Results for 'as-Suyūṭī'

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  1.  68
    Islamic Cosmology: A Study of as-Suyūṭī's al-Hayʾa assaniya fi l-hayʾa as-sunnīya [With Critical Edition, Translation and Commentary]Islamic Cosmology: A Study of as-Suyuti's al-Haya assaniya fi l-haya as-sunniya [With Critical Edition, Translation and Commentary].David A. King & Anton Heinen - 1989 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 109 (1):124.
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    An Evaluation of Suyūṭī's Naẓm al-Durar fī ʻilm al-asar Alfīyah in Terms of Hadith Method.Ramazan Doğanay - 2022 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 8 (2):1059-1093.
    In addition to the prose works that were copyrighted on the hadith method, poetry studies called Alfīyah also emerged. The main motive behind the naming of the Alfīyahs is to ensure that the information is easily memorized and remembered. For this purpose, Suyūṭī also wrote an Alfīyah named Naẓm al-Durar fī ʻilm al-asar on the method of hadith. Suyūṭī felt the need to write a new Alfīyah himself by considering Ibn al-Ṣalāḥ's ʻUlūm al-ḥadīth and al-ʻIrāqī's Alfīyah named al-Tabṣirah (...)
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    بين عالمية القرآن والقول بتاريخانيته: دراسة في نوع المكي والمدني من خلال كتاب الإتقان للسيوطي.Monjed Ahmad - 2021 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 7 (2):1335-1382.
    Bu çalışma, Suyûtî’nin el-İtkân fî ulûmi’l-Kur’ân isimli kitabının birinci türüyle ilgili bir incelemedir. Bu başlık nüzul zamanı ve mekânı ile ilgili Kur’ân ayetlerinin taksimi konusunda söylenen sözlerin tahlilini içermektedir. Ebu’l-Kâsım el-Hasan b. Muhammed en-Nisabûrî bu türleri et-Tenbîh 'alâ fadl-i ulûmi’l-Kur’ân isimli kitabında 25 türe ayırmıştır. Bu türlerin, Kur’ân ilimlerinin en üstünü ve tefsir ilmine başlamak için şart olduğunu ifade etmiştir. Suyûtî, İtkânı’nda bu türlerin çoğunu müstakil başlıklar altında ele alarak bu görüşe katılmıştır. Bu durum bazı âlimlerin çekingen kaldığı diğer bazılarının (...)
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    Klasik ve Modern Dönem Hadis Fetva Kitaplarının Muhtevalarına Yönelik Bir Mukayese.Ali Can Kanoğlu - 2021 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 7 (1):387-430.
    In this paper, I analyse the issue of “hadith fatwas”, which has not studied enough in academic ground. The litera-ture of hadith fatwas is consisted of the questions asked by all Muslims, whether they have academic interest in Hadith or not, to the scholars and the answers given by the scholars. The most famous samples of this literature, which dates back to 3rd century AH, were written in the 9th and 10th century AH. One of the most distinguishing features of (...)
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    Erdbeben in arabischen Gedichten der Ayyūbiden- und Mamlūkenzeit.Ewald Wagner - 2017 - Der Islam: Journal of the History and Culture of the Middle East 94 (1):94-114.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Der Islam Jahrgang: 94 Heft: 1 Seiten: 94-114.
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    The First Treatise on the Parents of the Prophet in Ottoman Turkish: Rawḍat al-ṣafā fī wāliday al-Muṣṭafá – A Study on Its Authorship and Content –.Ulvi Murat Kilavuz - 2022 - Kader 20 (1):236-262.
    The debate on the Prophet’s parents’ (abawayn al-Rasūl) religious status and their position in the hereafter goes back to several narrations from the Prophet himself. This subject, which can principally be considered part of the problem of the religious status of ahl al-fatrah, seems to be raised by the Shīʿah as an issue of creed in line with their understanding of imamate. Abū Ḥanīfah’s (d. 150/767) statement in his al-Fiqh al-akbar that “Prophet’s parents passed away on kufr/jāhiliyyah” is seen as (...)
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  7.  28
    The Role of The Morphological Deviation for Meaning in the Qur`ān.Yaşar Daşkiran - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (2):1347-1368.
    In the article, the phenomenon of deviation, which is one of the important subjects of stylistics and rhetoric is discussed. The deviation is divided into three categories in terms of phonetic, word and grammar. The study was limited to morphological deviation defined as a transition from form to another. The morphological deviations and their relation with meaning reveal the importance of changes in word level. The linguistic and contextual elements are considered as two complementary parties in contextual linguistics. From phonetic (...)
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  8.  21
    Bir Kaidenin Serencamı: H'cet Umumi Olsun Hususi Olsun Zaruret Menzilesine Tenzil Olunur.Temel Kacır - 2016 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 20 (2):137-137.
    In the fatwas given today related to whether individual or social life, the area of jawāz either has been very wide or very narrow. Those, who feature the behavior making prohibited things lawful, have nearly defined even necessity within the pragmatism on the basis of need and they keep the area in question very wide. On the other hand, those who confine the evidence of maṣlaḥa to a methodological principle, have nearly disregarded needs in solving individual and social problems. Whereas, (...)
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  9.  43
    Tafsīr Education and Works in the Mamluks: A Historical Review.Mesut Kaya - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (3):993-1015.
    The Mamluk period of Islamic history witnessed a very vivid life of scientific endeavours. This was mainly due to the fact that the higher education institutions (madrasa) established by the Seljuqid and Ayyubid dynasties continued to develop as well as that Mamluk sultans and their commanders gave great importance to charitable institutions of education. With the facilities provided by these charities, Cairo and Damascus grew into important centres of attraction for scholars and teachers from all over the Islamic world. In (...)
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  10.  38
    Tafannun (stylistic variation) in Similar Meanings and Utterances in the Qurʾān.Ahmet Sait Sicak - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (2):739-763.
    Similar words and utterances in the Qurʾān are the subject of the technical term lafẓī mutashābih. The rephrasing of meanings (maʿnā) and use of different words (lafẓ) in the Qurʾān are dealt with under the rubric of the theme “Qurʾānic style.” The stylistic variations in the Qurʾān are expressed as takrār al-Qurʾān, tasrīf (Affix and Paraphrase), ʿudūl (inversion), and tafannun (stylistic variation). However, when compared with other terms of exegesis, “tafannun” remained in the background and its conceptualization was thwarted. This (...)
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    Naskh Belonging as a Contradiction Resolution Method.Muhammed İsa Yüksek - 2021 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 25 (3):1065-1080.
    Mushkil al-Qur’ān is a science of the Qur’ān in which the verses that are considered contradictory at first glance and what ways/methods are used in reconciling them. From the point of view of a commentator or even a believer, the ishkal (contradiction) cannot be attributed to the Qur’ān proper, and the supposed contradictions between verses do not appear in the Qur’ān but the mind of the subject. Therefore, in this science, it can be seen that both the recognition of contradictions (...)
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  12.  31
    Jalāl al-dīn al-SuyūṭīJalal al-din al-Suyuti.William M. Brinner & E. M. Sartain - 1980 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 100 (2):135.
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    Al-Aḥādīth al-Ḥisān fi Faḍl al-Ṭaylasān li-Djalāl al-Dīn al-SuyūṭīAl-Ahadith al-Hisan fi Fadl al-Taylasan li-Djalal al-Din al-Suyuti.Yedida K. Stillman & Albert Arazi - 1987 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 107 (3):528.
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    Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind: Light and luminous being in Islamic theology.Christian Lange - 2021 - Critical Research on Religion 9 (2):142-156.
    For theologians, to conceive of God in terms of light has some undeniable advantages, allowing a middle-of-the road position between the two extremes of thinking about God in terms of a purely disembodied, unfathomable, unsensible being, and of crediting Him with a body, possibly even a human body. This paper first reviews the reasons why God, in early medieval Islam, was never fully theorized in terms of light. It then proceeds to discuss light-related narratives in two major, late-medieval compilations of (...)
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  15.  11
    The Legal Thought of Jal=Al Al-D=in Al-Suy=U.T=I: Authority and Legacy.Rebecca Skreslet Hernandez - 2017 - Oxford University Press.
    This book looks at the thought of a key figure in Islamic history from the vantage point of different forms of authority. In addition to providing detailed textual analysis of al-Suyuti's legal writing in its historical context, the study also connects the pre-modern figure to contemporary debates in post-2011 Egypt.
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  16. Bakara Sûresi 184. Âyetin Neshi Meselesi ve Şah Veliyyullah ed-Dehlevî’nin Bu Konudaki Sıra Dışı Yorumu.Yunus Emre Gördük - 2019 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 51:25-47.
    Hindistanlı velûd bir âlim olan Şah Veliyyullah ed-Dehlevî’nin (ö. 1176/1762) pek çok alanda tam sayısı tespit edilemeyen birçok eseri vardır. Bunlardan biri tefsir usulü alanında telif etmiş olduğu el-Fevżu’l-Kebîr fî Usûli’t-Tefsîr adlı aslı Farsça olan eseridir. Söz konusu eserin bir bölümünde müellif, Suyûtî’nin (ö. 911/1506) el-İtkân’ında yirmi bir adetle sınırlandırdığı mensûh âyetleri tekrar gözden geçirerek bu sayıyı beşe indirmektedir. Bu meyanda değinilen âyetlerden biri Bakara sûresinin 185. âyetiyle neshedildiği kebul edilen 184. âyetidir. Tefsir literatüründe, önce bu âyetin nâzil olduğu ve (...)
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  17. Reflexiones sobre la transformación moderna del vínculo hombres-naturaleza.Martín Abraham - 2018 - In Gloria Elías, El arte de la dominación: ensayos de filosofías para la emancipación y la liberación. San Salvador de Jujuy, Pcia. de Jujuy, Argentina: Universidad Nacional de Jujuy.
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    O discurso de Aristófanes no Symposium e a literalização da metáfora.Cristina de Souza Agostini - 2012 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 9:93-99.
    Nesse artigo, pretendo demonstrar de que modo podemos presenciar no discurso do Aristófanes do Symposium platônico, algumas piadas estanques próprias à comédia aristofânica e, principalmente, de que maneira a literalização da metáfora, expediente dramático recorrentemente utilizado por Aristófanes, aparece luminosamente dentro do diálogo, cumprindo uma função cuja comicidade foi substituída pela trágica impotência humana frente à superioridade divina.
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  19. Aproximación a la intermediación lingüística con mujeres víctimas de violencia de género en el ámbito sanitario.Laura Aguilera & Carmen Toledano-Buendía - 2019 - In R. Mendoza, Estrella Gualda Caballero & Markus Spinatsch, La mediación intercultural en la atención sanitaria a inmigrantes y minorías étnicas: modelos, estudios, programas y práctica profesional: una visión internacional. Madrid: Díaz de Santos.
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  20. Influencias multiliterarias de Trilce (1922) del poeta peruano César Vallejo.Jesús Miguel Delgado Del Aguila - forthcoming - Todas as Artes.
  21. Asistencia bilingüe en actividades grupales de formación sobre diabetes en Dinamarca: la perspectiva de los asistentes bilingües.Nanna Ahlmark - 2019 - In R. Mendoza, Estrella Gualda Caballero & Markus Spinatsch, La mediación intercultural en la atención sanitaria a inmigrantes y minorías étnicas: modelos, estudios, programas y práctica profesional: una visión internacional. Madrid: Díaz de Santos.
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    (1 other version)The hand of God: Diego Maradona and the divine nature of cheating in Classical Antiquity.Frederick Ahl - 2015 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 14:11-19.
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    Hume's "life" and the virtues of the dying.Donald C. Ainslie - 2005 - In Thomas Mathien & D. G. Wright, Autobiography as Philosophy: The Philosophical Uses of Self-Presentation. New York: Routledge.
  24. Music making in the construction of culture : artizenship through emerging music styles in Kenya.Emily Achieng' Akuno - 2024 - In Emily Achieng' Akuno & Maria Westvall, Music as agency: diversities of perspectives on artistic citizenship. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Acknowledgements.Lars Albinus - 2016 - In Religion as a Philosophical Matter: Concerns About Truth, Name, and Habitation. Warsaw: De Gruyter Open.
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    8 Conclusion.Lars Albinus - 2016 - In Religion as a Philosophical Matter: Concerns About Truth, Name, and Habitation. Warsaw: De Gruyter Open. pp. 221-224.
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    2 Demarcations and Deliberations.Lars Albinus - 2016 - In Religion as a Philosophical Matter: Concerns About Truth, Name, and Habitation. Warsaw: De Gruyter Open. pp. 23-46.
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    (1 other version)Introduction.Lars Albinus - 2016 - In Religion as a Philosophical Matter: Concerns About Truth, Name, and Habitation. Warsaw: De Gruyter Open. pp. 1-12.
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    Index of Names.Lars Albinus - 2016 - In Religion as a Philosophical Matter: Concerns About Truth, Name, and Habitation. Warsaw: De Gruyter Open. pp. 235-237.
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    Index of Subjects.Lars Albinus - 2016 - In Religion as a Philosophical Matter: Concerns About Truth, Name, and Habitation. Warsaw: De Gruyter Open. pp. 238-240.
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    Literature.Lars Albinus - 2016 - In Religion as a Philosophical Matter: Concerns About Truth, Name, and Habitation. Warsaw: De Gruyter Open. pp. 225-234.
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    5 Of Name and Language.Lars Albinus - 2016 - In Religion as a Philosophical Matter: Concerns About Truth, Name, and Habitation. Warsaw: De Gruyter Open. pp. 104-146.
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    7 Perspective.Lars Albinus - 2016 - In Religion as a Philosophical Matter: Concerns About Truth, Name, and Habitation. Warsaw: De Gruyter Open. pp. 204-220.
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    1 State of the Art.Lars Albinus - 2016 - In Religion as a Philosophical Matter: Concerns About Truth, Name, and Habitation. Warsaw: De Gruyter Open. pp. 13-22.
  35.  8
    4 The Frames of Truth and Reference.Lars Albinus - 2016 - In Religion as a Philosophical Matter: Concerns About Truth, Name, and Habitation. Warsaw: De Gruyter Open. pp. 61-103.
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    The hellenistic world’s eastern frontier: Textual sources on built environment and society in the greek cities of Bactro-Gandharan region.Cibele Elisa Viegas Aldrovandi - 2009 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 3:41-51.
    This article discusses the textual sources used for understanding the built environment and interactions between Greek eastern colonies and other societies in the Bactro-Gandharan region.
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  37. Extreme Poverty in a Wealthy World: What Justice Demands Today.Marcelo Alegre - 2007 - In Thomas Winfried Menko Pogge, Freedom From Poverty as a Human Right: Who Owes What to the Very Poor? Co-Published with Unesco. Oxford University Press.
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  38. Silencing whistleblowers.C. Fred Alford - 2019 - In Amy Jo Murray & Kevin Durrheim, Qualitative studies of silence: the unsaid as social action. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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  39. Afkār al-mutaqaddimīn wa-al-mutaʼakhkhirīn min al-ʻulamāʼ wa-al-ḥukamāʼ wa-al-mutakallimīn.Fakhr al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn ʻUmar al-Rāzī - 1905 - In Fakhr al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn ʻUmar Rāzī, Kitāb (Muḥaṣṣal) afkār al-mutaqaddimīn wa-al-mutaʼakhkhirīn min al-ʻulamāʼ wa-al-ḥukamāʼ wa-al-mutakallimīn. [Cairo]: al-Maṭbaʻah al-Ḥusaynīyah al-Miṣrīyah.
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  40. Encuentros-RE-encuentros.Diana Paola Roa Alvarez - 2007 - In M. Munévar & Dora Inés, Artes viv(id)as: despliegues en la vida cotidiana. Bogotá: Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Dirección de Investigación.
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    O humano em Homero.Marcelo Alves - 2012 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 8:39-46.
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  42. Søren Kierkegaard and the Practice of Philosophy.Lydia B. Amir - 2006 - In B. R. J., Philosophers as Philosophical Practitioners. Ediciones. pp. 31-45.
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  43. Cecilio Báez : la búsqueda epistémica del progreso.Cristian Andino - 2013 - In Osvaldo Gómez & Miguel Zarza, Pensadores (as) del 900. Asunción, Paraguay: Secretaria Nacional de Cultura.
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    (1 other version)Care of Self in Dawn: On Nietzsche’s Resistance to Bio-political Modernity.Keith Ansell-Pearson - 2014 - In Manuel Knoll & Barry Stocker, Nietzsche as Political Philosopher. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 269-286.
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    Acknowledgments.Kwame Anthony Appiah - 2017 - In As If: Idealization and Ideals. Cambridge, MA, USA: Harvard University Press. pp. 211-214.
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    2. A Measure of Belief: Lessons from Frank Ramsey.Kwame Anthony Appiah - 2017 - In As If: Idealization and Ideals. Cambridge, MA, USA: Harvard University Press. pp. 57-111.
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    Index of Names.Kwame Anthony Appiah - 2017 - In As If: Idealization and Ideals. Cambridge, MA, USA: Harvard University Press. pp. 215-222.
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    Notes.Kwame Anthony Appiah - 2017 - In As If: Idealization and Ideals. Cambridge, MA, USA: Harvard University Press. pp. 175-210.
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    A strange mixture of pleasure and pain.Anastácio Borges de Araújo Júnior - 2016 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 17:45-55.
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    Mighty Aphrodite: a comid tragedy.Orlando Luiz de Araújo - 2011 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 7:103-108.
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