Results for 'conséquence de contraste'

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  1. Antecedents and Consequences of Endorsing Prescriptive Views of Active Aging and Altruistic Disengagement.M. Clara de Paula Couto, Helene H. Fung, Sylvie Graf, Thomas M. Hess, Shyhnan Liou, Jana Nikitin & Klaus Rothermund - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In this study, we investigated endorsement of two types of prescriptive views of aging, namely active aging and altruistic disengagement. The study comprised a large international sample of middle-aged and older adults, covering the age range from 40 to 90 years. Participants rated their personal endorsement of prescriptive views of active aging and altruistic disengagement targeting older adults in general. Findings showed that endorsement was higher for prescriptions for active aging than for prescriptions for altruistic disengagement. Age groups in the (...)
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    Analyse contrastive des textes de décisions judiciaires en la langue française, allemande et polonaise.Margarete Flöter-Durr & Paulina Nowak-Korcz - 2022 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 36 (2):837-867.
    This article deals with the notion of jurisdictional discourse, which, as a specific type of complex discourse, always poses a real challenge to translators. The authors present a contrastive analysis of the texts of legal decisions in French, German and Polish in order to demonstrate the difficulties in translation and the consequences which they entail, and to suggest a strategy for overcoming them. Firstly, the authors briefly compare the texts of judicial decisions indicating their characteristics both in terms of the (...)
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  3. The impact of error-consequence severity on cue processing in importance-biased prospective memory.Kristina Krasich, Eva Gjorgieva, Samuel Murray, Shreya Bhatia, Myrthe Faber, Felipe De Brigard & Marty Woldorff - forthcoming - Cerebral Cortex Communications.
    Prospective memory (PM) enables people to remember to complete important tasks in the future. Failing to do so can result in consequences of varying severity. Here, we investigated how PM error-consequence severity impacts the neural processing of relevant cues for triggering PM and the ramification of that processing on the associated prospective task performance. Participants role-played a cafeteria worker serving lunches to fictitious students and had to remember to deliver an alternative lunch to students (as PM cues) who would otherwise (...)
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  4. On the Consequences of Retaining the General Validity of Locality in Physical Theory.W. De Baere - 2005 - Foundations of Physics 35 (1):33-56.
    The empirical validity of the locality (LOC) principle of relativity is used to argue in favour of a local hidden variable theory (HVT) for individual quantum processes. It is shown that such a HVT may reproduce the statistical predictions of quantum mechanics (QM), provided the reproducibility of initial hidden variable states is limited. This means that in a HVT limits should be set to the validity of the notion of counterfactual definiteness (CFD). This is supported by the empirical evidence that (...)
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  5. A New Approach to Classical Relevance.Inge De Bal & Peter Verdée - 2015 - Studia Logica 103 (5):919-954.
    In this paper we present a logic that determines when implications in a classical logic context express a relevant connection between antecedent and consequent. In contrast with logics in the relevance logic literature, we leave classical negation intact—in the sense that the law of non-contradiction can be used to obtain relevant implications, as long as there is a connection between antecedent and consequent. On the other hand, we give up the requirement that our theory of relevance should be able to (...)
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    Humanism in Husserl and Aquinas: Contrast Between a Phenomenological Concept of Man and a Realistic Concept of Man.Joseph McCafferty - 2003 - Peter Lang.
    Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien. The skeptical consequences of the psychologist and historicist thinking prevalent in the intellectual climate of the beginning of the twentieth century made it impossible to establish morality, religion and other humanistic sciences on an absolute foundation. Husserl saw in this situation factors which were causing real illnesses of the human spirit. It is the thesis of this work that Husserl, though well-motivated by the best humanistic intentions, fails to furnish an (...)
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  7. Consequence and Contrast in Deontic Semantics.Fabrizio Cariani - 2016 - Journal of Philosophy 113 (8):396-416.
    Contrastivists view ought-sentences as expressing comparisons among alternatives. Deontic actualists believe that the value of each alternative in such a comparison is determined by what would actually happen if that alternative were to be the case. One of the arguments that motivates actualism is a challenge to the principle of agglomeration over conjunction—the principle according to which if you ought to run and you ought to jump, then you ought to run and jump. I argue that there is no way (...)
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    Does Confabulation Pose a Threat to First-Person Authority? Mindshaping, Self-Regulation and the Importance of Self-Know-How.Leon de Bruin & Derek Strijbos - 2020 - Topoi 39 (1):151-161.
    Empirical evidence suggests that people often confabulate when they are asked about their choices or reasons for action. The implications of these studies are the topic of intense debate in philosophy and the cognitive sciences. An important question in this debate is whether the confabulation studies pose a serious threat to the possibility of self-knowledge. In this paper we are not primarily interested in the consequences of confabulation for self-knowledge. Instead, we focus on a different issue: what confabulation implies for (...)
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    Attitudes de se: from properties to Kripkean propositions.Wolfgang Sternefeld - 2020 - Tübingen: Stauffenburg Verlag.
    The analysis of knowledge and belief has provoked intensive discussions in philosophy and linguistics. One of the issues in this area is the semantics of attitude verbs whose complement expresses a thought about the Self of the thinking person. What is the content of my belief when I think that I am tired? Some philosophers propose it is a proposition, others think it is a property. It will be shown in this essay that existing proposals in either direction are unsatisfying. (...)
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  10. Une methode linguistique d'approche contrastive.Critique de L'analyse Contrastive & A. Absence de Methode Propre - forthcoming - Contrastes: Revue de l'Association Pour le Developpement des Études Contrastives.
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    Littérature populaire : Un objet protéiforme.Jacques Migozzi - 2005 - Hermes 42:95.
    Irréductiblement polysémique, l'appellation «littérature populaire» a pu désigner les «littératures de la voix», la littérature de colportage, ou encore les fictions imprimées de grande consommation. Dans tous les cas, les «littératures populaires» ont été opiniâtrement minorées par le canon culturel. Sans doute parce que, par-delà les alibis esthétiques, la condamnation des «mauvais genres» trahit l'inquiétude des élites face aux conséquences de la démocratie, en même temps que le déclassement de la «littérature industrielle» permet à la Littérature consacrée d'affirmer par (...) sa singularité distinctive. On s'interrogera dès lors sur les logiques de champs dont la recherche universitaire est redevable, comme en témoigne la persistance de dichotomies notionnelles discriminantes, que l'hybridité des textes et des usages sociaux invalide pourtant constamment.Popular literature, a definitely polysemous form applies to types of literature involving voices, hawking, or else the printed fictions widely read since the advent of the serialized novel. In all cases, popular literature or popular types of literature have systematically been minimized by the cultural canon. Beyond the alleged aesthetic reasons, this condemnation of "irrelevant genres" betrays the elites' worried reaction to democracy and its consequences; at the same time, the downgrading of "industrial literature" contributes to conversely reinforcing the distinctive status of established and accepted Literature. How can one then justify the fields academic research is indebted to, as is shown by the enduring discriminatory notional dichotomies which are however constantly gainsaid by the hybrid nature of texts and by social habits? (shrink)
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    Categorizing clients with disabilities.Finn Kjeldsen Amby - 2023 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 17-2 (17-2):63-81.
    Depuis plus de deux décennies, les gouvernements scandinaves expriment leur volonté d’augmenter le taux d’emploi des personnes handicapées. Malgré la réaffirmation ininterrompue de cette volonté politique, ce taux est resté jusqu’à ce jour nettement inférieur à celui des personnes non handicapées. Les centres municipaux pour l’emploi – et, par conséquent, les travailleurs sociaux qui y œuvrent – disposent d’une grande latitude pour classer les clients présentant des déficiences permanentes susceptibles d’entraîner un handicap dans la recherche d’un emploi. Jusqu’à maintenant, les (...)
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  13. Systematics and the Darwinian revolution.Kevin de Queiroz - 1988 - Philosophy of Science 55 (2):238-259.
    Taxonomies of living things and the methods used to produce them changed little with the institutionalization of evolutionary thinking in biology. Instead, the relationships expressed in existing taxonomies were merely reinterpreted as the result of evolution, and evolutionary concepts were developed to justify existing methods. I argue that the delay of the Darwinian Revolution in biological taxonomy has resulted partly from a failure to distinguish between two fundamentally different ways of ordering identified by Griffiths : classification and systematization. Classification consists (...)
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    Pain and Touch.Frédérique de Vignemont - 2017 - The Monist 100 (4):465-477.
    When one contrasts pain with the classic five senses, discussions generally focus on vision, which is taken as the paradigmatic example of perception. An intentionalist might argue that if the phenomenal difference between feeling and seeing bodily disturbances cannot be explained at the level of the content, it can be so at the level of the mode of presentation, and more particularly at the level of the structure of the spatial phenomenology of pain. Here I will argue that the spatial (...)
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  15. Kant, Reichenbach, and the Fate of A Priori Principles.Karin de Boer - 2010 - European Journal of Philosophy 19 (4):507-531.
    Abstract: This article contends that the relation of early logical empiricism to Kant was more complex than is often assumed. It argues that Reichenbach's early work on Kant and Einstein, entitled The Theory of Relativity and A Priori Knowledge (1920) aimed to transform rather than to oppose Kant's Critique of Pure Reason. One the one hand, I argue that Reichenbach's conception of coordinating principles, derived from Kant's conception of synthetic a priori principles, offers a valuable way of accounting for the (...)
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  16. Les opérateurs épistémiques.Fred Dretske - 2014 - Repha 8:87-108. Translated by Pascal Engel.
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    Agency in reproduction.Laura Nuño de la Rosa - 2023 - Evolution & Development 6 (340):418-429.
    While niche construction theory and developmental approaches to evolution have brought to the front the active role of organisms as ecological and developmental agents, respectively, the role of agents in reproduction has been widely neglected by organismal perspectives of evolution. This paper addresses this problem by proposing an agential view of reproduction and shows that such a perspective has implications for the explanation of the origin of modes of reproduction, the evolvability of reproductive modes, and the coevolution between reproduction and (...)
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    One Stage Is Not Enough.Andrew W. Young & Karel W. De Pauw - 2002 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 9 (1):55-59.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 9.1 (2002) 55-59 [Access article in PDF] One Stage Is Not Enough Andrew W. Young and Karel W. de Pauw Keywords: delusions, Cotard delusion, Capgras delusion, cognitive neuropsychiatry. WE WELCOME THE OPPORTUNITY to offer our reflections on Philip Gerrans' interesting paper. Our opinion is that on fundamental issues we agree quite a bit—but there are clear differences when it comes to details.The most basic issue (...)
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    1830-1848, the End of Metaphysics as a Transformation of Culture.Herbert De Vriese (ed.) - 2003 - Dudley, MA: Peeters.
    The question of 'the end of metaphysics' is generally considered as a central issue concerning the nature and significance of philosophy as such, and, accordingly, as belonging to the realm of 'pure' or 'fundamental' philosophy. By contrast, this book investigates to what extent the end of metaphysics might be related to specific influences from outside philosophy. Focusing on the period between 1830 and 1848, it argues that metaphysics was not so much challenged by internal philosophical argument, but rather by a (...)
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    Human Dignity as a Form of Life: Notes on Its Foundations and Meaning in Institutional Morality.Saulo Monteiro Martinho de Matos - 2020 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 33 (1):47-63.
    In normative terms, human dignity usually implies two consequences: human beings cannot be treated in some particular ways due to their condition as humans; and some forms of life do not correspond to the ideal life of our community. This study consists in discussing the meaning of this idea of human dignity in contrast to the concept of humiliation in the context of institutional, i.e. political and legal, rights. Two concepts of human dignity will be discussed. The first absolute/necessary and (...)
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    Corporate Beneficence and COVID-19.Daniel T. Ostas & Gastón de los Reyes - 2021 - Journal of Human Values 27 (1):15-26.
    This article explores the motives underlying corporate responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. The analysis begins with Thomas Dunfee’s Statement of Minimum Moral Obligation (SMMO), which specifies, more precisely than any other contribution to the business ethics canon, the level of corporate beneficence required during a pandemic. The analysis then turns to Milton Friedman’s neoliberal understanding of human nature, critically contrasting it with the notion of stoic virtue that informs the works of Adam Smith. Friedman contends that beneficence should play no (...)
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  22. Artificial intelligence and philosophical creativity: From analytics to crealectics.Luis de Miranda - 2020 - Human Affairs 30 (4):597-607.
    The tendency to idealise artificial intelligence as independent from human manipulators, combined with the growing ontological entanglement of humans and digital machines, has created an “anthrobotic” horizon, in which data analytics, statistics and probabilities throw our agential power into question. How can we avoid the consequences of a reified definition of intelligence as universal operation becoming imposed upon our destinies? It is here argued that the fantasised autonomy of automated intelligence presents a contradistinctive opportunity for philosophical consciousness to understand itself (...)
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    Decreased Corticospinal Excitability after the Illusion of Missing Part of the Arm.Konstantina Kilteni, Jennifer Grau-Sánchez, Misericordia Veciana De Las Heras, Antoni Rodríguez-Fornells & Mel Slater - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10:178578.
    Previous studies on body ownership illusions have shown that under certain multimodal conditions, healthy people can experience artificial body-parts as if they were part of their own body, with direct physiological consequences for the real limb that gets ‘substituted’. In this study we wanted to assess (a) whether healthy people can experience ‘missing’ a body-part through illusory ownership of an amputated virtual body, and (b) whether this would cause corticospinal excitability changes in muscles associated with the ‘missing’ body-part. Forty right-handed (...)
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    Los argumentos resbaladizos. El uso practico de razonamientos imperfectos.Mª Teresa López de la Vieja - 2016 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 12.
    RESUMENEl artículo analiza el papel desempeñado por los argumentos de pendiente resbaladiza en los debates prácticos. Por un lado, estos argumentos suelen ejemplificar una forma d razonamiento imperfecto o paradójico. De hecho, la Filosofía clásica griega ya identificó las principales dificultades del sorites, el argumento del «montón». Por otro lado, la pendiente resbaladiza llama de nuevo la atención de la Filosofía contemporánea, ya que ocupa un lugar destacado en determinadas cuestiones morales, como pueden ser la eutanasia, los límites de la (...)
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    La Prose du Monde ou le Monde Comme un Texte?Jean-Philippe Pierron - 2015 - Chiasmi International 17:309-324.
    Maurice Merleau-Ponty et Paul Ricoeur pensent tous deux l’inscription du corps dans la chair du monde, mais ne tirent pas les mêmes conséquences de ce point de départ anthropologique. Le premier creusera toujours plus profond la signification et la portée de toute inscription charnelle en développant une ontologie du sensible, une esthétique de cet entrelacs qui lie l’homme et le monde. Ricoeur, à la différence de son ainé, médiatisera de plus en plus cette inscription dans une herméneutique des identités individuelles (...)
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    Territoire, migration et l'état légitime.Christine Straehle - 2012 - Philosophiques 39 (2):393.
    Qui peut revendiquer un territoire, sur quelles bases et avec quelles conséquences sont des questions qui font l’objet de débats en philosophie politique contemporaine. En réponse, j’adopte « la théorie de l’État légitime » proposée par Stilz. Selon Wellman, une conséquence des revendications territoriales serait le droit de l’État de refuser la migration sur son territoire. Je juxtapose son propos de l’État légitime avec celui de Stilz et soutiens que, si l’on accepte la fondation de l’État légitime sur la (...)
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    L’ipséité : un essai de reformulation à la lumière de Heidegger et de Wittgenstein.Claude Romano - 2017 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 120 (1):119-140.
    Le but de cet article est de réévaluer la cohérence de l’un des concepts les plus importants – bien que souvent négligé – de l’ontologie fondamentale heideggérienne, le concept d’ipséité ( Selbstheit ). En insistant sur l’importance de l’affirmation selon laquelle l’ipséité se réfère à un mode d’être de Dasein, par contraste avec un autre, la perte de soi-même dans le On, et à rien d’autre qu’à cela (à aucune espèce d’étant ou d’entité), nous en tirons les conséquences pour (...)
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  28. La Question des Fondements Empiriques de la Signification.Martin Montminy - 1995 - Dissertation, Universite de Montreal (Canada)
    L'objectif de cette these est d'etudier les fondements empiriques de notions semantiques telles que la signification, l'analyticite et la reference. J'essaie entre autres choses de defendre l'idee qu'il n'existe pas de critere permettant de definir strictement ces notions. Dans un premier temps, j'examine les critiques formulees par W. V. Quine contre la distinction analytique-synthetique. Il n'existe pas d'argument general pour rejeter cette distinction. Pour critiquer celle-ci, on doit examiner individuellement les diverses tentatives visant a l'etablir. ;Tout d'abord, j'examine les objections (...)
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  29. Le modernisme récalcitrant de Roberto Schwarz.Raphael F. Alvarenga - 2023 - Letterature D'America 43 (195):99-114.
    In contrast to the thesis of a thorough homology between the demystifying vocation of modernism and the profanatory tendencies of capitalist dynamics, the work of Roberto Schwarz seems to provide elements for a more nuanced conception of the modernist experience. While denouncing the setback caused by the routinisation of artistic strategies of defamiliarization, the Brazilian critic remains reluctant to accept the postmodernist assumption that any attempt to give consequence to the modernist universe in changed circumstances is necessarily doomed to failure. (...)
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  30. Pluralidad de la filosofía: pluriversidad versus universidad.Javier Echeverria - 2012 - Ontology Studies: Cuadernos de Ontología:373-388.
    La condición distribuida en el espacio y en el tiempo del deseo de saber no implica universalidad, sino más bien pluralidad, e incluso pluriversalidad. La universalidad implica tender a “lo Uno”, que desde Platón ha sido concebido como una entidad trascendente. La pluralidad que se propugna en esta contribución, inspirada en Leibniz y en James, se a!rma adversus unum, no versus unum. En consecuencia, se propugna una!losofía pluriversal, que indaga y a!rma la pluralidad en cada uno de los ámbitos que (...)
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    Das Experiment im Spannungsfeld von Freiheit und Zwang. Probierstein und Versuchkunst bei Kant.Christine Blättler - 2010 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 58 (6):873-888.
    In contrast to the common notion of experiments as a means for testing theories, Science Studies currently emphasize the explorative character of experiments, thus elevating their systematic epistemological relevance. Consequently the experiment has become another challenge to Reichenbach′s distinction between discovery and justification, which has been valid in the philosophy of science for several decades. Repeatedly the experiment has served as an epistemological paradigm in philosophy. Engaging with recent positions in Science Studies the paper investigates Kant′s understanding of the use, (...)
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  32. Alcances y limitaciones de la definición de adaptación aplicada al fenómeno del parasitismo: una propuesta teórica.Vicente Dressino, Guillermo M. Denegri & Susana Gisela Lamas - 2004 - Episteme 19:69-80.
    La problemática adaptativa constituye un tema central para la teoría evolutiva. Uno de los principales cuestionamientos está dado por aquellos procesos que tradicionalmente se han considerado como adaptativos y que a la luz de la evidencia actual deben ser redefinidos. El estudio de la adaptación en el caso del parasitismo reviste especial importancia por sus aspectos epidemiológicos, ecológicos y evolutivos, además de su impacto en medicina evolutiva. El objetivo del presente trabajo es hacer un estudio de casos en cestodes con (...)
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  33. De-Psychologizing Intuitionism: The Anti-Realist Rejection of Classical Logic.Sanford Shieh - 1993 - Dissertation, Harvard University
    The most puzzling and intriguing aspect of intuitionism as a philosophy of mathematics is its claim that classical deductive reasoning in mathematics is illegitimate. The two most well-known proponents of this position are L. E. J. Brouwer and Michael Dummett. Both of their criticisms of the use of classical logic in mathematics have, by and large, been taken to depend on the thesis that the principle of bivalence does not apply to mathematical statements; and the difference between these criticisms is (...)
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    El poder de lo real en Xavier Zubiri y su lectura de los padres griegos.Juan José García - 2002 - The Xavier Zubiri Review 4:19-66.
    The “power of the real”, which Zubiri conceptualized in the final period of his philosophy, is “inspired” in the creation concept of the Greek Fathers, according to Zubiri’sexposition of Greek Patristics in “Supernatural Being: God and Deification in Pauline Theology”. In addition, Zubiri makes that concept his own in a course on Christianity, published posthumously. That inspiration can be detected when Zubiri radicalizes his philosophical approach. This implies purifying his philosophy of elements from Latin theology,whose notions he contrasts with those (...)
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    Lenguaje de contrastes sutiles: El sentido hermenéutico de las ciencias humanas según Charles Taylor.Solange Cárcamo Landero - 2015 - Alpha (Osorno) 41:269-281.
    En este artículo describiremos la vitalidad del sistema fonológico del mapudungun hablado por escolares pewenches de la Provincia del Biobío, VIII Región. Específicamente, nos hemos propuesto: a) Determinar los fonos/fonemas, y su fonotaxis, que se relevan como indicadores de vitalidad, b) Identificar las transferencias fonético-fonológicas presentes en la fonología del pewenche hablado por estos escolares y c) Interpretar las transferencias encontradas en términos del grado de vitalidad de la fonología de la lengua. La muestra está conformada por un grupo de (...)
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    Globalização econômica, desmonte do estado social e déficit político transnacional: uma análise crítica a partir de Jürgen Habermas.Jorge Adriano Lubenow - 2020 - Trans/Form/Ação 43 (2):99-126.
    Resumo O artigo trata da análise crítica de Jürgen Habermas a respeito das consequências do modelo neoliberal de integração global via mercado, em especial o desequilíbrio entre política e mercado, o fim do compromisso com o Estado social e o déficit democrático no nível transnacional. Para o filósofo alemão, a concepção neoliberal de sociedade desestatizada do capitalismo global atinge o nexo entre Estado nacional, democracia e justiça social, marginalizando o Estado e a política, em favor da privatização dos serviços públicos (...)
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    Dilthey's fenomenologie van de metafysica.Koenraad Verrycken - 2007 - Bijdragen 68 (4):423-444.
    The paper tries to develop some of the main characteristics of Dilthey’s “phenomenology of metaphysics” in the second part of the Einleitung in die Geisteswissenschaften. It is argued that we have to understand this phenomenology as an attempt to go beyond both Kant’s and Comte’s criticism of metaphysics. According to Dilthey the core of all metaphysics is its ideal of a logical coherence of the world: in contrast to modern science, Dilthey says, metaphysics is based on the conviction that there (...)
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    Veinte años de Contrastes (y aún antes).Pascual Martínez-Freire - 2017 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 20 (2).
    Veinte años de Contrastes (y aún antes)Twenty Years of Contrastes (and even Before)PASCUAL MARTÍNEZ-FREIREDirector de Contrastes. Revista Internacional de Filosofía.
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    Colonial Space and Augmented Body: the Primera parte de los problemas y secretos maravillosos de las Indias (México, 1591) of the Doctor Juan de Cárdenas.Christine Orobitg - 2023 - Iris 43.
    In 1591, in a very innovative way, the doctor Juan de Cárdenas asserts in his Primera parte de los problemas y secretos maravillosos de las Indias, the superiority of the criollos (white people of Spanish origin, born in the American territory) over the Spaniards. His text considers American space as an element that “increases” the capacities of the body and, consequently, of the mind, making the criollos superior to the Spaniards. Cárdenas’ text appears to be a clear break with other (...)
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  40. De Re And De Dicto: Against The Conventional Wisdom.Ken Taylor - 2002 - Noûs 36 (s16):225-265.
    Conventional wisdom has it that there is a class of attitude ascriptions such that in making an ascription of that sort, the ascriber undertakes a commitment to specify the contents of the ascribee’s head in what might be called a notionally sensitive, ascribee-centered way. In making such an ascription, the ascriber is supposed to undertake a commitment to specify the modes of presentation, concepts or notions under which the ascribee cognizes the objects (and properties) that her beliefs are about. Consequently, (...)
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    El argumento ontológico y los primeros principios de la metafísica.Miguel Ángel Balibrea - 2001 - Studia Poliana 3:127-143.
    The objective of this article is to analyze the consequences that affect the First Metaphysical Principles when the Ontological Argument is established. Saint Anselm and Descartes do not share the same consideration about the first principles. My intention is to show the differences between their points of view and at the same time contrast these ideas with Polo's theory.
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    Une morale pour les mortels: l'éthique de Platon et d'Aristote.Anne Merker - 2011 - Paris: Les Belles lettres.
    Une morale pour les mortels est une etude d'ensemble de l'ethique de Platon et d'Aristote, a partir de la problematique philosophique qui lui donne corps: la mortalite de l'etre humain, source de ses desirs et de leur perpetuelle insatisfaction. Par contraste avec une morale du devoir, on decouvre ici une morale qui s'exprime par un il faut, poussant vers une fin qui puisse repondre au manque et au besoin qui marquent la condition humaine. A partir de cette problematique sont (...)
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    Argumentos de contraste fenoménico a favor de la fenomenología cognitiva.Elijah Chudnoff, Elizabeth Cardona Muñoz & Juan Fernando Álvarez Céspedes - 2018 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 57:175-203.
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  44. The Riddle of Reason: In Search of Husserl's Concept of Rationality.Witold Plotka - 2009 - Bulletin d'Analyse Phénoménologique.
    La compréhension de la raison humaine a été déterminante pour la phénoménologie de Husserl. Des Recherches logiques à la Krisis , le problème de la raison semble l'un de ses principaux thèmes de réflexion. Husserl aborde la question sous plusieurs angles distincts, évoquant les concepts de monde, de temps et de responsabilité. Ses découvertes l'ont conduit à identifier la crise de la culture. Les commentateurs doivent aujourd'hui mettre en question le concept husserlien de raison, s'ils veulent comprendre pleinement cette thèse. (...)
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    “If You Want to Know What the Water is Like, don´t Ask the Fish” Second-Order Epistemology in the Study of Violence.María Luján Christiansen - 2017 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 26:121-148.
    Resumen La pretensión de que la violencia es un fenómeno apto para el abordaje objetivo es altamente cuestionable. En este artículo se indicarán algunos aspectos que subyacen en los enfoques más clásicos sobre tal tópico y se destacará el potencial violentogénico que encapsulan. El núcleo de las ideas expuestas apunta a plantear que la epistemología objetivista induce a una violencia simbólica enquistada en el principio del tercero excluido. En consecuencia, los esfuerzos por convertir a la violencia en un tema de (...)
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    Problemas de "topoi" en Aristóteles: notas sobre una hipótesis diacrónica.Sara Rubinelli - 2002 - Anuario Filosófico 35 (73):367-408.
    In the last fifty years a series of valuable contributions on Aristotle's Topics has helped to understand how a Topics functions in the dialectical argumentation. In contrast to this, Aristotle's topoi as set out in the Rhetoric does not seem to have received the same attention. Current opinion holds that the methodology in the Rhetoric involves two different kinds of topoi, the topoi koinoi and the ídia, considered by most scholars as idioi topoi. The problem, here, is that this distinctíon (...)
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    Desacuerdos Profundos: Operacionalización Relacional Del Concepto y Conexión Con El Aumento de la Polarización.Manuel Almagro & Neftalí Villanueva - 2022 - Cuadernos de Filosofía: Universidad de Concepción 40:199-224.
    In this paper, we address the connection between deep disagreements and the rise of affective polarization. Many contemporary approaches to deep disagreement conceive it in atomistic terms, and their practical approaches only explore the consequences of their particular theories. In contrast, we offer a re-lational approach to the phenomenon, consistent with the recent political turn in analytic philosophy. Specifically, we argue that the notion of deep disagree-ment must be approached by taking into account the practical goal of detecting and intervening (...)
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    Wertspeicher: Epistemologien des Warenlagers.Monika Dommann - 2012 - Zeitschrift für Medien- Und Kulturforschung 3 (2):35-50.
    The paper presents the thesis that, in contrast to the conventional claim, capitalism is not characterized by virtualization, but by objectification and materialization. As materialized forms of industrial capitalism, warehouses are investigated with regard to their epistemic productivity. Central for the argument is the emergence of a new body of knowledge concerning commercial and economic sciences, which figures decisively in the practice of warehousing. After the worldwide economic crisis of 1920/21, stockpiling is called into question and a new era of (...)
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    Die neuaristotelischen Ursprünge des Kontextprinzips und die Fortführung in der fregeschen Begriffsschrift.Jens Lemanski - 2013 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 67 (4):566-586.
    Beginning with a research review, the present paper shows that Hans Slugaʼs and esp. Robert Brandomʼs thesis, according to which Frege has adopted the context-principle and the priority of propositional from Kant, can solve problems in current Frege scholarship, on the one hand, but is itself fraught with further problems, on the other hand. In contrast, this paper maintains that the context-principle and the priority of the propositional are implicitly present in Fregeʼs Begriffsschrift since both have not been taken over (...)
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    Asunto de abstracción o de carácter: Husserl y Brentano en torno a la Wahrnehmungsvorstellung y la Phantasievorstellung.Felipe Guerrero Cordero - 2020 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 11 (2):289-313.
    The distinction between perception and fantasy is not a cliché among others. Tracing the path to its correct elaboration even allows us to think this distinction as the engine of the early Husserlian phenomenology. For this reason, this brief article aims to contrast Brentano and Husserl's vision of this subject. For the former, fantasy is an improper representation [Vorstellung] with an intuitive nucleus; for the latter, it has a properly intuitive character. In this transit, it will be shown that this (...)
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