Results for 'epidemiological models'

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  1.  26
    the limits of the medical model: Historical epidemiology of intellectual disability in the united states Jeffrey P. Brosco.Historical Epidemiology Of Intellectual - 2010 - In Eva Feder Kittay & Licia Carlson, Cognitive Disability and its Challenge to Moral Philosophy. Wiley-Blackwell.
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    Epidemiological models and COVID-19: a comparative view.Valeriano Iranzo & Saúl Pérez-González - 2021 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 43 (3):1-24.
    Epidemiological models have played a central role in the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly when urgent decisions were required and available evidence was sparse. They have been used to predict the evolution of the disease and to inform policy-making. In this paper, we address two kinds of epidemiological models widely used in the pandemic, namely, compartmental models and agent-based models. After describing their essentials—some real examples are invoked—we discuss their main strengths and weaknesses. Then, on the (...)
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    Epidemiological Models and Epistemic Perspectives: How Scientific Pluralism may be Misconstrued.Nicolò Gaj - forthcoming - Foundations of Science:1-21.
    In a scenario characterized by unpredictable developments, such as the recent COVID-19 pandemic, epidemiological models have played a leading part, having been especially widely deployed for forecasting purposes. In this paper, two real-world examples of modeling are examined in support of the proposition that science can convey inconsistent as well as genuinely perspectival representations of the world. Reciprocally inconsistent outcomes are grounded on incompatible assumptions, whereas perspectival outcomes are grounded on compatible assumptions and illuminate different aspects of the (...)
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  4. Non-Epistemic Factors in Epidemiological Models. The Case of Mortality Data.M. Cristina Amoretti & Elisabetta Lalumera - 2021 - Mefisto 1 (5):65-78.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has made it especially visible that mortality data are a key component of epidemiological models, being a single indicator that provides information about various health aspects, such as disease prevalence and effectiveness of interventions, and thus enabling predictions on many fronts. In this paper we illustrate the interrelation between facts and values in death statistics, by analyzing the rules for death certification issued by the World Health Organization. We show how the notion of the underlying (...)
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    The coordination dilemma for epidemiological modelers.Ignacio Ojea Quintana, Sarita Rosenstock & Colin Klein - 2021 - Biology and Philosophy 36 (6):1-17.
    Epidemiological models directly shape policy responses to public health crises. We argue that they also play a less obvious but important role in solving certain coordination problems and social dilemmas that arise during pandemics. This role is both ethically and epistemically valuable. However, it also gives rise to an underappreciated dilemma, as the features that make models good at solving coordination problems are often at odds with the features that make for a good scientific model. We examine (...)
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    Kinetic epidemiological model for elucidating sexual difference of hypertension (KCIS no.20).Amy M.-F. Yen & Tony H.-H. Chen - 2011 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17 (1):130-135.
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    Software engineering standards for epidemiological models.Jack K. Horner & John F. Symons - 2020 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 42 (4):1-24.
    There are many tangled normative and technical questions involved in evaluating the quality of software used in epidemiological simulations. In this paper we answer some of these questions and offer practical guidance to practitioners, funders, scientific journals, and consumers of epidemiological research. The heart of our paper is a case study of the Imperial College London covid-19 simulator, set in the context of recent work in epistemology of simulation and philosophy of epidemiology.
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  8. Modality and epidemiological models.Duško Prelević - 2021 - In Nenad Cekić, Етика и истина у доба кризе. Belgrade: University of Belgrade - Faculty of Philosophy. pp. 219-233.
    The COVID-19 pandemic might be regarded as an example of a risky situation that demands proper action and decision-making in the absence of full information. It is noticeable, however, that scientists have divided into two camps concerning the best way of dealing with the very situation. Some of them have relied on mathematical models and typically proposed restrictive measures, while the others opted for the evidence-based approach and typically recommended more relaxed measures. I argue in this paper that practical (...)
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    Dynamics of Epidemiological Models.Alberto Pinto, Maíra Aguiar, José Martins & Nico Stollenwerk - 2010 - Acta Biotheoretica 58 (4):381-389.
    We study the SIS and SIRI epidemic models discussing different approaches to compute the thresholds that determine the appearance of an epidemic disease. The stochastic SIS model is a well known mathematical model, studied in several contexts. Here, we present recursively derivations of the dynamic equations for all the moments and we derive the stationary states of the state variables using the moment closure method. We observe that the steady states give a good approximation of the quasi-stationary states of (...)
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    Media, Metaphors and Modelling: How the UK Newspapers Reported the Epidemiological Modelling Controversy during the 2001 Foot and Mouth Outbreak.Brigitte Nerlich - 2007 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 32 (4):432-457.
    The relation between theoretical models and metaphors has been studied since at least the 1950s. The relation between metaphors and mathematical modelling is less well researched. This article takes the media coverage of the foot and mouth modelling exercise in 2001 as an occasion to examine the metaphors of mathematical modelling that were proposed by the UK press during that time to make sense of this new scientific policy tool. One can detect a gradual change in metaphor use by (...)
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    The Transmission Dynamics of Hepatitis B Virus via the Fractional-Order Epidemiological Model.Tahir Khan, Zi-Shan Qian, Roman Ullah, Basem Al Alwan, Gul Zaman, Qasem M. Al-Mdallal, Youssef El Khatib & Khaled Kheder - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-18.
    We investigate and analyze the dynamics of hepatitis B with various infection phases and multiple routes of transmission. We formulate the model and then fractionalize it using the concept of fractional calculus. For the purpose of fractionalizing, we use the Caputo–Fabrizio operator. Once we develop the model under consideration, existence and uniqueness analysis will be discussed. We use fixed point theory for the existence and uniqueness analysis. We also prove that the model under consideration possesses a bounded and positive solution. (...)
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    Discursive Epidemiology: Two Models.Lynne Tirrell - 2021 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 95 (1):115-142.
    Toxic speech inflicts damage to mental and physical health. This process can be chronic or acute, temporary or permanent. Understanding how toxic speech inflicts these harms requires both an account of linguistic practices and, because language is inherently social, tools from epidemiology. This paper explores what we can learn from two epidemiological models: a common source model that emphasizes poisons, and a propagated transmission model that better fits contagions like viruses.
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  13. Causation and models of disease in epidemiology.Alex Broadbent - 2009 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 40 (4):302-311.
    Nineteenth-century medical advances were entwined with a conceptual innovation: the idea that many cases of disease which were previously thought to have diverse causes could be explained by the action of a single kind of cause, for example a certain bacterial or parasitic infestation. The focus of modern epidemiology, however, is on chronic non-communicable diseases, which frequently do not seem to be attributable to any single causal factor. This paper is an effort to resolve the resulting tension. The paper criticises (...)
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  14.  32
    Historical Epidemiology and the Single Pathogen Model of Epidemic Disease.James L. A. Webb - 2022 - Centaurus 64 (1):197-206.
    Pre-existing medical conditions and co-infections are common to all human populations, although the natures of the pre-existing conditions and the types of co-infections vary. For these reasons, among others, the arrival of a highly infectious pathogenic agent may differentially affect the disease burden in different sub-populations, as a function of varying combinations of endemic disease, chronic disease, genetic or epigenetic vulnerabilities, compromised immunological status, and socially determined risk exposure. The disease burden may also vary considerably by age cohort and socio-economic (...)
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    Data and Model Operations in Computational Sciences: The Examples of Computational Embryology and Epidemiology.Fabrizio Li Vigni - 2022 - Perspectives on Science 30 (4):696-731.
    Computer models and simulations have become, since the 1960s, an essential instrument for scientific inquiry and political decision making in several fields, from climate to life and social sciences. Philosophical reflection has mainly focused on the ontological status of the computational modeling, on its epistemological validity and on the research practices it entails. But in computational sciences, the work on models and simulations are only two steps of a longer and richer process where operations on data are as (...)
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    Choosing the right model for policy decision-making: the case of smallpox epidemiology.Till Grüne-Yanoff - 2018 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 10):2463-2484.
    Policymakers increasingly draw on scientific methods, including simulation modeling, to justify their decisions. For these purposes, scientists and policymakers face an extensive choice of modeling strategies. Discussing the example of smallpox epidemiology, this paper distinguishes three types of strategies: Massive Simulation Models (MSMs), Abstract Simulation Models (ASMs) and Macro Equation Models (MEMs). By analyzing some of the main smallpox epidemic models proposed in the last 20 years, it discusses how to justify strategy choice with reference to (...)
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  17.  13
    Models of causation in epidemiology.Staffan Norell - 1984 - In Lennart Nordenfelt & B. Ingemar B. Lindahl, Health, Disease, and Causal Explanations in Medicine. Reidel. pp. 129--135.
  18.  26
    Adaptive and Maladaptive Dissociation: An Epidemiological and Anthropological Comparison and Proposition for an Expanded Dissociation Model.Christopher Dana Lynn - 2005 - Anthropology of Consciousness 16 (2):16-49.
    Dissociation is the psychological aspect of stress response. It is an adaptive reaction to a stressor on a short-term basis but can be maladaptive if under- or overutilized and comprises the partitioning of consciousness, ranging from barely to rigidly partitioned. Current means of measuring dissociation focus primarily on DSM-IV-TR Dissociative Disorders and do not sufficiently account for adaptive sub-clinical forms or maladaptive under-dissociating. These measures of pathology are not useful for determining how well-adapted a population is to stress– i.e., how (...)
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    MalSEIRS: Forecasting Malware Spread Based on Compartmental Models in Epidemiology.Isabella Martínez Martínez, Andrés Florián Quitián, Daniel Díaz-López, Pantaleone Nespoli & Félix Gómez Mármol - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-19.
    Over the last few decades, the Internet has brought about a myriad of benefits to almost every aspect of our daily lives. However, malware attacks have also widely proliferated, mainly aiming at legitimate network users, resulting in millions of dollars in damages if proper protection and response measures are not settled and enforced. In this context, the paper at hand proposes MalSEIRS, a novel dynamic model, to predict malware distribution in a network based on the SEIRS epidemiological model. As (...)
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    Epidemiology of Fallacies.Antonio Duarte - 2024 - Argumentation 38 (3):329-347.
    In this paper I apply the epidemiological model of the spread of beliefs and how they become cultural representations to the field of fallacies. The model suggests that beliefs tend to replicate as a virus does in a potential epidemic, and those strains that are dominant in a given socio-cultural sphere become cultural representations. My ultimate aim is to denounce the fact that some presumptive argumentation schemes are widely applied as definitive arguments, but turn out to be instances of (...)
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  21. Three Ways in Which Pandemic Models May Perform a Pandemic.Philippe Van Basshuysen, Lucie White, Donal Khosrowi & Mathias Frisch - 2021 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 14 (1):110-127.
    Models not only represent but may also influence their targets in important ways. While models’ abilities to influence outcomes has been studied in the context of economic models, often under the label ‘performativity’, we argue that this phenomenon also pertains to epidemiological models, such as those used for forecasting the trajectory of the Covid-19 pandemic. After identifying three ways in which a model by the Covid-19 Response Team at Imperial College London may have influenced scientific (...)
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  22.  62
    Causality in Cancer Research: a Journey Through Models in Molecular Epidemiology and their Philosophical Interpretation.Paolo Vineis, Phyllis Illari & Federica Russo - 2017 - Emerging Themes in Epidemiology 14 (7):1-8.
    In the last decades, Systems Biology (including cancer research) has been driven by technology, statistical modelling and bioinformatics. In this paper we try to bring biological and philosophical thinking back. We thus aim at making diferent traditions of thought compatible: (a) causality in epidemiology and in philosophical theorizing—notably, the “sufcient-component-cause framework” and the “mark transmission” approach; (b) new acquisitions about disease pathogenesis, e.g. the “branched model” in cancer, and the role of biomarkers in this process; (c) the burgeoning of omics (...)
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    Social Epistemology and Epidemiology.Benjamin W. McCraw - 2024 - Acta Analytica 39 (4):627-642.
    Recent approaches to the social epistemology of belief formation have appealed to an epidemiological model, on which the mechanisms explaining how we form beliefs from our society or community along the lines of infectious disease. More specifically, Alvin Goldman (2001) proposes an etiology of (social) belief along the lines of an epistemological epidemiology. On this “contagion model,” beliefs are construed as diseases that infect people via some socio-epistemic community. This paper reconsiders Goldman’s epidemiological approach in terms of epistemic (...)
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    Epidemiology is ecosystem science.Keekok Lee - 2019 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 10):2539-2567.
    This paper primarily argues that Epidemiology is Ecosystem Science. It will not only explore this notion in detail but will also relate it to the argument that Classical Chinese Medicine was/is Ecosystem Science. Ecosystem Science and Ecosystem Science share these characteristics: they do not subscribe to the monogenic conception of disease; they involve multi variables; the model of causality presupposed is multi-factorial as well as non-linear.
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  25. In support of a broad model of public health: Disparities, social epidemiology and public health causation.Daniel S. Goldberg - 2009 - Public Health Ethics 2 (1):70-83.
    Corresponding Author, Health Policy & Ethics Fellow, Chronic Disease Prevention & Control Research Center, Department of Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine, 1709 Dryden, Suite 1025, Houston, TX 77030, USA. Tel.: 713.798.5482; Fax: 713 798 3990; Email: danielg{at} ' + u + '@' + d + ' '//--> . Abstract This article defends a broad model of public health, one that specifically addresses the social epidemiologic research suggesting that social conditions are primary determinants of health. The article proceeds by critiquing one (...)
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  26. What makes weird beliefs thrive? The epidemiology of pseudoscience.Maarten Boudry, Stefaan Blancke & Massimo Pigliucci - 2015 - Philosophical Psychology 28 (8):1177-1198.
    What makes beliefs thrive? In this paper, we model the dissemination of bona fide science versus pseudoscience, making use of Dan Sperber's epidemiological model of representations. Drawing on cognitive research on the roots of irrational beliefs and the institutional arrangement of science, we explain the dissemination of beliefs in terms of their salience to human cognition and their ability to adapt to specific cultural ecologies. By contrasting the cultural development of science and pseudoscience along a number of dimensions, we (...)
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  27. Cognitive history and cultural epidemiology.Christophe Heintz - 2011 - In Luther H. Martin & Jesper Sørensen, Past minds: studies in cognitive historiography. Oakville, CT: Equinox.
    Cultural epidemiology is a theoretical framework that enables historical studies to be informed by cognitive science. It incorporates insights from evolutionary psychology (viz. cultural evolution is constrained by universal properties of the human cognitive apparatus that result from biological evolution) and from Darwinian models of cultural evolution (viz. population thinking: cultural phenomena are distributions of resembling items among a community and its habitat). Its research program includes the study of the multiple cognitive mechanisms that cause the distribution, on a (...)
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    The Limits of the Medical Model: Historical Epidemiology of Intellectual Disability in the United States.Jeffrey P. Brosco - 2010 - In Eva Feder Kittay & Licia Carlson, Cognitive Disability and its Challenge to Moral Philosophy. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 26–54.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Investing in Science: Child Health and U.S. Medicine in the Twentieth Century The Impact of Specific Medical Interventions The Changing Definition of ID The “Flynn Effect” and the Impact of Improved Public Health Conclusion References.
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    The Limits of the Medical Model : Historical Epidemiology of Intellectual Disability in the United States.Jeffrey P. Brosco - 2010 - In Eva Feder Kittay & Licia Carlson, Cognitive Disability and its Challenge to Moral Philosophy. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 26--54.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Investing in Science: Child Health and U.S. Medicine in the Twentieth Century The Impact of Specific Medical Interventions The Changing Definition of ID The “Flynn Effect” and the Impact of Improved Public Health Conclusion References.
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    Bridging the gap between clinical practice and diagnostic clinical epidemiology: pilot experiences with a didactic model based on a logarithmic scale.Jef Van den Ende, Zeno Bisoffi, Hugo Van Puymbroek, Patrick Van der Stuyft, Alfons Van Gompel, Anselm Derese, Lutgarde Lynen, Juan Moreira & Paul Adriaan Jan Janssen - 2007 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 13 (3):374-380.
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    Assessing the quality of evidence from epidemiological agent-based models for the COVID-19 pandemic.Martin Zach & Mariusz Maziarz - 2021 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 43 (1):1-4.
    Agent-based models (ABMs) are one of the main sources of evidence for decisions regarding mitigation and suppression measures against the spread of SARS-CoV-2. These models have not been previously included in the hierarchy of evidence put forth by the evidence-based medicine movement, which prioritizes those research methods that deliver results less susceptible to the risk of confounding. We point out the need to assess the quality of evidence delivered by ABMs and ask the question of what is the (...)
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  32.  30
    Confidence in Covid-19 models.James Nguyen - 2024 - Synthese 203 (4):1-29.
    Epidemiological models of the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 played an important role in guiding the decisions of policy-makers during the pandemic. Such models provide output projections, in the form of time -series of infections, hospitalisations, and deaths, under various different parameter and scenario assumptions. In this paper I caution against handling these outputs uncritically: raw model-outputs should not be presented as direct projections in contexts where modelling results are required to support policy -decisions. I argue that model uncertainty (...)
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  33. Specificity of association in epidemiology.Thomas Blanchard - 2022 - Synthese 200 (6).
    The epidemiologist Bradford Hill famously argued that in epidemiology, specificity of association (roughly, the fact that an environmental or behavioral risk factor is associated with just one or at most a few medical outcomes) is strong evidence of causation. Prominent epidemiologists have dismissed Hill’s claim on the ground that it relies on a dubious `one-cause one effect’ model of disease causation. The paper examines this methodological controversy, and argues that specificity considerations do have a useful role to play in causal (...)
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    Epidemiology of a tick‐borne viral infection: theoretical insights and practical implications for public health.Mikhail P. Moshkin, Eugene A. Novikov, Sergey E. Tkachev & Valentin V. Vlasov - 2009 - Bioessays 31 (6):620-628.
    The morbidity of tick‐borne encephalitis (TBE) varies yearly by as much as 10‐fold among the people of Western Siberia. This long‐term variation is dependent on many factors such as the density of the tick populations, the prevalence of TBE virus (TBEV) among sub‐adult ticks, the yearly virulence of the TBEV, and prophylactic measures. Here we highlight the role of small mammal hosts in the circulation of TBEV through the ecosystem. Refining classical models of non‐viremic horizontal transmission, we emphasize the (...)
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    Epidemiology and moral philosophy.C. G. Westrin, T. Nilstun, B. Smedby & B. Haglund - 1992 - Journal of Medical Ethics 18 (4):193-196.
    To an increasing extent ethical controversies affect and sometimes obstruct public health work and epidemiological research. In order to improve communication between the concerned parties a model for identification and analysis of ethical conflicts in individual-based research has been worked out in co-operation between epidemiologists and moral philosophers. The model has two dimensions. One dimension specifies relevant ethical principles (as beneficence, non-maleficence, autonomy and justice). The other dimension specifies the groups of persons involved in the conflict under consideration (for (...)
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  36.  71
    Reviewing the Reproduction Number R in Covid-19 Models.Maria Cristina Amoretti & Elisabetta Lalumera - 2022 - Philosophy of Medicine 3 (1).
    Most of the epidemiological models of the Covid-19 pandemic contain the reproduction number as a parameter. In this article we focus on some shortcomings regarding its role in driving health policies and political decisions. First, we summarize what R is and what it is used for. Second, we introduce a three-question matrix for the evaluation of any construct or parameter within a model. We then review the main literature about R to highlight some of its shortcomings and apply (...)
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    Imagination and remembrance: what role should historical epidemiology play in a world bewitched by mathematical modelling of COVID-19 and other epidemics?Euzebiusz Jamrozik & George S. Heriot - 2021 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 43 (2):1-5.
    Although every emerging infectious disease occurs in a unique context, the behaviour of previous pandemics offers an insight into the medium- and long-term outcomes of the current threat. Where an informative historical analogue exists, epidemiologists and policymakers should consider how the insights of the past can inform current forecasts and responses.
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  38. Nonlinearity in the epidemiology of complex health and disease processes.P. Philippe & O. Mansi - 1998 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 19 (6):591-607.
    The challenges posed by chronic illness have pointed out to epidemiologists the multifactorial complex nature of disease causality. This notion has been referred to as a web of causality. This web extends theoretically beyond risk markers. It includes determinants of emergence/non-emergence of disease. This web of determinants is a form of complex system. Due to its complexity, the determinants within such system are not linked to each others in a linear, predictable manner only. Predictability is possible only on a short-term (...)
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    A box, a trough and marbles: How the Reed-Frost epidemic theory shaped epidemiological reasoning in the 20th century.Lukas Engelmann - 2021 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 43 (3):1-24.
    The article takes the renewed popularity and interest in epidemiological modelling for Covid-19 as a point of departure to ask how modelling has historically shaped epidemiological reasoning. The focus lies on a particular model, developed in the late 1920s through a collaboration of the former field-epidemiologists and medical officer, Wade Hampton Frost, and the biostatistician and population ecologist Lowell Reed. Other than former approaches to epidemic theory in mathematical formula, the Reed-Frost epidemic theory was materialised in a simple (...)
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    Shaping epidemic dynamics: An historical epistemology study of the SIR model.Mathieu Corteel - forthcoming - History of the Human Sciences.
    This article traces the history of the Susceptible, Infected, Recovered (SIR) model in early 20th-century epidemiology (1904–27). The aim is to test the hypothesis that the active stance taken by Ross, Hudson, McKendrick, and Kermack represents a turn in the history of modern epidemiology, shifting the classical method of statistical epidemiology from a data-based model to a theory-based model. The article shows that epidemiological modeling is based on a mathematical simplification of epidemics at the time of the microbiological complexification (...)
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    Cell population‐based framework of genetic epidemiology in the single‐cell omics era.Daigo Okada, Cheng Zheng, Jian Hao Cheng & Ryo Yamada - 2022 - Bioessays 44 (1):2100118.
    Genetic epidemiology is a rapidly advancing field due to the recent availability of large amounts of omics data. In recent years, it has become possible to obtain omics information at the single‐cell level, so genetic epidemiological models need to be updated to integrate with single‐cell expression data. In this perspective paper, we propose a cell population‐based framework for genetic epidemiology in the single‐cell era. In this framework, genetic diversity influences phenotypic diversity through the diversity of cell population profiles, (...)
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    An Epidemic Model with Pro and Anti-vaccine Groups.L. H. A. Monteiro & G. S. Harari - 2022 - Acta Biotheoretica 70 (3):1-13.
    Here, an epidemiological model considering pro and anti-vaccination groups is proposed and analyzed. In this model, susceptible individuals can migrate between these two groups due to the influence of false and true news about safety and efficacy of vaccines. From this model, written as a set of three ordinary differential equations, analytical expressions for the disease-free steady state, the endemic steady state, and the basic reproduction number are derived. It is analytically shown that low vaccination rate and no influx (...)
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    Bridging the gap between clinical practice and diagnostic clinical epidemiology: pilot experiences with a didactic model based on a logarithmic scale.J. van den Ende, Z. Bisoffi, H. van Puymbroek, Patrick van der Stuyft, A. vAn Gompel, Anselme Derese, L. Lynen, J. Moreira & Paj Janssen - 2007 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 13 (3):374-380.
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  44. Clinical intuition versus statistics: Different modes of tacit knowledge in clinical epidemiology and evidence-based medicine.Hillel D. Braude - 2009 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 30 (3):181-198.
    Despite its phenomenal success since its inception in the early nineteen-nineties, the evidence-based medicine movement has not succeeded in shaking off an epistemological critique derived from the experiential or tacit dimensions of clinical reasoning about particular individuals. This critique claims that the evidence-based medicine model does not take account of tacit knowing as developed by the philosopher Michael Polanyi. However, the epistemology of evidence-based medicine is premised on the elimination of the tacit dimension from clinical judgment. This is demonstrated through (...)
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    Biological models of security for virus propagation in computer networks.Sanjay Goel & Stephen F. S. F. Bush - 2004 - Login, December 29 (6):49--56.
    This aricle discusses the similarity between the propagation of pathogens (viruses and worms) on computer networks and the proliferation of pathogens in cellular organisms (organisms with genetic material contained within a membrane-encased nucleus). It introduces several biological mechanisms which are used in these organisms to protect against such pathogens and presents security models for networked computers inspired by several biological paradigms, including genomics (RNA interference), proteomics (pathway mapping), and physiology (immune system). In addition, the study of epidemiological (...) for disease control can inspire methods for controlling the spread of pathogens across multiple nodes of a network. It also presents results based on the authors’ research in immune system modeling. (shrink)
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    (1 other version)Should infectious disease modelling research be subject to ethics review?Ben Green - 2023 - Philosophy, Ethics and Humanities in Medicine 18 (1):1-7.
    Should research projects involving epidemiological modelling be subject to ethical scrutiny and peer review prior to publication? Mathematical modelling had considerable impacts during the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to social distancing and lockdowns. Imperial College conducted research leading to the website publication of a paper, Report 9, on non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) and COVID-19 mortality demand dated 16th March 2020, arguing for a Government policy of non-pharmaceutical interventions (e.g. lockdowns, social distancing, mask wearing, working from home, furlough, school closures, reduced family (...)
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    Models and Numbers: Representing the World or Imposing Order?Matthias Kaiser, Tatjana Buklijas & Peter Gluckman - 2022 - Perspectives on Science 30 (4):525-548.
    We argue for a foundational epistemic claim and a hypothesis about the production and uses of mathematical epidemiological models, exploring the consequences for our political and socio-economic lives. First, in order to make the best use of scientific models, we need to understand why models are not truly representational of our world, but are already pitched towards various uses. Second, we need to understand the implicit power relations in numbers and models in public policy, and, (...)
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    Causal models and evidential pluralism in econometrics.Alessio Moneta & Federica Russo - 2014 - Journal of Economic Methodology 21 (1):54-76.
    Social research, from economics to demography and epidemiology, makes extensive use of statistical models in order to establish causal relations. The question arises as to what guarantees the causal interpretation of such models. In this paper we focus on econometrics and advance the view that causal models are ‘augmented’ statistical models that incorporate important causal information which contributes to their causal interpretation. The primary objective of this paper is to argue that causal claims are established on (...)
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    A pluralistic and socially responsible philosophy of epidemiology field should actively engage with social determinants of health and health disparities.Sean A. Valles - 2019 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 10):2589-2611.
    Philosophy of epidemiology has recently emerged as a distinct branch of philosophy. The field will surely benefit from pluralism, reflected in the broad range of topics and perspectives in this special issue. Here, I argue that a healthy pluralistic field of philosophy of epidemiology has social responsibilities that require the field as a whole to engage actively with research on social determinants of health and health disparities. Practicing epidemiologists and the broader community of public health scientists have gradually acknowledged that (...)
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  50. Causality: Models, Reasoning and Inference.Judea Pearl - 2000 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Causality offers the first comprehensive coverage of causal analysis in many sciences, including recent advances using graphical methods. Pearl presents a unified account of the probabilistic, manipulative, counterfactual and structural approaches to causation, and devises simple mathematical tools for analyzing the relationships between causal connections, statistical associations, actions and observations. The book will open the way for including causal analysis in the standard curriculum of statistics, artificial intelligence, business, epidemiology, social science and economics.
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