Results for 'ethnomathematics'

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  1. Ethnomathematics as a Human Right.Karen François - 2011 - Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal 26.
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    Ethnomathematics.Marcia Ascher & Robert Ascher - 1986 - History of Science 24 (2):125-144.
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  3. On ethnomathematics.Ubiratan D'Ambrosio - 1989 - Philosophia Mathematica (1):3-14.
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    When Math Worlds Collide: Intention and Invention in Ethnomathematics.Ron Eglash - 1997 - Science, Technology and Human Values 22 (1):79-97.
    Ethnomathematics is a relatively new discipline that investigates mathematical knowl edge in small-scale, indigenous cultures. This essay locates ethnomathematics as one of five distinct subfields within a general anthropology of mathematics and describes interactions between cultural and epistemological features that have created these divisions. It reviews the political and pedagogical issues in which ethnomathematics research and practice is immersed and examines the possibilities for both conflict and collaboration with the goals, theories, and methods of social constructivism.
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  5. Reflections On The Ethnomathematics Discussion.Paul Ernest - 1992 - Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal 6.
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  6. All Human Beings as Mathematical Workers: Sociology of Mathematics as a Voice in Support of the Ethnomathematics Posture and Against Essentialism.Mônica Mesquita & Sal Restivo - 2013 - Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal 27.
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    Graphs in cultures (II): A study in ethnomathematics.Marcia Ascher - 1988 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 39 (1):75-95.
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    Special section: The future of a discipline: Considering the ontological/methodological future of the anthropology of consciousness, part II†.Marc Blainey - 2010 - Anthropology of Consciousness 21 (2):113-138.
    In order for the valuable research published in the Anthropology of Consciousness (AoC) journal to have the impact it ought to have upon the anthropological mainstream, contributors must demonstrate that they appreciate the historical tradition of anthropology as an intellectual forebear. Although “ethnometaphysics” has been cited sporadically by anthropologists over the past half-century, it never really caught on as an interdisciplinary speciality like ethnobotany, ethnomusicology, and ethnomathematics. Pointing to the example of discord in the West between viewing psychoactive substances (...)
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    Philosophical Underlabouring for Mathematics Education.Iskra Nunez - 2015 - Journal of Critical Realism 14 (2):181-204.
    The field of mathematics education has been fashioned by a diversity of theoretical and philosophical perspectives. The purpose of this study is to add to this field an analysis of the philosophical position of critical realism. To achieve this objective, the study addresses the following questions: what does critical realism have to offer mathematics education? How may critical realism underlabour for this discipline? In addressing these questions, the study provides an overview of the basic theories and the possible weak points (...)
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    Refractions of mathematics education: festschrift for Eva Jablonka.Eva Jablonka, Christer Bergsten & Bharath Sriraman (eds.) - 2015 - Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
    A Volume in Cognition, Equity & Society: International Perspectives formally known as International Perspectives on Mathematics Education - Cognition, Equity & Society Series Editor Bharath Sriraman, The University of Montana and Lyn English, Queensland University of Technology The diversity of research in mathematics education has been addressed as both, a problem and a strength. When manifested through adherence to different intellectual roots and theoretical orientations, diversions constitute 'refractions' of mathematics education. The collection and analysis of empirical data in a study (...)
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    A etnomatemática entre o conhecimento subalterno e o epistemicídio: o caso de Moçambique.Laura António Nhaueleque - 2022 - Trans/Form/Ação 45 (spe):67-88.
    Resumo: A pesquisa aqui apresentada resulta de uma reflexão sobre as epistemologias subalternas, sobretudo de matrizes africanas, tomando como exemplo a etnomatemática. O discurso filosófico sobre o “epistemicídio” dos saberes locais e tradicionais, por parte do paradigma científico dominante, pode ser aplicado a vários âmbitos disciplinares, entre os quais a matemática, nas suas duas vertentes principais, a aritmética e a geometria, que representa um caso paradigmático e significativo. Teorizada pela primeira vez pelo brasileiro D’Ambrosio e o holandês-moçambicano Paulus Gerdes, a (...)
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    (1 other version)What Are Mathematical Practices? The Web-of-Practices Approach.José Ferreirós - 2024 - In Bharath Sriraman (ed.), Handbook of the History and Philosophy of Mathematical Practice. Cham: Springer. pp. 2793-2819.
    This chapter can be considered as made up of two parts, a general discussion of the notion of mathematical practice and the limits of its use, comprised by the first three sections, and a particular case study that is presented in order to exemplify the idea of the web of practices, which occupies the remaining three. The presentation of my approach to the notion of mathematical practice is brief and synthetic but more articulated theoretically than in a previous book (Ferreirós (...)
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    La enseñanza matemática en los tiempos de Manuvadam y la privatización masiva.Jayasree Subramanian - 2024 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 31:449-467.
    Mathematics has, not only a long history in India like in any other ancient civilization, but it also carries a very high value in the present-day India, basically because of its importance in engineering education. India has made some important contributions to mathematics in the last 150 years. Yet, such a description hides the fact that ‘India’ here refers to a tiny minority of Hindu dominant caste middle-class men (and a couple of women from the same socio-cultural and economic background). (...)
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    Science and an African Logic.Helen Verran - 2001 - Chicago, IL, USA: University of Chicago Press.
    In this captivating book, Helen Verran addresses precisely that question by looking at how science, mathematics, and logic come to life in Yoruba primary schools.
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    The Interplay of Psychology and Mathematics Education: From the Attraction of Psychology to the Discovery of the Social.Karen François, Kathleen Coessens & Jean Paul Van Bendegem - 2012 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 46 (3):370-385.
    It is a rather safe statement to claim that the social dimensions of the scientific process are accepted in a fair share of studies in the philosophy of science. It is a somewhat safe statement to claim that the social dimensions are now seen as an essential element in the understanding of what human cognition is and how it functions. But it would be a rather unsafe statement to claim that the social is fully accepted in the philosophy of mathematics. (...)
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