Results for 'evolution of speech'

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  1.  24
    Modeling Co‐evolution of Speech and Biology.Bart de Boer - 2016 - Topics in Cognitive Science 8 (2):459-468.
    Two computer simulations are investigated that model interaction of cultural evolution of language and biological evolution of adaptations to language. Both are agent‐based models in which a population of agents imitates each other using realistic vowels. The agents evolve under selective pressure for good imitation. In one model, the evolution of the vocal tract is modeled; in the other, a cognitive mechanism for perceiving speech accurately is modeled. In both cases, biological adaptations to using and learning (...)
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    Evolution of speech-specific cognitive adaptations.Bart de Boer - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  3. Embedded Figures Test 64 Evolution of speech 4 Excuses 139 Eye-to-eye contact 42.Bush Pidgin - 1983 - In Roy Harris (ed.), Approaches to Language. Pergamon Press. pp. 4--179.
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    Modeling Co‐evolution of Speech and Biology.Bart Boer - 2016 - Topics in Cognitive Science 8 (2):459-468.
    Two computer simulations are investigated that model interaction of cultural evolution of language and biological evolution of adaptations to language. Both are agent-based models in which a population of agents imitates each other using realistic vowels. The agents evolve under selective pressure for good imitation. In one model, the evolution of the vocal tract is modeled; in the other, a cognitive mechanism for perceiving speech accurately is modeled. In both cases, biological adaptations to using and learning (...)
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    The Co‐evolution of Speech and the Lexicon: The Interaction of Functional Pressures, Redundancy, and Category Variation.Bodo Winter & Andrew Wedel - 2016 - Topics in Cognitive Science 8 (2):503-513.
    The sound system of a language must be able to support a perceptual contrast between different words in order to signal communicatively relevant meaning distinctions. In this paper, we use a simple agent-based exemplar model in which the evolution of sound-category systems is understood as a co-evolutionary process, where the range of variation within sound categories is constrained by functional pressure to keep different words perceptually distinct. We show that this model can reproduce several observed effects on the range (...)
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    (2 other versions)The Frame/Content theory of evolution of speech.Peter F. MacNeilage & Barbara L. Davis - 2005 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 6 (2):173-199.
    The Frame/Content theory deals with how and why the first language evolved the present-day speech mode of programming syllable “Frame” structures with segmental “Content” elements. The first words are considered, for biomechanical reasons, to have had the simple syllable frame structures of pre-speech babbling, and were perhaps parental terms, generated within the parent–infant dyad. Although all gestural origins theories have iconicity as a plausible alternative hypothesis for the origin of the meaning-signal link for words, they all share the (...)
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    Physical mechanisms may be as important as brain mechanisms in evolution of speech.Bart de Boer & Marcus Perlman - 2014 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 37 (6):552-553.
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  8. The frame/content theory of evolution of speech production.Peter F. MacNeilage - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (4):499-511.
    The species-specific organizational property of speech is a continual mouth open-close alternation, the two phases of which are subject to continual articulatory modulation. The cycle constitutes the syllable, and the open and closed phases are segments framescontent displays that are prominent in many nonhuman primates. The new role of Broca's area and its surround in human vocal communication may have derived from its evolutionary history as the main cortical center for the control of ingestive processes. The frame and content (...)
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    Distributed neural substrates and the evolution of speech production.Asif A. Ghazanfar & Donald B. Katz - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (4):516-517.
    There is evidence of reciprocal connectivity, similarity of oscillatory responses to stimulation of multiple motor and somatosensory cortices, whole system oscillation, and short- latency responses to behavioral perturbation. These suggest that frame/content may be instantiated by overlapping neural populations, and that the genesis of frame oscillations may be profitably thought of as an emergent property of a distributed neural system.
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  10. Air sacs and vocal fold vibration: Implications for evolution of speech.Bart De Boer - 2012 - Theoria Et Historia Scientiarum 9:13-28.
  11.  55
    A new puzzle for the evolution of speech?Christian Abry, Louis-Jean Boë, Rafael Laboissière & Jean-Luc Schwartz - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (4):512-513.
    We agree with MacNeilage's claim that speech stems from a volitional vocalization pathway between the cingulate and the supplementary motor area (SMA). We add the vocal self- monitoring system as the first recruitment of the Broca-Wernicke circuit. SMA control for “frames” is supported by wrong consonant-vowel recurring utterance aphasia and an imaging study of quasi-reiterant speech. The role of Broca's area is questioned in the emergence of “content,” because a primary motor mapping, embodying peripheral constraints, seems sufficient. Finally, (...)
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    Evolution and Consciousness: The Role of Speech in the Origin and Development of Human Nature.Leslie Dewart - 1989 - University of Toronto Press.
    A textbook for third year undergraduates and postgraduates. In a challenging philosophic investigation of the origin of consciousness and human culture, Dewart (religion, emeritus, U. of Toronto) proposes a theory to explain the origin of all specifically human traits. Complementing the theory of evolution through natural selection, it explains the emergence and those the continuing evolution of characterstics through the interaction of experience and speech. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR.
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  13.  18
    Control mechanisms of vocalization and the evolution of speech.Horst D. Steklis - 1982 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 5 (2):287-287.
  14.  52
    Out of the mouths of babes . . . And beaks of birds? A broader interpretation of the frame/content theory for the evolution of speech production. [REVIEW]Irene M. Pepperberg - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (4):526-527.
    Much of the material MacNeilage cites to support his frame/content theory for the evolution of speech production in humans is not unique to mammals. Parallels can be drawn for comparable evolution of vocal flexibility (specifically the reproduction of human speech) in birds. I describe several such parallels and conclude that MacNeilage's hypotheses may have broader application than he envisioned.
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  15.  27
    Attention mechanisms and the mosaic evolution of speech.Pedro T. Martins & Cedric Boeckx - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
  16.  14
    Faces and Voices Processing in Human and Primate Brains: Rhythmic and Multimodal Mechanisms Underlying the Evolution and Development of Speech.Maëva Michon, José Zamorano-Abramson & Francisco Aboitiz - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    While influential works since the 1970s have widely assumed that imitation is an innate skill in both human and non-human primate neonates, recent empirical studies and meta-analyses have challenged this view, indicating other forms of reward-based learning as relevant factors in the development of social behavior. The visual input translation into matching motor output that underlies imitation abilities instead seems to develop along with social interactions and sensorimotor experience during infancy and childhood. Recently, a new visual stream has been identified (...)
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  17.  81
    Birdsong, Speech, and Language: Exploring the Evolution of Mind and Brain.Johan J. Bolhuis & Martin Everaert (eds.) - 2013 - MIT Press.
    Scholars have long been captivated by the parallels between birdsong and human speech and language. In this book, leading scholars draw on the latest research to explore what birdsong can tell us about the biology of human speech and language and the consequences for evolutionary biology. They examine the cognitive and neural similarities between birdsong learning and speech and language acquisition, considering vocal imitation, auditory learning, an early vocalization phase, the structural properties of birdsong and human language, (...)
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  18.  12
    And the evolution of particulate speech.Michael Studdert-Kennedy - 2002 - In Maxim I. Stamenov & Vittorio Gallese (eds.), Mirror Neurons and the Evolution of Brain and Language. John Benjamins. pp. 42--207.
  19. From mouth to hand: Gesture, speech, and the evolution of right-handedness.Michael C. Corballis - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (2):199-208.
    The strong predominance of right-handedness appears to be a uniquely human characteristic, whereas the left-cerebral dominance for vocalization occurs in many species, including frogs, birds, and mammals. Right-handedness may have arisen because of an association between manual gestures and vocalization in the evolution of language. I argue that language evolved from manual gestures, gradually incorporating vocal elements. The transition may be traced through changes in the function of Broca's area. Its homologue in monkeys has nothing to do with vocal (...)
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  20.  38
    Wundt on the Evolution of Speech[REVIEW]E. V. Arnold - 1901 - The Classical Review 15 (9):458-463.
  21.  11
    Birdsong, Speech, and Language: Exploring the Evolution of Mind and Brain.Robert C. Berwick & Noam Chomsky - 2013 - MIT Press.
    Leading scholars draw on the latest research to explore what birdsong can tell us about the biology of human speech and language and the consequences for evolutionary biology.
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    Pro and con: Internal speech and the evolution of complex language.Christina Behme - 2016 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39:e65.
    The target article by Christiansen & Chater (C&C) offers an integrated framework for the study of language acquisition and, possibly, a novel role for internal speech in language acquisition. However, the “Now-or-Never bottleneck” raises a paradox for language evolution. It seems to imply that language complexity has been either reduced over time or has remained the same. How, then, could languages as complex as ours have evolved in prelinguistic ancestors? Linguistic Platonism could offer a solution to this paradox.
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    Manual versus speech motor control and the evolution of language.Philip Lieberman - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):197-198.
    Inferences made from endocasts of fossil skulls cannot provide information on the function of particular neocortical areas or the subcortical pathways to prefrontal cortex that form part of the neural substrate for speech, syntax, and certain aspects of cognition. The neural bases of syntax cannot be disassociated from “communication.” Manual motor control was probably a preadaptive factor in the evolution of humansyntactic ability, but neurophysiological data on living humans show that speech motor control and syntax are more (...)
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    The forgotten role of consonant-like calls in theories of speech evolution.Adriano R. Lameira - 2014 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 37 (6):559-560.
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  25.  15
    Why Me?: The Sociocultural Evolution of a Self-Reflective Mind.Radu J. Bogdan - 2021 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    This book explores the evolution of the mental competence for self-reflection: why it evolved, under what selection pressures, in what environments, out of what precursors, and with what mental resources. Integrating evolutionary, psychological, and philosophical perspectives, Radu J. Bogdan argues that the competence for self-reflection, uniquely human and initially autobiographical, evolved under strong and persistent sociocultural and political pressures on the developing minds of older children and later adults. Self-reflection originated in a basic propensity of the human brain to (...)
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    A zetetic's perspective on gesture, speech, and the evolution of right-handedness.Amir Raz & Opher Donchin - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (2):237-238.
    Charmed by Corballis's presentation, we challenge the use of mirror neurons as a supporting platform for the gestural theory of language, the link between vocalization and cerebral specialization, and the relationship between gesture and language as two separate albeit coupled systems of communication. We revive an alternative explanation of lateralization of language and handedness.
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    La evolución de la imagen de rol social familiar a través de la modulación pragmática de los actos de habla directivos en el teatro de los siglos XIX y XX. Estudio de la atenuación e intensificación en los roles de padre, madre e hijo: The evolution of the family role face through pragmatic modulation of directive speech acts in 19th and 20th century theater. A study of mitigation and intensification in the roles of father, mother and child. [REVIEW]Marta Gancedo Ruiz - 2020 - Pragmática Sociocultural 8 (1):41-75.
    This paper describes the evolution of the family role face – specifically, the roles of father, mother and child – in a concrete period of the Spanish social history -from the end of 19th century to the 1960s. To achieve this goal, a corpus of theater plays is analyzed from a functional and pragmalinguistic perspective in a socio-historical context. The focus is on the quantitative and qualitative analysis of the projection of role face in the expression of directive (...) acts and their possible modulation through two pragmatic strategies: mitigation and intensification. Based on the results of the analysis, a sociopragmatic interpretation is carried out by identifying the connection between the choice of pragmalinguistic strategies and the need of the speakers’ autonomy face and affiliation face in different roles as family member in the given period. The results point to a progressive solidarity in father-child relationships during this period. On the one hand, that is based on the erosion of the authoritarian component of parental roles. On the other hand, it is anchored in the consolidation of proximity, closeness (‘confianza’) and affectivity. From a methodological point of view, the present study confirms the possibility of characterizing a sociopragmatic aspect (role face) on the basis of pragmalinguistic elements, i.e. the linguistic expression of directive speech acts, and its modulation through mitigation and intensification. (shrink)
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  28. The Seeds of Speech: Language Origin and Evolution. By Jean Aitchison.B. Tomlinson - 2002 - The European Legacy 7 (6):818-818.
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    Speech as a breakthrough signaling resource in the cognitive evolution of biological complex adaptive systems.Tobias A. Mattei - 2014 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 37 (6):563-564.
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  30. The evolution of language: A comparative review. [REVIEW]W. Tecumseh Fitch - 2005 - Biology and Philosophy 20 (2-3):193-203.
    For many years the evolution of language has been seen as a disreputable topic, mired in fanciful “just so stories” about language origins. However, in the last decade a new synthesis of modern linguistics, cognitive neuroscience and neo-Darwinian evolutionary theory has begun to make important contributions to our understanding of the biology and evolution of language. I review some of this recent progress, focusing on the value of the comparative method, which uses data from animal species to draw (...)
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    Ontogeny of speech.Marilyn May Vihman - 2002 - In Maxim I. Stamenov & Vittorio Gallese (eds.), Mirror Neurons and the Evolution of Brain and Language. John Benjamins. pp. 305.
  32.  50
    Communication and the Evolution of Society.Jürgen Habermas & Thomas McCarthy - 1991
    In this important volume Habermas outlines the views which form the basis of his critical theory of modern societies. The volume comprises five interlocking essays, which together define the contours of his theory of communication and of his substantive account of social change. ′What is Universal Pragmatics?′ is the best available statement of Habermas′s programme for a theoryof communication based on the analysis of speech acts. In the following two essays Habermas draws on the work of Kohlberg and others (...)
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  33. Categorical Perception and the Evolution of Supervised Learning in Neural Nets.Stevan Harnad & SJ Hanson - unknown
    Some of the features of animal and human categorical perception (CP) for color, pitch and speech are exhibited by neural net simulations of CP with one-dimensional inputs: When a backprop net is trained to discriminate and then categorize a set of stimuli, the second task is accomplished by "warping" the similarity space (compressing within-category distances and expanding between-category distances). This natural side-effect also occurs in humans and animals. Such CP categories, consisting of named, bounded regions of similarity space, may (...)
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  34. The Evolution of Imagination.Stephen T. Asma - 2017 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Guided by neuroscience, animal behavior, evolution, philosophy, and psychology, Asma burrows deep into the human psyche to look right at the enigmatic but powerful engine that is our improvisational creativity—the source, he argues, of our remarkable imaginational capacity. How is it, he asks, that a story can evoke a whole world inside of us? How are we able to rehearse a skill, a speech, or even an entire scenario simply by thinking about it? How does creativity go beyond (...)
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    Joint origins of speech and music: testing evolutionary hypotheses on modern humans.Bart de Boer & Andrea Ravignani - 2021 - Semiotica 2021 (239):169-176.
    How music and speech evolved is a mystery. Several hypotheses on their origins, including one on their joint origins, have been put forward but rarely tested. Here we report and comment on the first experiment testing the hypothesis that speech and music bifurcated from a common system. We highlight strengths of the reported experiment, point out its relatedness to animal work, and suggest three alternative interpretations of its results. We conclude by sketching a future empirical programme extending this (...)
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  36.  48
    The Paradox of Isochrony in the Evolution of Human Rhythm.Andrea Ravignani & Guy Madison - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:280885.
    Isochrony is crucial to the rhythm of human music. Some neural, behavioral and anatomical traits underlying rhythm perception and production are shared with a broad range of species. These may either have a common evolutionary origin, or have evolved into similar traits under different evolutionary pressures. Other traits underlying rhythm are rare across species, only found in humans and few other animals. Isochrony, or stable periodicity, is common to most human music, but isochronous behaviors are also found in many species. (...)
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  37.  12
    On the question of the essence of jus, or about the consensus of non-violence and freedom of speech.Б. С Шалютин - 2024 - Philosophy Journal 17 (1):153-168.
    The article made an attempt to understand the nature of jus, going from an analysis of its genesis and the primary simplest forms, the formation of which constituted the transition from the pre-social to the social world. In line with the hypothesis of Levi-Strauss of the beginning of society, the author considers dual-group unions to be the first social formations, halfs of which, in relation to and through each other, acquired the quality of historically original subjects of jus – the (...)
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    The experimental basis of speech and writing as different cognitive.Alexander V. Kravchenko - 2009 - Pragmatics and Cognition 17 (3):527-548.
    Traditionally, writing is viewed as a code that stands in one-to-one correspondence to spoken language, which is therefore also viewed as a code. However, this is a delusion, which is shared by educators and has serious consequences for cognition, both on individual and on social levels. Natural linguistic signs characteristic for the activity of languaging and their symbolizations are ontologically different phenomena; speech and writing belong to experiential domains of different dynamics. These dynamics impact differently on the linguistic/behavioral strategies (...)
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  39. On the evolution of consciousness and language.Bruce Bridgeman - 1992 - Psycoloquy 3 (15).
    Psychology can be based on plans, internally held images of achievement that organize the stimulus-response links of traditional psychology. The hierarchical structure of plans must be produced, held, assigned priorities, and monitored. Consciousness is the operation of the plan-executing mechanism, enabling behavior to be driven by plans rather than immediate environmental contingencies. The mechanism unpacks a single internally held idea into a series of actions. New in this paper is the proposal that language uses this mechanism for communication, unpacking an (...)
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  40.  22
    Phonological reduction, assimilation, intra-word information structure, and the evolution of the lexicon of English: Why fast speech isn't confusing.Richard Shillcock, John Hicks, Paul Cairns, Nick Chater & Joseph P. Levy - 1996 - In Garrison W. Cottrell (ed.), Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Conference of The Cognitive Science Society. Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 233.
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    Perception-action links and the evolution of human speech exchange.Thomas P. Wilson & Margaret Wilson - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (1):47-48.
    A perception-action system may underlie the mechanisms by which human speech exchange in social interaction is managed, as well as the evolutionary precursors of these mechanisms in closely related species. Some phenomena of interaction well-studied by sociologists are suggested as a point of departure for further research.
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  42. Précis of Origins of the modern mind: Three stages in the evolution of culture and cognition.Merlin Donald - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (4):737-748.
    This bold and brilliant book asks the ultimate question of the life sciences: How did the human mind acquire its incomparable power? In seeking the answer, Merlin Donald traces the evolution of human culture and cognition from primitive apes to the era of artificial intelligence, and presents an original theory of how the human mind evolved from its presymbolic form. In the emergence of modern human culture, Donald proposes, there were three radical transitions. During the first, our bipedal but (...)
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    Patterns of evolution in human speech processing and animal communication.Michael J. Ryan, Nicole M. Kime & Gil G. Rosenthal - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (2):282-283.
    We consider Sussman et al. 's suggestion that auditory biases for processing low-noise relationships among pairs of acoustic variables is a preadaptation for human speech processing. Data from other animal communication systems, especially those involving sexual selection, also suggest that neural biases in the receiver system can generate strong selection on the form of communication signals.
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  44. Evolution and Consciousness: The Role of Speech in the Origin and Development of Human Nature.Leslie Dewart - 1992 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 32 (3):193-194.
  45. Gestural Iconicity and Alignment as Steps in the Evolution of Language.Erica A. Cartmill - forthcoming - Topics in Cognitive Science.
    Studies of the evolution of language rely heavily on comparisons to nonhuman primates, particularly the gestural communication of nonhuman apes. Differences between human and ape gestures are largely ones of degree rather than kind. For example, while human gestures are more flexible, ape gestures are not inflexible. In this piece, I closely consider two features of the gestural communication of apes and humans that might display differences in kind: iconicity and temporal alignment. Iconicity has long played a privileged role (...)
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  46. Pointing and the Evolution of Language: An Applied Evolutionary Epistemological Approach.Nathalie Gontier - 2013 - Humana Mente 6 (24).
    Numerous evolutionary linguists have indicated that human pointing behaviour might be associated with the evolution of language. At an ontogenetic level, and in normal individuals, pointing develops spontaneously and the onset of human pointing precedes as well as facilitates phases in speech and language development. Phylogenetically, pointing behaviour might have preceded and facilitated the evolutionary origin of both gestural and vocal language. Contrary to wild non-human primates, captive and human-reared nonhuman primates also demonstrate pointing behaviour. In this article, (...)
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    A syllable-centric framework for the evolution of spoken language.Steven Greenberg - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (4):518-518.
    The cyclic nature of speech production, as manifested in the syllabic organization of spoken language, is likely to reflect general properties of sensori-motor integration rather than merely a phylogenetic progression from mastication, teeth chattering, and lipsmacks. The temporal properties of spontaneous speech reflect the entropy of its underlying constituents and are optimized for rapid transmission and decoding of linguistic information conveyed by a complex constellation of acoustic and visual cues, suggesting that the dawn of human language may have (...)
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    Evolution and Consciousness: The Role of Speech in the Origin and Development of Human Nature Leslie Dewart Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1989, xii + 399 p., $50.00. [REVIEW]Leslie Armour - 1991 - Dialogue 30 (1-2):195-.
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    Human Uniqueness, Bodily Mimesis and the Evolution of Language.Jordan Zlatev - 2014 - Humana Mente 7 (27).
    I argue that an evolutionary adaptation for bodily mimesis, the volitional use of the body as a representational devise, is the “small difference” that gave rise to unique and yet pre-linguistic features of humanity such as imitation, pedagogy, intentional communication and the possibility of a cumulative, representational culture. Furthermore, it is this that made the evolution of language possible. In support for the thesis that speech evolved atop bodily mimesis and a transitional multimodal protolanguage, I review evidence for (...)
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    Seeking Temporal Predictability in Speech: Comparing Statistical Approaches on 18 World Languages.Yannick Jadoul, Andrea Ravignani, Bill Thompson, Piera Filippi & Bart de Boer - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10:196337.
    Temporal regularities in speech, such as interdependencies in the timing of speech events, are thought to scaffold early acquisition of the building blocks in speech. By providing on-line clues to the location and duration of upcoming syllables, temporal structure may aid segmentation and clustering of continuous speech into separable units. This hypothesis tacitly assumes that learners exploit predictability in the temporal structure of speech. Existing measures of speech timing tend to focus on first-order regularities (...)
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