Results for 'fakelore'

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    Rhetoric, Heuristic and Defolklorization in Edouard Glissant’s Writings.Mohamed Lamine Rhimi - 2025 - Iris 45.
    With the aim of slowing down the processes of cultural folklorization which aggravate the situation in which his fellow islanders are stagnating, Edouard Glissant cultivates an archipelago rhetoric, prioritizes poetics of diversity and takes a heuristic approach which allows him to report on the true history of Caribbean people. This is how he urges them to recover their collective memory, exalts their own culture and takes charge of their future, far from fakelore and any form of depersonalization.
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    Slavic (pseudo)Mythology. An Overview.Stamatis Zochios - 2025 - Iris 45.
    This article deals with Slavic pseudo-mythology, comprising myths and deities that do not exist in authentic mythology and folklore or whose existence is doubtful or refuted. It is typically an artificial construct and may be created by scholars who freely interpret scarce sources. This pseudo-mythology, as we will see, has created a false reality. The image we have of Slavic paganism is in fact very vague for lack of sources. On the contrary, today we are used to talking about a (...)
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    Folklore’s Contemporariness: Dynamics of Value Orientation in Bihu.Dev Nath Pathak & Moureen Kalita - 2019 - Journal of Human Values 25 (3):177-189.
    The folklore studies scholar, such as Dorson (1976, Folklore and fakelore: Essays toward the discipline of folk studies, Harvard: Harvard University Press), was emphatic about the distinction between folklore and ‘fake lore’, one being authentic and the other as invented by the popular industry; however, he paradoxically maintained interest in the contemporariness of folklore. This was a paradox since the contemporariness of folklore is largely, and usually, due to intersections of folk with popular and political. Nevertheless, the emphasis on (...)
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