Results for 'function quantifier'

975 found
  1.  57
    Henkin and function quantifiers.Michael Krynicki & Jouko Väänänen - 1989 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 43 (3):273-292.
  2.  17
    Arithmetical Predicates and Function Quantifiers.S. C. Kleene - 1956 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 21 (4):409-410.
  3.  10
    Errata. Arithmetical Predicates and Function Quantifiers.S. C. Kleene - 1957 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 22 (4):375-375.
  4.  24
    Tosiyuki Tugué. On predicates expressible in the 1-function quantifier forms in Kleene hierarchy with free variables of type 2. Proceedings of the Japan Academy, vol. 36 , pp. 10–14. - Tosiyuki Tugué. Predicates recursive in a type-2 object and Kleene hierarchies. Commentarii mathematici Universitatis Sancti Pauli, vol. 8 , pp. 97–117. [REVIEW]D. A. Clarke - 1968 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 33 (1):115-116.
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    Quantifier Domain Restriction, Hidden Variables and Variadic Functions.Andrei Moldovan - 2016 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 3 (23):384-404.
    In this paper I discuss two objections raised against von Fintel’s (1994) and Stanley and Szabó’s (2000a) hidden variable approach to quantifier domain restriction (QDR). One of them concerns utterances of sentences involving quantifiers for which no contextual domain restriction is needed, and the other concerns multiple quantified contexts. I look at various ways in which the approaches could be amended to avoid these problems, and I argue that they fail. I conclude that we need a more flexible account (...)
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    The Functional Interpretation of the Existential Quantifier.Ruy B. de Queiroz & Dov Gabbay - 1995 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 3 (2-3):243-290.
    We are concerned with showing how ‘labelled’ Natural Deduction presentation systems based on an extension of the so-called Curry-Howard functional interpretation can help us understand and generalise most of the deduction calculi designed to deal with the logical notion of existential quantification. We present the labelling mechanism for ‘’ using what we call ‘ɛ-terms’, which have the form of ‘a’) in a dual form to the ‘Ax.f’ terms of in the sense that the ‘witness’ is chosen at the time of (...)
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  7.  12
    (1 other version)Kleene S. C.. Errata. Arithmetical predicates and function quantifiers. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 80 , p. 386, and vol. 81 , p. 524. [REVIEW]Alonzo Church - 1957 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 22 (4):375-375.
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    Kleene S. C.. Arithmetical predicates and function quantifiers. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Bd. 79 , S. 312–340. [REVIEW]Werner Markwald - 1956 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 21 (4):409-410.
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    Unimonotone functions of finite types (recursive functionals and quantifiers of finite types revisited IV).S. C. Kleene - 1985 - In Anil Nerode & Richard A. Shore (eds.), Recursion theory. Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society. pp. 42--119.
  10. Quantifier Domain Selection and Pseudo-Scope.Kai von Fintel - unknown
    * This work has been evolving for a while now. Some parts trace back to the few pages on the context-dependency of quantifiers in my dissertation. Reading Recanati’s paper on domains of discourse made me rethink some of my earlier conclusions without in the end actually changing them much. Other parts formed the material for several discussions in my seminar on context-dependency at MIT in the fall of 1995, which included several sessions exploring the issues raised in an early version (...)
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  11.  48
    Quantifier elimination for elementary geometry and elementary affine geometry.Rafael Grimson, Bart Kuijpers & Walied Othman - 2012 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 58 (6):399-416.
    We introduce new first-order languages for the elementary n-dimensional geometry and elementary n-dimensional affine geometry , based on extending equation image and equation image, respectively, with new function symbols. Here, β stands for the betweenness relation and ≡ for the congruence relation. We show that the associated theories admit effective quantifier elimination.
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  12. Quantifiers and Relative Clauses I.Gareth Evans - 1977 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 7 (3):467-536.
    Some philosophers, notably Professors Quine and Geach, have stressed the analogies they see between pronouns of the vernacular and the bound variables of quantification theory. Geach, indeed, once maintained that ‘for a philosophical theory of reference, then, it is all one whether we consider bound variables or pronouns of the vernacular'. This slightly overstates Geach's positition since he recognizes that some pronouns of ordinary language do function differently from bound variables; he calls such pronouns ‘pronouns of laziness'. Geach's characterisation (...)
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  13.  17
    The Functional Interpretation of the Existential Quantifier.Ruy J. G. B. de Queiroz & Dov M. Gabbay - 1995 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 3 (2-3):243-290.
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    Recursive Functionals and Quantifiers of Finite Types II.S. C. Kleene - 1971 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 36 (1):146-146.
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    Quantifying over propositions in relevance logic: nonaxiomatisability of primary interpretations of ∀ p and ∃ p.Philip Kremer - 1993 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 58 (1):334-349.
    A typical approach to semantics for relevance (and other) logics: specify a class of algebraic structures and take amodelto be one of these structures, α, together with some function or relation which associates with every formulaAa subset ofα. (This is the approach of, among others, Urquhart, Routley and Meyer and Fine.) In some cases there are restrictions on the class of subsets of α with which a formula can be associated: for example, in the semantics of Routley and Meyer (...)
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  16.  17
    Quantifiers. Hintikka and Frege on Quantification Concepts.Neftalí Villanueva & María Frápolli - 2018 - In Hans van Ditmarsch & Gabriel Sandu (eds.), Jaakko Hintikka on Knowledge and Game Theoretical Semantics. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. pp. 279-298.
    Hintikka’s semantic approach to meaning, a development of Wittgenstein’s view of meaning as use, is the general theme of this chapter. We will focus on the analysis of quantified sentences and on the scope of the principle of compositionality and compare Hintikka’s take on these issues with that of Frege. The aim of this paper is to show that Hintikka’s analysis of quantified expressions as choice functions, in spite of its obvious dissimilarities with respect to the higher-order approach, is actually (...)
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  17.  45
    Noun Phrases, Quantifiers, and Generic Names, EJ LOWE Frege and Russell have taught us that indefinite and plural noun phrases in natural language often function as quantifier expressions rather than as referring expressions, despite possessing many syntactical simi-larities with names. But it can be shown that in some of their most im.Catherine Jl Talmage & Mark Mercer - 1991 - Philosophy 66 (257).
  18. Quantifier scope: How labor is divided between QR and choice functions. [REVIEW]Tanya Reinhart - 1997 - Linguistics and Philosophy 20 (4):335-397.
  19.  5
    Quantifying the Magnitude and Longevity of the Effect of Repetitive Head Impacts in Adolescent Soccer Players: Deleterious Effect of Long Headers Extend Beyond a Month.Farzin Shamloo, Maria Kon, Elizabeth Ritter & Anne B. Sereno - 2023 - Neurotrauma Reports 4 (1):267-275.
    There is growing interest in the effects of sports-related repetitive head impacts (RHIs) on athletes’ cognitive capabilities. This study examines the effect of RHIs in data collected from adolescent athletes to estimate the magnitude and longevity of RHIs on sensorimotor and cognitive performance. A non-linear regression model estimated the longevity of RHI effects by adding a half-life parameter embedded in an exponential decay function. A model estimate of this parameter allows the possibility of RHI effects to attenuate over time (...)
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  20.  40
    Identifying and quantifying main components of physiological noise in functional near infrared spectroscopy on the prefrontal cortex.Evgeniya Kirlilna, Na Yu, Alexander Jelzow, Heidrun Wabnitz, Arthur M. Jacobs & Ilias Tachtsidis - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  21. Does 'knowledge' function like a quantifier? A critique of Stanley.Giovanni Mion - 2015 - Philosophical Inquiries 3 (2):9-16.
    In “Elusive Knowledge” (1996), David Lewis deduces contextualism about 'knowledge' from an analysis of the nature of knowledge. For Lewis, the context relativity of 'knowledge' depends upon the fact that knowledge that p implies the elimination of all the possibilities in which ~p. But since 'all' is context relative, 'knowledge' is also context relative. In contrast to Lewis, in Knowledge and Practical Interests (2005), Jason Stanley argues that since all context sensitive expressions can have different interpretations within the same discourse, (...)
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  22.  14
    Atypical Flexibility in Dynamic Functional Connectivity Quantifies the Severity in Autism Spectrum Disorder.Vatika Harlalka, Raju S. Bapi, P. K. Vinod & Dipanjan Roy - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
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  23.  83
    Questions with quantifiers.Gennaro Chierchia - 1992 - Natural Language Semantics 1 (2):181-234.
    This paper studies the distribution of ‘list readings’ in questions like who does everyone like? vs. who likes everyone?. More generally, it focuses on the interaction between wh-words and quantified NPs. It is argued that, contrary to widespread belief, the pattern of available readings of constituent questions can be explained as a consequence of Weak Crossover, a well-known property of grammar. In particular, list readings are claimed to be a special case of ‘functional readings’, rather than arising from quantifying into (...)
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  24.  27
    Quantified universes and ultraproducts.Alireza Mofidi & Seyed-Mohammad Bagheri - 2012 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 58 (1-2):63-74.
    A quantified universe is a set M equipped with a Riesz space equation image of real functions on Mn, for each n, and a second order operation equation image. Metric structures 4, graded probability structures 9 and many other structures in analysis are examples of such universes. We define ultraproduct of quantified universes and study properties preserved by this construction. We then discuss logics defined on the basis of classes of quantified universes which are closed under this construction.
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  25.  77
    Generalized Quantifiers and Number Sense.Robin Clark - 2011 - Philosophy Compass 6 (9):611-621.
    Generalized quantifiers are functions from pairs of properties to truth-values; these functions can be used to interpret natural language quantifiers. The space of such functions is vast and a great deal of research has sought to find natural constraints on the functions that interpret determiners and create quantifiers. These constraints have demonstrated that quantifiers rest on number and number sense. In the first part of the paper, we turn to developing this argument. In the remainder, we report on work in (...)
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  26.  27
    Quantifying into wh-dependencies: multiple-wh questions and questions with a quantifier.Yimei Xiang - 2023 - Linguistics and Philosophy 46 (3):429-482.
    Questions with a quantificational subject have readings that seemingly involve quantification into questions (called ‘QiQ’ for short). In particular, in single-wh questions with a universal quantifier, QiQ-readings call for pair-list answers, similar to pair-list readings of multiple-wh questions. This paper unifies the derivation of QiQ-readings and distinguishes QiQ-readings from pair-list readings of multiple-wh questions. I propose that pair-list multiple-wh questions and QiQ-questions both involve a wh-dependency, namely, that the wh-/quantificational subject stands in a functional dependency with the trace of (...)
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  27. Developing Metalogic to Formalize Ontological Disputes of the Systems in Metaphysics by Introducing the Notion of Functionally Isomorphic Quantifiers.Jolly Thomas - 2018 - Logica Universalis 12 (3-4):461-492.
    A general meta-logical theory is developed by considering ontological disputes in the systems of metaphysics. The usefulness of this general meta-logical theory is demonstrated by considering the case of the ontological dispute between the metaphysical systems of Lewis’ Modal Realism and Terence Parsons’ Meinongianism. Using Quine’s criterion of ontological commitments and his views on ontological disagreement, three principles of metalogic is formulated. Based on the three principles of metalogic, the notions of independent variable and dependent variable are introduced. Then, the (...)
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  28. Probability semantics for quantifier logic.Theodore Hailperin - 2000 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 29 (2):207-239.
    By supplying propositional calculus with a probability semantics we showed, in our 1996, that finite stochastic problems can be treated by logic-theoretic means equally as well as by the usual set-theoretic ones. In the present paper we continue the investigation to further the use of logical notions in probability theory. It is shown that quantifier logic, when supplied with a probability semantics, is capable of treating stochastic problems involving countably many trials.
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  29.  40
    Chasing hook : quantified indicative conditionals.Angelika Kratzer - 2021 - In Lee Walters & John Hawthorne (eds.), Conditionals, Paradox, and Probability: Themes from the Philosophy of Dorothy Edgington. Oxford, England: Oxford University press.
    This chapter was written in 2013 and was posted in the Semantics Archive in January 2014. The preprint of the published version has been in the Semantics Archive since 2016. The Semantics Archive is an electronic preprint archive hosted by the Linguistics Society of America. -/- The chapter looks at indicative conditionals embedded under quantifiers, with a special emphasis on ‘one-case’, episodic, conditionals as in "No query was answered if it came from a doubtful address." It agrees with earlier assessments (...)
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  30. (1 other version)Categories of First-Order Quantifiers.Urszula Wybraniec-Skardowska - 2018 - In Urszula Wybraniec-Skardowska & Ángel Garrido (eds.), The Lvov-Warsaw School. Past and Present. Cham, Switzerland: Springer- Birkhauser,. pp. 575-597.
    One well known problem regarding quantifiers, in particular the 1storder quantifiers, is connected with their syntactic categories and denotations. The unsatisfactory efforts to establish the syntactic and ontological categories of quantifiers in formalized first-order languages can be solved by means of the so called principle of categorial compatibility formulated by Roman Suszko, referring to some innovative ideas of Gottlob Frege and visible in syntactic and semantic compatibility of language expressions. In the paper the principle is introduced for categorial languages generated (...)
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  31.  69
    Quantifiers, anaphora, and intensionality.Mary Dalrymple, John Lamping, Fernando Pereira & Vijay Saraswat - 1997 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 6 (3):219-273.
    The relationship between Lexical-Functional Grammar (LFG) functional structures (f-structures) for sentences and their semanticinterpretations can be formalized in linear logic in a way thatcorrectly explains the observed interactions between quantifier scopeambiguity, bound anaphora and intensionality.Our linear-logic formalization of the compositional properties ofquantifying expressions in natural language obviates the need forspecial mechanisms, such as Cooper storage, in representing thescoping possibilities of quantifying expressions. Instead, thesemantic contribution of a quantifier is recorded as a linear-logicformula whose use in a proof will (...)
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  32. Quantifier decomposition.Jan van Eijck - unknown
    Functions of type n are characteristic functions on n-ary relations. In Beyond the Frege Boundary [6], Keenan established their importance for natural language semantics, by showing that natural language has many examples of irreducible type n functions, where he called a function of type n reducible if it can be represented as a composition of functions of type 1 . We will give a normal form theorem for functions of type n , and use this to show that natural (...)
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  33. An alternative semantics for quantified relevant logic.Edwin D. Mares & Robert Goldblatt - 2006 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 71 (1):163-187.
    The quantified relevant logic RQ is given a new semantics in which a formula for all xA is true when there is some true proposition that implies all x-instantiations of A. Formulae are modelled as functions from variable-assignments to propositions, where a proposition is a set of worlds in a relevant model structure. A completeness proof is given for a basic quantificational system QR from which RQ is obtained by adding the axiom EC of 'extensional confinement': for all x(A V (...)
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  34.  30
    An Investigation of Stretched Exponential Function in Quantifying Long-Term Memory of Extreme Events Based on Artificial Data following Lévy Stable Distribution.HongGuang Sun, Lin Yuan, Yong Zhang & Nicholas Privitera - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-7.
    Extreme events, which are usually characterized by generalized extreme value models, can exhibit long-term memory, whose impact needs to be quantified. It was known that extreme recurrence intervals can better characterize the significant influence of long-term memory than using the GEV model. Our statistical analyses based on time series datasets following the Lévy stable distribution confirm that the stretched exponential distribution can describe a wide spectrum of memory behavior transition from exponentially distributed intervals to power-law distributed ones, extending the previous (...)
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  35.  63
    A content semantics for quantified relevant logics. I.Ross T. Brady - 1988 - Studia Logica 47 (2):111 - 127.
    We present an algebraic-style of semantics, which we call a content semantics, for quantified relevant logics based on the weak system BBQ. We show soundness and completeness for all quantificational logics extending BBQ and also treat reduced modelling for all systems containing BB d Q. The key idea of content semantics is that true entailments AB are represented under interpretation I as content containments, i.e. I(A)I(B) (or, the content of A contains that of B). This is opposed to the truth-functional (...)
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  36. Definability of polyadic lifts of generalized quantifiers.Lauri Hella, Jouko Väänänen & Dag Westerståhl - 1997 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 6 (3):305-335.
    We study generalized quantifiers on finite structures.With every function : we associate a quantifier Q by letting Q x say there are at least (n) elementsx satisfying , where n is the sizeof the universe. This is the general form ofwhat is known as a monotone quantifier of type .We study so called polyadic liftsof such quantifiers. The particular lifts we considerare Ramseyfication, branching and resumption.In each case we get exact criteria fordefinability of the lift in terms (...)
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  37.  19
    Twenty Fregean Ways to Quantify Over Frege's Senses.Jan Dejnožka - 2020 - Diametros:1-15.
    This paper continues my discussion with Michael Dummett on Frege’s senses, published in The Philosophy of Michael Dummett and further developed in Diametros. In his reply to my original paper, Dummett came to agree with me that senses are neither objects nor functions, since they have a categorially different kind of linguistico-metaphysical function to perform. He then asks how we might quantify over senses, if they are neither objects nor functions. He discusses two main options, and finds one unviable (...)
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  38.  39
    Friedberg Richard M., 4-quantifier completeness: A Banach-Mazur functional not uniformly partial recursive. Bulletin de l'Académie Polonaise des Sciences, Série des sciences mathématiques, astronomiques et physiques, vol. 6 , pp. 1–5. [REVIEW]Alonzo Church - 1959 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 24 (1):52-52.
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  39. An Admissible Semantics for Propositionally Quantified Relevant Logics.Robert Goldblatt & Michael Kane - 2010 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 39 (1):73-100.
    The Routley-Meyer relational semantics for relevant logics is extended to give a sound and complete model theory for many propositionally quantified relevant logics (and some non-relevant ones). This involves a restriction on which sets of worlds are admissible as propositions, and an interpretation of propositional quantification that makes ∀ pA true when there is some true admissible proposition that entails all p -instantiations of A . It is also shown that without the admissibility qualification many of the systems considered are (...)
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  40.  24
    Generalized quantifier and a bounded arithmetic theory for LOGCFL.Satoru Kuroda - 2007 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 46 (5-6):489-516.
    We define a theory of two-sort bounded arithmetic whose provably total functions are exactly those in ${\mathcal{F}_{LOGCFL}}$ by way of a generalized quantifier that expresses computations of SAC 1 circuits. The proof depends on Kolokolova’s conditions for the connection between the provable capture in two-sort theories and descriptive complexity.
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  41.  82
    Quantifier probability logic and the confirmation paradox.Theodore Hailperin - 2007 - History and Philosophy of Logic 28 (1):83-100.
    Exhumation and study of the 1945 paradox of confirmation brings out the defect of its formulation. In the context of quantifier conditional-probability logic it is shown that a repair can be accomplished if the truth-functional conditional used in the statement of the paradox is replaced with a connective that is appropriate to the probabilistic context. Description of the quantifier probability logic involved in the resolution of the paradox is presented in stages. Careful distinction is maintained between a formal (...)
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  42.  16
    (1 other version)Kleene S. C.. Recursive functionals and quantifiers of finite types II. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 108 , pp. 106–142. [REVIEW]Thomas J. Grilliot - 1971 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 36 (1):146-146.
  43.  86
    Propositions or choice functions: What do quantifiers quantify over.Klaus Abels & Luiza Martí - forthcoming - Natural Language Semantics.
  44.  41
    A three-valued quantified argument calculus: Domain-free model-theory, completeness, and embedding of fol.Ran Lanzet - 2017 - Review of Symbolic Logic 10 (3):549-582.
    This paper presents an extended version of the Quantified Argument Calculus (Quarc). Quarc is a logic comparable to the first-order predicate calculus. It employs several nonstandard syntactic and semantic devices, which bring it closer to natural language in several respects. Most notably, quantifiers in this logic are attached to one-place predicates; the resulting quantified constructions are then allowed to occupy the argument places of predicates. The version presented here is capable of straightforwardly translating natural-language sentences involving defining clauses. A three-valued, (...)
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  45.  37
    Completeness theorem for Dummett's LC quantified and some of its extensions.Giovanna Corsi - 1992 - Studia Logica 51 (2):317 - 335.
    Dummett's logic LC quantified, Q-LC, is shown to be characterized by the extended frame Q+, ,D, where Q+ is the set of non-negative rational numbers, is the numerical relation less or equal then and D is the domain function such that for all v, w Q+, Dv and if v w, then D v . D v D w . Moreover, simple completeness proofs of extensions of Q-LC are given.
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    Quine on the referential functions of bound variables and quantifiers.C. A. Hooker - 1971 - Mind 80 (320):481-496.
  47.  91
    Kleene S. C.. Recursive functionals and quantifiers of finite types I. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 91 , pp. 1–52. [REVIEW]A. Nerode - 1962 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 27 (1):82-83.
  48.  26
    Computational complexity of quantifier-free negationless theory of field of rational numbers.Nikolai Kossovski - 2001 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 113 (1-3):175-180.
    The following result is an approximation to the answer of the question of Kokorin about decidability of a quantifier-free theory of field of rational numbers. Let Q0 be a subset of the set of all rational numbers which contains integers 1 and −1. Let be a set containing Q0 and closed by the functions of addition, subtraction and multiplication. For example coincides with Q0 if Q0 is the set of all binary rational numbers or the set of all decimal (...)
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  49.  23
    Quantifying Interpreting Types: Language Sequence Mirrors Cognitive Load Minimization in Interpreting Tasks.Junying Liang, Qianxi Lv & Yiguang Liu - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Most interpreting theories claim that different interpreting types should involve varied processing mechanisms and procedures. However, few studies have examined their underlying differences. Even though some previous results based on quantitative approaches show that different interpreting types yield outputs of varying lexical and syntactic features, the grammatical parsing approach is limited. Language sequences that form without relying on parsing or processing with a specific linguistic approach or grammar excel other quantitative approaches at revealing the sequential behavior of language production. As (...)
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  50.  33
    Is it logical to count on quantifiers? Dissociable neural networks underlying numerical and logical quantifiers.V. Troiani, J. Peelle, R. Clark & M. Grossman - 2009 - Neuropsychologia 47 (1):104--111.
    The present study examined the neural substrate of two classes of quantifiers: numerical quantifiers like ” at least three” which require magnitude processing, and logical quantifiers like ” some” which can be understood using a simple form of perceptual logic. We assessed these distinct classes of quantifiers with converging observations from two sources: functional imaging data from healthy adults, and behavioral and structural data from patients with corticobasal degeneration who have acalculia. Our findings are consistent with the claim that numerical (...)
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