Results for 'institutionalist sociology'

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  1. Institutionalist Sociology of Science.Janos Laki - 2009 - Filozofia 64 (2):144-154.
    The paper deals with some of the contemporary theories of science which see the latter as an organized cognitive activity. On the background of the controversy concerning the nature of rationality and relativism the author underlines the contribution of the sociology of scientific knowledge, showing its role in reconceptualization of the dichotomy between internalism and externalism. His argumentation is in favor of the institutionalist conception of science as a subsystem of society. The problem of the reliability of knowledge (...)
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    The Sociological Theories of the French Institutionalists.Nicholas Timasheff - 1946 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 21 (3):493-512.
  3.  37
    Neo-Institutionalism, Legal Dogmatics and the Sociology of Law.Maria Angeles Barrere Unzueta - 1994 - Ratio Juris 7 (3):353-365.
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    Agency in historical institutionalism: Coalitional work in the creation, maintenance, and change of institutions.Patrick Emmenegger - 2021 - Theory and Society 50 (4):607-626.
    Institutionalism gives priority to structure over agency. Yet institutions have never developed and operated without the intervention of interested groups. This paper develops a conceptual framework for the role of agency in historical institutionalism. Based on recent contributions following the coalitional turn and drawing on insights from sociological institutionalism, it argues that agency plays a key role in the creation and maintenance of social coalitions that stabilize but also challenge institutions. Without such agency, no coalition can be created, maintained, or (...)
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    The case for an inhabited institutionalism in organizational research: interaction, coupling, and change reconsidered.Tim Hallett & Amelia Hawbaker - 2021 - Theory and Society 50 (1):1-32.
    This paper makes the case for an inhabited institutionalism by pondering questions that continue to vex institutional theory: How can we account for local activity, agency, and change without reverting to a focus on individual actors—the very kinds of actors that institutional theory was designed to critique? How is change possible in an institutional context that constructs interests and sets the very conditions for such action? Efforts to deal with these questions by inserting various forms of individual, purposive actors into (...)
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  6. Social Theory in the Twentieth Century and Beyond.Patrick Baert - 2010 - Polity. Edited by Filipe Carreira Silvdaa.
    One hundred years of French social theory : from structuralism to pragmatism -- The biological metaphor : functionalism and neo-functionalism -- The enigma of everyday life : symbolic interactionism, the dramaturgical approach and ethnomethodology -- The invasion of economic man : from rational choice theory to the new institutionalism -- Sociology meets history : Giddens's theory of modernity -- The history and the present : Foucault's archaeology and genealogy -- The spread of reason : Habermas's critical theory and beyond (...)
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  7. On choosing one's intellectual predecessors: The reductionism of Camic's treatment of Parsons and the institutionalists.Jeffrey C. Alexander & Giuseppe Sciortino - 1996 - Sociological Theory 14 (2):154-171.
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    Competing conceptions of individualism in contemporary American AIDS policy: A re-examination of neo-institutionalist analysis. [REVIEW]Jason Andrew Kaufman - 1998 - Theory and Society 27 (5):635-669.
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    Institutional Entrepreneurship and Agency.Elke Weik - 2011 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 41 (4):466-481.
    The notion of institutional entrepreneurship has become very popular in the last decade. Starting from a review of the literature on the topic, I first focus on the use of the idea of individual entrepreneurs and point out three theoretical incongruities it produces. I then discuss notions of collective entrepreneurship and institutional work to see if they can overcome these incongruities. I conclude that although they can remedy some of the problems, these notions run the risk of describing everything until (...)
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    Contemporary political agency: theory and practice.Bice Maiguashca & Raffaele Marchetti (eds.) - 2013 - New York: Routledge.
    This book explores and critically reflects on the theory and practice of political agency in contemporary global politics. In light of the changing relationship between the state, the market and the society, it seeks to map both theoretically and empirically contemporary forms of global political agency. This book reflects on the theory and practice of political agency in contemporary global politics. More specifically, it empirically analyses a range of different forms of political agency and explores their significance for understanding and (...)
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    The global diffusion of truth commissions: an integrative approach to diffusion as a process of collective learning.Anne K. Krueger - 2016 - Theory and Society 45 (2):143-168.
    The diffusion of similar organizational practices across the world has been a prominent research topic for quite some time. In the literature on sociological new institutionalism, two basic research perspectives have developed to address the diffusion and subsequent institutionalization of cultural models and formally organized practices. The first argues that diffusion happens as a top-down adoption process. The second describes diffusion and institutionalization as bottom-up emergence. My stance bridges both perspectives. In this article, I argue that for us to understand (...)
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    Grand theories and ideologies in the social sciences.Howard J. Wiarda (ed.) - 2010 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    The book is a comparative analysis of all the major social science/political science grand theories. It focuses on developmentalism, dependency theory, the world systems approach, Marxism, institutionalism, rational choice, psychoanalysis, political sociology, sociobiology, environmentalism, neuro-politics, transitions to democracy, and non-Western systems of analysis. To facilitate comparison and analysis, a common framework and outline are employed throughout. An integrating introduction and conclusion help tie the book together.
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  13. From Institutions to the Platform Society: An Interdisciplinary Reading of Recent Works by Roberto Esposito.Luca Serafini - 2024 - Theory, Culture and Society 41 (7-8):239-252.
    In recent years, reflection on institutions has assumed great prominence in Italian Theory. Roberto Esposito especially, in his three most recent books, has provided a genealogy of institutions, aimed at challenging the prevailing way in which they have been thematized in Western thought. As he sees it, a repressive conception of institutions has dominated in philosophy as well as in sociology and legal studies, which views them as apparatuses that limit the free expansion of individual instincts and life itself. (...)
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  14. Technology and institutions: living in a material world. [REVIEW]Trevor Pinch - 2008 - Theory and Society 37 (5):461-483.
    This article addresses the relationship between technology and institutions and asks whether technology itself is an institution. The argument is that social theorists need to attend better to materiality: the world of things and objects of which technical things form an important class. It criticizes the new institutionalism in sociology for its failure to sufficiently open up the black box of technology. Recent work in science and technology studies (S&TS) and in particular the sociology of technology is reviewed (...)
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    Types of Institutions as Patterns of Regulated Behaviour.Dick W. P. Ruiter - 2004 - Res Publica 10 (3):207-231.
    Nowadays, neo-institutionalistic approaches are prominent in economics, political science, the science of public administration and sociology. There is a general complaint about the vagueness of the concept of institutions and the apparent disparity of phenomena falling under it. This article shows how institutional legal theory provides a typology of institutions as sets of rules and corresponding patterns of regulated behaviour that can help to avert much confusion. The typologys usefulness is tested by applying it to an array of private (...)
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    Explaining the move toward the market in US academic science: how institutional logics can change without institutional entrepreneurs.Elizabeth Popp Berman - 2012 - Theory and Society 41 (3):261-299.
    Organizational institutionalism has shown how institutional entrepreneurs can introduce new logics into fields and push for their broader acceptance. In academic science in the United States, however, market logic gained strength without such an entrepreneurial project. This article proposes an alternative “practice selection” model to explain how a new institutional logic can gain strength when local innovations interact with changes outside the field. Actors within a field are always experimenting with practices grounded in a variety of logics. When one logic (...)
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  17.  25
    From Political Economy to Economics: Method, the Social and the Historical in the Evolution of Economic Theory.Dimitris Milonakis & Ben Fine - 2008 - Routledge.
    Economics has become a monolithic science, variously described as formalistic and autistic with neoclassical orthodoxy reigning supreme. So argue Dimitris Milonakis and Ben Fine in this new major work of critical recollection. The authors show how economics was once rich, diverse, multidimensional and pluralistic, and unravel the processes that lead to orthodoxy’s current predicament. The book details how political economy became economics through the desocialisation and the dehistoricisation of the dismal science, accompanied by the separation of economics from the other (...)
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  18.  64
    Social skills and the theory of fields.Fligstein Neil - 2001 - Sociological Theory 19 (2):105-125.
    The problem of the relationship between actors and the social structures in which they are embedded is central to sociological theory. This paper suggests that the "new institutionalist" focus on fields, domains, or games provides an alternative view of how to think about this problem by focusing on the construction of local orders. This paper criticizes the conception of actors in both rational choice and sociological versions of these theories. A more sociological view of action, what is called "social (...)
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    Six theories of neoliberalism.Terry Flew - 2014 - Thesis Eleven 122 (1):49-71.
    This article takes as its starting point the observation that neoliberalism is a concept that is ‘oft-invoked but ill-defined’. It provides a taxonomy of uses of the term neoliberalism to include: (1) an all-purpose denunciatory category; (2) ‘the way things are’; (3) an institutional framework characterizing particular forms of national capitalism, most notably the Anglo-American ones; (4) a dominant ideology of global capitalism; (5) a form of governmentality and hegemony; and (6) a variant within the broad framework of liberalism as (...)
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    Toward a General Theory of Institutional Autonomy.Seth Abrutyn - 2009 - Sociological Theory 27 (4):449 - 465.
    Institutional differentiation has been one of the central concerns of sociology since the days of Auguste Comte. However, the overarching tendency among institutionalists such as Durkheim or Spencer has been to treat the process of differentiation from a macro, "outside in" perspective. Missing from this analysis is how institutional differentiation occurs from the "inside out, "or through the efforts and struggles of individual and corporate actors. Despite the recent efforts of the "new institutionalism" to fill in this gap, a (...)
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  21.  84
    Institutional Isomorphism Revisited: Convergence and Divergence in Institutional Change.Jens Beckert - 2010 - Sociological Theory 28 (2):150 - 166.
    Under the influence of groundbreaking work by John Meyer and Brian Rowen, as well as Paul DiMaggio and Walter Powell, over the last 30 years research in the new sociological institutionalism has focused on processes of isomorphism. I argue that this is a one-sided focus that leaves out many insights from other institutional and macrosociological approaches and does not do justice to actual social change because it overlooks the role played by divergent institutional development. While the suggestion of divergent trends (...)
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  22.  31
    Realism and Structurism in Historical Theory: A Discussion of the Thought of Maurice Mandelbaum.Christopher Lloyd - 1989 - History and Theory 28 (3):296-325.
    The late Maurice Mandelbaum was one of the most consistent and determined defenders of philosophical and social realism and of what he called "methodological institutionalism." This can be seen as containing a theory of human agency and a theory of how the social world comes to be institutionally structured, or what can be called a "structurist" theory. Mandelbaurn has argued for the irreducibility of social concepts and the necessity of scientific social laws for social and historical explanation. Purpose and Necessity (...)
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    Implementing the Triple Helix Model: Means-Ends Decoupling at the State Level?Myroslava Hladchenko & Romulo Pinheiro - 2019 - Minerva 57 (1):1-22.
    The Triple Helix is a global model originating in developed economies but less developed countries have also made attempts to implement it into their national contexts. Meanwhile, the national context can be characterised by means-ends decoupling at the state level which implies that policies and practices of the state are disconnected from its core goal of creating public welfare. It refers to the oligarchic economies in which the state is captured by exploitative, rent-seeking oligarchies in business and politics. Ukraine is (...)
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  24. Lessons from Learning the Craft of Theory-Driven Research.Michael A. Dover - 2010 - Proceedings of the American Sociological Association 2010.
    This article presents a case study of the structure and logic of the author’s dissertation, with a focus on theoretical content. Designed for use in proposal writing seminars or research methods courses, the article stresses the value of identifying the originating, specifying and subsidiary research questions; clarifying the subject and object of the research; situating research within a particular research tradition, and using a competing theories approach. The article stresses the need to identify conceptual problems and empirical problems and their (...)
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    Playing Normative Legacies: Partisanship and Employment Policies in Crisis-Ridden Europe.J. Timo Weishaupt & Tobias Schulze-Cleven - 2015 - Politics and Society 43 (2):269-299.
    Europe’s affluent democracies adopted different policy strategies to buffer their labor markets from the effects of the worldwide recession that followed the financial crisis in 2007. This article offers a sociologically anchored historical institutionalist explanation to account for this divergence. Reviewing the politics of employment policymaking before, during, and after the crisis in the United Kingdom, Germany, and Denmark, the article traces partisan actors’ tactics of maneuvering within the constraints of institutionally embedded mass preferences to legitimate their policies and (...)
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  26.  18
    Rules for Followers: Institutional Theory and the New Politics of Economic Backwardness in Russia.David M. Woodruff - 2000 - Politics and Society 28 (4):437-482.
    I investigate contemporary Russia's real, but shallow success in implementing two borrowed capitalist institutions—a monetary system and the joint-stock company. Even though money and shares of stock in Russia are exchanged in voluntary transactions, they fail to play the legal roles ordinarily expected of them, resulting in weak corporate governance and nonmonetary exchange. Via a criticism of game-theoretic approaches to institutions in the New Institutional Economics, I argue that the roots of this shallow marketization lie in the distinct social foundations (...)
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    Critical History, Subversion and Self-Subversion: The Curious Cases of Jean Mabillon and Richard Simon (II/II).Veronica Lazăr - 2020 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:149-161.
    Jean Mabillon and Richard Simon were both eminent seventeenth-century scholars who practiced contextualizing critical philology in order to forge unbeatable scientifical instruments against the skeptics and reinforce the authority of historical documents. But Simon’s work produced a mutation of the meaning of authenticity that would prove subversive and would generate outrage. His sociological and institutionalist understanding of the history of sacred texts not only merged both their production and their transmission into a common, ontologically homogenous historical process, but also (...)
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    Rupture and Continuity: Abortion, the Medical Profession, and the Transitional State—A Polish Case Study.Atina Krajewska - 2021 - Feminist Legal Studies 29 (3):323-350.
    Taking Poland as a case study, this article examines the sociological and historical-institutional factors that determine the relationship between the process of medical professionalisation and reproductive rights in transitional societies. Focusing on three periods in Polish history, (a) Partition era (1772–1918), (b) the Second Polish Republic (1918–1939), and (c) the post-war period (1945–1989), it identifies ruptures and continuities that have shaped the development of the Polish medical profession and its attitude towards abortion care today. Using insights from feminist historical institutionalism, (...)
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    Practice Theory and International Relations.Silviya Lechner & Mervyn Frost - 2018 - Cambridge University Press.
    Are social practices actions, or institutional frameworks of interaction structured by common rules? How do social practices such as signing a cheque differ from international practices such as signing a peace treaty? Traversing the fields of international relations and philosophy, this book defends an institutionalist conception of practices as part of a general practice theory indebted to Oakeshott, Wittgenstein and Hegel. The proposed practice theory has two core aspects: practice internalism and normative descriptivism. In developing a philosophical analysis of (...)
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    Subjectivism and objectivism in the social sciences.Alan Gewirth - 1954 - Philosophy of Science 21 (2):157-163.
    Philosophizing about the social sciences involves an initial problem of denotation. Although the natural sciences are the scene of intramural disputes like those between proponents of quantum mechanics and relativity theory, no one doubts either what the natural sciences are or that they are sciences; and all of them may be said to use, broadly speaking, the same scientific method. But the case of the social sciences is different. It resembles somewhat the situation in mathematics where the intuitionists deny that (...)
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    Ideology and Institutions in the Evolution of Capital.Katharina Pistor - 2021 - Analyse & Kritik 43 (1):23-40.
    In Capital and Ideology, Thomas Piketty poses the intriguing thesis that ideology, or ideas about how society should be governed, is a powerful determinant for how society will be governed-as long as we take advantage of historical switch points. In this review essay I challenge this thesis by pointing out that many powerful ideas have run aground because of countervailing institutional arrangements. Oftentimes, they are leftovers from earlier times that precede the change and are now strategically employed for reconstituting private (...)
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    Against anti-explanation.Carlos Andrés Ramírez - 2021 - Cinta de Moebio 71:109-123.
    Resumen: La contingencia de los fenómenos sociales y políticos ha sido abordada por diversas teorías contemporáneas. El tema circula en la sociología histórica, la teoría de sistemas de Luhmann, el institucionalismo histórico, la historia contrafáctica o el posmarxismo, asociado, entre otras, al carácter disruptivo y abrupto de ciertos procesos históricos, al cruce de series causales inicialmente independientes, a la inconsistencia de todo orden, a la coexistencia de mundos posibles o a la electividad asociada a la agencia. Como parte de esa (...)
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    A Guardian of the UN Charter: The UN Secretary-General at Seventy-Five.Ellen J. Ravndal - 2020 - Ethics and International Affairs 34 (3):297-304.
    Over the past seventy-five years, the UN secretary-general has come to occupy a highly visible position in world politics. While the UN Charter describes the post merely as the “chief administrative officer” of the organization, today it is widely recognized that the secretary-general also plays a central role in political matters. What makes the role of the UN secretary-general special? Where does the office's authority come from? As part of the special issue on “The United Nations at Seventy-Five: Looking Back (...)
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    Knowing what the law is: legal theory in a new key.Alexander Somek - 2021 - New York: Hart.
    This book provides a selective and somewhat cheeky account of prominent positions in legal theory, such as American legal realism, modern legal positivism, sociological systems theory, institutionalism and critical legal studies. It presents a relational approach to law and a new perspective on legal sources. The book explores topics of legal theory in a playful manner. It is written and composed in a way that refutes the widespread prejudice that legal theory is a dreary subject, with a cast of characters (...)
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    Sacred Companies: Organizational Aspects of Religion and Religious Aspects of Organizations.N. J. Demerath, Peter Dobkin Hall, Terry Schmitt & Rhys H. Williams (eds.) - 1998 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Religion is intrinsically social, and hence irretrievably organizational, although organization is often seen as the darker side of the religious experience--power, routinization, and bureaucracy. Religion and secular organizations have long received separate scholarly scrutiny, but until now their confluence has been little considered. This interdisciplinary collection of mostly unpublished papers is the first volume to remedy the deficit. The project grew out of a three-year inquiry into religious institutions undertaken by Yale University's Program on Non-Profit Organizations and sponsored by the (...)
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    Institutional Transfer and Varieties of Capitalism in Transnational Societies.Carlos H. Waisman - 2011 - ProtoSociology 27:151-166.
    This paper discusses the varieties of capitalism in transitional societies in Latin America and Central / Eastern Europe. The intended purpose of these transitions from semi-closed import-substituting economies in the first case and state socialist ones in the second was to institutionalize open-market economies. Twenty or thirty years later, there is a variety of types of capitalism in these countries, which I classify into three: open-market, neo-mercantilist, and anemic. The question for sociology is whether these quite different variants represent (...)
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    Cognitive microfoundations and social interaction dynamics. The implications of complexity for institutional theory.Olle Jonas Frödin - 2024 - Theory and Society 53 (5):1019-1047.
    This paper investigates the intersection of cognitive sciences and social network theory and its counterpart, the complexity sciences, aiming to shed light on the compatibility and potential integration of these frameworks into institutional theory. Institutional scholars have for long selectively adopted notions linked with the cognitive sciences and complexity sciences, such as the notion of path dependence, without exploring the broader implications of systematically integrating such perspectives into institutionalism. This paper aims to advance such a comprehensive theoretical integration, by investigating (...)
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    Electric charges: The social construction of rate systems.Valery Yakubovich, Mark Granovetter & Patrick Mcguire - 2005 - Theory and Society 34 (5):579-612.
    Price is a central analytic concept in both neoclassical and old institutional economics. Combining the social network perspective with old and new institutionalist approaches to price formation, this article examines technological, economic, institutional, and political factors that shaped the earliest pricing systems for electricity used in the United States, between 1882 and 1910. We show that certain characteristics of electricity supply led to ambiguities in how the product should be priced, which created a politics of pricing among electricity producers. (...)
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    Governing drug reimbursement policy in Poland: The role of the state, civil society, and the private sector.Piotr Ozieranski & Lawrence Peter King - 2017 - Theory and Society 46 (6):577-610.
    This article investigates the distribution of power in Poland’s drug reimbursement policy in the early 2000s. We examine competing theoretical expectations suggested by neopluralism, historical institutionalism, corporate domination, and clique theory of the post-communist state, using data from a purposive sample of 109 semi-structured interviews and documentary sources. We have four concrete findings. First, we uncovered rapid growth in budgetary spending on expensive drugs for narrow groups of patients. Second, to achieve these favorable policy outcomes drug companies employed two prevalent (...)
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  40. How people experience and change institutions: a field guide to creative syncretism. [REVIEW]Gerald Berk & Dennis Galvan - 2009 - Theory and Society 38 (6):543-580.
    This article joins the debate over institutional change with two propositions. First, all institutions are syncretic, that is, they are composed of an indeterminate number of features, which are decomposable and recombinable in unpredictable ways. Second, action within institutions is always potentially creative, that is, actors draw on a wide variety of cultural and institutional resources to create novel combinations. We call this approach to institutions creative syncretism. This article is in three parts. The first shows how existing accounts of (...)
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    Bourdieu and organizations: the empirical challenge. [REVIEW]Diane Vaughan - 2008 - Theory and Society 37 (1):65-81.
    Emirbayer and Johnson critique the failure to engage fully Bourdieu’s relational analysis in empirical work, but are weak in giving direction for rectifying the problem. Following their recommendation for studying organizations-in-fields and organizations-as-fields, I argue for the benefits of analogical comparison using case studies of organizations as the units of analysis. Doing so maximizes the number of Bourdieusian concepts that can be deployed in an explanation. Further, it maximizes discovery of the oft-neglected links among history, competition, resources, sites of contestation (...)
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    Pathways of Education Reform ‘From Below’: Theorizing Social Movements as Grassroot Agents of Educational Change.Kai Heidemann - forthcoming - Confero Essays on Education Philosophy and Politics:41-72.
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  43. Against the sociology of art.Aesthetic Versus Sociological & Explanations of Art Activities - 2002 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 32 (2):206-218.
  44. Douglas D. heckathorn.Sociological Rational Choice - 2001 - In Barry Smart & George Ritzer, Handbook of social theory. Thousands Oaks, Calif.: SAGE.
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  45. Durkheim's sociology of moral facts.Sociology of Moral Durkheim’S. - 1993 - In Stephen P. Turner, Emile Durkheim: sociologist and moralist. New York: Routledge.
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    Cultures of Dissection and Anatomies of Generation.On Sociological Biographies - 2008 - Annals of Science 65 (3):439-444.
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    Social Aspects of Science.On Sociological Biographies - 2008 - Annals of Science 65 (3):453-455.
  48. Thematic groups update.Economic Sociology Thematic - 2008 - Nexus 20 (3):27.
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  49. Rawlsian Institutionalism and Business Ethics: Does It Matter Whether Corporations Are Part of the Basic Structure of Society?Brian Berkey - 2021 - Business Ethics Quarterly 31 (2):179-209.
    In this article, I aim to clarify some key issues in the ongoing debate about the relationship between Rawlsian political philosophy and business ethics. First, I discuss precisely what we ought to be asking when we consider whether corporations are part of the “basic structure of society.” I suggest that the relevant questions have been mischaracterized in much of the existing debate, and that some key distinctions have been overlooked. I then argue that although Rawlsian theory’s potential implications for business (...)
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    Controversial Science: From Content to Contention.Thomas Brante, Steve Fuller, PhD Professor of Sociology Steve Fuller & William Lynch - 1993 - SUNY Press.
    This book represents emerging alternative perspectives to the "constructivist" orthodoxy that currently dominates the field of science and technology studies. Various contributions from distinguished Americans and Europeans in the field, provide arguments and evidence that it is not enough simply to say that science is "socially situated." Controversial Science focuses on important political, ethical, and broadly normative considerations that have yet to be given their due, but which point to a more realistic and critical perspective on science policy.
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