Results for 'kabala'

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  1.  16
    The return of the intolerant Hobbes.Boleslaw Z. Kabala - 2019 - History of European Ideas 45 (6):785-802.
    Thomas Hobbes in Leviathan presented a paradigm of the social contract that has proven foundational in Western political thought. A proper understanding of the philosopher’s thought is thus of paramount importance. I argue that today’s case for a religiously tolerant Hobbes has missed an important part of the historical record. I first consider an obscure but important document, the second edition of the Humble Proposals. It demonstrates that leading members of a seventeenth century Christian denomination, the Independents, considered a state-enforced (...)
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    Hobbes and Spinoza on Sovereign Education.Boleslaw Z. Kabala & Thomas Cook - 2022 - Philosophies 7 (1):6.
    Most comparisons of Thomas Hobbes and Baruch Spinoza focus on the difference in understanding of natural right. We argue that Hobbes also places more weight on a rudimentary and exclusive education of the public by the state. We show that the difference is related to deeper disagreements over the prospect of Enlightenment. Hobbes is more sanguine than Spinoza about using the state to make people rational. Spinoza considers misguided an overemphasis on publicly educating everyone out of superstition—public education is important, (...)
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    Savvas Neocleous, Heretics, Schismatics, or Catholics? Latin Attitudes to the Greeks in the Long Twelfth Century. (Studies and Texts 216.) Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies, 2019. Pp. xv, 291. $95. ISBN: 978-0-8884-4216-1. [REVIEW]Jakub Kabala - 2021 - Speculum 96 (1):242-243.
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  4. Kabała chrześcijańska.Gershom Scholem - 2013 - Kronos - metafizyka, kultura, religia 1 (24).
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  5. Kabała.Jacob Taubes - 2013 - Kronos - metafizyka, kultura, religia 1 (24).
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  6. Tzim-tzum and the creation of light. Light in the kabala as an image of the evolutionary universe in science.Guillermo Armengol - 2009 - Pensamiento 65 (246):1147-1152.
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    Matter, man, universe: the ontology of human openness to the cosmic holism.Javier Monserrat - 2019 - Pensamiento 75 (283 S.Esp):131-170.
    El universo que conocemos es un producto de la mente humana. En la experiencia fenomenológica primordial, que el hombre tiene de si mismo, se imponen dos hechos fenomenológicos: la experiencia de un mundo estable de objetos y la experiencia de un mundo de campos de realidad. El ejercicio de la razón, que le viene dada al hombre evolutivamente, lleva a preguntar cuáles son las causas reales que producen esos dos mundos. Igualmente, cuál es la verdad última del universo. La ciencia (...)
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    Yahudi Düşünür Bahya ibn Pakuda’nın el-Hid'ye il' Fer'izi’l-Kulûb Eseri Çerçevesinde Mistik Görüşleri.Omer Faruk Yıkar - 2024 - Marifetname 11 (1):237-261.
    Birçok dini gelenekte mevcut olan mistisizm, Yahudilikte de ‘Kabala’ adı altında öne çıkan bir olgudur. Yahudi geleneğinde tam olarak ne zaman ve nerede ortaya çıktığı hakkında kesin söylemlerde bulunamadığımız bu düşünce sistemi, çeşitli sabitelere sahip olmakla beraber tarihsel süreçte konjonktüre bağlı olarak değişiklik göstermiş dinamik bir yapıyı ifade etmektedir. Bu akımın Yahudilikteki gelişim süreci mercek altına alındığında Orta Çağ, diğer pek çok dini gelenekte olduğu gibi, Yahudi mistisizmi açısından da temayüz eden bir dönem olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Bu hususta araştırmanın (...)
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    Sabetayist Ermişler.Meltem Yıldırım - 2019 - Dini Araştırmalar 22 (56):511-514.
    Geçmişten günümüze Yahudi mistisizmi, Sabetay Sevi ve Sabetaycılık ile ilgili birçok eser yazılmıştır. Bu eserler arasında en fazla dikkat çeken, Kabala’yı akademik alanda çalışılan ve bilimsel metotlarla incelenen bir konu haline getiren Gershom Scholem’in çalışmasıdır. Goldish ise Sabetay Sevi ile ilgili geleneksel bakış açısına karşı tarihi perspektiften yaklaşmaktadır.
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    On the Social and Existential Meaning of Jewish Mysticism Today: Pitfalls and Potential.Yonatan Glaser & Yehuda Bar Shalom - 2008 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 7 (19):43-57.
    The authors review the profound and diverse ways in which mysticism is embedded in and influences belief, lifestyle, identity and politics in Jewish life in Israel and North America. They outline some existential and cultural dimensions of the conditions in which this phenomena flourish, specifically relating to the condition of post-modernity. The seeming dominance of mysticism over more rational forms of religious belief and behavior is explored. The opposite ideational and historic trends within Jewish mysticism as they relate to national (...)
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    Z myśli hiszpańskiej i iberoamerykańskiej.Filozofia-literatura-mistyka.Dorota Sepczyńska & Mieczysław Jagłowski (eds.) - 2006 - Instytut Cervantesa, Instytut Filozofii UWM w Olsztynie, Katedra UNESCO UWM, Wydział Socjologii i Pedagogiki WSIiE TWP w Olsztynie.
    Z recenzji prof. Barbary Stawickiej-Pireckiej: Układ artykułów, przebieg granic tematycznych, zasięg problemowy proponowanych tekstów składają się na logiczną, ciekawą i różnorodną mapę tez i koncepcji, stanowiących niejako osnowę wiążącą Stary Kontynent z Nowym Światem, myśl głównych przedstawicieli filozofii hiszpańskiej – Unamuna i Ortegi y Gasseta – z „wędrującą”, wielokulturową świadomością bytu Marii Zambrano, złożone konteksty problematyki socjologicznej Peru w świetle nowelistyki Alfreda Bryce`a Echeniquego z polityczną utopią wybitnego meksykańskiego poety i eseisty – Octavio Paza. Filozoficzny wymiar dzieła literackiego w poszukiwaniu (...)
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