Results for 'koinonia'

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  1.  24
    Koinōnía y Justicia. De la República al Parménides.Raúl Gutiérrez - 2022 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 36:201-213.
    La razón fundamental por la que, según cierto modelo historiográfico el Parménides platónico constituye un diálogo de crisis en el desarrollo del pensamiento de Platón, es la supuesta presencia en él de una crítica de la Teoría de las Ideas del período medio –Fedón, Banquete, República. La insuficiencia de esa teoría consistiría en una concepción de las Ideas como unidades absolutamente simples y completamente aisladas que les impediría cumplir la función para la cual habrían sido concebidas. Esa función solo podría (...)
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    Ubuntu, koinonia and diakonia, a way to reconciliation in South Africa?Gert Breed & Kwena Semenya - 2015 - HTS Theological Studies 71 (2):9.
    This article seeks to contribute to the process of reconciliation in South Africa. This is achieved by firstly exploring the meaning of ubuntu as a common culture or religion under a large percentage of South Africa’s people over the borders of language and other cultural values. In the second part of the article two concepts that play a major role in Christianity are explored, namely koinonia and diakonia. Again a large percentage of South Africans believe that the Bible is (...)
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    Koinōnia and the Psychology of Possession.Veronika Konrádová - 2022 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 36:59-70.
    Este trabajo aborda el concepto de koinōnía discutido en la República de Platón. Se enfoca en las formas específicas en las que el término se introduce en la discusión sobre la organización social al interior de la clase de los guardianes, tal como la propuesta de abolir la familia nuclear a favor de la comunidad de esposas e hijos. Este artículo pretende revelar la base psicológica que conecta las propuestas socioeconómicas de Platón con sus preocupaciones éticas y políticas. Se examinará (...)
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    La koinonía en Platón.Antonio Pedro Mesquita - 2018 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 30 (2):209-224.
    This paper aims to defend the unitarian position of Plato’s thought through an analysis of the Sophist in its relation with other middle and late dialogues. Contrary to those who consider that koinonia is an exclusive philosophical motif of the late period and represents a break with the dialogues of the intermediate period, the text seeks to defend how koinonia in the Sophist is not a rupture but a development and a consummation of Platonic positions sustained since the (...)
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  5. The Koinōnia of Non-Being and Logos in the Sophist Account of Falsehood.Michael Wiitala - 2022 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 34:235-249.
    At Sophist 260e3-261a2, the Eleatic Stranger claims that in order to demonstrate that falsehood is, he and Theaetetus must first track down what speech (logos), opinion (doxa), and appearance (phantasia) are, and then observe the communion (koinōnia) that speech, opinion, and appearance have with non-being. The Stranger, however, never explicitly discusses the communion of speech, opinion, and appearance with non-being. Yet presumably their communion is implicit in his account of falsehood, given his claim that observing that communion is needed in (...)
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  6. Koinonia as Communion: Rethinking Communion in Igbo Traditional Society as Oriko.Bethrand Chekwube Nwangwu - 2025 - European Journal of Theology and Philosophy 5 (1):12-20.
    The Greek term Koinǒnia has been for everyday usage, contextually meaning many things – relationships, fellowship, participation, and communion in usages. This paper situates koinonia within the context of communion, evoking a special usage in Christendom. It applies an intercultural and interreligious linkage of the term to an agelong practice of Ndi Igbo, a practice that predates their encounter with Christianity. Ndi Igbo are people living in the Southeastern part of Nigeria, West Africa whose indigenous religion is the Igbo (...)
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    Koinōnia in the Symposium: from community to communion?Zdenek Lenner - 2022 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 36:71-87.
    El Banquete de Platón escenifica una subversión lúdica de la paiderastía por parte de la philosophía a través de sucesivos discursos interconectados. Fedro y Agatón elogian a Érōs como un dios que preside las relaciones homoeróticas, ya sea en la guerra o en la paz. Pausanias y Erixímaco distinguen entre dos Érōtes, ansiosos por supervisar estas comunidades pederásticas e incluso la armonía cósmica. Pero Aristófanes subvierte su perspectiva al introducir al Andrógino, una combinación de hombre y mujer, el cual, siendo (...)
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    Koinonia and diaconia as a missional kingdom dance.Johannes Ries & H. Jurgens Hendriks - 2013 - HTS Theological Studies 69 (2):1-8.
    How does faith-based social involvement within a cultural diverse society express itself? Is the focus pure social outreach, that is, the rendering of services, or should the focus include meaningful interaction between the so called 'outreacher' and those being supported by the outreach? This article looks at the relationship between koinonia and diaconia in the creation of an intercultural space where individuals from different contexts are welcomed and supported in a mutual way. Through an interdisciplinary approach this article reflects (...)
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    Prayer and koinonia in the Fourth Gospel.Armand Barus - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (2):8.
    Prayer, the central spirituality in the theological and ethical life of Christ’s disciples, has not yet received significant attention from Johannine scholars. Although some scholars emphasised and discussed prayer in the New Testament, Johannine scholars have failed to recognise the significance of prayer in the Fourth Gospel. Using narrative criticism the article aims to uncover the relationship between prayer and koinonia in the Fourth Gospel. The research on the theme of prayer and koinonia conducted in the Fourth Gospel (...)
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    Communication and Kinship. On “Koinōnia” and “Syngeneia” in Plato’s Dialogues.Carlo Delle Donne - 2022 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 36:7-19.
    El propósito de este artículo es esclarecer las múltiples funciones de la noción de koinōnía en los diálogos de Platón. Koinōnía y su ausencia caracterizan la realidad como un todo: tanto las entidades inteligibles como sensibles o se “comunican” o no se “comunican” ; por tanto, reconstruir la red de las relaciones de koinōnia equivale a poner en práctica la dialéctica. Hasta ahí todo está bien. Pero un análisis que apunte a esclarecer el papel de la koinōnía no puede dejar (...)
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    Koinonia veritatis. El estudio de la filosofía en los centros de estudio teológicos.Ramón Valdivia Giménez - 2023 - Isidorianum 20 (39):9-35.
    La Iglesia, en su tarea educativa ha dirigido en el último siglo y medio diversos documentos para regular el estudio de la filosofía en los centros de estudios teológicos y seminarios, así como en Instituciones específicas de formación filosófica, como las Facultades Eclesiásticas. Desde la Encíclica Aeterni Patris de León XIII, primera en la que un Pontífice regula exclusivamente los estudios filosóficos, hasta el reciente Decreto de la Congregación para la Educación Católica, podemos ver el empeño de la Santa Sede (...)
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  12. Koinonia i communio jako czynniki konstytuujące tożsamość. Próba retrospektywy.Andrzej Hajduk - 2000 - Colloquia Communia 70 (3):27-46.
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    Koinonia in die stad: Verhoudinge in die groter stadsgemeentes van die Gereformeerde kerke.H. J. Hendiiks & C. B. Ludik - 1993 - HTS Theological Studies 49 (4).
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  14. Koinonia in the New Testament a Dynamic Expression of Christian Life.George Panikulam - 1979
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    Koinonia en diakonia as ’n missionale koninkryksdans.Johannes Ries & H. Jurgens Hendriks - 2013 - HTS Theological Studies 69 (2).
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    KOINONIA-DIAKONIA Schlüsselbegriffe ökumenischer Diakonie.Martin Robra - 1994 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 38 (1):280-299.
    The survey is an attempt to identify and systematically reconstruct the main line of the discussions on diakonia within the ecumenical movement, using the paradigm-analysis model suggested by Thomas Kuhn and applied to the ecumenical movement by Konrad Raiser. The subheadings indicate the key words which mediate in the successive periods between the theological concepts of that time and the actual situation. During the 1980s it became obvious that the ongoing paradigm-shift calls for an innovative change of concepts.
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    Koinonia and the Quest for an Ecumenical Ecclesiology: From Foundations through Dialogue to Symbolic Competence for Communionality, by Lorelei F. Fuchs.N. H. Taylor - 2010 - Heythrop Journal 51 (5):903-903.
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  18. Koinonia evangélica y vera amicitia. Claves para una interpretacion agustiniana.T. Vinas Roman - 1987 - Ciudad de Dios 200 (2-3):291-310.
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    Koinon and koinônia: A Particular Case of Participation in John Philoponus.Daniele Granata - 2018 - Peitho 9 (1):101-120.
    The aim of this study is to discuss an original philosophical contribution made by Philoponus, who in In Cat. 18, 14–22 equates koinon in its most peculiar meaning with the concept of koinônia understood as a particu­lar case of Platonic methexis. First, the paper analyzes the passages where the Neoplatonic commentators of the Categories distinguish four distinct meanings of the Aristotelian concept of koinon. Subsequently, this article emphasizes the differences between Philoponus’ herme­neutical suggestions and those of the other commentators. Philopo­nus (...)
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  20. Canon and Koinonia/communio: The formation of the canon as an ecclesiological process.K. Mcdonnel - 1998 - Gregorianum 79 (1):29-54.
    Le procédé de la détermination du Canon des Ecritures a été celui de l'identification par elle-même de la koinonia, même si le but immédiat était celui de la préservation de l'évangile. La koinonia, mode de participation à l'échange et la réciprocité de vie entre le Père, le Fils et le Saint-Esprit, de même que la relationalité ecclésiale entre les églises, bâties sur cette vie trinitaire rendue visible en Jésus-Christ par le pouvoir de l'Esprit, s'exprime dans la détermination du (...)
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  21.  25
    Diairesis and Koinonia in Sophist 253d1-e3.Colin C. Smith - 2020 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 38 (1):1-20.
    Here I interpret a central passage in Plato's Sophist by focusing on understudied elements that provide insight into the fit of the dialogue's parts and the Sophist-Statesman diptych as a whole. I argue that the Eleatic Stranger's account of what the dialectician "adequately views" at Sophist 253d1-e3 involves both division and the communion of ontological kinds, not just one or the other as has been typically argued. I also consider other key passages and the turn throughout the dialogue from imagistic (...)
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  22.  14
    Comunhão: breve estudo da utilização do termo koinonia na cultura helênica e sua incorporação no 'mbito cristão do Novo Testamento e Patrístico.Rodrigo Antônio da Silva - 2016 - Revista de Teologia 10 (17):321-328.
    The term communion, coming from the Latin translation of the Greek word koinonia is used as the basis for many concepts in Christianity and, more specifically, in the Catholic tradition. This article aims, althoug very briefly, conduct the study of the term, since its Hellenistic origin and its incorporation, with different nuances, in the Christian tradition. Therefore, in addition to resort to the etymology of the word, briefly covers its use in various environments of ancient Greek culture to raise (...)
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    Three Aspects of the Linguistic Communion (Koinōnia) in Plato’s Sophist: Articulation of Letters, Predication of Names and Accord (Homologia) of Logoi.Taha Karagöz - 2022 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 36:215-234.
    In the Sophist, Plato presents the possibility of the separation of things in relation to each other based on the communion (koinōnia) of logos. In this study, I discuss the linguistic communion revealed in the dialogue by illuminating its three fundamental aspects: (1) Articulation of letters in names as communion on the syntactic level, (2) Predication of names in logoi as communion on the semantic level, (3) Homologoi of logoi as the ultimate communion of language. I thus conclude that these (...)
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  24.  13
    The agency of the church during COVID-19 and beyond: Koinonia and ubuntu in the context of poverty and unemployment in South Africa.Themba E. Ngcobo & Thinandavha D. Mashau - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4):8.
    The spread of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) disrupted, affected and changed human lives in many ways, namely: physically, emotionally, financially, psychologically and spiritually. Apart from people losing their lives and the lives of loved ones, others lost their jobs in numbers. Poverty levels and unemployment increased during this period. In order to mitigate the devastating effects of COVID-19, the South African government introduced a relief grant. As we welcome this gesture of goodwill by government, it is argued in this article (...)
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    Friendships and Fellowship: Living koinonia, martyria and diakonia in the Corinthian Church of South Africa – from the perspective of social capital.Henry Mbaya - 2012 - HTS Theological Studies 68 (2).
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    Between subordination and koinonia: Toward a new reading of the cappadocian theology1.Najeeb G. Awad - 2007 - Modern Theology 23 (2):181-204.
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    Demokratie als Lebensform. Philia, koinonia und das Miteinander Verschiedener.Andreas Hetzel - 2023 - Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 48 (2):189-210.
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    (1 other version)Radicación trinitaria de la << Koinonía >> eclesial: Dios trinitario en el documento del diálogo católico - luterano << Iglesia y Justificación >> ( 1993 ).Santiago del Cura Elena - 1995 - Salmanticensis 42 (2):211-234.
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    I carteggi dalla koinonia di Ernesto Buonaiuti.Barbara Faes - 2017 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 72 (2):335-339.
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    Narrativity as a Locus Hermeneuticus for Ecumenical Theology: Culture, Koinonia and Transformation.Pavol Bargár - 2018 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 35 (1):30-43.
    This article argues that narrativity has the potential to be a key hermeneutical concept in ecumenical theology. Instead of pursuing a complex elaboration of the notion, it will seek to explore various aspects of narrativity. The thesis will be explicated in three major steps, consecutively discussing culture as the general setting of narrativity, explicating narrativity as a concept that can helpfully address some of the major issues in ecumenical theology and proposing transformation as the ultimate horizon of the faith and (...)
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    Plato on the Mechanics of Koinōnia Formation.Stephanos Stephanides - 2022 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 36:149-177.
    En este artículo se argumenta que, para comprender las relaciones unificadas que son comúnmente predicadas de la koinōnía en las esferas ética, política y cosmológica respectivamente, uno debe apreciar primero ciertos “principios” o “reglas” que son prerrequisitos necesarios para la formación de koinōnía. Un principio que ha sido durante mucho tiempo objeto de una discusión intensa entre los intérpretes de Platón es la proporcionalidad. No obstante, en lugar de detenernos en el vínculo directo e inmediato entre proporcionalidad –en el sentido (...)
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  32.  12
    Hector Scerri, Koinonia, diakonia and martyria. Interrelated Themes in Patristic Sacramental Theology as expounded by Adalbert-G. Hamman O.F.M. A Doctoral Dissertation at the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome = Melita Theologica Supplementary Series 4 (Malta 1999), 418 pp., 210x145, ISBN 99932-0-008-5. [REVIEW]Luis Fernando Álvarez González - 2023 - Isidorianum 9 (17):261-262.
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    Armand Veilleux, trans., Pachomian Koinonia: The Lives, Rules, and Other Writings of Saint Pachomius and His Disciples, 3: Instructions, Letters, and Other Writings of Saint Pachomius and His Disciples. Kalamazoo: Cistercian Publications, 1982. Pp. ix, 313. $25.95 ; $10. [REVIEW]Margaret A. Schatkin - 1984 - Speculum 59 (4):990-991.
  34. Humanization and the Politics of God: The Koinonia Ethics of Paul Lehmann.Nancy J. Duff - 1993
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  35. Liturgical Latinization and Kievan Ecumenism: Losing the Koinê of Koinonia,‖ in.Peter Galadza - 1994 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 35 (1-4):173-194.
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  36. Santiago de Compostela's vision of Koinonia in faith.W. Henn - 1994 - Gregorianum 75 (4):623-639.
    L'A. analyse la contribution de la Cinquième Conférence Mondiale de la Foi et Constitution à la compréhension de la notion de communion dans la foi. Il étudie pour cela la continuité et les différences entre le document préparatoire Vers la communion dans la foi, la vie et le témoignage et un des documents finaux : Rapport de la section II : Confesser la foi unique à la gloire de Dieu. Il évalue ensuite la contribution de Santiago au sujet de trois (...)
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    The Menace of Colonialism and the Imperative of Koinonia as a Model for Living in a Nigerian Context.Raphael Akhijemen Idialu - 2022 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 39 (4):271-279.
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    On the way to fuller Koinonia.J. Otto - 1995 - HTS Theological Studies 51 (2).
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    Carlo Lorenzo Rossetti, Platone, la democrazia e la Chiesa ovvero le metamorfosi della Koinonia[REVIEW]Fernando Pascual - 2019 - Alpha Omega 22 (2):379-380.
  40. Salvific Community. Part One: Ignatius of Loyola.Felix Körner - 2013 - Gregorianum 94 (3):593-609.
    What is salvific community for Ignatius of Loyola? It is communion with Christ, a dynamic for which Ignatius used the expression ‹societies Jesu›. This wording has a revealing intertextuality. ‹Societas› is the Vulgate’s rendering of Pauline and Johannine koinōnia: «sharing in (Christ)». The NT overtones of the Ignatian experience of communion can be explored regarding a theology of relationship (person), of action (history) and of the Church (representation). Being a person is understood as being friend and servant, history as the (...)
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    Psicología, política y poesía en República IV y X.Lucas Soares - 2022 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 36:129-148.
    En este artículo me interesa sostener que en la República la posibilidad de una buena koinōnía se ve obstaculizada por la potencia emocional y perversión psicológica de la poesía mimético-placentera, la cual estimula y fortalece la parte irracional del alma de sus receptores mediante la imitación de personajes ligados al deseo y la ira. Para tal fin examino, en primer lugar, algunos de los pasajes de República IV en los que es posible suscribir la prioridad que tiene la tripartición psíquica (...)
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    Teologia Afro (ou Negra) da Libertação : balanço e perspectivas (Afro (or Black) Liberation Theology: balance and perspectives).Marcos Rodrigues da Silva - 2013 - Horizonte 11 (32):1769-1776.
    KOINONIA/ASETT MINGA/MUTIRÃO DE REVISTAS DE TEOLOGIA LATINO-AMERICANAS Teologia Afro (ou Negra) da Libertação : balanço e perspectivas (Afro - or Black - Liberation Theology: balance and perspectives).
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    Una nueva dimensión epistemológica para la teología: la Teología de la Liberación y el desafío epistemológico (A new epistemological dimension to theology: liberation theology and epistemological challenge).Sergio Néstor Osorio García - 2013 - Horizonte 11 (32):1754-1768.
    KOINONIA/ASETT MINGA/MUTIRÃO DE REVISTAS DE TEOLOGIA LATINO-AMERICANAS Una nueva dimensión epistemológica para la teología: la Teología de la Liberación y el desafío epistemológico (A new epistemological dimension to theology: liberation theology and epistemological challenge).
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    Teología de la Liberación y Cristianismo Mundial: hacia una recuperación del Cristianismo culturalmente plural (Liberation Theology and World Christianity: towards the recovery of Christianity culturally plural).Jorge Eliécer Castillo Guerra - 2013 - Horizonte 11 (32):1827-1844.
    KOINONIA/ASETT MINGA/MUTIRÃO DE REVISTAS DE TEOLOGIA LATINO-AMERICANAS Teología de la Liberación y Cristianismo Mundial: hacia una recuperación del Cristianismo culturalmente plural (Liberation Theology and World Christianity: towards the recovery of Christianity culturally plural).
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    Teología de la Liberación y movimiento ecuménico: breve reflexión desde una práctica (Liberation Theology and ecumenical movement: a brief reflection from praxis).Guillermo Kerber - 2013 - Horizonte 11 (32):1813-1826.
    KOINONIA/ASETT MINGA/MUTIRÃO DE REVISTAS DE TEOLOGIA LATINO-AMERICANAS Teología de la Liberación y movimiento ecuménico: breve reflexión desde una práctica (Liberation Theology and ecumenical movement: a brief reflection from praxis).
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    Tiempos oscuros, tiempos de monstruos: Teología de la liberación y desafíos culturales (Dark times, times of monsters: liberation theology and cultural challenges).Luigi Schiavo - 2013 - Horizonte 11 (32):1743-1753.
    KOINONIA/ASETT MINGA/MUTIRÃO DE REVISTAS DE TEOLOGIA LATINO-AMERICANAS Tiempos oscuros, tiempos de monstruos: Teología de la liberación y desafíos culturales (Dark times, times of monsters: liberation theology and cultural challenges).
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    Teologías de la liberación indígenas: balance y tareas pendientes (Indigenous liberation theologies: balance and pending tasks).Roberto Tomichá - 2013 - Horizonte 11 (32):1777-1800.
    KOINONIA/ASETT MINGA/MUTIRÃO DE REVISTAS DE TEOLOGIA LATINO-AMERICANAS Teologías de la liberación indígenas: balance y tareas pendientes (Indigenous liberation theologies: balance and pending tasks).
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    Teología feminista latinoamericana de la liberación: balance y futuro (Latin American feminist theology of liberation: balance and future).Consuelo Velez - 2013 - Horizonte 11 (32):1801-1812.
    KOINONIA/ASETT MINGA/MUTIRÃO DE REVISTAS DE TEOLOGIA LATINO-AMERICANAS Teología feminista latinoamericana de la liberación: balance y futuro (Latin American feminist theology of liberation: balance and future).
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    Teología de la Liberación en camino hacia nuevos paradigmas (Liberation Theology towards new paradigms).José Maria Vigil - 2013 - Horizonte 11 (32):1845-1863.
    KOINONIA/ASETT MINGA/MUTIRÃO DE REVISTAS DE TEOLOGIA LATINO-AMERICANAS Teología de la Liberación en camino hacia nuevos paradigmas (Liberation Theology towards new paradigms).
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    La musicalité sémantique du penser-poème grec. Pour une eidétique du prattein-poiein dans le langage.Sophie Klimis - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Logos, Kairos, Koinônia, Polis et Psychè sont les cinq fils d'Ariane que Castoriadis avait choisis pour tisser la cohérence non systématique de son œuvre ouverte, Les carrefours du labyrinthe. Dès lors, il est frappant de constater la présence d'un hapax dans le sixième et dernier volume posthume. Poièsis, la « poésie », toujours à entendre selon son sens premier de « production », donc, comme création poétique, fait son apparition dans les Figures du pensable. Bien qu'il s'agisse d'une initiative des (...)
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